Implementation of spatial/polarization diversity for improved-performance circularly polarized multiple-input-multiple-output ultra-wideband antenna
PublicationIn this paper, spatial and polarization diversities are simultaneously implemented in an ultra-wideband (UWB) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna to reduce the correlation between the parallel-placed radiators. The keystone of the antenna is systematically modified coplanar ground planes that enable excitation of circular polarization (CP). To realize one sense of circular polarization as well as ultra-wideband operation,...
A Compact Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna with MIMO Characterizations for UWB Applications
PublicationUltra-wideband (UWB) technology is extensively used in indoor navigation, medical applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices due to its low power consumption and resilience against multipath fading and losses. This paper examines a multiple input multiple-output (MIMO), circularly polarized (CP) dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) for UWB systems. Compact form factor, high gain, wideband response, improved port isolation,...
Measurements of Path Loss in Off-Body Channels in Indoor Environments
PublicationThis paper presents a measurements of the path loss for validation of a statistical model for off-body radio channels in an indoor multipath environment, which considers the distance dependent mean path loss, and describes body shadowing and fast fading components in a statistical way. The measurement equipment and propagation indoor environment have been presented. Two different bodies and five static and two walking scenarios...
Influence of User Mobility on System Loss and Depolarization in a BAN Indoor Scenario
PublicationIn this article, an analysis of system loss and depolarization in body area networks (BANs) for body-toinfrastructure (B2I) communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were performed with an off-body antenna transmitting linearly polarized signals and dual-polarized receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A normal distribution with a mean of...
Study of the Performance of DSSS UAC System Depending on the System Bandwidth and the Spreading Sequence
PublicationA signal transmitted in an Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) system operating in a shallow-water channel suffers from strong time dispersion due to multipath propagation. This causes the Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) observed in the received signal, which significantly limits the communication system’s reliability and transmission rate. In such propagation conditions, the Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) method is...
Radio Channel Measurements in Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Passenger Cabin
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body radio channel measurements in a ferry passenger cabin at 2.45 GHz band, for static sleeping scenarios with different body orientation and on-body antennas placements, and also for upper and lower sleeping berths. The measurements have been performed with two types of on-body wearable receiving antennas: FlexPIFA (flexible planar inverted F antenna), and FlexNotch (flexible adhesive-backed notch antenna)...
Depolarisation Model for a BAN Indoor Scenario
PublicationIn this paper, an analysis of depolarisation in Body Area Networks for Body-to-Infrastructure communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were made with an offbody antenna transmitting linearly polarised signals and dualpolarised receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A Normal Distribution with a mean of 2.0 dB and a standard deviation of 4.3...
Strong-coupling superconductivity of SrIr2 and SrRh2 : Phonon engineering of metallic Ir and Rh
PublicationExperimental and theoretical studies on superconductivity in SrIr2 and SrRh2 Laves phases are presented. The measured resistivity, heat capacity, and magnetic susceptibility confirm the superconductivity of these compounds with Tc = 6.07 and 5.41 K, respectively. Electronic structure calculations show that the Fermi surface is mostly contributed by 5d (4d) electrons of Ir (Rh), with Sr atoms playing the role of electron donors....
Power Transmission for Millimeter-Wave Indoor/Outdoor Wearable IoT Devices Using Grounded Coplanar Waveguide-Fed On-Body Antenna
PublicationThis paper presents for the first-time evaluation of wireless power transmission (WPT) for sustainable low-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices in realistic indoor/outdoor scenarios using empirical propagation models at 28 GHz. The used empirical propagation models have shown that using an on-body 9×9 mm-wave rectenna array based on a proposed mm-wave antenna is able to charge IoT devices at a distance of 57 m for line-of-sight...
RF Input-Quasi-Reflectionless Dispersive-Delay Structures Based on Complementary-Diplexer Circuits
PublicationA class of RF dispersive-delay structures (DDSs) with input-quasi-reflectionless behavior is reported. It is based on the exploitation of complementary-diplexer circuit networks, in which the out-of-band RF-input-power echoes reflected by the main bandpass-filter-(BPF)-type channel are dissipated by the resistively-terminated auxiliary bandstop-filter-(BSF)-type channel. Specifically, it is shown that the influence of the absorptive...
Tracking of the broadband source of the underwater noise in the very shallow water conditions
PublicationThe paper contains the result s, both theoretical and experimental , connected with the tracking of the underwater noise source as small ships, pontoon , diver and so on. The pro blem of security in the shallow water area is the challenge for underwater acousticians. In this paper there is take n into account the detection of the sources that move on the surface of the sea or underwater in shallow...
Detection of the First Component of the Received LTE Signal in the OTDoA Method
PublicationIn a modern world there is a growing demand for localization services of various kinds. Position estimation can be realized via cellular networks, especially in the currently widely deployed LTE (Long Term Evolution) networks. However, it is not an easy task in harsh propagation conditions which often occur in dense urban environments. Recently, time-methods of terminal localization within the network have been the focus of attention,...
Grain type and size of particulate matter from diesel vehicle exhausts analysed in transmission electron microscopy
PublicationThe aim of this research was to apply a simple and quick method of size and shape characterization by TEM to diesel exhaust particles from large-capacity, high-performance trucks. Particulate matter (PM) samples were collected while the engines were idling. It was found that PM from vehicle exhaust emissions can be divided into three groups: soot, irregular-shaped particles and circular particles. Irregular-shaped particles and...
Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations
PublicationGuided waves have attracted significant attention for non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to travel relatively long distances without significant energy loss combined with their sensitivity to even small defects. Therefore, they are commonly used in damage detection and localization applications. The main idea of incorporating guided waves in NDT and SHM is based on processing...
Modelowanie przepływu ustalonego niejednostajnego w sieciach kanałów otwartych z uwzględnieniem obiektów hydrotechnicznych
PublicationW pracy sformułowano zagadnienie brzegowe dla równania energii opisującego przepływ ustalony niejednostajny i przedstawiono sposób jego rozwiązania przy pomocy metody różnicowej. Zaproponowana metoda obliczeń nadaje się do analizy przepływu w dendrycznych i pierścieniowych sieciach kanałów otwartych. Ponadto na przykładzie przelewu prostokątnego zaproponowano metodę uwzględnienia w obliczeniach zabudowy hydrotechnicznej. Słowa...
Room vs. Body Temperature to Evaluate Electrical Interface Parameters of State-Of-The-Art PEDOT : PSS-Based Electrodes
PublicationIn this work, the effect of the simulated body fluid temperature on the electrical interface parameters of the state-of-the-art PEDOT-PSS electrode was studied. PEDOT-PSS was synthesized by electrodeposition on graphite and gold-coated-graphite electrodes. All electrochemical measurements were performed in phosphate-buffered saline aqueous solution (pH 7.4) at room temperature (25 °C) and body temperature (37 °C). The results of...
Guided waves for nondestructive diagnostics of embedded waveguides
PublicationThe thesis concentrates on comprehensive theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in bars embedded in concrete or mortar. The investigations are focused on a particular type of objects representing a laboratory model of a ground anchor. Complex description of wave propagation phenomena in partially embedded bars is given and its application in...
A novel approach exploiting properties of convolutional neural networks for vessel movement anomaly detection and classification
PublicationThe article concerns the automation of vessel movement anomaly detection for maritime and coastal traffic safety services. Deep Learning techniques, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), were used to solve this problem. Three variants of the datasets, containing samples of vessel traffic routes in relation to the prohibited area in the form of a grayscale image, were generated. 1458 convolutional neural networks with...
Damage detection in plates based on Lamb wavefront shape reconstruction
PublicationMany of the current studies in the area of damage detection using elastic wave propagation are based on deploying sensor networks with a large number of piezoelectric transducers to detect small-size cracks. A major limitation of these studies is that cracks are usually larger and have different shapes in real cases. Moreover, using a large number of sensing nodes for damage detection is both costly and computationally intensive....
Vehicular Communication Environments
PublicationCommunication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...
Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...
Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 1/22/23
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Degradation of implantable materials – in vivo and in vitro research
PublicationThe article concerns the biological and electrochemical degradation of metallic implants in vivo and in vitro studies. The in vivo research dealt with degradation of plates used to join bones, as well as endoprostheses. The most common damages were: metalosis, breaking in the microstructure changes, breaking in area of holes, as well as plastic deformation throughout the length of an implant. The material used for the research...
Debonding Size Estimation in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Guided Wave-Based Method
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of the theoretical and experimental analysis of the influence of debonding size on guided wave propagation in reinforced concrete beams. The main aim of the paper is a development of a novel, baseline-free method for determining the total area of debonding between steel rebar embedded in a concrete cover on the basis of the average wave velocity or the time of flight. The correctness of...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 3/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in the form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with various annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Radio Channel Measurements in 868 MHz Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn this paper, a characterization of the 868 MHz off-body radio channel in BANs is presented. Measurements were carried out in a ferry environment using a specific set-up. A method for path loss using radio distance measurements (RDMs) was developed. It allows to automate the measurements process and make it independent from the variable speed of a moving person. Based on the observed path loss as a function of distance, the obtained...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 1/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using various combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and basins,...
Next generation ITS implementation aspects in 5G wireless communication network
PublicationIn the paper the study of Intelligent Transportation systems implementation in the 5G wireless communication network is presented. Firstly, small-cell concept in Ultra Dense Heterogeneous network was analyzed. Secondly, the 5G network requirements were presented which are important from the point of view of transportation systems development. Next, the study on the 5G network architectures proposals dedicated to the ITS systems...
UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces
PublicationConformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface...
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...
3D porous graphene-based structures- synthesis and applications
PublicationPorous carbon-based materials are of the great industrial and academic interest due to their high surface area, low density, good electrical conductivity, chemical inertness and low cost of fabrication. Up to now, the main approach to obtain porous carbon structures has involved the pyrolysis of carbonaceous natural or synthetic precursors. After the isolation of graphene, the interest in 3D porous graphene-based structures (called...
Ultrasonic Tomography of Brick Columns Based on FEM Calculations
PublicationUltrasonic tomography is one of the most developed method of non-destructive testing. Despite being used mainly in medicine, it is becoming more and more popular as a method for monitoring of structural elements. It allows to examine the internal structure and technical condition of the tested element. This paper investigates the influence of crosssectional geometry on an obtained tomographic image. Wave propagation signals were...
Evaluation of Selected Modulation Techniques in Underwater Multipath Channel
PublicationThere is a growing interest in the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Underwater Sensor Networks (USNs) for scientific, military, and industrial applications, leading to the development of wireless underwater communications. However, the channel for Underwater Acoustic (UWA) communications is challenging compared to the radio wave propagation in the air. Especially in shallow waters, where the channel has strong multipath...
Novel luminescent calixarene-based lanthanide materials: From synthesis and characterization to the selective detection of Fe3+
PublicationCalix[n]arene-based coordination networks are an emerging class of materials with intriguing properties resulted from the presence of the cavity-like structure of the macrocycle and metallic nodes. In this work, four novel luminescent materials based on calix[4]arene-carboxylate and lanthanides (Eu3þ and Tb3þ) were prepared by two synthetic approaches, solvothermal (CDA-Eu-ST) and slow diffusion (CDA-Eu-RT, CDA-Tb-RT, CTA-Tb-complex)...
Novel Coplanar-Strip-Based Excitation Technique for Design of Broadband Circularly Polarization Antennas with Wide 3-dB Axial Ratio Beamwidth
PublicationIn this paper, a novel excitation technique for design of a single-point-fed compact low-profile wide-slot antennas with broadband circular polarization (CP) and wide 3 dB axial ratio (AR) beamwidth is presented. Two inverted L-shape parasitic strips placed coplanar to the microstrip line of an asymmetric CPW, and a horizontal strip that protrudes from the vertical edge of the backside ground plane of the substrate are used for...
Hybrid DUMBRA: an efficient QoS routing algorithm for networks with DiffServ architecture
PublicationDynamic routing is very important issue of current packet networks. It may support the QoS and help utilize available network resources. Unfortunately current routing mechanisms are not sufficient to fully support QoS. Although many research has been done in this area no generic QoS routing algorithm has been proposed that could be used across all network structures. Existing QoS routing algorithms are either dedicated to limited...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-Con)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-004)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-006)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-002)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Dynamic coloring of graphs
PublicationDynamics is an inherent feature of many real life systems so it is natural to define and investigate the properties of models that reflect their dynamic nature. Dynamic graph colorings can be naturally applied in system modeling, e.g. for scheduling threads of parallel programs, time sharing in wireless networks, session scheduling in high-speed LAN's, channel assignment in WDM optical networks as well as traffic scheduling. In...
Simulations of flows in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe study area is located in the Southern Baltic, within Polish Marine Areas, adjacent to the coastline in the vicinity of Lubiatowo village, where The Coastal Research Station (CRS) – a field laboratory of the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) –is situated. The numerical reconstruction of the coastal flow was...
The Influence of Selecting Regions from Endoscopic Video Frames on The Efficiency of Large Bowel Disease Recognition Algorithms
PublicationThe article presents our research in the field of the automatic diagnosis of large intestine diseases on endoscopic video. It focuses on the methods of selecting regions of interest from endoscopic video frames for further analysis by specialized disease recognition algorithms. Four methods of selecting regions of interest have been discussed: a. trivial, b. with the deletion of characteristic, endoscope specific additions to the...
A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology
PublicationThis chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...
Feedline Alterations for Optimization-Based Design of Compact Super-Wideband MIMO Antennas in Parallel Configuration
PublicationThis letter presents a technique for size reduction of wideband multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antennas. Our approach is a two-stage procedure. At the first stage, the antenna structure is modified to improve its impedance matching. This is achieved through incorporation of an n-section tapered feedline, followed by reoptimization of geometry parameters. Reducing the maximum in-band reflection well beyond the acceptance...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 4/23/24
Open Research DataThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Determination of stepped plate thickness distribution using guided waves and compressed sensing approach
PublicationGuided waves recently have attracted significant interest as a very promising research area. The signals registered by a specially designed sensor network are processed to assess the state of the tested structure. Despite the constant development of novel damage detection algorithms employing guided waves, the phenomenon of wave propagation still needs detailed recognizing and understanding for the further progress of non-destructive...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...