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Search results for: hydrogen production and combustion
Graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets decorated with HAp@Bi2S3 core–shell nanorods: Dual S-scheme 1D/2D heterojunction for environmental and hydrogen production solutions
PublicationBy combining different semiconductors, scientists have developed innovative materials capable of converting solar energy into useful forms of energy or driving chemical reactions that clean up pollutants. These materials offer a promising path to combat global environmental and energy challenges. In this study, HAp@Bi2S3 core–shell structures were synthesized using a facile microemulsion technique, and then loaded onto graphitic...
Nowoczesne metody termochemicznej konwersji biomasy w paliwa gazowe, ciekłe i stałe = Modern methods of thermochemical biomass conversion into gas, liquid and solid fuels
PublicationBiomass utilization through direct- or co-combustion with coal, based on coal, hydrogen and oxygen compounds chemical energy conversion into heat in boilers, is simultaneously the cheapest and - according to experts - economically least effective solution. In case of heat and electricity production in cogeneration process in biomass fueled heat and power stations (wood, straw, energetic plants, RDF etc), investment costs are little...
The structure of electricity production in Poland (data as at the end of 2010)
Open Research DataThe energy market in Poland is characterized primarily by the use of only one raw material for the production of electricity. In 2010, as much as 91.4% of electricity was produced on the basis of hard coal or lignite. Therefore, the remaining sources used for the production of electricity participated in the production of electricity to a small extent....
Tomasz Wąsowicz dr hab.
PeopleTomasz Wąsowicz's research was first related to high-resolution atomic spectroscopy and focused on measurements and analysis of the transition probabilities of the forbidden lines, the hyperfine and isotopic structure of spectral lines of heavy elements, Stark effect in the helium atom. Tomasz Wąsowicz currently studies physicochemical processes occurring during interactions of various forms of radiation with atoms and molecules...
Nitrogen oxides removal from hydrogen flue gas using corona discharge in marine boilers: Application perspective
PublicationThis paper focuses on the combustion of hydrogen in boilers, as it appears to be a more effective method than using fuel cells for heating purposes due to higher boiler efficiency. One of the main disadvantages of hydrogen combustion in air is NOx formation. Therefore, the authors decided to introduce corona discharge as an inno- vative technique to clean hydrogen flue gas by effectively reducing NOx levels. The method involves...
Visualization of the surface of the Nafion membrane
Open Research DataFuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to produce electricity. If the fuel is hydrogen, the only products are electricity, water and heat. Fuel cells are unique in the variety of their potential applications, they can use a wide variety of fuels. They are also highly scalable devices that can power both cars and mobile phones....
Effect of Linear Energy and Microstructure on the Content of Residual Hydrogen in Welded Joints made of Superduplex Steels
PublicationThe article presents tests concerning the content of retained hydrogen present in FCAW and SAW welded joints made of superduplex steel. The use of various welding technologies resulted in the obtainment of welds having different microstructures and ferrite contents. Measurements of retained hydrogen present in joints (performed using the complete combustion method) revealed various contents of hydrogen in the base material and...
Gasification of Densified Biomass (DB) and Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Using HTA/SG Technology
PublicationThe necessity of economical and rational use of natural energy sources caused a rapid development of research on the possibilities of using non‐conventional energy resources. Taking the above into account, a new technological process of thermochemical conversion of biomass and communal waste, commonly known as High Temperature Air/Steam Gasification (HTA/SG) and Multi‐Staged Enthalpy Extraction Technology (HTAG‐MEET), was developed....
Biowodór, „paliwo przyszłości”, dotychczasowe metody otrzymywania , porównanie metod otrzymywania
PublicationWodór jest ważnym pierwiastkiem w przemyśle chemicznym. Biowodór wydaje się być użytecznym odnawialnym nośnikiem energii, który mógłby zastąpić paliwa kopalne. Największym problemem wodoru jest jego rzadkie występowanie w czystej formie molekularnej H 2 . Dlatego otrzymanie biowodoru w objętościach opłacalnych ja ko surowiec czy biopaliwo wiedzie przez bioodpady „przesycone” wodorem. Każdy związek...
Wodór jako paliwo cz. 2
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano aktualne i przyszłościowe metody wytwarzania wodoru. Przedstawiono problem związany z przechowywaniem wodoru oraz ukazano aktualne i przyszłościowe rozwiązania dotyczące magazynowania wodoru.
Observation of the Hydrogen Migration in the Cation-Induced Fragmentation of the Pyridine Molecules
PublicationThe ability to selectively control chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis has recently attracted much attention. In particular, the hydrogen atom relocation may be used to manipulate bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes and may hold promise for far-reaching applications. Thus, the hydrogen atom migration preceding fragmentation of the gas-phase pyridine molecules by the H+, H2+, He+, He2+, and...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines - Nowy
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines - Nowy kopiuj 1
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
PublicationThis paper presents an idea of hydrogen utilization to steam generation to drive a turbine and produce electricity or to supply a condenser as an element of heating system. Electrolysis process is considered as a source of hydrogen as well as oxygen. Hydrogen combustion with a stoichiometric ratio of pure oxygen produces steam at very high temperature. Steam temperature can be controlled by mixing the generated steam with liquid...
A novel concept of H2/O2 steam generator
PublicationThis paper presents an idea of hydrogen utilization to steam generation to drive a turbine and produce electricity or to supply a condenser as an element of a heating system. Electrolysis process is considered as a source of hydrogen as well as oxygen. Hydrogen combustion with a stoichiometric ratio of pure oxygen produces steam at very high temperature. Steam temperature can be controlled by mixing the generated steam with liquid...
Technology and Energy Conversion Machines
e-Learning CoursesThe course covers the basics of mechanical, electrical and thermal energy production in industry and maritime transport. Describes installations supporting high-power engines. Particular attention has been paid to the fuel systems of internal combustion engines. The treatment of engine exhaust gases is described.
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines running on gaseous fuels in dual-fuel mode
PublicationConventional fossil fuels are being substituted with alternative green fuels because of their greenhouse gas emissions and pollution problems, which pose a severe threat to the environment. Several studies have reported the usage of biodiesel and gaseous fuels in both single and dual-fuel modes. Gaseous fuels such as producer gas, biogas, syngas, and hydrogen produced from renewable biomass could potentially be used along with...
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Combustion Engines
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Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dariusz Mikielewicz – born on February 6, 1967. in Gdansk. Here in 1974 he enrolled first to the Elementary School No. 17, and then in the Grammar School No. 5, named after Stefan Żeromski in Gdansk-Oliwa. After graduating from the Secondary School, with honors, in 1985 he successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University of Gdansk, where he graduated with a very good...
Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Offshore Combined Cycle Diesel Engine-Steam Turbine Power Plant Powered by Alternative Fuels
PublicationDiverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions...
Thermodynamic modeling of combustion process of the internal combustion engines – an overview
PublicationThe mathematical description of combustion process in the internal combustion engines is a very difficult task, due to the variety of phenomena that occurring in the engine from the moment when the fuel-air mixture ignites up to the moment when intake and exhaust valves beginning open. Modeling of the combustion process plays an important role in the engine simulation, which allows to predict incylinder pressure during the combustion,...
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Deep Eutectic Solvents: Properties and Applications in CO2 Separation
PublicationNowadays, many researchers are focused on finding a solution to the problem of global warming. Carbon dioxide is considered to be responsible for the “greenhouse” effect. The largest global emission of industrial CO2 comes from fossil fuel combustion, which makes power plants the perfect point source targets for immediate CO2 emission reductions. A state-of-the-art method for capturing carbon dioxide is chemical absorption using...
New Carvone-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents for Siloxanes Capture from Biogas
PublicationDuring biogas combustion, siloxanes form deposits of SiO2 on engine components, thus shortening the lifespan of the installation. Therefore, the development of new methods for the purification of biogas is receiving increasing attention. One of the most effective methods is physical absorption with the use of appropriate solvents. According to the principles of green engineering, solvents should be biodegradable, non-toxic, and...
Bioreactors and biophoton-driven biohydrogen production strategies
PublicationGiven the current issues with global warming and rising greenhouse gas emissions, biohydrogen is a viable alternative fuel option. Technologies to produce biohydrogen include photo fermentation, dark fermentation, direct and indirect bio-photolysis, and two-stage fermentation. Biological hydrogen generation is a green and promising technique with mild reaction conditions and low energy consumption compared to thermochemical and...
Numerical modeling of the combustion in a lab-scale pulverized-coal fired combustion chamber
PublicationThis work presents results of numerical modeling of the combustion process inside a lab-scale drop-tube chamber, designed to investigate the slagging properties of the flue ashes, created through the solid fuel firing. Interaction between turbulence and chemistry is accounted by use of probability density function (PDF). FLUENT inputs for non-premixed combustion chemistry modeling are defined. A discrete second phase of the coal...
Numerical modeling of the combustion in a lab-scale pulverized-coal fired combustion chamber
PublicationThis work presents results of numerical modeling of the combustion process inside a lab-scale drop-tube chamber, designed to investigate the slagging properties of the flue ashes, created through the solid fuel firing. Interaction between turbulence and chemistry is accounted by use of probability density function (PDF). FLUENT inputs for non-premixed combustion chemistry modeling are defined. A discrete second phase of the coal...
High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification (HTAC; HTAG)
PublicationCombustion and gasification technology utilizing high-cycle regenerative air/steam preheater has drawn increased attention in many application areas. The process is to be realized at temperature level above ash melting point using highly preheated agent. The use of highly preheated media above 900oC provides additional energy in to conversion processes and results in considerable changes to the design of combustion and gasification...
Production Management 2022
e-Learning CoursesThis course is an integral component of the Production Management course for 3rd semester BIM students.The Production Management course will introduce you to the world of manufacturing and its challenges. During our adventure together you will have a chance to get to know, feel and experience it.
The CFD analysis of influence the start of fuel injection (SOI) on combustion parameters and exhaust gas composition of the marine 4-stroke engine
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of injection timing on the parameters of the combustion process and the composition of exhaust gas from a 4-stroke engine designed to shipbuilding. The analysis was carried out based on a three-dimensional multi-zone model of the combustion process. This model has been prepared on the basis of properties of the research facility. The input data to the model were obtained through...
Jan Wajs dr hab. inż.
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Complete input data to CFD 3D model of combustion in the large marine 4-stroke engine
Open Research DataInput data to CFD and 3D model of combustion process for large marine 4-stroke diesel engine.
Production Management - 2020/2021
e-Learning CoursesSupplement material to Production Management Exercises. BIM sem.4
Numerical methodology for evaluation the combustion and emissions characteristics on WLTP in the light duty dual-fuel diesel vehicle
PublicationThe worldwide aim of reducing environmental impact from internal combustion engines bring more and more stringent emission regulations. In 2017 by EU has been adopted new harmonized test procedure called WLTP. In general terms this test was designed for determining the levels of harmful emissions and fuel consumption of traditional and hybrid cars. This procedure contains specific driving scenarios which representing reallife driving...
Dietary antioxidants as a source of hydrogen peroxide
PublicationStudies of 54 antioxidants revealed that 27 of them, mainly polyphenols, generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when added to Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM), other media used for culture of mammalian and yeast cells and phosphate-buffered saline. The most active antioxidants were: propyl gallate (PG), (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and quercetin (Q). Chelex treatment and iron chelators decreased H2O2 generation suggesting...
Optimization of Hydrogen - Evolving Photochemical Molecular Devices
PublicationA molecular photocatalyst consisting of a RuII photocenter, a tetrapyridophenazine bridging ligand, and a PtX2 (X=Cl or I) moiety as the catalytic center functions as a stable system for light-driven hydrogen production. The catalytic activity of this photochemical molecular device (PMD) is significantly enhanced by exchanging the terminal chlorides at the Pt center for iodide ligands. Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy...
Direct reduction of pellets through hydrogen: Experimental and model behaviour
PublicationThis paper presents the hydrogen reduction behaviour of industrial pellets designed for the efficient hydrogen based direct reduction. The pellets were provided with very low non ferrous oxides percentage (0.52 of basicity index) and with the absence on TiO2 oxides. The pellets measured diameters in the range 1.14–1.72 cm and were characterized in terms of porosity, pores size, tortuosity and compression strength. The pellets were...
Hydrogen-enhanced degradation and oxide effects in zirconium alloys for nuclear applications
PublicationThe zirconium alloys used in nuclear industry include mainly ZreSn and ZreNb alloys ofdifferent chemical composition, microstructure and susceptibility to both hydrogendegradation and oxidation. The hypothetic nuclear accidents can create a real danger tothe Zr alloys and stability of parts made of these alloys, and especially such as loss ofcoolant accident (LOCA) and reactivity initiated accidents (RIA). The hydrogen degradationcan...
Modeling of the internal combustion engine cooling system
PublicationThe article concerns computer modelling of processes in cooling systems of internal combustion engines. Modelling objectives and existing commercial programs are presented. It also describes Author’s own method of binding graphs used to describe phenomena in the cooling system of a spark ignition engine. The own model has been verified by tests on the engine dynamometer. An example of using a commercial program for experimental...
A study of a compact high-efficiency zero-emission power plant with oxy-fuel combustion
PublicationThis paper discusses the application of global trends in gas cycles technology using oxy-fuel combustion. This is followed by a demonstration of a design solution for a new cycle with two enhanced energy-converting devices, namely a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. The proposed gas and steam cycle unit is contained within a single turbine, whose benefits combine those offered by gas turbines (high inlet temperatures)...
Operation evaluation method for marine turbine combustion engines in terms of energetics
PublicationAn evaluation proposal (quantitative determination) of an y combustion turbine engine operation has been presented , wherein the impact energy occurs at a given time due to Energy conversion. The fact has been taken into account that in this type of internal combustion engines the energy conversion occurs first in the combustion chambers and in the spaces between the blade of the turbine engine. It was assumed that in the combustion...
High-efficient, zero-emission energy production
PublicationThis paper presents innovative thermodynamiccycles with high-efficient, zero-emission energy production. The main aim of this work is to show the role of nano-phenomena in the enhancement of the power of thermodynamic cycles. For that purpose, the cycles using oxy-combustion and spray ejected condensation are first studied and, secondly hybrid cycles using fuel cells and gas turbines are presented. The role of nano-phenomena in...
Influence of hydrogen on a nanocrystalline high-entropy oxide with application potential in hydrogen technologies
PublicationThe influence of hydrogen on a (Co0⋅2Cu0⋅2Mg0⋅2Ni0⋅2Zn0.2)O HEO with a rock salt structure was studied. Two forms of this HEO (nanopowder and sinter) were prepared via mechanochemical synthesis (MS) and additional heat treatment, respectively. The chemical stability of the synthesized samples in a pure hydrogen atmosphere was investigated using Sievert’s technique. High-pressure hydrogenation at 250 ◦C had no noticeable effect...
Diffusible hydrogen management in underwater wet self-shielded flux cored arc welding
PublicationThis article reports the effect of underwater wet welding parameters and conditions on the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal for welding with a self-shielded flux cored wire. The diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal was determined using the glycerin method according to the Plackett-Burman design determining the significance of the effect of the stick out length, welding current, arc voltage, travel speed...
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Bioconversion of waste materials to hydrogen via dark fermentation using Enterobacter aerogenes
PublicationHydrogen can be obtained via dark fermentation with the use of anaerobic Enterobacter aerogenes. The efficiency of hydrogen production by fermentation techniques is strongly dependent on the con-ditions used i.e. the pH range, temperature, composition of fermentation broths, oxygen content, or even the presence of substances with potentially inhibitory effects on the microbiological culture [1-4]. The paper describes the study...
Fermentative Conversion of Two-Step Pre-Treated Lignocellulosic Biomass to Hydrogen
PublicationFermentative hydrogen production via dark fermentation with the application of lignocellulosic biomass requires a multistep pre-treatment procedure, due to the complexed structure of the raw material. Hence, the comparison of the hydrogen productivity potential of different lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) in relation to the lignocellulosic biomass composition is often considered as an interesting field of research. In this study,...
PublicationIntensive development of technologies, in particular of the spinotronics, nanotechnology, robotics, and ICT, shapes the new generation production systems. Their distinctive feature is the flexi-bility associated with production intelligence. It is required from all processes, including the production planning and control processes (PPCP). The article is of conceptual character. It was prepared based on literature research. It encompasses...