Search results for: configuration
Configurational assignment of vic-amino alcohols from their circular dichroism spectra with dirhodium tetracetate as an auxiliary chromophore
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Going all in or spreading your bet: a configurational perspective on open innovation interaction channels in production sectors
PublicationUsing different interaction channels within open innovation partnerships holds the potential to enhance the chance of success in production sectors. However, our comprehension of how open innovation partnerships are affected by varying combinations of interaction channels, and how this corelates with their level of open innovation output, remains limited. There are discrepancies in the current literature regarding the individual...
Comparison of EFD and CFD investigation of velocity fields for selected body-propeller configurations
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Comparison of EFD and CFD investigation of velocity fields for selected body-propeller configurations
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Investigation of multilayer magic-t configurations using novel microstrip-slotline transitions
PublicationArtykuł opisuje badania i proces projektowania dwóch układów rozgałęzień typu magiczne T. Rozgałęzienia wykorzystują nowe przejścia linii mikropaskowej i szczelinowej. Jeden z badanych układów charakteryzował się 40% pasmem pracy przy zmienności amplitudy 0.2dB i fazy 0.5 stopnia. Wyniki badań zostały zweryfikowane przez pomiary wykonanych prototypów układów.
Numerical Analysis of Impact of Energy Buoy Anchoring Configurations on its Motion and Efficiency
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of energy buoy mooring configurations on its movement on the wave and effectiveness. The method used to analyse the buoy movement modelling in six degrees of freedom was described in a paper presented at the Conference 2011. Simulations of the buoy movement in regular wave and power calculations were conducted for several configurations of anchoring systems and position of...
Optimization of thermal backfill configurations for desired high-voltage power cables ampacity
PublicationThe ampacity of high-voltage power cables depends, among others, on their core cross-sectional area as well as thermal resistivity of the thermal backfill surrounding the cables. The cross-sectional area of the power cables’ core is selected according to the expected power to be transferred via the cable system. Usually, the higher the power transfer required, the higher the cross-sectional area of the core. However, the cost of...
An Analysis of Probe-Fed Rectangular Patch Antennas With Multilayer and Multipatch Configurations on Cylindrical Surfaces
PublicationA multi-patch configuration of probe-fed rectangular microstrip antennas mounted on a cylindrical body, with electrically small radius, with an arbitrary number of substrate and superstrate layers is investigated in this paper. A full-wave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. A unified procedure for creating proper matrices for the investigated geometry of the structure is outlined here. Numerical results for...
How the configurational changes influence on molecular characteristics. The alkyl 3-azido-2,3-dideoxy-D-hexopyranosides - Theoretical approach
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Theoretical and experimental investigation of low-noise optoelectronic system configurations for low-coherent optical signal detection
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki teoretycznej i eksperymentalnej analizy konfiguracji niskokoherencyjnego układu detekcji sygnałów optycznych. Zaprezentowano zaprojektowany układ detekcji optycznych sygnałów niskokoherencyjnych, który pozwala na pracę w konfiguracji zrównoważonej i niezrównoważonej, co umożliwia porównanie parametrów obu konfiguracji.
New trim configurations for laser trimmed thick-film resistors - theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimential verification
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nowe podejście do korekcji rezystorów warstwowych polegające na wytwarzaniu dodatkowego kontaktu w celu rozszerzenia zakresu korekcji i uproszczenia projektowania. Ponadto zaprezentowano nową szybką metodę wyznaczania charakterystyk korekcyjnych a także weryfikację eksperymentalną. Przedstawiono wyniki w postaci zakresów korekcji i względnych przyrostów rezystancji w funkcji kształtu dodatkowego kontaktu oraz...
Fragility analysis of structural pounding between adjacent structures arranged in series with various alignment configurations under near‑field earthquakes
PublicationA major cause of local to total damages is related to structural pounding in a large number of past earthquakes. In general, these collisions take place as a result of differences in the dynamic characteristics of the colliding structures. To acquire a better perception of the behavior of structures, in this paper, three structures featuring different heights are modeled in series and with various configurations next to each other...
High-symmetry compact structures are preferred equilibrium configurations of Li n F n+1 − ( n = 2–5) superhalogen anions
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Piotr Rajchowski dr inż.
PeoplePiotr Rajchowski (Member, IEEE) was born in Poland, in 1989. He received the E.Eng., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in radio communication from the Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2012, 2013, and 2017, respectively. Since 2013, he has been working at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, as a IT...
Evaluating Security and Resilience of Critical Networked Infrastructures after Stuxnet
PublicationThe chapter presents the current configuration of the simulation environment for the evaluations of the security and resilience of critical networked infrastructures, which enables simulations of Stuxnet-like attacks. The configuration includes new features added to the MAlSim - Mobile Agent Malware Simulator after the advent of Stuxnet in reference to the experiments aiming at the security evaluation of a power plant which we...
The structure, including stereochemistry, of levorin A1
PublicationThe constitution and stereostructure of levorin A1 1, an aromatic heptaeneantifungal antibiotic, was established on the basis of NMR studies, which contained DQFCOSY,ROESY, HSQC and HMBC experiments. Mycosamine moiety was used as an internalchiral probe to determine the absolute configuration of levorin A1 stereogenic centers: 13S,15R, 17S, 18R, 19S, 21R. The relative configuration of the remaining stereogenic centers wasassigned...
Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environments
PublicationLarge scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challenges for prediction of quality in such systems. Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality, performance, reliability, flexibility and usability. Among these attributes, performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the...
Adapting a General Tool to Monitoring Multi-Agent Systems Through Virtual Host Layer Extenstion
PublicationNagios is a free software for IT infrastructure monitoring. Out-of-the-box it is not suited for monitoring multi-agent systems, because agents may dynamically join and leave the system or change roles. But Nagios' flexible configuration makes extensions possible. This paper presents and verifies Nagios configuration and extensions for monitoring multi-agent systems.
Interoperability Description of Web Services Based Application Servers
PublicationWeb services standards were designed to enable interoperability of heterogeneous application servers in the Service Oriented Architecture. Although the standards proved to be highly successful, there are still difficulties in effective services integration. The paper presents a methodology that enables description of application servers interoperability in order to improve the service integration process. The methodology proposes...
The impact of the distribution network reconfiguration on active power losses: Selected issues of UPGRID project realization
PublicationThe dynamic development of smart grids allows the use of remote controllable switches to change the configuration of the distribution network. The paper discusses the impact of the distribution system reconfiguration on active power losses, taking into account the typical daily load profiles. Based on modified IEEE 33-bus test distribution system the article presents the method of selection the appropriate sensitivity factor and...
The effect of aeration mode (intermittent vs. continuous) on nutrient removal and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment plant of Corleone (Italy)
PublicationThe paper reports the results of an experimental study aimed at comparing two configurations of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): conventional activated sludge (CAS) and oxic-settling-anaerobic process (OSA) with intermittent aeration (IA). A comprehensive monitoring campaign was carried out to assess multiple parameters for comparing the two configurations: carbon and nutrient removal, greenhouse gas emissions, respirometric...
On Configurability of Distributed Volunteer-Based Computing in the Comcute System
PublicationThe chapter proposes additional solutions that can be implemented within the Comcute system to increase its configurability. This refers to configuration of the reliability level in the W and S server layers, static or on-the-fly data partitioning and integration, configuration of the system for processing in the data streaming fashion, extending the system for selection of a project that the client wants to contribute to, ease...
Damian Rosiak dr inż.
PeopleEducation 2010–2014: Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty (Eng.) field of study: biotechnology specialty: drug biotechnology 2014–2015: Gdansk University of Technology, Chemical Faculty (M.Sc.) field of study: biotechnology specialty: drug biotechnology 2015–2020: Gdansk University of Technology, Department of Inorganic Chemistry (Ph.D.) discipline: chemical sciences specialty: inorganic chemistry Scientific...
Modeling of Performance, Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large-Scale Computational Environment
PublicationLarge scale of complexity of distributed computational systems imposes special challanges for prediction of quality in such systems.Existing quality models for lower-scale systems include functionality,performance,reliability,flexibility and usability.Among these attributes,performance and reliability have a particular significance to the large-scale systems computing quality modeling due to their strong dependence on the system...
Development of factors and measurement of personnel risk in the marketing services of four Polish pharmaceutical companies
Open Research DataThis text contains the presentation and analysis of research results in relation to four companies (A, B, C, D), according to the adopted case study method.Further considerations should be preceded by the assumption that personal risk factors often affect the level of this risk in various directions, so their final impact is the result of the shaping...
Forty-five years of the Rigid Finite Element Method
PublicationIn the paper there are described developments of the method in the past 45 year years in dynamical analysis of system with constant and changing in time configuration, including also control of the systems.
Electrical responses of nanostructured ZrS3 as field-effect transistor for nitrogen dioxide, ethanol, and acetone detection enhanced by visible light
Open Research DataSmall-area layers of nanostructured ZrS3 were fabricated and measured in the field-effect transistor configuration. Irradiation with visible light enabled generating photocurrent and increasing the sensitivity to selected ambient gases: nitrogen dioxide, ethanol, and acetone. The data set consists of electrical responses (current vs. voltage characteristics...
PublicationA measurement system includes all components in a chain of hardware and software that leads from a measured variable to processed data. In that context, the type and quality of the sensors or measuring devices are critical to any measurement system. MEMS/IMU sensors lag behind leading technologies in this respect, but the MEMS/IMU performance rapidly changes while is relatively inexpensive. For this reason, the paper proposes...
TensorHive: Management of Exclusive GPU Access for Distributed Machine Learning Workloads
PublicationTensorHive is a tool for organizing work of research and engineering teams that use servers with GPUs for machine learning workloads. In a comprehensive web interface, it supports reservation of GPUs for exclusive usage, hardware monitoring, as well as configuring, executing and queuing distributed computational jobs. Focusing on easy installation and simple configuration, the tool automatically detects the available computing...
Structure and properties of the exopolysaccharides produced by Pseudomonas mutabilis T6 and P. mutabilis ATCC 31014
PublicationThis paper presents a study on the purification, primary structure, and rheological properties of exopolysaccharides isolated from cultures of Pseudomonas mutabilis T6 and P. mutabilis ATCC 31014. Both polymers are exopolysaccharides of D-mannose. The mannan isolated from P. mutabilis T6 contains on average about 5% of residual b-D-glucose, in contrast to the mannan from P. mutabilis ATCC 31014, which contained only trace amounts...
Assessment of User Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Several Body-to-Body Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, Body-to-Body communications in indoor and outdoor environments for different on-body antenna configurations and different mobility scenarios were studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The main objective is to properly characterise the influence of the Transmitter-Receiver configuration on system loss and fast fading behaviour, the latter being modelled by the Rice Distribution. Globally, it is observed...
PublicationThis work presents a method of forecasting the level of PM10 with the use of artificial neural networks. Current level of particulate matter and meteorological data was taken into account in the construction of the model (checked the correlation of each variable and the future level of PM10), and unidirectional networks were used to implement it due to their ease of learning. Then, the configuration of the network (built on the...
A nine-input 1.25 mW, 34 ns CMOS analog median filter for image processing in real time
PublicationIn this paper an analog voltage-mode median filter, which operates on a 3 × 3 kernel is presented. The filter is implemented in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology. The proposed solution is based on voltage comparators and a bubble sort configuration. As a result, a fast (34 ns) time response with low power consumption (1.25 mW for 3.3 V) is achieved. The key advantage of the configuration is relatively high accuracy of signal processing,...
Induced sheath voltages in 110 kV power cables – case study
PublicationThis paper considers electric shock hazard due to induced sheath voltages in 110 kV power cables. The purpose of this paper is to find an optimal configuration of the power cable system, taking into account electric shock hazard and ability of the system to transfer maximal power. A computer simulations on a computer model of the local power system, comprising high voltage power cables, were carried out. This model enables to analyse...
Dual role of oxygen-related defects in the luminescence kinetics of AlNMn2+
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the impact of temperature and pressure on AlN:Mn2+ luminescence kinetics. Unusual behavior of Mn2+ optical properties during UV excitation is observed, where a strong afterglow luminescence of Mn2+ occurs even at low temperatures. When the temperature increases, the contribution of the afterglow luminescence is further enhanced,...
Single-Family Treatment Wetlands Progress in Poland
PublicationLong distances from one farm to another as well as unfavourable terrain configuration in rural areas in Poland result in high investment and operation costs of sewerage systems. Treatment wetlands (TWs) can be an alternative solution to sewage treatment in rural communities, schools, at campsites and for single houses. In this paper the results of 4 years monitoring of single-family treatment plants (SFTWs) in Kaszuby Lake...
Investigation of H2:CH4 plasma composition by means of spatially resolved optical spectroscopy
PublicationThe system based on spatially resolved optical emission spectroscopy dedicated for in situ diagnostics of plasma assisted CVD processes is presented in this paper. Measurement system coupled with chemical vapour deposition chamber by dedicated fiber-optic paths enables investigation of spatial distribution of species densities (Hx, H+, CH, CH+) during chemical vapour deposition process. Experiments were performed for a various...
Space syntax analysis - methodology of understanding the space
PublicationNowadays space is considered as a net of connections between different areas. The questions how to delineate its character and how it is possible to objectively compare two spaces is the matter under consideration. This was the reason for creating new theories about the structure of place. "Space syntax analysis" (SSA) or simply "Space Syntax" defines a number of theories and research areas devoted to the analysis of space configuration....
Influence of mesh density on 2D viscous flutter in a turbomachinery cascade
PublicationIn this study numerical simulations of 2D viscous flutter were performed and compared with available experimental results for various mesh densities and flow parameters. Calculations were carried out for the bending oscillations of an Eleventh Standard Configuration cascade. ANSYS CFX code was used for the SST, SA and k-ω turbulence model calculations.
Induced Sheath Voltages In 110 Kv Power Cables – Case Study
PublicationThe paper considers shock hazard due to induced sheath voltages in 110 kV power cables. Various configurations of the metallic sheaths bonding and earthing (single-point bonding, both-ends bonding, cross-bonding) are analysed. Taking into account shock hazard and ability of the system to power transfer an optimal configuration is proposed.
Adiabatic potential energy curves of the 3, 4 and 5^1Σ^+ excited states of LiCs molecule
Open Research DataAdiabatic potential energy curves of the 3, 4, and 5^1Σ^+ excited states have been calculated for the LiCs molecule. The results of three excited states of the symmetry Σ^+ have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction of valence electrons with atomic...
Zastosowanie algorytmu MSA (Multiple Similar Areas) do wyznaczania map głębi w wielowidokowych systemach widzenia komputerowego
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje temat pozyskiwania map głębi (ang. depth map) na podstawie zdjęć z wielu kamer w wyniku widzenia stereoskopowego. Mapa głębi zawierająca odległości od obiektów będących w zasięgu widzenia kamer pozyskana może zostać na podstawie zdjęć z co najmniej dwóch kamer pełniących funkcję kamery stereoskopowej. W mapach głębi pozyskanych w ten sposób występują jednak błędy. Artykuł dotyczy metod redukcji błędów dzięki zwiększeniu...
Optimization of Division and Reconfiguration Locations of the Medium-Voltage Power Grid Based on Forecasting the Level of Load and Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
PublicationThe article addresses challenges in optimizing the operation of medium voltage networks, emphasizing optimizing network division points and selecting the best network configuration for minimizing power and energy losses. It critically reviews recent research on the issue of network configuration optimization. The optimization of the medium voltage power grid reconfiguration process was carried out using known optimization tools....
Data Analysis in Bridge of Data
PublicationThe chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.
Wave propagation signals for ultrasonic tomography of concrete during splitting
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete cube with dimensions 70 x 70 x 70 cm3under the splitting test. Three cubes were tested: cube 1 (concrete with polymer fibres), cube 2 (concrete with steel fibres) and cube 3 (plain concrete).
Installation of GNSS receivers on a mobile railway platform – methodology and measurement aspects
PublicationDetermining the course of a railway track axis using satellite methods relies on ensuring the precise assembly of GNSS receivers in dedicated measuring devices. Depending on the number of receivers, solutions that are based on placing the apparatus directly above the railway track axis (as well as in eccentric positions) are used to indirectly obtain data to form the basis of the desired results. This publication describes the...
An isogeometric finite element formulation for boundary and shell viscoelasticity based on a multiplicative surface deformation split
PublicationThis work presents a numerical formulation to model isotropic viscoelastic material behavior for membranes and thin shells. The surface and the shell theory are formulated within a curvilinear coordinate system,which allows the representation of general surfaces and deformations. The kinematics follow from Kirchhoff–Love theory and the discretization makes use of isogeometric shape functions. A multiplicative split of the surface...
Virtual touchpad - video-based multimodal interface
PublicationA new computer interface named Virtual-Touchpad (VTP) is presented. The Virtual-Touchpad provides a multimodal interface which enables controlling computer applications by hand gestures captured with a typical webcam. The video stream is processed in the software layer of the interface. Hitherto existing video-based interfaces analyzing frames of hand gestures are presented. Then, the hardware configuration and software features...
Calculation of Induced Sheath Voltages in Power Cables – Single Circuit System versus Double Circuit System
PublicationThis paper presents comparison of values of induced sheath voltages in power cable metallic sheaths when one or two cables per phase are used. Calculation of voltages is performed for various phase sequences of the power cables. Three types of the sheaths bonding and earthing are considered. Shock hazard and voltage stress of non-metallic outer sheath of cables are evaluated. The proposed, optimal configuration of the power cable...
Some fundamental aspects of self-levitating sliding contact bearings and their practical implementations
PublicationIn this study, fundamental aspects and mechanisms of acoustic levitation together with governing equations are presented first. Then, the acoustic levitation phenomenon is considered as a new way to design air suspension systems capable of self-levitation. A particular emphasis is laid on journal bearings and their specific geometrical configuration. A practical feasibility of using acoustic levitation to separate contacting surfaces...