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Search results for: 3D BODY PROCESSING
Analysing and processing of geotagged social media
PublicationThe use of location based data analysing tools is an important part of geomarketing strategies among entrepreneurs. One of the key elements of interest is social media data shared by the users. This data is analysed both for its content and its location information, the results help to identify trends represented in the researched regions. In order to verify the possibilities of analysing and processing of geotagged social media...
Measurement and Analysis of the Radio Wave Polarisation in Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environment
PublicationThe paper describes an analysis of the radio wave polarisation in off-body communications in indoor environment. The measurement stand for polarisation measurements has been shortly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements have been characterize. The vertical and horizontal components of received radio signal have been analysed. The measure used in analysis is a ratio...
Reconstruction of 3D structure of positive corona streamer by local methods
PublicationThe computer algorithms were used for reconstruction of streamer 3D structure. We propose the 3D tree structure model of corona discharge streamer composed with nodes and edges between chosen couples of nodes, which enables easy computation of some important parameters ofstreamers. The 3D model can be derived directly from two projection images by global methods like evolutionary searching or particle simulations. In this paper...
Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationDue to high requirements of variety of 3D spatial data applications with respect to data amount and quality, automatized, effcient and reliable data acquisition and preprocessing methods are needed. The use of photogrammetry techniques—as well as the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) automatic scanners—are among attractive solutions. However, measurement data are in the form of unorganized point clouds, usually requiring transformation...
3d imaging software tools for multibeam sonar data
PublicationArtykuł porusza problem trójwymiarowej wizualizacji dna morskiego na podstawie danych pochodzących z systemu wielowiązkowego. W prezentowanym systemie wykorzystano trzy technologie programistyczne do wytwarzania grafiki 3D (C++ OpenGL, Java 3D, Java OpenGL). W artykule przedstawiono problemy, na które natknięto się podczas tworzenia systemu coraz omówiono sposoby ich rozwiązywania.
Modifiers for Medical Grade Polymeric Systems used in FDM 3D Printing - Short Review
PublicationFDM 3D printing could find an application in the wide range of biomedical applications. Unfortunately, the quantity of polymeric biomaterials suitable to processing into filaments is limited. The most frequently used biomaterials for medical constructs such as bone grafts, soft tissue scaffolds or another DDS include PCL, PLA, PVA, HPC, EVA copolymer, EC and TPUs. Various modifiers such as TCP, HA, TEC, MMC could be applicated...
Computer Supported Analysis of the Human Body Surface Area
PublicationRecent scientific studies show the growing importance of the coefficients: BSA and TBSA, as an alternative to the widely used BMI. The relevant indicators are widely used in medicine, including such areas as: the treatment of burns, chemotherapy, dermatology and toxicology; as benchmarks when calculating doses of drugs and fluids. The particular problems concerning this subject are: the change of the reference parameter value which...
Launch of the Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, formed at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology under the project Gdańsk University of Technology's Modern auditoriums. The basic unit of this laboratory will be cubic CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) enriched with spherical walk simulator. This device will allow the user unlimited walking,...
Triangular 3D Laser Scanning in Underwater Photogrammetry
PublicationThe use of triangular 3D laser scanning may significantly enhance the visual inspection of underwater objects. In these days of high demand for accurate information, exclusively photographic documentation is not enough, as it is geometrically flawed. The authors of this article are trying to present the rudiments of laser scanning, a modern means of measuring, which is reliable, relatively easy to use and works in accordance with...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Archive Audio Signals Using Bidirectional Processing
PublicationIn this application-oriented paper we consider the problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches, from archive audio recordings. The proposed approach is based on bidirectional processing—noise pulses are localized by combining the results of forward-time and backward-time signal analysis. Based on the results of specially designed empirical tests (rather than on the results of theoretical analysis),...
Reconstruction Methods for 3D Underwater Objects Using Point Cloud Data
PublicationExisting methods for visualizing underwater objects in three dimensions are usually based on displaying the imaged objects either as unorganised point sets or in the form of edges connecting the points in a trivial way. To allow the researcher to recognise more details and characteristic features of an investigated object, the visualization quality may be improved by transforming the unordered point clouds into higher order structures....
Deep Learning-Based LOS and NLOS Identification in Wireless Body Area Networks
PublicationIn this article, the usage of deep learning (DL) in ultra-wideband (UWB) Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is presented. The developed approach, using channel impulse response, allows higher efficiency in identifying the direct visibility conditions between nodes in off-body communication with comparison to the methods described in the literature. The effectiveness of the proposed deep feedforward neural network was checked on...
Zautomatyzowana budowa modeli 3D pomieszczeń
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono budowę systemu do automatycznej budowy modeli 3D wnętrz budynków. System taki może być stosowany do tworzenia lokacji w grach komputerowych. Model jest tworzony na bazie kolorowych oraz głębokościowych obrazów pobranych z kamery Microsoft Kinect. Opisano architekturę komponentową systemu, zastosowane sterowniki do komunikacji. Podano zastosowany algorytm sekwencyjny i równoległy, środowisko testowe oraz...
Flow models 1D, 2D, 3D for diagonal pump
PublicationTrzy typowe modele stosowane w maszynach wirnikowych 1D, 2D, 3D zostały przedstawione w zastosowaniu do przepływu w pompie diagonalnej. W ramach modelu 1D przedstawiono prezentację procesu na wykresie energia -straty. W ramach modelu 2D pokazano wynik rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego prowadzącego do kształtu łopatek wirnika pompy. W ramach modelu 3D wykonano obliczenia programem FLUENT pokazując charakterystyczne cechy dwóch różnie...
The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing
PublicationNew and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...
People’s Influence on Indoor Body Area Networks Channel Characteristics
PublicationThe influence of people’s presence on wideband off-body channel characteristics is presented in this paper. This research is significant for the development of Body Area Networks, as a promising solution for 5G and 6G networks, namely as an emerging technology expected to revolutionize mobile healthcare via real-time monitoring and analysis of medical data. The analysis is based on power delay profile measurements performed in...
Metoda wizualizacji 3D w standardzie OpenGL obiektów bliskiego zasięgu = The 3D visualization method of close range objects in the OpenGL standard
PublicationPrezentacja możliwości dotyczących wykorzystania autorskiej aplikacji ''3D VISUALIZATION'' w badaniach i analizach obiektów modelowanych z wykorzystaniem metod fotogrametrii bliskiego zasięgu.
Komputerowy model 3D stawu biodrowego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono stworzony w programie ANSYS komputerowy model 3D stawu biodrowego. Model wykonano w oparciu o budowę anatomiczną oraz zebrane dane dotyczące stałych materiałowych kości i elementów chrzęstnych. Analiza i porównanie modelu biochemicznego, lepkosprężystego, mieszanego oraz molekularno – agregacyjnego służy ułatwieniu stworzenia modelu najbliższego rzeczywistości, który można by wykorzystać w projektowaniu endoprotez...
Parametrical 3D model of an asynchronous motor - AutoCAD application.
PublicationA computer program for automatic drawing of 3D models of squirrel-cage induction motors is presented in this paper. The created model of a machine is of parametrical nature, which means that the user defines geometry of particular elements (shaft, stator core, bearing, windings etc.) on the basis dimensions and some other parameters e.g. type of bearing, kind of winding, number of slots. This program is useful for 3D modelling...
Imidazolium ionic liquids in mineral processing
PublicationImidazoliowe ciecze jonowe (ILs) stanowią nową klasę związków o szerokich możliwościach przemysłowego zastosowania. Z przeglądu dostępnej literatury wynika, że ILs mogłyby zostać wykorzystane do odzysku i oczyszczania metali ze środowiska wodnego oraz rud w procesach ługowania, ekstarkcji rozpuszczalnikowej oraz w procesach elektrochemicznych. Pochodne imidazoliowe mogą być wykorzystywane zarówno jako rozpuszczalniki jak i aktywne...
Computer vision techniques applied for reconstruction of seafloor 3D images from side scan and synthetic aperture sonars data
PublicationThe Side Scan Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Sonar are well known echo signal processing technologies that produce 2D images of the seafloor. Both systems combines a number of acoustic pings to form a high resolution image of seafloor. It was shown in numerous papers that 2D images acquired by such systems can be transformed into 3D models of seafloor surface by algorithmic approach using intensity information, contained in a grayscaled...
Rubber devulcanization in the planetary extruder – processing properties and structure
PublicationThermo-mechanical devulcanization of ground tire rubber (GTR) in a planetary extruder was investigated. The processing parameters of recycled rubber were studied based on standardized protocols using a Mooney viscometer and a rubber processing analyzer (RPA). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine rubber structure. Devulcanization process upscaling limits processing properties...
Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
PublicationResults of evaluation of the background subtraction algorithms implemented on a supercomputer platform in a parallel manner are presented in the paper. The aim of the work is to chose an algorithm, a number of threads and a task scheduling method, that together provide satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of a real-time processing of high resolution camera images, maintaining the cost of resources usage at a reasonable level. Two...
Electrochemicalsynthesis of 3D nano-/micro-structured porous polypyrrole
PublicationIn this work, electrosynthesis of electroactive, 3D nano-/micro-structured porous polypyrrole film is presented. The PPy film was synthesized potentiostatically in a one-step process from aqueous solution of pyrrole and lithium perchlorate. The growth mechanism of such structure included: the formation of typical globular PPy film, followed by the formation of the PPy fibers, which then took part in the formation of 3D highly porous...
Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Parts and Their Injection Molded Alternatives Subjected to Environmental Aging
PublicationAdditive manufacturing is the technology used in medical, industrial, or lifestyle applications. The scientific literature include works reporting various manufacturing parameters’ influence on changes in additive manufacturing components’ mechanical behavior, especially with fused filament fabrication (FFF). The changes in mechanical strength and toughness of FFF compared to injection molding parts were studied. In the study,...
Multiple Reprocessing of Conductive PLA 3D-Printing Filament: Rheology, Morphology, Thermal and Electrochemical Properties Assessment
PublicationAdditive manufacturing technologies are gaining more and more attention, resulting in the development or modification of 3D printing techniques and dedicated materials. On the other hand, economic and ecological aspects force the industry to develop material recycling strategies. In this work, the multiple reprocessing of a commercially available PLA conductive composite with carbon black filler, dedicated to 3D printing, was investigated....
CAD. 3D modelling (2022/2023) BSc Arch, sem 2
e-Learning CoursesConducting unit: Faculty of ArchitectureField of the study: ArchitectureAcademic year: 2022/2023 Summer TermDuration: 15 weeks (30 hours laboratory per term) Subject objectives: The course aim is to demonstrate the application of Computer Aided Design in preparation of architectural 3D models and project presentations. No previous CAD experience is necessary. Using hands-on exercises, students explore how to create project presentations...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Journals -
Digital Signal Processing - 22/23
e-Learning CoursesPo ukończeniu kursu, student projektuje podstawowe algorytmy cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów - filtrów cyfrowych FIR i IIR, i estymuje widmo za pomocą FFT.Student opisuje architektury i ścieżki danych procesorów stało-przecinkowych i zmienno-przecinkowych. Student tłumaczy podstawy arytmetyki procesorów i podaje przykłady zastosowań.
Big Data processing frameworks - 2022
e-Learning CoursesInformatics, postgraduate studies Data Engineering, undergraduate studies
Big Data processing frameworks - 2023
e-Learning CoursesInformatics, postgraduate studies Data Engineering, undergraduate studies
Big Data processing frameworks - 2024
e-Learning CoursesInformatics, postgraduate studies Data Engineering, undergraduate studies
Digital Signal Processing-23/24
e-Learning CoursesPo ukończeniu kursu, student projektuje podstawowe algorytmy cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów - filtrów cyfrowych FIR i IIR, i estymuje widmo za pomocą FFT.Student opisuje architektury i ścieżki danych procesorów stało-przecinkowych i zmienno-przecinkowych. Student tłumaczy podstawy arytmetyki procesorów i podaje przykłady zastosowań.
Big Data processing frameworks - 2025
e-Learning CoursesInformatics, postgraduate studies Data Engineering, undergraduate studies
Journals -
Zastosowanie Grafiki 3D do wizualizacji dna morskiego
PublicationTechnologie do wytwarzanie grafiki 3D to dynamicznie rozwijająca się gałąź przemysłu informatycznego. Znajdują one zastosowanie nie tylko przy tworzeniu gier komputerowych, ale coraz częściej są wykorzystywane w systemach trjwymiarowej wizualizacji danych pomiarowych.
Overhead wires detection by FPGA real-time image processing
PublicationThe paper presents design and hardware implementation of real-time image filtering for overhead wires detection divided on image processing and results presentation blocks. The image processing block was separated from the whole implementation, and its delay and hardware complexity was analysed. Also the maximum frequency of image processing of the proposed implementation was estimated.
3D Computer Model of the Hip Joint Cartilage
PublicationThis paper presents 3D computer model of the hip joint cartilage in the ANSYS program. Model is made on the basis of anatomy and collected data on the material constants of bone and cartilage components. Analysis and comparison of biochemical model, viscoelastic and molecular mixed - aggregation serves to facilitate the creation of the next model of reality, which could be used in the design of joint prostheses. The correctness...
Virtual Sightseeing in Immersive 3D Visualization Lab
PublicationThe paper describes the modern Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (I3DVL) established at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) and its potential to prepare virtual tours and architectural visualizations on the example of the application allowing a virtual walk through the Coal Market in Gdańsk. The paper presents devices of this laboratory (CAVE, walk simulator etc.),...
Emerging Processes for Sustainable Processing of Food Ingredients and Products
PublicationIn recent decades, traditional food processing processes, such as homogenization, pasteurization, canning, drying, and smoking, among others, have been successfully applied to obtain, to some extent, acceptable food items. However, with the increasing food demand, as a consequence of the growing population worldwide, new, tunable, and enriched food products are demanded, requiring the implementation of emerging technologies in...
3D porous graphene-based structures- synthesis and applications
PublicationPorous carbon-based materials are of the great industrial and academic interest due to their high surface area, low density, good electrical conductivity, chemical inertness and low cost of fabrication. Up to now, the main approach to obtain porous carbon structures has involved the pyrolysis of carbonaceous natural or synthetic precursors. After the isolation of graphene, the interest in 3D porous graphene-based structures (called...
Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy
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Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
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3D PCB package for GaN inverter leg with low EMC feature
PublicationThis paper presents the adaptation of a 3D integration concept previously used with vertical devices to lateral GaN devices. This 3D integration allows to reduce loop inductance, to ensure more symmetrical design with especially limited Common Mode emission, thanks to a low middle point stray capacitance. This reduction has been achieved by both working on the power layout and including a specific shield between the devices and...
GIS for processing multidimensional marine data in SAAS model
PublicationGeographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified...
Methods for quality improvement of multibeam and LiDAR point cloud data in the context of 3D surface reconstruction
PublicationPoint cloud dataset is the transitional data model used in several marine and land remote-sensing applications. During further steps of processing, the transformation of point cloud spatial data to more complex models containing higher order geometric structures like edges and facets may be possible, if an appropriate quality level of input data is provided. Point cloud datasets usually contain a considerable amount of undesirable...
Physiological response during running in athletes with similar body mass but different body composition
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Fast Fading Influence on the Deep Learning-Based LOS and NLOS Identificationin Wireless Body Area Networks
PublicationIn the article, the fast fading influence on the proposed DL (Deep Learning) approach for LOS (Line-of-Sight) and NLOS (Non-Line-of-Sight) conditions identification in Wireless Body Area Networks is investigated. The research was conducted on the basis of the off-body communication measurements using the developed mobile measurement stand, in an indoor environment for both static and dynamic scenarios. The measurements involved...
Application of 3D- printed hydrogels in wound healing and regenerative medicine
PublicationHydrogels are three-dimensional polymer networks with hydrophilic properties. The modifiable properties of hydrogels and the structure resembling living tissue allow their versatile application. Therefore, increasing attention is focused on the use of hydrogels as bioinks for three-dimensional (3D) printing in tissue engineering. Bioprinting involves the fabrication of complex structures from several types of materials, cells,...