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Search results for: ARCHITECTURAL MODELS
Collaborative urban studios in Poland. Teaching collective problem solving via live projects
PublicationThe requirements of contemporary architectural and urban design practice places a growing importance on the ability to generate new solutions to complex design challenges. Such an approach is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary urban projects in need of urban innovation and socially engaged practice, i.e. urban regeneration or street quality improvement projects. Meaningful involvement in such topics requires a...
Use of Daylight and Aesthetic Image of Glass Facades in Contemporary Buildings
PublicationThe paper deals with the architecture of contemporary buildings in respect to their aesthetic image created by the use of natural light. Sustainability is regarded as a principle of contemporary architecture, where daylighting is an important factor as it affects energy consumption and environmental quality of the space inside a building. Environmental awareness of architecture, however, involves a much wider and more holistic...
Historic railway stations, documentation and revitalization of the railway infrastructure facilities - protection of cultural and social heritage
PublicationThe article presents problems of documentation and adaptation of buildings which constitute the cultural heritage of the railway infrastructure facilities in Pomerania in Poland. Shows the potential and possibilityto be adopted for various purposes. This problem affects many sites and buildings, railway stations, railway warehouses, residential buildings, technical buildings, water towers, trackman shelters, bridges, viaducts,...
PublicationThe presentation of the exhibition “Architect Gustav Oelsner – Light, Air, Colour,”, which took place in Gdynia 1.04-29.05.2011, showed the clinker architecture of Gustav Oelsner in Altona. As a contrast to the white-plastered architecture of Gdynia, it provided an interesting background for the comparison of two different faces of modernism. The most important feature of the aesthetics of modernism was its cosmopolitan character,...
The role of isolated farmsteads in the open landscape protection on the example of Kashubia
PublicationAs a result of the social and economic transformation of rural areas, open landscapes are disappearing. Former farmsteads are being devastated or beginning to lose their landscape context due to the spread of residential building development. At the same time, in many places, the farmstead form is clearly legible and remains an element with which the view is structured and enriched. The article was aimed at drawing attention to...
Urban space recovery. Landscape-beneficial solutions in new estates built in post-industrial and post-military areas in Bristol, Poznań and Gdańsk
PublicationThe limitation of territorial expansion and the implementation of the idea of a compact city are generally accepted paradigms of spatial development of contemporary cities. In consequence, actions are taken to improve the quality of city landscape and revitalise vacant areas. This study approaches the process of city regeneration as transformation and supplementation of the existing urban structure as well as creation of multifunctional, structurally,...
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublicationHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
Adapting education to a changing climate: preparing architecture students for climate-resilient design
PublicationIn this article, the authors explore the connection between climate change and the fields of architecture and urban planning. With the increasing frequency of flooding and extreme weather events, the built environment is confronting challenges in terms of sustainability and resilience. To meet these problems, it is necessary to prepare various specialists to assume responsibility for making future decisions. The authors of this...
Supporting study tours in the teaching of architectural heritage
PublicationStudy tours are a highly effective way to acquire knowledge. They improve students’ understanding of issues that otherwise may seem partly abstract to them. Presented in this article is the unique way in Poland in which support is given to the teaching of architectural heritage. It has been carried out continuously for almost 50 years in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-UT), Gdańsk, Poland, in...
Analysis of a caustic formed by a spherical reflector: Impact of a caustic on architectural acoustics
PublicationFocusing sound in rooms intended for listening to music or speech is an acoustic defect. Design recommendations provide remedial steps to effectively prevent this. However, there is a category of objects of high historical or architectural value in which the sound focus correction is limited or even abandoned. This also applies to indoor or outdoor concert shells, installations for teaching and acoustic presentations, etc. The...
Impact of the glazed roof on acoustics of historic interiors
PublicationThe paper discusses the adverse acoustic phenomena occurring in the semi-open interiors (courtyards, yards) covered with a glass roof. Particularly negative is the rever-beration noise, which leads to the degradation of the utility functions of the resulting spaces. It involves the drastically reducing the intelligibility of speech, loss of natural sounding of music, problems with the sound system, as well as disturbances in the...
PublicationThe purpose of this article was to introduce the design and construction of tiled walls in accordance to codes' restrictions. The construction of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk was chosen to be an example of its successful use in practice. Theoretical knowledge was based on PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. Although codes' recommendations seem curt, practice prove structural advance....
Kształtowanie mikrośrodowiska jako miejsca wspólnoty.
PublicationThe work concerns the field of architecture and covers shaping housing environment. It is an attempt to reactivate a category of neighbourly community and present it from a new perspective, namely as an effect of a conscious cooperation of the architect and future inhabitants. Its essence is the idea of microenvironment, perceived as a place of housing community. The following are involved:- application of the idea of the place...
The significance of the underground experience: Selection of reference design cases from the underground public transport stations and interchanges of the European Union
PublicationAbstract Background Recent research into the way public transport users appreciate stations and interchanges has highlighted several key aspects. Importantly, the optimization of these facilities should not simply aim to resolve dissatisfiers, but should also focus on addressing satisfiers, through the incorporation of factors such as comfort and experience. ‘Soft requirements,’ which have emerged in architecture and urban design,...
Architectural Symbols of a City – Case Study
PublicationThe identity of a city is understood as a collection of individual features, which give the city its individual character and distinguish it from other places; it undoubtedly constitutes a cultural value, which should be cherished. In the case of Sopot – a spa located on the Bay of Gdansk, the mosaic of its geographical location, landscape values, urban layout and historic architecture has created a unique image of a seaside resort....
Search for identity of Pomeranian house by means of educational activities
PublicationArchitecture is a universal phenomenon and is a culture-creating field closely related to other fields of art. Hence, experiencing and feeling identity are also conditioned by the proper formation of architectural objects, which are carriers specific values which co-decide about the possibility of this experience occurring in connection with a specific place and the fulfilment of a specific need in it. In the era of ubiquitous...
The site at the cape Zidine in Lopar in the context of coastal residential and commercial complexes of Rab Island
PublicationSince 2013, the “Archaeological topography of the island of Rab” project has approached the island’s archaeology holistically and interdisciplinary, tackling all periods and archaeological evidence present on the island. Nevertheless, mostly due to a large amount of new data, a significant segment of research is devoted to Roman residential and production complexes, located either in the island’s fields or along the coast. Thus,...
Transformations of descriptive geometry education for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
PublicationIn this article, the authors analyse the evolution of teaching descriptive geometry for architecture students at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland. The study traces changes in the curriculum in terms of teaching hours, considering also practices at Politechnika Lwowska (Lwów Polytechnic) and the Technische Hochschule Danzig (Technical University of Gdańsk), before World War II....
Transforming urban design education through international competitions: a 20-year perspective
PublicationOver the past two decades, international urban design competitions have transformed architectural education by fostering creativity and interdisciplinary learning. This article provides a 20-year perspective by focusing on five of the most prominent competitions: Europan, UIA Student Competitions, ULI Hines Student Competitions, and the Global Schindler Award. Through a comparative analysis of these competitions, the...
Light Symposium. Connecting health research with lighting practice
PublicationThanks to state-of-the-art medical and environmental research, our current understanding about the impact of light and lighting is improving at a rapid rate. While the evolution of lighting technologies offers promising design possibilities, it also poses new challenges to planners and the general public. This is further complicated by the fact that today’s modern indoor lifestyle means we can be completely disconnected from nature...
PublicationThe text investigates new phenomena emerging in the field of social memory and commemoration in contemporary Poland. On the basis of field analyses, case studies and theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches, the paper discusses the issue of contemporary memoryscapes in eastern Poland (Bialystok and Lublin). These emerging forms of remembrance are the result of the sophisticated interplay between different actors involved in the...
Improving social competencies of architecture students through participatory design of marketplace regeneration
PublicationThe article discusses the involvement of architecture students in actual urban regeneration projects through participatory design and tray to respond question how it can improve students social competences, and benefit their future careers as architects and urban planners. By using the example of the student workshops conducted in 2019 at the Faculty of Architecture, GdanskTech, the article discusses the specific methods applied...
City walk: a didactic innovative experiment in architectural education
PublicationWalking is an activity that involves studying physical space and requires careful observation to be immersed in the surrounding reality. City walks are popular ways of encountering an urban space, spatial relation, its history, and recognising the problems and needs of space users, as well as future development of the city. City walks also may be educationally p owerful: the exploration of certain...
The Eastern Battery in Świnoujście, Poland - history and architecture of a Prussian coastal fort from the 19th century
PublicationThe article describes the history, architecture and development of the Eastern Battery (also known as the Gerhard Fort) – one of three remaining coastal forts in Świnoujście (former Swinemünde) located in northern Poland, by the Baltic Sea. The research is mostly based on historical cartographic material and architectural plans verified during field studies. This data served to create a digital model – one of the results of the...
The role and scope of architectural and conservation research procedures in the process of restoring the splendour of an architectural monument created after 1945 on the example of the Suburban Railway Station in Gdynia
PublicationModern Movement buildings, despite their relatively recent construction, are sometimes affected by radical transformations of layout and form. The railway stations being one of the most important public buildings in the city are a special group of them. Due to long-term and intensive use they may bear the signs of exploitation of parts of its substance and have secondary transformations disharmony with the building. The subject...
Ideas of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in architectural education
PublicationThe New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an interdisciplinary project initiated by the European Commission in 2020 [1], based on three values: sustainability, beauty and community (social inclusion). Its aim is to support the European Green Deal programme [2] by accelerating the transformation of various economic sectors, including construction, to improve the quality of people’s lives and protect the natural environment. Even though...
Influence of process of straightening ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel on corrosion resistance and mechanical properties
PublicationThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries, for architectural elements, and many others. The chemical composition of corrosion-resistant...
PublicationThe paper presents the multi-criteria approach in the design process of residential structure as a part of a multifunctional building system. The purpose of work was to broaden the field of multifunctional building system design process. Background for the presented work is to define the direction of architectural growth of the modern city center area where actually are built complex and large capacity structures with a great impact...
Daylighting Education in Practice Verification of a new goal within a European knowledge investigation
PublicationTwo independent surveys were conducted in 2017 and in 2018 among architecture students across Europe to investigate their knowledge on daylighting and the impact of that knowledge on the visual perception of daylit spaces. A total of 600 responders were involved. This paper presents findings from the second survey, which was distributed in six European countries. Based on the findings from the first survey, a new goal was set for...
Optimization of Stabilizing Systems in Protection of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Historical Retaining Wall in the Wisłoujście Fortress
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to propose new quantitative criteria for selecting the optimal method of securing and repairing a historical object, which take into account Structural, Conservation and Architectural aspects (the S–C–A method). Construction works on cultural heritage sites tend to be challenging and require an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, they are strictly related to the philosophy of sustainable development which...
The Role of Daylight in Forming the Traditional Space: Classification of Traditional Iranian Daylighting Elements
PublicationDaylight character in a space can be defined as the manner in which daylight permeates and is dispersed in that space. The architectural elements related to daylighting under investigation in this study were rooted in Iranian-Isfahani heritage, considered traditional Iranian architecture (from the 16th to early 20th century). The establishment of a classification system for daylighting systems holds significant utility. This...
Analysis of Transparent Concrete as an Innovative Material Used in Civil Engineering
PublicationSince the dawn of history concrete has been, right behind stone and brick, one of the oldest building materials. The ancient Romans took advantage of its opportunities. They constructed amazing architectural objects, which survived centuries as whole buildings or parts of them. Concrete is so ubiquitous, that when we are walking in a newer districts of cities we are virtually surrounded by concrete from everywhere. Sometimes...
Deformation mitigation and twisting moment control in space frames
PublicationOver the last five decades, space frames have centered on the modernization of touristic zones in view of architectural attractions. Although attempts to control joint movement and minimize axial force and bending moment in such structures were made sufficiently, twisting moments in space frames have been underestimated so far. In space frames, external load or restoring the misshapen shape may cause twisting in members. We herein...
Bionic relations as features of the author’s original concept of biomorphic plastic forms that belong to a place
PublicationThe article concerns the search for an architectural formula for living organically in the area of Pojezierze Kaszubskie [the Kashubian Lake Dis- trict]. The original project consisted in creating a series of biomorphic plastic forms that belong to the place. In this way, a set of alternative solutions was created in the form of small clay sculptures that account for bionic relationships between the newly created cultural elements...
Digitalization of Building Site Management in the Construction Industry
PublicationWith Industry 4.0, a digital transformation has started in the construction industry. However, 4.0 technologies have difficulties in the integration of digital systems due to the diversity and complexity of the processes in the construction industry. Multidisciplinary work in architectural projects and the need for high productivity require digital renovation planning in the construction industry. The application of the technologies...
Follow the Light. Where to search for useful research information
PublicationArchitectural Lighting Design (ALD) has never been a standalone professional discipline. Rather, it has existed as the combination of art and the science of light. Today, third generation lighting professionals are already creatively intertwining these fields, and the acceleration in scientific, technological and societal studies has only increased the need for reliable multidisciplinary information. Therefore, a thorough re-examination...
Educational and cognitive aspects of adaptation of nonuse spaces in monumental sacral objects.
PublicationThe area of attics and towers in historic churches in Europe are yet quite inaccessible places for visitors, shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism, hiding many secrets. Introduction of the new public function into the non-used zones of the monumental sacral objects has many aspects including educational and cognitive ones which are discussed in the following article. The article indicates items that can be found in the zone above...
Chapel at St. Joseph's Church in Gdańsk
PublicationThe subject of this article is the chapel located in the former Gdańsk Carmelite monastery complex. The results of the architectural research carried out in it in 2014–2015 are presented. As a result, the time and purpose of the building’s construction were established. The original appearance and traces of later alterations were also recognised. The recesses found on the longitudinal walls, of similar dimensions, not reaching...
Borders of Digital Art in the Context of the Information Society
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the development of information technologies, the characteristics of the information society and digital art. The broad possibilities of the digital world related to recording, storing and processing data (cyber text, big data, smart services) and the creation of virtual worlds are pointed out. The influence of the development of information technologies on the character of the works of...
Testing Situation Awareness Network for the Electrical Power Infrastructure
PublicationThe contemporary electrical power infrastructure is exposed to new types of threats. The cause of such threats is related to the large number of new vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses introduced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in such complex critical systems. The power grid interconnection with the Internet exposes the grid to new types of attacks, such as Advanced Persistent...
PublicationThe article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and...
Architectural Space of Ideas in the Author’s Structures Presented at the Fire Painted Images Art Festival: A Case Study
PublicationThe article is aimed to discuss the place of architecture in the space of ideas. The present work discusses a specific place, the Zaspa housing estate in Gdańsk, and refers to a specific person, namely, the author of artistic installations tem- porarily exhibited in the Zaspa housing estate. Also, the wider context of the specific situations in which the exhibitions were...
Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Semantic-based Methods: A Review of Techniques, Applications and Emerging Trends
PublicationSemantic-based segmentation (Semseg) methods play an essential part in medical imaging analysis to improve the diagnostic process. In Semseg technique, every pixel of an image is classified into an instance, where each class is corresponded by an instance. In particular, the semantic segmentation can be used by many medical experts in the domain of radiology, ophthalmologists, dermatologist, and image-guided radiotherapy. The authors...
Permeability of Waterfronts—Contemporary Approach in Designing Urban Blue Spaces
PublicationThe constant struggle with rising sea levels and flood hazards has resulted in the change of the paradigm in shaping urban waterfronts towards increasing their permeability and creation of urban blue spaces. The aim of the paper was to indicate a new approach in designing public spaces at the sea–land interface by presenting a comparative study of the design solutions used in case of the four selected case studies: the Sea Organs...
Art of Space – Art in Space / The Role of Sound Art in Public
PublicationThe article presents a discussion of the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space revitalisation and improving its quality in the context of multisensory dimension of public spaces. The unique manifestation of art and creativity in public space could be detected and stimulated using participatory architecture, for instance interactive installations, projects related...
MSRL and the Real-Life Processes of Capturing and Implementing the "Urban Innovation"
PublicationResult of the MSRL workshop, five research projects, reflect on a broader process of exchange of the ideas between the cities, that is occurring in the real life and became one of the driving factors of the urban development nowadays. The objective of the MSRL research - concepts, which help to advance the development of the cities, support the improvement of the quality of urban environment or meet the future challenges, can be...
Determining an Architectural Character for Durban Residential Streetscapes
PublicationIn the current global context and in consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals, there is a strong need for urban densification. However, this development is also driven by processes linked to the idea of capitalism and 'economic growth'. Such development often leads to the loss of the 'genius loci' of a place and sometimes even overlooks the fact that the quality of the built environment greatly influences the health and...
A Comprehensive Review on DC Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles: Standards, Power Conversion Technologies, Architectures, Energy Management, and Cybersecurity
PublicationThis paper aims to review the main research points regarding DC fast charging stations. At the beginning, the paper addresses an overview of DC fast charging standards, galvanic isolation, EV powertrain, and some examples of real DC fast chargers. This part highlights that DC fast chargers are usually connected to an AC network or microgrid, whereas DC microgrids would be a better choice to increase the charging efficiency and...
Detail, Facture, and Colour in the Architecture of Polish Single-Family Houses after 1989
PublicationThe article presents single-family houses architecture transformations since 1989, with particularly close attention paid to the significance of detail, facture, and colour. The article presents the architecture as an art of designing and building facilities with both use and aesthetic value, an art of shaping space and building forms. Architectural work should correspond to the intended function, technique, economic and aesthetic...
Specialist Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea
PublicationThe size and shape of the largest pavilion hospitals established in West Prussia in the 19th century changed along with the advancing technical and medical knowledge, the progress of ideas regarding modern society, architectural patterns, and the needs for which the hospitals were built. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social and technical facilities, all constituting parts of the complex. The...