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Search results for: visible light photocatalysis
Sustainable Synthesis of Cadmium Sulfide, with Applicability in Photocatalysis, Hydrogen Production, and as an Antibacterial Agent, Using Two Mechanochemical Protocols
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Night in a big city. Light festivals as a creative medium used at night and their impact on the authority, significance and prestige of a city
PublicationCities in times of global urbanization, are looking for completely new marketing methods, one such tool is the creative use of artificial light after dark, in the form of light festivals. This paper aims to introduce the historical development of the phenomenon and contemporary as well as contemporary illuminations / projects of illuminations of Fete des Lumieres festival in Lyon, Luminale in Frankfurt or on a smaller scale Lights...
Improving the Accuracy in Sentiment Classification in the Light of Modelling the Latent Semantic Relations
PublicationThe research presents the methodology of improving the accuracy in sentiment classification in the light of modelling the latent semantic relations (LSR). The objective of this methodology is to find ways of eliminating the limitations of the discriminant and probabilistic methods for LSR revealing and customizing the sentiment classification process (SCP) to the more accurate recognition of text tonality. This objective was achieved...
Green Light-Excitable Ce-Doped Nitridomagnesoaluminate Sr[Mg2Al2N4] Phosphor for White Light-Emitting Diodes
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Review on robust laser light interaction with titania – Patterning, crystallisation and ablation processes
PublicationTitanium dioxide is regarded as a very promising semiconducting material that is widely applied in many everyday-use products, devices, and processes. In general, those applications can be divided into energy or environmental categories, where a high conversion rate, and energy and power density are of particular interest. Therefore, many efforts are being put towards the elaboration of novel production routes, and improving the...
Modeling of light propagation in canine gingiva
PublicationThis study is a preliminary evaluation of the effectivenes of laser-based surgery of maxillary and mandibular bone in dogs. Current methods of gingivial surgery in dogs require the use of general anaesthesia.1, 2 The proposed methods of laser surgery can be performed on conscious dogs, which substantially reduces the associated risks. Two choices of lasers, Nd:YAG and a 930 nm semiconductor lasers were evaluated. The former is...
Agile Commerce in the light of Text Mining
PublicationThe survey conducted for this study reveals that more than 84% of respondents have never encountered the term “agile commerce” and do not understand its meaning. At the same time, they are active participants of this strategy. Using digital channels as customers more often than ever before, they have already been included in the agile philosophy. Based on the above, the purpose of the study is to analyse major text sets containing...
States of light via reducible quantization.
PublicationRelatywistyczne sformułowanie kwantowania pola opartego o redukowalne reprezentacje kanonicznych związków komutacyjnych. Konstrukcja stanów fokowskich i koherentnych. Analiza automatycznej regularyzacji rozbieżności w podczerwieni. Twierdzenie o granicy termodynamicznej.
Got a Light? Illuminating Lung Cancer
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Architektura i światło / Architecture and light
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy wpływu naturalnego oświetlenia na kreację współczesnej architektury. Światło słoneczne uwidaczniając architekturę, podkreśla jej walory estetyczno-przestrzenne oraz stanowi źródło energii. Od najdawniejszych czasów miało wpływ na powstające budowle. Postęp w nauce i technologii poszerzył możliwości i zakres wykorzystania światła. Wzrastające oczekiwania i wymagania wobec architektury sprawiają, że jego wpływ na...
The Physicochemical and Antibacterial Properties of Chitosan-Based Materials Modified with Phenolic Acids Irradiated by UVC Light
PublicationThis paper concerns the physicochemical properties of chitosan/phenolic acid thin films irradiated by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 200 and 290 nm (UVC) light. We investigated the preparation and characterization of thin films based on chitosan (CTS) with tannic (TA), caffeic (CA) and ferulic acid (FA) addition as potential food‐packaging materials. Such materials were then exposed to the UVC light (254 nm) for...
Design and Performance Evaluation of the Energy Subsystem of a Hybrid Light andWave Energy Harvester
PublicationThe paper presents the design and performance of an energy subsystem (ES) dedicated to hybrid energy harvesters (HEHs): wave energy converters (WECs) combined with photovoltaic panels (PVPs). The considered ES is intended for compact HEHs powering autonomous end-node devices in distributed IoT networks. The designed ES was tested experimentally and evaluated in relation to the mobile and wireless distributed communication use case....
Visible emission in Sm3+and Tb3+doped phosphate glass excited by UV radiation
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Exhaled breath gas sensing using pristine and functionalized WO3 nanowire sensors enhanced by UV-light irradiation
PublicationThe development of advanced metal-oxide-semiconductor sensing technologies for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) present in exhaled breath is of great importance for non-invasive, cheap and fast medical diagnostics. Our experimental studies investigate the effects of operating temperature selection and UV-light irradiation on improving the response of WO3 nanowire sensors towards exhaled breath exposure. Herein,...
Keikinzoku Yosetsu/Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction
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Miscanthus × giganteus light microscope observation - short and double rotation
Open Research DataThis dataset includes light microscope images of cross root, leaf, and rhizome sections from Miscanthus × giganteus. The experiment was performed under work package 2: Energy plantation - field trial, research task 1: Energy biomass cultivation in short and double rotation. The plants were planted in marginal soils that had been amended with biochar...
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Light pollution from illuminated bridges as a potential barrier for migrating fish–Linking measurements with a proposal for a conceptual model
PublicationIlluminated bridges have become important assets to navigable aquatic systems. However, if artificial light at night (ALAN) from illuminated bridges reaches aquatic habitats, such as rivers, it can threaten the river's natural heterogeneity and alter the behavioural responses of migratory fish. Here, via a pilot study, we quantified levels of ALAN at illuminated bridges that cross a river and, propose a conceptual model to estimate...
Formaldehyde detection with chemical gas sensors based on WO3 nanowires decorated with metal nanoparticles under dark conditions and UV light irradiation
PublicationWe report results of formaldehyde gas (CH2O) detection under dark conditions and UV light irradiation with pristine tungsten trioxide nanowires (WO3 NWs) and metal nanoparticles decorated WO3 NWs gas sensing layers. The resistive layers were deposited by one step aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD) on commercial alumina substrates with 10-pair interdigitated platinum electrodes. The elaborated gas sensors, based...
Novel Vision Monitoring Method Based on Multi Light Points for Space-Time Analysis of Overhead Contact Line Displacements
PublicationThe article presents an innovative vision monitoring method of overhead contact line (OCL) displacement, which utilizes a set of LED light points installed along it. A light point is an, LED fed from a battery. Displacements of the LED points, recorded by a camera, are interpreted as a change of OCL shape in time and space. The vision system comprises a camera, properly situated with respect to the OCL, which is capable of capturing...
UV light-activated gas mixture sensing by ink-printed WS2 layer
PublicationWe fabricated a sensing layer from ink-printed WS2 flakes and utilized it for UV-activated gas sensing. The optical imaging of the structure made by repeated printing revealed the continuous layer comprising sub-µm flakes, confirmed independently by small-area AFM images (1×1 µm2). The activity of the sensing surface was investigated locally via AFM scanning of the surface with a polarized probing tip. The results indicated that...
The effect of PEDOT morphology on hexavalent chromium reduction over 2D TiO2/PEDOT photocatalyst under UV–vis light
PublicationThe present study represents an approach to apply organic-inorganic hybrid materials for photocatalytic removal of heavy metals from the aqueous environment. The photocatalytic activity of the semiconductor modified with the conjugated polymer may depends on the conjugated polymer type, its amount and morphology. Therefore, in the present study the effect of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) morphology on adsorption and photoreduction...
An Impact Analysis of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on Bats. A Case Study of the Historic Monument and Natura 2000 Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdansk, Poland
PublicationThe artificial light at night (ALAN) present in many cities and towns has a negative impact on numerous organisms that live alongside humans, including bats. Therefore, we investigated if the artificial illumination of the historic Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk, Poland (part of the Natura 2000 network), during nighttime events, which included an outdoor electronic dance music (EDM) festival, might be responsible for increased...
White light thermoplasmonic activated gold nanorod arrays enable the photo-thermal disinfection of medical tools from bacterial contamination
PublicationThe outspread of bacterial pathogens causing severe infections and spreading rapidly, especially among hospitalized patients, is worrying and represents a global public health issue. Current disinfection techniques are becoming insufficient to counteract the spread of these pathogens because they carry multiple antibiotic-resistance genes. For this reason, a constant need exists for new technological solutions that rely on physical...
Iron-based catalysts under solar and visible radiation for contaminants of emerging concern removal
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UV-visible emision as a probe of core excitations applied to the furan carbon dioxide molecules
PublicationWykonano badania wzbudzenia wewnątrz powłokowego drobin furanu i dwutlenku węgla korzystając ze spektroskopii fluorescencyjnej w zakresie widzialnym i UV. Przeprowadzono pomiary emisji linii Hα i Hβ w pobliżu progu wzbudzenia O 1s i C 1s drobin furanu i dwutlenku węgla
Analysis of the relationship between the length of eye fixation and the parameters of advertisements visible from the road
PublicationIn Poland, many advertising signs addressed to motorists are located along the roadside. Advertisements do not serve any traffic related purpose and can distract drivers making them less reliable and as a consequence, reduce road safety. The existing regulations only apply to the carriageway. The research is conducted as part of the RID project. The objective of the RID project is to create a "Manual for positioning roadside advertising...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Container Terminal Day Light- MP1
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Container Terminal - day light photosLocation: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 1Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 15.10.2020Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
UAV Survey Images - orthophotomap - Gdynia Container Terminal Day Light- MP2
Open Research DataDataset description: Raw images from photogrammetric survey. Object: Parking place near by Gdynia Container Terminal - day light photosLocation: Gdynia, Pomerania, PolandDrone type: DJI Mavic Pro 2Flight plan: Single GridTarget Product: OrthophotoDate: 15.10.2020Direct georeferencing: yesMetadata data: yes/GPSGCP: Yes - Description and position includedGCP...
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Open Research DataGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Emission mechanisms in organic light-emitting diodes
PublicationGlównym przedmiotem opracowania jest powiązanie optycznych i elektrycznych charakterystyk organicznych diod elektroluminescencyjnych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na występowanie różnych rodzajów stanów wzbudzenia elektronowego prowadzących do wydajnego świecenia diod elektroluminescencyjnych.
Optical materials for organic light emitting diodes
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu materiałów stosowanych w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych.
Synthesized light source for optical coherence tomography
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ parametrów źródła promieniowania optycznego na właściwości systemu OCT. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na źródła syntezowane. Omówiono charakterystykę źródła zbudowanego z dwóch różnych diod SLD. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów, które wskazują na możliwości znacznego polepszenia czułości i rozdzielczości systemu OCT wykorzystującego takie źródło.
Dynamics of changes in Poland in the light of the Industry 4.0
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Thermodynamics of new piroxicam derivatives in terahertz light
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Photoconversion of carbon dioxide to methane and light hydrocarbons
PublicationFotokonwersja ditlenku węgla do lekkich węglowodorów jest czystym i przyjaznym dla środowiska procesem, pozwalającym na obniżenie emisji CO2 przy jednoczesnym generowaniu paliwa. Badanie efektywności procesu fotokonwersji CO2 prowadzono w obecności promieniowania UV-Vis, pary wodnej oraz fotokatalizatorów Ag-TiO2, Au-TiO2, Ag/Au-TiO2 otrzymanych w mikroemulsji woda/AOT/cykloheksan. Najwyższą aktywność w procesie fotoredukcji...
Displacements of chimney in the light of computer calculations and surveying
PublicationThe article presents the numerical analysis of reinforced concrete chimney displacements, which was carried out geodetic measurements.
Three Principles for Healthy Living with Light and Lighting
PublicationThe lockdown measures applied to cities and towns during the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic have had a widespread impact on people’s lives. Some have found themselves confined to their homes, with limited social contact and a reduced quality of life. Others have found that the lockdown improved their wellbeing, as more time was spent outside, instead of commuting and working in an office building, plus the benefits of spending increased...
PublicationSince the COVID-19 pandemic, protection against pathogenic germs and surface disinfection have become critical issues. Most effective bacteria/virus inactivation methods are either power-consuming or require using caustic chemical substances. Herein, thermal inactivation appears to be an affordable and effective technique as long as high temperatures are reached quickly and long-termly maintained. Therefore, the preparation of...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublicationConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
XPS-Ni foam as received, after photocatalysis and after oxidation at 500_C.
Open Research DataThis dataset contains XPS spectra recorded for nickel foam as received from supplier, after photocatalytic process and after oxidation at 500C. Each set contains: survery spectrum, O1, C1s, Ni2p. The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme XPS.txt" file
Effect of band gap on power conversion efficiency of single-junction semiconductor photovoltaic cells under white light phosphor-based LED illumination
PublicationOn the basis of the detailed balance principle, curves of efficiency limit of single-junction photovoltaic cells at warm and cool white light phosphor-based LED bulbs with luminous efficacy exceeding 100 lm/W have been simulated. The effect of energy band gap and illuminance on the efficiencies at warm and cool light is discussed. The simulations carried out show that maximum power conversion efficiency at 1000 lx reaches 52.0%...
Effects of UV light irradiation on fluctuation enhanced gas sensing by carbon nanotube networks
PublicationThe exceptionally large active surface-to-volume ratio of carbon nanotubes makes it an appealing candidate for gas sensing applications. Here, we studied the DC and low-frequency noise characteristics of a randomly oriented network of carbon nanotubes under NO2 gas atmosphere at two different wavelengths of the UV light-emitting diodes. The UV irradiation allowed to sense lower concentrations of NO2 (at least 1 ppm) compared to...
Endoscopic Videos Deinterlacing and On-Screen Text and Light Flashes Removal and Its Influence on Image Analysis Algorithms' Efficiency
PublicationIn this article, deinterlacing and removing on- screen text and light flashes methods on endoscopic video images are discussed. The research is intended to improve disease recognition algorithms' performance. In the article, four configurations of deinterlacing methods and another four configurations of text and flashes removal methods are described and examined. The efficiency of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is measured...
UV-Vis (Ultraviolet–visible Spectroscopy) data of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) samples coated with SiO2 (silicon dioxide) or/and TiO2 (titanium dioxide) using various methods
Open Research DataThese data contain UV-Vis (Ultraviolet–visible) spectra of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) of EPS (expanded polystyrene) samples coated with SiO2 (silicon dioxide) or/and TiO2 (titanium dioxide) using various methods. A detailed description of the method used to obtain the material is described in the article: Coating of expanded polystyrene spheres by TiO2...
Combined chemoresistive and in situ FTIR spectroscopy study of nanoporous NiO films for light-activated nitrogen dioxide and acetone gas sensing
PublicationThe chemoresistive sensor response of nanoporous NiO films prepared by advanced gas deposition was investigated by combined resistivity and in situ FTIR spectroscopy, with and without simultaneous light illumination, to detect NO2 and acetone gases. The sensitivity towards NO2 increased dramatically under UV irradiation employing 275 nm light. Improved sensitivity was observed at an elevated temperature of 150 °C. In situ FTIR...
Probing Local Structural Changes by Sharp Luminescent Infrared Nanophosphor for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes
PublicationCr3+-doped infrared phosphors are promising candidates for next-generation phosphor-converted infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) because they can, in principle, tune and convert the luminescence spectra from an LED chip. However, most studies focus on broad-band Cr3+-doped phosphors, and the control mechanism of Cr3+-doped phosphors with sharp line emissions remains ambiguous. Here, we report LiGa5(1–x)Al5xO8:Cr3+ phosphors...
Isotope shift study in two visible lines: 500.6 nm and 520.3 nm of Pb I
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Anomalous diffraction approach to the visible spectra of absorption by marine particles with power-law size distributions
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HfO2:Eu nanoparticles excited by X-rays and UV-visible radiation used in biological imaging