Field-induced suppression of charge density wave in GdNiC2
PublicationWe report the specific heat, magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of polycrystalline GdNiC 2 . In the intermediate temperature region above T N = 20 K, we observe large negative magnetoresistance due to Zeeman splitting of the electronic bands and partial destruction of a charge density wave ground state. Our magnetoresistance and Hall measurements show that at low temperatures a magnetic field-induced transformation from...
Mono- and bimetallic (Pt/Cu) titanium(IV) oxide core–shell photocatalysts with UV/Vis light activity and magnetic separability
PublicationTitanium(IV) oxide is one of the most widely investigated photocatalysts. However, separation of nano-sized particulate titania might result in profitless technologies for commercial applications. Additionally, bare titania is almost inactive under the Vis range of solar spectrum due to its wide bandgap. Therefore, the present study aims to prepare novel coreinterlayer- shell TiO2 magnetic photocatalysts modified with metal nanoparticles...
Hysteresis curves for some periodic and aperiodic perturbations in magnetosonic flow
PublicationA thermodynamic relation between perturbations of pressure and mass density in the magnetohydrodynamic flow is theoretically studied. Planar magnetohydrodynamic perturbations with the wave vector, which forms a constant angle with the equilibrium magnetic field, are under study. The theory considers thermal conduction of a plasma and the deviation from adiabaticity of a flow due to some kind of heating–cooling function. It also...
Computational analysis of an infinite magneto-thermoelastic solid periodically dispersed with varying heat flow based on non-local Moore–Gibson–Thompson approach
PublicationIn this investigation, a computational analysis is conducted to study a magneto-thermoelastic problem for an isotropic perfectly conducting half-space medium. The medium is subjected to a periodic heat flow in the presence of a continuous longitude magnetic field. Based on Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation, a new generalized model has been investigated to address the considered problem. The introduced model can be formulated by combining...
Elżbieta Marczak dr inż. arch.
PeopleElżbieta Marczak (Architect, Phd) – Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes (since 1997). Studies at the Faculty of Architecture GUT graduated in 1995. Degree of Doctor obtained in 2006 presenting dissertation The ship’s architecture against the background of the maritime transport development. Her research and publications focus on...
Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublicationThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
Optical Magnetometry Based on Nanodiamonds with Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers
PublicationNitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond are a very promising medium for many sensing applications such as magnetometry and thermometry. In this work, we study nanodiamonds deposited from a suspension onto glass substrates. Fluorescence and optically detected magnetic resonance spectra recorded with the dried-out nanodiamond ensembles are presented and a suitable scheme for tracking the magnetic-field value using a continuous...
Comparison between measured and calculated underwater pressure of merchant ship
PublicationFrom 2012 The Polish Naval Academy take part in an international research project SIRAMIS, carried out in the framework of the European Defence Agency. The objective of this project is to improve the understanding of ship signature interaction with multi influence sensors in relevant and realistic scenario's. This paper describes selected results of the comparison results of sea trials and model calculations of the hydrodynamic...
Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Strength of Corroded Ship Structures
PublicationThe present study reviews the recent advances in modelling and analyses the strength of corroded ship structures. Firstly, the time-variant methodologies that consider only the mean structural element thickness loss due to corrosion degradation are identified. Corrosion degradation is regarded as the phenomenon that causes uneven thinning of specimens. This has been captured by various researchers as the loss of mechanical properties...
Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: - A Review
PublicationThe paper contains an original comprehensive review of finite element analysis (FEA) applied by researchers to calibrate and improve existing and developing electromagnetic non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques, including but not limited to magnetic flux leakage (MFL), eddy current testing, electromagnetic-acoustic transducers (EMATs). Premium is put on the detection and modelling of magnetic field, as the vast majority...
Experimental study of magnetorheological fluids under large periodic deformations
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are smart materials whose properties can be controlled by a magnetic field. They are used in a variety of applications with tailored operating parameters, facilitating broad and relatively straightforward implementation and control of the functional properties of these systems. The aim of the study was to determine the variation in shear stress of MR fluids under varying...
About Unusual Diffraction and Thermal Self-Action of Magnetosonic Beam
PublicationThe dynamics of slightly diverging two-dimensional beams whose direction forms a constant angle θ with the equilibrium straight magnetic strength is considered. The approximate dispersion relations and corresponding links which specify hydrodynamic perturbations in confined beams are derived. The study is dedicated to the diffraction of a magnetosonic beam and nonlinear thermal self-action of a beam in a thermoconducting gaseous plasma....
The description of non-linear interactions of wave and non-wave modes in a non-adiabatic plasma flow
PublicationThe method of derivation of non-linear equations for interacting modes is explained and applied to a plasma's flow affected by a magnetic field. It is based on the linear projecting of the total perturbation field into specific variations of variables in individual modes of a flow. The method may be applied in many examples of fluid flows with different mechanisms of non-adiabaticity. It is of special importance in complex flows...
Fractional Order Circuit Elements Derived from Electromagnetism
PublicationIn this paper, derivations of fractional-order (FO) circuit-element equations from electromagnetism are presented. Whilst many papers are devoted to FO modelling of electrical circuits, there are no strong foundations for such an approach. Therefore, we investigate relations between the FO electromagnetism and the FO circuit theory. Our derivations start from quasi-static (QS) approximations of Maxwell's equations in media with...
Unusual dynamics and nonlinear thermal self-focusing of initially focused magnetoacoustic beams in a plasma
PublicationUnusual thermal self-focusing of two-dimensional beams in plasma which axis is parallel to the equilibrium straight magnetic field is considered. The equi- librium parameters of plasma determine scenario of a beam divergence (usual or unusual) which is stronger as compared with a flow without magnetic field. Nonlinear thermal self-action of a magnetosonic beam behaves differently in the ordinary and unusual cases. Damping of wave...
On dynamic modeling of piezomagnetic/flexomagnetic microstructures based on Lord–Shulman thermoelastic model
PublicationWe study a time-dependent thermoelastic coupling within free vibrations of piezomagnetic (PM) microbeams considering the flexomagnetic (FM) phenomenon. The flexomagneticity relates to a magnetic field with a gradient of strains. Here, we use the generalized thermoelasticity theory of Lord–Shulman to analyze the interaction between elastic deformation and thermal conductivity. The uniform magnetic field is permeated in line with...
Activation Energy and Inclination Magnetic Dipole Influences on Carreau Nanofluid Flowing via Cylindrical Channel with an Infinite Shearing Rate
PublicationThe infinite shear viscosity model of Carreau fluid characterizes the attitude of fluid flow at a very high/very low shear rate. This model has the capacity for interpretation of fluid at both extreme levels, and an inclined magnetic dipole in fluid mechanics has its valuable applications such as magnetic drug engineering, cold treatments to destroy tumors, drug targeting, bio preservation, cryosurgery, astrophysics, reaction kinetics,...
Magnetic photocatalysts for water treatment
PublicationThe concept of magnetic photocatalysts with separation function requires ferromagnetic material with high magnetic susceptibility to an external magnetic field to enable recycling of composite nanoparticles. Currently, much attention is devoted to functionalization of photocatalyst using MFe2O3, where M =Fe, Zn, Co, Mn. However direct contact between photocatalyst and magnetic iron oxide particles leads to photodissolution of iron...
Study of Integer Spin S = 1 in the Polar Magnet β-Ni(IO3)2
PublicationPolar magnetic materials exhibiting appreciable asymmetric exchange interactions can potentially host new topological states of matter such as vortex-like spin textures; however, realizations have been mostly limited to half-integer spins due to rare numbers of integer spin systems with broken spatial inversion lattice symmetries. Here, we studied the structure and magnetic properties of the S = 1 integer spin polar magnet β-Ni(IO3)2...
Mobilny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych z magnetometrami pompowanymi optycznie
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono mobilny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych. Każdy obiekt ferromagnetyczny zaburza w swoim otoczeniu równomierność pola magnetycznego Ziemi. Zaburzenie to może być zmierzone za pomocą precyzyjnych magnetometrów. W prezentowanym mobilnym systemie zastosowano magnetometry pompowane optycznie pracujące w układzie różnicowym. W pracy opisano magnetometryczny system do detekcji obiektów ferromagnetycznych,...
Application of magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic solid-phase extraction in preparing biological, environmental and food samples
PublicationThe need to obtain meaningful results as the basis for determining the content of trace amounts of analytes has become the driving force behind the development of modern analytical techniques, including sample-preparation techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE). Recently, great interest was aroused in the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in SPE. These materials exhibit high selectivity, and, in small amounts, can provide...
Impact analysis of surface roughness of the plate-plate measuring system on resistance torque in interaction with MR fluid
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are complex suspensions of magnetic particles in a non-magnetic carrier fluid. They exhibit ‘smart’ properties that enable them to change their rheological parameters in response to a change in the external magnetic field applied. This behavior is used in some engineering solutions, e.g. MR clutches or brakes. For such systems to work correctly, the resistance torque achieved by contact with the...
Quantum-state transfer in spin chains via isolated resonance of terminal spins
PublicationWe propose a quantum-state transfer protocol in a spin chain that requires only the control of the spins at the ends of the quantum wire. The protocol is to a large extent insensitive to inhomogeneity caused by local magnetic fields and perturbation of exchange couplings. Moreover, apart from the free evolution regime, it allows one to induce an adiabatic spin transfer, which provides the possibility of performing the transfer...
Eu2Mg3Bi4: Competing Magnetic Orders on a Buckled Honeycomb Lattice
PublicationThe honeycomb lattice and its derived variants provide information on modeling and designing quantum magnets. A novel magnetic material, Eu2Mg3Bi4, which stabilizes in a previously unknown buckled honeycomb lattice, was discovered by high-pressure and high-temperature methods. We report here on the synthesis exploration of pure single crystals, structural determination of the buckled honeycomb lattice of europium moments, and experimental observation...
Structural and physical characterization of NpPt2In7
PublicationA new neptunium intermetallic compound, NpPt2In7, has been synthesized in polycrystalline form and characterized by several macroscopic techniques. A Rietveld analysis of its powder x-ray diffraction pattern shows that NpPt2In7 crystallizes in a tetragonal lattice with I4/mmm symmetry and lattice parameters a = 4.58471(3) Å, c = 21.5065(3) Å. Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, Hall effect, and heat capacity measurements indicate...
The flux compression generator load parameters selection
PublicationComputer simulation results of the flux compression generator (FCG) loaded with an inductor has been presented in this paper. Simulation research has been performed in order to select the parameters of FCG load coil properly. The influence of the load inductance and resistance on the current gain factor and the magnetic field energy accumulated in a load coil has been investigated.
Enhancement of the Magnetic Coupling in Exfoliated CrCl 3 Crystals Observed by Low‐Temperature Magnetic Force Microscopy and X‐ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
PublicationMagnetic crystals formed by 2D layers interacting by weak van der Waals forces are currently a hot research topic. When these crystals are thinned to nanometric size, they can manifest strikingly different magnetic behavior compared to the bulk form. This can be the result of, for example, quantum electronic confinement effects, the presence of defects, or pinning of the crystallographic structure in metastable phases induced by...
In Search of Naval Beauty. Historical Study of Ship Architecture
PublicationDesigning ships is no mean achievement. In the old days, constructors focused on making their ships visually appealing, while paying scant regard to the living conditions of the crew. Such an approach reflected the state of the art in ship building at the time as well as the social order prevalent in those days. A breakthrough came no earlier than at the turn of the 19th / 20th centuries. The industrial revolution brought along...
Separation of the effects of notch and macro residual stress on the MFL signal characteristics
PublicationMagnetic flux leakage (MFL) distribution for three configurations of samples has been investigated in order to study the influence of notch and plastic deformation separately as well as together. Samples have been made of S355 steel. The MFL signal measurements were carried out along the longest dimension of the sample over a length of 120 mm. Two components of magnetic field were measured: 1) tangential to the main axis and 2)...
Magnetically recyclable TiO2/MXene/MnFe2O4 photocatalyst for enhanced peroxymonosulphate-assisted photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine and ibuprofen under simulated solar light
PublicationIn this study, a novel TiO2/Ti3C2/MnFe2O4 magnetic photocatalyst with dual properties, enabling (i) improved photocatalytic degradation with PMS activation under simulated solar light and (ii) magnetic separation after the degradation process in an external magnetic field was developed and applied for the efficient photodegradation pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) frequently present in wastewater and surface waters worldwide. MXene...
An updated method identifying collision-prone locations for ships. A case study for oil tankers navigating in the Gulf of Finland
PublicationTo ensure the risk level associated with continuously increasing maritime traffic through particularly sensitive sea areas remains at acceptable level, a periodic risk assessment needs to be carried out by the relevant authorities. As a part of such assessment, allowing for proactive countermeasures to mitigate risk, the frequency of accidents is estimated along with the assessment of geographical locations where the accidents...
Development of novel optoelectronic sensory structures utilising colour centres in nanodiamonds and their interactions with analytes
PublicationThe goal of this dissertation was to develop and assess surface modifications of fluorescent nanodiamonds (NDs) for optical sensing. Three modification routes were tested, each aimed at a different application. Modification with poly-L-lysine (pLys) was verified for optical sensing of pH via an interrelationship between electrically negative (NV¯) and neutral (NV0) nitrogen-vacancy centres. Immobilisation of Ochratoxin A (OTA),...
Magnetosonic Excitation of the Entropy Perturbations in a Plasma with Thermal Conduction Depending on Temperature
PublicationNonlinear excitation of the entropy perturbations by magnetosonic waves in a uniform and infinite plasma model is considered. The wave vector of slow or fast mode forms an arbitrary angle (0 B B ) with the equilibrium straight magnetic field, and all perturbations are functions of the time and longitudinal coordinate. Thermal conduction is the only factor which destroys isentropicity of wave perturbations and causes the nonlinear...
Probing the Magnetic Anisotropy of Co(II) Complexes Featuring Redox-Active Ligands
PublicationCoordination complexes that possess large magnetic anisotropy (otherwise known as zero-field splitting, ZFS) have possible applications in the field of magnetic materials, including single molecule magnets (SMMs). Previous studies have explored the role of coordination number and geometry in controlling the magnetic anisotropy and SMM behavior of high-spin (S = 3/2) Co(II) complexes. Building upon these efforts, the present work...
Closed-form expression for the magnetic shielding constant of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac–Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe present analytical derivation of the closed-form expression for the dipole magnetic shielding constant of a Dirac one-electron atom being in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. The external magnetic field, by which the atomic state is perturbed, is assumed to be weak, uniform, and time independent. With respect to the atomic nucleus we assume that it is pointlike, spinless, motionless, and of charge Ze. Calculations are...
Time reversal invariant single-gap superconductivity with upper critical field larger than the Pauli limit in NbIr2B2
PublicationRecently, compounds with noncentrosymmetric crystal structure have attracted much attention for providing a rich playground in search for unconventional superconductivity. NbIr2B2 is a new member to this class of materials harboring superconductivity below Tc = 7.3(2) K and a very high upper critical field that exceeds Pauli limit. Here we report on muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments probing the temperature and field dependence...
Effect of power frequency on the stress state of disc actuator
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of determining the optimum frequency of coil supply in inductive-dynamic drive. As a criterion to obtain the sought frequency, the smallest value of reduced stress in the disc was assumed while maintaining the desired dynamics. The disc stress is determined on the basis of solution of vibrating thin plate equation. Magnetic pressure acting on the disc is obtained from a hybrid circumferentially-field...
Larmor diamagnetism and Van Vleck paramagnetism in relativistic quantumtheory: the Gordon decomposition approach
PublicationWe consider a charged Dirac particle bound in a scalar potential perturbed by a classical magnetic field derivable from a vector potential A(r). Using a procedure based on the Gordon decomposition of a field-induced current, we identify diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the second-order perturbationtheory correction to the particle's energy. In contradiction to earlier findings, based on the sum-over-states approach,...
Dielectric Spectroscopy Studies and Modelling of Piezoelectric Properties of Multiferroic Ceramics
PublicationCompounds and solid solutions of bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3)—barium titanate (BaTiO3) system are of great scientific and engineering interest as multiferroic and potential high-temperature lead-free piezoelectric materials. In the present paper, the results of research on the synthesis and characterisation of 0.67Bi1.02FeO3–0.33BaTiO3 (67BFBT) ceramics in terms of crystal structure and dielectric and piezoelectric properties are reported....
On a flexomagnetic behavior of composite structures
PublicationThe popularity of the studies is getting further on the flexomagnetic (FM) response of nano-electro-magneto machines. In spite of this, there are a few incompatibilities with the available FM model. This study indicates that the accessible FM model is inappropriate when considering the converse magnetization effect that demonstrates the necessity and importance of deriving a new FM relation. Additionally, the literature has neglected...
Ti4Ir2O : A time reversal invariant fully gapped unconventional superconductor
PublicationHere we report muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments on the temperature and field dependence of the effective magnetic penetration depth λ(T ) in the η-carbide-type suboxide Ti4Ir2O, a superconductor with a considerably high upper critical field. The temperature dependence of λ(T ), obtained from transverse-field (TF)-μSR measurements, is in perfect agreement with an isotropic fully gaped superconducting state. Furthermore, our...
Magnetic deep eutectic solvents – Fundamentals and applications
PublicationMagnetic deep eutectic solvents (MDES), a relatively new subclass of conventional deep eutectic solvents (DES) containing additional paramagnetic components in their structure. MDES exhibit a strong response toward external magnetic fields, thus they can improve many industrial and analytical applications. In addition, this new group of solvents present unique physicochemical properties that can be easily tuned by selecting the...
Characterization of glucoamylase immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationMagnetic support was prepared by precipitation from an alkaline solution of divalent and trivalent iron ions and subsequently was modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. FTIR analysis showed existence of a new Si-O-Fe bond in obtained particles. Scanning electronic microscopy images shows that the nanoparticles of all samples have particle size below 30 nm. Glucoamylase AMG 300L was immobilized onto the modified magnetic support...
PublicationIn this study, vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) has been carried out by using a refined beam theory, namely one variable shear deformation beam theory. This approach has one variable lesser than a contractual shear deformation theory such as first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and acts like classical beam approach but with considering shear deformations. The SWCNT has been placed in an axial or...
The Development of a Combined Method to Quickly Assess Ship Speed and Fuel Consumption at Different Powertrain Load and Sea Conditions
PublicationDecision support systems (DSS) recently have been increasingly in use during ships operation. They require realistic input data regarding different aspects of navigation. To address the optimal weather routing of a ship, which is one of the most promising field of DSS application, it is necessary to accurately predict an actually attainable speed of a ship and corresponding fuel consumption at given loading conditions and predicted...
Magnetic nanocomposites for biomedical applications
PublicationTissue engineering and regenerative medicine have solved numerous problems related to the repair and regeneration of damaged organs and tissues arising from aging, illnesses, and injuries. Nanotechnology has further aided tissue regeneration science and has provided outstanding opportunities to help disease diagnosis as well as treat damaged tissues. Based on the most recent findings, magnetic nanostructures (MNSs), in particular,...
A Generative Approach to Hull Design for a Small Watercraft
PublicationIn the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of...
Maximum transportation growth in energy and solute particles in Prandtl martial across a vertical 3D-heated surface: Simulations achieved using by finite element approach
PublicationThe goal of this study is to determine the maximum energy and solute particles' transportation growth in a 3D-heated region of Prandtl martial through a dynamic magnetic field. The effects of this field on the properties of solvent molecules and heat conduction are studied. A correctly stated functional method and a finite element approach are comparable to a certain type of differential equations. In order demonstrate the effects...
Assessment of dynamic characteristics of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core
PublicationBased on the equivalent single-layer linear theory for laminated shells, free and forced vibrations of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core are studied. Five variants of available magnetorheological elastomers differing in their composition and physical properties are considered for smart viscoelastic core. Coupled differential equations in terms of displacements based on the generalized kinematic hypotheses...
Erroneous Vehicle Velocity Estimation Correction Using Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors
PublicationMagnetic field sensors installed in the road infrastructure can be used for autonomous traffic flow parametrization. Although the main goal of such a measuring system is the recognition of the class of vehicle and classification, velocity is the essential parameter for further calculation and it must be estimated with high reliability. In-field test campaigns, during actual traffic conditions, showed that commonly accepted velocity...