Search results for: MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION-MAKING - Bridge of Knowledge






    The article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...

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  • Błażej Prusak dr hab.

    Błażej Prusak is Head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME), as well as a member of editorial boards of such journals as Intellectual Economics; Space. Economics. Society; Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including:...

  • Emilia Miszewska dr inż.

    Emilia Miszewska was born in 1986 in Gdańsk. She graduated from Primary School No. 17 in Gdańsk with sports classes specializing in swimming and Janusz Kusociński Sports Secondary School No. 11 in Gdańsk. In 2005, she started uniform master's studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in 2011, defending her diploma thesis entitled "Analysis and development of fire protection guidelines and...

  • W-dominance: Tradeoff-inspired dominance relation for preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    The paper presents a method of incorporating decision maker preferences into multi-objective meta-heuristics. It is based on tradeoffcoefficients and extends their applicability from bi-objective to multi-objective. The method assumes that a decision maker specifies a priori each objective’s importance as a weight interval. Based on this, w-dominance relation is introduced, which extends Pareto dominance. By replacing reference...

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  • Roman Śmierzchalski prof. dr hab. inż.

    Roman Śmierzchalski born in 1956 in Gdynia. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1979, the Ph.D. degree in 1989, both from the Gdańsk University of Technology, and the D.Sc. (‘habilitation’) degree in 1999 from the Warsaw University of Technology. From 1980 to 2009 he was an academic teacher and researcher with the Gdynia Maritime University, and since 2009 he has been with the Gdansk University of Technology, where he is currently...

  • History-based dynamic weight voting for multi-agent systems

    Taking decision in multi-agent systems may involve voting. Two basic voting protocols are surveyed in the paper. Then, a new history-based dynamic weight voting is proposed. This voting protocol allows for identification of the agents which contribute to the correct system decision. The proposed solution is contrasted with majority voting and with weighted average voting, to show its advantages

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  • Selected Features of Dynamic Voting


    - Year 2013

    In multi-agent systems composed of autonomous agents with local knowledge, it is often desirable to aggregate their knowledge in order to make an educated decision. One of the methods of agreeing to a common decision is voting. A new history-based dynamic weight protocol allows for identification of the agents which contribute to the correct system decision. The main advantage of this approach, compared to static weighted system...

  • Conception of interactive information and decision support system - model and evaluation


    This article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet.

  • Jerzy Konorski dr hab. inż.

    Jerzy Konorski received his M. Sc. degree in telecommunications from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, and his Ph. D. degree in computer science from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. In 2007, he defended his D. Sc. thesis at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. He has authored over 150 papers, led scientific projects funded by the European Union,...

  • Solving highly-dimensional multi-objective optimization problems by means of genetic gender


    Paper presents a computational optimization study using a genetic gender approach for solving multi-objective optimization problems of detection observers. In this methodology the information about an individual gender of all the considered solutions is applied for the purpose of making distinction between different groups of objectives. This information is drawn out of the fitness of individuals and applied during a current parental...

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  • Solving highly-dimensional multi-objective optimization problems by means of genetic gender


    Paper presents a computational optimization study using a genetic gender approach for solving multi-objective optimization problems of detection observers. In this methodology the information about an individual gender of all the considered solutions is applied for the purpose of making distinction between different groups of objectives. This information is drawn out of the fitness of individuals and applied during a current parental...

  • Multi-Objective Water Distribution Systems Control of Pumping Cost, Water Quality, and Storage-Reliability Constraints


    This work describes a multi-objective model for trading-off pumping cost and water quality for water distribution systems operation. Constraints are imposed on flows and pressures, on periodical tanks operation, and on tanks storage. The methodology links the multi-objective SPEA2 algorithm with EPANET, and is applied on two example applications of increasing complexity, under extended period simulation conditions and variable...

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  • Znaczenie i dynamika efektuacji w działaniach zespołów projektowych IT

    Cel: Celem opracowania jest sprawdzenie, na ile wdrażanie zasad efektuacji jest korzystne dla efektywności zespołów projektowych pracujących nad innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami i czy wpływa na ich satysfakcję. Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowano w studenckich zespołach projektowych z branży IT, opracowujących rozwiązania na zlecenie interesariuszy zewnętrznych. Do pomiaru zmiennych wykorzystano autorskie kwestionariusze....

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  • Multi-objective weather routing of sailing vessels

    The paper presents a multi-objective deterministic method of weather routing for sailing vessels. Depending on a particular purpose of sailboat weather routing, the presented method makes it possible to customize the criteria and constraints so as to fit a particular user’s needs. Apart from a typical shortest time criterion, safety and comfort can also be taken into account. Additionally, the method supports dynamic weather data:...

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  • Machine Learning in Multi-Agent Systems using Associative Arrays


    - PARALLEL COMPUTING - Year 2018

    In this paper, a new machine learning algorithm for multi-agent systems is introduced. The algorithm is based on associative arrays, thus it becomes less complex and more efficient substitute of artificial neural networks and Bayesian networks, which is confirmed by performance measurements. Implementation of machine learning algorithm in multi-agent system for aided design of selected control systems allowed to improve the performance...

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  • Applying Fuzzy Logic of Expert Knowledge for Accurate Predictive Algorithms of Customer Traffic Flows in Theme Parks

    This study analyzes two forecasting models based on the application of fuzzy logic and evaluates their effectiveness in predicting visitor expenditure and length of stay at a popular theme park. The forecasting models are based on a set of more than 600 decision rules constructed in the form of a complex series of IF-THEN statements. These algorithms store expert knowledge. A descriptive instrument that records the individual visitor's...

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  • Rapid multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized impedance transformer by Pareto front exploration


    Fast multi-objective optimization of compact impedance transformer is discussed. A set of alternative designs representing possible trade-offs between conflicting design criteria, i.e., electrical performance (here, wideband matching) and the structure size, is obtained through Pareto front exploration by means of surrogate-assisted methods.

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  • Michal Piechowicz dr


    Adjunct at the Department of European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies. Doctoral thesis defended in 2011. Author of publications in the field of European integration and security. Research interests focus on issues related to the decision-making processes and EU defense and security policy issues. I'm visiting the CEEs constantly. My ongoing and future-oriented goal is establishing research and trust-based...

  • Expedited Simulation-Driven Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Quasi-Isotropic Dielectric Resonator Antenna


    - Year 2016

    Majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. Although many of design tasks can be turned into single-objective problems using sufficient formulations, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives may be necessary. This calls for multi-objective optimization that aims at identifying a set of alternative, Pareto-optimal...

  • Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Public Water Transportation Systems by Parametric Design and Optimization of Vessels’ Hulls. Study of the Gdańsk’s Electric Passenger Ferry (2015-2016).


    - Year 2016

    The paper presents the potential and risks of utilizing Rhinoceros and Grasshopper software for parametric design and multi-varietal optimization of the hull of a small sustainable ferry. The sustainability criteria, parametric design flowchart and optimizing methods are described. As the result, the advantages and disadvantages of this approach obtained in the research-by-design process conducted by an intercollegiate team at...

  • Działania intuicyjne w praktyce przedsiębiorczej

    Intuicję definiuje się jako szybkie, nieświadome i holistyczne przeczucie, które jest dynamicznym procesem poznawczym opartym na doświadczeniu i wiedzy przedsiębiorcy. Intuicja pozwala rozpoznawać okazje biznesowe i uzupełnia racjonalne podejmowanie decyzji biznesowych. Korzystanie z intuicji jest wskazane szczególnie ze względu na permanentnie zmieniające się otoczenie prowadzenia firmy oraz duży poziom niepewności, towarzyszący...

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  • Modernizacja układów geometrycznych toru z wykorzystaniem metody oceny wielokryterialnej


    W pracy przedstawiono główne założenia opracowanej metody wielokryterialnej oceny stosowanej przy przebudowie układów geometrycznych toru. Określono kryteria wpływające na inwestycje modernizacyjne. Zdefiniowano zastosowaną w analizie funkcję celu. Przedstawiono przykład zastosowania algorytmu optymalizacyjnego z wykorzystaniem programu komputerowego

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  • An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design


    - Year 2016

    Design process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...

  • The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing



    New and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...

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  • Model of management of knowledge bases in the information technology evaluation environment


    - Year 2008

    The paper presents the model of management of knowledge bases in multi-agent system for evaluation of information technologies (IT_MAS). Such system is being developed in Gdansk Uni-versity of Technology by Information Technology Management Team. Multi-agent system is supposed to support manager level specialists during decision processes when there is identified need to buy or change any information technology. The main goal of...

  • Wielokryterialna analiza porównawcza lokalizacji źródeł wytwórczych energii elektrycznej

    Artykuł przedstawia ranking lokalizacji czterech źródeł wytwórczych energii elektrycznej: biogazowni rolniczej, biogazowni utylizacyjnej oraz dwóch elektrowni fotowoltaicznych, wykonany przy użyciu połączonych metod Analitycznego Procesu Hierarchicznego (AHP) oraz taksonomii numerycznej. Omówiono zalety połączenia metod, przedstawiono przykład zastosowania oraz wskazano kryteria o największym i najmniejszym wpływie na realizację...

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  • Task Assignments in Logistics by Adaptive Multi-Criterion Evolutionary Algorithm with Elitist Selection

    An evolutionary algorithm with elitist selection has been developed for finding Pareto-optimal task assignments in logistics. A multi-criterion optimization problem has been formulated for finding a set of Pareto- optimal solutions. Three criteria have been applied for evaluation of task assignment: the workload of a bottleneck machine, the cost of machines, and the numerical performance of system. The machine constraints have...

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  • Model otwartej architektury rozproszonych dokumentów elektronicznych wspierającej proces podejmowania decyzji w trybie obliczeń zespołowych


    - Year 2013

    Model otwartej architektury mobilnych dokumentów interaktywnych MIND, został opracowany w celu efektywnego zarządzania informacją w procesach podejmowanych przez organizacje oparte na wiedzy. Architektura ta stanowi całościowy opis struktury i funkcjonalności dokumentu, zaprojektowanego w celu realizacji rozproszonego przetwarzania zespołowego i pracy grupowej. Umożliwia automatyczne przejście od statycznej postaci dokumentów...

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    Problematyka planowania rozwoju systemów elektroenergetycznych jest zagadnieniem często podejmowanym w badaniach optymalizacyjnych ze względu na wagę i zasięg problemu. Rozwój techniki komputerowej pozwolił na połączenie tematyki optymalizacji struktury wytwarzania i planowania sieci elektroenergetycznej, co jest zagadnieniem wielowątkowym oraz wielowymiarowym. W prezentowanym artykule przedstawiono kryteria stosowane w analizach...

  • Management Psychology 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Ziemiański

    During the Management Psychology course, the focus is placed on how psychological science, research, and knowledge can support management. The course topics include elements pertaining to individual differences, decision-making, leadership, group work, stress management, and more. Course participants have to take a mid-term test and submit the final project at the end of the semester. During our first meeting, you have learned...

  • Environmental impact of construction. Methods of conscious shaping architecture in terms of ecological solutions


    Shaping an ecologically conscious society is a process that also affects architecture. Currently, designers are eagerly looking for solutions that are beneficial in terms of carbon footprint. For the proper multi-criteria assessment and selection of adequate solutions, it is necessary to use appropriate tools such as, for example, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method or the rules of ecological certification (BREEAM and LEED)....

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  • Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Examples of Modeling Economic Relationships between Agents



    The goal of the research was to observe and analyze self-organization patterns in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by modeling basic economic relationships between agents forming a closed loop of relations necessary for their survival. The paper describes a worked-out MAS including an example of a production cycle and used economic rules. A special focus is put on behavior rules and decision systems of an individual agent such as: product...

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  • Multi-objective Tabu-based Differential Evolution for Teleportation of Smart Virtual Machines in Private Computing Clouds


    - Year 2021

    We propose a multi-objective approach for using differential evolution algorithm with tabu search algorithm as an additional mutation for live migration (teleportation) of virtual machines. This issue is crucial in private computing clouds. Teleportation of virtual machines is supposed to be planned to determine Pareto-optimal solutions for several criteria such as workload of the bottleneck host, communication capacity of the...

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  • A Generative Approach to Hull Design for a Small Watercraft


    In the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of...

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  • Thresholding Strategies for Large Scale Multi-Label Text Classifier


    This article presents an overview of thresholding methods for labeling objects given a list of candidate classes’ scores. These methods are essential to multi-label classification tasks, especially when there are a lot of classes which are organized in a hierarchy. Presented techniques are evaluated using the state-of-the-art dedicated classifier on medium scale text corpora extracted from Wikipedia. Obtained results show that the...

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  • Evaluation of Batch Production Processes Based on Seven Criterions


    To answer growing demand on products adapted to clients’ individual needs, it is required to develop new ways of measurement and rating for batch production processes. The researchers developed method which allows synthetic and complex evaluation, as well as improvement of these processes. Case study with participating observation, non-participating observation, interviews, and the analysis of historical data was conducted in order...

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  • Certyfikacja wielokryterialna jako narzędzie kształtowania wysokiej jakości przestrzeni miejskiej

    Celem tego artykułu jest omówienie systemów certyfikacji wielokryterialnej - zarówno narzędzi służących ocenie pojedynczych budynków, jak i zespołów zabudowy. Przeanalizowano rolę systemów certyfikacji oraz innowacyjnych technologii jako sposobu redukcji zużycia energii i osiągania wysokiej jakości energetycznej środowiska zbudowanego.

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  • Multi-domain and Context-Aware Recommendations Using Contextual Ontological User Profile


    - Year 2022

    Recommender Systems (RS) became popular tools in many Web services like Netflix, Amazon, or YouTube, because they help a~user to avoid an information overload problem. One of the types of RS are Context-Aware RS (CARS) which exploit contextual information to provide more adequate recommendations. Cross-Domain RS (CDRS) were created as a response to the data sparsity problem which occurs when only few users can provide reviews or...

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  • Ocena efektywności monitoringu obiektów inżynierskich za pomocą sieci Bayesa

    W swojej pracy autorzy zaproponowali zastosowanie sieci Bayesa do projektowania monitoringu i podejmowania decyzji w działaniach eksploatacyjnych. Ponadto pokazano dwie metody oceny wartości informacji diagnostycznych. Pierwszą z nich jest wartość oczekiwana EVSI (ang. Expected Value of Sample Information), która stanowi podstawę do wyboru spośród alternatywnych obserwacji symptomów zmiennej diagnostycznej. Natomiast drugą metodą...

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  • Selection of derivatisation agents for chlorophenols determination with multicriteria decision analysis


    The paper shows very systematic method of selection of derivatisation agents for a given group of analytes. In this study 8 derivatisation agents are assessed for their capability to derivatise 8 chlorophenols. Multicriteria decision analysis is used to combine many objectives of derivatisation agents selection into single, easy to be interpreted numerical value. Three basic analyses were performed to obtain rankings with the aims...

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  • Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage - part II


    In the paper a few problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small ship at the concept design stage are introduced. One problem concerns the modification of the immersed ship hull using the rapid change of the ship loading condition. The second is associated with the modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented in this paper. The...

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    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Year 2019

    New measurement technologies, e.g. Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR), generate very large datasets. In many cases, it is reasonable to reduce the number of measuring points, but in such a way that the datasets after reduction satisfy specific optimization criteria. For this purpose the Optimum Dataset (OptD) method proposed in [1] and [2] can be applied. The OptD method with the use of several optimization criteria is called...

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  • Reliable Multi-Stage Optimization of Antennas for Multiple Performance Figures in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces

    Design of modern antenna structures needs to account for multiple performance figures and geometrical constraints. Fulfillment of these calls for the development of complex topologies described by a large number of parameters. EM-driven tuning of such designs is mandatory yet immensely challenging. In this letter, a new framework for multi-stage design optimization of multi-dimensional antennas with respect to several performance...

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  • Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio files – comparison of three noise pulse detection schemes


    The problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances (such as clicks, pops, ticks, crackles, and record scratches) from archive audio recordings is considered and solved using autoregressive modeling. Three classical noise pulse detection schemes are examined and compared: the approach based on open-loop multi-step-ahead signal prediction, the approach based on decision-feedback signal prediction, and the double threshold approach,...

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    - Year 2017

    Rozprawa doktorska dotyczy zagadnienia projektowania układów geometrycznych toru kolejowego w procesie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Scharakteryzowano główne cechy dotyczące tej tematyki w oparciu o literaturę polską i zagraniczną, w tym przepisy branżowe. Przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na projektowanie modernizacji linii kolejowych. Określono wartości dopuszczalne parametrów kinematycznych i geometrycznych. Specyfika omawianego...

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  • Vocalic Segments Classification Assisted by Mouth Motion Capture

    Visual features convey important information for automatic speech recognition (ASR), especially in noisy environment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate to what extent visual data (i.e. lip reading) can enhance recognition accuracy in the multi-modal approach. For that purpose motion capture markers were placed on speakers' faces to obtain lips tracking data during speaking. Different parameterizations strategies were tested...

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  • Właściwości złączy różnoimiennych stopu niklu Incoloy 800H ze stalą odporną na korozję 316L

    W artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z wykonywaniem połączeń różnoimiennych typu Incoloy 800HT – austenityczna stal odporna na korozję 316L. Wykonano badania nieniszczące oraz niszczące, których wyniki pozwoliły na weryfikacje jakości wykonanych złączy próbnych. Nie stwierdzono występowania niezgodności spawalniczych oraz uzyskano wysokie właściwości wytrzymałościowe złączy. Badania metalograficzne ujawniły poprawne struktury...

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  • Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage.


    In this paper the basic research problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage are introduced. Amongst the major stealth features considered are: the modification of the immersed ship hull form by a rapid change of the ship loading condition, and modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented...

  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Year 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Joanna Bach-Głowińska dr inż. arch.

    I am an architect by education (M.Sc. Arch 1994) and practice (1994-2011), a Town Planner by practice (1999-2017, Ministerial Entitlements 1655/2002), and a Researcher (Ph.D.2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow School of Art 2013 - 2015, also teaching on Gdansk University of Technology since 2014). I have been the Principal Investigator of Era Net Urban Transformation Capacities EmbedterLabs: Better Embedded Labs for More...