Search results for: MASONRY INFILL PANELS
Probabilistic assessment of SMRFs with infill masonry walls incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublicationInfill Masonry Walls (IMWs) are used in the perimeter of a building to separate the inner and outer space. IMWs may affect the lateral behavior of buildings, while they are different from those partition walls that separate two inner spaces. This study focused on the seismic vulnerability assessment of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) assuming different placement of IMWs incorporating nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)....
Seismic pounding behavior of multi-story buildings in series considering the effect of infill panels
PublicationThe aim of the present paper is to study the influence of the infill panels on the seismic pounding response of adjacent structures in series. The contribution of the masonry infill has been simulated using equivalent diagonal compression struts. Steel frames have been assumed to have elastic-plastic behavior with 1% linear strain hardening. The dynamic contact analysis has been utilized where contact surface model (target and...
Influence of soil–structure interaction on seismic pounding between steel frame buildings considering the effect of infill panels
PublicationThe present research aims to study the influence of the soil-structure interaction (SSI) and existence or absence of masonry infill panels in steel frame structures on the earthquake-induced pounding-involved response of adjacent buildings. The study was further extended to compare the pounding-involved behavior versus the independent behavior of structures without collisions, focusing much on dynamic behavior of single frames....
Enhancing seismic performance of steel buildings having semi-rigid connection with infill masonry walls considering soil type effects
PublicationUnpreventable constructional defects are the main issues in the case of steel Moment-Resisting Frames (MRFs) that mostly occur in the rigidities of beam-to-column connections. The present article aims to investigate the effects of different rigidities of structures and to propose Infill Masonry Walls (IMWs) as retrofitting strategy for the steel damaged buildings. A fault or failure to meet a certain consideration of the soil type...
Dynamic Research of Masonry Vault in a Technical Scale
PublicationThe paper presents preliminary results of dynamic tests of the masonry barrel vault in a technical scale. Experimental studies are intended to identify material properties of homogenized masonry vaults under dynamic loads. The aim of the work is to create numerical models to analyse vault’s dynamic response to dynamic loads in a simplest and accurate way. The process of building the vault in a technical scale is presented in the...
Numerical analysis of mechanical properties of an infill structure used in 3D printings
PublicationThe paper presents results of a numerical analysis focused on an identification of mechanical properties of an element created by using Fused Deposition Modelling additive manufacturing technique (FDM). There is presented a description of technology of the 3D printing, numerical model created by using the finite element method (FEM), as well as some problems referred to estimation of the mechanical properties of the printout. The...
Rainscreen panels deformations mods
PublicationIn rainscreen panels designing simplified calculation models are used. For plate computation simply supported panels or panels with fixed edges are commonly used. Such approximations are subjected to large errors that lead to inefficient rainscreen panels design. In order to develop a method for determining the optimal geometry of the rainscreen panels, that would take into consideration the real stiffness of both continuous and...
Influence of 3D Printed Overlay Infill Patterns on Miniaturized ESPAR Antenna Performance
PublicationIn this article, we show how different infill patterns influence the overall performance of miniaturized electrically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna. The use of 3D printed dielectric overlays is a simple and flexible way to miniaturize ESPAR antennas, so they are more compact and can be better integrated with wireless sensor network (WSN) nodes or gateways in different application areas. Additionally, such overlays...
Computational modelling of historic masonry railroad arch bridges
PublicationThe problems encountered during the analyzes of structural response of historic masonry railroad arch bridges are described in this paper. The attention is mainly focused on the stiffness of the masonry arches, their strengths and appropriate estimation of railroad load intensity. Issues related to computational modelling of two, existing, almost 130 years old masonry arch railroad bridges are presented in this context. The main...
PublicationCeramic brick masonry elements constitute the largest number of structural systems of historic buildings, especially sacral and public utility buildings. In the past, they were also very commonly used as a material for the construction of military facilities. Historic buildings and masonry structures undergo destructive processes over time, the course of which can be very diverse and depends, among other things, on the physicochemical...
GPR investigation of the strengthening system of a historic masonry tower
PublicationIn this paper the condition assessment of the strengthening system of a masonry tower was carried out by the GPR method. The study provided unique experimental data acquired during measurements of the reinforced concrete frame embedded in masonry walls. Conducted numerical and experimental investigations were focused on the phenomenon of the diffraction-refraction scattering of the electromagnetic energy. A hyperbola resulting...
Estimation of the Ultimate Strength of FRP Strips-to-Masonry Substrates Bond
PublicationFiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) were developed as a new method over the past decades due to their many beneficial mechanical properties, and they are commonly applied to strengthen masonry structures. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), K-fold Cross-Validation (KFCV) technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) method, and M5 Model Tree (M5MT) method were utilized to predict the ultimate strength of...
Strength parameters of masonry walls in modelling historic constructions
PublicationThe paper presents the determination of the basic material properties of a historic brickwork. Experimental studies were used to identify the basic material properties of bricks. The mechanical properties of the masonry, as an orthotropic homogenized material, were calculated. Then, numerical simulations using the Finite Element Method (FEM) were performed to verify the experimental outcomes. Macromodels with element sizes of 40,...
Non-Destructive Assessment of Masonry Pillars using Ultrasonic Tomography
PublicationIn this paper, a condition assessment of masonry pillars is presented. Non-destructive tests were performed on an intact pillar as well as three pillars with internal inclusions in the form of a hole, a steel bar grouted by gypsum mortar, and a steel bar grouted by cement mortar. The inspection utilized ultrasonic stress waves and the reconstruction of the velocity distribution was performed by means of computed tomography. The...
Multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of historic structures based on the case of a masonry bridge in Galicia (Spain)
PublicationThe paper presents a general method to evaluate a masonry structure with a complex geometry and unknown material properties. This multidisciplinary approach integrates close range digital photogrammetry,ground probing radar (GPR) and finite elements analysis (FEM) to analyse a masonry bridge. The resulting information from photogrammetry and radar is applied to define a 3D model, which is then used to simulate the behaviour of...
Masonry International
Journals -
Finite element modelling of a historic church structure in the context of a masonry damage analysis
PublicationThe paper includes a case study of modelling a real historic church using the finite element method (FEM) based on laser scans of its geometry. The main goal of the study was the analysis of the causes of cracking and crushing of masonry walls. An FEM model of the structure has been defined in ABAQUS. A non-linear dynamic explicit analysis with material model including damage plasticity has been performed. A homogenization procedure...
The influence of core material on strength properties of hybrid sandwich panels
PublicationAlong with high prices of fuels and more restrictive safety and environmental regulations (including environment protection) increased interest in sandwich structures is being observed. One of the solution having growing application potential is steel sandwich panel. The construction consist of very thin steel plates (about 2mm) and stiffeners between them. The main advantage of using such solution is very high strength to weight...
Cyclic Behavior of Masonry Shear Walls Retrofitted with Engineered Cementitious Composite and Pseudoelastic Shape Memory Alloy
PublicationThe behavior of masonry shear walls reinforced with pseudoelastic Ni–Ti shape memory alloy (SMA) strips and engineered cementitious composite (ECC) sheets is the main focus of this paper. The walls were subjected to quasi-static cyclic in-plane loads and evaluated by using Abaqus. Eight cases of strengthening of masonry walls were investigated. Three masonry walls were strengthened with different thicknesses of ECC sheets using...
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Retrofitting of Masonry and Heritage Structures Based on Their Vulnerability Revealed in the Bam 2003 Earthquake
PublicationFor decades, one of the most critical considerations of civil engineers has been the construction of structures that can sufficiently resist earthquakes. However, in many parts of the globe, ancient and contemporary buildings were constructed without regard for engineering; thus, there is a rising necessity to adapt existing structures to avoid accidents and preserve historical artefacts. There are various techniques for retrofitting...
A study on transverse shear correction for laminated sandwich panels
PublicationThe paper presents a study on an application of the First Order Shear Deformation Theory in a linear static analysis of elastic sandwich panels. A special attention has been given to the issue of the transverse shear correction. Two benchmark examples of sandwich plate problems with known reference solutions have been selected for a comparative analysis performed with own Finite Element codes. Interesting results allowed for drawing...
Assessment of dynamic characteristics of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core
PublicationBased on the equivalent single-layer linear theory for laminated shells, free and forced vibrations of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core are studied. Five variants of available magnetorheological elastomers differing in their composition and physical properties are considered for smart viscoelastic core. Coupled differential equations in terms of displacements based on the generalized kinematic hypotheses...
On geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels
PublicationThe paper presents a state-of-art review on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of geometrically non-linear problems for laminated composite plates and shells made as fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates. Besides a subjective overview of the historical development of geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels, some remarks on possible future issues in this research area are given
Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical behaviour of composite structural insulated panels
PublicationComposite structural insulated panels (CSIPs) are novel prefabricated elements for structural applications. Panels under consideration are made from glass-fibre reinforced magnesia cement boards as facesheets and expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) as a core. Quasi-static full-scale and model bending tests under monotonic loading were performed to recognize mechanical properties of CSIPs in flexure. In addition, tensile, compressive,...
Failure mode prediction for composite structural insulated panels with MgO board facings
PublicationSandwich panels are readily used in civil engineering due to their high strength to weight ratio and the ease and speed of assembly. The idea of a sandwich section is to combine thin and durable facings with a light-weight core and the choice of materials used allows obtaining the desired behaviour. Panels in consideration consist of MgO (magnesium oxide) board facings and expanded polystyrene core and are characterized by immunity...
FEM modelling of stress and strain distribution in weld joints of steel sandwich panels
PublicationThe development of laser welding technology has enabled the mass production of thin-walled structures, including steel sandwich panels. The technology of joining plating panels with stiffeners by welding allows us to create joints with a specific geometry and material properties. In comparison with other types of joints, laser welds are characterized by their specific behaviour under cyclic load and, as a consequence, a different...
Sandwich panels in shipbuilding
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono charakterystykę i podstawowe własności nowego tworzywa dla konstrukcji statku jakim są stalowe, spawane laserowo panele typu sandwich. Omówiono podstawowe zalety nowego typu konstrukcji, przedstawiono problemy wynikające z jej stosowania.
Masonry Society Journal
Journals -
New generation composite panels for military and civil applications: mechanical, thermal, fire, and acoustic properties
PublicationThe article presents selected results from a research programme on innovative composite panels featuring an insulating core and magnesium cement facings, optionally reinforced with additional steel facings. The scope of the research programme includes the assessment of the panels themselves, as well as the partitions constructed from them and entire buildings, including portable structures built in accordance with the requirements...
Experimental Study on Dynamics of Wooden House Wall Panels with Different Thermal Isolation
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations including earthquakes. Therefore, their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of experimental tests focused on the dynamic response of wall panels of a wooden frame building with thermal isolation made of mineral wool and...
Numerical and experimental investigation of rotational stiffness of zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels
PublicationA rotational resistant stiffness of the zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels is investigated. A simple finite element method model of the connection is proposed. The numerical analysis of the model performed by ABAQUS software, in physically linear and geometrically nonlinear ranges, leads to the rotational resistant stiffness sought. The numerical solution obtained is verified experimentally. Two variants of distribution...
Recent progress in ultra-low formaldehyde emitting adhesive systems and formaldehyde scavengers in wood-based panels: a review
PublicationTraditional wood-based panels are produced with synthetic, formaldehyde-based adhesives, commonly made from fossil-derived constituents, such as urea, phenol, melamine, etc. Along with their numerous advantages, such as chemical versatility, high reactivity and excellent adhesive performance, these adhesives are characterized by certain problems, connected with the hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mostly free formaldehyde...
Flexural behavior of composite structural insulated panels with magnesium oxide board facings
PublicationThe current report is devoted to the flexural analysis of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings and expanded polystyrene (EPS) core, that was recently introduced to the building industry. An advanced nonlinear FE model was created in the ABAQUS environment, able to simulate the CSIP’s flexural behavior in great detail. An original custom code procedure was developed, which allowed to include...
Numerical analyses of novel prefabricated structural wall panels in residential buildings based on laboratory tests in scale 1:1
PublicationThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations on novel prefabricated composite building wall panels for residential building constructions. The wall panels were composed of reinforced concrete ribbed elements with the core from the EPS foam as the thermal insulation. The wall panels in the full-scale 1:1 were subjected to vertical loads. In the first step, the experiments were analysed with simple usual static methods....
On Wrinkling in Sandwich Panels with an Orthotropic Core
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On Wrinkling in Sandwich Panels with an Orthotropic Core
PublicationThis paper deals with the local loss of stability (wrinkling) problem of a thin facing of a sandwich panel. Classical solutions to the problem of facing instability resting on a homogeneous and isotropic substructure (a core) are compared. The relations between strain energy components associated with different forms of core deformations are discussed. Next, a new solution for the orthotropic core is presented in detail, which...
Edgewise Compressive Behavior of Composite Structural Insulated Panels with Magnesium Oxide Board Facings
PublicationEdgewise compression response of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings was investigated. The discussed CSIP is a novel multifunctional sandwich panel introduced to the housing industry as a part of the wall, floor, and roof assemblies. The study aims to propose a computational tool for reliable prediction of failure modes of CSIPs subjected to concentric and eccentric axial loads. An advanced...
Guided wave propagation signals measured on corroded stiffened panels
Open Research DataThe fundamental antisymmetric Lamb mode was excited by piezoelectric transducers attached at the pre-selected points on stiffened panels, representing typical structural ship components. The specimens were exposed to accelerated marine corrosion degradation, so the signals were collected to analyze the influence of the degree of degradation on the wave...
Three dimensional simulations of FRC beams and panels with explicit definition of fibres-concrete interaction
PublicationHigh performance concrete (HPC) is a quite novel material which has been rapidly developed in the last few decades. It exhibits superior mechanical properties and durability comparing to normal concrete. HPC can achieve also superior tensile performance if strong fibres (steel or carbon) are implemented in the matrix. Thus, there exist the unabated interest in studying how the addition of different types of fibres modifies the...
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Panels
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Panels category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
Strength assessment of a version of joint of sandwich panels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono propozycję optymalizacji wariantu połączenia doczołowego stalowych paneli typu ''sandwich''. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy numerycznej rozkładów naprężeń dla wielu wariantów geometrii proponowanego połączenia.
Fatigue life of steel, laser welded panels
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące możliwości analizy trwałości zmęczeniowej stalowyxh paneli spawanych laserowo typu sandwich. Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych w skali naturalnej a także krzywe projektowe uzyskane na podstawie systematycznych badań połączeń elementarnych spawanych laserowo. Na podstawie przedstawionych i uogólnionych wyników pokazano propozycję metodyki szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej...
Historical masonry buildings’ condition assessment by non-destructive and destructive testing
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Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Tiles and panels
Open Research DataThe set contains videos of LEGO bricks (tiles, panels, etc.) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final...
Tagged images with LEGO bricks - Technic Panels
Open Research DataThe set contains images of LEGO bricks (from Technic Panels category). The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition and labeling of LEGO bricks. The images contain one brick each. The images were taken from different sides by handheld camera hovering over the bricks lying on a white, non reflective surface.
A study on transverse shear correction for laminated sandwich panels
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The influence of boundary conditions on the resistance and stiffness of rainscreen panels
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Selected problems on application of steel sandwich panels to marine
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane problemy stosowania stalowych laserowo spawanych paneli w konstrukcji statku. Problemy te wynikają ze specyfiki cienkiej, spawanej laserowo konstrukcji stalowej i obejmują szerokie spektrum zagadnień począwszy od własności wytrzymałościowychy elementarnego połączenia teowego spawanego laserowo poprzez łączenie paneli ze sobą a skończywszy na integracji paneli z konstrukcją tradycyjną.
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation
Journals -
Soiling Effect Mitigation Obtained by Applying Transparent Thin-Films on Solar Panels: Comparison of Different Types of Coatings
PublicationDust accumulation on the front cover of solar panels is closely linked to location and orientation of photovoltaic (PV) installation. Its build-up depends on the module tilt angle, frequency of precipitation, humidity, wind strength and velocity, as well as grain size. Additionally, soil composition is determined by solar farm surroundings such as local factories, agricultural crops, and traffic. Over time, molecules of atmospheric...