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Search results for: SUROWCE ODTWARZALNE
Surface properties and visible light activity of W-TiO2 photocatalysts prepared by surface impregnation and sol-gel method
PublicationTiO2 modyfikowany wolframem otrzymano dwiema metodami: metodą zol-żel oraz metodą impregnacji powierzchniowej. Fotokatalizatory kalcynowano w temperaturze 400C. Jako matrycę TiO2 zastosowano ST-01 (Ishihara Sangyo, Japonia, 300m2/g). jako prekursory wolframu zastosowano tlenek wolframu oraz heksakarbonylek wolframu. Badania obejmowały wpływ ilości domieszki na aktywność fotokatalityczną. Charakterystyka otrzymanych fotokatalizatorów...
Thermal dewetting as a method of surface modification of the gold thin films for surface plasmon resonance based sensor applications
PublicationHere, we report a quick and simple approach with low, optimized production costs to obtain surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sensors fabricated through a time- and resource-effective method based on thermal dewetting of thin Au films. From the applicative point of view, the method of detection presented here should be easier to implement, since light transmission measurements seem to be much less challenging than light refractive...
Influence of dissolved organic nitrogen on surface waters
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contained in biologically treated wastewater disposed from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to biodegradability and bioavailability in a water environment. Additionally an evaluation was performed of the participation of this organic nitrogen fraction, including bioavailable DON (bDON), in the nitrogen balance for the Baltic...
Innovative Solutions in Surface Water Quality Monitoring
PublicationIn 2010 a project entitled "Integrated Support System for Management and Protection of Water Dam Reservoir (ZiZOZap)” was initiated, to aid solving water management problems on a river and dam reservoir formed on it. An innovative system of continuous monitoring was created, that encompassed selected physical and chemical parameters of river and lake waters in three chosen sites. This article presents a selection of results, that...
Singular Surface Curves in the Resultant Thermodynamics of Shells
PublicationWithin six-parameter shells theory we discuss the governing equations of shells with material or non-material singular curves. By singular curve we mean a surface curve where are discontinuities in some surface fields. As an example we consider shells with junctions and shells undergoing stress-induced phase transitions.
Mesoscopic impedance analysis of solid materials’ surface
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Concept of Neural Model of the Sea Bottom Surface
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Formation of wood surface roughness in burnishing process
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono i omówiono rozwój bezwiórowych metod obróbki wykańczającej drewna przez nagniatanie. Przedstawiono wpływ nagniatania na chropowatość powierzchni drewna. Badania przeprowadzono na próbkach toczonych i nagniatanych. Wyniki odniesiono do głównych parametrów nagniatania jak: siła nagniatania oraz promień zaokrąglenia elementu nagniatającego.
Evolution of the surface species of the V2O5–WO3 catalysts
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Total mercury in surface sediments of the Gdansk Basin
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New procedure of silica gel surface modification
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Some aspects surface cooling by impinging jet
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wymiany ciepła, uskoku hydraulicznego i stabilności podczas napływu strugi na powierzchnię ciała stałego.
Probabilistic analysis of slope with planar slip surface
PublicationPraca dotyczy probabilistycznej oceny stateczności zboczy. Omówiono sposób określania prawdopodobieństwa utraty stateczności przy wykorzystaniu metody momentów (ang. FOSM). Podejście takie zastosowano do analizy zsuwu konsekwentnego jednorodnego zbocza. Rozpatrzono wpływ zmienności statystycznej parametrów wytrzymałościowych na końcowe wyniki.
Comparison of volume-and surface-detention-time distributions
PublicationCzas zatrzymania ścieków w reaktorze jest bardzo ważnym parametrem projektowym. Jego wyznaczenie jest trudne i kłopotliwe. Z tego względu zbadano możliwość zastąpienia wartości tego parametru, wyznaczonej tylko dla swobodnej powierzchni ścieków. W wyniku stwierdzono dopuszczalność takiej zamiany.
Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationPrzedstawiono korelację pomiędzy błędami kształtu docieraka i błędami kształtu przedmiotów obrabianych. Wyniki analityczne zostały sprawdzone doświadczalnie, co pozwoliło zbudować komputerowy model kształtowania powierzchni docieranych. Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania intensywności kontaktu między przedmiotem docieranym, a docierakiem. Opracowano metodę wyznaczania położenia przedmiotu na docieraku.
Problems of flat surface lapping : chapter 16
PublicationPrzedstawiono problemy docierania powierzchni płaskich w układach jednotarczowych. Omówiono analityczne i numeryczne modele kinematyki docierarek konwencjonalnych i niestandardowych, obróbkę docierakami aktywizowanymi w sposób swobodny i wymuszony, jednolitymi i dwumetalowymi. Zaprezentowano wyniki obróbki narzędziami ścierno-metalowymi elementów ceramicznych.
Surface studies of twinned of YBa2Cu3O7−δ crystals
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Surface contamination after lapping by abrasive material
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań skażenia powierzchni żeliwa sferoidalnego mikroziarnami węglika krzemu po docieraniu. Określowo wpływ współczynnika upakowania mikroziaren w strefie docierania na intensywność skażenia powierzchni ścierniwem. W badaniach wykorzystano powierzchniową mikroanalizę rentgenowską.
Mechanism for sonocoating a polymer surface with nano-hydroxyapatite
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The Effect of Dimple Distortions on Surface Topography Analysis
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Reduction of the end-effect in surface texture analysis
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Detection of measurement noise in surface topography analysis
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Problems of surface topography with oil pockets analysis
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Effect of surface modification on starch biopolymer wettability
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Effect of surface modification on starch/phospholipid wettability
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Odzyskiwanie białka z rybnych surowców ubocznych
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The Laser Surface Remelting of Austenitic Stainless Steel
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The evaluation of the surface quality after laser cutting
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Hydrothermal Surface Treatment of Biodegradable Mg-Materials
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Surface modification of cotton fabrics for sublimation printing
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Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators
PublicationThis paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 1.1) on surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators applied to airflow control. The study is divided into several parts. In the first part, the goal is to enhance the electric wind produced by a typical single DBD actuator by optimization of the active electrode shape. For instance, the use of a thin wire instead of a plate air-exposed...
PublicationTraffic noise is one of the most important environmental problems in densely populated urban areas. At low speeds the tyre/road interaction dominates all other sources. It is anticipated that when electric and hybrid vehicles gain dominance in city traffic, the importance of tyre/road noise will still increase as electric engines are much less noisy than combustion engines. On the other hand, electric and hybrid urban vehicles...
Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationShape errors of the tool exert a dominant influence on the shape accuracy of the workpiece. The correlation between flatness errors of the lap and flatness errors of the workpieces was checked experimentally and determined analytically. Computer model of the workpiece shaping by lapping was developed. Evaluation method of the workpiece orientation as well as some simulation results for a lap with shape errors of convexity and cincavity...
Mesoscopic impedance analysis of solid materials surface
PublicationSeveral techniques have been developed in order to characterize electrical properties of surfaces in micrometer/nanometer scale. Obtaining of the spatial distribution of sample resistance, capacitance or potential requires separate measurements performed in different scanning modes. On the other hand, analysis of the frequency response of investigated system enables determination of several physical quantities in single measurement...
Reactions on the surface of the implant under the influence of biofilm
PublicationThe contact of a biomaterial with the biological environment in in vitro and in vivo tests leads to the production of a particular ecosystem in which the active roles perform both, the material surface and the extracellular matrix protein forming a biofilm. Proteins affect cell and bacteria adhesion processes, biological activity of cells and activation of inflammatory response.The knowledge of the reaction mechanisms active on...
Surface vaviness of components machined by burnishing method
PublicationPowierzchnię po obróbce wykończeniowej definiuje się zazwyczaj za pomocą parametrów chropowatości. Rosnące wymagania jakościowe w stosunku do wytwarzanych części maszyn powodują rozszerzanie się zakresu parametrów opisujących powierzchnię. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę jakościową powierzchni nagniatanych za pomocą parametrów falistości.
Multicomponent layers for aluminium alloys surface consolidation
PublicationThe main reason of the surface modification of the components such as pistons and cylinder blocks made of cast aluminium alloys is to obtain high hardness, wear and corrosion resistance of the working surface for larger lifetime of the motor-car and aircraft engines. In that aspect, the new conception of development - by hybrid method - of surface layers containing manganese, nitrogen, sulphur (Mn-N-S) and manganese, nitrogen,...
Body surface area formulae: an alarming ambiguity
PublicationBody surface area (BSA) plays a key role in several medical fields, including cancer chemotherapy, transplantology, burn treatment and toxicology. BSA is often a major factor in the determination of the course of treatment and drug dosage. A series of formulae to simplify the process have been developed. Because easy-to-identify, yet general, body coefficient results of those formulae vary considerably, the question arises as to...
Bending of a Three-Layered Plate with Surface Stresses
PublicationWe discuss here the bending deformations of a three-layered plate taking into account surface and interfacial stresses. The first-order shear deformation plate theory and the Gurtin-Murdoch model of surface stresses will be considered and the formulae for stiffness parameters of the plate are derived. Their dependence on surface elastic moduli will be analyzed.
Economical methods for measuring road surface roughness
PublicationTwo low-cost methods of estimating the road surface condition are presented in the paper, the first one based on the use of accelerometers and the other on the analysis of images acquired from cameras installed in a vehicle. In the first method, miniature positioning and accelerometer sensors are used for evaluation of the road surface roughness. The device designed for installation in vehicles is composed of a GPS receiver and...
On the Bending of Multilayered Plates Considering Surface Viscoelasticity
PublicationWe discuss the bending resistance of multilayered plates taking into account surface/interfacial viscoelasticity. Within the linear surface viscoelasticity we introduce the surface/interfacial stresses linearly dependent on the history of surface strains. In order to underline the surface viscoelasticity contribution to the bending response we restrict ourselves to the elastic behaviour in the bulk. Using the correspondence principle...
Blended natural and synthetic coagulants for the COD and BOD removal from surface water; optimization by response surface methodology: The case of Gibe river
PublicationA novel wastewater treatment method is presented in this study. It combines natural coagulants derived from watermelon seeds with the commonly used synthetic coagulant alum. This research demonstrates a remarkable synergy between these two coagulants in removing nutrients from Gibe River wastewater. Combining natural and chemical coagulants often improves water treatment by enhancing particle destabilization, accelerating floc...
On Nonlinear Dynamic Theory of Thin Plates with Surface Stresses
PublicationWe discuss the modelling of dynamics of thin plates considering surface stresses according to Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Taking into account the surface mass density we derive the two-dimensional (2D) equations of motion. For the reduction of the three-dimensional (3D) motion equations to the 2D ones we use the trough-the-thickness integration procedure. As a result, the 2D dynamic parameters of the plate depend not only...
Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures
PublicationWithin the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface. The considered problem is a discrete analog of an elastic half-space with surface stresses modelled through the simplified Gurtin–Murdoch model, where we have an interfacial line separating areas with different surface...
Tyre/road noise reduction by a poroelastic road surface
PublicationLow noise road surfaces of existing types may in favourable cases and in new conditions provide up to 7 dB of noise reduction. For higher noise reductions, innovative solutions must be sought. Poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) may be such a solution, which currently is studied in the EU project PERSUADE. This paper presents results of trials with a PERS version prefabricated by one of the project partners. Tests were made in a laboratory...
Free-surface elevation in open vortex flow controls
PublicationRotational form of fluid motion is complex, but very important in science and technology. The paper is devoted to the hydraulic mechanism of flow in open vortex flow controls, or regulators. The velocity field was described by the kinematic model, and intensity of rotation - by means of the energy balance between the input and dissipation. In consequence some algebraic expresions were obtained, which can be useful in approximated...
Marine autonomous surface ship - control system configuration
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of marine autonomous surface ship (MASS) control. The contribution of the paper is the development of a control system configuration, done assuming fully autonomous MASS operation under distinct operational conditions. The overview of hardware and software selection is included.
The Influence of Laser Alloying of Ti13Nb13Zr on Surface Topography and Properties
PublicationThe laser alloying is a continually developing surface treatment because of its significant and specific structuration of a surface. In particular, it is applied for Ti alloys, being now the most essential biomaterials` group for load-bearing implants. The present research was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subject to laser modification in order to determine the treatment effects on surface topography and its some mechanical...
On stress singularity near the tip of a crack with surface stresses
PublicationIn the framework of the simplified linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity we discuss a singularity of stresses and displacements in the vicinity of a mode III crack. We show that inhomogeneity in surface elastic properties may significantly affect the solution and to change the order of singularity. We also demonstrate that implicitly or explicitly assumed symmetry of the problem may also lead to changes in solutions. Considering...
Some aspects of laser surface remelting of aluminium alloys
PublicationPodano podstawy procesu przetapiania laserowego stopów aluminium. Opisano rezultaty elektrochemicznych badań korozyjnych dla stopu AlSi13Mg1CuNi i porównano je ze stanem wyjściowym stopu.