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Search results for: CAPACITIVE SENSORS
A measurement method for capacitive sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationIn the paper, there is presented a new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance values of capacitive sensors, dedicated, among others, to capacitive relative humidity sensors. The method is based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators (ACs) and with precision voltage reference sources, e.g. digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The reference...
A measurement method for lossy capacitive relative humidity sensors based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationA new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance and resistance values of lossy relative humidity capacitive sensors is presented. The method is based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators and timers. The interface circuit consists only of four reference resistors (two reference resistors if a microcontroller includes a voltage reference source),...
Measurement method for capacitive sensors for microcontrollers based on a phase shifter
PublicationA complete measurement method dedicated to capacitive sensors has been developed. It includes the development of hardware (an analogue interface circuit for microcontrollers with built-in times/counters and analogue comparators) and software (a measurement procedure and a systematic error calibration (correction) algorithm which is based on a calibration dictionary). The interface circuit consists of a low-pass filter and a phase...
Sensors and Sensor’s Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles
PublicationAutonomous vehicle navigation has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, and deep learning are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. New ideas such as 3D radar, 3D sonar, LiDAR, and others are based on autonomous vehicle revolutionary development. The Special...
A Development of a Capacitive Voltage Divider for High Voltage Measurement as Part of a Combined Current and Voltage Sensor
PublicationThis article deals with the development of capacitive voltage divider for high voltage measurements and presents a method of analysis and optimization of its parameters. This divider is a part of a combined voltage and current sensor for measurements in high voltage power networks. The sensor allows continuous monitoring of the network distribution status and performs a quick diagnosis and location of possible network failures....
A New Approach to Capacitive Sensor Measurements Based on a Microcontroller and a Three-Gate Stable RC Oscillator
PublicationA complete smart capacitive sensor solution basedA complete smart capacitive sensor solution based on a microcontroller was developed. This approach includes the development of both the hardware and software. The hardware part comprises an 8-bit microcontroller equipped with two timers/counters and a three-gate stable RC relaxation oscillator. The software part handles system configuration, measurement control, communication control,...
On the sensitivity, selectivity, sensory information and optimalsize of resistive chemical sensors
PublicationWykorzystano pojęcia teorii informacji do określenia możliwości poprawy selektywności i czujności rezystancyjnych sensorów gazu. Podano ogólne rozważania dotyczące limitu selektywnoœci dla tych sensorów. Porównano iloraz sygnału do szumów oraz pojemność kanału informacyjnego dla sensorów chemicznych wykorzystujących jako sygnał zjawiska fluktuacyjne z klasycznymi sensorami charakteryzowanymi jedną wartością. Ogólne rozważania wsparto...
Application of electrochemical sensors and sensor matrixes for measurement of odorous chemical compounds
PublicationIn this paper describes the principle of operation of the electrochemical sensors and the sensor matrixes comprised of electrochemical sensors intended for measurement of odorous compounds. Critical comparison of these sensors’ advantages and disadvantages has been made. The fields of economy contributing to release of odours and the potential sources of their emission have been identified. Commercially available electrochemical...
Chapter 11 – Application of Chemical Sensors and Sensor Matrixes to Air Quality Evaluation
PublicationIndoor and outdoor air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. However, air quality evaluation is not easy task. Air is a complex system, which is subjected to changes even within short period of time. Progress in analytical methods and analytical tools provides increasingly more reliable information on the condition and quality of indoor and outdoor air. This progress, however, generates an increase in the...
Graphene-based materials for capacitive deionization
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Estimation of electrode contact in capacitive ECG measurement
PublicationIn the paper a method of electrode’s contact estimation in capacitive electrocardiogram (CECG) is presented. Proposed solution allows estimation of contact quality for each individual electrode. This enables construction of multi-electrode CECG systems, where electrode pairs can be selected on the basis of the individual electrode contact quality.
Investigation of the microstructure on the nanoporous carbon based capacitive performance
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Carbon Based Electrode Materials and their Architectures for Capacitive Deionization
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Respiratory signals derived from capacitive electrocardiogram on the smart chair
PublicationCapacitive electrocardiogram (CECG) tends to deliver basic cardiac signals without need to use traditional glued electrodes. In the paper analysis of possibility if the ECG derived respiratory waveforms out of the CECG.
Comprehensive investigation of capacitive deionization cells by response surface methodology
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Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationtIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Identification of defected sensors in an array of amperometric gas sensors
PublicationPurpose Amperometric gas sensors are commonly used in air quality monitoring in long-term measurements. Baseline shift of sensor responses and power failure may occur over time, which is an obstacle for reliable operation of the entire system. The purpose of this study is to check the possibility of using PCA method to detect defected samples, identify faulty sensor and correct the responses of the sensor identified as faulty. Design/methodology/approach In...
Quantum channel capacities: multiparty communication
PublicationAnalizowane są różne aspekty wieloużytkownikowej komunikacji kwantowymi kanałami bez pamięci. Uogólnione zostały pewne znane rezultaty dotyczące komunikacji kwantowej w układzie jeden nadawca -jeden odbiorca. W szczególności pokazana została bezużyteczność komunikacji klasycznej ''w przód'' w procesie transmisji informacji kwantowej oraz równoważność definicji regionów pojemności opartych na różnych miarach wierności transmisji:...
Microsystem for measurement of impedance sensors parameters.Optoelectronic and electronic sensors V.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono mikrosystem do pomiaru parametrów impedancyjnych czujników o module impedancji z przedziału 100ohm-1Gohm. Zastosowana w mikrosystemie technika cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów, pozwoliła na uzyskanie szerokiego zakresu częstotliwości pomiarowych, zwłaszcza bardzo niskich od 100uHz do 1MHz, przy zachowaniu prostej konstrukcji zapewniającej jego niską cenę. Mikrosystem zrealizowano w formie przyrządu...
Prototype of an opto-capacitive probe for non-invasive sensing cerebrospinal fluid circulation
PublicationIn brain studies, the function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) awakes growing interest, particularly related to studies of the glymphatic system in the brain, which is connected with the complex system of lymphatic vessels responsible for cleaning the tissues. The CSF is a clear, colourless liquid including water (H2O) approximately with a concentration of 99 %. In addition, it contains electrolytes, amino acids, glucose, and...
Design Considerations of GaN Transistor Based Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer System
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MXene-based composites for capacitive deionization – The advantages, progress, and their role in desalination - A review
PublicationMXenes, a novel large family of 2D transition metal carbides, carbonitrides and nitrides are currently a “hot topic” in science due to their several fascinating physical and chemical properties. It follows from a rich diversity of their elemental compositions and chemical functionalities. MXenes can form composites with many substances, including polymers or metal oxides, which allows to effective “tune” MXene characteristics to...
MXene-based composites for capacitive deionization – The advantages, progress, and their role in desalination - A review
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Characterization and capacitive performance assessment of potato peels derived salt-induced porous carbons
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Effect of geometric imperfections on aluminium silo capacities
PublicationAn aluminum silo with initial imperfections is analysed. Two types of imperfections are considered. The first one takes the form of local indentations in the shell; their size and range are adopted on the basis of the standard guidelines. The second type is a global imperfection described through the use of its eigenforms and by means of two-dimensional random fields. The calculations are limited to two cases of loading: negative...
Highly efficient conversion of waste plastic into thin carbon nanosheets for superior capacitive energy storage
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An Aqueous Exfoliation of WO3 as a Route for Counterions Fabrication—Improved Photocatalytic and Capacitive Properties of Polyaniline/WO3Composite
PublicationIn this paper, we demonstrate a novel, electrochemical route of polyaniline/tungsten oxide (PANI)/WO3) film preparation. Polyaniline composite film was electrodeposited on the FTO (fluorine-doped tin oxide) substrate from the aqueous electrolyte that contained aniline (monomer) and exfoliated WO3 as a source of counter ions. The chemical nature of WO3 incorporated in the polyaniline matrix was investigated using X-ray photoelectron...
Gas mixtures recognition using an array of amperometric gas sensors with drifting or faulty sensors
PublicationIn this study, the possibility of using selected methods for diagnostics of performance of matrix composed with six amperometric electrochemical gas sensors is investigated. Measurements of sensor responses in selected concentrations of single toxic gases or gas mixtures were performed and were repeated over time to show sensor drift. Additionally, the studies on the sensors’ drift were performed. The drift has been recognized...
Capacitively coupled ECG measurements - a CMRR circuit improvement
PublicationA typical galvanic-connected electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement system utilizes two signal’s electrodes and a third one in driven-right-leg (DRL) circuit for improving a common-mode rejection ratio(CMRR) of the acquisition system. In capacitive-coupled ECG similar techniques are used, however it is expected, that the utilized DRL subsystem is formed using a capacitive coupling approach, too. An improvement of the acquisition system...
Sensors in Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Multicore Optical Fibres For Sensors
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Sensors and System for Vehicle Navigation
PublicationIn recent years, vehicle navigation, in particular autonomous navigation, has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies, such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, or deep learning, are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. Recently, the influence of artificial intelligence on sensor data processing and...
Magnetic and capacitive couplings influence on power losses in double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line
PublicationPurpose – The paper aims to discuss problems of power and energy losses in a double-circuit overhead transmission line. It was observed from energymeters’ readings, that in such a line, active power losses can be measured as “negative”. The “negative” active power losses appear when the active power injected to the circuit is lower than the active power received at the circuit end. The purpose of this paper is to explain this phenomenon. Theoretical...
High yield conversion of biowaste coffee grounds into hierarchical porous carbon for superior capacitive energy storage
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Waste-derived stable carbon electrodes for capacitive deionization using poly (vinyl alcohol)-glutaraldehyde as binder
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Chicken feather-derived carbon electrodes for capacitive deionization using poly(vinyl alcohol)-glutaraldehyde as the binder
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Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationThe results of heat capacity measurements for the lanthanum orthoniobate substituted with 10, 20 and 30 mol% of antimony (LaNb0.9Sb0.1O4, LaNb0.8Sb0.2O4 and LaNb0.7Sb0.3O4) are presented and discussed. Temperature dependence of low temperature heat capacity was analyzed within the Debye and Einstein models. The Debye temperature decreased, whereas the Einstein temperature increased with antimony content. The decrease of the Debye...
The silver layers in fiber-optic sensors
PublicationIn this paper a method of application of the silver layers on the surface of an optical fiber was proposed. The optical properties and surface quality of the silver layer was examined by optical microscopy. The reflection and transmission of the sample were investigated. To evaluate the silver mirror it was placed in a fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer and the quality of the spectra was analyzed. The commercial mirror was...
Applications of polarization interferometry in optical sensors
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wybrane realizacje interferometrycznych czujników przesunięcia, wykonanych z elementów optyki objętościowej. Czujniki te, stosowane w technice pomiarowej i mikroskopii, charakteryzują się dużą rozdzielczością i dokładnością pomiaru. Omówiono problemy związane z implementacją tych czujników, wpływające na pogorszenie dokładności pomiaru. Zaprezentowano metody korekcji sygnału wyjściowego, opracowane dla...
Solid-state electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasadę działania wybranych typów elektrochemicznych czujników gazów zbudowanych na bazie elektrolitów stałych.
Nano-porous alumina humidity sensors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań czujników wilgotności przygotowanych na bazie porowatej aluminy.
Fluctuation phenomena in semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationCzujniki gazu mogą być wytwarzane z cienkiej warstwy półprzewodnika, która po podgrzaniu do odpowiedniej temperatury staje się czuła na gaz. Zjawisko to jest dobrze znane i szeroko opisane w literaturze. Jako wskaźnik detekcji gazu wykorzystuje się zmianę rezystancji stałoprądowej czujnika. Zwiększenie czułości i, co najważniejsze z praktycznego punktu widzenia, selektywności dyskryminacji można uzyskać jeśli warstwa półprzewodnika...
Tools for signal analysis of gas sensors
PublicationStatystyki drugiego rzedu oraz jklasyczna analiza widmowa są zwykle stosowane do badania sygnałów losowych o rozkładzie gaussowskim. Są one jednak często nieodpowiednie w przypadku analizy niestacjonarnych sygnałów niegaussowskich. Pewne narzędzia do analizy takich sygnałów sa dostępne w bibliotekach środowiska MATLAB. Zostały one wykorzystane do do analizy fluktuacji sygnałów czujników gazów. W artykule przedstawiono system do...
On the selectivity of nanostructured semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationAlthough different methods of improving semiconductor gas sensor properties have been proposed, a technique involving temperature modulation seems to be the most promising. Semiconductor gas sensors working with modulated temperature can be more stable and are more selective comparing with sensor working at one temperature. In this paper, various approaches to temperature modulation are reviewed.
Taguchi sensors under temperature modulation
PublicationSemiconductor gas sensors are widely used in gas- analyzing applications for various gas species determination due to their low cost and possibility to detect number of different gases. However, one of the main problems with such sensors is their lack of selectivity. To overcome this issue different ap- proaches can be used. One of them is the operation with sensor temperature modulation combined with dedicated data process- ing...
Gas sensors based on superionic conductors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań elektrochemicznych czujników gazów na bazie elektrolitów stałych.
Materials for potentiometric electrochemical gas sensors
PublicationPublikacja przeglądowa na temat zasady działania oraz rodzajów czujników elektrochemicznych gazów.
Inertial Sensors Applications in Underwater Measurements
PublicationOver the past decades microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) researchers have demonstrated a number of microsensors for almost every possible sensing modality, including attitudes. Current MEMS inertial measurement units (IMU) come in many shapes, sizes, and costs — depending on the application, and performance required. MEMS sensors have proved and demonstrated performance exceeding those of their macroscale counterpart sensors. In...
Magnetic and capacitive couplings influence on power and energy measurement in double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line
PublicationThe paper discusses influence of magnetic and capacitive couplings on power and energy measurement in case of double circuit high voltage overhead transmission line. There are presented and discussed various factors influencing the power flow among the line‟s circuits. Mathematical model based calculations results are compared to the real transmission line measurements.