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Search results for: DOUBLE IONIZATION
Numerical analysis of CO2-water separation in a horizontal double T-junction
PublicationCarbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors leading to global warming. Considering the significant impacts of CO2 on climate change, various technologies have been developed in recent decades to control carbon emission, such as for example CO2 capture and storage. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant includes some devices, out of which, separator plays an indispensable role. To this end, T-junction...
Thermal and technological aspects of double face grinding of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublicationDouble face grinding with planetary kinematics is a process to manufacture workpieces with plan parallel functional surfaces, such as bearing rings or sealing shims. In order to increase the economic efficiency of this process, it has to be advanced permanently. The temperature in the contact zone of most grinding processes has a huge influence on the process efficiency and the workpiece qualities. In contrast to most grinding...
The use of fast molecular descriptors and artificial neural networks approach in organochlorine compounds electron ionization mass spectra classification
PublicationDeveloping of theoretical tools can be very helpful for supporting new pollutant detection. Nowadays, a combination of mass spectrometry and chromatographic techniques are the most basic environmental monitoring methods. In this paper, two organochlorine compound mass spectra classification systems were proposed. The classification models were developed within the framework of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fast 1D and...
Determination of volatile aliphatic amines in air by solid phase microex traction coupled with gas chromatography with flame ionization detection.
PublicationOpisano nową metodę oznaczania lotnych amin alifatycznych w powietrzu. Metodyka oparta jest na zastosowaniu techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej na etapie pobierania próbek oraz zestawu GC-FID do rozdzielania i oznaczania poszczególnych analitów.Badaniom poddano nowe typy faz stacjonarnych.Zbadano wpływ wilgotności powietrza na proces pobierania próbek analitów z powietrza.
The Mechanism of a Retro-Diels–Alder Fragmentation of Luteolin: Theoretical Studies Supported by Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry Results
PublicationThe mechanisms of retro-Diels–Alder fragmentation of luteolin are studied theoretically using the Density Functional Theory method (B3LYP hybrid functional) together with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set and supported by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) results. The reaction paths leading to the formation of 1,3A and 1,3B fragment ions observed as the main spectral features in the ESI-MS spectrum are described...
Numerical modelling of asymetric double-layer Al-Cu plate rolling process
PublicationNiekorzystnym zjawiskiem towarzyszącym procesom walcowania płaskich wyrobów bimetalowych jest krzywizna pasma na wyjściu z kotliny walcowniczej wynikająca z nierównomierności odkształcenia warstw bimetalowej blachy. Możliwość szybkiego i łatwego przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku daje wprowadzenie asymetrii prędkości bądź średnic walców roboczych. W przedstawionym artykule zaprezentowano badania komputerowe procesu walcowania blach...
Correlated electrons and transport in a quantum point contact and in a double-quantum-dot system
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Irreversible thermodynamics model equations for heterogeneous solute flows in a double-membrane system
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Effect of self-assembly on antimicrobial activity of double-chain short cationic lipopeptides
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Double wedge prism based beam deflector for precise laser beam steering
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Experimental method to evaluate the load-carrying capacity of double corrugated sheet profiles
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Terahertz radiation detection by double grating-gate transistors in high magnetic fields
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Detection of high intensity THz radiation by InP double heterojunction bipolar transistors
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Engineering and Management of Space Systems - an International Joint Master's Double-Degree Programme
PublicationDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Acoustic lifecycle study of the double-layer porous asphalt on E4 in Huskvarna, Sweden
PublicationIn 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was feasible to obtain a high initial noise reduction but due to the widespread use of studded tires in winter, clogging and ravelling created losses of around 2 dB per year, with an expected acoustical lifetime of only 3 years. However, the improved...
On trees with double domination number equal to 2-domination number plus one
PublicationA vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set of G if every vertex of V(G)D is dominated by at least two vertices of D, while it is a double dominating set of G if every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The 2-domination (double domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (double dominating,...
On trees with double domination number equal to total domination number plus one
PublicationA total dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D. A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The total (double, respectively) domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a total (double,...
Thermodynamic analysis of the double Brayton cycle with the use of oxy combustion and capture of CO2
PublicationIn this paper, thermodynamic analysis of a proposed innovative double Brayton cycle with the use of oxy combustion and capture of CO2, is presented. For that purpose, the computation flow mechanics (CFM) approach has been developed. The double Brayton cycle (DBC) consists of primary Brayton and secondary inverse Brayton cycle. Inversion means that the role of the compressor and the gas turbine is changed and firstly we have expansion...
Determination of magnetisation conditions in a Double-Core Barkhausen Noise measurement set-up
PublicationThe magnetic Barkhausen effect is useful forassessing 1D and 2D stress states of ferromagnetic steelobjects. However, its extension to technically importantmaterials, such as duplex anisotropic steels, remains challenging. The determination of magnetisation inside the studied object and the electromagnet for various geometries, materials and magnetisation angles is a key issue.Three-dimensional, dynamic finite element analysis...
Gender as a Moderator of the Double Bias of Mistakes – Knowledge Culture and Knowledge Sharing Effects
PublicationThere is no learning without mistakes. The essence of the double bias of mistakes is the contradiction between an often-declared positive attitude towards learning from mistakes, and negative experiences when mistakes occur. Financial and personal consequences, shame, and blame force desperate employees to hide their mistakes. These adverse outcomes are doubled in organizations by the common belief that managers never make mistakes,...
Doubly miniaturized rat-race hybrid coupler
PublicationTwo complementary miniaturization techniques have beenapplied to reduce the size of a rat-race hybrid coupler: (i) conventional microstrip sections have been replaced with their diminished lowimpedance counterparts as the first step of size reduction and (ii) novel fractal-shaped compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficiently shorten low-impedance transmission line segments have been implemented as the second step of...
State Observer for Doubly-fed Induction Generator
PublicationIn the paper a new state observer for doubly-fed generator has been proposed. In the new approach an extended mathematical model of the doubly fed generator is used to form equations of the introduced z type observer. Stability of the observer has been verified through poles placement analyses. The active and reactive powers of the generator are controlled by a nonlinear multiscalar control method. Simulation and experimental results...
Functionalization of the transition metal oxides FeO, CoO, and NiO with alkali metal atoms decreases their ionization potentials by 3–5 eV
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Thermal decomposition of surface compounds for the generation of small quantities of acetaldehyde. Calibration of a thermal desorption gas chromatography flame ionization detection.
PublicationW pracy opisano sposób wytwarzania niewielkich ilości acetaldehydu w procesie termicznego rozkładu związku powierzchniowego uzyskanego w wyniku chemicznej modyfikacji żelu krzemionkowego.Proces rozkładu prowadzony jest w temperaturze 130-190 stopni Celsjusza.Przedstawiono również sposób syntezy prowadzący do uzyskania odpowiedniego związku powierzchniowego.
Development of headspace-gas chromatography-flame ionization detection procedure to determine volatile fatty acids in zoo organic waste leachate
PublicationNadrzędnym celem pracy było opracowanie metodyki oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych z fazy nadpowierzchniowej opartej na chromatografii gazowej z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym oraz sprawdzenie jej przydatności w analizie próbek odcieku ze składowiska odpadów ogrodu zoologicznego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań określono warunki, w jakich przebiegać powinna izolacja lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych, a także określono najlepsze...
Soft X-ray Induced Production of Neutral Fragments in High-Rydberg States at the O 1s Ionization Threshold of the Water Molecule
PublicationDissociation of water molecules after soft X-ray absorption can yield neutral fragments in high-Rydberg (HR) states. We have studied the production of such fragments by field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry. Neutral HR fragments are created at all resonances below the O 1s ionization potential (IP) and particularly within 1 eV above the O 1s IP. The latter effect is due to the recapture of the O 1s photoelectrons...
MXene-based composites for capacitive deionization – The advantages, progress, and their role in desalination - A review
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MXene-based composites for capacitive deionization – The advantages, progress, and their role in desalination - A review
PublicationMXenes, a novel large family of 2D transition metal carbides, carbonitrides and nitrides are currently a “hot topic” in science due to their several fascinating physical and chemical properties. It follows from a rich diversity of their elemental compositions and chemical functionalities. MXenes can form composites with many substances, including polymers or metal oxides, which allows to effective “tune” MXene characteristics to...
Enhancement of pumping efficiency in 8-core double-clad optical fiber doped with Nd3+
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Optimum Geometry and Stress Control of Deformed Double Layer Dome for Gravity and Lateral Loads
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Electroanalytical and spectroscopic procedures for examination of interactions between double stranded DNA and intercalating drugs
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę elektrochemicznego opisu oddziaływań dsDNA ze związkiem biologicznie czynnym w warunkach, w których zarówno badany związek jak i cząsteczka DNA są w roztworze elektrolitu. Opracowano warunki pomiaru, gdzie ani związek, ani DNA nie adsorbuje na elektrodzie. Wykazano, podobnie jak podczas badania innymi metodami, że oddziaływania są dwojakiego rodzaju: elektrostatyczne i poporzez interkalację.
Inner-Tube Chirality Determination for Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
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Systematic study on synthesis and purification of double-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized via CVD
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Harder Won and Easier Lost? Testing the Double Standard in Gender Rules in 62 Countries
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Enhanced Sub-wavelength Focusing by Double-Sided Lens with Phase Correction in THz Range
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A new approach to provide the differentiated levels of network survivability under a double node failure
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano klasową metodę ochrony strumieni ruchu w sieciach WDM zapewniającą szybkie odtwarzanie połączeń w sytuacji jednoczesnej awarii jej dwóch elementów. Szczególny nacisk położono na zagadnienie zapewnienia zróżnicowanych poziomów przeżywalności w celu ich lepszego dopasowania do zróżnicowanych wymagań użytkowników. Pokazano, że w celu zapenienia ochrony przed awarią dwóch elementów, wymagania dotyczące przepustowości...
Experimental investigation of the flow pattern and wall pressure distribution in a silo with double-cone insert
PublicationArtykuł opisuje przeprowadzone badania przepływów silosowych i naporu materiałów sypkich podczas napełniania i opróżniania silosu o średnicy 2.5 m wyposażonego we wkładkę "podwójny stożek". Badania przeprowadzane były w Instytucie Badawczym Tel-Tek w Norwegii. Materiałem użytym był suchy piasek. Napór na ścianę mierzony był bezpośrednio za pomocą 10 czujników wbudowanych w ścianę. Badania eksperymentalne pokazały duży wpływ wkładki...
Simulation of water flow in double -porosity soils on unstructured grids with the finite element method.
PublicationRozważa sie model przepływu wody w gruntowym ośrodku o podwójnej porowatości. Model matematyczny uzyskano poprzez zastosowanie teorii homogenizacji zastosowanej do gruntów o bardzo dużej różnicy przepuszczalności.
The influence of height-to-diameter ratio on wind load of double-shell cylindrical, vertical tank
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano badania modelowe obciążenia wiatrem dwupłaszczowych zbiorników walcowych o różnych smukłościach aerodynamicznych. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów przeprowadzonych na dwóch modelach zbiorników z dachem pływajacym i stosunku wysokości do średnicy płaszcza 0,45 i 0,25.
In-situ and ex-situ resistance measurements of polypyrrole film using double-band electrode
PublicationMany in-situ techniques are performed in order to determine the resistance of conducting polymer film. However, the resistance measured in solution can be the combination of polymer resistance and that of other components, such as resistance of supporting electrolyte. Therefore, in this work, the influence of the solution on the resistance of polypyrrole (PPy) film has been studied. PPy film was electrchemically synthesized onto...
Kinetics of Cross-Linking Reaction of Epoxy Resin with Hydroxyapatite-Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides
PublicationThe cure kinetics analysis of thermoset polymer composites gives useful information about their properties. In this work, two types of layered double hydroxide (LDH) consisting of Mg2+ and Zn2+ as divalent metal ions and CO32− as an anion intercalating agent were synthesized and functionalized with hydroxyapatite (HA) to make a potential thermal resistant nanocomposite. The curing potential of the synthesized nanoplatelets in the...
Fatigue Performance of Double-Layered Asphalt Concrete Beams Reinforced with New Type of Geocomposites
PublicationThe reinforcement of asphalt layers with geosynthetics has been used for several decades, but proper evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still a challenging task. The presented study investigates a novel approach to the reinforcement of asphalt layers using a new type of geogrid composite, in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions is bonded...
On analysis of double-impact test of 1500-kg vehicle into w-beam guardrail system
PublicationEvery day on roads many scenarios of accidents may occur. One of the measures to minimize their consequences is road safety barriers. Finite Element analyses are being increasingly used to support the physical testing of these devices. The paper addresses the issue of a secondary impact into the previously damaged w-beam guardrail system. This situation belongs to one of the most dangerous which can happen on roads and may cause...
Double-Blind Reputation vs. Intelligent Fake VIP Attacks in Cloud-Assisted Interactions
PublicationWe consider a generic model of Client-Server interactions in the presence of Sender and Relay, conceptual agents acting on behalf of Client and Server, respectively, and modeling cloud service providers in the envisaged "QoS as a Service paradigm". Client generates objects which Sender tags with demanded QoS level, whereas Relay assigns the QoS level to be provided at Server. To verify an object's right to a QoS level, Relay detects...
An Adaptive Network Model for a Double Bias Perspective on Learning from Mistakes within Organizations
PublicationAlthough making mistakes is a crucial part of learning, it is still often being avoided in companies as it is considered as a shameful incident. This goes hand in hand with a mindset of a boss who dominantly believes that mistakes usually have negative consequences and therefore avoids them by only accepting simple tasks. Thus, there is no mechanism to learn from mistakes. Employees working for and being influenced by such a boss...
Laboratory fatigue assessment of large geocomposite-reinforced double-layered asphalt concrete beams
PublicationGeosynthetic reinforcement of asphalt layers has been used for several decades. Evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still ongoing, especially for new types of geocomposites. This paper presents the evaluation of fatigue performance of large asphalt concrete beams reinforced with a new type of composite in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions...
Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS) - an international joint Master's double-degree program
PublicationDynamic development of the space sector of European, and especially of Polish and German economies results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. The increasing digitization, distribution and networking of technical systems leads to the necessity of a degree programme teaching “the systems view” and “interdisciplinarity” methods and skills. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle...
Energetics of formation and stability in high pressure steam of barium lanthanide cobaltite double perovskites
PublicationThis study concerns energetics of formation and the stability in high water partial pressure of BaLnCo2O6−δ, (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, and Gd) (BLnC) and BaGd1−xLaxCo2O6−δ, where x = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.7 (BGLC) double perovskite cobaltites. Those materials are extensively studied due to their potential applications as a positrode in electrochemical devices. Therefore, their stability under such conditions is a key issue. All investigated...
Laboratory fatigue assessment of large geocomposite-reinforced double-layered asphalt concrete beams
PublicationGeosynthetic reinforcement of asphalt layers has been used for several decades. Evaluation of the influence of these materials on pavement fatigue life is still ongoing, especially for new types of geocomposites. This paper presents the evaluation of fatigue performance of large asphalt concrete beams reinforced with a new type of composite in which square or hexagonal polypropylene stiff monolithic paving grid with integral junctions...
Optimal reshaping and stress controlling of double-layer spherical structures under vertical loadings
PublicationOptimal reshaping and stress controlling of double-layer spherical structures under vertical loadings