Search results for: V4 COUNTRIES
Towards Gender Harmony Dataset: Gender Beliefs and Gender Stereotypes in 62 Countries
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Public-private mix and performance of health care systems in CEE and CIS countries
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Does technology matter for economic development? Empirical evidence for Latin American Countries
PublicationThe spread of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been recognized worldwide. ICTs are broadly perceived as tools facilitating economic growth and development, especially in backward countries. They are easy and cheap to adopt, require minimum skills for effective use, and bring opportunities for disadvantaged societies. They enable education, knowledge dissemination and sharing, and processing and storing...
ICT Diffusion Trajectories and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence for 46 Developing Countries
PublicationIn economic theory, technology is treated as a crucial factor contributing significantly to economic development. Seminal works of Schumpeter (Theory of economic development. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1934, J Econ Hist 7:149–159, 1947), Baumol (Am Econ Rev 76:1072–1084, 1986), Gerschenkron (Economic backwardness in economic perspective. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962) or Abramovitz (J Econ Hist 46(2):385–406, 1986)...
Impact of the Manufacturing Sector on the Export Competitiveness of European Countries – a Spatial Panel Analysis
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to determine how changes in the export competitiveness of the EU economy (measured by exports and net exports) depend on changes in the competitiveness of processing industries, on the basis of manufacturing data from 19 EU countries over years 1995-2009 and using a spatial panel data model. The determinants of export competitiveness are selected in the light of predictions from international trade...
PublicationThe aim of this article is to identify clusters of countries with similar levels of competitiveness among the EU-27 countries and to identify for each of the 27 EU countries the path to growth in competitiveness. The taxonomic cluster analysis conducted confirms the hypothesis that the European Union is an area with a high differentiation in terms of levels of competitiveness. The analysis shows that the strategy to increase competitiveness...
The demand for skills and the labor cost in partner countries: evidence from the enlarged EU
PublicationWe analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how thelabor costs in partner countries affects the demand for domestic high- and low-skilled labor inthe EU-15 (Old) and five New member states. In general, independently on the skill level, the resultshint at complementarity between domestic and foreign labor. However, the demand for thehigh skilled in New EU members' low skill intensive sectors...
The demand for skills and labour cost in partner countries. Evidence from the enlarged EU
PublicationWe analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how the labour costs in partner countries affect the domestic demand for high- and low-skilled labour in 'Old' (EU-15) and five 'New' EU member states. In general, independently of the skill level of workers, the results suggest complementarity between domestic and foreign labour. However, when we take into account the typology of sectors, the demand...
Banking stability during the economic transformation process in selected countries of the Western Balkans
PublicationEconomic transformation is still an ongoing process in many European countries. Despite common economic roots, the current economic situations are developing differently in different countries. This article will consider the process of economic transformation in terms of the banking sector. It aims to assess the level of banking stability throughout the transformation process in the Western Balkan region, and to assess the determinates...
Review of Research into Enterprise Bankruptcy Prediction in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries
PublicationIn developed countries, the first studies on forecasting bankruptcy date to the early 20th century. In Central and Eastern Europe, due to, among other factors, the geopolitical situation and the introduced economic system, this issue became the subject of researcher interest only in the 1990s. Therefore, it is worthwhile to analyze whether these countries conduct bankruptcy risk assessments and what their level of advancement is....
Bankruptcy system model and efficiency versus the entrepreneurship and innovation in selected European countries
Publicationmodel and its efficiency on the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in selected European countries and Turkey. This goal was achieved by examining the relationships between debtor-friendliness of the bankruptcy law model and its efficiency on one side and entrepreneurship and innovation on the other. The cross-sectional ANOVA test and OLS regression method were chosen as the research method. In order to verify the research...
PublicationOut-of-pocket expenditures are a significant barrier in accessing health services. This paper aims to analyse the structure of financing system in the context of the performance indicators of healthcare systems. The study was conducted for the 28 countries of the former Eastern bloc in the years 2000 and 2013, based on data from the World Health Organization. In the DEA-CCR input-oriented model, inputs are the percentage share...
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the engagement of the elderly being close to retirement age in the Baltic Sea Region countries in the education of the adults, as well as to discuss the possibilities and conditions for the educational activity of the elderly. The authors also refer to the relationship between the participation of the elderly in education and their socio-economic situation.
Socio-economic exclusion as a hindrance of economic development. A comparative study for European countries
PublicationThe paper consists of multidimentional analysis of social and economic exclusions which are treated as main barriers for economic development. This complex study covers all European countries. The timespan is set for 2004-2011
Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region
PublicationAn increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against...
The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis
PublicationThis paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...
Health System Efficiency in European Countries: Network Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
PublicationPurpose: The article's main aim is to investigate the effectiveness of health systems in European countries based on EUROSTAT data. A comparative analysis of the health systems' effectiveness in different countries is based on their improvement (reform), using the best practices approach. Design/Methodology/Approach: The network DEA model and a slack-based model (NDEA – SBM) are used. A non-oriented model is used. The research...
Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government?
PublicationThis study examineshow countries develop and benefit from Digital Government(DG).The literature proposes various conceptualizations of the value-adding logic of DG, but the benchmarking practice is not respondingto such proposals.For instance, the United Nations’E-Government Surveycombines the readiness and uptake indicatorsand failsto cover any impactindicators;thus,its diagnostic valueis limited. To overcome...
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model
PublicationThis article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle were used to calculate the truncated regression. Health care resources (physicians, nurses, hospital beds, financial...
Electoral Turnout and State Redistribution: A Cross-National Study of Fourteen Developed Countries
PublicationThis study explores the relationship between electoral participation and income redistribution by way of social transfers, using data from the European Social Survey, the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, and the Luxembourg Income Study. It extends previous research by measuring the income skew of turnout rather than using average turnout as a proxy for its income bias. We find that, controlling for a number of other variables,...
PublicationThe countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which acceded to the EU in 2004, are facing a great challenge related to transformations in the level and demographic structure of the population. The observed adverse demographic developments require taking decisive actions aimed at curbing the negative trend. The purpose of this paper is to present changes in the level and demographic structure of population and their impact on...
Resource productivity and environmental degradation in EU-27 countries: context of material footprint
PublicationThis study explores the relationship between the resource productivity and environmental degradation in European Union-27 countries. This study tests this relationship in context of high, moderate, and low material footprint sub-samples; these samples are formed utilizing the expectation–maximization machine learning algorithm. Using the panel data set of EU-27 countries from 2000 to 2020, linear and non-linear autoregressive distributed...
Enhancing Economic Development Through ICT-Based Governance: Evidence for Developing Countries
Publicationhis shows novel empirical evidence on how e-government solutions enhance the emergence of inclusive societies, increase institutional quality, and through that channels dynamize economic development in developing countries. With this aim we examine digital development inequalities adopting 2 core ICT indicators: mobile cellular telephony and Internet users; and gross per capita income and Human Development Index to show the level...
Closing the gap – the opportunity for sustainability and smart transition in the Central and East Europe countries
PublicationFor almost half a century the countries of CEE were part of- or were remaining under the influence of- the Soviet Union what caused gaping difference in the starting line towards sustainability. Here the prefabricated concrete blocks of flats were being built at the scale unseen in the western countries. Those buildings, approximately a quarter of the residential market, are in a structurally sound condition to last another five...
KM Challenges in Small KIBS Companies: Multi-case Analysis in Two Countries
PublicationKnowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) – i.e. companies like e.g. computer services, consulting, engineering, business communication, and R&D support - are key players in the modern economies. They stimulate the innovativeness of businesses and societies. Their competitiveness is based on knowledge, which is their key production factor and also the kind of “goods” they sell. The large majority of KIBS companies have a small...
Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in the Market of Cultural Services in Central European Countries: The Example of Poland
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Consumer Behaviour on the Market of Cultural Services in Developing Central European Countries: On the Example of Poland
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The Impact of Energy Development of the European Union Euro Area Countries on CO2 Emissions Level
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Methods and Tools Used to Estimate the Shortages of Medical Staff in European Countries—Scoping Review
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Intellectual brain drain and economic growth in developing countries: A theoretical solution of strategic compensation
PublicationBrain drain is a real problem for the developing countries like Pakistan. It not only impacts theworkforce, but its effect eventually translates to economic growth as well. The most severe form of braindrain is intellectual as top tier skilled employees’ move out of the country. This study explores the issue ofintellectual brain drain in Pakistan moreover analyzes its severity to the economic growth. Finally,...
Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in European countries and USA: A systematic review and meta-analysis
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Determinants of innovativeness of the “new” European union countries between 2004 and 2016 – comparative analysis
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Harder Won and Easier Lost? Testing the Double Standard in Gender Rules in 62 Countries
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Country‐level and individual‐level predictors of men's support for gender equality in 42 countries
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Relationship between wages, labour productivity and unemployment rate in new EU member countries
PublicationThe main aim of this article is to find out the extent to which relative labour productivity and relative unemployment rate changes determine relative wage changes. We use average annual macro-data for the period 2002-2013 for Poland and other 5 new EU members: Estonia, Hungary, Slovak, Czech Republic and Slovenia. Using Poland as benchmark, rst we examine the correlation between wage, productivity and unemployment rate changes...
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Visegrad Countries towards Internationalisation Challenges in the European Union
PublicationThe chapter characterises and compares SMEs in Visegrad Countries and their international behaviours.
Does offshoring affect industry employment? Evidence from a wide European panel countries
Publicationis paper contributes to the literature on the possible impact of international outsourcing on domestic labour markets. We focus on off shoring-employment relationship. Th e analysis is performed for a wide European panel, composed of 27 EU countries and 13 manufacturing sectors, observed in the period 1995-2009. Th anks to the use of input-output tables from the WIOD project, we measure the intensity of off shoring in the sectors,...
What fosters firm-level labour productivity in Eastern European and Central Asian countries?
PublicationThis study examines labour productivity performance and its determinants in Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) firms using micro-level data. We find significant differences in labour productivity among members of the European Union in Eastern Europe and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries. We also confirm the important impact of foreign ownership, exporter status, and highly skilled workers on productivity...
New patterns in the position of CEE countries in global value chains: functional specialisation approach
PublicationResearch background: High servitisation of manufacturing makes it impossible to separate services from manufactured goods properly, which implies difficulties in the assessment of the position of the country on the smile curve, i.e. in the proper assignment of products or services to one of the industrial process steps: pre-production, pure fabrication or post-production services. Therefore, we propose to use the business functions...
Effect of the integration into Global Value Chains on the employment contract in Central and Eastern European countries
PublicationResearch background: In the era of globalization, there is a need to address decent work deficits in Global Value Chains (GVCs). The forms of working conditions reveal a broad dispersion of contents. The literature review exposes hardly any Europe-focused research assessing the socioeconomic impact of global production links and going beyond their pure economic effects assessed in terms of employment, productivity or wages. Purpose...
The criteria for evaluation and selection the best tender applied by the authorities in Poland and selected EU countries
PublicationThe aim of the regulation in EU countries concerning public procurement is to ensure efficient spending of funds by evaluating and choosing the most advantageous offer. The aim of the conducted research is to determine the extent the Polish contracting entities benefit from the possibility of broad selection of various criteria for tender evaluation. On the basis of the analysis of 500 notices on work procedures conducted in the...
Digitalization Process and Its Impact on Economic Growth A Panel Data Study for Developing Countries
PublicationThis book analyses the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on economic development. It contains theoretical and empirical studies, including panel studies on various issues facing developing countries, such as education, corruption, economic growth, government expenditure, financial inclusion, foreign direct investment, infrastructure, economic and social welfare, and inequality. Each chapter offers a well-conceived...
Household Ability of Expenditures on Electricity and Energy Resources in the Countries That Joined the EU after 2004
PublicationThe purpose of the following article is to present the situation of the energy market from a household perspective between 2010 and 2020 in selected EU countries (the group of member states which joined EU after 2004). The selected countries when joining the EU had similar economic indicators and to some extent were similar in other macro-economic situations (personal income, unemployment rate, GDP level and annual growth). This...
SDGs implementation, their synergies, and trade-offs in EU countries – Sensitivity analysis-based approach
PublicationSustainable development is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity. Its basic principle is to improve people’s well-being and maintain it over time. In 2015, the United Nations approved 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, balancing economic, social and environmental development. SDGs create an ‘indivisible whole’; thus, examining their interactions is crucial. Our...
Visegrád countries' scientific productivity in the European context: a 10-year perspective using Web of Science and Scopus
PublicationMeasuring the growth of research productivity is a core element of performance in the higher education sector. This paper aims to analyse the scientific productivity of the Visegrád Group countries (2010-2019) based on data from the WoS and Scopus databases as well as data from secondary sources (demographic and socio-economic factors). Quantitatively, although Poland has the highest output, this is due to its comparative size,...
VAT rates in selected countries
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a list of selected countries with information on the VAT (or similar) tax rate applicable in them. Datarefers to the status as of 30.06.2024.
Value of Personalized Dementia-Specific Quality of Life Scales: An Explorative Study in 3 European Countries
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Not re-inventing the wheel: the adaptive implementation of the meeting centres support programme in four European countries
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Do Organizational Ethics Improve IT Job Satisfaction in the Visegrád Group Countries? Insights from Poland
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Perspective Chapter: Reducing the Social Inequality Gaps in Older Ages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries