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Search results for: photodegradation of pollutant
MOF/TiO2 erythrocyte-like heterostructures decorated by noble metals for use in hydrogen photogeneration and pollutant photodegradation
PublicationVarious metal–organic framework (MOF)/TiO2 heterostructures can be obtained by the partial hydrolysis or calcination of Ti-based MOFs. By adjusting the hydrolysis and calcination steps of NH2-MIL-125 (Ti), a novel photoactive material composed of a MOF (NH2-MIL-125 (Ti)) and TiO2, with a unique “erythrocyte” shape, was developed. Furthermore, modification of the composition prepared by the partial hydrolysis of NH2- MIL-125 (Ti)...
Organic pollutants photodegradation increment with use of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with transition metals after pulsed laser treatment
PublicationAmong various titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2, titania) structures, 1D nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) produced during the two-electrode anodization process, are extensively utilized in sensors or supercapacitors as well as in photo(electro)catalytic water splitting. However, due to wide bandgap and fast electron-hole recombination additional modifications, mostly concerned on materials surface, are required. According to the recent research, TiO2...
Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability
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High performance ozone nanobubbles based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for degradation of organic pollutants under high pollutant loading
PublicationAdvanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have proven to be an effective solution for chemical wastewater treatment, particularly for degradation of organic pollutants, especially dyes. Ozonation is recognized as one of the most prevalent AOPs. Nevertheless, some cases show a lowered efficiency of O3 utilization which is attributed to its inadequate distribution in the treated water causing low residence time, low mass transfer coefficient...
Inhibition of Polymer Photodegradation by Incorporation of Coffee Silverskin
PublicationOver the last years, the trend associated with the incorporation of materials from renewable resources into polymer technology is getting significantly more vital. Researchers are trying to transfer the properties of natural raw materials into the polymer world. Therefore, different natural materials are more often investigated as potential additives for polymers. Such an effect is noted for the coffee industry by-products, such...
Phthalocyanine-Grafted Titania Nanoparticles for Photodegradation of Ibuprofen
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Laboratory and pilot scale photodegradation of cyanide-containing wastewaters
PublicationW pracy badano efektywność procesu degradacji cyjanków stosując odpowiednie metody utleniania. Roztwory modelowe cyjanków zawierające TiO2 i H2O2 były poddane fotodegradacji przy różnych warunkach pH, temperatury, różnym składzie fazy gazowej i w obecności różnych katalizatorów. Prawie 20% wzrost w efektywności utlenienia cyjanków był zaobserwowany dla fotodegradacji cyjankowych kompleksów miedzi. Dodatkowo badano fotodegradację...
Photodegradation and advanced oxidation of endocrine disruptors in aqueous solutions
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Photodegradation and biodegradation study of benzo(a)pyrene in different liquid media.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące degradacji benzo(a)pirenu w różnych mediach ciekłych (woda, rozpuszczalniki organiczne). Zbadano wpływ różnych czynników : temperatura, czas przechowywania próbki, dostęp światła, obecność naturalnie występujących mikroorganizmów, na przebieg procesów degradacji benzo(a)pirenu. Degradacja w rozpuszczalnikach organicznych przebiega następująco: dichlorometan > acetonitryl >heksan > cykloheksan...
Environmental and toxicological aspects of sulfamethoxazole photodegradation in the presence of oxidizing agents
PublicationSulfamethoxazole (SMX) is a popular active substance, which is extensively applied to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to its widespread use, SMX enters the natural environment, where it can undergo degradation. Similarly to other emerging contaminants, SMX photodegradation and the use of oxidants in wastewater treatment processes can lead to the formation of potentially adverse transformation products for...
Reductive Photodegradation of 4,4′-Isopropylidenebis(2,6-dibromophenol) on Fe3O4 Surface
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Mechanism of phenol photodegradation in the presence of pure and modified-TiO2: A review
PublicationW publikacji został przedstawiony przegląd i podsumowanie literaturowe na temat fotokatalitycznego utleniania fenolu w obecności TiO2. Opisano mechanizm rozkładu fenolu i tworzenia się rodników OH.
Optimization of carbamazepine photodegradation on defective TiO2-based magnetic photocatalyst
PublicationIn this work, carbamazepine (CBZ) degradation over defective Fe3O4@SiO2/d-TiO2/Pt photocatalyst was studied. Within the titania structure, Ti vacancies and Pt nanoparticles were introduced to enhance the photocatalyst’s light absorption and influence charge carriers’ mobility. For the carbamazepine degradation, process parameters, e.g., temperature, flux intensity, photocatalyst loading, aeration, pH, and addition of H2O2, were optimized...
Air Pollutant Emission Measurement
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Photodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol in Aqueous Systems under Simulated and Natural Sunlight
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Photodegradation of Benzo-[a]-pyrene on the Surface of the Photocatalytic Paints and Analysis of the Degradation Products
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Application of photoactive electrospun nanofiber materials with immobilized meso-tetraphenylporphyrin for parabens photodegradation
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Photodegradation of single and mixture of parabens – Kinetic, by-products identification and cost-efficiency analysis
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The importance of degradation in the fate of selected organic compounds in the environment. Part II. Photodegradation and biodegradation
PublicationDegradacja jest naturalnym, wszechobecnym procesem rozkładu substancji organicznych obecnych w środowisku. Produkty degradacji lub pośrednie produkty rozkładu związków organicznych często wykazują inną toksyczność w stosunku do mikroorganizmów, zwierząt i ludzi niż związki wyjściowe. Procesy fotodegradacji i biodegradacji zachodzą zwykle jednocześnie. Fotodegradacja uznawana jest za wstępny proces, po którym następuje rozkład...
Photodegradation of lauric acid at an anatase single crystal surface studied by atomic force microscopy
PublicationBadania obejmowały obserwację zmian topografii powierzchni, za pomocą mikroskopii sił atomowych, cienkiej warstwy kwasu laurynowego osadzonego na monokrysztale anatazu. Warstwę kwasu laurynowego o grubości 80-90 nm naświetlano promieniowaniem z zakresu UV-Vis. Zauważono, że kwas laurynowy osadzany metodą wirującego dysku tworzy na powierzchni monokryształów TiO2 struktury domenowe. Stwierdzono, że podczas naświetlania nie ulega...
Short Term Monitor of Photodegradation Processes in Ranitidine Hydrochloride Observed by FTIR and ATR FTIR
PublicationThe effects of degradation of ranitidine hydrochloride exposed to UVB radiation (l = 310 nm) and oxygen in a weathering chamber were studied by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). ATR-FTIR profile indicated that the degradation was spatially heterogeneous. Significant amounts of photoproducts were detected only in a directly...
Distribution of pollutants in the Odra River system part III. Organic pollutants in bottom sediments
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek osadów dennych pobranych (w okresie 1997-2000) w ramach Międzynarodowego Programu Badań Dorzecza Rzeki Odry (w trakcie 8 Kampanii) na zawartość szerokiej gamy związków organicznych (pestycydy, lotne związki organiczne, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, chlorobenzeny, polichlorowane bifenyle).
Remote Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants
PublicationAtmospheric air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. Air quality evaluation is not an easy task as the atmosphere is a complex system subjected to continuous changes in time. Observed progress in the development of measurement devices and technologies is fundamental for acquisition of more reliable information about condition and quality of atmospheric air. Unfortunately, this process leads to an increase...
Electroadsorptive Removal of Gaseous Pollutants
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Pollutants in Airport Runoff Waters
PublicationRunoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmentalproblem. It is essential to monitor levels of pollutants emitted intothe environment and measure their toxicity on a continuous basis.The authors' aim was to critically review data on pollution fromaviation fuel combustion, aviation fuel spillage, the washing andcleaning of aircraft and airport service equipment, and the useof de-/anti-icing agents published in...
Theoretical Investigation of the Electron-Transfer Dynamics and Photodegradation Pathways in a Hydrogen-Evolving Ruthenium-Palladium Photocatalyst
PublicationTime-dependent density functional theory calcula- tions combinedwith the Marcus theory of electron transfer (ET) were app lied on the molecular photocatalys t [(tbbpy) 2 Ru(tpph z)PdC l 2 ] 2 + in order to elucidate thelight-in- duced relaxation pathways populated upon excitation in the longer wavelength range of its absorption spectrum. The computational resultsshow that after the initial excitation, metal (Ru) to ligand (tpphz)chargetransfer...
Distribution of pollutants in the Odra River system part II. Organic pollutants in Odra River water
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń zanieczyszczeń organicznych (pestycydy, lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, chlorobenzeny, polichlorowane bifenyle) w próbkach wody zebranych w trakcie 8 Kampanii (w okresie 1997-2000) zorganizowanej w ramach Międzynarodowego Projektu Badań Dorzecza Rzeki Odry (IOP).
Photosensitive chitosan for visible-light water pollutant degradation
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Photosensitised oxidation of a water pollutant using sulphonated porphyrin
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Conditions controlling atmospheric pollutant deposition via snowpack
PublicationSolid precipitation represents a potentially important addition to other measures of deposition. However, an accurate estimate of snowfall amount and pollutant loading is not a trivial matter. There are obvious distinctions between regular precipitation collection and snowpack sampling that represent the cumulative chemistry of bulk deposition. The main goal is to show the most important processes and factors that may influence...
Experimental and theoretical studies on the photodegradation of 2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate in the presence of reactive oxygen and chlorine species
Publication2-Ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) is one of the most commonly used sunscreen ingredient. In this study we investigated photodegradation of EHMC in the presence of such common oxidizing and chlorinating systems as H2O2, H2O2/HCl, H2O2/UV, and H2O2/HCl/UV. Reaction products were detected by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector (GC-MS). As a result of experimental studies chloro-substituted 4-methoxycinnamic...
Photodegradation of phenol by UV/TiO2 and Vis/N,C-TiO2 processes: Comparative mechanistic and kinetic studies
PublicationPorównano drogę fotodegradacji w dwóch systemach badawczych: UV/TiO2 i Vis/N,C-TiO2. Zbadano efektywność degradacji fenolu, powstające produkty pośrednie oraz generowanie rodników hydoksylowych w przygotowanych układach badawczych. Wyniki badań wykazały porównywalne efektywności degradacji fenolu w zawiesinach: domieszkowany TiO2/Vis i TiO2 P-25/UV. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują również na odmienne drogi degradacji zanieczyszczeń w...
Titanium(IV) Oxide Modified with Activated Carbon and Ultrasounds for Caffeine Photodegradation: Adsorption Isotherm and Kinetics Study
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Organic pollutants in the Odra river ecosystem.
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań próbek wody oraz osadów dennych pobieranych w okresie 1997-2000, w trakcie 8 kampanii przeprowadzonych w ramach Międzynarodowego Programu Badań Dorzecza Rzeki Odry (IOP). W pobranych próbkach oznaczono: wybrane pestycydy chloro- , azoto- i fosforoorganiczne; alifatyczne iaromatyczne węglowodory; lotne związki chloroorganiczne; wybrane związki chloroorganiczne; wybrane związki siarkoorganiczne;...
Photochemical degradation of pollutants in aqueous phase
PublicationTlenek tytanu (IV) wykorzystywany jest jako fotokatalizator służący oczyszczaniu wody i powietrza z wykorzystaniem tzw. powierzchni samoczyszczających się. Zastosowanie fotodegradacji w obecności TiO2 uzasadnione jest przede wszystkim do usuwania substancji toksycznych i/lub trwałych i jednocześnie występujących w małych stężeniach oraz jeżeli w procesie fotodegradacji można wykorzystać promieniowanie słoneczne. Wyniki badań wskazują,...
Determination of atmospheric pollutants in wet deposition
PublicationTransport wody z atmosfery do podłoża zachodzi głównie za pośrednictwem opadów atmosferycznych takich jak deszcz, mżawka, śnieg, grad i inne. Ich wspólną cechą jest znacząca prędkość opadania grawitacyjnego. Uzupełniającym sposobem depozycji zanieczyszczeń w fazie mokrej są osady atmosferyczne, które tworzą się bądź przez kondensację/sublimację pary wodnej pod wpływem radiacyjnego wychłodzenia podłoża (rosa,szron), bądź w wyniku...
Optimized photodegradation of palm oil agroindustry waste effluent using multivalent manganese–modified black titanium dioxide
PublicationThis article presents a methodological approach to use manganese (Mn3+Mn7+)-modified black titanium dioxide (Mn/BTiO2) as a photocatalyst to optimize and improve visible-light-driven photodegradation of treated agro-industrial effluent (TPOME). A modified wet chemical process was used to prepare BTiO2. The BTiO2 was then wet impregnated with Mn and calcined at 300 °C for 1 h to produce Mn/BTiO2. The activity of Mn/BTiO2 was investigated...
Catalytic Carbonization of Chlorinated Poly(vinyl chloride) Microfibers into Carbon Microfibers with High Performance in the Photodegradation of Congo Red
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SnO2 nanoparticles embedded onto MoS2 nanoflakes - An efficient catalyst for photodegradation of methylene blue and photoreduction of hexavalent chromium
PublicationIn this work, a molybdenum disulfide/tin oxide (MoS2/SnO2) composite was successfully prepared via a hydrothermal method. The MoS2/SnO2 composite was used as a photocatalyst for photoreduction of hexavalent chromium and photodecomposition of methylene blue. It exhibited higher photocatalytic performance under simulated solar light irradiation than MoS2 itself. The obtained material was characterized by several spectroscopic and...
Chitosan-based nanomaterials for removal of water pollutants
PublicationThe rise of micropollutants presents a significant threat to both the environment and human well-being, requiring effective strategies for their mitigation. Chitin serves as the precursor for chitosan, composed of two monomers featuring acetamido and amino groups. Chitosan possesses several noteworthy attributes, including its ability to bind water and fat, humidity content, solubility, consistent molecular weight, and various...
Passive sampling techniques for monitoring pollutants in water
PublicationPraca przeglądowa poświęcona technice dozymetrii pasywnej. Omówiono charakterystykę wybranych próbników pasywnych wykorzystywanych w analityce zanieczyszczeń wody. Ponadto przedstawiono zalety i wady technik pasywnych oraz opisano obszar praktycznego zastosowania próbnikow pasywnych.
Historical records of organic pollutants in sediment cores
PublicationAnalyses of sediment core samples are primary sources of historical pollution trends in aquatic systems. Determining organic compounds, such as POPs, in the dated sediments enables the estimation of their temporal concentration changes and the identification of the contaminant origin in local regions. Wars, large-scale fires, economical transitions, and bans on certain chemicals are reflected in the sediment organic compound concentrations....
Mobile system for on-road measurements of air pollutants
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano prototyp mobilnej stacji diagnostycznej do pomiarów stężeń typowych zanieczyszczeń powietrza (C6H6, NO2, NOx, CO i CO2) pochodzących z komunikacji w miastach. Nowością proponowanego systemu jest możliwość przeprowadzania pomiarów emisji zanieczyszczeń wzdłuż ciągów komunikacyjnych i w miejscach, w których nie mogą być zastosowane stacjonarne stacje monitoringowe. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu, urządzenie...
Treatment Wetland for Overflow Stormwater Treatment: The Impact of Pollutant Particles Size
PublicationThe problem of stormwater treatment in urban areas has become increas- ingly crucial. It has been widely recognized that both mechanical and biological treatment of stormwater is necessary to protect surface water against pollution. Moreover, technology must be applied to ensure effective treatment in changing hydraulic conditions and to serve, to the extent possible, as a retention volume. Treatment wetland (TW) could be...
3D visualisation and monitoring of marine pollutant aggregations in Web-based GIS
PublicationPrzedstawiony internetowy GIS służy do integracji, przetwarzania i wizualizacji pochodzących z wielu źródeł danych o różnych komponentach środowiska morskiego, w tym o zanieczyszczeniach. Jako przykład przedstawiono wyniki trójwymiarowego modelowania rozprzestrzeniania się wylewu olejowego w morzu.
Distribution of the International Marine Traffic Air Pollutant Emissions in the Port of Split
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Efficiency of pollutant removal by five multistage constructed wetlands in a temperate climate
PublicationIn recent years, an increase in interest in hybrid constructed wetland systems (HCWs) has beenobserved. These systems are composed of two or more filters with different modes of sewage flow.Based on over eight years of monitoring, carried out at five local HCWs located in the PomeraniaRegion of Northern Poland, the effective removal of organic matter (from 74.9 to 95.5% COD) in theloading range 1.5-17.0 g COD·m-2·d-1 was confirmed....
Pollutant deposition via dew in urban and rural environment, Cracow, Poland
PublicationThis study is a comparative analysis of dew in rural and urban environment. Dew samples were collected between May and October, 2009 in two reference stations in southern Poland: Cracow and Gaik-Brzezowa. The investigation included comparison of volume and chemistry of the collected samples. Due to its formation mechanisms, dew is a good indicator of air pollution. Following parameters were analyzed in 159 collected samples: pH,...
Insight into Potassium Vanadates as Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysts: Synthesis of V(IV)-Rich Nano/Microstructures for the Photodegradation of Methylene Blue
PublicationPhotocatalysis is regarded as a promising tool for wastewater remediation. In recent years, many studies have focused on investigating novel photocatalysts driven by visible light. In this study, K2V6O16·nH2O nanobelts and KV3O8 microplatelets were synthesized and investigated as photocatalysts. Samples were obtained via the facile method based on liquid-phase exfoliation with ion exchange. By changing the synthesis temperature...
Decrease in Photovoltaic Module Efficiency Due to Deposition of Pollutants
PublicationThe deposition of pollutants on the surface of photovoltaic (PV) modules reduce the efficiency that can be achieved in given climatic conditions. This results in the loss of energy yield obtained from the solar installation. A number of factors determine the scale of this problem. The first of these is the amount of impurities deposited, the associated amount of precipitation, and the speed and direction of the wind. A second aspect...