dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Czerwionka
- Technolog w Katedra Technologii w Inżynierii Środowiska
- Kierownik katedry w Katedra Technologii w Inżynierii Środowiska
- Profesor uczelni w Katedra Technologii w Inżynierii Środowiska
wszystkich: 108
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Circular economy in Poland: Good practices and recommendations – case study
PublikacjaThis review paper explores circular economy (CE) initiatives and Green Public Procurement (GPP) practices in Poland, focusing on practical implementation and regulatory frameworks. The concept of CE is explored in depth, focusing on its potential to mitigate climate change and resource depletion by extending product lifecycles and reducing waste generation. Transitioning to a CE model offers numerous environmental and economic...
Rok 2024
Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublikacjaExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Rok 2023
Influence of Phosphorus Speciation on Its Chemical Removal from Reject Water from Dewatering of Municipal Sewage Sludge
PublikacjaThe aim of the presented research was the assessment of phosphorus speciation impact on the precipitation of phosphorus in reject water using Ca(OH)2. To achieve this, phosphorus speciation (organic and inorganic phosphorus in suspension and in dissolved form) in reject water that is produced during sludge dewatering, after methane digestion in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), was determined. This study covered the materials...
Nitrogen transformation during fermentation in agricultural biogas plants
PublikacjaThe aim of the present study was to determine changes in the organic nitrogen fraction in the liquid fraction of the digestate during laboratory tests of mono- and co-digestion. Three agricultural wastes were tested: distillery residue, cattle slurry and corn silage. In the mono-fermentation tests, the initial total nitrogen concentration depended on the feedstock used. As a result of the hydrolysis and ammonification of the organic...
Production of Biogas from Distillation Residue as a Waste Material from the Distillery Industry in Poland
PublikacjaIn this paper, the possibility to obtain an alternative source of energy from methane fermentation, catalysed by biomass, has been discussed in detail. As a main substrate, the distillation residue from the distillery industry was taken in the case of mono-fermentation and its co-fermentation with sewage sludge. The results showed that higher biogas and methane production can be obtained in a mono-fermentation process. Fermentation...
Rok 2022
The Influence of Low-Temperature Disintegration on the Co-Fermentation Process of Distillation Residue and Waste-Activated Sludge
Publikacja: Innovative low-temperature disintegration (process temperature 55 ◦C and oxygen concentration 0.2 mg/dm3 ) can be an economically rational technology to intensifying energy production from renewable sources. The proposed process can achieve a degree of disintegration—under optimal conditions—of about 50%, which is excellent when compared with other methods of feed pre-treatment. The low-temperature disintegration of distillation...
Rok 2021
Denitrification Process Enhancement and Diversity of the Denitrifying Community in the Full Scale Activated Sludge System after Adaptation to Fusel Oil
PublikacjaImplementation of anaerobic digestion of primary sludge in modern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) limits the availability of organic carbon for denitrification in conventional nitrification-denitrification (N/DN) systems. In order to ensure efficient denitrification, dosage of the external carbon source is commonly undertaken. However, application of commercial products, such us ethanol or acetate, greatly increases operational...
Integrated plant-wide modelling for evaluation of the energy balance and greenhouse gas footprint in large wastewater treatment plants
PublikacjaModern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) should maintain a balance between three combined sustainability criteria, including effluent quality, energy performance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. All of these criteria were considered in the integrated plant-wide model developed in this study. The proposed model incorporates new features, including: (i) the addition of associated facilities to the overall energy balance and...
Nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent in a pilot study using two-step reject water treatment technology
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from the liquid fraction of digestates (reject water) pilot study using a two-step technology, where the precipitation of biogenic compounds in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) will be preceded by a deammonification process. The tests confirmed the possibility of nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent. A removal...
Phosphorus and nitrogen forms in liquid fraction of digestates from agricultural biogas plants
PublikacjaThe novelty of the presented research is the determination of the nitrogen and phosphorus fraction in the liquid fraction of digestate from agricultural biogas plants. This information is important because it can help in proposing possible further liquid fraction management or developing of new technologies for their purification. The research covered digestates from agricultural biogas plants, obtained from the fermentation of...
Phosphorus concentration and availability in raw organic waste and post fermentation products
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the mobility of phosphorus forms in raw organic waste and from the solid and liquid fractions of digestate. To achieve the purpose of this study, the components (including livestock manure, agricultural waste, food waste, sewage sludge) and their post fermentation products were considered. Subsequently, the effect of the fermentation process on the mobility of phosphorus forms in post-fermentation fractions...
PublikacjaThe pressure on the world’s water resources is rapidly increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorisation of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse can reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered as a potential resource. We analysed...
The Influence of Co-Fermentation of Agri-Food Waste with Primary Sludge on Biogas Production and Composition of the Liquid Fraction of Digestate
PublikacjaEnergy self-sufficiency is a current trend in wastewater treatment plants. This effect can be achieved by increasing the production of electricity from biogas and by reducing energy consumption for technological processes. One idea, in line with the circular economy concept, is the use of waste rich in organic matter as co-substrates for the fermentation process. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of waste co-fermentation...
Waste materials assessment for phosphorus adsorption toward sustainable application in circular economy
PublikacjaPhosphorus is the main determinant of nutrient enrichment in the water bodies. Many resources including nutrients may be shortly exhausted, assuming current consumption. This scenario leads to growing interest in resources recovery and/or reuse, which together with sustainable energy consumption and waste reduction are the main courses of the circular economy. Usage of coagulants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not allow...
Wpływ kofermentacji odpadów rolno-spożywczych z osadami ściekowymi na produkcję biogazu oraz na skład frakcji ciekłej osadu przefermentowanego
PublikacjaSamowystarczalność energetyczna jest aktualnym trendem w oczyszczalniach ścieków. Efekt ten można osiągnąć poprzez zwiększenie produkcji energii elektrycznej z biogazu oraz poprzez zmniejszenie zużycia energii na potrzeby procesów technologicznych. Jednym z pomysłów, zgodnym z koncepcją gospodarki cyrkularnej, jest wykorzystanie odpadów bogatych w materię organiczną jako kosubstratów w procesie fermentacji. Celem pracy było określenie...
Wpływ kofermentacji substratów rolniczych na produkcję biogazu oraz skład odcieków z odwadniania pofermentu
PublikacjaCelem pracy było określenie wpływu fermentacji odpadów wykorzystywanych w biogazowniach rolniczych na wielkość produkcji biogazu oraz stężenie azotu w odciekach z odwadniania masy pofermentacyjnej. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na frakcje azotu organicznego. W badaniach wykorzystano dwa rodzaje substratów: gnojowicę bydlęcą oraz kiszonkę kukurydzy. Wykazano, że substraty te przyczyniły się do wzrostu produkcji biogazu i zawartości...
Rok 2020
Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate
PublikacjaThe liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...
The Use of Organic Coagulants in the Primary Precipitation Process at Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublikacjaMeasurements for determining the effect of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) on the efficiency of pollutant removal from wastewater were carried out using conventional inorganic coagulants PIX113 with polymer A110 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and unconventional cationic organic coagulants Cofloc (Attana, Coalville, UK) C29510 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and Sedifloc 575 (3F Chimica, Sandrigo, Italy). The average removal efficiency...
Rok 2019
Denitrifcation rate in the mainstream deammonification
PublikacjaThe conventional processes of biological nitrogen removal based on nitrification and denitrification does not fit properly into the concept of the circular economy. As the alternative one should consider the deammonification process, which is a combination of partial nitrification (nitritation) and Anammox processes. It consists of removing ammonium nitrogen from wastewater under anaerobic conditions by a group of autotrophic microorganisms....
Frakcje azotu organicznego w wywarze gorzelnianym
PublikacjaWywar gorzelniany jest produktem ubocznym w procesie wytwarzania surowego spirytusu. W Polsce na jeden litr wyprodukowanego spirytusu powstaje od 9 do 14 litrów tego odpadu. Charakteryzuje się on wysokim ładunkiem ChZT oraz azotu ogólnego, występującego głównie w formie azotu organicznego. Przy wysokiej produkcji alkoholu stwarza to poważne problemy w zagospodarowaniu całej ilość powstającego wywaru. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki...
PublikacjaOczyszczalnie ścieków poddawane są stopniowej zmianie paradygmatów. Początkowo kładziono nacisk na cel podstawowy – oczyszczanie ścieków i zwiększenie wymagań w stosunku do jakości ścieków oczyszczonych odprowadzanych do odbiorników. Poprawa efektywności energetycznej aż po uzyskanie samowystarczalności energetycznej stanowiła kolejny trend budzący zainteresowanie ze względu na korzyści ekonomiczne wynikające z oszczędności w zakupie...
Ocena jakości odcieków pofermentacyjnych z biogazowni komunalnych i rolniczych w aspekcie możliwości odzysku związków biogennych
PublikacjaZ odcieków pofermentacyjnych pochodzących z trzech różnych grup odpadów (rolniczych, spożywczych, zwierzęcych) wytrącano struwit. Aby uzyskać maksymalną skuteczność wytrącania fosforu i azotu, odcieki pofermentacyjne wzbogacano dodatkiem związków magnezu (MgCl2, MgSO4, MgO). Wysoką skuteczność wytrącania struwitu uzyskano w temp. 21°C, przy pH 9, intensywności mieszania 240rpm,proporcjachmolowychMg:P=1,2:1oraz Mg:Ca < 1 i czasie...
Possibilities of Leachate Co-Treatment Originating from Biogas Production in the Deammonification Process
PublikacjaIn the methane fermentation process, sewage sludge is the single substrate or serves as a co-substrate with the addition of various waste products. After the treatment stable digestate is obtained, which consists of two phases solid and liquid. Liquid phase, called as a leachate, due to the high content of nutrients must be treated before they are discharged into the final receiver. Physical and chemical methods of leachate treatment...
Rok 2018
Effects of different external carbon sources and electron acceptors on interactions between denitrification and phosphorus removal in BNR processes
PublikacjaThe effects of two different external carbon sources (acetate, ethanol) and electron acceptors (dissolved oxygen, nitrate and nitrite) were investigated under aerobic and anoxic conditions with non-acclimated process biomass from a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge system. When acetate was added as an external carbon source, phosphate release was observed even in the presence of electron acceptors. The release...
Opracowanie koncepcji modernizacji komunalnej oczyszczalni ścieków w Starogardzie Gdańskim
PublikacjaOpracowanie zawiera analizę i ocenę stanu istniejącego, opis badań i pomiarów, budowę i kalibrację modelu komputerowego, analizę wariantową koncepcji modernizacji oczyszczalni ze wskazaniem potencjalnych kierunków zagospodarowania osadów ściekowych, uwzględniającą fermentację beztlenową własnych osadów ściekowych oraz zagospodarowanie osadów z innych oczyszczalni komunalnych i kofermentację substratów zewnętrznych.
Optymalizacja pracy oczyszczalni ścieków na przykładzie wybranych obiektów z województwa pomorskiego
PublikacjaOptymalizacja pracy oczyszczalni ścieków na przykładzie wybranych obiektów z województwa pomorskiego - modelowanie w procesach osadu czynnego, energia i emisja gazów cieplarnianych, przykłady
The metagenomic approach to characterization of the microbial community shift during the long-term cultivation of anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaA metagenomic approach was used to investigate how the microbial community composition changes when an anammox-based granular sludge reactor is seeded with nitritation-anammox biomass from a wastewater treatment plant. In the seed sample, the abundance of Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis was similar to Candidatus Jettenia caeni (12.63 vs. 11.68%). This biomass was typical in terms of microbial nitrogen conversion; both ammonia...
Rok 2017
Balancing Energy Inputs/Outputs and GHG Emissions for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment – a Case Study
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is a model-based evaluation of the selected operating modes and technological upgrades on the energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a large wastewater treatment plant in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The considered scenarios focus on energy savings for aeration, increasing energy recovery via biogas cogeneration and reduction of the CO2 equivalent emission from both direct processes (related...
Long-term performance and microbial characteristics of the anammox-enriched granular sludge cultivated in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThe anammox-enriched granular sludge was successfully formed during the long-term biogranulation experiment lasting over 330 days. The cultivation was conducted at 30 ◦C in a 10-L sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with synthetic medium containing ammonia, nitrite and trace elements. The properties of the developed granules were investigated in terms of the biomass activity (including the growth rate of anammox bacteria), size...
Modeling the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two kinetic parameters, including...
Ocena strategii poprawy bilansu energii oczyszczalni ścieków przy wykorzystaniu modeli komputerwoych
PublikacjaW publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz symulacji komputerowych wybranych strategii poprawy bilansu energii komunalnej oczyszczalni ścieków. Jedną z rozważanych strategii było strącanie zawiesiny w osadniku wstępnym. Rozważano ponadto wpływ na odcieki i zastosowanie procesu deamonifikacji. Określono potencjalne oszczędności energii, warunki uzyskania samowystarczalności energetycznej oraz dodatniego bilansu kosztów.
Strategies for achieving energy neutrality in biological nutrient removal systems - a case study of the Slupsk WWTP (northern Poland)
PublikacjaThe paper presents a model-based evaluation of technological upgrades on the energy and cost balance in a large biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The proposed upgrades include chemically enhanced primary sludge removal and reduction of the nitrogen load in the deammonification process employed for reject water treatment. Simulations enabled to estimate the increased...
Rok 2016
Importance of the combined effects of dissolved oxygen and pH on optimization of nitrogen removal in anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaThe combined effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH on nitrogen removal were investigated in a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with anammox-enriched granular sludge obtained from a nitritation/anammox system. The highest specific nitrogen removal rate (SNRR) (1.1 gN gVSS−1 d−1) was observed under non-aerated conditions, resulting in the nitrogen removal efficiency of 81.6%. Although nitrogen removal was readily...
Influence of dissolved organic nitrogen on surface waters
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contained in biologically treated wastewater disposed from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to biodegradability and bioavailability in a water environment. Additionally an evaluation was performed of the participation of this organic nitrogen fraction, including bioavailable DON (bDON), in the nitrogen balance for the Baltic...
Influence of temperature on the activity of anammox granular biomass.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine a short-term and long-term effect of temperature on the anammox rate and determination of temperature coefficients in the Arrhenius and Ratkowsky equations. The short-term effects of temperature on the anammox granular biomass were investigated in batch tests at ten different temperatures in the range of 10–55 °C. The maximum overall nitrogen removal rate of 1.3 gN gVSS−1·d−1 was observed...
Modeling the Effect of External Carbon Source Addition under Different Electron Acceptor Conditions in Biological Nutrient Removal Activated Sludge Systems
Publikacjahe aim of this study was to expand the International Water Association Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to predict the aerobic/anoxic behavior of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and “ordinary” heterotrophs in the presence of different external carbon sources and electron acceptors. The following new aspects were considered: (1) a new type of the readily biodegradable substrate, not available for the anaerobic activity...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched 10 granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the 11 granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature 12 T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two 13 kinetic parameters,...
Strategies for Achieving Energy Neutrality in Biological Nutrient Removal Systems – a Case Study of the Slupsk WWTP (northern Poland)
PublikacjaThe paper presents a model-based evaluation of technological upgrades on the energy and cost balance in a large biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The proposed upgrades include chemically enhanced primary sludge removal and reduction of the nitrogen load in the deammonification process employed for reject water treatment. Simulations enabled to estimate the increased...
Rok 2015
Bilans azotu organicznego w części mechanicznej oczyszczalni Dębogórze w Gdyni
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki bilansu azotu organicznego, który obejmował część mechaniczną oczyszczania ścieków. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w oczyszczalni „Dębogórze” w Gdyni. Przeanalizowano skład ścieków pod względem form występowania azotu oraz udział frakcji zawiesinowej, koloidalnej i rozpuszczonej w wybranych strumieniach ścieków. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest opracowanie bilansu azotu w analizowanej oczyszczalni,...
Celowość zastosowania zewnętrznego źródła węgla dla wspomagania procesu denitryfikacji na przykładzie oczyszczalni w Wielkim Klinczu
PublikacjaUzyskanie niskich stężeń związków azotu w ściekach oczyszczonych uwarunkowana jest głównie przebiegiem procesów nitryfikacji i denitryfikacji. Decydującym czynnikiem wpływającym na efektywność procesu denitryfikacji w oczyszczalniach komunalnych z biologicznym usuwaniem związków biogennych jest dostępności związków węgla organicznego w komorach/strefach/fazach anoksycznych. Z uwagi na obserwowane na obszarach o rozbudowanej sieci...
Efektywność usuwania wybranych organicznych związków azotu w komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków
PublikacjaCelem badań było określenie przemian jakim podlegają wybrane związki organiczne zawarte w ściekach oczyszczanych biologiczne metodą osadu czynnego. Zbadano stężenia 21 wybranych aminokwasów, mocznika i EDTA w ściekach dopływających i odpływających z bioreaktorów. W analizie uwzględniono wpływ odcieków z odwadniania osadów. Stwierdzono bardzo wysokie efektywności usuwania mocznika (ponad 97%) oraz wysokie dla EDTA (80-90%) i aminokwasów...
Impact of enhanced pretreatment on biological nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of enhanced primary treatment on: increasing primary sludge production for increased biogas production; reducing the organic load on downstream biological treatment processes and thereby reducing energy consumption for aeration; denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) rates in the activated sludge system. For this purpose, three commercial organic polymers...
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine a short-term and long-term effect of temperature on the anammox process rate and determination of temperature coefficients in the Arrhenius and Ratkowski equations. The short-term effects of temperature on the anammox biomass were investigated in batch tests at ten different temperatures in the range of 10-55 ̊C. The maximum rate 1.3 gN (gVSS·d)-1 observed at 40 ̊C. The minimum rate, close...
Inhibition of the granular anammox process by the high concentration of free ammonia.
PublikacjaHigh concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, typical for reject water treatment in the anammox process with the use of high temperatures and pH, may cause free ammonia (FA) inhibition. In this study, the inhibitory effect of FA on anammox process rate was investigated in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with granular anammox biomass. Results of the study present that the anammox process could be successfully operated...
Modeling N2O behavior during denitrification with different carbon sources and electron acceptors
PublikacjaA mathematical model was developed for identification of the most important mechanism leading to nitrous oxide (N2O) accumulation in denitrifying activated sludge systems. The activated sludge model No. 2d (ASM2d) was extended to include intermediate three steps of the denitrification process. The formation and accumulation of nitric oxide (NO) was assumed to be very low in the performed laboratory experiments. These experiments...
Ocena możliwości dezynfekcji biologicznie oczyszczonych ścieków na przykładzie Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Dębogórze" w Gdyni
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki badań dezynfekcji biologicznie oczyszczonych ścieków z Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Dębogórze w Gdyni. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem trzech technologii dezynfekcji: ozonowania, promieniowania UV oraz mikrofiltracji. Wszystkie z metod wykazały się wysoką skuteczność dezynfekcji ścieków. O konkretnym wyborze powinny decydować względy ekonomiczne. Podkreślono jednocześnie rolę badań kontrolnych,...
The effects of different aeration modes on ammonia removal from sludge digester liquors in the nitritation–anammox proces
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine the impact of continuous and intermittent aeration on the rate of ammonia removal in the combined nitritation–anammox process. This process was run in two parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), with a working volume V = 10 L, treating sludge digester liquors from the Gdansk (Poland) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The ammonia oxidizing bacteria were cultivated from activated sludge...
Rok 2014
Acclimation of denitrifying activated sludge to a single vs. complex external carbon source during a start-up of sequencing batch reactors treating ammonium-rich anaerobic sludge digester liquors
PublikacjaIn this study, denitrification of ammonium- reach anaerobic sludge digester liquor was investigated during start-up periods of two laboratory- scale ‘‘fill-and-draw’’ reactors. One reactor was fed with a single carbon source (ethanol), whereas the other reactor was fed with a complex carbon source (fusel oil). During two acclimation experiments, the structure of microbial community involved in denitrification was analyzed using...
Dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen removal from WWTP effluents and reject waters using physical-chemical processes
PublikacjaFour physical-chemical processes were compared in terms of the efficiencies of dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen (DON and CON) removal from the secondary effluents (SE) and reject water from full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems. Adsorption on activated carbon was most efficient and allowed to remove from the SE up to 80% and 100% of DON and CON, respectively. High efficiencies of DON removal from...
Distillery Fusel Oil as an Alternative Carbon Source for Denitrification – from Laboratory Experiments to Full-Scale Applications
PublikacjaIndustrial waste products may be a viable alternative to commercial external carbon sources. In this study, the properties of fusel oil (distillery waste product) were investigated in terms of temperature dependency of denitrification and acclimation period. Furthermore, results obtained during three different full-scale trials were used to verify similarities and differences with the results obtained under laboratory-scale conditions....
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