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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EFFLUENTS
Polyhydroxyalkanoates synthesis using acidogenic fermentative effluents
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The effect of sludge thermal disintegration on quality of effluents
PublikacjaDezintegracja osadów ściekowych prowadzona jest w celach intensyfikacji procesu fermentacji metanowej oraz poprawy odwadnialności osadów ściekowych. Przedstawiono zmiany jakości cieczy nadosadowej osadów ściekowych poddanych procesowi termicznej dezintegracji. Określono zmiany wartości chemicznego zapotrzebowania na tlen oraz stężenia azotu amonowego, białka, fosforanów oraz lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych.
New Procedures for Control of Industrial Effluents Treatment Processes
PublikacjaThis work presents the procedures for monitoring volatile organic compounds during treatment of industrial effluents. The investigation was carried out for a specific effluent—caustic effluent from bitumen production. The developed procedures enable more detailed control of the effectiveness of wastewater treatment than standard procedures. Caustic effluents from bitumen production have a complex physicochemical form and consist...
Membrane processes used for separation of effluents from wire productions
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Separation of effluents from regeneration of a cation exchanger by membrane distillation
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Treatment of effluents from the regeneration of ion exchangers using the MD process
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Treatment of effluents from a membrane bioreactor by nanofiltration using tubular membranes
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New procedure for the control of the treatment of industrial effluents to remove volatile organosulfur compounds
PublikacjaWe present a new procedure for the determination of volatile organosulfur compounds in samples of industrial effluents using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. Initially, the extraction parameters were optimized. These included: type and volume of extraction solvent, volume of disperser solvent, salting out effect, pH, time and speed of centrifugation as well as extraction...
Synergistic effect of TiO2 photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes in the treatment of refinery effluents
PublikacjaDifferent types of photolytic and photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were used for treatment of refinery effluents from bitumen production. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by analyzing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfide ions concentration. The studies revealed a synergistic effect of application of external oxidants (O3, H2O2, O3/H2O2)...
Nitrogen speciation in wastewater treatment plant influents and effluents - the US and Polish case studies
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów różnych frakcji azotu w dopływachi odpływach z trzech konwencjonalnych oczyszczalni ścieków w stanie Illinois (USA) i czterech wysokoefektywnych oczyszczalni w północnej Polsce. Azot organiczny rozpuszczony był dominującą frakcją (56-95%) azotu ogólnego w odpływach z oczyszczalni amerykańskich, podczas gdy w odpływach z oczyszczalni polskich stanowił mniej istotną frakcję (19-62%). W jednym...
New procedure for the examination of the degradation of volatile organonitrogen compounds during the treatment of industrial effluents
PublikacjaWe present a new procedure for the determination of 32 volatile organonitrogen compounds in samples of industrial effluents with a complex matrix. The procedure, based on dispersive liquid–liquid microex-traction followed by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus and mass spectrometric detection, wasoptimized and validated. Optimization of the extraction included the type of extraction and disperser sol-vent, disperser solvent...
Oiled soil washing in dynamic conditions by micellar surfactants solutions and obtained effluents treatment
PublikacjaZbadano możliwość zastosowania micelarnych roztworów biosurfaktantu (JBR 425), surfaktantów syntetycznych (Rokanolu NL5, NL6, NL8) i ich mieszanin (Rokanol NL6 : JBR 425) do wymywania oleju syntetycznego z gruntu w procesie mycia gleby w warunkach dynamicznych. Micelarne roztwory Rokanolu NL6 oraz NL8 wykazały nieznacznie wyższą efektywność wymywania oleju z gruntu w porównaniu z efektywnością usuwania oleju przy pomocy roztworów...
Nitrogen speciation in wastewater treatment plant influents and effluents - the US and Polish case studies
PublikacjaW pracy badano stężenia rozpuszczonego węgla organicznego i rozpuszczonego azotu organicznego. W badanych oczyszczalniach amerykańskich ta forma azotu stanowiła 56-95% azotu organicznego, podczas gdy w polskich oczyszczalniach udział ten był znacznie niższy i wynosił 19-62%.
Studies on Treatment of Bitumen Effluents by Means of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in Basic pH Conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of studies on chemical treatment of effluents from production of bitumen of petroleum origin. Due to the presence of sulfide ions, the pH of these effluents is strongly alkaline. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) were studied, including the use of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals oxidants, the hydrodynamic cavitation as well as sonocavitation. The best processes allow to obtain 45% reduction...
Studies on treatment of bitumen effluents by means of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in basic pH conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of studies on chemical treatment of effluents from production of bitumen of petroleum origin. Due to the presence of sulfide ions, the pH of these effluents is strongly alkaline. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) were studied, including the use of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals oxidants, the hydrodynamic cavitation as well as sonocavitation. The best processes allow to obtain 45% reduction...
Combined chemical-biological treatment of effluents from soil remediation processes by surfactants solutions flushing
PublikacjaŚcieki powstające podczas procesu remediacji gruntu zawierają surfaktanty o wysokim stężeniu oraz oleje w postaci zemulgowanej i zsolubilizowanej lub wolnej. Do oczyszczenia takich ścieków zastosowano chemiczne utlenianie, biologiczne oczyszczanie oraz zintegrowany proces chemiczno biologiczny. Efektywność procesu oceniono na podstawie redukcji ChZT oraz zmiany stężenia surfaktantu w oczyszczanych ściekach. Chemiczne utlenienie...
Dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen removal from WWTP effluents and reject waters using physical-chemical processes
PublikacjaFour physical-chemical processes were compared in terms of the efficiencies of dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen (DON and CON) removal from the secondary effluents (SE) and reject water from full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems. Adsorption on activated carbon was most efficient and allowed to remove from the SE up to 80% and 100% of DON and CON, respectively. High efficiencies of DON removal from...
Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya
PublikacjaLead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...
Method for the simultaneous determination of monoaromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with GC-MS
PublikacjaWe present a new method for simultaneous determination of 22 monoaromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumen using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The eight extraction parameters including the type and volume of extraction and disperser solvent, pH, salting out effect, extraction and centrifugation...
Process Control and Investigation of Oxidation Kinetics of Postoxidative Effluents Using Gas Chromatography with Pulsed Flame Photometric Detection (GC-PFPD)
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of investigations on the use of headspace analysis and gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (HSA-GC-PFPD) to evaluate the effectiveness of oxidation of postoxidative effluents from the production of bitumens. Samples of effluents from the bitumen oxidation unit were used in the experiments. In addition, the kinetics of effluent oxidation was also investigated. The content...
Electrochemical determination of nitroaromatic explosives at boron-doped diamond/graphene nanowall electrodes: 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and 2,4,6-trinitroanisole in liquid effluents
PublikacjaThe study is devoted to the electrochemical detection of trace explosives on boron-doped diamond/graphene nanowall electrodes (B:DGNW). The electrodes were fabricated in a one-step growth process using chemical vapour deposition without any additional modifications. The electrochemical investigations were focused on the determination of the important nitroaromatic explosive compounds, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 2,4,6-trinitroanisole...
Treatment of bitumen post oxidative effluents by sulfate radicals based advanced oxidation processes (S-AOPs) under alkaline pH conditions
PublikacjaSulfate radicals based Advanced Oxidation Processes (S-AOPs), namely Persulfate and peroxymonosulfate, were used for the treatment of post oxidative effluents from a production of petroleum bitumens under alkaline pH. Studies on the identification and monitoring of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) along with COD, BOD and sulfide ions reduction were performed. Persulfate with a ratio between the oxygen from the oxidant and...
Effective method of treatment of industrial effluents under basic pH conditions using acoustic cavitation – a comprehensive comparison with hydrodynamic cavitation processes
PublikacjaThe use of acoustic cavitation in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is a promising trend in research for treatment of industrial effluents. The paper presents the results of investigations on the use of acoustic cavitation aided by additional oxidation processes (ozonation/H2O2 oxidation/Peroxone/UV-C) for the treatment of effluents from the production of bitumens. Under these conditions, the total contaminant load, expressed...
Effective method of treatment of effluents from production of bitumens under basic pH conditions using hydrodynamic cavitation aided by external oxidants
PublikacjaUtilization of cavitation in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is a promising trend in research on treatment of industrial effluents. The paper presents the results of investigations on the use of hydrodynamic cavitation aided by additional oxidation processes (O3/H2O2/Peroxone) to reduce the total pollution load in the effluent from the production of bitumens. A detailed analysis of changes in content of volatile organic compounds...
Farmyard manure alone and combined with immobilizing amendments reduced cadmium accumulation in wheat and rice grains grown in field irrigated with raw effluents
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Application of dynamic headspace and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (DHS-GC-MS) for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in refinery effluents
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (O-VOCs) in postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum asphalt using dynamic headspace coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode (DHSGC-MS). Among the GC capillary columns tested, a polar SLB-IL111 column with the ionic liquid stationary phase was found to be superior due...
Method for the determination of carboxylic acids in industrial effluents using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with injection port derivatization gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
PublikacjaThe paper presents a new method for the determination of 15 carboxylic acids in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using ion-pair dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with injection port derivatization. Several parameters related to the extraction and derivatization efficiency were optimized. Under optimized experimental conditions,the...
Application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in effluents from the production of petroleum bitumen
PublikacjaWepresent a new procedure for the determination of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in samples of postoxidative effluents from the production of petroleum bitumens using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The eight extraction parameters were optimized for 43 oxygenated volatile organic compounds. The detection limits obtained ranged from 0.07 to 0.82 g/mL for most of the...
Methods of assaying volatile oxygenated organic compounds in effluent samples by gas chromatography—A review
PublikacjaThe paper is a review of the procedures for the determination of volatile and semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds (O-VOCs) in effluent samples by gas chromatography. Current trends and outlook for individual steps of the procedure for the determination of O-VOCs in effluents are discussed. The available sample preparation techniques and their limitations are described along with GC capillary columns used for O-VOCs separation...
Effective degradation of sulfide ions and organic sulfides in cavitation-based Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigations on the effectiveness and reaction rate constants of the oxidation of sulfide ions and organic sulfides in real industrial effluents from the production of bitumens (2000 mg S2- L-1) using hydrodynamic and acoustic cavitation. The content of the effluents was analysed in terms carbon disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and di-tert-butyl disulfide concentration. A possibility of complete...
Wastewater treatment by means of Advanced Oxidation Processes at basic pH conditions: A review
PublikacjaAdvanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been used as an alternative and effective option for treatment of industrial wastewater, especially in the case of the non-biodegradable compounds. Despite of several well developed AOPs, the majority of them are effective only at acidic or neutral pH, namely Fenton related processes, making the list of available effective advanced oxidation technologies strongly limited. In many cases,...
Study of Different Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment from Petroleum Bitumen Production at Basic pH
PublikacjaEffluents from production of petroleum bitumens were submitted to treatment by three different AOPs at basic pH (i.e., O3, H2O2 and the combination of O3 and H2O2, a so-called peroxone). The paper presents studies on the identification and monitoring of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) degradation present in the effluents and formation of byproducts, COD, BOD5, sulfide ions, biotoxicity, and biodegradability changes during...
Chemometric Evaluation of WWTPs’ Wastewaters and Receiving Surface Waters in Bulgaria
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plant (WWTP) installations are designed and operated to reduce the quantity of pollutants emitted to surface waters receiving treated wastewaters. In this work, we used classical instrumental studies (to determine chemicals and parameters under obligations put with Directive 91/271/EEC), ecotoxicological tools (Sinapis alba root growth inhibition (SA-RG) and Heterocypris incongruens mortality (MORT) and growth...
Fractionation and origin of dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen in BNR plant effluent
PublikacjaThe characteristics of effluent dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen (DON and CON) as well as their origin, fate and biodegradability in wastewater treatment plants and receiving waters were identified as the major issues that limit the ability to achieve low total N in the effluent. This study presents the results of a comprehensive survey, which was conducted in eight biological nutrient removal (BNR) WWTPs in northern Poland....
Comparison of the Effects of Conventional and Alternative External Carbon Sources for Enhancing of the Denitrification Process
PublikacjaFood industry effluents are considered a potential alternative for methanol when seeking external carbon sources to enhance denitrification in municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of dosing different carbon sources on the denitrification capability of process biomass from the "Wschod" WWTP in Gdansk (northern Poland). Five carbon sources, including settled wastewater,...
Insights into the microbial community of treated wastewater, its year-round variability and impact on the receiver, using cultivation, microscopy and amplicon-based methods
PublikacjaApart from chemical constituents, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents also release microorganisms that can be important to the receiving water bodies either from a sanitary point of view, or taking to the account the biogeochemical potential of the recipients. However, little is known about the treated wastewater microbial community, its composition, seasonal changes, functions and fate in the waters of the receiver. Thus,...
Industrial wastewater as an external carbon source for optimization of nitrogen removal at the "Wschod" WWTP in Gdansk (Poland)
PublikacjaCarbon source alternatives for denitrification belong to the highest research area priorities as they allow to optimize N removal within the existing capacities. In particular, some food industry effluents appear to be good candidates for such alternatives due to their high C/N ratios and high content of readily biodegradable organic fraction. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of dosing different types...
Hydrodynamic cavitation based advanced oxidation processes: Studies on specific effects of inorganic acids on the degradation effectiveness of organic pollutants
PublikacjaThe use of cavitation in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to treat acidic effluents and process water has become a promising trend in the area of environmental protection. The pH value of effluents – often acidified using an inorganic acid, is one of the key parameters of optimization process. However, in the majority of cases the effect of kind of inorganic acid on the effectiveness of degradation is not studied. The present...
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
PublikacjaDeterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit...
The influence of humic substances in treated sewage on the quality of surface waters
PublikacjaAt present the evaluation of WWTP effectiveness is based upon organic matter and nutrients removal. Recently it was found out that sewage treatment leads to formation of resistant to biochemical degradation organic compounds, similar to humic acids. The humic acids formed during sewage treatment process play diversified functions when discharged to surface waters - for instance they can act as carriers of hydrophobic organic pollutants...
Metody oczyszczania odcieków z procesów przeróbki osadów w komorach fermentacji
PublikacjaOdcieki z beztlenowych procesów przeróbki osadu w komorach fermentacji (tzw. wody poosadowe) są istotnym źródłem azotu dopływającego do części biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków. Odpowiednie oczyszczanie tych wód może więc, w bardzo istotny sposób wpłynąć na warunki eksploatacji oczyszczalni. Konwencjonalny proces usuwania amoniaku za pomocą dwóch faz, tj. nitryfikacji i denitryfikacji, są coraz częściej zastępowane przez jednoetapowy...
Influence of Wastewater Treatment Technology on Particle Size Distribution in the Effluent
PublikacjaSuspended solids in water and wastewater usually carry quite a large load of pollutants (organic substances, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) adsorbed on the particles surface. Particles of different sizes carry different types and quantities of pollutants. Therefore, particle size distribution is of importance in waster and wastewater treatment. In the article the influence of different treatment technologies on particle size distribution...
Removal of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaIn recent years, considerable attention was paid to the presence of organic micro-pollutants such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in the aquatic environment due to their negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems. Numerous papers have pointed out API presence as common constituents of effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). This is the result of various efficiencies of API removal by conventional...
Is sequential batch reactor an efficient technology to protect recipient against non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and paracetamol in treated wastewater?
PublikacjaThe tested facility was a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Swarzewo, where the wastewater treatment takes place in aeration chambers with activated sludge using sequential batch reactors (SBRs). The concentration of the following pharmaceuticals: ibuprofen, paracetamol, flurbiprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, and its metabolites 5OH-diclofenac and 4OH-diclofenac was tested in influents and effluents. Simultaneously, the conventional...
Selecting wells for an optimal design of groundwater monitoring network based on monitoring priority map: A Kish Island case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents a novel approach, i.e. a combination of gamma test and monitoring priority map, for optimal design of groundwater monitoring network (GMN) by considering the cumulative effects of industries, human activities, and natural factors on the groundwater quality. The proposed method was successfully applied to design an optimal network for groundwater salinity monitoring on Kish Island, Persian Gulf. The priority...
Ultrafast degradation of brilliant cresyl blue under hydrodynamic cavitation based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
PublikacjaThe study highlights effectiveness of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) in the degradation of effluents polluted by Brilliant Cresyl Blue (BCB) dye. Optimal process parameters were cavitation number 0.27, inlet pressure 1.70 bar, temperature 20 °C and pH 7. The efficiency of HC was investigated in combination with other advanced oxidation processes, including the addition of external oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and sodium persulfate)...
Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids
PublikacjaShort-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...
Integrated Photocatalytic Advanced Oxidation System (TiO2/UV/O3/H2O2) for Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds
PublikacjaSeveral advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) including photocatalytic processes were studied for effective treatment of complex model wastewater containing a wide variety of VOCs. The studies revealed synergistic effects of TiO2 based processes for improved degradation of the VOCs. A peroxone combined with TiO2/UV system (TiO2/UV/O3/H2O2) with a ratio between the oxygen source from the oxidant to chemical oxygen demand (COD) of...
Hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents as “green” extraction media for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous samples
PublikacjaThe paper presents novel nonionic and hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents which were synthesized from natural compounds, i.e., thymol, ±camphor, decanoic and 10-undecylenic acids. Fundamental physicochemical properties of the synthesized deep eutectic solvents were determined, followed by their application as extractants in ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction to isolate and enrich polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...
Environmental risk assessment of Polish wastewater treatment plant activity
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play an extremely important role in shaping modern society's environmental wellbeing and awareness, however only well operated and supervised systems can be considered as environmentally sustainable. For this reason, an attempt was undertaken to assess the environmental burden posed by WWTPs in major Polish cities by collecting water samples prior to and just after wastewater release points....