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Improvements and Spatial Dependencies in Energy Transition Measures
PublikacjaThis article aims to improve one of the newest energy transition measures—the WorldEconomic Forum WEF Energy Transition Index (ETI) and find its driving forces. This paper proposesa new approach to correct the ETI structure, i.e., sensitivity analysis, which allows assessing theaccuracy of variable weights. Moreover, the novelty of the paper is the use the spatial error modelsto estimate determinants of the energy transition on...
Measures of Functional Reliability of Two-Lane Highways
PublikacjaRural two-lane highways are the most common road type both in Poland and globally. In terms of kilometres, their length is by far greater than that of motorways and expressways. They are roads of one carriageway for each direction, which makes the overtaking of slower vehicles possible only when there is a gap in the stream of traffic moving from the opposite direction. Motorways and express roads are dual carriageways that are...
Improving Re-rankCCP with Rules Quality Measures
PublikacjaRecommender Systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may possibly be of interest to a user. Context-Aware Recommender Systems exploit contextual information to provide more adequate recommendations. In this paper we described a modification of an existing contextual post-filtering algorithm which uses rules-like user representation called Contextual Conditional Preferences. We extended the...
Application of nonlinearity measures to chemical sensor signals
PublikacjaSzumy rezystancji sensorów gazu zawierają istotną informację, która może być przedstawiona nie tylko przez ich gęstość widmową mocy. Analiza tych szumów za pomocą różnych miar nieliniowości może prowadzić do znacznego wzrostu selektywności i czułości czujników gazu. Stwierdzono, że dla dostępnych na rynku czujników gazu zastosowanie funkcji bispektrum dostarcza dodatkowej informacji, potrzebnej do detekcji różnych gazów. Analizując...
Mean drift detection using statistical process control
PublikacjaCelem niniejszego rozdziału jest opisanie narzędzi statystycznej kontroli procesu (ang. Statistical Process Control - SPC), służących do detekcji dryfu wartości średniej w procesie. W oparciu o dane pochodzące z modelu: karty wartości średniej, odchylenia standardowego, karty oparte na testach sekwencyjnych oraz wykładniczo ważonej średniej ruchomej (ang. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average - EWMA), zostały porównane z punktu...
Dedicated scheduling of tasks to minimize mean flow time
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the complexity of scheduling biprocessor tasks on dedicated processors to minimize mean flow time. Since the general problem is strongly NP-hard, we assume some restrictions on task lengths and the structure of associated scheduling graphs. Of particular interest are acyclic graphs. In this way we identify a borderline between NP-hard and polynomially solvable special cases.
Trends in In Silico Approaches to the Prediction of Biologically Active Peptides in Meat and Meat Products as an Important Factor for Preventing Food-Related Chronic Diseases
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Exposure to PBDEs associated with farm animal meat consumption
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Dioxins and PCBs in ostrich meat and eggs: levels and implications
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Electronic noses: Powerful tools in meat quality assessment
PublikacjaMain factors that are considered by consumers when choosing meat products are colour and aroma, of which the latter is a more reliable indicator of quality. However, a simple sensory evaluation of hedonistic qualities is often not sufficient to determine whether protein is past its shelf life, and consumption of spoiled meat can lead to serious health hazards. Some volatile compounds can be used as spoilage indicators, and so a...
Measuring research on radio wave propagation
PublikacjaTelecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...
Innovative mobile method to determine railway track axis position in global coordinate system using position measurements performed with GNSS and fixed base of the measuring vehicle
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Innovative mobile method to determine railway track axis position in global coordinate system using position measurements performed with GNSS and fixed base of the measuring vehicle
PublikacjaThe shape of the railway track axis and its position in the global coordinate system are essential when defining design parameters of the railway. Correct reconstruction of these quantities is vital for both verifying the compliance of real track parameters with the design and for diagnosing, as all track deformations can also be defined as deviations of real parameters from their design values. The measurements of quantities related...
How to measure ego-resiliency in the face of various life-changing crises: Measurement invariance, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the Polish version of the Revised Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89-R12)
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Single Triglyceride-Rich Meal Destabilizes Barrier Functions and Initiates Inflammatory Processes of Endothelial Cells
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Nutritional and Health-Related Effects of a Diet Containing Apple Seed Meal in Rats: The Case of Amygdalin
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Rapeseed Meal Waste Biomass as Single-Cell Protein Substrate for Nutritionally-Enhanced Feed Component
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The issue of uncertainty of visual measurement techniques for long distance measurements based on the example of applying electric traction elements in diagnostics and monitoring
PublikacjaRail transport is the most economical and energy-effective in the field of land transport, in particular electrified. In order to ensure efficient and reliable operation of electrified rail transport, the issues of monitoring and diagnostics of the traction infrastructure and vehicles are extremely important. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to the vehicle is the sliding contact of the current collector...
The meaning of cultural projects in the revitasation of urban Areas / Rola projektów kultury w rewitalizacji obszarów miejskich
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia rolę projektów kultury jako jednego z kluczowych czynników skutecznych działań rewitalizacyjnych.
Indirect Relationship between Alcoholics Anonymous Spirituality and Their Hopelessness: The Role of Meaning in Life, Hope, and Abstinence Duration
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Measure small currents without adding resistive insertion loss
PublikacjaFloating current to voltage converter can be inserted in-line with no voltage drop and no need for a ground reference.
Simulation of parallel similarity measure computations for large data sets
PublikacjaThe paper presents our approach to implementation of similarity measure for big data analysis in a parallel environment. We describe the algorithm for parallelisation of the computations. We provide results from a real MPI application for computations of similarity measures as well as results achieved with our simulation software. The simulation environment allows us to model parallel systems of various sizes with various components...
A standard analytical method as the common good and pollution abatement measure
PublikacjaA standard method can be considered as a common-good “resource,” and the solution to “the commons” problems usually lies in societal self-organization. The multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied to model complex phenomena, such as the standard selection for imidacloprid determination. In this process, the standard was self-selected by the analytical chemistry society. The results show that analytical chemistry is a...
The Quick Measure of a Nurbs Surface Curvature for Accurate Triangular Meshing
PublikacjaNURBS surfaces are the most widely used surfaces for three-dimensional models in CAD/CAE programs. As a model for FEM calculation is prepared with a CAD program it is inevitable to mesh it finally. There are many algorithms for meshing planar regions. Some of them may be used for meshing surfaces but it is necessary to take the curvature of the surface under consideration to avoid poor quality mesh. The mesh must be denser in the...
The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels
PublikacjaThe paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...
PublikacjaSuicides are a phenomenon observed in many countries. The causes of a decision so drastic as far as consequences are concerned include i.a. economic reasons. The question arises whether the changing number of suicides reflects the state of the economy. The direct link between the state of the economy and suicides has not been sufficiently studied so far. The authors of this article attempted to identify the links between selected...
Example of Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Nelder–Mead Method for Flow Improvement in Axial Last Stage of Gas–Steam Turbine
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Example of Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Nelder–Mead Method for Flow Improvement in Axial Last Stage of Gas–Steam Turbine
PublikacjaThis article focuses principally on the comparison baseline and the optimized flow efficiency of the final stage of an axial turbine operating on a gas–steam mixture by applying a hybrid Nelder– Mead and the particle swarm optimization method. Optimization algorithms are combined with CFD calculations to determine the flowpaths and thermodynamic parameters. The working fluid in this study is a mixture of steam and gas produced...
Determining nominal values basing on the measured rail irregularities
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono metodę optymalnego wyznaczania wartości nominalnych na podstawie pomierzonych nierówności toru. Idea proponowanej metody polega na zaprojektowaniu nowego układu geometrycznego wpisanego w istniejący układ stycznych, tzn. bez zmiany kąta zwrotu trasy. Wyznaczone wartości nominalne są wielkościami optymalnymi, tj. takimi dla których odchyłki będą najmniejsze, z jednoczesnym zachowaniem wymagań normowych.W...
Comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses in asphalt concrete
PublikacjaThe paper presents the comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses induced in restrained asphalt concrete specimens by cooling. Thermal stresses were measured in the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test. The calculations of thermal stresses were performed with the use of a theoretical formula based on the temperature dependent stiffness modulus. The novel approach applied in this paper was that the stiffness modulus...
Implemetation of the measured shell geometric imperfections to the numerical model
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At what temperature should the tire rolling resistance be measured?
PublikacjaThe climate crisis is already an indisputable fact and therefore, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption, and especially energy wasting. One of the ways to reduce energy consumption of motor vehicles is to decrease vehicle movement resistance, including rolling resistance. In order for the optimization of tire rolling resistance to be efficient, it is necessary to apply appropriate optimization criteria that are closely related...
Unbounded quantum advantage in communication complexity measured by distinguishability
PublikacjaCommunication complexity is a fundamental aspect of information science, concerned with the amount of communication required to solve a problem distributed among multiple parties. The standard quantification of one-way communication complexity relies on the minimal dimension of the communicated systems. In this paper, we measure the communication complexity of a task by the minimal distinguishability required to accomplish it,...
Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank
PublikacjaThe growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...
Analysis of Impulse Responses Measured in Motion in a Towing Tank
PublikacjaThe growing interest in developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and creating underwater sensor networks (USNs) has led to a need for communication tools in underwater environments. For obvious reasons, wireless means of communication are the most desirable. However, conducting research in real conditions is troublesome and costly. Moreover, as hydroacoustic propagation conditions change very significantly, even during...
Impact of roughness on hydrophobicity of particles measured by the Washburn method
PublikacjaZwilżalność powierzchni jest ważną własnością w wielu aplikacjach, włączając flotację i wymywanie. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że szorstkość powierzchni ma znaczący wpływ na kinetykę penetracji cieczy przez cząstki, natomiast nie ma wpływu na wartości kątów zwilżania. Wyniki wskazują na fakt, że hydrofobowość w przypadku flotacji w przeciwieństwie do kinetyki flotacji nie powinna mieć związku z szorstkościa powierzchni.
External Validation Measures for Nested Clustering of Text Documents
PublikacjaAbstract. This article handles the problem of validating the results of nested (as opposed to "flat") clusterings. It shows that standard external validation indices used for partitioning clustering validation, like Rand statistics, Hubert Γ statistic or F-measure are not applicable in nested clustering cases. Additionally to the work, where F-measure was adopted to hierarchical classification as hF-measure, here some methods to...
Local chirality measures in QSPR : IR and VCD spectroscopy
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Measures of region failure survivability for wireless mesh networks
PublikacjaWireless mesh networks (WMNs) are considered as a promising alternative to wired local, or metropolitan area networks. However, owing to their exposure to various disruptive events, including natural disasters, or human threats, many WMN network elements located close to the failure epicentre are frequently in danger of a simultaneous failure, referred to as a region failure. Therefore, network survivability, being the ability...
PublikacjaHealthcare facilities are architectural objects designed under the strong influence of sanitary and hygienic requirements and guidelines of medical technology. During the process of planning future healthcare facilities and modernising already existing units, the need to provide safety to all their users comes as a significant aspect. In medical objects, it depends on the standard factors observed in public utility buildings. The...
PublikacjaThe subject of the Authors' analyses is a group of non-physical speed management measures. How effective they are depends primarily on how willing drivers are to accept restrictions. Social and cultural factors play a major role. The effectiveness of these measures is not clear and requires further research. The authors conducted such research and evaluated the effects of nonphysical speed management measures on driver behaviour...
Generic invariant measures for iterated systems of interval homeomorphisms
PublikacjaIt is well known that iterated function systems generated by orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the unit interval with positive Lyapunov exponents at its ends admit a unique invariant measure on (0, 1) provided their action is minimal. With the additional requirement of continuous differentiability of maps on a fixed neighbourhood of {0,1} { 0 , 1 } , we present a metric in the space of such systems which renders it complete....
Potential of Mean Force of Hydrophobic Association: Dependence on Solute Size
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PublikacjaWith a set of 38 manually marked bleeding regions form endoscopic videos, the authors attempted to find an optimal image segmentation method for reproducing doctor’s markup. Mean shift segmentation combined with HSV histogram segmentation were used as a segmentation method, which was then optimized by tuning the parameters of the method using global optimization algorithm. A target function for measuring the quality of segmentation was...
Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation
PublikacjaThe utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...
The spindle speed optimal control as a mean of chatter vibration surveillance
PublikacjaNowa metoda nadzorowania drgań wirujących narzędzi w nowoczesnych frezarkach polega na wykorzystaniu sterowania optymalnego w układach niestacjonarnych przy energetycznym wskaźniku jakości. W rezultacie, sygnałem sterującym jest chwilowa zmiana prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona. Rozważano frezowanie czołowe smukłym frezem trzpieniowym. Wyniki symulacji komputerowych potwierdziły praktyczne uzasadnienie proponowanej metody. Drgania...
Poultry meat freshness assessment based on the biogenic amines index
PublikacjaIn order to safeguard the well-being of the consumers, it is important to accurately determine the shelf life of poultry and poultry-based products. In this work, it was evaluated whether the measurement of the concentration of cadaverine, putrescine, histamine and tyramine can be used to assess the shelf-life of poultry meat stored in the different types of the containers. Based on the results it can be concluded that the collective...
Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublikacjaMeat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...
The last meal: large insects predominate the diet of the European Roller Coracias garrulus prior to population extinction
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Do Involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous and Religiousness Both Directly and Indirectly through Meaning in Life Lead to Spiritual Experiences?