Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BRIDGE ENGINEERING
Footbridges. Dynamic Design – Selected Problems
PublikacjaModern footbridges create challenge in esthetic and structural design. Breaking the proven canons is a recipe for architectural success. However esthetic form has to be also a functional pedestrian bridge. Therefore a good FEM modeling is a key element in engineering part of design. The paper presents selected problems related to the modeling of the dynamic construction of footbridges. Several basic dynamic problems concerning...
Magdalena Szuflita-Żurawska
OsobyMagdalena Szuflita-Żurawska jest kierownikiem Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz Liderem Centrum Kompetencji Otwartej Nauki przy Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jej główne zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się w obszarze komunikacji naukowej oraz otwartych danych badawczych, a także motywacji i produktywności naukowej. Jest odpowiedzialna między innymi za prowadzenie szkoleń dla pracowników...
Gender and Digital Divide - Information and Communication Technologiesand their Impact on Equality
PublikacjaIn the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiaryeducation institutes. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations49. This has led to a variety of public policy measures, such as subsidies on community provision,...
Multipoint Ultrasonic Diagnostics System of Prestressed T-Beams
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the application of ultrasonic wave propagation phenomena for the diagnostics of prestressed, concrete, bridge T-beams. A multi-point damage detection system is studied with use of numerically obtained data. The system is designed to detect the presence of the material discontinuities as well as their location.
Japanese trace of a historical bridge in Poland.
PublikacjaKomunikat wyjaśnia sprawę japońskiego tekstu związanego z powstaniem pierwszego na świecie spawanego mostu drogowego wybudowanego w roku 1929 z inicjatywy i według projektu profesora Stefana Bryły. Przybliżenie tej sprawy ma na celu dalszą międzynarodową promocję tego mostu jako znamienitego zabytku techniki w skali globu.
Third millennium bridge, Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaMost drogowy jest elementem Trasy Sucharskiego w Gdańsku, łączącej ul. Elbląską od strony południowej nad Martwą Wisłą z węzłem Wosia Budzysza i dalej portem Północnym. Most jest jednopylonową podwieszoną konstrukcją o długości całkowitej 381,0 m i szerokości pomostu 20,31 m. W przekroju poprzecznym pomost zespolony składa się z dwóch dźwigarów stalowych oraz współpracującej płyty pomostu grubości 23 cm. Pylon zaprojektowano jako...
Validation Process for Computational Model of Full-Scale Segment for Design of Composite Footbridge
PublikacjaExperimental tests and numerical simulations of a full-scale segment of a foot and cycle bridge made of polymer composites are presented in the paper. The analysed structure is made of sandwich panels, which consist of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) multi-layered laminate faces and a PET foam (obtained from recycling) core. The dimensions of the segment cross-section are the same as for the target footbridge; however, span...
ASCE honor for the Tczew Bridge in Poland
PublikacjaOpis historii oraz konstrukcji mostu w Tczewie.
Study on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases
PublikacjaStudy on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases is made in this paper. The following techniques are considered: Peak Picking based on correlation analysis (PP-CA), dedicated for ambient vibrations and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), formulated for free decay vibrations investigation. Irrelevant cases are found when analyzed signals are different than recommended to a given technique. The...
Piotr Krajewski dr
OsobyPiotr Krajewski pracuje jako starszy bibliotekarz w Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jako pracownik Sekcji Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej skupia się przede wszystkim na zagadnieniach związanych z ruchem Open Access oraz rolą repozytoriów instytucjonalnych w jego rozwoju. Jest także autorem artykułów poruszających kwestie standaryzacji statystyk wykorzystania zasobów elektronicznych jak również problematykę „drapieżnych wydawców”....
Marcin Kujawa dr hab. inż.
OsobyMarcin Kujawa ukończył studia na Wydziale Budownictwa Lądowego Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1999 roku, uzyskując stopień magistra inżyniera w specjalności mosty. Stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych w dziennie: budownictwo, pod kierunkiem profesora Czesława Szymczaka, uzyskał w 2007 roku na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Gdańskiej, broniąc pracę doktorską, pt.: Statyka i analiza wrażliwości rusztów zbudowanych z prętów...
Numerical Simulation of two dimensional flow past a bridge cross section
PublikacjaThis work presents some numerical results concerning application of CFD in civil engineering problems. Selected theoretical aspects of fluid mechanics are elucidated. In the second part of the paper a cross section of upper footbridge of the Bella Sky Hotel in Copenhagen is analysed numerically in the field of wind action.
Damage-Involved Structural Pounding in Bridges under Seismic Excitation
PublikacjaDuring severe earthquakes, pounding between adjacent superstructure segments of highway elevated bridges was often observed. It is usually caused by the seismic wave propagation effect and may lead to significant damage. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of the numerical analysis focused on damage-involved pounding between neighbouring decks of an elevated bridge under seismic excitation. The analysis was carried...
Analiza drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono sposób przeprowadzenia uproszczonej, numerycznej analizy drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru. Rozważaniom poddano swobodnie podpartą konstrukcję o rozpiętości 16 m i przekroju w kształcie litery U. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono dwuwymiarową analizę opływu niepodatnego kształtu przekroju kładki w poziomym strumieniu wiatru o prędkości 10 m/s. Obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzono programem...
Retrofit analysis of florida beam-and-post reinforced concreta bridge barriers
PublikacjaTematem pracy jest analiza przebiegu kolizji drogowych w przypadku najechania rozpędzonego pojazdu na betonową barierę mostową typu "Florida beam-and-post". Przedstawiono podstawy konstruowania modelu obliczeniowego do komputerowej symulacji zderzenia przy wykorzystaniu systemu LS-Dyna. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników sformułowano zalecenia ewentualnych modyfikacji istniejących barier w celu poprawienia ich własności.
Oddziaływania taboru na mosty kolejowe przy zmiennych parametrach ruchu
PublikacjaW pracy poruszono zagadnienia związane z identyfikacją oraz modelowaniem układu dynamicznego most-pojazd ruchomy. Za element szczególnie istotny uznano czynnik obciążający. Opracowano i wdrożono metodykę identyfikacji cech dynamicznych rzeczywistego pojazdu szynowego. Eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzono dla jednostki trakcyjnej EN57, jednak nie ma żadnych ograniczeń w stosowaniu metody dla innego, konwencjonalnego taboru szynowego....
A 95-Year-Old Concrete Arch Bridge: From Materials Characterization to Structural Analysis
PublikacjaThe structural analysis of a 95-year-old concrete arch bridge located in Jagodnik (Poland) is performed in this paper, in order to check its behavior under today’s traffic loads. The mechanical properties of both the concrete and the reinforcement are investigated by testing cores and bar stubs extracted from the bridge. Structural analysis confirms that the bridge meets today’s load requirements in terms of bearing capacity, serviceability...
Strain gauges monitoring of arch bridge over the Vistula river in Toruń during construction
PublikacjaIn 2013 one of the biggest Polish road bridges over the Vistula was built in Torun. Considering the use of original engineering solutions and innovative assembly it was decided on monitoring of strain gauges and assessment of building’s behaviour during its construction. The research was aimed at determining the degree of strain and the assessment of proper work of main arch girders during assembly phases. This work presents the...
Przemysław Kalitowski dr inż.
OsobyPrzemyslaw Kalitowski (born 26 July 1991) currently works at the Gdansk University of Technology in Gdansk, Poland. He acts as the Professor's Assistant at the Department of Rail Transportation and Bridges. In 2015 he started PhD studies at the Department of Rail Transportation and Bridges. He has over 4 years experience in static and dynamic analysis of structures - primarily with FEM programs. The scope of analysis are mainly...
Control of the bridge span vibration with high coefficient passive damper. Theoretical consideration and application
PublikacjaThe research was carried out due to the problem of vibration on the lively pedestrian drawbridge across the Motlawa River in the city of Gdansk. In the design stage, the main span of the footbridge showed unfavorable dynamic properties, which may create a comfort problem for pedestrians. The first vertical bending eigenfrequency was recognized as 1.64 Hz. The original design of the footbridge was equipped with a driving cylinder...
Displacements of Cable-Stayed Bridge Measured With The Use of Traditional And Modern Techniques
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Curb-to-Barrier Face Distance Variation an a TB51 Bridge Barrier Crash Test Simulation
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the problem of road safety regarding barrier placement as relative to the curb. A short summary of existing regulations is presented. Numerical simulations using the explicit finite element system Ls- Dyna are shown. In the analysis, variable distance between the barrier and the curb is assumed. The obtained result reveals that the distance has little impact on the working width of the barrier.
The application of non-destructive methods in the diagnostics of the approach pavement at the bridges
PublikacjaThe article presents the possibility of using non-destructive methods of road pavement diagnostics as an alternative to traditional means to assess the reasons for premature cracks adjacent to bridge objects. Two scanning methods were used: laser scanning to measure geometric surface deformation and ground penetrating radar (GPR) inspection to assess the road pavement condition. With the use of a laser scanner, an effective tool...
Assessment of the ice jam potential on regulated rivers and reservoirs with the use of numerical model results
PublikacjaThis study presents an attempt at estimating the jam potential on rivers with significant anthropogenic intervention in the course or flow characteristics of the river. The DynaRiCE model was used for forecasting both the place and time of an ice jam occurrence. In this modified method, two ice parameters are subjected to analysis, namely the relative ice-to-water velocity (vi/vw),and the ice thickness to single floe thickness...
Jerzy Proficz dr hab. inż.
OsobyJerzy Proficz – dyrektor Centrum Informatycznego Trójmiejskiej Akademickiej Sieci Komputerowej (CI TASK) na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego (2022) w dyscyplinie: Informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja. Autor i współautor ponad 50 artykułów w czasopismach i na konferencjach naukowych związanych głównie z równoległym przetwarzaniem danych na komputerach dużej mocy (HPC, chmura obliczeniowa). Udział...
Study of passive deck-flaps flutter control system on full bridge model. II: Results
PublikacjaZaprezentowano badania parametryczne systemu sterowania flatterem przy pomocy dołączonych stateczników na modelu wyprowadzonego w formalizmie metody elementów skończnych. Wyniki wskazują na efektywność systemu stosującego symetryczne sprzężenie ruchu stateczników z ruchem skrętnym mostu.
Study of passive deck-flaps flutter control system on full bridge model. I: Theory
PublikacjaSformułowano modele matematyczne drgań mostu z zamontowanym pasywnym systemem sterowania flatterem w formalizmie metody elementów skończonych. System wykorzystuje stateczniki dołączone bezpośrednio do przęsła mostu. Siły aerodynamiczne działające bezpośrednio na most i stateczniki sformułowane są w przestrzeni czasu.
Historic bridge modelling using laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and finite element methods in the context of structural dynamics
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy modelowania MES zabytkowej konstrukcji mostowej przy użyciu danych geometrycznych pochodzących ze skanowania laserowego oraz georadaru. Z uwagi na brak badań materiału budujcego most, przeprowadza się analize wrażliwości konstrukcji na zmiany modułu sprężystości granitu.
Chemical, Physical, and Mechanical Properties of 95-Year-Old Concrete Built-In Arch Bridge
PublikacjaThis research aimed to determine the durability and strength of an old concrete built-in arch bridge based on selected mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The bridge was erected in 1925 and is located in Jagodnik (northern Poland). Cylindrical specimens were taken from the side ribs connected to the top plate using a concrete core borehole diamond drill machine. The properties of the old concrete were...
Progress in devulcanization of waste tire rubber: Upcycling towards a circular economy
PublikacjaAs a complex composite material, tire rubber has always presented significant environmental and waste management concerns due to its non-biodegradability and accumulation in landfills. The devulcanization of tire rubber has emerged as a historical challenge in the field of sustainable rubber engineering since Goodyear invented cross-linking in 1839. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of waste tire recycling processes,...
The roadway bridge over Vistula River in Plock - design and construction.
PublikacjaThe paper presents the design and construction works of the Roadway Bridge over Vistula River in Plock (Poland), designed by first two paper authors as being the winners of international competition for design oraganized by Polish association of the bridge engineers. Total length of the bridge is 1,200 m; 615 m is the length of main bridge part over the Vistula riverbed, and 585 m is the length of access bridge part over river...
Lighting education for architects, the barriers and challenges: a survey of architecture students
PublikacjaCreating a well-lit environment requires the understanding of daylight and electric lighting design principles within the built environment. Recent years have brought a large number of new lighting assessment and design methods. The discovery of new photoreceptor cells in the eye - photosensitive retinal ganglion cells - forced lighting researchers to focus on parametrisation for the image forming (IF) and non-image forming (NIF)...
PublikacjaThe structural analysis of a road foldable prefabricated steel Bailey-type bridge located over the Tuga River in Żelichowo, Poland is investigated in the paper. Interesting and untypical bridge redevelopment performed made a possibility to lift the middle foldable bridge span by 4.0 m concerning the existing state. This paper can provide engineers and designers basis for structural analysis in the field of foldable Bailey-type...
Numerical analysis and in situ tests of the Grot Rowecki Bridge in Warsaw
PublikacjaThe paper presents the FEM analysis of the reconstructed the Grot-Rowecki Bridge over Vistula river in Warsaw. The bridge has seven spans and consists of two independent structures with the longest spans of 120 m. After reconstruction the bridge is over 10 m wider. The numerical, nonlinear analysis has been con-ducted on a global and local FEM models. These models are defined so as they strictly comply with global structural bridge...
Diagnostics and monitoring of the longest span extradosed bridge in Europe
PublikacjaThe article presents complex diagnostic procedures applied for the purpose of behavior analysis of the extradosed bridge with the longest span in Europe that was built in 2018 in Poland. The system of health monitoring was used to: register internal forces in temporary supports, monitor concrete bonding, perform in situ diagnostics and operation tests. The bridge is a continuous four-span structure with spans theoretical lengths...
PublikacjaSteel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system....
A dynamic vehicle-bridge model based on the modal identification results of an existing EN57 train and bridge spans with non-ballasted tracks
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the methodology of the bridge-vehicle dynamic model definition based on the free response measurements of an existing train and existing bridge spans. In the case of the railway vehicle, the methodology uses the impulse excitations of a single car by means of the wedge method. In the case of the bridge spans, free responses are collected after the passages of trains. The global modal parameters (frequencies...
Bartosz Sawik Ph.D., Eng.
OsobyDr Bartosz Sawik is a Professor at the Department of Business Informatics and Engineering Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland and at the Institute of Smart Cities, GILT-OR Group, Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. He is a Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He has a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. and Eng....
The effect of fishing basin construction on the behaviour of a footbrdge over the port channel
PublikacjaThe paper analyses possible causes of failure of the rotating footbridge over the Ustka port channel. In July, 2015, strange behaviour of this object was observed in the form of excessive vibrations of bridge platform suspension rods, with the accompanying acoustic effects. A preliminary geotechnical analysis has revealed that this destructive effect was caused by the nearby construction works, namely construction of a fishing...
A New Geodetic Method of Examination of Geometrical Conditions of a Crane Bridge
PublikacjaSafety is one of the key aspects related to crane-based material transport. In order to ensure safe crane operation and material transport, it is necessary to meet certain geometrical conditions. The authors addressed the geometrical conditions of a crane bridge, a substantial crane component. The paper presents the method to compute displacement components of points on the top of a bridge crane relative to their design position....
Test loading of the longest span arch bridge in Poland
PublikacjaBridge structures undergo thorough examination during test loading before they come into use. The aim of the examination is to check the correctness of the working structure and construction design assumptions. Test loading on the bridge is preceded by examination specification. This paper describes computational model and test loading results carried out during examibation of the bridge over the Vistula within the bypass of Puławy...
Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement
PublikacjaRoadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...
Some kind of joints in composite polymer bridges
PublikacjaContemporary, polymer composites bridge structures are of two types: truss or arch structures(with many joints along the length) and beam structures with limited number of joints. Both of them have special types of composite polymer decks. An ideal solution is to join advantages of two types of structuresdescribed below and create long span FRP beam bridge structure system using joints along the length. Theproblem is to find the...
Bridge Ergonomic Design: A Review
PublikacjaHuman error remains the most common cause of marine incidents and it is worth emphasizing that navigator’s performance is directly affected by ergonomic factors on the bridge. Studies regarding influence of bridge design and work environment on the operator are rare, thus the main purpose of this paper is to fill in this gap. Documents issued by recognized organizations, research publications and additional sources were reviewed...
Theoretical analysis of the cable-stayed bridge over brda river in Bydgoszcz
PublikacjaThe topic of this article is the numerical analysis carried out for the cable-stayed tram (road) bridge over Brda river in Bydgoszcz. The goal of numerical studies was the verification of project assumptions and construction solutions elaborated by the autonomous team. The bridge calculations were conducted on three independent FEM models The internal forces and the elements effort under different loading schemes were examined....
Reference FEM model for SHM system of cable-stayed bridge in Rzeszów
PublikacjaThe paper presents the references model for structural health monitoring system (SHM) of cable-stayed bridge recently constructed in Rzeszów over Wisłok River. The SHM system is design to provide on-line information on the structure state and facilitate its maintenance procedures. The main feature of the SHM system is permanent observation of the dynamic behavior of the bridge with focus on cable vibrations. The paper discusses...
Vibration of the bridge under moving singular loads - theoretical formulation and numerical solution
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the numerical analysis of a simple vehicle passing over a simply supported bridge span. The bridge is modelled by a Euler-Bernoulli beam. The vehicle is modelled as a linear, visco-elastic oscillator, moving at a constant speed. The system is described by a set of differential equations of motion and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta algorithm. The results are compared with the solution...
Know your safety indicator – A determination of merchant vessels Bow Crossing Range based on big data analytics
PublikacjaEven in the era of automatization maritime safety constantly needs improvements. Regardless of the presence of crew members on board, both manned and autonomous ships should follow clear guidelines (no matter as bridge procedures or algorithms). To date, many safety indicators, especially in collision avoidance have been proposed. One of such parameters commonly used in day-to-day navigation but usually omitted by researchers is...
Safety assessment of a concrete viaduct damaged by vehicle impact and an evaluation of the repair
PublikacjaDamage to lower parts of viaducts caused by impact from under-passing high vehicles is relatively frequent. One such incident, in which a viaduct was damaged by the impact from a truck with an improperly assembled hydraulic crane, is considered in this work. The analysis is based on a detailed object damage evaluation, 3D laser scanning, and numerical simulations. The aim of the study is to accurately model the vehicle impact into...
Initial Report on Numerical Modeling of Blood Flow in Myocardial Bridge Region of Coronary Artery: Concept of Model Validation
PublikacjaThe paper presents a numerical method of blood flow simulation within the coronary artery covered by the myocardial bridge. The myocardial bridge is a congenital coronary abnormality caused by the blood vessel location under one of the heart muscles. In this case, the blood flow within the vessel is partially disturbed which can cause several consequences. The presented numerical simulation allowed us to estimate the blood flow...