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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: dna mismatch repai
Mitochondrial DNA Part A
Czasopisma -
Gentiana asclepiadea exerts antioxidant activity and enhances DNA repair of hydrogen peroxide- and silver nanoparticles-induced DNA damage
PublikacjaExposure to high levels of different environmental pollutants is known to be associated with induction of DNA damage in humans. Thus DNA repair is of great importance in preventing mutations and contributes crucially to the prevention of cancer. In our study we have focused on quantitative analysis of Gentiana asclepiadea aqueous or methanolic extracts obtained from flower and haulm, their antioxidant potency in ABTS post-column...
Decisional DNA applied to digital TV
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nowoczesną koncepcje integracji decyzyjnego DNA z telewizją cyfrową w celu pozyskiwania wiedzy o oglądalności poszczególnych programów.
Fusion of DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase with TaqStoffel DNA polymerase as a useful tool in PCR with difficult targets
PublikacjaThe DNA coding sequence of TaqStoffel polymer- ase was fused with the DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase. The resulting novel recombinant gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified and its enzymatic features were studied. The fusion protein (PfuDBDlig-TaqS) was found to have enhanced processivity as a result of the conversion of the Taq DNA polymerase from a relatively low processive...
Testing the usability of decisional DNA in robotics
PublikacjaW pracy poddano dyskusji i nalizie obszary mozliwych zastowac reprezentacji wiedzy zwanej Decisional DNA w zagadnieniach zwiazanych z robotyka.
Preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
PublikacjaExperiments were carried out to determine the optimum conditions required for the preparation of uniform films of supercoiled plasmid DNA to be used in irradiation experiments under high vacuum conditions. Investigations reveal that significant damage to the DNA molecules occurs due to the evacuation process when films were formed from DNA samples in ultra high purity water only. A variety of bases were tested for their possible...
Thermodynamics aspects of interactions between acridine derivatives and DNA
PublikacjaDNA is a molecular target for many anticancer and antiviral drugs. Therefore, a clear understanding of the interaction of small molecules with DNA is important in the rational design of ligands that can bind to DNA with high affinity and selectivity. There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA. Some of them measure changing into DNA structures, such as lengthening and untwisting of helix of DNA. Other...
Early models of DNA damage formation
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano jedne z pierwszych modeli opisujących uszkodzenia nici DNA. Przeanalizowano uszkodzenia powstające w pojedynczych i podwójnych niciach, pod wpływem czynników fizycznych i chemicznych.
Isoform-specific inhibition of DNA topoisomerase II as the mechanism of action of novel anticancer agent C-1305
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Toward Intelligent Recommendations Using the Neural Knowledge DNA
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose a novel recommendation approach using past news click data and the Neural Knowledge DNA (NK-DNA). The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation method designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We examine our approach for news recommendation tasks on the MIND benchmark dataset. By taking advantages of NK-DNA, deep...
An insight into the mixed quantum mechanical-molecular dynamics simulation of a ZnII-Curcumin complex with a chosen DNA sequence that supports experimental DNA binding investigations
PublikacjaAn important aspect of research pertaining to Curcumin (HCur) is the need to arrest its degradation in aqueous solution and in biological milieu. This may be achieved through complex formation with metal ions. For this reason, a complex of HCur was prepared with ZnII, that is not likely to be active in redox pathways, minimizing further complications. The complex is monomeric, tetrahedral, with one HCur, an acetate and a molecule...
The Decisional DNA-Based Smart Bike for Internet of Things
PublikacjaIn this paper, we introduce a novel application of the Internet of Things, the Decisional DNAbased Smart Bike. The Decisional DNA is a domain-independent, flexible and standard knowledge representation structure; it allows its domains to acquire and store experiential knowledge and formal decision events in an explicit way. By using Decisional DNA, the sensor-equipped bicycle is able to learn its user’s weight, riding habits, etc....
Measuring the density of DNA films using ultraviolet-visible interferometry
PublikacjaIn order to determine a proper value for the density of dry DNA films we have used a method based upon the measurement of interference effects in transmission spectra of thin DNA layers. Our results show that the methodology is effective and the density of DNA in this state, 1.407 g/cm3, is much lower than the commonly used 1.7 g/cm3. Obtaining accurate values for the DNA film density will allow the optical constants for DNA to...
Badanie i porównanie zdolności wybranych leków i związków przeciwnowotworowych do międzyłańcuchowego sieciowania DNA mitochondrialnego i jądrowego w komórkach nowotworowych
PublikacjaCelem pracy było zbadanie zdolności przeciwnowotworowych związków do indukowania międzyłańcuchowych wiązań sieciujących DNA mitochondrialne w ludzkich komórkach nowotworowych oraz porównanie ze zdolnością do sieciowania DNA jądrowego. Pochodna 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyny C-1748, Ledakrin i mitomycyna C wykazują zdolność do sieciowania mtDNA i jDNA w komórkach raka okrężnicy HCT-8 w sposób zależny od dawki; C-1748 w komórkach raka...
Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences
Dane BadawczeGenus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...
A case study of constructing decisional DNA on finanse
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono koncepcję i rozwiązanie analityczne opisu rynku finansowego przy pomocy reprezentacji wiedzy zwanej ''decyzyjne DNA''.
Problem of aggregation in dye-DNA interaction, calorimetry studies
PublikacjaNucleic acids are the biological target for many antimicrobial, antitumor and antiviral drugs. Ligand-DNA interactions can be classified into two major categories: 1. covalent binding, which can provide to intermolecular adducts, 2. physico-chemical interactions, which can be divided into intercalation (e.g. adriamycin) or groove binding (e.g. dystamycin). There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA....
Termodynamika niekowalencyjnego oddziaływania małocząsteczkowych ligandów z dna
PublikacjaKwasy nukleinowe są jednym z głównych celów biologicznych dla wielu antybiotyków oraz leków przeciwnowotworowych i przeciwwirusowych. Podczas tworzenia nowych farmaceutyków ważna jest dokładna wiedza na temat sposobu wiązania się leku do DNA. Oddziaływanie ligand-DNA można podzielić na dwie grupy: 1. wiązanie kowalencyjne, które często prowadzi do utworzenie trwałych wiązań pomiędzy nićmi DNA, 2. fizykochemiczne wiązanie, które...
Non-Newtonian Mathematics Instead of Non-Newtonian Physics: Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Mismatch of Arithmetics
PublikacjaNewtonian physics is based on Newtonian calculus applied to Newtonian dynamics. New paradigms such as ‘modified Newtonian dynamics’ (MOND) change the dynamics, but do not alter the calculus. However, calculus is dependent on arithmetic, that is the ways we add and multiply numbers. For example, in special relativity we add and subtract velocities by means of addition β1⊕β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)+tanh−1(β2)), although multiplication β1⊙β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)⋅tanh−1(β2)),...
Decisional DNA and Optimization Problem
PublikacjaMany researchers have proved that Decisional DNA (DDNA) and Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS or SOE) is a technology capable of gathering information and converting it into knowledge to help decision-makers to make precise decisions in many ways. These techniques have a feature to combine with different tools, such as data mining techniques and web crawlers, helping organization collect information from different sources...
Decisional DNA: the concept and its implementation platforms
PublikacjaOmowiono kopncepcje zarzadzania wiedza oparta na decyzyjnym DNA gdzie wiedza jest reprezentowana poprzez zbiory doswiadczen. Przedstawiono obecne oraz przyszle zastosowania omawianej koncepcji.
Metylacja DNA w rozwoju, diagnostyce i terapii nowotworów
PublikacjaDotychczas kowalencyjna modyfikacja DNA, jaką jest zarówno naturalna metylacja DNA, jak i addukty DNA egzogennych niskocząsteczkowych związków chemicznych, były ropatrywane z punktu widzenia genomu. W świetle obecnej wiedzy dotyczącej epigenomu można sądzić, że stosunkowo niewielkie modyfikacje czy to w postaci metylacji cytozyny, czy adduktu DNA mogą mieć znaczący wpływ na działanie komórki, a co za tym idzie także jej transformację...
Therapeutic intervention by the simultaneous inhibition of DNA repair and type I or type II DNA topoisomerases: one strategy, many outcomes
PublikacjaMany anticancer drugs reduce the integrity of DNA, forming strand breaks. This can cause mutations and cancer or cell death if the lesions are not repaired. Interestingly, DNA repair-deficient cancer cells (e.g., those with BRCA1/2 mutations) have been shown to exhibit increased sensitivity to chemotherapy. Based on this observation, a new therapeutic approach termed 'synthetic lethality' has been developed, in which radiation...
Analysis of induction of DNA DSBs on telomeres in A549 cells
Dane BadawczeData consist of an analysis of DNA DSBs on telomeres. A549 were treated with compounds (TXT4, MTX, DMSO) at IC90 concentration for the indicated time. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat objective (Carl Zeiss)....
Framework for Product Innovation Using SOEKS and Decisional DNA
PublikacjaProduct innovation always requires a foundation based on both knowledge and experience. The production and innovation process of products is very similar to the evolution process of humans. The genetic information of humans is stored in genes, chromosomes and DNA. Similarly, the information about the products can be stored in a system having virtual genes, chromosomes and decisional DNA. The present paper proposes a framework for...
Termodynamiczne aspekty oddziaływania niskocząsteczkowych ligandów z DNA
PublikacjaKwasy nukleinowe są celem biologicznym dla wielu antybiotyków oraz leków przeciwnowotworowych i przeciwwirusowych. Dlatego podczas tworzenia nowych farmaceutyków ważna jest dokładna wiedza na temat sposobu wiązania się leku do DNA.Oddziaływanie ligand-DNA można podzielić na dwie grupy: 1. wiązanie kowalencyjne, które często prowadzi do utworzenie trwałych wiązań pomiędzy nićmi DNA, 2. fizykochemiczne wiązanie, które może być podzielone...
Raman spectroscopic study of Ni2+-DNA interactions in aqueous systems
PublikacjaMetodą ramanowskich widm różnicowych określono sposób oddziaływania jonu Ni2+ z DNA(CT) w układach wodnych. Kation Ni(II) koordynuje w pozycjach N7 guaniny (G) i adeniny (A) w powtarzających się sekwencjach GG, AA i GA cząsteczki DNA. Jednocześnie Ni2+ oddziałuje zewnątrz sferowo poprzez cząsteczki wody z grupami fosforanowymi DNA.
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
Osobydr hab. Beata Krawczyk, prof. uczelni Stopnie naukowe, wykształcenie, kwalifikacje Beata Krawczyk uzyskała tytuł magistra biologii na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi), Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1986 roku, a doktorat z biologii molekularnej na Wydziale Biologii (wówczas: Wydział Biologii, Geografii i Oceanologii) Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 1996 roku. Stopień doktora habilitowanego w zakresie nauk biologicznych...
Application of decisional DNA in web data mining
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono pilotową koncepcję i aplikację integracji reprezentacji wiedzy opartej na decyzyjnym DNA oraz systemów pozyskiwania wiedzy i danych z Internetu. Wskazano na zalety proponowanej integracji oraz przedstawiono kierunki przyszłych badań w tym zakresie.
Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...
Decisional DNA based embedded systems: a new perspective
PublikacjaOmówiono nowe kierunki i perspektywy badań w zakresie systemów podporządkowanych opartych na decyzyjnym DNA.
Decisional DNA digitral TV: concept and initial experiments
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono pierwsze wyniki eksperymentalnej integracji telewizji cyfrowej z decyzyjnym DNA reprezentujacym wiedze o odbiorcy programow.
VUV irradiation studies of plasmid DNA in aqueous solution
PublikacjaInteractions of VUV light and DNA samples in aqueous solutions are reported. The damage induced by such radiation is quantified by monitoring both loss of supercoiled DNA and formation of single and double strand breaks using agarose gel electrophoresis. Irradiations were performed using synchrotron VUV photons of 130, 150, 170 and 190 nm. VUV irradiation experiments revealed enhanced damage upon irradiation with 170 nm photons...
Flow cytometry analysis of DNA DSBs in telomerase positive and negative cell lines after treatment with TXT2 and TXT4
Dane BadawczeFlow cytometry analysis of DNA DSBs in telomerase positive (A549, H460) and negative (NHBE2594, U2OS) cell lines after treatment with equitoxic concentrations of TXT2 and TXT4. MTX and DMSO were used as positive and negative controls, respectively.
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Experience-Based Knowledge Structures
PublikacjaThis chapter presents a description of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA (DDNA), argumentation for a knowledge representation, composition, configuration and metrics. SOEKS is a combination of filtered and amalgamated information obtained from formal decision events. It facilitates effective explicit representation of decisional experience taken from different technologies. SOEKS comprises variables,...
Wybrane metody badania poziomu metylacji DNA w komórkach eukariotycznych
PublikacjaMetylacja regionów promotorowych jest jednym z głównych mechanizmów regulacji transkrypcji genów u eukariota. W komórkach ssaczych metylacja DNA zachodzi głównie na reszcie cytozyny występującej w dinukleotydach CpG i jest katalizowana przez metylotransferazy DNA (DNMT1, DNMT3A i DNMT3B) (Turek Plewa, Jagodziński 2005). Mapowanie 5 metylocytozyny w DNA genomowym jest jednym z narzędzi do badania wpływu metylacji na tkankowo-specyficzną...
Binding free energy of selected anticancer compounds to DNA - theoreticalcalculations
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy swobodnej energii wiązania z DNA trzech związków o działaniu przeciwnowotworowym (mitoksantronu i dwóch pochodnych pirymidoakrydyny). Obliczenia wykorzystywały metody Poissona-Boltzmanna (udział elektrostatyczny) i metody SASA (udział nieelektrostatyczny). W wyniku badań zaproponowano struktury kompleksów jakie tworzą badane ligandy z DNA.
Molecular Recognition in Complexes of TRF Proteins with Telomeric DNA
PublikacjaTelomeres are specialized nucleoprotein assemblies that protect the ends of linear chromosomes. In humans and many other species, telomeres consist of tandem TTAGGG repeats bound by a protein complex known as shelterin that remodels telomeric DNA into a protective loop structure and regulates telomere homeostasis. Shelterin recognizes telomeric repeats through its two major components known as Telomere Repeat-Binding Factors, TRF1...
Absorption and fluorescence spectrum the Diamond™ nucleic acid dye applied to DNA and friction ridge analysis from fingerprint traces
Dane BadawczeThe results of a study of the spectroscopic properties of Diamond™ dye binding to reference DNA and to DNA from a fingerprint using a UV/VIs spectrophotometer and a spectrofluorimeter are presented.
H2AX phosphorylation, its role in DNA damage response and cancer therapy
PublikacjaDouble-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious DNA lesions, which, if left unrepaired, may have severe consequences for cell survival, as they lead to chromosome aberrations, genomic instability, or cell death. Various physical, chemical, and biological factors are involved in DSB induction. Cells respond to DNA damage by activating the so-called DNA damage response (DDR), a complex molecular mechanism developed to detect...
Czasopisma -
Applying Decisional DNA to Internet of Things: The Concept and Initial Case Study
PublikacjaIn this article, we present a novel approach utilizing Decisional DNA to help the Internet of Things capture decisional events and reuse them for decision making in future operations. The Decisional DNA is a domain-independent, standard and flexible knowledge representation structure that allows its domains to acquire, store, and share experiential knowledge and formal decision events in an explicit way. We apply this approach...
Principles of target DNA cleavage and the role of Mg2+ in the catalysis of CRISPR–Cas9
PublikacjaAt the core of the CRISPR–Cas9 genome-editing technology, the endonuclease Cas9 introduces site-specific breaks in DNA. However, precise mechanistic information to ameliorate Cas9 function is still missing. Here, multimicrosecond molecular dynamics, free energy and multiscale simulations are combined with solution NMR and DNA cleavage experiments to resolve the catalytic mechanism of target DNA cleavage. We show that the conformation...
Radiosensitization of DNA in presence of Pt(II)-based compounds
PublikacjaX-ray irradiation of plasmid DNA in presence of platinum (II)-based compounds was carried out in order to assess the radiosensitization capabilities of these drugs. In present investigations pBR322 plasmid DNA was used to monitor the effectiveness of chosen compounds in inducing strand breaks. Samples were incubated in the presence of potential radiosensitisers: platinum (II) bromide and cis-diamminedibromoplatinum (II). The results...
Decisional DNA, reflexive ontologies, and security: developing decisional trust
PublikacjaOmowiono model osiagania zaufania decyzjnego opartego na decyzyjnym DNA, refleksyjnych ontologiach oraz na bezpieczenstwie technologicznym.
Thermodynamic and electrostatic properties of ternary Oxytricha nova TEBP-DNA complex
PublikacjaZa pomocą metod chemi obliczeniowej badano właściwości molekularne kompleksu telomerowego białka TEBP z Oxytricha nova w kompleksie trójskkładnikowym z DNA o sekwencji telomerowej. Wyliczone wartości energii kompleksowania wskazują specyficznie na jedną z dróg tworzenia kompleksu, gdzie wpierw podjednostka alfa łaczy się z DNA a następnie podjednostka beta dołącza się do takiego dwuskładnikowego kompleksu. Policzone rozkłady molekularnego...
NMR-Based Structural Insight into DNA G-Quadruplex
PublikacjaEmerging as a promising area in anticancer research, noncanonical DNA structures such as G-quadruplexes are studied using NMR spectroscopy. NOESY spectra reveals crucial interactions between ligands and G-quadruplexes, helping to understand non-covalent binding mechanisms. This knowledge is essential for rational drug design targeting these structures.
Mechanisms of Damage to DNA Labeled with Electrophilic Nucleobases Induced by Ionizing or UV Radiation
PublikacjaHypoxia—a hallmark of solid tumors—makes hypoxic cells radioresistant. On the other hand, DNA, the main target of anticancer therapy, is not sensitive to the near UV photons and hydrated electrons, one of the major products of water radiolysis under hypoxic conditions. A possible way to overcome these obstacles to the efficient radio- and photodynamic therapy of cancer is to sensitize the cellular DNA to electrons and/or ultraviolet...
Methods for Elucidation of DNA-Anticancer Drug Interactions and Their Applications in the Development of New Drugs
PublikacjaDNA damaging agents including anthracyclines, camptothecins and platinum drugs are among most frequently used drugs in the chemotherapeutic routine. Due to their relatively low selectivity for cancer cells, administration is associated with adverse side effects, whereas the inherent genotoxicity of these drugs is associated with risk of developing secondary cancers. Development of new drugs, which could be spared of these drawbacks...
A vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins for novel biomaterials, biomedical and industrial applications
PublikacjaA DNA fragment amplification/expression technology for the production of new generation biomaterials for scientific, industrial and biomedical applications is described. The technology enables the formation of artificial Open Reading Frames (ORFs) encoding concatemeric RNAs and proteins. It recruits the Type IIS SapI restriction endonuclease (REase) for an assembling of DNA fragments in an ordered head-to-tail-orientation. The...