Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: renewable energy
Charakterystyka energetyczna budynków mieszkalnych wielorodzinnych w perspektywie wymagań 2017-2021
PublikacjaOpracowanie zawiera analizę charakterystyki energetycznej przykładowego budynku mieszkalnego wielorodzinnego przeprowadzoną w perspektywie wymagań 2017-2021 r. Wskazano w niej elementy mające wpływ na zapotrzebowanie budynku na energię użytkową, końcową i nieodnawialną energię pierwotną (wskaźnik EP). Zidentyfikowano jednocześnie możliwe problemy ze spełnieniem wymagań określonych w przepisach techniczno-budowlanych oraz wskazano...
Piotr Kołodziejek dr inż.
Osoby -
A negative effect of carbon phase on specific capacity of electrode material consisted of nanosized bismuth vanadate embedded in carbonaceous matrix
PublikacjaLithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used all over the world. The LIBs belong to a renewable energy source and energy storage devices. The increase in energy demand causes that new materials of higher energy and higher power densities are still under investigation. Herein, we compare electrochemical properties of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) embedded and not embedded into carbonaceous matrix as an anode material along with structural...
Innovative Railway Stations
PublikacjaIn relation to modern demographic trends, evolving technologies and environmentfriendly solutions increases the potential of rail considered as sustainable form of public transport. Contemporary tendencies of designing railway stations in Europe are focused on lowering energy consumption and reducing carbon emission. The main goal of the designers is to create a friendly and intuitive space for its users and at the same time a...
Relevance of the EU Structural Funds’ Allocation to the Needs of Combating Air Pollution in Poland. Analysis of the Operational Programmes of Regions Threatened With Critical Air Pollution from Distributed Energy Sources
PublikacjaRecent years, the European Environmental Agency, has been reporting air quality parameters in Poland, as the poorest among all the EU countries. Despite of adoption of the EU legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, existing legal solutions occur insufficient in reducing air pollution in Polish regions. Lack of an effective schemes supporting complex thermal renovation of buildings, exchange of inefficient...
Experimental investigation of performance and emission characteristics of a miniature gas turbine supplied by blends of kerosene and waste tyre pyrolysis oil
PublikacjaFossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy that could be depleted in the near future, giving rise to amajor energy crisis. Scientists from all over the world are working on new technologies to produce fuelnot only from renewable sources but also from waste. This article is concerned with: (i) waste tyremanagement by means of the pyrolysis process, (ii) investigation of physico-chemical parameters ofwaste tyre pyrolysis oil...
Day-ahead Solar Power Forecasting Using LightGBM and Self-Attention Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
PublikacjaThe burgeoning trend of integrating renewable energy harvesters into the grid introduces critical issues for its reliability and stability. These issues arise from the stochastic and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Data-driven forecasting tools are indispensable in mitigating these challenges with their rugged performance. However, tools relying solely on data-driven methods often underperform when an adequate...
Publikacja34 IMPLEMENTATION OF INOGATE PROGRAMME IN ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN AND GEORGIA Krystyna Gomółka Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology Ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80 - 233 Gdańsk, Poland Krystyna.Gomolka@zie.pg.gda.pl Abstract INOGATE Programme is one of the instruments designed for the implementation of the energy policy developed by the EU and...
How to Meet the Green Deal Objectives—Is It Possible to Obtain 100% RES at the Regional Level in the EU?
PublikacjaThe subject matter discussed in the article concerns the problem of the energy transformation of the European Union (EU) countries. In the case of the EU, the energy transformation has specific characteristics due to formal legal and institutional provisions. This means that the member states are obliged to implement the adopted Community Energy Strategy, which was defined under the European Green Deal. According to the EU policy,...
Seaweed as a resource for Anaerobic Digestion
PublikacjaExtensive growth of algae contributes to disruptive changes to the water ecosystems. This is mainly caused by redundant nutrients that are washed off the land and end up in waters. Tackling eutrophication by recovery of nutrients can be a solution to the problem. Cast marine biomass can be a resource for renewable energy technologies like anaerobic digestion. Such approach can contribute to the transition to a circular bio-economy and...
Integration of electric vehicle into smart grid: a meta heuristic algorithm for energy management between V2G and G2V
PublikacjaRecently, Electric Vehicles (EV) have been providing fast response and substantial progress in the power generation model. Further, EVs are exploited as adaptable Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) and show a promising performance in ancillary service markets to increase the demand of Smart Grid (SG) integration. The expansion of Vehicle-to-Grid concept has created an extra power source when renewable energy sources are not available....
Techno-economic evaluation of combined cycle gas turbine and a diabatic compressed air energy storage integration concept
PublikacjaMore and more operational flexibility is required from conventional power plants due to the increasing share of weather-dependent renewable energy sources (RES) generation in the power system. One way to increase power plant’s flexibility is integrating it with energy storage. The energy storage facility can be used to minimize ramping or shutdowns and therefore should lower overall generating costs and CO2 emissions. In this article,...
Magazynowanie energii elektrycznej i gospodarka wodorowa
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano przegl ą du aktualnych technologii magazynowania energii elektrycznej oraz zestawiono uzyskiwane parametry w aspekcie zastosowa ń w zasobnikach systemowych. Przedstawiono studium mo ż liwo ś ci magazynowania energii z odnawialnych ź róde ł energii (O Ź E) w zasobnikach akumulatorowych i elektrowniach szczytowo-pompowych w Polsce. Omówiono tak ż e mo ż liwo ś ci wykorzystania...
Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Wastes into Syngas and Hydrogen using Highly Preheated Agent (HTAG)
PublikacjaGasification is considered to be one of the most promising energy recovery technologies for the widespread utilization of biomass and wastes. During this process raw feedstock is converted into a combustible gas, which can then be burnt to produce thermal energy, or to run engines for mechanical or electrical power. The studies of biomass gasification demonstrate it as a friendly alternative to fossil fuels as one of renewable...
Metody doboru miejsc zainstalowania zasobników energii w sieciach elektroenergetycznych niskiego napięcia
PublikacjaW związku z rosnącą liczbą źródeł odnawialnych przyłączanych do sieci niskiego napięcia (nn) jakość energii elektrycznej w tej sieci ulega pogorszeniu. Jedną z metod jej poprawiania jest instalowanie zasobników energii, tj. baterii akumulatorów, superkondensatorów czy kół zamachowych. Zasobniki energii są w stanie złagodzić dobową zmienność obciążenia, skompensować moc bierną i wyższe harmoniczne oraz zmniejszyć asymetrię obciążenia...
Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building
PublikacjaIn order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...
Different design aspects of an Organic Rankine Cycle turbine for electricity production using a geothermal binary power plant
PublikacjaIn recent years, pressure has been growing to increase the share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation, which may offer opportunities for the development of geothermal energy in regions that have been so far considered unprofitable in this respect. One such country currently undergoing an energy transition is Poland in which low-temperature geothermal resources are currently used for district heating and recreation...
Local Conformation and Cocrystallization Phenomena in Renewable Diaminoisoidide-Based Polyamides Studied by FT-IR, Solid State NMR, and WAXD
PublikacjaBiobased polyamides synthesized from diaminoisoidide (DAII), 1,4-diaminobutane, and sebacic acid are investigated by FT-IR, 13C{1H} magic-angle spinning/cross-polarization (CP/MAS) NMR spectroscopy, and WAXD. Their molecular conformation and mobility undergo distinct changes as a function of temperature and diaminoisoidide content in the compositions. The presence of randomly distributed diaminoisoidide (DAII) in the polyamides...
Design and distribution of air nozzles in the biomass boiler assembly
PublikacjaDue to energy crisis as well as increasing pollution of the environment, renewable energy sources usage increases all over the world. These facts encouraged authors to start research over developing a uniform biomass boiler calculation model. This paper presents a design of biomass boiler assembly created for ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) unit since these systems could achieve strong position in energy industry....
PublikacjaPhotovoltaic modules are one of the renewable energy sources with great potential for application in various regions of the world as well as for different terrain. They are, however, sensitive to external factors, affecting the overall amount of energy generated, such as solar irradiance, shading effects and any form of soil build-up on the front glass cover of solar device. The latter issue happens over a course of weeks, months...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublikacjaConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
Recent Progress on Hydrogen Storage and Production Using Chemical Hydrogen Carriers
PublikacjaDepleting fossil fuel resources and anthropogenic climate changes are the reasons for the intensive development of new, sustainable technologies based on renewable energy sources. One of the most promising strategies is the utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector. However, the limiting issue for large-scale commercialization of hydrogen technologies is a safe, efficient, and economical method of gas storage. In industrial practice,...
Comparison of AHP and Numerical Taxonomy Methods Based on Biogas Plant Location Analysis
PublikacjaThe paper presents a comparison of the multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy in biogas plant location selection. Biogas plants are sources that will significantly contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the energy and climate package for Poland by 2030. Increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources, e.g. biogas plants, will increase the country’s energy security....
Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej - diagnoza i terapia
PublikacjaW artykule przeanalizowano stan i dalszy rozwój krajowego sektora wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w świetle najnowszych raportów Międzynarodowej Agencji Energetycznej, wskazujących potencjalne trendy i perspektywy w światowej energetyce. Na tle przewidywanego wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną wskazano na możliwość istotnego ograniczenia emisji CO2 drogą zastąpienia przestarzałych, nieefektywnych...
Decentralized energy systems. Social aspects of energy production and use (10h, 2 ECTS credits)
Kursy OnlineThe main aim of the course is to introduce students to the socio-political aspects of the decentralization of energy systems. The motivation behind these changes is not only due to technological developments or economic issues. The main driving force are wider social and political trends. Many energy supply projects that are being developed and implemented today assume an active role for consumers in energy production, who become...
Sewage sludge pretreatment by low thermal disintegration for better efficacy of sludge digestion process
PublikacjaThe wastewater water treatment plant (WWTP) sector and it is developing technologies strive to be implement circular economy. The methane production from the sludge digestion process constitute promising source of the renewable energy for WWTP and approaching circular economy assumptions. For this reason, the objective of the study was to examine the modification of sludge characteristics due to the low temperature pretreatment....
Stirling engines - the state of technology development and computational models
PublikacjaStirling engines represent a technologically important solution in combined heat and power systems. Their use enables the achievement of over 90 percent efficiency in the management of the primary energy source with a very high durability of the device, mainly due to the lack of contact of the working gas with external factors and a very small number of mechanical components. The use of a Stirling engine may be equally important...
Multilevel Converters
PublikacjaThe newest Special Section is intended to focus on recent research and trends in application of multilevel converters. Multilevel converters have been extensively developed over the last two decades and show several important advantages of power electronic circuits, such as: operation at high voltages, harmonics reduction, higher efficiency, modularity, smaller size and lower cost. Also, thanks to increasing interest in renewable...
A review on homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic microalgal lipid extraction and transesterification for biofuel production
PublikacjaExtracting lipids from microalgal biomass presents significant potential as a cost-effective approach for clean energy generation. This can be achieved through the chemical conversion of lipids to produce fatty acid methyl esters via transesterification. The extraction mainly involves free fatty acids, phospholipids, and triglycerides, and requires less energy, making it an attractive option for satisfying the growing demand for...
Borophene Chemical Vapar Depostion
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset corresponds to a nickel boride-based bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Developing highly efficient and durable electrocatalysts is essential for advancing renewable energy solutions. In this study, a simple one-step chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method was employed to synthesize boron-containing derivatives...
Bilansowanie lokalne w systemie elektroenergetycznym
PublikacjaWprowadzenie rozliczeń rynkowych w handlu energią elektryczną wymusiło nowe podejście do krótkookresowego bilansowania energii w systemie elektroenergetycznym. Dla sprawnego funkcjonowania handlu energią, konieczne było wprowadzenie Rynku Bilansującego, łączącego realizację zadań technicznych i handlowych. Obecnie bilansowanie systemu rozwiązywane jest ogólnosystemowo. Decentralizacja procesu wytwarzania energii, rozwój niespokojnych...
Advanced nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks for catalytic bio-diesel production from microalgal lipids – A review
PublikacjaIncreasing energy demands require exploring renewable, eco-friendly (green), and cost-effective energy resources. Among various sources of biodiesel, microalgal lipids are an excellent resource, owing to their high abundance in microalgal biomass. Transesterification catalyzed by advanced materials, especially nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is a revolutionary process for overcoming the energy crisis. This review...
Maximizing Bio-Hydrogen and Energy Yields Obtained in a Self-Fermented Anaerobic Bioreactor by Screening of Different Sewage Sludge Pretreatment Methods
PublikacjaEgypt faces significant challenges in managing its sewage sludge generated in large quantities from wastewater treatment plants. This study investigates the feasibility of utilizing sewage sludge as a renewable resource for hydrogen production through anaerobic digestion at the 100 L bioreactor level. Hydrogen is considered a promising alternative energy source due to its high energy content and environmental benefits. To optimize...
Family Tree for Aqueous Organic Redox Couples for Redox Flow Battery Electrolytes: A Conceptual Review
PublikacjaRedox flow batteries (RFBs) are an increasingly attractive option for renewable energy storage, thus providing flexibility for the supply of electrical energy. In recent years, research in this type of battery storage has been shifted from metal-ion based electrolytes to soluble organic redox-active compounds. Aqueous-based organic electrolytes are considered as more promising electrolytes to achieve “green”, safe, and low-cost...
Importance of model tests in design and operation of watercraft for example CTO
PublikacjaShip Hydromechanics Division is a specialized research and development department of Ship Design and Research Centre conducting tests and research in the field of hydromechanics, connected with design and operation of ships and other floating structures, in scope of: predictions, numerical analyses, designs of - hull shape optimized with respect to the ship’s functions with the application of modern design tools, screw propellers...
Power Electronics Building Blocks for implementing Smart MV/LV Distribution Transformers for Smart Grid
PublikacjaWith an observed increase in the involvement of active consumers in activities aimed at improving energy efficiency and increasing interest in producing energy from renewable sources, there is a need for the development of new technologies enabling the distribution network operators to offer new services and functionalities. Smart MV/LV distribution transformers are characterized by a compact three-stage design, including an...
Nanobiocatalysis for biofuel production
PublikacjaThe human race is relied on the use of conventional and non-renewable energy resources like fossil fuels for centuries. With the rising environmental issues linked with the use of these conventional energy resources, the trend soon shifted towards more robust and sustainable energy resources. In this regard, the different generations of biofuels have revolutionized the industrial sector by ensuring an eco-friendly and more economical...
Hydrogen production from ethanol In nitrogen microwave plasma At atmospheric pressure
PublikacjaHydrogen seems to be one of the most promising alternative energy sources. It is a renewable fuel as it could be produced from e.g. waste or bio-ethanol. Furthermore hydrogen is compatible with fuel cells and is environmentally clean. In contrast to conventional methods of hydrogen production such as water electrolysis or coal gasification we propose a method based on atmospheric pressure microwave plasma. In this paper we present...
COASTAL Biogas Klaster Usług Środowiskowych, Technologii Pozyskiwania Biogazu i Substancji Odżywczych
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Wydział Chemiczny zgodnie z porozumieniem STHB.02.02.00-DE-0129/17-00 z dnia 2018-09-26
Muhammad Danish Ali MSc.
OsobyMuhammad Danish Ali is a dedicated researcher ( Google scholar h index 12) specializing in energy Storage Materials at Silesian University of Technology in Katowice, Poland. He is completing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Anna Starczewska from Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland. With a solid academic foundation in material science from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, he has focused his research on...
Optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) market allocation: The case of Poland
PublikacjaCombined heat and power (CHP), that is production of electricity and useful heat in a single thermodynamic process, is a way of primary energy saving and emission reduction. Therefore, promotion of the electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (CHP-E) was encouraged in the European Union. However, CHP-E promotion mechanisms proved low effectiveness in certain countries, like Poland, where the prices of certificates of origin...
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Moderate Temperature Alfa Type Stirling Engines
PublikacjaThe Stirling engine is a device that allows conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy with relatively high efficiency. Existing commercial designs are mainly based on the usage of high temperature heat sources, whose availability from renewable or waste heat sources is significantly lower than that of moderate temperature sources. The paper presents the results of experimental research on a prototype alpha type Stirling...
Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji = TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WEB 2.0 AND THE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE IN THE INFORMATION BROKER’S WORK
PublikacjaThe development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical...
β-cyclodextrin-containing polymer based on renewable cellulose resources for effective removal of ionic and non-ionic toxic organic pollutants from water
PublikacjaA novel, bio-derived cyclodextrin-based trifunctional adsorbent has been successfully synthesized for efficient, rapid and simultaneous removal of a broad-spectrum of toxic ionic (anionic and cationic dyes) and non-ionic organic pollutants from water. The composition, morphology and the presence of functional groups in the obtained sorption material were characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, SEM, and FTIR spectroscopy. The...
Recycling of Photovoltaic Solar Cells and Modules - Te State - Of - Art
PublikacjaIn comparison to other energy producing techniques, photovoltaics (PV) is one of the most promising options: no emission of any matter into the environment during operation; extremely long operation period (estimated average: 25 years), minimum maintenance, robust technique, aesthetic aspects. The use of photovoltaics is rapidly increasing, and the respective market is developing accordingly. Although PV manufacturing equipment...
PublikacjaIn comparison to other energy producing techniques, photovoltaics (PV) is one of the most promising options: no emission of any matter into the environment during operation; extremely long operation period (estimated average: 25 years), minimum maintenance, robust technique, aesthetic aspects. The use of photovoltaics is rapidly increasing, and the respective market is developing accordingly. Although PV manufacturing equipment...
Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji.
PublikacjaThe development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical skills that...
Recuperator with microjet technology as a proposal for heat recovery from low-temperature sources
PublikacjaA tendency to increase the importance of so called dispersed generation, based on the local energy sources and the working systems uti- lizing both the fossil fuels and the renewable energy resources is observed nowadays. Generation of electricity on industrial or domestic scale together with production of heat can be obtained for example through employment of the ORC systems. It is mentioned in the EU directive 2012/27/EU for...
Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials as Substrates for Fermentation Processes
PublikacjaLignocellulosic biomass is an abundant and renewable resource that potentially contains large amounts of energy. It is an interesting alternative for fossil fuels, allowing the production of biofuels and other organic compounds. In this paper, a review devoted to the processing of lignocellulosic materials as substrates for fermentation processes is presented. The review focuses on physical, chemical, physicochemical, enzymatic,...
Anna Kuczyńska-Łażewska dr inż.
OsobyAnna Kuczyńska-Łażewska ukończyła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej na kierunku Chemia (I st.) i Technologie Ochrony Środowiska, specjalizacja: systemy ochrony środowiska (II st.). W 2014 odbyła 3-miesięczny staż w Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse w Rostocku. Doktorat w tematyce recyklingu modułów I i II generacji obroniła w 2018 roku po opieką prof. dr hab. Ewy Klugmann-Radziemskiej w Katedrze Aparatury i Maszynoznawstwa...