Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER ROBOTS - MOST Wiedzy




  • Non-invasive investigation of a submerged medieval harbour, a case study from Puck Lagoon


    - Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports - Rok 2024

    This study presents an innovative approach to underwater archaeological prospection using non-invasive methods of seabed exploration. The research focuses on the Puck medieval harbour, a cultural heritage site, and utilises acoustic and optical underwater remote-sensing technology. The primary objectives include optimising the use of Airborne Laser Bathymetry in underwater archaeology, enhancing the filtration process for mapping...

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  • Gaining knowledge through experience: developing decisional DNA applications in robotics



    Omówiono nowatorskie podejscie do zastosowania wiedzy opartej na doświadczeniu i budowie decyzyjnego DNA w obszarach związanych z robotyką.In this article, we explore an approach that integrates Decisional DNA, a domain-independent, flexible, and standard knowledge representation structure, with robots in order to test the usability and suitability of this novel knowledge representation structure. Core issues in using this Decisional...

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  • European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World


  • Krzysztof Jan Kaliński prof. dr hab. inż.

    Ukończył studia magisterskie na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym (MT) PG (1980, dyplom z wyróżnieniem). Stopień doktora otrzymał na Wydziale Budowy Maszyn PG (1988, praca wyróżniona), stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Mechanicznym (WM) PG (2002, praca wyróżniona), a tytuł profesora nauk technicznych – w 2013 r. Od 2015 r. jest profesorem zwyczajnym, a od 2019 r. - profesorem. Obszar jego badań naukowych obejmuje:...

  • Integrated acoustical-optical system for inventory of hydrotechnical objects


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2017

    The knowledge of the location, shape and other characteristics of spatial objects in the coastal areas has a significant impact on the functioning of ports, shipyards, and other waterinfrastructure facilities, both offshore and inland. Therefore, measurements of the underwater part of the waterside zone are taken, which means the bottom of the water and other underwater objects (e.g. breakwaters, docks, etc.), and objects above...

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  • Mobile inventory system for hydrotechnical objects using data from multiple sensors operating simultaneously


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Rok 2016

    The knowledge of the location, shape and other characteristics of spatial objects in the coastal areas has a significant impact on the functioning of ports, shipyards, and other water-infrastructure facilities, both offshore and inland. Therefore, measurements are taken of the underwater part of the waterside zone, which means the bottom of water and other underwater objects (e.g. breakwaters, docks, etc.), and objects above the...

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  • Iwona Kochańska dr hab. inż.

    Iwona Kochańska jest absolwentką Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Uzyskała tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera na kierunku Automatyka i Robotyka, specjalizując się w automatyce obiektów ruchomych. W 2012 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie telekomunikacja, w specjalności hydroakustyka. W tym samym roku rozpoczęła pracę na stanowisku adiunkta w Katedrze Systemów...

  • Some aspects of noise generated by a small ship in the shallow sea


    - Rok 2012

    The passing and underwater moving objects produce the noises of variable intensity, which significantly increase the overall level of noise in the sea. This applies to both the sonic and ultrasonic range. The excessive levels of underwater noise adversely affects the so-called underwater acoustic climate and is the reason why this phenomenon is intensively investigated from the number of years. The results of experimental work...

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  • Robot-Based Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Literature Review

    • K. D. Bartl-Pokorny
    • P. Uluer
    • D. E. Barkana
    • A. Baird
    • H. Kose
    • T. Zorcec
    • B. Robins
    • B. Schuller
    • A. Landowska
    • M. Pykała

    - IEEE Access - Rok 2021

    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in the socio-communicative domain and frequently face severe difficulties in the recognition and expression of emotions. Existing literature suggested that children with ASD benefit from robot-based interventions. However, studies varied considerably in participant characteristics, applied robots, and trained skills. Here, we reviewed robot-based interventions targeting...

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  • Marek Sylwester Tatara dr inż.

    Marek Tatara w 2014 roku uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera z zakresu Automatyki i Robotyki w specjalności Intelligent Decision-making Systems na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, wcześniej w tym roku uzyskał tytuł inżyniera Fizyki Technicznej w specjalności Nanotechnologia. W tym samym roku rozpoczął pracę jako wykładowca w Katedrze Systemów Decyzyjnych i Robotyki. Interesuje się przetwarzaniem...

  • Spawalność ferrytyczno-austenitycznej stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks 2205 w warunkach podwodnych


    Praca dotyczy problemów spawalności stali odpornej na korozję typu dupleks w warunkach spawania mokrego elektrodami otulonymi i lokalną komorą suchą. Całość rozprawy składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza to przegląd literatury, w którym omówiono główne problemy wynikające z przeniesienia procesu spawania pod wodę oraz sposoby minimalizowania negatywnego wpływu środowiska. Część druga jest częścią doświadczalną, zawiera tezę...

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  • Prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej


    - Rok 2018

    Niniejsza praca jest poświęcona spawaniu pod wodą metodą lokalnej komory suchej (MLKS) i przedstawia metodologię oraz narzędzia umożliwiające prognozowanie właściwości złączy spawanych wykonanych przy zastosowaniu tej odmiany spawania. Monografia zawiera opis rozwoju spawania pod wodą oraz charakterystykę metod wykorzystywanych do realizacji prac spawalniczych. Zaproponowano nowy podział metod spawania pod wodą, uwzględniający...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Identification of hydroacoustic wave sources of ship in motion


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2010

    This paper deals with results of identification tests of acoustic field spectrum of underwater noise generated by ship in motion. The field is connected with acoustic activity of ship mechanisms and devices in operation. Vibration energy generated by the mechanisms and devices is transferred through ship structural elements to surrounding water where it propagates in the form of acoustic waves of a broad band of frequencies. In...

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  • Waldemar Korłub dr inż.


    Waldemar Korłub uzyskał tytuł inżyniera w 2011 roku, tytuł magistra w 2012 roku oraz stopień doktora w dyscyplinie informatyki w 2017 roku na Wydziale Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jego zainteresowania naukowe obejmują: systemy rozproszone ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów typu grid i chmur obliczeniowych, systemy autonomiczne zdolne do samodzielnej optymalizacji, zarządzania zasobami, ochrony...

  • Regulacje prawne odnoszące się do testowania samochodów autonomicznych na drogach publicznych w Polsce i w Kalifornii

    The current level of technological advancement allows for predicting that in the near future autonomous technology may be successfully used for the production of self-driving cars. Many companies (not necessarily related to the automotive sector) have spotted the chance of future profits and thus started working on testing and development of autonomous vehicles. The initiation of work has indicated the lack of possibility to test...

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  • Measurement of Impulse Response of Shallow Water Communication Channel by Correlation Method

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel; conditions that can additionally change in time due to the movement of the acoustic system transmitter and receiver or to reflection by underwater objects of the transmitted signal. The time-varying impulse response is a comprehensive description of dynamically changing transmission...

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  • Optimal control of 2-wheeled mobile robot at energy performance index

    The paper presents the application of the optimal control method at the energy perfor- mance index towards motion control of the 2-wheeled mobile robot. With the use of the proposed method of control the 2-wheeled mobile robot can realise effectively the desired trajectory. The problem of motion control of mobile robots is usually neglected and thus performance of the realisation of the high level control tasks is limited.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Multisensor System for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure of Seaport

    • M. Kastek
    • R. Dulski
    • M. Życzkowski
    • M. Szustakowski
    • P. Trzaskawka
    • W. Ciurapiński
    • P. Markowski
    • M. Karol
    • G. Grelowska
    • I. Gloza... i 2 innych

    - Rok 2013

    There are many separated infrastructural objects within a harbor area that may be considered “critical”, such as gas and oil terminals or anchored naval vessels. Those objects require special protection, including security systems capable of monitoring both surface and underwater areas, because an intrusion into the protected area may be attempted using small surface vehicles (boats, kayaks, rafts, floating devices with weapons...

  • Opportunities and challenges for exploiting drones in agile manufacturing systems


    - Procedia Manufacturing - Rok 2020

    Drones have become an advanced supply chain implementation instrument, especially in connecting warehouses to outlet points or even individual customers. However, their potential application in an intra-logistics framework has not been studied, let alone explored so far. Modeling and simulations in virtual environments can help explore and evaluate the opportunities for practical and profitable applications of drones in manufacturing...

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  • A proposal for a knowledge market based on quantity and quality of knowledge



    The paper proposes an autonomous market environment in which it is possible to trade knowledge based on its quantity and quality.

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  • Przegląd robotów humanoidalnych

    W artykule przedstawiono przegląd najpopularniejszych robotów humanoidalnych, wyróżniając ich ważniejsze cechy i porównując podstawowe charakterystyki, biorąc przy tym pod uwagę pożądane kognitywne aspekty rozwoju robotyki. Wśród osiągalnych cech rozmaitych rozwiązań aparatów humanoidalnych dostępnych na rynku – wyróżnia się głównie liczbę stopni swobody, rodzaj zastosowanego układu lokomocji oraz możliwości wyrażania mimiki twarzy,...

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  • Non linear identification of underwater vehicles. W: [CD-ROM] Conference Proceedings. The 29th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering. May 12-13, 2003 Haifa, Israel. Haifa: Technion - Israel Inst. Technol.**2003[B8] s. 1-8, 5 rys. bibliogr. 7 poz. Nieliniowa identyfikacja pojazdów podwodnych.


    - Rok 2003

    Artykuł dotyczy identyfikacji nieliniowych modeli pojazdów podwodnych o wie-lu zmiennych. Zaproponowana metoda działa w obszarze czasu rzeczywistego imoże być stosowana do nieliniowych modeli, które są liniowe w części doty-czącej nieznanego wektora parametrów. W celu poradzenia sobie z parametramizmieniającymi się w czasie, zastosowano rekursyjną wersję algorytmu identy-fikacji. Po krótkim opisie matematycznych podstaw...

  • Propagation of Ship-Generated Noise in Shallow Sea

    Contamination of sea environment by noise and any energy radiated to water constitutes today a problem to which more and more attention is paid, in view, a.o., of consequences of an impact of these factors onto marine fauna. European Union has introduced a directive by which EU countries are made responsible to undertake efforts aimed at reaching a good envirenmental status of European seas by 2020. A main source of underwater...

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  • Temper bead welding of S420G2+M steel in water environment

    The article presents the idea of the use of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) technique to improve the weldability of high strength steel at underwater wet welding conditions. Wet welding method with the use of covered electrodes is described. This work shows results of metallographic examinations and hardness measurements of samples of S420G2+M steel with weld beads performed under water. It has been shown that Temper Bead Welding technique...

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  • Precise Bathymetry as a Step Towards Producing Bathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts for Comparative (Terrain Reference) Navigation



    Bathymetric Electronic Navigational Charts (bENCs) contain only bathymetry data and can be used in applications such as underwater positioning, dredging and piloting. According to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standard S-57, Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) contain depth information with pure density of depth contours. Typical depth contours encoded by Hydrographic Offices are limited to 2, 5, 10 and 20 m....

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  • SEA SLUGG - Student Experiment Again: Submarine Launched into μGravity from Gdansk

    Search for extraterrestrial life has been a drive wheel for space technology research for half a century. Recentresearch in astrobiology suggests that underwater oceans on Jovian moon Europa, Saturnian moon Titan and possiblyasteroids may be a potential habitat for such microbial life. The unique combination of an actively recycled ice shelland rocky, possibly magmatic interior may give rise to a geochemical system suitable...

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  • Temper bead welding of S460N steel in wet welding conditions

    Wet welding is the most common method of welding in water environment. It is most often used for repairing of underwater parts of offshore structures. However, the water as a welding environment causes an increase of susceptibility of steels to cold cracking. For underwater constructions high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel are widely used. In wet welding condition a HSLA steel is characterized by high susceptibility to cold cracking....

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  • Multibeam Sonar Data Processing for Seafloor Classification


    Despite many years of the development of methodology for sensing the seafloor by means of underwater acoustics, the currently used techniques are still not mature enough and not ready to be utilised in numerous different (i.e. with respect to a water region character, used equipment type etc.) tasks. Therefore the hydroacoustic methods, both utilising vertical observations (e.g. by singlebeam echosounders), as well as those relying...

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  • Design of a Shape-Memory-Alloy-Based Carangiform Robotic Fishtail with Improved Forward Thrust


    - SENSORS - Rok 2024

    Shape memory alloys (SMAs) have become the most common choice for the development of mini- and micro-type soft bio-inspired robots due to their high power-to-weight ratio, ability to be installed and operated in limited space, silent and vibration-free operation, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance properties. Moreover, SMA spring-type actuators are used for developing different continuum robots, exhibiting high degrees...

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  • Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises

    • V. Puig-Pons
    • E. Soliveres
    • I. Pérez-Arjona
    • V. Espinosa
    • P. Poveda-Martínez
    • J. Ramis-Soriano
    • P. Ordoñez-Cebrián
    • M. Moszyński
    • F. de la Gándara
    • M. Bou-Cabo... i 2 innych

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    Underwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...

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  • Nonlinear properties of the Gotland Deep – Baltic Sea

    The properties of the nonlinear phenomenon in water, including sea water, have been well known for many decades. The feature of the non homogeneous distribution of the speed of sound along the depth of the sea is very interesting from the physical and technical point of view. It is important especially in the observation of underwater area by means of acoustical method ( Grelowska et al ., 2013; 2014). The observation of the underwater...

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  • Towards an analysis framework for operational risk coupling mode: A case from MASS navigating in restricted waters



    Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASSs) constitute highly interconnected and tightly coupled multistate systems. Incorporating the coupling effects of both interactions and dependencies is centrally important to ensure navigation safety of MASSs. This paper proposes a framework for examining the coupling effects in the operational modes (OM) of MASSs. Failure Modes (FMs) of MASSs related to interactions with the environment and...

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  • Multidimensional Monitoring System of State Machines


    - Rok 2017

    Technical systems are more complex every day as their electronics and mechanics. Technical advances tend to be autonomous in its performance and perform an auto-diagnosis that allows determining an abnormality existence in a component or subsystem and deciding if the system has to be stopped or not.

  • Robotics, Lab, MiBM, st. II, sem.1 (PG_00057380) 03.2022 Thu

    Kursy Online
    • W. Sieklicki

    The course Robotics (laboratory) is for students of the 1st semester of a full-time Master degree studies of Machine Design. The course includes  laboratory classes in the field of industrial manipulators - their construction, features, components, control, and modular robots - their programming and models.

  • Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions


    - Rok 2019

    In this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...

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  • The abrasive wear resistance of coatings manufactured on high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) offshore steel in wet welding conditions


    - Coatings - Rok 2020

    Some marine and offshore structure elements exploited in the water cannot be brought to the surface of the water as this will generate high costs, and for this reason, they require in-situ repairs. One of the repair techniques used in underwater pad welding conditions is a wet welding method. This paper presents an investigation of the abrasive wear resistance of coatings made in wet welding conditions with the use of two grades...

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  • Reputacja i zaufanie w systemach teleinformatycznych z podmiotami anonimowymi  podejście dynamiczne

    Abstrakcją współczesnego systemu teleinformatycznego jest system wieloagentowy z autonomicznymi, racjonalnymi i wirtualnie anonimowymi agentami wchodzącymi we wzajemne interakcje dla wymiany usług. W referacie uzasadniono konieczność projektowania dla niego podsystemu budowy reputacji i zaufania oraz odpowiednich analiz w ujęciu dynamicznym. Dokonano przeglądu motywacyjnie zgodnych mechanizmów uczciwego raportowania usług oraz...

  • Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities


    - Procedia Computer Science - Rok 2022

    In recent years, global demands for safe and sustainable ships led to dramatic changes in the maritime industry. Digitalization is expected to play an important part in the future. This is supported by analysis of the autonomous ships market which shows that digitalization of large ship types such as tankers and container ships is well on track. Although to date designs of autonomous High-Speed Craft (HSC) have been developed,...

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  • Multibeam data processing for 3D object shape reconstruction


    The technology of hydroacoustic scanning offers an efficient and widely-used source of geospatial information regarding underwater environments, providing measurement data which usually have the structure of irregular groups of points known as point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a different form of representation based on representing surfaces with simple geometric structures, such as edges and facets,...

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  • Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2020

    One of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...

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  • Michał Czubenko dr inż.

    Michał Czubenko jest wyróżniającym się absolwentem z 2009 roku Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej, specjalizującym się w dyscyplinie automatyka i robotyka. Obecnie pełni funkcję adiunkta w Katedrze Systemów Decyzyjnych i Robotyki tej samej uczelni. W 2012 roku odbył trzymiesięczny staż na Kingston University London, poszerzając swoje horyzonty w tej dziedzinie. Od obrony pracy magisterskiej...

  • The influence of the welding environment on the properties of Tekken joints made from S355J2C+N steel

    There are three main methods of underwater welding: dry, wet and intermediate between them, by using the local dry chamber. Due to low costs, the most common method is the wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. Water as a welding environment carries out a lot of problems. The first is limited visibility and instability of the welding arc. The biggest problem during underwater welding is high susceptibility to cold cracking,...

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  • Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications


    Large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency...

  • Rozdział mocy w układzie napędowym robota podwodnego - porównanie algorytmów alokacji naporów

    Praca dotyczy syntezy systemu automatycznego sterowania robotem podwodnym w zakresie problemu rozdziału mocy w wielopędnikowym układzie napędowym. Do alokacji naporów zastosowano metody optymalizacji z ograniczeniami, pozwalające na wyznaczanie wektora naporów na podstawie wektora sił uogólnionych. Rozważono i porównano dwie metody rozdziału mocy dla robota realizującego ruch poziomy płaski o trzech stopniach swobody, rozpatrując...

  • Cognitive memory for intelligent systems of decision-making, based on human psychology


    A model of memory, which allows to expand the functionality of autonomous decision-making systems for robotic and human-system-interface purposes, is discussed. The model provides functions and features which make the prospective robotic and interfacing systems more human-like as well as more efficient in solving interactive issues.

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  • Cognitive memory for intelligent systems of decision-making, based on human psychology

    A model of memory, which allows to expand the functionality of autonomous decision-making systems for robotic and human-system-interface purposes, is discussed. The model provides functions and features which make the prospective robotic and interfacing systems more human-like as well as more efficient in solving interactive issues.

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  • Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Algorithms for Visual Recognition


    - Rok 2022

    In visual recognition, the task is to identify and localize all objects of interest in the input image. With the ubiquitous presence of visual data in modern days, the role of object recognition algorithms is becoming more significant than ever and ranges from autonomous driving to computer-aided diagnosis in medicine. Current models for visual recognition are dominated by models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which...

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  • Estimation of zero buoyancy of the batyscaphe. Pneumatic buoyancy control of the bathyscaphe


    - Rok 2011

    The subjects of this work are matters concerning the batyscaphe designed and constructed by the Scientific Circle of Young Constructors (SCoYC) acting at the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Olsztyn University of Warmia and Mazury.The goal od the remote-controlled batyscaphe is an underwater exploration of water resorvoirs in Poland. Design and construction of the unmanned watercraft, also known as a batyscaphe, required the...

  • Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.

    dr inż. Paweł Burdziakowski jest specjalista w zakresie fotogrametrii i teledetekcji lotniczej niskiego pułapu, nawigacji morskiej i lotniczej. Jest również licencjonowanym instruktorem lotniczym oraz programistą. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowania jest fotogrametria cyfrowa, nawigacja platform bezzałogowych oraz systemy bezzałogowe, w tym lotnicze, nawodne, podwodne. Prowadzi badania  w zakresie algorytmów i metod poprawiających...

  • Distributed infrastructure of self-organizing service servers


    - Rok 2012

    This paper presents an idea of creating distributed system consisting of autonomous self-organizing service providers. It shows a real implemented system allowing for dynamic service search without interaction with client based on the inter-servers communication. Moreover presented system can be easily enriched with new elements without the need for restarting already existing servers.