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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: dzialalnosc developerska
Ramy działalnosci gospodarczej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego.
PublikacjaW artykule autor omawia możliwości prowadzenia działalności gospodraczej przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego.
DevEmo—Software Developers’ Facial Expression Dataset
PublikacjaThe COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of remote activities and digital tools for education, work, and other aspects of daily life. This reality has highlighted the need for emotion recognition technology to better understand the emotions of computer users and provide support in remote environments. Emotion recognition can play a critical role in improving the remote experience and ensuring that individuals are able...
The impact of preferences of inhabitants of settlements for developers activities
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Organizational innovativeness and coopetition: a study of video game developers
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Firmy developerskie na pierwotnym rynku nieruchomości handlowo-usługowych
PublikacjaArtykuł skupia się na przedstawieniu warunków funkcjonowania i udziału firm developerskich w rozwoju pierwotnych rynków nieruchomości handlowo-usługowych. Omówione zostały trzy segmenty: rynek powierzchni biurowych, handlowych oraz dystrybucyjnych. Stwierdzono, że podstawową rolę w tworzeniu polskiego rynku nieruchomości handlowo-usługowych odgrywają zagraniczne firmy developerskie, jednak obok niech coraz częściej pojawiają się...
Katedra Wysokich Napięć i Aparatów Elektrycznych
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zarys historii oraz działalnosci naukowo-badawczej i dydakty- cznej Katedry Wysokich Napięć i Aparatów Elektrycznych Wydziału Elektrotech-niki i Automatyki.
PublikacjaArtykuł ukazuje zmiany zachodzące w działalnosci przemytniczej obywateli państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego i ich kluczowe determinanty jako zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa Polski. Badania zostały zawężone do efektów działań Straży Granicznej.
Emotions in the software development process
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of a survey on the experience of emotions in the work of software developers. Quantitative analysis revealed information about emotions affecting programmers, their frequency and impact on their performance. The concept of emotional risk to productivity was also presented. It allows to choose the emotional states, which should be avoided. Furthermore, all collected data were analyzed with information...
Framework Reuse - Heaven or Hell
PublikacjaObject-oriented frameworks have almost completely dominated the world of business applications. Frameworks are widely considered to be helpful and are designed to speed up creation of applications. However, when trying to apply a framework for a particular application, it often turns out that this is not as easy as it seemed at the beginning. It takes time to become familiar with the framework, with its concepts and the standard...
Migracje a system bezpieczeństwa państwa [w:] Międzynarodowe i wewnętrzne uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa w Polsce, pod red. A. R. Kozłowskiego, E. Polak,
PublikacjaJednym z istotnych zjawisk współczesnego świata są kwestie bezpieczenństwa. Rozpatruje je sie w wielu perspektywach, ekonomicznej, politycznej, energetycznej, militarnej. Istotnym procesem wpływającym na bezpieczeństwo państwa są migracje ludności. Wyróżnia się wiele ich form, zróżnicowane są też przyczyny i skutki zjawiska. Imigranci w kraju osiedlenia często tworzą nową jakość, społeczną, polityczną, ekonomiczną i polotyczną....
Using Continuous Integration Techniques in Open Source Projects – An Exploratory Study
PublikacjaFor a growing number of software projects, continuous integration (CI) techniques are becoming an essential part of the process. However, the maturity of their adoption in open source projects varies. In this paper, we present an empirical study on GitHub repositories to explore the use of continuous integration techniques in open source projects. Following the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) approach, 3 research questions and 7 metrics...
Smooth start for strategry game development supported by XNA framework
PublikacjaTo attract young and casual game developers, Microsoft created a set of libraries oriented towards easier game development and end-product management. The aim of XNA Framework is to provide a unified software development environment for creating games for both PC's and dedicated platforms like XBOX consoles or mobile phones capable of 3D acceleration. The use of modern, object oriented languages available for the .NET platform...
Playing the Sprint Retrospective
PublikacjaIn agile software development, where great emphasis is put on effective informal communication, success depends heavily on human and social factors. However, Scrum does not specify any techniques that aid the human side of software development. In this paper we investigate the use of 6 collaborative games for the Sprint Retrospective. Each game was implemented twice in a Scrum team in Intel Technology Poland. The received feedback...
Preliminary Results of a System-theoretic Assessment of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships' Safety
PublikacjaWhile a system‐theoretic approach to the safety analysis of innovative socio‐technical systems gains a growing acceptance among academia, safety issues of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) remain largely unexplored. Therefore, we applied a System‐Theoretic Process Analysis to develop and analyze a preliminary model of the unmanned shipping system in order to elaborate safety recommendations for...
Przekształcanie zasobów mieszkaniowych w świetle wymagań technicznych, użytkowych i społecznych
PublikacjaŻywiołowy rozwój miasta obejmujący kolejne rejony podmiejskie stanowi zagrożenie dla zrównoważonego rozwoju gimny jako całego organizmu. Osiedla lokalizowane są już w znacznej odległości oc centrum, a inwestycje realizowane przez firmy developerskie nie stanowią źródła taniej powierzchni mieszkalnej.Jednoczęśnie lista oczekujących na lokal komunalny nie maleje. Należy więc wnioskować, iż istniejąca zabudowa komunalna stanowi nadal...
Standards on Cyber Security Assessment of Smart Grid
PublikacjaSecurity evaluation of communication systems in smart grid poses a great challenge to the developers and operators. In recent years many new smart grid standards were proposed, which paradoxically results in the difficulty in finding a relevant publication in this plethora of literature. This paper presents the results of a systematic analysis which aimed at addressing this issue by identifying standards that present sound security...
Towards Agile Development of Critical Software
PublikacjaThe paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant...
YADE - An extensible framework for the interactive simulation of multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics particulate systems
PublikacjaThis contribution presents the key elements of YADE, an extensible open-source framework for dynamic simulations. During the past 19 years, YADE has evolved from "Yet Another Dynamic Engine"' to a versatile multiscale and multiphysics solver, counting a large, active, and growing community of users and developers. The computationally intense parts of the source code are written in C++, using flexible object models that allow for...
Prosty interfejs użytkownika do usług WWW.
PublikacjaZastosowanie serwisu sieciowego pracującego w oparciu XML wymaga dobrej znajomości takiego serwisu. Z drugiej jednak strony witryny WWW wykorzystujące takie serwisy w warstwie prezentacyjnej coraz częściej są projektowane przez użytkowników nie posiadających gruntownego wykształcenia informatycznego. Dla takich developerów przeznaczone są mechanizmy ułatwiające włączenie serwisu do witryny, jak np. WSRP. Skorzystanie z takiego...
Interoperability Description of Web Services Based Application Servers
PublikacjaWeb services standards were designed to enable interoperability of heterogeneous application servers in the Service Oriented Architecture. Although the standards proved to be highly successful, there are still difficulties in effective services integration. The paper presents a methodology that enables description of application servers interoperability in order to improve the service integration process. The methodology proposes...
Quality of Satellite Communication in Selected Mobile Android Smartphones
PublikacjaToday, thanks to mobile devices, satellite communication is available to anyone and everywhere. Gaining information on one’s position using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), particularly in unknown urban environments, had become an everyday activity. With the widespread of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, each person can obtain information considering his or her location anytime and everywhere. This paper is...
Estimation of Housing Demand with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
PublikacjaIt has always been important to anticipate the demand for a product. To determine the demand for any product, the parameters such as the economic situation and the demands of the rival products are used generally. Especially in the housing sector, which is the locomotive sector for emerging countries, it is critical to anticipate housing demand and its relationship with economic variables. Because of that, economists, real estate...
Extraction of information from born-digital PDF documents for reproducible research
PublikacjaBorn-digital PDF electronic documents might reasonably be expected to preserve useful data units of their source originals that suffice to produce executable papers for reproducible research. Unfortunately, developers of authoring tools may adopt arbitrary PDF generation strategies, producing a plethora of internal data representations. Such common information units as text paragraphs, tables, function graphs and flow diagrams,...
Zasada szalonego patchworku – efektuacja jako inspiracja do kształtowania relacji i postaw biznesowych
PublikacjaJedna zzasad efektuacyjnego podejscia do przedsiebiorczosci jest zasada szalonego patchworku (crazy quilt), która dotyczy budowania relacji z otoczeniem biznesowym. Zgodnie z nia przedsiebiorca powinien korzystac zkontaktów zosobami zotoczenia, zbudowanych jeszcze przed załozeniem firmy, atakze aktywnie kształtowac nowe relacje wsrodowisku, wktórym firma działa. Silny networking iznajomosc wielu osób pozwalaja na czerpanie inspiracji...
Designing intranet portals as electronic workplaces
PublikacjaThis paper highlights the most important requirements for developing intranet portals, especially in the areas of user interface ergonomics and usability. In specifying relevant usability requirements both perspectives are considered: of company employees and of executives. Best practices are reviewed, regarding successes and failures in intranet absorption, basing on the results on recent research in a number of surveyed Polish...
Extending Service Selection Algorithms with Interoperability Analysis
PublikacjaApplication development by integration of existing, atomic services reduces development cost and time by extensive reuse of service components. In Service Oriented Architecture, there exist alternative versions of services supplying the same functionality but differing in Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, which enables developers to select services with optimal QoS. Existing algorithms of service selection focus on the formal...
Assessment Of the Relevance of Best Practices in The Development of Medical R&D Projects Based on Machine Learning
PublikacjaMachine learning has emerged as a fundamental tool for numerous endeavors within health informatics, bioinformatics, and medicine. However, novices among biomedical researchers and IT developers frequently lack the requisite experience to effectively execute a machine learning project, thereby increasing the likelihood of adopting erroneous practices that may result in common pitfalls or overly optimistic predictions. The paper...
Exploring Relationships Between Data in Enterprise Information Systems by Analysis of Log Contents
PublikacjaEnterprise systems are inherently complex and maintaining their full, up-to-date overview poses a serious challenge to the enterprise architects’ teams. This problem encourages the search for automated means of discovering knowledge about such systems. An important aspect of this knowledge is understanding the data that are processed by applications and their relationships. In our previous work, we used application logs of an enterprise...
Exploring perceptions of pro environmental educational mobile applications based on semantic field analysis
PublikacjaThe paper aims to identify multidimensional perceptions of mobile apps by their users. Special attention has been paid to pro-environmental educational apps. Semantic field analysis and measurement of emotional temperatures were performed to achieve this goal. Transcripts from seven focus group interviews were used as research material. The results indicate that functionality based on a reward or benefit system reinforces environmentally...
A Model-Driven Solution for Development of Multimedia Stream Processing Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of action research related to model-driven solutions in the area of multimedia stream processing. The practical problem to be solved was the need to support application developers who make their multimedia stream processing applications in a supercomputer environment. The solution consists of a domain-specific visual language for composing complex services from simple services called Multimedia Stream...
Communication and Documentation Practices in Agile Requirements Engineering: A Survey in Polish Software Industry
PublikacjaRequirements engineering, system analysis and other analytical activities form the basis of every IT project. Such activities are not clearly defined in Agile development methods, but it does not mean that they are absent in an agile project. The aim of our work was to determine which practices related to requirements-related communication and which requirements documenting techniques are used in agile software projects. For this...
Do online reviews reveal mobile application usability and user experience? The case of WhatsApp
PublikacjaThe variety of hardware devices and the diversity of their users imposes new requirements and expectations on designers and developers of mobile applications (apps). While the Internet has enabled new forms of communication platform, online stores provide the ability to review apps. These informal online app reviews have become a viral form of electronic wordof-mouth (eWOM), covering a plethora of issues. In our study, we set ourselves...
Applicability of Emotion Recognition and Induction Methods to Study the Behavior of Programmers
PublikacjaRecent studies in the field of software engineering have shown that positive emotions can increase and negative emotions decrease the productivity of programmers. In the field of affective computing, many methods and tools to recognize the emotions of computer users were proposed. However, it has not been verified yet which of them can be used to monitor the emotional states of software developers. The paper describes a study carried...
DOP and Pseudorange Error Estimation in Urban Environments for Mobile Android GNSS Applications
PublikacjaJust a couple of years ago, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) were available only for a narrow group of users. Currently, with the outbreak of mobile devices, they are accessible to anyone and everywhere. Urban navigation or searching for POIs (Points of Interest) had become an everyday activity. With the availability of consumer electronics and wireless technologies, each user can obtain information considering his or...
DOP and Pseudorange Error Estimation in Mobile GNSS Systems for Android OS Applications
PublikacjaIn the near past, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) were only offered for a narrow group of recipients. Nowadays, thanks to mobile devices, they are available to anyone and everywhere. Personal navigation, searching for POI (Point of Interest), etc., had become a basic essential activity. Thanks to the widespread and availability of smartphones each user can obtain information considering his or her location even in an...
Technical Engine for Democratization of Modeling, Simulations, and Predictions
PublikacjaComputational science and engineering play a critical role in advancing both research and daily-life challenges across almost every discipline. As a society, we apply search engines, social media, and se- lected aspects of engineering to improve personal and professional growth. Recently, leveraging such aspects as behavioral model analysis, simulation, big data extraction, and human computation is gain- ing momentum. The nexus...
Aktywności stymulujące refleksję w nauczaniu języka pisanego w wirtualnej klasie
PublikacjaThe paper aims to show how to engage students attending an online language course in various activities which by stimulating reflection enhance the learning process and result in better learning outcomes. By blending cognitivist, constructivist, constructionist and behavioural ideas, course developers and tutors can produce materials and use methods which satisfy the varied needs of adults who want to improve their writing skills....
Tracking Moving Objects in Video Surveillance Systems with Kalman and Particle Filters – A Practical Approach
PublikacjaThis Chapter focuses on the first type of object tracking algorithms, namely on Kalman and particle filters. A theory of these algorithms may be found in many publications, there are also reports on implementation of these approaches to object tracking in video. However, developers of VCA systems still face two important problems. The first one is related to obtaining accurate measurements of positions and sizes of the tracked...
A multiparameter simulation-driven analysis of ship turning trajectory concerning a required number of irregular wave realizations
PublikacjaIn times of progressive automation of the marine industry, accurate modeling of ship maneuvers is of utmost importance to all parties involved in maritime transportation. Despite the existence of modern collisionavoidance algorithms using 6DOF motion models to predict ship trajectories in waves, the impact of stochastic realization of irregular waves is usually neglected and remains under-investigated. Therefore, herein, this phenomenon...
Towards New Mappings between Emotion Representation Models
PublikacjaThere are several models for representing emotions in affect-aware applications, and available emotion recognition solutions provide results using diverse emotion models. As multimodal fusion is beneficial in terms of both accuracy and reliability of emotion recognition, one of the challenges is mapping between the models of affect representation. This paper addresses this issue by: proposing a procedure to elaborate new mappings,...
Determinanty wartości przedsiębiorstw w wybranych sektorach gospodarki w Polsce
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem rozważań jest przedstawienie wpływu takich czynników jak kapitał obcy, ryzyko, wyniki działalności operacyjnej oraz oczekiwana stopa zwrotu na wartość przedsiębiorstwa i na wartość dla jego właścicieli, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kapitału obcego w postaci obligacji korporacyjnych, który stał się w prowadzonych badaniach determinantą przewodnią. Badaniem objęto 184 przedsiębiorstwa, które podzielono na cztery...
Multi-GPU UNRES for scalable coarse-grained simulations of very large protein systems
PublikacjaGraphical Processor Units (GPUs) are nowadays widely used in all-atom molecular simulations because of the advantage of efficient partitioning of atom pairs between the kernels to compute the contributions to energy and forces, thus enabling the treatment of very large systems. Extension of time- and size-scale of computations is also sought through the development of coarse-grained (CG) models, in which atoms are merged into extended...
Rating by detection: an artifact detection protocol for rating EEG quality with average event duration
PublikacjaQuantitative evaluation protocols are critical for the development of algorithms that remove artifacts from real EEG optimally. However, visually inspecting the real EEG to select the top-performing artifact removal pipeline is infeasible while hand-crafted EEG data allow assessing artifact removal configurations only in a simulated environment. This study proposes a novel, principled approach for quantitatively evaluating algorithmically...
Planning Around Polarisation: Components of Finding Common Ground Based on Regeneration Projects in London and Gdańsk
PublikacjaVarious forms of public participation in urban design and planning—as presented and discussed in literature—have recently been challenged by the needs and expectations of different stakeholders, including those coming from the private sector. This comes with a redefinition of the public good and the roles and responsibilities of municipal authorities in post‐liberal times. As a result, contemporary participatory processes need...
Building Information Modelling as an opportunity and risk for stakeholders involved in construction investment process
PublikacjaThe requirements to apply Building Information Modelling (BIM) in public investments worldwide are currently very high. Significant interest (sometimes formulated also as a requirement) in BIM technology can be observed also among private investors. Design technology that applies BIM is supported by many private investors due to its numerous advantages. A growing group of construction designers (steel, concrete and reinforced concrete...
A review on computer‐aided chemogenomics and drug repositioning for rational COVID ‐19 drug discovery
PublikacjaApplication of materials capable of energy harvesting to increase the efficiency and environmental adaptability is sometimes reflected in the ability of discovery of some traces in an environment―either experimentally or computationally―to enlarge practical application window. The emergence of computational methods, particularly computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), provides ample opportunities for the rapid discovery and development...
Battery Technologies in Electric Vehicles: Improvements in Electric Battery Packs
PublikacjaRestrictions on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution issues motivate many organizations and countries to set their focus on electric vehicles (EVs) rather than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles [1], [2]. EVs require an energy storage system to store converted electric power in another form of energy and then reconvert the stored energy to electric power whenever it is required. The energy stored can be...
Memetic approach for multi-objective overtime planning in software engineering projects
PublikacjaSoftware projects often suffer from unplanned overtime due to uncertainty and risk incurred due to changing requirement and attempt to meet up with time-to-market of the software product. This causes stress to developers and can result in poor quality. This paper presents a memetic algorithmic approach for solving the overtime-planning problem in software development projects. The problem is formulated as a three-objective optimization...
Know your safety indicator – A determination of merchant vessels Bow Crossing Range based on big data analytics
PublikacjaEven in the era of automatization maritime safety constantly needs improvements. Regardless of the presence of crew members on board, both manned and autonomous ships should follow clear guidelines (no matter as bridge procedures or algorithms). To date, many safety indicators, especially in collision avoidance have been proposed. One of such parameters commonly used in day-to-day navigation but usually omitted by researchers is...
Single-Chip Versatile Signal Generator for Navigation
PublikacjaThe emergence of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has revolutionized the way we perceive and utilize positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services across various sectors, including aviation, maritime, military, and consumer electronics. The development and deployment of GNSS signal generators are crucial for the testing, validation, and integration of GNSS-based technologies. This paper introduces a groundbreaking...