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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TESTERY KOROZYJNE
Samotestowanie toru analogowego ze wzmacniaczem w pełni różnicowym w elektronicznych systemach wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrole-rami
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową metodę samotestowania toru analogowego opartego na wzmacniaczu w pełni różnicowym w elektronicznych systemach wbu-dowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Bazuje ona na nowej metodzie diagnostycznej opartej na przekształceniu transformującym próbki odpo-wiedzi czasowej badanej części analogowej na pobudzenie "ujemnym" impulsem prostokątnym na wejściu Vocm na krzywe identyfikacyjne w przestrzeni pomiarowej. Metoda...
Analiza i ocena smarności olejów w ujęciu energetycznym i działania układu tribologicznego = Analysis and evaluation of oil lubricity from the viewpoint of energy apects and of the tribological system action
PublikacjaBased on measurement results, an interpretation is presented of the tribological system boundary layer action in the form of a four-ball tester friction node. The evaluation was performed of the boundary layer action understood as transfer of energy Ep resulting from loading the tribological system in a determined time t with work Lp, which may lead to breaking the boundary layer. That energy and time are the values unequivocally...
Tribological Properties of Thermoplastic Materials Formed by 3D Printing by FDM Process
PublikacjaThe dataset entitled 3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_h_4 contains: the time base (expressed in seconds and minutes), the friction torque for sliding friction, rotational velocity of the counter – specimen (velocity of sliding), friction coefficient, load in the friction contact...
Thermal Imaging Aided Assessment of a State of Equipment Under Test and its Protecting Elements
PublikacjaIn the paper the investigation results using thermal imaging methods are presented. The examined is a state of equipment under test and its protecting components. The estimations are done for the chosen protecting elements during surge immunity testing. The results show that the thermal imaging methods are useful for early detection of possible damage of a device being tested
Multimodal Attention Stimulator
PublikacjaMultimodal attention stimulator was proposed and tested for improving auditory and visual attention, including pupils with developmental dyslexia. Results of the conducted experiments shown that the designed stimulator can be used in order to improve comprehension during reading tasks. The changes in the visual attention, observed in reading test results, translate into the overall reading performance.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of pre- PXBS (0 h) and PXBS during the crosslinking process (24 h–288 h)
Dane BadawczeThe goal of this research was developing biodegradable and biocompatibile xylitol-based copolymers with improved mechanical properties, and investigating the change in their thermal and chemical properties withprogress of the cross-linking process. Using a raw material of natural origin such as xylitol, a prepolymer wasobtained by esterification and...
PublikacjaA developed method and measurement setup for measurement of noise generated in a supercapacitor is presented. The requirements for noise data recording are considered and correlated with working modes of supercapacitors. An example of results of low-frequency noise measurements in commercially available supercapacitors are presented. The ability of flicker noise measurements suggests that they can be used to assess quality of tested supercapacitors.
Aquatic biomass containing porous silica as an anode for lithium ion batteries
PublikacjaA composite electrode was manufactured by pyrolysis of Red Algae (Polysiphonia fucoides) covered by diatoms (Diatomophyceae). Electrodes were tested as a half cell with capacity of 500 mA h g−1 after 80 cycles. XPS analysis shows formation of lithium silicate under reduction of silica in an aprotic electrolyte containing LiPF6 salt.
Products of Photo- and Thermochemical Rearrangement of 19-Membered di-tert-Butyl-Azoxybenzocrown
PublikacjaThe preparation and characterization of products of the photochemical and thermochemical rearrangements of 19-membered azoxybenzocrowns with two, bulky, tert-butyl substituents in benzene rings in the para positions to oligooxyethylene fragments (meta positions to azoxy group, i.e., t-Bu-19-Azo-O have been presented. In photochemical rearrangement, two colored typical products were expected, i.e., 19-membered o-hydroxy-m,m′-di-tert-butyl-azobenzocrown...
Systemy krążenia wód podziemnych w rejonie Zalewu Kamieńskiego, Pomorze Zachodnie
PublikacjaSystemy krążenia wód podziemnych w rejonie Zalewu Kamieńskiego zależą od budowy geologicznej, ukształtownia terenu a także ascenzji solanek i ingresji wód morskich.Do obliczenia czasu przepływu wody w rozpatrywanych warunkach w ośrodku o znanej porowatości aktywnej posłuzono sie programem TFS opracowanym przez K. Burzyńskiego.Model przepływu wód podziemnych opracowano dla przekroju hydrogeologicznego wzdłuż linii Miedzywodzie -...
Representation of magnetic hysteresis in a circuit model of a single-phase transformer
PublikacjaThe paper presents a mathematical model for the hysteresis phenomenon in a multi-winding single-phase core type transformer. The set of loop differential equations was developed for K-th winding transformer model where the flux linkages of each winding includes a flux common Φ to all windings as function of magneto motive force Θ of all windings. The first purpose of this paper is to determine a hysteresis nonlinearity involved...
Improving Thermal Insulation Properties for Prefabricated Wall Components Made of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete with Open Structure
PublikacjaPorous concrete is commonly used in civil engineering due to its good thermal insulation properties in comparison with normal concrete and high compression strength in comparison with other building materials. An extremely porous concrete, called ‘lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure’ (LAC), is used in some German plants to produce prefabricated wall components. They are used mainly in hall buildings, e.g. supermarkets....
Diagnosis of fully differential circuits based on a fault dictionary implemented in the microcontroller systems
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową koncepcję testera wbudowanego bist przeznaczonego do diagnostyki w pełni różnicowych układów analogowych implementowanych w mikrosystemach mieszanych sygnałowo. w trakcie testowania mierzona jest amplituda i faza wyjściowego napięcia różnicowego. procedura detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń bazuje na słowniku uszkodzeń przechowywanym w pamięci programu mikrokontrolera. korzystną cechą przestrzeni pomiarowej wyznaczonej...
Multi-Aspect Quality Assessment Of Mobile Image Classifiers For Companion Applications In The Publishing Sector
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of quality assessment of image classifiers used in mobile phones for complimentary companion applications. The advantages of using this kind of applications have been described and a Narrator on Demand (NoD) functionality has been described as one of the examples, where the application plays an audio file related to a book page that is physically in front of the phone's camera. For such a NoD application,...
Spatial development concept for the Outer Port in Gdańsk - work number 2/22/23
Dane BadawczeThe research series presents in a form of a design chart possible variants of the spatial layout of the water and land areas of the Outer Port of Gdańsk using different combinations of terminals with different annual turnover volumes. Individual works in the series present different solutions for anchorages, channels, port entrances, turntables and...
Analiza korelacji wyników zmęczeniowych badań łożysk ślizgowych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę korelacji wyników zmęczeniowych badań łożysk przeprowadzonych zgodnie z zaleceniami norm ISO. Przedmiotem analizy były wyznaczone graniczne wartości naprężeń obwodowych w warstwach ślizgowych panwi badanych w testerze SKMR-2 (zgodnym ze standardem ISO 7905/4) oraz w warunkach pełnego filmu smarowego na stanowiskach łożyskowych MWO i SMOK w Politechnice Gdańskiej.
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
The effectivness of fault detection in common rail injectors examination methods
PublikacjaThe article presents the effectiveness tests of fault detection in common rail injectors. 40 injectors with different wear levels were tested. Testing was made on two test benches of a completely different design. Research includes comparison of accuracy, reproducibility and testability to detect specific defects. A device was created for visualization of the fuel injector spraying steam.
Experimental investigation into surface texture effect on journal bearings performance
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to analyse the performance of journal bearings with specially created dimples on the sliding surface and operating under various conditions. The texture was created on the bearing surface that co-acted with the smooth journal; moreover, the variation of the textured surface of the journal mating with the smooth bearing was tested, and the results were compared to those obtained with the standard smooth...
Influence of nanoparticle concentration on convective heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside horizontal tubes
PublikacjaThis work presents preliminary results of the experimental investigation of the forced convection heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside stainless steel tube with 8 mm internal diameter and 2000 mm length. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentrations of 0.01%, 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight and the Reynolds number range encompasses laminar as well as turbulent flows.
Wideband crossover structure with double ring resonators
PublikacjaThe structure of a four-port microstrip crossover is presented. The device is composed of two ring resonators, one circular and one built from meander lines, connected by four straight lines. The equivalent circuit model of the crossover is derived. The structure is designed on thin and flexible substrate to allow it to bend. The possibility of applying the device on curved surfaces is tested experimentally.
The Linear Array 2x1 of Slot Monopoles for 6-8.5 GHZ UWB Standard
PublikacjaThe results of numerical simulations and measurements of 2x1 linear array of slot monopoles are presented in the paper. At the begining a single slot monopole was designed. Next the 2x1 linear array of these monopoles was numerically tested for various configurations of the feeding network. The single monopole and the array were fabricated and the results of the measurements of the reflection coefficients and the radiationpatterns...
A Flexible Way of Coarse Coordinates Estimation for Sodars
PublikacjaThe publication presents a flexible approach to implementing coarse coordinate estimation of an object observed with a sodar. This flexibility permits any arrangement of sound sources as well as microphones. Only minimal requirements are imposed on the probing signal, which can particularly be broadband. The algorithms have been tested on both synthetic data and data recorded with an actual device.
Model niszczenia zmęczeniowego spawanego połączenia prostopadłych płyt
PublikacjaKadłuby statków eksploatowane są w ekstremalnie trudnych warunkach tj. poddawane są zmiennym obciążeniom wynikającym z falowania morza, sekwencji za- i rozładunku, zmian temperaturowych (dzień- noc, zmienne strefy klimatyczna w danym okresie pływania), drgań, itp., a także oddziaływania silnie korozyjnego środowiska. Zmienne obciążenia są powodem występowania zmęczeniowego niszczenia konstrukcji statków. Zapewnienie w trakcie eksploatacji...
Wpływ zawartości nanocząstek SiO2 na właściwości mechaniczne powłok kompozytowych na bazie żywicy fenolowej w kontekście ich zastosowania w przemyśle wydobywczym ropy i gazu
PublikacjaZagadnienie ochrony przed korozją jest szczególnie ważne w przemyśle wydobywczym, gdzie roczne koszty związane z korozją w samych Stanach Zjednoczonych przekraczają 1,4 miliarda USD. Dodatkowo niekontrolowana korozja powoduje niebezpieczne awarie prowadzące do skażenia środowiska, a także utraty zdrowia i życia ludzi. Największymi i najbardziej narażonym na korozję elementami pracującym w odwiercie są kolumny rur. Ze względu na...
Probabilistic Approach to Precipitation-Runoff Relation in a Mountain Catchment: A Case Study of the Kłodzka Valley in Poland
PublikacjaOn the basis of daily precipitation and discharges recorded in 1974–2013 relations between precipitation and runoff in the Kłodzka Valley (KV) in south-western Poland were analyzed. The degree of synchronicity between them was determined using the bivariate Archimedean copulas. This study aims at identifying and then describe in a probabilistic way the precipitation and runoff relations in the area playing an important role...
Economic crisis in Croatia
PublikacjaCroatia is becoming the 28th member of the European Union on July 1st, 2013. Croatia has gone a long way from a socialistic republic to an independent country recognized as one of the economic tigers of the Western Balkans in the first decade of the 21st century. Croatia has been hit by a global crisis which turned out to be a huge external shock for the region of the Western Balkans. Although it does not enter the economy through...
Measurement spectrum obtained with the use of ZnO coated microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor - microsphere inspection s.3
Dane BadawczeApplication of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with 200 nm zinc oxide (ZnO) coating, deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) method, for temperature measurements between 100°C and 300°C, is presented. The main advantage of integrating a fiber-optic microsphere with a sensing device is the possibility of monitoring the integrity of the sensor...
Measurement spectrum obtained with the use of ZnO coated microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor - microsphere inspection s.5
Dane BadawczeApplication of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with 200 nm zinc oxide (ZnO) coating, deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) method, for temperature measurements between 100°C and 300°C, is presented. The main advantage of integrating a fiber-optic microsphere with a sensing device is the possibility of monitoring the integrity of the sensor...
Measurement spectrum obtained with the use of ZnO coated microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor - microsphere inspection s.4
Dane BadawczeApplication of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with 200 nm zinc oxide (ZnO) coating, deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) method, for temperature measurements between 100°C and 300°C, is presented. The main advantage of integrating a fiber-optic microsphere with a sensing device is the possibility of monitoring the integrity of the sensor...
Kinetics of hexane and cyclohexane biodegradation using Candida subhashii in mineral salt medium in the presence of DES solution
Dane BadawczeDataset presents results of investigations on kinetics of biodegradation of hexane and cyclohexane in Candida subhashii.
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 cells in polystyrene in a dynamic system
Dane BadawczeThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 cells in glass in a dynamic system
Dane BadawczeThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD cells in polystyrene in a dynamic system
Dane BadawczeThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD cells in glass in a dynamic system
Dane BadawczeThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Wykorzystanie Otwartych Zasobów Edukacyjnych (OZE) w tworzeniu prezentacji multimedialnych potrzebnych podczas wystąpień publicznych (wykłady, referaty, szkolenia, prezentacje konferencyjne, postery konferencyjne).
Kursy OnlineCELSzkolenie ma na celu rozwijanie warsztatu naukowo-badawczego poprzez umiejętność wykorzystaniaOtwartych Zasobów Edukacyjnych w procesie tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych oraz innychmateriałów szkoleniowych wykorzystywanych np. w procesie dydaktycznym. OPISSzkolenie pozwoli na zapoznanie się z tematyką Otwartych Zasobów Edukacyjnych (Open Educational Resources) i ich zastosowaniem w pracy dydaktycznej. Program szkolenia...
Wpływ ukształtowania zbrojenia na zarysowanie i nośność żelbetowego węzła tarczowego ze wspornikiem
PublikacjaPraca ma charakter eksperymentalno-teoretyczny i dotyczy zagadnień związanych z żelbetowymi tarczami pracującymi w przestrzennym układzie konstrukcji budynków. Celem niniejszej dysertacji było określenie wpływu głównych parametrów jakimi są sposób ukształtowania zbrojenia i smukłość ścinania na zarysowanie i nośność żelbetowego przestrzennego węzła tarczowego ze wspornikiem. Na podstawie aktualnego stanu wiedzy, opracowano program...
All solid state electrodes taste sensor with modified polymer membranes for discrimination of mineral water with different CO2 content
PublikacjaA potentiometric taste sensor with All Solid State Electrodes containing five all solid state electrodes with appropriate lipophilic compounds (benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and phytol) embedded in a polymer membrane was applied for discrimination of mineral water samples differed in CO2 content. Samples of still, slightly sparkling, and sparkling Naleczowianka...
Experimental study and numerical optimization of tensegrity domes – A case study
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the design, experimental analysis and numerical optimization of tensegrity dome models. Two structures are analyzed – a Geiger system dome (preliminary dome), with PVC-U bars and PA6/PP/PET tendons and a Fuller system dome (target dome), with wooden bars and steel cables as tendons. All used materials are experimentally tested in terms of Young's modulus and yield stress values, the compressed bars are also...
Wave Method for Structural Health Monitoring: Testing Using Full-Scale Shake Table Experiment Data
PublikacjaAn algorithm of the wave method for structural health monitoring (SHM) is tested and calibrated using shake table experiment data of a full-scale, seven-story, reinforced-concrete building slice. The method is based on monitoring changes in the velocity of waves propagating vertically through the structure, identified by least-squares (LSQ) fit of beam models. The experiment was conducted by a team from the University of California,...
Automated Parking Management for Urban Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach
PublikacjaEffective parking management is essential for ad-dressing the challenges of traffic congestion, city logistics, and air pollution in densely populated urban areas. This paper presents an algorithm designed to optimize parking management within city environments. The proposed system leverages deep learning models to accurately detect and classify street elements and events. Various algorithms, including automatic segmentation of...
Model tests of cast-in-place piles formed by using different types of auger
PublikacjaModel tests are still a popular research tool used to observe and determine the mechanisms of pile-soil interaction. Due to the significant scale effect, the results of model tests performed in the 1g system can only be analysed from the qualitative side. This article describes and presents the results of 1g pile model tests carried out for comparative purposes. There were tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various types...
In vitro and in silico assessment of anti-inflammatory activity of cocoa powders
PublikacjaPlants are considered the major sources of biologically active compounds, which provide unlimited opportunities for their use either as medical treatments or as novel drug formulations. Cocoa powder is frequently used in nutrition and is known to have many benefits thanks to its wide range of biological activities. The presented study was focused on th evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of extracts obtained from cocoa...
Hydrazinolysis Products of Selected Sugar Lactones—Crystal Structure and Microbiological Activity
PublikacjaCommercially available lactones, as well as those synthesized by us, turned out to be good substrates for the synthesis of sugar hydrazides. The exception was L-ascorbic acid, whose hydrazinolysis led to the formation of a hydrazinium salt, not the hydrazide as expected. The structure of all compounds was confirmed by NMR and X-ray analyses. The lower durability of hydrazinium L-ascorbate was additionally confirmed by thermogravimetric...
Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces
PublikacjaIndustry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...
Cu supported on various oxides as a candidate catalyst for dry methane reforming in DIR-SOFCs systems
PublikacjaA series of Cu-support systems were tested as potential candidates for DIR-SOFC (Direct Internal Reforming SOFC) catalysts towards a dry reforming of methane (DRM). The various supports (-Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, SrTiO3) with comparable specific surface area (SSA), and additionally -Al2O3 with SSA an order of magnitude larger than that of the other supports has been applied. The obtained Cu-support systems were characterized in terms...
M-BDC (M = Co and/ or Fe) MOFs as effective catalysts for hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
PublikacjaMono- (Co-BDC, Fe-BDC) and bimetallic FeCo-BDC Metal-Organic Frameworks are successfully synthesized by the solvothermal method in DMF at 150 °C within 15 h and tested as catalysts for sodium borohydride hydrolysis. The materials are characterized by FTIR, PXRD, TGA, ICP-OES, H2-TPR, BET model, and SEM-EDS. The catalytic activity of these materials is studied for dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride in water at various temperatures...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of SnS-PPy-carbon black composite with a locust bean gum as a binder as in anode in lithium-ion batteries
PublikacjaWater-soluble binders—locust bean gum (LBG) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were tested with the SnS anode modified by new conducting material polypyrrole—carbon black composite (PPyCB) and compared with the environmentally unfriendly widely used polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF) as an organic binder. The electrochemical properties of tested electrodes were investigated by galvanostatic charging/discharging tests, cyclic voltammetry,...
Experimental investigation of thermal energy storage in shell-and-multi-tube unit with nano-enhanced phase change material
PublikacjaThis paper deals with thermal energy storage with use of nanoparticle enhanced phase change material in shell-and-multitube unit. The experiments are conducted under atmospheric pressure. Paraffin wax and two different fatty acids are used as base phase change material. Graphite and multi-walled carbon nanotubes serve as nanoparticles. Graphite nanoparticles are tested at the concentrations of 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight, while multi-walled...
Essential Oils, Silver Nanoparticles and Propolis as Alternative Agents Against Fluconazole Resistant Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei Clinical Isolates
PublikacjaDevelopment of effective and safe therapeutic treatment of fungal infections remains one of the major challenge for modern medicine. The aim of presented investigation was to analyze the in vitro antifungal activity of selected essential oils, ethanolic extracts of propolis and silver nanoparticles dropped on TiO2 against azole-resistant C. albicans (n = 20), C. glabrata (n = 14) and C. krusei (n = 10) clinical isolates. Among...