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Search results for: MEA
Hydrogen Production from Energy Poplar Preceded by MEA Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublicationThe need to pre-treat lignocellulosic biomass prior to dark fermentation results primarily from the composition of lignocellulose because lignin hinders the processing of hard wood towards useful products. Hence, in this work a two-step approach for the pre-treatment of energy poplar, including alkaline pre-treatment and enzymatic saccharification followed by fermentation has been studied. Monoethanolamine (MEA) was used as the...
Electrochemical properties and bioactivity of hydroxyapatite coatings prepared by MEA/EDTA double-regulated hydrothermal synthesis
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Mean of continuous variables observable via measurment on a single qubit.
PublicationWykazano, że pomiar wartości średniej obserwabli kwantowej można dokonać poprzez pomiar uogólniony przy użyciu pojedynczego bitu kwantowego. Wyprowadzony schemat poddano dyskusji w kontekście paradygmatu odległych laboratoriów oraz nierówności Bella.
Experiments and numerical modeling of meat and bone meal pyrolysis in a rotary kiln
PublicationThe paper presents aspects of modelling the pyrolysis of meat and bone meal (MBM) in a rotary kiln. The pyrolysis of MBM produces a solid fraction which can be used as a fuel, a liquid fraction with potential chemical applications and a low heating value gas. The meat and bone meal pyrolysis was carried out at the temperature of 900 oC. Main features of experiments and numerical model of the pyrolysis were described. The model...
The Staged Combustion of Meat-and-Bone Meal:The Characteristics of Conversion Sub-processes and Large-Scale Process Outputs
Publicationt Organic waste has been playing an increasingly important role in the energy market as those that may support the economies in pursuing towards decarbonization by increasing the share of renewables in the overall energy balance. In this group of alternative fuels, meat-and-bone meals being a post-production waste of the steadily developing meat industry, constitute a considerable proportion. Though they are rich in minerals, their...
Meandry Zarządzania
Thermal utilization of meat and bone meals. Performance analysis in terms of drying process, pyrolysis and kinetics of volatiles combustion
PublicationA development of technology of thermal utilization requires a thorough knowledge of the physicochemical properties, as well as kinetics of combustion of volatiles and char. Due to waste management regulations the meat and bone meal (MBM) is regarded as biofuel constituting one of the alternatives to fossil fuels in the energy market. MBM is a heterogeneous material that may consist of several different fractions. The extensive...
Methods and means of measuring control and diagnostics of biological tissues in vivo based on measurements of color coordinates and multispectral image
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Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for in situ determination of biogenic amines in meat: Estimation of meat's freshness
PublicationA dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) technique was developed for the determination of selected biogenic amines (BAs) in samples of poultry, pork and beef. Prior to the extraction process, an appropriate volume of sodium hydroxide solution was added to each of the portioned samples. Next, samples were homogenized, centrifuged and finally sonicated at an increased temperature....
Meandry teorii ograniczeń
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono działania, które stanowią podstawę funkcjonowania organizacji zgodnie z filozofią Teorii Ograniczeń. Pozwalają one na osiągniecie podstawowego celu istnienia przedsiębiorstwa, jakim jest zarabianie pieniędzy. Na nich opierają się narzędzia TOC, stosowane w zarządzaniu produkcją, jakimi są metoda werbel-bufor-lina i rachunkowość przerobowa.
Pilot installation for thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidised bed boiler
PublicationThe technology of thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is still at the research state. However, there are already a number of existing pilot-scale installations that provide the complete, effective and environmentally safe process conducting. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste, including animal waste, municipal waste and sludge, mixed at any ratio with different types...
Meandry życiowe Henryka Bajduszewskiego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono książkę Henryka Bajduszewskiego „Moje meandry życiowe”. Zawiera ona pamiętniki spisywane przez autora w czasie II wojny światowej w niemieckim wojsku we Francji oraz w wojsku polskim we Włoszech. Pamiętniki te zostały współcześnie uzupełnione o wspomnienia z czasów młodości, a także nauki i pracy po wojnie.
A Measurable Selector in Kadison’s Carpenter’s Theorem
PublicationWe show the existence of a measurable selector in Carpenter’s Theorem due to Kadison. This solves a problem posed by Jasper and the first author in an earlier work. As an application we obtain a characterization of all possible spectral functions of shift-invariant subspaces of L 2 (R d ) and Carpenter’s Theorem for type I ∞ von Neumann algebras.
Strong mixing Markov semigroups on C1 are meager
PublicationDowodzi się, że zbiór tych półgrup operatorów Markowa na klasie Schattena C1, dla których w mocnej topologii operatorowej T(t) jest zbieżne do operatora Markowa Q, gdzie Q jest 1-wymiarową projekcją, jest zbiorem rzadkim w zbiorze wszystkich półgrup Markowa.
Geoinformation technologies in the identification of meandering section of the river
PublicationPublikacja traktuje o wykorzystaniu naziemnego skaningu laserowego dla potrzeb analiz przestrzennych w zakresie meandrowania rzeki.
Thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidized bed boiler – The performance of pilot-scale installation
PublicationThermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is subject to stringent regulations that are meant to provide elimination of any potential pathogens. Incineration as well as other possible routes for thermal conversion of MBM are still at the research state. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste organic materials, including animal waste, municipal solid waste and sludge, mixed at any...
Meander anisotropic magnetoresistance bridge geomagnetic sensors
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Nutritional Value of Banded Cricket and Mealworm Larvae
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Fluctuation of employees in construction company as a measurable phenomenon
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Meander microstrip line with defected ground structures
PublicationW artykule omówiono koncepcję miniaturyzacji sekcji linii mikropaskowej poprzez modyfikację brzegu linii oraz warstwy metalizacji masy. W pracy zaprezentowano projekt oraz wyniki eksperymentu sprzęgacza gałęziowego skonstruowanego w oparciu o linię meandrową z zaburzoną warstwą metalizacji masy. Pomierzone charakterystyki transmisyjne potwierdzają atrakcyjność zastosowanych metod redukcji zajmowanej przez układ powierzchni. Osiągnięto...
Diagnostics of induction motors by means of current supplying measurements
PublicationSkładowe prądu zasilającego silnik, które związane są z uszkodzeniami łożysk są małe w porównaniu z dominującą składową sieciową. Zaproponowano układ pomiarowy do ich pomiaru i przedstawiono wyniki badań diagnostycznych na obiektach rzeczywistych.
Utility Meaning of Jerusalem Artichoke
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The Impact of a New Product’s Novelty and Meaningfulness on its Commercial Performance
Publications new product development (NPD) process encompasses creative actions, so a new product is characterized by two essential dimensions used to describe any creative output – namely novelty and meaningfulness. Therefore, businesses are faced with the questions to what extent and under what market conditions to develop each of these dimensions in order to obtain high new product commercial performance. Based on gaps indentified in the...
Compressible gas density measurement by means of Fourier analysis of interferograms
PublicationThis paper describes a method for nonintrusive compressible gas density measurement by means of automated analysis of interferograms using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and its implementation using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), that does make this measurement technique a fairly valuable and accessible experimental method. The presented approach makes it possible to use the finite fringe setting of the interferometer, thus reducing...
Non contact multiband method for emissivity measurment.
PublicationW pracy omówiona została metoda bezkontaktowego wielopasmowgo pomiaru emisyjności. W oparciu o opracowany algorytm zbadany został wpływ poszczególnych elementów systemu i czynników zakłócających na dokładność wyznaczania emisyjności. Wyniki modelowania umożliwiają także ocenę dokładności całego systemu pomiarowego.
Detection of dental lessions by means of immittance measurements - an in vitro study
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono stanowisko do badań in vitro przewodności tkanek zęba.
Monitoring of breast tissue thermo-ablation by means of impedance measurements
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące monitorowania jakości termoablacji zmian nowotworowych w piersi przy pomocy pomiarów impedancyjnych. Pokazano prototypowe konstrukcje sond do termoablacji jak również zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji i pierwszych eksperymentów. A usefulness of a developed probe combining power delivery to ablated breast tumour and simultaneous impedance measurements is discussed in the paper. It consists...
Monitoring of CRT by means of impedance multiple measurements - simulation studies
PublicationCardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a very promising treatment for patients with congestive heart failure. An Impedance Cardiography (ICG) is used for evaluation of heart mechanical activity. A simulation study with the use of a FEM model was performed. The developed realistic model of the thorax, based on CT data obtained from examination of a 68-year-old man, consisted of 212 000 tetrahedral elements. Different configurations...
Noise as stimulus signal for digital circuits noise immunity measurementand simulation
PublicationWyniki pomiarów podatności na zakłócenia układów cyfrowych istotnie zależą od parametrów sygnału stymulujacego. Przedstawiono metodę pomiaru i symulacji dynamicznej odporności na zakłócenia z zastosowaniem sygnału szumu białego o różnej szerokości pasma częstotliwości. Modele symulacyjne dla sygnału pobudzającego (gaussowskiego szumu białego) zarówno szerokopasmowego jak i wąskopasmowego opracowano w środowisku programistycznym...
Reversible transformations from pure to mixed states and the unique measureof information.
PublicationWprowadzono protokół w którym kwantowe stany czyste są w sposób odwracalny przeprowadzane w stany mieszane. W oparciu o analizę protokołu wyprowadzono jednoznaczną miarę informacji. Dokonano porównania z innymi nieodwracalnymi protokółami przeprowadzającymi stany czyste w mieszane.
Technological and Media Platforms: Redefinition of Meanings as Symbolic Power over the Discourse
PublicationRedefining the meanings of such social terms as “likes” and “friends” on Facebook is a popular practice. In terms of consistency, the (auto)-redefinition of the term “platform” is itself particularly important from a media management perspective. The article proposes to consider the redefinition of meanings as a form of wielding non-transparent power over discourse. From this perspective, redefining a meaning is a form of holding...
Gaseous standard mixtures – the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands
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Gaseous standard mixtures - the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands.
PublicationOpisano wykorzystanie techniki termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych do sporządzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych. Przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań ukazujących możliwości uzyskiwania szerokiego zakresu ilości składników mierzonych. Opisano także sposoby wykorzystania otrzymanych mieszanin wzorcowych do kalibracji urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych.
Impedance spectroscopy by means of a digital storage oscilloscope based measurement system.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono system pomiarowy służący do badań spektroskopowych. Został on zbudowany w oparciu o szerokopasmowy oscyloskop cyfrowy. Przeprowadzono analizę dokładności pomiarów oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań kalibracyjnych i przykładowych pomiarów parametrów materiałów biologicznych.
Chemical modification of tannins from Acacia mearnsii to produce formaldehyde free flocculant
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On the application of magnetoelastic properties measureme nts for plastic level determination in martensitic steels
PublicationThe change in the dislocation density, induced by plastic deformation, influences strongly the magnetic domain structure inside the material. Being so, classic parameters, like the coercivity or magnetic permeability, can be a good measure of the deformation level, yet their reliable determination in a non-destructive way in industrial environment is problematic. The magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) which results from the non-180...
Meat and fermented meat products as a source of bioactive peptides
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Relieving the Measuring System of the Trailer for Tyre/Road Rolling Resistance Measurements from the Inertia Force
PublicationIn the article the principle of measuring of tyre/road rolling resistance tyres in road conditions applied in a special measuring trailer is presented. This trailer was built in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. The construction of two special devices used in this trailer was discussed. These devices eliminate the influence of some chosen confounding measurements factors such as: the inertia...
Non contact multiband emissivity measurment. bibliogr.Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano i opisano wielopasmowa pasywną metodę pomiaru emisyjności obiektu. W oparciu o opracowany model matematyczny przeprowadzona została analiza systemu pomiarowego. Wyniki modelowania umożliwiają ocenę dokładności projektowanego systemu.
Chemical composition of edible aerial parts of meadow bistort (Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp.)
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Vaccination Against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella in the Light of Current Epidemic Threats: Unjustified Postponement
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Grow first, gain fat in the meantime. Longitudinal study of anthropometric changes around menarche
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CSR in Family Business- Ethnocentric Meaning Socially Responsible?
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to provide framework and key issues relevant for research on social responsibility of family business. From providing two theoretical approaches towards social responsibility such as social capital concept commenting on the familiness as a family firm resource and capability; and the stakeholder theory we move to the state of the art of family business. Then, we discuss heterogeneity among family firms...
MRM–MS of marker peptides and their abundance as a tool for authentication of meat species and meat cuts in single-cut meat products
PublicationThe abundance of protein markers in different types of meat cuts was explored in the context of authentication of raw meat (pork, beef and chicken) and processed meat products. Peptides originating from myoglobin (Mb) and myosin (My) were analyzed using multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM–MS). Analytical protocol was optimized for good repeatability (CV < 10%) and high sensitivity. The MS signal intensity of Mb...
Localized impedance measurements of AA2024 and AA2024‐T3 performed by means of AFM in contact mode
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Stability evaluation of the marine propulsion unit's mechanical system by means of vibration measurements and their analysis
PublicationIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been given. The analysis of vibration parameters was carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration's level had been observed. In the beginning, the vibration apparatus being on laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants...
Localized impedance measurements of AA2024 and AA2024-T3 performed by means of AFM in contact mode
PublicationPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an atomic force microscopy (AFM) based approach to local impedance spectroscopy (LIS) measurement performed on AA2024 and AA2024-T3 aluminium alloys. Design/methodology/approach: AFM-LIS measurements were performed ex-situ without the electrolyte environment, so in fact the electrical not electrochemical impedance was obtained. Findings: Relative local impedance values...
Self-Calibrating Stress Measurement System Based on Multidirectional Barkhausen Noise Measurements
PublicationThe system presented in this paper enables automatization of the two-dimensional calibration process (determination of Barkhausen noise (BN) intensity dependence on in-plane components of strain). Then, using dedicated software created by the authors in LabVIEW environment, and with the help of two dimensional calibration data one can effectively determine strain and stress distribution i.e. magnitude and orientation of main strain/stress...
The role of lipids in meat
PublicationW rozdziale omówiono skład kwasów tłuszczowych lipidów obecnych w mięsie, ich wartość odżywczą oraz rolę jaką pełnią w zachowaniu jakości sensorycznej mięsa i produktów mięsnych.
Chromatic monitoring technique for thickness measurementof thin transparent films.IV Workshopon Atomic and Molecular Physics.
PublicationW pracy opisano nową technikę monitorowania grubości cienkich warstw podczas procesu ich syntezy. Jest to optyczna metoda oparta na zdegenerowanej analizie widmowej tzw. modulacji chromatycznej. Umożliwia ona precyzyjny ciągły pomiar zmian grubości wzrastających warstw stosowanych w optyce.