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Search results for: finite element modelling
On finite element modelling of architectural fabrics for hanging roofs
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy modelowania konstytutywnego i identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych dla tkanin technicznych powszechnie stosowanych w konstrukcjach membranowo-cięgnowych. Autorzy przedstawiają krótką charakterystyke modeli stosowanych w opisie zachowania sie tkanin technicznych. Opisano metodę do idetyfikacji nieliniowo-sprężystych właściwości tkanin technicznych. Dodatkowo dokonao porówania wyników z prób jednoosiowego rozciągania...
Finite element modelling of a historic church structure in the context of a masonry damage analysis
PublicationThe paper includes a case study of modelling a real historic church using the finite element method (FEM) based on laser scans of its geometry. The main goal of the study was the analysis of the causes of cracking and crushing of masonry walls. An FEM model of the structure has been defined in ABAQUS. A non-linear dynamic explicit analysis with material model including damage plasticity has been performed. A homogenization procedure...
Membrane shell finite element for textile fabric modelling numerical and experimental aspects
PublicationW pracy omówiono podstawowe problem numeryczne pojawiające się przy projektowaniu przekryć z tkanin technicznych. Przedstawiono eksperymenty potrzebne do identyfikacji właściwości mechanicznych takich tkanin.
Portico Farmhouses of the Vistula Delta: Architecture, Current State and Finite Element Modelling of Timber Roof Truss under Material and Cross-section Uncertainty
PublicationThe article focuses on the oldest surviving I-type portico houses located in the Vistula Delta, which were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The study describes the houses’ origins, structure, details of roof structures and technical condition, and it also includes numerical modelling of a roof truss and its mechanical analysis. Numerical models of the roof trusses are defined and analysed by means of the finite element method....
Certain numerical issues of wave propagation modelling in rods by the Spectral Finite Element Method
PublicationW pracy omówiony zagadnienia związane z modelowaniem propagacji fal sprężystych metodą Spektralnych Elementów Skończonych. Przedstawiono wpływ postaci macierzy mas na błędy rozwiązania. Omówiono zakres stosowalności modeli.
Modelling and parameter identification of steel–concrete composite beams in 3D rigid finite element method
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Application of the Finite Element Method for Modelling of the Spatial Distribution of Residual Stresses in Hybrid Surface Layers
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GPU-accelerated finite element method
PublicationIn this paper the results of the acceleration of computations involved in analysing electromagnetic problems by means of the finite element method (FEM), obtained with graphics processors (GPU), are presented. A 4.7-fold acceleration was achieved thanks to the massive parallelization of the most time-consuming steps of FEM, namely finite-element matrix-generation and the solution of a sparse system of linear equations with the...
Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method
PublicationThis letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...
Finite element matrix generation on a GPU
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...
Application of the distributed transfer function method and the rigid finite element method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems
PublicationIn the paper application of the Distributed Transfer Function Method and the Rigid Finite Element Method for modelling of 2-D and 3-D systems is presented. In this method an elastic body is divided into 1-D distributed parameter elements (strips or prisms). The whole body (divided into strips or prism) is described by a set of coupled partial differential equations. Solving this equations in the state space form it is possible...
Historic bridge modelling using laser scanning, ground penetrating radar and finite element methods in the context of structural dynamics
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania MES zabytkowej konstrukcji mostowej przy użyciu danych geometrycznych pochodzących ze skanowania laserowego oraz georadaru. Z uwagi na brak badań materiału budujcego most, przeprowadza się analize wrażliwości konstrukcji na zmiany modułu sprężystości granitu.
A Review: Applications of the Spectral Finite Element Method
PublicationThe Spectral Finite Element Technique (SFEM) has Several Applications in the Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics, which will be Covered in this Review Article. The Spectral Finite Element Method (SFEM) is a Variant of the Traditional Finite Element Method FEM that Makes use of Higher Order Basis Functions (FEM). One of the most Fundamental Numerical Techniques Employed in the Numerical Simulation is the SFEM, which Outperforms...
Reduced-order models in the finite element analysis
PublicationA novel technique of incorporating macromodels into finite element electromagnetic analysis of waveguide components is presented. Macromodels are generated by using a model order reduction algorithm (ENOR), which results in significant decrease of the number of variables, that describe the computational region. Proposed technique allows for using a few independent macromodels as well as to duplicating one macromodel in many subregions...
Macromodeling techniques for accelerated finite element analysis
PublicationThis paper deals with the Model Order Reduction applied locally in the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Due to the reduction process, blocks of FEM system matrices associated with selected subregions of the computational domain are projected onto the subspaces spanned by the vectors of suited orthogonal projection basis. In effect, large and sparse FEM matrices are replaced with small and dense ones, called macromodels. This...
A new finite element with variable Young's modulus
PublicationThe Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique that is well-established in the field of engineering. However, in biological sciences, it is justtaking its first steps. Bone tissue is an example of biological material which isexposed to high loads in its natural environment. Practically every movementof the body results in changing stress levels in the bone. Nature copes with thisvery well but when human intervention is...
A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
PublicationThis book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the...
Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: - A Review
PublicationThe paper contains an original comprehensive review of finite element analysis (FEA) applied by researchers to calibrate and improve existing and developing electromagnetic non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques, including but not limited to magnetic flux leakage (MFL), eddy current testing, electromagnetic-acoustic transducers (EMATs). Premium is put on the detection and modelling of magnetic field, as the vast majority...
Finite Element Approaches to Model Electromechanical, Periodic Beams
PublicationPeriodic structures have some interesting properties, of which the most evident is the presence of band gaps in their frequency spectra. Nowadays, modern technology allows to design dedicated structures of specific features. From the literature arises that it is possible to construct active periodic structures of desired dynamic properties. It can be considered that this may extend the scope of application of such structures. Therefore,...
Automatic Reduction-Order Selection for Finite-Element Macromodels
PublicationAn automatic reduction-order selection algorithm for macromodels in finite-element analysis is presented. The algorithm is based on a goal-oriented a posteriori error estimator that operates on low-order reduced blocks of matrices, and hence, it can be evaluated extremely quickly.
Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model
PublicationThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research. A FE model of the 50th percentile adult male (AM) Total Human Model for Safety...
Viscoplastic constitutive laws and their implementation it the finite element method
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zasady formułowania i zastosowania w metodzie elementów skończonych lepkoplastycznych praw konstytutywnych. Podano skrótowo sposób identyfikacji parametrów i omówiono pewne szczególne założenia, które muszą być przyjęte aby można było dane prawo zastosować w obliczeniach numerycznych.
Finite Element model updating on experimental modal parameters
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Forty-five years of the Rigid Finite Element Method
PublicationIn the paper there are described developments of the method in the past 45 year years in dynamical analysis of system with constant and changing in time configuration, including also control of the systems.
Large deformation finite element analysis of undrained pile installation
PublicationIn this paper, a numerical undrained analysis of pile jacking into the subsoil using Abaqus software suit has been presented. Two different approaches, including traditional Finite Element Method (FEM) and Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation, were tested. In the first method, the soil was modelled as a two-phase medium and effective stress analysis was performed. In the second one (ALE), a single-phase medium was assumed...
Spectral Finite Element Method in Condition Monitoring and Damage Detection
PublicationIt is well known that the dynamic behaviour of engineering structures may carry very important and crucial information that can be further used for the assessment of their condition as well as detection of any damage induced. The current interest in monitoring techniques based on the propagation of guided elastic waves requires that numerical techniques used for modelling the phenomena associated must shift into the realm of high...
A constitutive model for concrete based on continuum theory with non-local softening coupled with eXtended Finite Element Method. Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures,
PublicationArtykuł omawia model połączony ciągły-nieciągły do modelowania stref lokalizacji i rys w betonie niezbrojonym. Obliczenia wykonano stosując rozszerzoną metodę elementów skończonych. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z doświadczeniami.
An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components
PublicationAn algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...
Generation of large finite-element matrices on multiple graphics processors
PublicationThis paper presents techniques for generating very large finite-element matrices on a multicore workstation equipped with several graphics processing units (GPUs). To overcome the low memory size limitation of the GPUs, and at the same time to accelerate the generation process, we propose to generate the large sparse linear systems arising in finite-element analysis in an iterative manner on several GPUs and to use the graphics...
Finite element simulation of cross shaped window panel supports
PublicationThe aim of the work is to verify suitability of cross-shaped window panel supports for mullion-transom wall systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to determine the behaviour of stainless steel elements under loading. The advanced non-linear numerical simulations are carried out using an implicit FEM software package MSC.Marc. This study is proposed to initiate the comprehensive investigation of mechanical properties...
Wideband Model Order Reduction for Macromodels in Finite Element Method
PublicationAbstract: This paper presents a novel algorithm for accelerating 3D Finite Element Method simulations by introducing macromodels created in local model order reduction in the selected subdomains of the computational domain. It generates the projection basis for a compact system of equations associated with a separate subdomain. Due to non-linear frequency dependency in the Right Hand Side (RHS), the standard reduction methods do...
adaptive finite-element multigrid method in 3d magnetostatic analysis.
PublicationPrzedstawiono procedurę analizy magnetostatycznej obwodów mikrofalowych zawierających przewodniki o dowolnym kształcie. Zakłada się pobudzenie pola magnetostatycznego zadane w postaci wartości całkowitego prądu płynącego w przewodniku sygnałowym. Warunki brzegowe w strukturze od dowolnym kształcie, bez płaszczyzn symetrii wprowadza się za pomocą powierzchni rozdzielających. Takie sformułowanie problemu prowadzi jednak do szeregu...
Experiences with viscoplastic constitutive equations in finite element shell analysis
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy zastosowania lekoplastycznych równań konstytutywnych w anlizie powłok metodą elementów skończonych. Pokazano historie rozwoju tego rodzaju modeli. Rozważono podstawowe założenia jakie muszą być zrobione.Omówiono doświadczenia konieczne do identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych modeli. Przedstawiono problemy jakie mogą wynikną w analizie numerycznej (problemy dokładności i stabilności algorytmów) Pracę...
Quasi-static finite-element analysis of a skewed microstrip crossover
PublicationPrzedstawiono quasi statyczną analizę skrzyżowania mikroskopowego na podłożu dielektycznym. Mikropaski znajdują się na różnych warstwach układu planarnego i mogą krzyżować się pod dowolnym kątem. Pojemności i indukcyjności obliczane są na podstawie rozkładu potencjałów skalarnych. W sformułowaniu zagadnienia magnestatycznego warunki brzegowe dla potencjału skalarnego wprowadzono za pomocą powierzchni rozcięcia dziedziny analizy....
Dynamics of flexible multibody systems : Rigid finite element method.
PublicationW książce przedstawiono zagadnienie przekształceń jednorodnych, z punktu widzenia opisu dynamiki układów wielomasowych, złożonych z brył sztywnych. Omówiono metodę sztywnych elementów skończonych, w której model składa się z brył sztywnych połączonych elementami sprężystymi i tłumiącymi, a także jej wersję zmodyfikowaną. W modelu uwzględnia się duże przemieszczenia brył. Przedstawiono obliczenia dla belki wspornikowej oraz omówiono...
Finite element description of nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour of technical fabric
PublicationW pracy podano propozycję nieliniowego modelowania zachowania się tkaniny technicznej. Podano wyniki identyfikacji i zweryfikowano poprzez numeryczną symulację prób laboratoryjnych
Mechanical model of fascia-implant structure. Finite element simulation.
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania i symulacji syntetycznych implantów chirurgicznych stosowanych w leczeniu przepulin brzusznych metodą laparoskowpową. Prponowane są modele matematyczne a ich prawidłowość weryfikowana jest na podstawie badań doświadczalnych zachowania się modeli fizycznych wszczepionych implantów pod wpływem obciążeń wynikających z fizjologii człowieka. Nakreślona jest metodologia oceny trwałości połączenia siatki chirurgicznej...
Atomic-Scale Finite-Element Modeling of Elastic Mechanical Anisotropy in Finite-Sized Strained Phosphorene Nanoribbons
PublicationNanoribbons are crucial nanostructures due to their superior mechanical and electrical properties. This paper is devoted to hybrid studies of the elastic mechanical anisotropy of phosphorene nanoribbons whose edges connect the terminals of devices such as bridges. Fundamental mechanical properties, including Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density, were estimated from first-principles calculations for 1-layer, 3-layer, and...
Special Issue "Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems"
PublicationNumerical modeling is very important in today's engineering because, among other things, it reduces the costs associated with prototyping or predicting the occurrence of potentially dangerous situations during operation in certain defined conditions. Different methods have so far been used to implement the real structure into the numerical version. The most popular have been variations of the finite element method (FEM). The aim...
Multi-core and Multiprocessor Implementation of Numerical Integration in Finite Element Method
PublicationThe paper presents techniques for accelerating a numerical integration process which appears in the Finite Element Method. The acceleration is achieved by taking advantages of multi-core and multiprocessor devices. It is shown that using multi-core implementation with OpenMP and a GPU acceleration using CUDA architecture allows one to achieve the speedups by a factor of 5 and 10 on a CPU and GPUs, respectively.
Efficient Finite Element Analysis of Axially Symmetrical Waveguides and Waveguide Discontinuities
PublicationA combination of the body-of-revolution and finite element methods is adopted for full-wave analysis of waveguides and waveguide discontinuities involving angular field variation. Such an approach is highly efficient and much more flexible than analytical techniques. The method is performed in two different cases: utilizing a generalized impedance matrix to determine the scattering parameters of a single waveguide section and utilizing...
Local mesh morphing technique for parametrized macromodels in the finite element method
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the efficiency of the design process of microwave devices by means of the finite element method. It combines mesh morphing with local model order reduction (MOR) and yields parametrized macromodels that can be used to significantly reduce the number of variables in the FEM system of equations and acceleration of computer simulation. A projection basis for local reduction is generated...
Finite Element Analysis of Occupant Risk in Vehicular Impacts into Cluster Mailboxes
PublicationThe deployment of cluster mailboxes (CMs) in the U.S. has raised safety concerns for passengers in potential vehicular crashes involving CMs. This study investigated the crashworthiness of two types of CMs through nonlinear finite element simulations. Two configurations of CM arrangements were considered: a single- and a dual-unit setup. These CM designs were tested on flat-road conditions with and without a curb. A 2010 Toyota...
Geometrically nonlinear finite element simulation of smart piezolaminated plates and shells
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano powłokowy element skończony pozwalający na uwzględnienie efektu piezoelektrycznego. Element został wykorzystany w podejściu Lagrange'a, które wymaga starannego dobrania definicji wielkości mechanicznych i elektrycznych. Zależności przemieszczenie-odkształcenie zbudowano na bazie teorii małych odkształceń i umiarkowanych obrotów. Założono liniowy rozkład pól odkształceń i pola elektrycznego po grubości powłoki....
An Enhanced Reduced Basis Method for Wideband Finite Element Method Simulations
PublicationIn this paper, we present a novel strategy for selecting expansion points in the reduced basis method. A single computation of the error estimator is used to select a few expansion points in the multi-parameter space simultaneously. The number of selected points is determined adaptively, based on the accuracy of the current reduced model. The reliability and efficiency of this proposed approach are illustrated by numerical tests...
Analysis of unsteady pipe flow using the modified finite element method
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie równania przepływu nieustalonego zmodyfikowaną metodą elementów skończonych. Podejście to prowadzi do 6-punktowego schematu niejawnego z dwoma parametrami wagowymi. Analiza dokładności wykonana metodą równania zmodyfikowanego wykazała, że zaproponowany schemat zapewnia wyższą dokładność rozwiązania niż inne schematy. Porównanie wyników obliczeń z wynikami eksperymentu fizycznego wskazuje, że ich...
Modal energy identification of large stucture idealised by the finite element method
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę określania energii drgań układów dyskretnych otrzyma-nych w wyniku modelowania metodą elementów skończonych wybranych fragmentów konstrukcji samochodów. W odróżnieniu od poprzednio stosowanych podejść, ro-zważa się całkowite energie mechaniczne odpowiadające poszczególnym posta-ciom drgań własnych. Całkowitą energię mechaniczną oblicza się na podstawie parametrów modelu modalnego. Energię mechaniczną można...
Comment on permeability conditions in finite element simulation of bone fracture healing
PublicationThe most popular model of the bone healing considers the fracture callus as poroelastic medium. As such it requires an assumption of the callus’ external permeability. In this work a systematic study of the influence of the permeability of the callus boundary on the simulated bone healing progress is performed. The results show, that these conditions starts to play significant role with the decrease of the callus size. Typically...
Propagation of elastic waves in structural elements by spectral finite element methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę elementów spektralnych w zastosowaniu do analizy propagacji fal sprężystych w elementach konstrukcyjnych.
Analysis of the Impact Resistance of Toecaps by the Finite Element Method: Preliminary Studies