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Search results for: okr%C4%99ty%20podwodne

  • Titania nanotubes infiltrated with conducting polymer PEDOT modified by Prussian Blue – a novel type of organic-inorganic heterojunction characterised with enhanced photoactivity.


    A highly ordered p–n heterojunction was formed based on titania nanotubes containing a conducting polymer with Prussian blue matrix. The study demonstrates, for the first time, cases when a composite based on titania array scaffolding and Prussian blue embedded in PEDOT exhibits reversible FeII/FeIII redox activity. Highly enhanced photoactivity and capacitance of the obtained material are depicted in comparison to pristine titania....

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  • Energy Consumption Modeling in SPMD and DAC Applications


    - Year 2016

    In this chapter, we show a study of energy consumption during execution of SPMD and DAC application – the same applications which time of execution we modeled in the previous two chapters. We measured an average power usage at a single node of the GALERA+ cluster during application execution and then we modeled the total energy consumption by the application. Next we simulated the applications using MERPSYS and we compared the...

  • Problems and Solutions of Software Design in Scrum Projects

    The aim of the paper is to identify the problems and solutions of the software design in Scrum project as well as to analyze the effectiveness of the solutions. Through a series of workshops with 4 experts from IT industry and academia we have identified 52 problems and 99 unique solutions. In this paper we present a list of 10 common problems and 5 solutions for each problem selected by the number of sources. The effectiveness...

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  • Miejsca handlu ulicznego w przestrzeni publicznej


    - Year 2012

    Handel targowy w przestrzeni publicznej współczesnego miasta posiada różnorodne znaczenie, często stawiany jest w dwóch granicznych spojrzeniach, od formy szpecącej daną przestrzeń, po element pożądania w celu przyciągnięcia oka turysty oraz stworzenia atmosfery swojskości w przestrzeni publicznej miasta. W poniższym artykule spróbujemy się przyjrzeć tej drugiej możliwości wykorzystania handlu targowego, jako elementu mogącego...

  • Social Entrepreneurship through Cooperatives: Founder Insights

    • B. Huybrechts
    • T. Nelson
    • D. Nelson
    • G. Trasiani
    • K. Harris
    • R. Pashov
    • M. Starnawska
    • G. Esposito
    • A. Carobolante
    • F. Dufays
    • N. O’Shea

    - Year 2013

    In this research we are interested in how social entrepreneurs think about their organizational creation process in the context of cooperatives, and how cooperatives conceptualize and actualize their ‘care for community’ social principles. In this interface of organizational purpose and form, we find a variety of interesting issues presented by our interview sample of founders of young, global organizations from six nations. Discussing...

  • Analysis of IMS/NGN call processing performance using G/G/1 queuing systems approximations

    The paper concerns the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for distribution of multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). To guarantee quality, accurate traffic models of IMS/NGN should be proposed. In the paper we compare results obtained with our analytical and simulation model of a single IMS/NGN domain, where various queuing systems are used in the analytical model (M/G/1 and approximations...

  • Test Execution Logging and Visualization Techniques


    - Year 2004

    Traditionally, log traces of test cases ex ecution are stored in textual format and their analysis is done in a post- execution phase. Our approach bases on the concept of gr aphical presentation of te st execution which enables better analysis of log traces and also gives the opportunity to consider them on-line. In particular, we discuss the graphical symbols we chose, we pres ent the logging interface we defined a nd describe...

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  • High order of nongeminate recombination in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells

    We analyze high order of nongeminate recombination in organic donor–acceptor bulk heterojunction solar cells. The model of recombination where an exciton annihilates on an electron–hole Langevin bound pair near donor–acceptor interface has been applied in our studies. We obtained satisfactory agreement between experimental results and theoretical calculations for the concentration dependences of several parameters characterizing...

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  • Deterministic Rendezvous in Restricted Graphs


    - Year 2015

    In this paper we consider the problem of synchronous rendezvous in which two anonymous mobile entities (robots) A and B are expected to meet at the same time and point in a graph G = (V;E). Most of the work devoted to rendezvous in graphs assumes that robots have access to the same sets of nodes and edges, where the topology of connections may be initially known or unknown. In our work we assume the movement of robots is restricted...

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  • Expedited two-objective dimension scaling of compact microwave passives using surrogate models


    - Year 2016

    Geometry scaling of compact microwave structures is a challenging problem because of complex relationships between the physical dimensions and electrical characteristics, mostly caused by considerable cross-couplings in densely arranged layouts. Here, a procedure for expedited dimension scaling of compact microwave couplers with respect to two independent criteria has been presented. Our approach involves inverse surrogate models...

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  • Assessment of risks introduced to safety critical software by agile practices - a software engineer's perspective


    In this article we investigate the problem of applying agile practices into safety-critical projects.The goal of our research is to investigate potential benefits from introducing agile practicesinto safety-critical environment and to present a solution providing for balancing agileapproach with more disciplined assurance techniques, bringing the best of the two worlds together.In the article we present the supporting ideas such...

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  • Evaluation of Selected UX Techniques by Product Managers - A Preliminary Survey


    - Year 2020

    In this paper we present the results of an opinion survey among 28 IT product managers who evaluated the subjective usefulness of 24 selected UX techniques to 6 IT product management tasks derived from ProdBOK®. We selected the UX techniques based on the literature review and 6 interviews with experienced IT product managers. Based on the survey results, we propose our recommendation of useful techniques for 5 of the 6 studied...

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  • From flow to jamming: Lattice Gas Automaton simulations in granular materials


    - POWDER TECHNOLOGY - Year 2024

    We introduce the first extension of a Lattice Gas Automaton (LGA) model to accurately replicate observed emergent phenomena in granular materials with a special focus on previously unexplored jamming transitions by incorporating gravitational effects, energy dissipation in particle collisions, and wall friction. We successfully reproduce flow rate evolution, density wave formation, and jamming transition observed in experiments....

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  • Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing using UV irradiated Au-nanoparticle-decorated WO3-nanowire films

    • M. Trawka
    • J. Smulko
    • L. Hasse
    • C. G. Granqvist
    • R. Ionescu
    • F. E. Annanouch
    • E. Llobet
    • L. B. Kish

    - Year 2014

    WO3 nanowires (WO3-NWs) decorated with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were utilized in resistive gas sensor devices to detect ethanol by use of fluctuation enhanced sensing (FES). The experimental system records both DC resistance and fluctuations of the sensing film. Our data verify that the sensitivity and selectivity of the gas sensor are improved by applying FES when the sensor is stimulated with a combination of UV light and heating....

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  • Przegląd praktyk zarządzania jakością powietrza w wybranych miastach europejskich


    - Year 2016

    Ponad 80% Europejczyków zamieszkujących tereny zurbanizowane oddycha powietrzem wykraczającym pod względem zanieczyszczeń ponad normy ustanowione przez WHO. O tym jak ważny jest to problem świadczy także wpisanie go jako jeden z kluczowych elementów strategii UE dot. ochrony środowiska. Poza wymiarem ekologicznym jest to również problem stanowiący realne zagrożenie dla życia ludzi. Z powodu złej jakości powietrza corocznie na świecie...

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  • Program funkcjonalno-użytkowy i projekt budowlany na potrzeby realizacji projektu"Budowa stacji 220/110 kV Praga(Żerań) wraz z wprowadzeniem linii 220kV Miłosna-Mory" -koreferat


    Dokonano oceny PF-U i projektu budowlanego Stacji 220/11- kV Praga na podstawie ok.1000str.dokumentacji projektowej

  • Investigation of R 22 and R 134a flow boiling in enhanced tubes

    Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przejmowania ciepła i spadków ciśnienia podczas wrzenia w przepływie R22 oraz R134a. Do badań użyto dwie rurki o rozwiniętej wewnętrznej powierzchni, tj. rurkę śrubowo-formowaną i rurkę niskożebrowaną oraz dwie rurki gładkie, jako rurki referencyjne. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono przy temperaturze nasycenia ok. zero stopni Celsjusza i końcowym stopniu suchości ok. 0.7. Wyniki badań eksperymentalnych...

  • Intensification of fire-fighting wastewater biotreatment


    - Year 2005

    Duża ilość ścieków pożarniczych powstała w trakcie akcji gaśniczej w jednej z rafinerii w północnej Polsce w 2003 roku. Bakterie wyizolowane ze ścieków pożarniczych dodano do osadu czynnego w celu zintensyfikowania procesów biologicznych. Zbadano efektywność biologicznego oczyszczania tychże ścieków, uwzględniając nitryfikację, w laboratoryjnym reaktorze z osadem czynnym. Ok. 50 % lepszy efekt redukcji ChZT oraz ok. 40 % zmniejszenie...

  • Badania ultradźwiękowe przyczepności warstwy brązu do podłoża stalowego wewnętrznych powierzchni tulei o średnicach Dn70mm i Dn85mm


    - Year 2013

    Celem ekspertyzy było zbadanie przyczepności ok.2mm warstwy brązu, który został nałożony metodą odlewania na wewnętrzne powierzchnie tulei stalowych.

  • Simple sufficient condition for subspace to be completely or genuinely entangled


    - NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS - Year 2021

    We introduce a simple sufficient criterion, which allows one to tell whether a subspace of a bipartite or multipartite Hilbert space is entangled. The main ingredient of our criterion is a bound on the minimal entanglement of a subspace in terms of entanglement of vectors spanning that subspace expressed for geometrical measures of entanglement. The criterion is applicable to both completely and genuinely entangled subspaces. We...

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  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    - Year 2003

    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, casualty reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Numeryczna analiza wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Numerical analysis the influence of the direction of explosion wave at the curvature of asymmetrical rolling of bimetallic plate.


    - Year 2004

    W artykule przedstawiono numeryczną analizę wpływu kierunku rozchodzenia się fali wybuchu na krzywiznę asymetrycznie walcowanego pasma Al-Cu. Przeprowadzono symulacje dla procesu walcowania w temperaturze 20 C. Proces walcowania prowadzono w walcarce duo D 150 mm, o prędkości obwodowej 18,5 obr/min. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch stosunków grubości warstw 2/10 i 4/8. Symulację procesu przeprowadzono dla trzech gniotów 10%, 20%,...

  • Falling accident risk in Poland.


    - Year 2004

    For the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland - the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, fatality reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...

  • Implementacja elementów SCORM w systemie zarządzającym nauczaniem Moodle.


    - Year 2004

    W referacie dokonano analizy możliwoci takiej rozbudowy systemu Moodle, aby uzyskać zgodnoć z modelami danych okrelonymi w specyfikacji SCORM. Zaprezentowano idee podstawowych mechanizmów zdolnych do obsługi dodatkowych formatów kursów on-line, w tym metody dostarczania odpowiednich zasobów wiedzy do użytkownika. Przedstawiono problemy zwišzane z rozszerzeniem systemu Moodle o obsługę API zgodnego z SCORM oraz opis zaimplementowanych...

  • Niedeterministyczne układy równań w analizie sterowania systemami produkcyjnymi : Cz. 2 Liniowe zagadnienia stochastyczne


    - Year 2005

    W częci pierwszej pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia przedziałowych i rozmytych układów równań liniowych w problemie sterowania systemem produkcyjnym. Wiele zagadnień może być sformułowanych w postaci stochastycznej. Poniżej omawia się problem opisany przez zmienne losowe z dokładnociš do momentów drugiego rzędu. Opierajšc się na przedstawionej w częci pierwszej metodzie rozwišzania niedeterministycznego układu równa_ liniowych...

  • Methods of Network Resource Provisioning for the Future Internet IIP Initiative

    • J. Gozdecki
    • M. Kantor
    • K. Wajda
    • J. Rak


    In this paper, we present specification, design and implementation aspects of a network resource provisioning module introduced for the Polish Initiative of Future Internet called System IIP. In particular, we propose a set of novel LP optimization models of network resource provisioning designed to minimize the network resource consumption, either bandwidth or node’s computational power, as well as to maximize the residual capacity....

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  • In-situ optical diagnostics of boron-doped diamond films growth

    Interferometry is a desirable method for in-situ measurement of thin, dielectric film growth, as it don't modify conditions of film deposition. Here we present interferometrical measurements of thickness of doped diamond films during Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process. For this purpose we used a semiconductor laser with a 405nm wavelength. Additional ex-situ measurement using spectral interferometry and ellipsometry...

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  • Rapid EM-Driven Design of Compact RF Circuits By Means of Nested Space Mapping

    A methodology for rapid design of RF circuits constituted by compact microstrip resonant-cells (CMRCs) is presented. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, where the inner SM layer is used to correct the equivalent circuit model at the CMRC level, whereas the outer layer enhances the coarse model of the entire structure under design. We demonstrate that NSM dramatically improves performance of surrogate-based...

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  • Expedited EM-driven multi-objective antenna design in highly-dimensional parameter spaces

    A technique for low-cost multi-objective optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameter spaces is presented. The optimization procedure is expedited by exploiting fast surrogate models, including coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations and response surface approximations (RSA). The latter is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto non-dominated designs which are further refined using response correction methods....

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  • EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures in Multi-Dimensional Design Spaces


    - Year 2014

    Feasible multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is presented. An initial set of Pareto optimal solutions is found using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) working with a fast surrogate antenna model obtained by kriging interpolation of coarse-discretization EM simulation data. To make the surrogate construction computationally feasible in multi-dimensional design space, the space subset containing non-dominated...

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  • Nilpotent singularities and chaos: Tritrophic food chains



    Local bifurcation theory is used to prove the existence of chaotic dynamics in two well-known models of tritrophic food chains. To the best of our knowledge, the simplest technique to guarantee the emergence of strange attractors in a given family of vector fields consists of finding a 3-dimensional nilpotent singularity of codimension 3 and verifying some generic algebraic conditions. We provide the essential background regarding...

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    Lighter and slender structural members of a typical grandstand leads to a significant reduction in the frequencies, that is why such structures are more easily induced to vibrations. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of our experimental studies and the numerical analyses, focused on the behaviour of a part of a typical temporary steel grandstand under dynamic loads. The peak values of accelerations of a steel...

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  • An algorithmic approach to estimating the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds

    For a given self-map f of M, a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension m 4, we provide an algorithm for estimating the values of the topological invariant D^m_r [f], which equals the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. Our results are based on the combinatorial scheme for computing D^m_r [f] introduced by G. Graff and J. Jezierski [J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 13 (2013),...

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  • The Determinants of False Self-Employment: A Survey of Polish Enterprises


    The main goal of this article is to advance the emergent research on tax evasion in Poland in the form of false self-employment (FSE), in particular to identify its causes. The dependent character of some self-employed workers is a big problem in the Polish economy, which has been completely unexplored because of the lack of available data. In this article, we use data from a survey of Polish companies. Our empirical results show...

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  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm segmentation from contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography using deep convolutional networks

    • T. Dziubich
    • P. Białas
    • Ł. Znaniecki
    • J. Halman
    • J. Brzeziński

    - Year 2020

    One of the most common imaging methods for diagnosing an abdominal aortic aneurysm, and an endoleak detection is computed tomography angiography. In this paper, we address the problem of aorta and thrombus semantic segmentation, what is a mandatory step to estimate aortic aneurysm diameter. Three end-to-end convolutional neural networks were trained and evaluated. Finally, we proposed an ensemble of deep neural networks with underlying...

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  • Minimising the Churn Out of the Service by Using a Fairness Mechanism


    The paper proposes an algorithm of bandwidth distribution, ensuring fairness to end-users in computer networks. The proposed algorithm divides users into satisfied and unsatisfied users. It provides fairness in terms of quality of experience (QoE) for satisfied users and quality of service (QoS) for unsatisfied users. In this paper, we present detailed comparisons relevant to service providers to show the advantages of the proposed...

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  • Nonlinear resultant theory of shells accounting for thermodiffusion



    The complete nonlinear resultant 2D model of shell thermodiffusion is developed. All 2D balance laws and the entropy imbalance are formulated by direct through-the-thickness integration of respective 3D laws of continuum thermodiffusion. This leads to a more rich thermodynamic structure of our 2D model with several additional 2D fields not present in the 3D parent model. Constitutive equations of elastic thermodiffusive shells...

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  • Poll Reader - the working prototype of optical mark recognition software


    - Year 2007

    Automatyczne rozpoznawanie zaznaczeń wydaje się stosunkowo prostym zadaniem z dziedziny przetwarzania dokumentów, a komercyjne systemy OMR są dostępne na rynku już od dłuższego czasu. Zdecydowaliśmy się jednak na stworzenie prostego darmowego oprogramowania, które mogłoby być wykorzystywane przez uczelnie zobowiązane do przeprowadzania ankiet wśród studentów. W rozdziale opisano konstrukcję programu oraz najważniejsze algorytmy...

  • Badania kompensacji i rozrządu w pompach i silnikach satelitowych typu SM


    W laboratorium Katedry Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki prowadzone są badania rozwojowe nowego typu silników i pomp satelitowych SM o bardzo małej geometrycznej objętości roboczej, od 5 do 73 cm3/obr. Prace te są realizowane w ramach projektu badawczo-rozwojowego nr R0300103. Opisane w artykule prace badawcze miały na celu udoskonalenie konstrukcji tych maszyn, szczególnie zespołu kompensacji luzów osiowych oraz odpowiednie dobranie średnic...

  • S-Modules - An Approach to Capture Semantics fo Modularized DL Knowledge Bases


    Modularity of ontologies has been recently recognized as a key requirement for collaborative ontology engineering and distributed ontology reuse. Partitioning of an ontology into modules naturally gives rise to development of module processing methods. In this paper we describe an algebra of ontology modules developed during our work on a Knowledge Base Management System called RKaSeA. The idea differs from other algebras in the...

  • A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences


    - Year 2010

    the aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...



    - Year 2016

    In this paper we present our approach to RecSys Challenge 2015. Given a set of e-commerce events, the task is to predict whether a user will buy something in the current session and, if yes, which of the item will be bought. We show that the data preparation and enrichment are very important in finding the solution for the challenge and that simple ideas and intuitions could lead to satisfactory results. We also show that simple...

  • Global value chains and productivity gains: a cross-country analysis

    The main aim of this article is to assess the implications of involvement in global value chains (GVC) on sectoral productivity growth from the international perspective. Our panel data analysis covers 40 countries, 20 industries (13 manufacturing and 7 services sectors) in the period 1995–2011. Estimation results suggest that there is a positive link between TFP growth and the involvement of sectors in global value chains (measured...

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  • PODEJŚCIE WARIANTOWE WE WSTĘPNYM PROJEKTOWANIU STATKÓW Variant methods approach to the preliminary ship design.


    Klasyczna metoda projektowania okrętów jest metodą iteracyjną, bazującą na zgromadzonym doświadczeniu ze statków już zbu-dowanych. Natomiast w przypadku statku całkowicie nowego typu, bez „posagu wcześniejszych doświadczeń”, projektowanie polega na opracowaniu szeregu równoległych, wariantowych rozwiązań z wykorzystaniem optymalizacji. Artykuł wskazuje wybrane metody projektowe wykorzystujące optymalizacje, używane we wstępnym...

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  • Annihilation rates of low-energy positron scattering from simple diatomic molecules

    We discuss the calculations of Zeff coefficients for a series of diatomic molecules over the range of energies below the positronium formation. During the development of a general code for polyatomic, nonlinear molecules colliding with positrons, it was discovered that the earlier one, employed only for diatomic molecules, had an error. The error is corrected and the corrected results are presented here. We also discuss a way of...

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  • Positron binding to alkali-metal hydrides: The role of molecular vibrations

    • F. Gianturco
    • J. Franz
    • R. Buenker
    • H. Liebermann
    • L. Pichl
    • J. Rost
    • M. Tachikawa
    • M. Kimura

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2006

    The bound vibrational levels for J=0 have been computed for the series of alkali-metal hydride molecules from LiH to RbH, including NaH and KH. For all four molecules the corresponding potential-energy curves have been obtained for each isolated species and for its positron-bound complex (e+XH). It is found that the calculated positron affinity values strongly depend on the molecular vibrational state for which they are obtained...

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  • Bernstein-type theorem for ϕ-Laplacian

    In this paper we obtain a solution to the second-order boundary value problem of the form \frac{d}{dt}\varPhi'(\dot{u})=f(t,u,\dot{u}), t\in [0,1], u\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} with Sturm–Liouville boundary conditions, where \varPhi\colon \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is a strictly convex, differentiable function and f\colon[0,1]\times \mathbb {R}\times \mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {R} is continuous and satisfies a suitable growth...

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  • Production fragmentation and employment. Country-industry level analysis based on WIOD 2016

    The aim of this research is to reanalyse the possible impact of production fragmentation on employment using the newest world input-output database (WIOD) release (2016) and recently proposed by Timmer, Los, Stehrer and de Vries measure of production fragmentation which traces the imports needed in all stages of production. This study is provided on country-industry level for 56 industries and 41 countries for the years 2000–2014....

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  • Melody Harmonization with Interpolated Probabilistic Models


    - Journal of New Music Research - Year 2013

    Most melody harmonization systems use the generative hidden Markov model (HMM), which model the relation between the hidden chords and the observed melody. Relations to other variables, such as the tonality or the metric structure, are handled by training multiple HMMs or are ignored. In this paper, we propose a discriminative means of combining multiple probabilistic models of various musical variables by means of model interpolation....

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  • Towards Agile Development of Critical Software


    The paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant...

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