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Search results for: emerging organic pollutants
The effect of paleo-environment on hydrocarbon generation potential: Example from Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
PublicationA 137-m continuous core from the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous marine derived oil shale with the maturity Ro about 0.7 %, representing the oil window in the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was examined using geological, mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemistry techniques. Three distinct intervals were identified within the core: the upper carbonate-rich section with intense bioturbation, indicating dysoxic to...
Occurrences, sources, and transport of organochlorine pesticides in the aquatic environment of Antarctica
PublicationWe review information on the concentration levels of organochlorine pesticides in the abiotic aquatic environment (in seawater, sea ice, surface freshwater, snow, firn, and glacial ice) and the organisms inhabiting those, in Antarctica. Particular attention is given to the environmental fate of these pollutants, which modifies their impact on the organisms living in the Antarctic. OCPs have been delivered to the Antarctic environment...
Analysis and bioanalysis: an effective tool for data collection of environmental conditions and processes
PublicationReliable information that allows us to estimate the state of the environment and to forecast changes in the ecosystem are constantly required. Increasing environmental consciousness and dynamic development of analytical techniques are the main reasons for determining the wide range of pollutants occurring at very low concentrations in complex matrix samples. The presence and concentration of many of those pollutants in the environment...
Integrating Statistical and Machine‐Learning Approach for Meta‐Analysis of Bisphenol A‐Exposure Datasets Reveals Effects on Mouse Gene Expression within Pathways of Apoptosis and Cell Survival
PublicationBisphenols are important environmental pollutants that are extensively studied due to different detrimental effects, while the molecular mechanisms behind these effects are less well understood. Like other environmental pollutants, bisphenols are being tested in various experimental models, creating large expression datasets found in open access storage. The meta‐analysis of such datasets is, however, very complicated for various...
Ultrasound assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane-packed samples followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for determination of BADGE, BFDGE and their derivatives in packed vegetables
PublicationThe problem of the presence of trace organic pollutants in food is of growing importance due to increasing awareness about their impact on newborns, infants and adults of reproductive age. Despite the fact that packaged food products offer many advantages, packaging can be a source of contamination for stored food. Thus, monitoring such pollution in food is of high importance. In this work, a novel methodology based on the solvent...
Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review
PublicationMembranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...
Electrodes criticality: the impact of CRMs in the leachate electrochemical oxidation
Publication. Landfill leachate possesses high concentrations of ammonia, micropollutants, and heavy metals, and are characterised for low biodegradability. For this reason, conventional treatment technologies may result ineffective for complete pollutant removal. Electrochemical oxidation allows most of the of recalcitrant pollutants to be oxidised effectively within an easy operational and acceptable retention time, without the need to provide...
Chemical hazard in glacial melt? The glacial system as a secondary source of POPs (in the Northern Hemisphere). A systematic review
PublicationToxicity of compounds belonging to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) iswidely known, and their re-emission from glaciers has been conclusively demonstrated. However, the harmful effects associated with such secondary emissions have yet to be thoroughly understood, especially in the spatial and temporal context, as the existing literature has a clear sampling biaswith the best recognition of sites in the European Alps. In this...
Lead In drinking water: Adsorption method and role of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for its remediation: A review
PublicationDue to various characteristics properties lead(II) metal is utilized in many applications like lead ion batteries, water pipes, ammunition and paints. For this reason, concentration of lead(II) ions in water is increasing days by days which is alarming for water pollution. Water pollution is a major problem worldwide which affects biosphere badly, and causes continuous reduction of accessible sources of fresh water and ground water, available...
Electromodulation and magnetomodulation of exciton dissociation in electron donor (starburst amine) : electron acceptor (bathocuproine) system
PublicationElectric field dependencies of electromodulated photoluminescence and photocurrents as well as the magnetic field effects on photocurrents, photovoltaic characteristics, electromodulated photoluminescence and photoluminescence have been investigated in vacuum evaporated films of m-MTDATA:BCP (4,4',4''-tris(N-(3-methylphenyl)-N-phenylamino)triphenylamine and bathocuproine) system. The electromodulation processes do remain in accordance...
Injection of charge into the archetype organics hole transporting material TPD at the electrical contacts with ITO and Al
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano dokładną analizę charakterystyk polowo-prądowych jednowarstwowych układów kwarc/ITO/TPD/Al oraz kwarc/Al1/TPD/Al2, zawierających próżniowo naparowane warstwy pochodnej diaminy (TPD) używane powszechnie jako materiał przewodzący dziury w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych. Prądy są zdominowane przez iniekcję dziur niezależnie od polaryzacji kontaktów elektrycznych. Oprócz oczywistej asymetrii w...
Enantiopure C1-Cyclotriveratrylene with a Reversed Spatial Arrangement of the Substituents
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Divergent Synthesis of Functionalized Indenopyridin-2-ones and 2-Pyridones via Benzyl Group Transfer: Two Cases of Aza-semipinacol-Type Rearrangement
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Magnesiate-Utilized/Benzyne-Mediated Approach to Indenopyridones from 2-Pyridones: An Attempt To Synthesize the Indenopyridine Core of Haouamine
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Helicity Discrimination in Diaryl Dichalcogenides Generateded by Inclusion Complexation with Chiral Hosts
PublicationNiektóre z molekuł pozbawione centrum stereogenicznego mogą przyjmować chiralną konformację na skutek wewnętrznej rotacji wzdłuż odpowiedniego wiązania. Do grupy tej należą badane przez nas diarylodichalogenki; diarylodisiarczki, diarylodiselenki i diaryloditellurki. Niska bariera rotacji wokół wiązania chalogen-chalogen skutkuje szybką racemizacją molekuł tych związków w roztworze i uniemożliwia badanie czynności optycznej. Wykazaliśmy,...
Global Digital Technology Convergence: Driving Diffusion via Network Effects
PublicationSince the 1970s, we have witnessed unprecedented diffusion of digital technologies in both speed and geographic coverage. These technologies are pervasive and disruptive, and lead to profound shifts and transformations in societies and economies. Many claim that emerging network externalities are the principal phenomenon driving the process of technology diffusion and determining its in-time dynamics. This book analyses the unique...
Towards the 4th industrial revolution: networks, virtuality, experience based collective computational intelligence, and deep learning
PublicationQuo vadis, Intelligent Enterprise? Where are you going? The authors of this paper aim at providing some answers to this fascinating question addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based cyber-physical systems – the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.
Microplastics in water resources: Global pollution circle, possible technological solutions, legislations, and future horizon
PublicationBeneath the surface of our ecosystems, microplastics (MPs) silently loom as a significant threat. These minuscule pollutants, invisible to the naked eye, wreak havoc on living organisms and disrupt the delicate balance of our environment. As we delve into a trove of data and reports, a troubling narrative unfolds: MPs pose a grave risk to both health and food chains with their diverse compositions and chemical characteristics....
Correlation between chemical composition and the presence of selected groups of bacteria in freshwater samples collected from Isfjorden and Billefjorde
PublicationThe average concentrations of pollutants in the arctic water, snow and the atmosphere are much lower than those observed in the temperate climate. Specific conditions occurring in the polar regions have apotential to accumulate the pollutants transported from other parts of the world. In this study, attempts were made to find a correlation between selected chemical components and the bacterial population. The analysis involved...
Connected & Automated Urban Mobility, Zombie Cars and Kitchen Knives: Will Autonomous Automobiles, Self-Driving Car-Sharing and Ride-Hailing, and Driverless Shuttles Harm Cities?
PublicationThere is a deficiency of supportive evidence to verify thesis that cities are prepared for mobility revolution which already begun and will advance exponentially. Furthermore, present revisions mostly emphasize how emerging mobility solutions will alter transport efficiency or affect mass transit usage, rather than on urban morphology, metropolitan society, nor local communities. Author is thoroughly concerned that municipalities...
Current advances in membrane processing of wines: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground Membrane-based operations, especially pressure-driven membrane operations, are today well-established procedures for various applications in the wine industry thanks to their intrinsic properties and undoubted advantages over traditional methods. Emerging membrane processes, such as pervaporation, electrodialysis and osmotic distillation, forward osmosis, membrane contactors, offer new and interesting perspectives to...
Klimatyzacja i wentylacja szpitalnych zespołów operacyjnych
PublicationUtrzymywanie czystości i higieny w obiektach ochrony zdrowia jest nieodłącznym elementem troski o zdrowie pacjentów i personelu medycznego. W szpitalu codziennie nawet kilkudziesięciu pacjentów może być poddawanych zabiegom operacyjnym, czasem skomplikowanym, trwającym długo i wymagającym dużego wysiłku od personelu medycznego i lekarzy operatorów. Podczas zabiegów inwazyjnych – szczególnie trudnych i długotrwałych – poziom emisji...
NMR-Based Structural Insight into DNA G-Quadruplex
PublicationEmerging as a promising area in anticancer research, noncanonical DNA structures such as G-quadruplexes are studied using NMR spectroscopy. NOESY spectra reveals crucial interactions between ligands and G-quadruplexes, helping to understand non-covalent binding mechanisms. This knowledge is essential for rational drug design targeting these structures.
Bioactive quaternary ammonium ionic liquids.
PublicationAn ionic liquid (IL) is an organic compound that contains at least one ionic bond. It consists of an organic cation and an organic or inorganic anion. It is an organic salt having a melting point below 100C. A very interesting group of IL are those with a long chain quaternary ammonium cation. They are formed by direct synthesis or by an anion-exchange reaction in quaternary ammonium halides. Popular and cheap precursors for the...
PublicationThe text investigates new phenomena emerging in the field of social memory and commemoration in contemporary Poland. On the basis of field analyses, case studies and theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches, the paper discusses the issue of contemporary memoryscapes in eastern Poland (Bialystok and Lublin). These emerging forms of remembrance are the result of the sophisticated interplay between different actors involved in the...
Detection of Bioactive Compounds in Organically and Conventionally Grown Asparagus Spears
PublicationIn the recent reports, there are contradictory conclusions about the nutritional and health properties of organic and conventionally growing vegetables. We hypothesized that organic cultivation system results in higher quality of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) because of organic manure and effective organisms. Therefore, new analytical methods were applied in order to find the differences in bioactive compounds between the...
Bimetallic Bi/Cu0-catalyzed persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes towards clofibric acid degradation in wastewater
PublicationClofibric acid (CFA), an important blood-lipid regulatory drug is an emerging organic pollutant and widely reported in water resources. A novel bimetallic, bismuth/zero valent cupper (Bi/Cu0) catalyst was prepared which showed better physiological, structural, and catalytic properties than Cu0. The Bi/Cu0 effectively catalyzed persulfate (S2O82−) and caused 85% degradation of CFA. The Bi coupling improved reusability and stability...
Environmental and toxicological aspects of sulfamethoxazole photodegradation in the presence of oxidizing agents
PublicationSulfamethoxazole (SMX) is a popular active substance, which is extensively applied to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to its widespread use, SMX enters the natural environment, where it can undergo degradation. Similarly to other emerging contaminants, SMX photodegradation and the use of oxidants in wastewater treatment processes can lead to the formation of potentially adverse transformation products for...
Networks Externalities as Social Phenomenon in the Process ICT Diffusion.
PublicationThis paper is designed to fill the gap in knowledge that we have identified regarding the process of diffusion of information and communication technologies and emerging network effects that significantly enhance spread of these technologies. We contribute to the present state of the art by examining the process of ICT diffusion in 50 countries, which in 2015 achieved highest ICT penetration rates.
Nitrogen transformation during fermentation in agricultural biogas plants
PublicationThe aim of the present study was to determine changes in the organic nitrogen fraction in the liquid fraction of the digestate during laboratory tests of mono- and co-digestion. Three agricultural wastes were tested: distillery residue, cattle slurry and corn silage. In the mono-fermentation tests, the initial total nitrogen concentration depended on the feedstock used. As a result of the hydrolysis and ammonification of the organic...
Structural properties of mixed conductor Ba1−xGd1−yLax+yCo2O6−δ
PublicationBa1−xGd1−yLax+yCo2O6−δ (BGLC) compositions with large compositional ranges of Ba, Gd, and La have been characterised with respect to phase compositions, structure, and thermal and chemical expansion. The results show a system with large compositional flexibility, enabling tuning of functional properties and thermal and chemical expansion. We show anisotropic chemical expansion and detailed refinements of emerging phases as La is...
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Joint foreign ownership and global value chains effects on productivity: a comparison of firms from Poland and Germany
PublicationPurpose The study aims to examine the joint effects of foreign ownership (FO) and involvement in global value chains (GVCs) on the productivity performance of firms from a catching-up country (Poland) and a leader economy (Germany). Design/methodology/approach The authors use micro-level data on firms combined with several sector-level GVC participation measures. The authors investigate whether the link between productivity and...
Central and Eastern European States from an International Perspective: Economic Potential and Paths of Participation in Global Value Chains
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Explaining Equity Anomalies in Frontier Markets: A Horserace of Factor Pricing Models
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Performance Persistence in Anomaly Returns: Evidence from Frontier Markets
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The (lack of) momentum effect in the UAE stock market
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A note on value investing in the UAE stock market
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Is there a low-risk anomaly in the UAE stock market?
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An Application of Factor Pricing Models to the Polish Stock Market
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The Impact of Trade Integration with the European Union on Productivity in a Posttransition Economy: The Case of Polish Manufacturing Sectors
PublicationThis paper addresses the relationship between productivity growth in Polish manufacturing sectors and forces stemming from trade integration with the European Union. Empirical analysis (1995-2006) is based on sector-level bilateral data concerning both domestic (Polish) and foreign (partner countries from the enlarged European Union) markets' characteristics and their degree of openness. The main results indicate that, both in...
Volatile Organohalogen Compounds Determination with Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Applying Solvent Lighter than Water
PublicationBackground: Volatile organohalogen compounds (VOX) are a group of environmental pollutants that risk the quality of drinking water. These compounds are characterized by certain acute and chronic toxicities, possessing mutagenic properties. Because of these potential risks factors that these compounds cause, the maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) have been established by respective organizations. The abundance of VOX, their...
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThis exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically...
Monitoring strategy for industrially contaminated rivers - A study of all year round behaviour of Klodnica river catchment, upper Silesia, Poland
PublicationThe study was undertaken to thoroughly characterise the contamination of water in industrially influenced river Klodnica, in order to explore monitoring strategies in case of limited analytical capacity. Statistical analysis undertaken after a short study was found to be helpful in reducing monitoring efforts in the future.Klodnica river is located within area of dominating coal mining, metallurgy, and additionally being influenced...
Hybrid TiO2–Polyaniline Photocatalysts and their Application in Building Gypsum Plasters
PublicationHybrid materials of conjugated polymer and titanium(IV) oxide have attracted considerable attention concerning their potential benefits, including (i) ecient exploitation of visible light, (ii) a high adsorption capacity for organic contaminants, (iii) and eective charge carriers separation. The new class of the photocatalysts is promising for the removal of environmental pollutants in both aqueous and gaseous phases. For the first...
Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing
PublicationThe proliferation of consumer-grade three-dimensional (3D) printers using fused deposition, also known as fused filament fabrication, has given rise to concerns over the exposure of users to potentially harmful substances. Thermoplastic filaments made of different polymers are extruded through a heated printer nozzle and deposited layer by layer on a build platform to form the printed object. This process leads to the emission...
Scheelite-Type Wide-Bandgap ABO4 Compounds (A = Ca, Sr, and Ba; B = Mo and W) as Potential Photocatalysts for Water Treatment
PublicationIn the present study, alkaline-earth metal scheelite-type compounds ABO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, B = Mo, W) synthesized by a hydrothermal method were systematically studied. The as-obtained photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analysis (BET), UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV-Vis), photoluminescence, and thermoluminescence (TL)...
Chemical analysis of low carbon content coals and their applications as dye adsorbent
PublicationCoal is primarily a fuel material but lately it has been utilized as an adsorbent for removing toxic metal ions. However, its usage for removing organic pollutants is not well studied. We report here a systematic study on the use of coal samples of varying carbon contents as adsorbents for removing Basic Blue 41 as a model cationic dye. The coal samples were collected from coal mines and were thoroughly characterized. The concentrations...
Synergistic effects of hybrid advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) based on hydrodynamic cavitation phenomenon – A review
PublicationHigh-performance water treatment systems based on cavitational processes have received an increasing interest of scientific community in the past few decades. Numerous studies indicated the advantageous application of hydrodynamic cavitation as an alternative, reagent-free treatment method of various pollutants in water. Both approaches were proved as an effective method to achieve mineralization of many organic contaminants as...