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Search results for: SPEED%20CONTROL

  • High-speed memoryless binary/residue converter


    - Year 2003

    W pracy zaprezentowano nowy szybki konwerter z systemu binarnego do systemu resztowego dla liczb o zakresie do 60 bitów. W konwerterze stosowane są wyłącznie układy kombinacyjne. Algorytm konwertera oparty jest na dodawaniu niezerowych cyfr binarnych reprezentacji kolejnych potęg 2 modulo m. Dodawanie jest realizowane przy użyciu wielooperandowego sumatora CSA oraz sumatora CPA. Suma wyjściowa CPA jest redukowana do zakresu 2m-1...

  • Digital structures for high-speed signal processing


    - Year 2013

    The work covers several issues of realization of digital structures for pipelined processing of real and complex signals with the use of binary arithmetic and residue arithmetic. Basic rules of performing operations in residue arithmetic are presented along with selected residue number systems for processing of complex signals and computation of convolution. Subsequently, methods of conversion of numbers from weighted systems to...

  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Year 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Electric shock hazard in circuits with variable-speed drives

    The conventional approach to electrical safety under fault condition in typical power systems considers earth fault currents of sinusoidal waveform and frequency of 50/60 Hz. However, in circuits with variable-speed drives, there is earth fault current flow with harmonics, and these harmonics influence the threshold of ventricular fibrillation. The paper presents earth fault current waveforms in circuits with variable-speed drives...

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  • A New Approach For High Speed Data Transmission Monitoring


    W artykule przedstawiono nowatorski sposób monitorowania szybkiej transmisji danych. Technika została zaprezentowana dla przypadku transmisji różnicowej na płycie drukowanej. Cechą szczególną rozwiązania jest możliwość pomiaru jakości transmisji w linii bez konieczności montowania dedykowanych złącz pomiarowych, które mogłyby degradować transmisję.

  • High-speed fpga pipelined binary-to-residue converter


    w pracy przedstawiono architekturę przepływowego konwertera z systemu z uzupełnieniem do 2 z systemu binarnego. zastosowano segmentację słowa wejściowego ze wstępną inwersją dla liczb ujemnych. reszty liczb reprezentowanych przez poszczególne segmenty są obliczane poprzez odczyt z pamięci adresowanej binarną reprezentacją segmentu. otrzymane reszty sumowane są w wielooperandowym sumatorze modulo z korekcją reszty dla liczb ujemnych.pracę...

  • FPGA realization of the high-speed binary-to-residue converter


    - Year 2008

    przedstawiono architekturę i realizację w technologii fpga konwertera z systemu binarnego do systemu resztowego. algorytm konwertera oparty jest na podziale słowa wejściowego na segmenty 4-bitowe i następnie obliczeniu reszty liczby reprezentowanej przez dany segment, sumowaniu binarnym przy zastosowaniu csa i redukcji modulo w układzie dwuoperandowego sumatora modulo.

  • Sensorless multiscalar controls of induction motor at low speed


    - Year 2005

    W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie obserwatora prędkości w dwóch różnych układach sterowania multiskalarnego silnikiem klatkowym. Pierwszy układ bazuje na prądzie stojana i strumieniu wirnika, natomiast drugi nowy układ wykorzystuje zmienne prąd stojana i strumień stojana. Zamieszczono wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalych w układzie ze sterowaniem na procesorze SHARC.

  • High-speed binary-to-residue converter with improved architecture.


    - Year 2004

    Przedstawiono ulepszoną architekturę szybkiego konwertera liczb z systemu binarnego do systemu resztowego dla liczb ze znakiem w kodzie U2. Algorytm konwertera oparty jest o segmentację słowa wejsciowego nasegmenty 4-bitowe. Reszty liczb reprezentowanych przez segmenty sąobliczane poprzez odwzorowanie. Wielooperandowe sumowanie modulo jest realizowane przy użyciu drzewa Wallace'a z segmentacją wektorów wyjściowych oraz finalnego...

  • Speed dependency of temperature effects on road traffic noise


    - Year 2015

    Recently, a new literature review on the influence of temperature on tire/road noise became available, based on a compilation of large amounts of data from empirical research. This review showed that the effect of temperature is roughly double of that previously assumed and taken account of in international standards. This makes temperature one of the main sources of error in measurement results. Furthermore, it suggested that...

  • Speed monitoring and management in national road safety program


    - Year 2005

    W referacie przedstawiono system długoterminowych badań prędkości pojazdów umozliwiający śledzenie ich zmian. Zmiany te są analizowane w powiązaniu z wdrażanymi środkami nadzoru oraz edukacyjnymi oddziaływaniami na uczestników ruchu, a także ze zmianami infrastruktury drogowej. Podano też ogólne zalecenia do programu GAMBIT 2005, wynikające z dotychczasowych badań prędkości.

  • Kinetic analysis of the stage for a high speed steam turbine

    This article analyzes possibilites of resonances within a control stage for a high speed steam turbine. This stage hase been based on assembling of a single blade to a rotating disk and increasing of rigidity of the system by using of a bandage. In the analysis will be nd a possiblity of resonance frequency, and mistuning by showing safety working ranges. The calculations have bean used the3D modal and harmonic analysis by the...

  • Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters


    - Year 2015

    The advance of variable speed drives systems (VSDs) engineering highlights the need of specific technical guidance provision by electrical machines and drives manufacturers, so that such applications can be properly designed to present advantages in terms of both energy efficiency and expenditure. This book presents problems and solutions related to inverter-fed electrical motors. Practically orientated, the book describes the...



    - Year 2017

    The subject of the Authors' analyses is a group of non-physical speed management measures. How effective they are depends primarily on how willing drivers are to accept restrictions. Social and cultural factors play a major role. The effectiveness of these measures is not clear and requires further research. The authors conducted such research and evaluated the effects of nonphysical speed management measures on driver behaviour...

  • A Novel Speed Observer for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator


    The purpose of this paper is to show a new state observer for doubly-fed generator. A proposed z-type observer algorithm based on mathematical model of doubly fed generator with additional variables treated as a disturbances has been used. A nonlinear multiscalar control method has been used to control active and reactive power of the generator. All analyses were verified by simulations and experiments tests.

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  • High-speed binary-to-residue converter with the reduced input layer


    - Year 2007

    przedstawiono architekturę szybkiego konwertera z systemu binarnego do systemu resztowego dla modułów 5-bitowych. Algorytm konwersji oparty jest na dodawaniu binarnym reszt potęg liczby 2 obliczonych modulo m i redukcji modulo m sumy dla poszczególnych modułów bazy systemu resztowego. Warstwa wejciowa konwertera jest redukowana poprzez wykorzystanie wspólnych elementów układu dla odpowiednio zestawionych par modułów.

  • Traffic Speed Deflectometer for Network-Level Pavement Management in Tennessee

    • M. Zhang
    • X. Jia
    • G. Fu
    • P. Polaczyk
    • Y. Ma
    • R. Xiao
    • B. Huang


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  • International Strategy as the Facilitator of the Speed, Scope, and Scale of Firms’ Internationalization


    - Central European Management Journal - Year 2019

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  • Model of speed-varing rotor for mechatronic systems analysis and design


    - Year 2007

    W artykule przedstawiono sposób modelowania złożonych układów mechatronicznych w oparciu o metodę grafów wiązań. Celem zilustrowania metody posłużono się przykładem liczbowym, w którym rozważano wirnik obracający się ze zmienną prędkością kątową. Prezentowana metodyka doskonale nadaje się do modelowania układów o zróżnicowanej naturze fizycznej. Otrzymany model ma charakter obiektu o pewnej liczbie wejść i wyjść, który można w...

  • The influence of fuel type on heat balance of medium-speed engine


    W artykule zaprezentowano analizę wpływu rodzaju zastosowanego paliwa na bilans cieplny silników średnioobrotowych stosowanych w energetyce stacjonarnej. Przedmiotem analizy są silniki ZS i ZI zasilane gazem ziemnym oraz silniki ZS zasilane olejem napędowym. Dodatkowo analizę uzupełniono o wyniki obliczeń wykonanych dla silników dwupaliwowych, tzn. silników, w których zapłon mieszanki paliwowo gazowej realizowany jest przez pilotażowy...

  • High-speed residue-to-binary converter based on the Chinese RemainderTheorem.


    - Year 2004

    Przedstawiono szybki konwerter z systemu resztowego do systemu binarnego dla modułów 5-bitowych oparty o chińskie twierdzenie o resztach. Projekcje ortogonalne są generowane przy użyciu odwzorowania realizowanego przy zastosowaniu funkcji logicznych pięciu zmiennych. Wartość wyjściowa jest obliczana przy użyciu drzewaWallace'a z segmentacją wektorów wyjściowych i redukcją do 2M, M zakres liczbowy systemu oraz efektywny finalny...

  • Speed sensorless induction motor drive with predictive current controller


    Today, speed sensorless modes of operation are becoming standard solutions in the area of electric drives. This paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with a predictive current controller. A closed-loop estimation system with robustness against motor parameter variation is used for the control approach. The proposed algorithm has been implemented using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and a...

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  • Sensorless Startup of Super High Speed Permanent Magnet Motor

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metody bezczujnikowego rozruchu wysokoobrotowego silnika z magnesami trwałymi. Zastosowano dwa typy metod sterowania. W pierwszej fazie rozruchu zastosowano metodę sterowania prądem, następnie przełączono do trybu sterowania wektorowego. Przy sterowaniu wektorowym zostały użyte: rozszerzony filtr Kalmana (EKF) oraz alternatywny Bezśladowy Filtr Kalmana (UKF) jako obserwatory prędkości obrotowej....

  • Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2022

    In recent years, global demands for safe and sustainable ships led to dramatic changes in the maritime industry. Digitalization is expected to play an important part in the future. This is supported by analysis of the autonomous ships market which shows that digitalization of large ship types such as tankers and container ships is well on track. Although to date designs of autonomous High-Speed Craft (HSC) have been developed,...

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  • A Universal Gains Selection Method for Speed Observers of Induction Machine


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    Properties of state observers depend on proper gains selection. Each method of state estimation may require the implementation of specific techniques of finding those gains. The aim of this study is to propose a universal method of automatic gains selection and perform its verification on an induction machine speed observer. The method utilizes a genetic algorithm with fitness function which is directly based on the impulse response...

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  • Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis


    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    Constant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...

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  • Errors of a Linear Current Approximation in High-Speed PMSM Drives

    Current sampling techniques and predictive algorithms used in the digital control of electric drives rely on a simple mathematical model that assumes linear current changes upon constant supplying voltages. This paper identifies rotor movement as a factor that makes this assumption invalid when the rotor covers an angular distance of a few tens of degrees during the control interval duration. The errors of the linear current approximation...

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  • Preliminary studies on the effect of feed speed on the colour change of wood

    This paper presents the results of preliminary analyses of the effect of cutting parameters on changes in the colour of wood. Beech wood cut with use circular saw was analysed. The cutting parameter tested was the feed speed, represented by the feed per tooth. Sawing processes with different feed per tooth ranging from 0.0008 mm to 0.09 mm were analysed. It was observed that over the entire range of feed rate per tooth analysed,...

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  • Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Using Millimetre Wave Radar


    - Year 2022

    The dataset titled Data from 76- to 81-GHz mmWave Sensor located at S7 road contains data recorded employing an IWR1642 mmWave sensor from Texas Instruments. The data comes from two sessions lasting 24h each. The dataset provides the possibility to perform analyses related to car traffic intensity on one of the carriageways of the motorway heading to the Gdańsk metropolitan area. Based on the gathered data, it is possible to calculate...

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  • Analysis of Vibration and Acoustic Signals for Noncontact Measurement of Engine Rotation Speed

    • S. Xuansheng
    • T. Lu
    • H. Wen
    • R. Martinek
    • J. Smulko

    - SENSORS - Year 2020

    The non-contact measurement of engine speed can be realized by analyzing engine vibration frequency. However, the vibration signal is distorted by harmonics and noise in the measurement. This paper presents a novel method for the measurement of engine rotation speed by using the cross-correlation of vibration and acoustic signals. This method can enhance the same frequency components in engine vibration and acoustic signal. After...

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  • Analysis of Failures of High Speed Shaft Bearing System in a Wind Turbine


    During the operation of wind turbines with gearbox of traditional configuration, consisting of one planetary stage and two helical stages high failure rate of high speed shaft bearings is observed. Such a high failures frequency is not reflected in the results of standard calculations of bearing durability. Most probably it can be attributed to atypical failure mechanism. The authors studied problems in 1.5 MW wind turbines of...

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  • Surface roughness analysis of hardened steel after high‐speed milling


    - SCANNING - Year 2011

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  • Energy conversion in small water plants with variable speed PM generator

    • T. Sobczyk
    • W. Mazgaj
    • Z. Szular
    • T. Węgiel
    • T. Wegiel

    - Archives of Electrical Engineering - Year 2011

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  • Small Hydropower Plant With Integrated Turbine-Generators Working at Variable Speed


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  • Effect of FSW Traverse Speed on Mechanical Properties of Copper Plate Joints

    • T. Machniewicz
    • P. Nosal
    • A. Korbel
    • M. Hebda

    - Materials - Year 2020

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  • High speed milling vibration surveillance using modal model of the tool


    - Year 2004

    Praca poświęcona jest nadzorowaniu drgań wirujących narzędzi w nowoczesnych frezarkach. Przedmiotem rozważań jest proces frezowania szybkościowego smukłym frezem kulistym na 5-osiowym centrum obróbkowym Deckel Maho DMU 50eVolution. Frezowanie smukłymi narzędziami jest często stosowane w przypadku nowoczesnych centrów obróbkowych. Uzasadnienie technologiczne wynika z konieczności dokładnego wykonywania złożonych kształtów geometrycznych...

  • Innovative optimization algorithm of variable speed pumps in district heating systems.


    W referacie przedstawiono innowacyjny algorytm matematyczny optymalizacji pracy pomp zmienno prędkościowych w systemach ciepłowniczych. Algorytm wykorzystuje procedurę iterecyjnego wyznaczania parametrów pracy pomp, których charakterystyki są linearyzowane odcinkami w układzie dwóch współrzędnych. Do rozwiązania modelu całkowitoliczbowego zaproponowano wykorzystanie systemu GAMS. W pracy przedstawiono podstawy metodologiczne i...

  • The Method of Finding the Optimal Spindle Speed When Milling Flexible Details


    The paper presents a new method of vibration reduction during milling of flexible details. The method consists in selecting the optimal spindle speed, based on the natural frequency of the workpiece. For this purpose, an original method was created, which is based on minimizing the work of cutting forces in the direction of the depth of cutting. The effectiveness of the method has been proved by comparing the RMS values of vibration...

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  • Synchronized six-step voltage generation in high-speed PMSM drive


    Synchronized voltage generation has already been considered in the context of pulse width modulation (PWM). References prove that synchronized PWM substantially decreases subharmonics in inverter output voltage when operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio. This paper identifies problems of unsynchronized voltage generation in electric drives under six-step inverter operation. Guidelines for the synchronization...

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  • A New Coupler Concept for Contactless High-Speed Data Transmission Monitoring

    This paper presents a new concept of a couplerthat can be applied to high-speed data transmission contactlessmeasurements. The proposed approach is dedicated for differentialsignal transmission monitoring in microstrip coupled lineson printed circuit boards (PCBs). The coupler, produced on aseparate PCB, is overlayed on the transmission line with thedifferential signal and delivers decoupled differential signal tothe main measurement...

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  • The contactless method of chip-to-chip high-speed data transmission monitoring

    This paper presents a technique of decoupling differential signals transmitted in a pair of microstrip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB), using dedicated coupler for high speed data transmission monitoring in chip-to-chip interconnections. The coupler used for signal probing is overlayed on the pair of microstrip lines under test, and provides a signal to the next blocks of the measurement system without disturbing transmission...

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  • Mechatronic design for the high speed milling surveillance of the complex and flexible details


    W pracy przedstawiono mechatroniczny system tworzenia mapy optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona. W trakcie frezowania szybkościowego przedmiotów podatnych mogą wystąpić drgania samowzbudne typu chatter. Używana zazwyczaj procedura ustawiania wymaganej prędkości obrotowej wrzeciona metodą prób i błędów, w wielu przypadkach nie jest zalecana. Przedstawiona procedura nadzorowania może doprowadzić do uniknięcia ryzyka wystąpienia...

  • Speed sensorless asynchronous motor drive with inverter output lc filter


    - Year 2010

    In this paper a speed sensorless ac drive with inverter and output LC filter is proposed. A nonlinear, decoupled field oriented control algorithm with a flux and speed close-loop observer is used. In spite of using LC filter on the inverter output, the sensorless system works precisely. That result are obtained as a result of the appropriate estimation and control system use. The theory, simulation, and experimental results are...

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    - TRIBOLOGIA - Year 2016

    During the operation of wind turbines with a gearbox of traditional configuration, a high failure rate of high-speed shaft bearings is observed. Such a high failures frequency is not reflected in standard bearing durability calculation methods, which can be attributed to atypical failure mechanism. To avoid observed problems in the 1.5 MW wind turbine, the modification of the existing bearing system is proposed. Multiple options,...

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  • High-Speed Serial Embedded Deterministic Test for System-on-Chip Designs

    • G. Mrugalski
    • N. Mukherejee
    • A. Pogiel
    • J. Rajski
    • M. Trawka
    • J. Tyszer

    - Year 2014

    The paper presents a high-speed serial interface between external tester and Embedded Deterministic Test (EDT) compression logic hosted by SoC designs. With only a single bidirectional link, the system is capable of feeding distributed heterogeneous cores with hundreds of test channels. Moreover, it synergistically supports EDT bandwidth management to improve the overall test performance. A detailed study indicates a high potential...

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  • Speed management on local government managed roads – research, recommendations and guidelines


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Year 2017

    Commissioned by the National Road Safety Council Secretariat, the project “Guidelines for speed management on local government managed roads” studied car driver be haviour when subjected to selected speed management measures such a local speed restrictions, surveillance, traffic calming and restricted speed areas. In addition, analyses were conducted on the impact of selected me asures...

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  • Measurements of High-Speed Data Transmission Radio Link for Special Applications

    In the article measurements of high-speed data transmission radio link for special applications were presented. Build measurement stand, measurement scenario and obtained results were briefly described. All conducted research work took place in real maritime environment.

  • Applying artificial neural networks for modelling ship speed and fuel consumption


    This paper deals with modelling ship speed and fuel consumption using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. These tools allowed us to develop ANN models that can be used for predicting both the fuel consumption and the travel time to the destination for commanded outputs (the ship driveline shaft speed and the propeller pitch) selected by the ship operator. In these cases, due to variable environmental conditions, making...

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  • Non-Adaptive Speed and Position Observer of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator


    The non-adaptive speed and position estimation of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is presented in this paper. The speed observer is based on the mathematical model of DFIG and to stabilize the structure the Lyapunov method is used. The classic stator field-oriented control to active and reactive power control is used in the sensorless control system. The performance of the proposed algorithm of a speed observer is validated...

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  • A mobile loop order–disorder transition modulates the speed of chaperonin cycling

    • F. Shewmaker
    • M. J. Kerner
    • M. Hayer-Hartl
    • G. Klein-Raina
    • C. Georgopoulos
    • S. J. Landry

    - PROTEIN SCIENCE - Year 2004

    Molecular machines order and disorder polypeptides as they form and dissolve large intermolecular interfaces, but the biological significance of coupled ordering and binding has been established in few, if any, macromolecular systems. The ordering and binding of GroES co-chaperonin mobile loops accompany an ATP-dependent conformational change in the GroEL chaperonin that promotes client protein folding. Following ATP hydrolysis,...

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