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Search results for: cfd
Impact of free water on strain rate response of concrete in compression with a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach
PublicationW tym artykule zbadano wpływ zawartości wody na dynamiczne zachowanie betonu w stanie jednokierunkowego ściskania w mezoskali. Przeprowadzono obszerne dwuwymiarowe (2D) badania dynamiczne wpływu wolnej wody na dynamiczną wytrzymałość i pękanie betonu o niskiej porowatości. Dogłębnie zbadano wpływ szybkości odkształcania, nasycenia płynem i lepkości płynu. Zachowanie betonu w pełni i częściowo nasyconego płynem symulowano przy użyciu...
Coupled DEM/CFD analysis of impact of free water on the static and dynamic response of concrete in tension regime
PublicationW tym artykule zbadano numerycznie quasi-statyczne i dynamiczne zachowanie częściowo nasyconego płynem betonu w warunkach dwuwymiarowego (2D) jednoosiowego rozciągania w mezoskali. Obliczono, jaki wpływ ma zawartość wolnego płynu porowego (gazu i wody) na proces pękania i wytrzymałość betonu w rozciąganiu. Do symulacji zachowania betonu całkowicie i częściowo nasyconego płynem w warunkach quasi-statycznych i dynamicznych wykorzystano...
Analiza porównawcza sposobów wyznaczania obciążeń wiatrem na podstawie norm projektowych i analizy przepływu CFD
PublicationW pracy poruszono tematykę wykorzystania analizy przepływu CFD do wyznaczania obciążeń wiatru na konstrukcje. Przedstawiono analizę trzech modeli budynków o dachu dwuspadowym o różnych kątach nachylenia, dla których dokonano porównania wielkości współczynników parcia z wynikami dostępnymi w literaurze. Obliczenia analityczne wykonano zgodnie z normą z PN-EN 1991-1-4, natomiast obliczenia numeryczne wykonano w programie R-Wind Simulation....
Methodology of generation of CFD meshes and 4D shape reconstruction of coronary arteries from patient-specific dynamic CT
PublicationDue to the difficulties in retrieving both the time‑dependent shapes of the vessels and the generation of numerical meshes for such cases, most of the simulations of blood flow in the cardiac arteries use static geometry. The article describes a methodology for generating a sequence of time‑dependent 3D shapes based on images of different resolutions and qualities acquired from ECG‑gated coronary artery CT angiography. The precision...
Wyznaczenie obciążeń wiatrem dla budynku wysokiego o złożonej geometrii z wykorzystaniem analizy przepływu CFD
PublicationW pracy poruszono tematykę wykorzystania analizy przepływu CFD do wyznaczenia obciążeń wiatrem dla budynku wysokiego o złożonej geometrii przestrzennej. Przedstawione wyniki obliczeń analitycznych dla budynku wysokiego porównano z wynikami obliczeń numerycznych wykonanych w programie R-Wind Simulation. Dokonano analizy optymalizacji geometrycznej kształtu budynku w zakresie wpływu kąta skrętu (modyfikacja typu makro) i zaokrąglenia/fazowania...
Pin Angle Thermal Effects on Friction Stir Welding of AA5058 Aluminum Alloy: CFD Simulation and Experimental Validation
PublicationThe friction stir welding (FSW) of tool pin geometry plays a critical role in the final properties of the produced joint. The tool pin geometry directly affects the generation of heat and the flow of internal materials during the FSW process. The effects of the FSW tool pin angle on heat generation and internal flow have not been quantitatively investigated in detail. In this manuscript, a validated Computational Fluid Dynamic...
Effect of free water on the quasi‑static compression behavior of partially‑saturated concrete with a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach.
PublicationThe work aims to numerically investigate the quasi-static response of partially fluid-saturated concrete under two-dimensional uniaxial compression at the mesoscale. We investigated how the impact of free pore fluid content (water and gas) affected the quasi-static strength of concrete. The totally and partially fluid-saturated concrete behavior was simulated using an improved pore-scale hydro-mechanical model based on DEM/CFD....
Co-simulation strategy of transient CFD and heat transfer in building thermal envelope based on calibrated heat transfer coefficients
PublicationThe paper presents a strategy to develop a fully transient numerical model of a heat transfer in building, using a transient CFD model of indoor air and a thermal envelope model, running in a co-simulation. The strategy relies on the utilization of RANS with a high-Re turbulence model and a wall function, which enables to use a coarse computational mesh limiting the computational time. Since wall functions give invalid heat transfer...
Safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions by the risk-based method. Assessment of damaged ship performance using the CFD modeling
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan badań w zakresie oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Przedstawiono wybrane elementy metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym opartej na analizie ryzyka. Przedstawiono istotę oceny zachowania się statku w stanie uszkodzonym i oceny ryzyka w proponowanej metodzie. Przedstawiono elementy modelowania zachowania się statku w stanie uszkodzonym przy użyciu metody numerycznej...
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PublicationSince the COVID-19 pandemic, protection against pathogenic germs and surface disinfection have become critical issues. Most effective bacteria/virus inactivation methods are either power-consuming or require using caustic chemical substances. Herein, thermal inactivation appears to be an affordable and effective technique as long as high temperatures are reached quickly and long-termly maintained. Therefore, the preparation of...
CFD analysis of primary and secondary flows and PIV measurements in whirlpool and whirlpool kettle with pulsatile filling: Analysis of the flow in a swirl separator
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The CFD analysis of influence the start of fuel injection (SOI) on combustion parameters and exhaust gas composition of the marine 4-stroke engine
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of injection timing on the parameters of the combustion process and the composition of exhaust gas from a 4-stroke engine designed to shipbuilding. The analysis was carried out based on a three-dimensional multi-zone model of the combustion process. This model has been prepared on the basis of properties of the research facility. The input data to the model were obtained through...
Modelling hydraulic and capillary-driven two-phase fluid flow in unsaturated concretes at the meso-scale with a unique coupled DEM-CFD technique
PublicationThe goal of the research was to demonstrate the impact of thin porous interfacial transition zones (ITZs) between aggregates and cement matrix on fluid flow in unsaturated concrete caused by hydraulic/capillary pressure. To demonstrate this impact, a novel coupled approach to simulate the two-phase (water and moist air) flow of hydraulically and capillary-driven fluid in unsaturated concrete was developed. By merging the discrete...
Hydraulic fracturing process in rocks – small-scale simulations with a novel fully coupled DEM/CFD-based thermo-hydro-mechanical approach
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dwuwymiarową (2D) symulację numeryczną szczelinowania hydraulicznego w małej skali przeprowadzoną w próbkach skał posiadających pojedynczą szczelinę wtryskową. Wykorzystano unikalny model termo-hydro-mechaniczny (THM) w skali porów oparty na DEM/CFD do symulacji dwufazowego laminarnego przepływu płynu (wody i gazu) z przenoszeniem ciepła w nienasyconych materiałach porowatych o niskiej porowatości. Korzystając...
Optimizing electrochemical removal of perfluorooctanoic acid in landfill leachate using ceramic carbon foam electrodes by coupling CFD simulation and reactor design
PublicationPerfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent and bioaccumulative pollutant classified as a 'forever chemical', poses a global environmental and health risk due to its widespread use and resistance to degradation. The development of effective and efficient removal technologies is crucial to mitigate its long-term impacts. In this study, we present a novel approach to address the growing concern of emerging contaminants, particularly...
Modelling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Rocks in Non-isothermal Conditions Using Coupled DEM/CFD Approach with Two-Phase Fluid Flow Model
PublicationSkała łupkowa jest materiałem silnie niejednorodnym, nieciągłym i porowatym. W warunkach nieizotermicznych ruch płynu w układzie porów i kapilar jest silnie sprzężony z przenoszeniem ciepła. Przebieg szczeliny hydraulicznej silnie zależy od stopnia nasycenia skały. Opracowano innowacyjny model termo-hydro-mechaniczny oparty na modelu DEM w celu szczegółowego śledzenia frakcji ciecz/gaz w porach i pęknięciach pod kątem ich różnej...
Full scale CFD seakeeping simulations for case study ship redesigned from V-shaped bulbous bow to X-bow hull form
PublicationIncreasing propulsion efficiency, safety, comfort and operability are of the great importance, especially for small ships operating on windy sites like the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Seakeeping performance of ships and offshore structures can be analysed by different methods and the one that is becoming increasingly important is CFD RANS. The recent development of simulation techniques together with rising HPC accessibility...
Analysis of "green methanol" production from carbon dioxide acquired from negative emission power plants using CFD approach for catalytic reactor
PublicationThe growing global demand for energy, coupled with the urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, has led to the development of innovative energy cycles such as the negative CO₂ gas power plant (nCO2PP). Carbon dioxide storage and reuse in current industries is therefore becoming an important issue. The answer to this is the process of synthesizing methanol, commonly used in many industries from captured carbon dioxide...
Analysis of heat transfer and AuNPs-mediated photo-thermal inactivation of E. coli at varying laser powers using single-phase CFD modeling
PublicationPurpose In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemics, the demand for innovative and effective methods of bacterial inactivation has become a critical area of research, providing the impetus for this study. The purpose of this research is to analyze the AuNPs-mediated photothermal inactivation of E. coli. Gold nanoparticles irradiated by laser represent a promising technique for combating bacterial infection that combines high-tech and...
Analysis of heat transfer and AuNPs-mediated photo-thermal inactivation of E. coli at varying laser powers using single-phase CFD modeling
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Towards a modification of a regulatory framework aiming at bunker oil spill prevention from ships - A design aspect of bunker tanks vents location guided by CFD simulations
PublicationAlthough accidental bunker oil spills at seaway are relatively rare events, they can be pose real threat to the natural marine environment. One of the reasons for the bunker spill to occur is a design failure; one of the ways it can demonstrate is an improper location or height of vent heads, leading to a bunker oil discharge during heavy rolling, due to sloshing phenomenon. Design of a ship and her systems is guided by various...
Analiza przepływu oleju przez rowek smarowy wzdłużnego łożyska ślizgowego z wykorzystaniem komputerowej dynamiki płynów (CFD) = Analysis of the lubricant flow through the hydrodynamic thrust bearings groove with the use of computational fluid dynamic
PublicationSmarowanie zanurzeniowe jest tradycyjnym sposobem smarowania wzdłużnych łożysk ślizgowych. Jednak rozwiązanie to wykazuje umiarkowaną skuteczność w zapewnieniu optymalnie niskich temperatur w filmie smarowym a ponadto jest przyczyną strat mocy związanych z mieszaniem oleju w obudowie łożyska, co jest szczególnie widoczne w łożyskach szybkoobrotowych. Obecnie wymagania stawiane nowym konstrukcjom łożysk ślizgowych to zwiększanie...
Obliczenia wytrzymałościowo-dynamiczne mes wieńca wirnikowego i pierścienia kierującego przepływ pary, przy wymuszeniach w warunkach pracy nominalnej i wyjściowego obciążenia z uwzględnieniem wyników cfd, [w:] kompleksowe badania, ocena i identyfikacja przyczyn awarii i uszkodzenia stopnia regulacyjnego wirnika cz. wp turbiny 18k370 bloku nr. 2 w oparciu o analizy przepływowo-wytrzymałościowe i metaloznawcze.
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Numerical analysis of the container vessel's self-propulsion at different rudder deflection angles
PublicationNowadays, CFD becomes one of the most commonly used research method in ship hydrodynamics, limited to the analyses of hull resistance in calm water. With continuously improving computing power and increasingly more accurate numerical methods it is possible to simulate more complex cases. State of the art CFD tools also enable development of new ways of assessing ship maneuvering performance. This paper presents an attempt on...
Numerical analysis of the container vessel's self-propulsion at different rudder deflection angles
PublicationNowadays, CFD becomes one of the most commonly used research method in ship hydrodynamics, limited to the analyses of hull resistance in calm water. With continuously improving computing power and increasingly more accurate numerical methods it is possible to simulate more complex cases. State of the art CFD tools also enable development of new ways of assessing ship maneuvering performance. This paper presents an attempt on using...
Badania niestacjonarnych przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych metodami CFD rozkładu ciśnienia i prędkości w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Rezultaty przeanalizowano pod kątem zjawisk niestacjonarnych występujących w przepływach stopni turbinowych. Wyniki porównano z rezultatami badań eksperymentalnych.
Hydraulic valve design methodology for hydro turbine control system
PublicationThe control of the turbine and its equipment in a hydroelectric power plant requires the HPU (hydraulic power unit) to deliver large volumes of working fluid in a short time at specific optimum control parameters. The use of typical proportional flow control valves created by manufacturers of hydraulic components in low-pressure control systems is disadvantageous due to high pressure losses in the control chambers. This paper presents...
Influence of Gaps’ Geometry Change on Leakage Flow in Axial Piston Pumps
PublicationAxial piston pumps are the core elements of most medium and high-pressure hydraulic systems. High volumetric efficiency and high working pressures are the main advantages of this type of pumps. Therefore it is necessary to accurately calculate the leakage flow through the gaps to design efficient high-pressure pump. The main difficulty of such calculations is the fact, that the gaps change their geometry during pumping process....
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
Mitigation effect of face shield to reduce SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk: Preliminary simulations based on computed tomography
PublicationWe aimed to develop a model to quantitatively assess the potential effectiveness of face shield (visor) in reducing airborne transmission risk of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 during the current COVID-19 pandemic using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The studies with and without face shield in both an infected and healthy person have been considered in indoor environment simulation. In addition to the influence...
PublicationThe article presents a numerical analysis of the CP745 marine propeller model by means of the improved vortex method and CFD simulations. Both numerical approaches are validated experimentally by comparing with open water characteristics of the propeller. The introduced modification of the vortex method couples the lifting surface approach for the propeller blades and the boundary element method for the hub. What is more, a...
Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej wieńców turbin parowych.
PublicationW artykule wykazano konieczność stosowania systemów diagnostyki cieplno przepływowej dla obiektów energetycznych. Przedstawiono wady dotychczas stosowanych metod obliczeniowych (CFD) oraz zaprezentowano wstępne wyniki obliczeń z użyciem sztucznych sieci neuronowych (SSN). Wyniki uzyskane za pomocą CFD i SSN porównano.
Research on flue gas flow measurement and modelling in the moving grate biomass boiler
PublicationThe aim of this research was to determine the nature of gas flow in a grate boiler model by the method of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and CFD. The paper presents the comparison of the PIV results with numerical simulations made in the environment of ANSYS Fluent. The main goal of the experiment was to describe the phenomena occurring on the grate. Methodology of modelling solid fuel combustion on the moving grate was proposed...
Towards a reliable method for extrapolation of propulsion performance for vessels with twin-crp-pod system
PublicationThe study presents power performance prediction of an Ultra Large Container Ship (ULCS) with hybrid twin-crp-pod propulsion system. Twin crp-pod propulsion system is a combination of three concepts: twin screw, contra-rotating propellers (crp) and conventional shaft propellers with pod propulsors behind. The presented study shows the current extrapolation method for crp propulsion systems and tries to point out its weaknesses....
PublicationNumerical modelling of hydrogen production by means of methanol decomposition in a thermocatalytic reactor using corrugated foil made of the Ni3Al intermetallic phase is shown in the paper. Experimental results of the flow analysis of mixtures containing helium and methanol in a thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels were used for the initial calibration of the CFD calculations (calculations based on the Computational Fluid...
Numerical Simulation of two dimensional flow past a bridge cross section
PublicationThis work presents some numerical results concerning application of CFD in civil engineering problems. Selected theoretical aspects of fluid mechanics are elucidated. In the second part of the paper a cross section of upper footbridge of the Bella Sky Hotel in Copenhagen is analysed numerically in the field of wind action.
Maxillary sinus aeration analysis using computational fluid dynamics
PublicationThe maxillary sinus aeration using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method based on individual adult patients’ computed tomography (CT) scans were analyzed. The analysis was based on CT images of 4 patients: one with normal nose anatomy and three with nasal septal deviation (NSD) and concha bullosa (CB). The CFD simulation was performed using the Reynolds-Average Simulation approach and turbulence closure based on linear...
Effective method for determining environmental loads on supporting structures for offshore wind turbines
PublicationThis paper presents a description of an effective method for determining loads due to waves and current acting on the supporting structures of the offshore wind turbines. This method is dedicated to the structures consisting of the cylindrical or conical elements as well as (truncates) pyramids of polygon with a large number of sides (8 or more). The presented computational method is based on the Morison equation, which was originally...
Effective method for determining environmental loads on supporting structures for offshore wind turbines
PublicationThis paper presents a description of an effective method for determining loads due to waves, current and wind acting on the supporting structures of the offshore wind turbines. This method is dedicated to the structures consisting of the cylindrical or conical elements as well as (truncates) pyramids of polygon with a large number of sides (8 or more). The presented computational method is based on the Morison equation, which was...
Experimental and numerical investigation on shell and coil storage unit with biodegradable PCM for modular thermal battery applications
PublicationThermal energy storage (TES) in automotive applications is currently growing in importance. TES can visibly reduce primary energy consumptions, decrease CO2 emission, and improve thermal comfort in electric as well as hybrid vehicles. However, to meet the new ambitious target (15% reduction of CO2 emissions in the new cars until 2025) it is required to use plug-in electric vehicles. For this reason, this paper focuses on the optimization...
Optimal shape design of multi-element trawl-doors using local surrogate models
PublicationTrawl-doors have a large influence on the fuel consumption of fishing vessels. Design and optimiza-tion of trawl-doors using computational models are a key factor in minimizing the fuel consump-tion. This paper presents an optimization algorithm for the shape design of trawl-door shapes using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. Accurate CFD models are computationally expensive. Therefore, the direct use of traditional optimization...
Fast Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Optimization Using Sequential Domain Patching and Multifidelity Models
PublicationExploration of design tradeoffs for aerodynamic surfaces requires solving of multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems. The major bottleneck here is the time-consuming evaluations of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model used to capture the nonlinear physics involved in designing aerodynamic surfaces. This, in conjunction with a large number of simulations necessary to yield a set of designs representing the best possible...
Insights into the flow characteristics during hydraulic fracturing
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical model to study fracture propagation during water-based hydraulic fracturing. To address the computational challenges associated with the numerical model, the proposed approach employs a set of overlapping spheres arranged in a monolayer to construct a porous specimen containing pre-existing cracks. The fluid-filled cracks represent various stages of initiation and propagation of fluid-driven fracture....
Expedited constrained multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationIn the paper, computationally efficient constrained multi-objective design optimization of transonic airfoil profiles is considered. Our methodology focuses on fixed-lift design aimed at finding the best possible trade-offs between the two objectives: minimization of the drag coefficient and maximization of the pitching moment. The algorithm presented here exploits the surrogate-based optimization principle, variable-fidelity computational...
Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies on Straight and U-Bend Double Tube Heat Exchangers with Active and Passive Enhancement Methods
PublicationIn this work, the authors wanted to demonstrate the possibility to increase the heat transfer efficiency by using simple wire coil inserts to create turbulent flow in the boundary layer as well as air blowing into the annulus of the pipe. Experimental investigations were carried out for four heat exchanger constructions, i.e., plain double tube, turbulized double tube, plain U-bend double tube, U-tube with turbulator, plain double...
A role of the heat and work uncompensatedtransformations in the balance of entropy and theturbomachinery efficiency
PublicationIn the paper we have presented a procedure of estimating a role of the uncompensated transformation of heat and work in ow of viscous and heat conducting uid. The procedure was introduced by Professor Romuald Puzyrewski and is essential in local, in time and space, balance of entropy. Furthermore this unique approach leads to redenition the eciency of uid-ow machinery in three-dimensional modeling using CFD (Computational Fluid...
PublicationThis paper introduces a new rheological model of blood as a certain generalisation of the standard Herschel-Bulkley model. This model is a rheological constitutive equation and belongs to the group of the so-called generalised Newtonian fluids. Experimental data is compared with results, obtained from the new model, to demonstrate that it allows for the best agreement together with Luo-Kuang model. The new model may be easily implemented...
Numeryczna analiza trójwymiarowego przepływu w polimerowym łożysku smarowanym wodą = Numerical analysis of three dimensional flow in water lubricated bearing with polymer bearing bush
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń łożysk smarowanych wodą w oparciu o metodę CFD - obliczeniowej mechaniki płynów. Wykazano przydatność nowoczesnych narzędzi obliczeniowych do rozwiązywania podobnych problemów.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Gas–Liquid Multiphase Flow in T-junction for CO2 Separation
PublicationThe article presents the results of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of gas-liquid multiphase flow. The simulation was conducted using CFD code and the Euler–Euler approach. The presented study relates to the non–reactive, steady-state, turbulent flow of water and carbon dioxide mixture in a 3D pipe. Separation phenomenon between phases is observed. The solution was obtained using a mixture model. Different values...