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Search results for: image quality
Image simulation and annotation for color blinded
PublicationIn this paper methods for image simulation as seen by a color blinded and a method for constructing images of perceived color difference are presented. The work is also focused on the interactive color description of an image contents. As a result, the individuals having problems with color discrimination can identify colors in an image.W artykule prezentowane są metody symulacji kolorów w obrazach postrzeganych przez osoby ze...
Stereo image visualization for a VISROBOT system
PublicationThe article describes a novel approach to robotic vision in mobile robot systems. The system implements a Visrobot system which implements a generic idea of using mobile robots for exploring an indoor environment. The task of such a robot is to visualize a stereo image properly for an operator. The system uses different stereo baseline values. Variable baseline can result in increasing depth resolution for distant objects. We assume...
Indect input to image processing
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Improvement of Image Binarization Methods Using Image Preprocessing with Local Entropy Filtering for Alphanumerical Character Recognition Purposes
PublicationAutomatic text recognition from the natural images acquired in uncontrolled lighting conditions is a challenging task due to the presence of shadows hindering the shape analysis and classification of individual characters. Since the optical character recognition methods require prior image binarization, the application of classical global thresholding methods in such case makes it impossible to preserve the visibility of all...
The parallel environment for endoscopic image analysis
PublicationThe jPVM-oriented environment to support high performance computing required for the Endoscopy Recommender System (ERS) is defined. SPMD model of image matching is considered and its two implementations are proposed: Lexicographical Searching Algorithm (LSA) and Gradient Serching Algorithm (GSA). Three classes of experiments are considered and the relative degree of similarity and execution time of each algorithm are analysed....
PublicationGlobalization is unification. In the field of architecture and in the social structure alike, the globalization leads to a blending of economies and cultures that produces uniformly branded public space as a response to universal assumptions of integration and correlation. While branding consists in creating a recognizable and outstanding image a strong contradiction exists between both of these approaches. As a result, regional...
Testing of the longest span soil-steel bridge in Europe – new quality in measurements
PublicationThe article describes interdisciplinary and comprehensive diagnostic tests of final bridge inspection and acceptance proposed for a soil – steel bridge made of corrugated sheets, being the European span length record holder (25.74 m). As an effect of an original concept a detailed and precise information about the structure response was collected. The load test design was based on the nonlinear numerical simulations performed by...
Examining Quality of Hand Segmentation Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
PublicationResults of examination of various implementations of Gaussian mix-ture models are presented in the paper. Two of the implementations belonged to the Intel’s OpenCV 2.4.3 library and utilized Background Subtractor MOG and Background Subtractor MOG2 classes. The third implementation presented in the paper was created by the authors and extended Background Subtractor MOG2 with the possibility of operating on the scaled version of...
The Courts Public image - The Desired Direction of Change
PublicationThis paper proposes to scientifically explore notions of court identity, principles of shaping a court system's image, and best practices in positive court image development relating to thhe courts in Poland
An Objective Focussing Measure for Acoustically Obtained Image
PublicationIn scientific literature many parameters of an image sharpness can be defined, that can be used for the evaluation of display energy concentration (EC). This paper proposes a new, simple approach to EC quantitative evaluation in spectrograms, which are used for the analysis and visualization of sonar signals. The presented approach of the global-image EC measure was developed to the evaluation of EC in arbitrary direction (or at...
Reconstruction of 3D image of corona discharge streamer
PublicationIn this paper, the method of reconstruction of the 3D structure of streamers in DC positive corona discharge in nozzle-to-plate electrode configuration is presented. For reconstructing of 3D image of corona discharge streamer we propose a stereographical method, where streamers are observed from several directions simultaneously. The multi-directional observation enabled to obtain fine positional coordinates of streamers for a...
Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service (MIDAS)
PublicationMIDAS (Medical Image Dataset Annotation Service) is a custom-tailored tool for creating and managing datasets either for deep learning, as well as machine learning or any form of statistical research. The aim of the project is to provide one-fit-all platform for creating medical image datasets that could easily blend in hospital's workflow. In our work, we focus on the importance of medical data anonimization, discussing the...
Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components
PublicationComputer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....
Coordination in serial-parallel image processing
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Applications of image registration in parametric imaging
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia możliwości poprawy jakości obrazów parametrycznych przez eliminacje artefaktów ruchowych w sekwencji obrazów. Zaprezentowano multimodalne wizualizacje obrazów oraz przedstawiono wyniki dopasowania różnych obrazów MRI do siebie.
Applications of image registration in parametric imaging
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań z zakresu wykorzystania metod nakładania obrazów w obrazowaniu parametrycznym. Podstawowe zastosowania obejmują korekcję artefaktów ruchowych oraz wizualizację obrazu multimodalnego.
Image simulation and annotation for color blinded
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metody symulacji obrazów widzianych przez osoby ze ślepota barw. Ukazano również metody tworzenia obrazów ukazujących różnicę w percepcji kolorów pomiędzy normalnym obserwatorem a osobą ze ślepotą barw. W artykule opisano również metodę interaktywnego opisu koloru wskazywanego piksela obrazu. W rezultacie użytkownik ze ślepota barw może uzyskać informacje opisowe o występujących w obrazie kolorach.
Image Processing Techniques for Distributed Grid Applications
PublicationParallel approaches to 2D and 3D convolution processing of series of images have been presented. A distributed, practically oriented, 2D spatial convolution scheme has been elaborated and extended into the temporal domain. Complexity of the scheme has been determined and analysed with respect to coefficients in convolution kernels. Possibilities of parallelisation of the convolution operations have been analysed and the results...
Analogue CMOS ASICs in Image Processing Systems
PublicationIn this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs)...
Quality Evaluation of Small Features Fabricated by Fused Filament Fabrication Method
PublicationThe purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of small features fabricated by the fused filament fabrication (FFF) method. The samples containing circular and square cross-sections through holes with different dimensions, lengths, and orientation angles were printed from ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) filament. The adopted optical inspection method allowed us to conduct observations of individual features and...
Literature review of user needs, toward user requirements
PublicationThis report has been developed in the frame of the IEA SHC Task 61 Subtask A “User requirements”. The main objective was to rethink and reformulate user requirements to lighting (daylighting and electric lighting) in public buildings on the basis of a thorough literature study. The work is a joint effort of a number of scientists and represents collective knowledge in this topic. The concept of Lighting quality is the one, among...
Driving the Image of an Electricity Supplier through Marketing Activities
PublicationThe aim of this study is to determine how marketing actions undertaken within the marketing mix by electricity providers influence their image. Referring to the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, research hypotheses were formulated, and a regression model was constructed, assuming positive impacts of selected marketing actions of electricity providers on their image. A quantitative approach was employed to test the research...
An Overview of Image Analysis Techniques in Endoscopic Bleeding Detection
PublicationAuthors review the existing bleeding detection methods focusing their attention on the image processing techniques utilised in the algorithms. In the article, 18 methods were analysed and their functional components were identified. The authors proposed six different groups, to which algorithms’ components were assigned: colour techniques, reflecting features of pixels as individual values, texture techniques, considering spatial...
Image as a key factor of brand value at social media
PublicationThe paper aims to investigate the relationship between social media presence and activities and brand value for the most valuable Global Brands 2012 (Interbrandt 2013). Social media communication is an innovative way of communication. Brand value is a key performance indicator of brand strategy for managers. Brand and category image realized to be the key factor of investigated relation.
Parameters optimization in medicine supporting image recognition algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, a procedure of automatic set up of image recognition algorithms' parameters is proposed, for the purpose of reducing the time needed for algorithms' development. The procedure is presented on two medicine supporting algorithms, performing bleeding detection in endoscopic images. Since the algorithms contain multiple parameters which must be specified, empirical testing is usually required to optimise the algorithm's...
Fractional Derivatives Application to Image Fusion Problems
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Vector Median Splatting for Image Based Rendering
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Image content description methods for a retrieval system.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia metody opisu treści obrazu dla potrzeb systemu wyszukiwania. Omówiono deskryptory opisu treści obrazu oraz ich realizację w Systemie Wyszukiwania Obrazów.
Quaternion Encryption Method for Image and Video Transmission
PublicationQuaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4. They are often applied to mechanics in 3D space and are considered to be one of the best ways of representing rotations. In this paper a quaternion encryption method, based on algorithm by Nagase et al. (2004) has been proposed. According to a computer-based simulation the results of the performed research yield a high level of security, which is additionally strengthened by the...
A New Quaternion Encryption Scheme for Image Transmission
PublicationQuaternions are hypercomplex number of rank 4. They are often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space and considered as one of the best ways to represent rotations. In this paper a new encryption scheme, based on the rotation of data vector in three-dimensional space around another quaternion (key) is proposed. A computer-based simulation was created to analyze the potential of the proposed encryption technique.
Image projection in Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublicationIn recent years, many centers in the world attempted to build a virtual reality laboratory. The main idea of such laboratory is to allow the user to “immerse” into and move in a computer-generated virtual world. In the paper, the underlying principles of the system of virtual reality (VR) are described. The selected implementations constructed by the research centers of the world are also presented. The cave automatic virtual environment...
Overhead wires detection by FPGA real-time image processing
PublicationThe paper presents design and hardware implementation of real-time image filtering for overhead wires detection divided on image processing and results presentation blocks. The image processing block was separated from the whole implementation, and its delay and hardware complexity was analysed. Also the maximum frequency of image processing of the proposed implementation was estimated.
an intelligent image processing sensor - the algorithm and the hardware implementation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono algorytm przeznaczony do rozpoznawania obiektów ruchomych w obrazie do celu analizy ruchu pojazdów. Algorytm został zrealizowany w układzie FPGA.Ang.: This paper describes the idea and theimplementation of the robust algorithm dedicated toextraction of moving vehicles from real-time cameraimages for the evaluation of traffic parameters, suchas the number of vehicles, their direction of movementand their...
Smart Karyotyping Image Selection Based on Commonsense Knowledge Reasoning
PublicationKaryotyping requires chromosome instances to be segmented and classified from the metaphase images. One of the difficulties in chromosome segmentation is that the chromosomes are randomly positioned in the image, and there is a great chance for chromosomes to be touched or overlap with others. It is always much easier for operators and automatic programs to tackle images without overlapping chromosomes than ones with largely overlapped...
Marketing as an element of building the image and identity of the foundation - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of building an image and identity as an element of marketing with application in the foundation as an entity. The research has been conducted and based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive image and identity of a foundation as a brand that can be used in practice. The publication begins with an indication...
Extraction of stable foreground image regions for unattended luggage detection
PublicationA novel approach to detection of stationary objects in the video stream is presented. Stationary objects are these separated from the static background, but remaining motionless for a prolonged time. Extraction of stationary objects from images is useful in automatic detection of unattended luggage. The proposed algorithm is based on detection of image regions containing foreground image pixels having stable values in time and...
Assessment of particular abdominal aorta section extraction from contrast-enhanced computed tomography angiography
PublicationThe aim of this work is to improve the accuracy of extraction of a particular abdominal aorta section and to reduce the distortion in three-dimensional Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images. Imaging modality and quality plays crucial role in the medical diagnostic process, thus ensuring high quality of images is essential at every stage of acquisition and processing.Noise is defined as a disturbance of the image quality...
Chapter 11 – Application of Chemical Sensors and Sensor Matrixes to Air Quality Evaluation
PublicationIndoor and outdoor air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. However, air quality evaluation is not easy task. Air is a complex system, which is subjected to changes even within short period of time. Progress in analytical methods and analytical tools provides increasingly more reliable information on the condition and quality of indoor and outdoor air. This progress, however, generates an increase in the...
Monitoring the Uniformity of Fish Feeding Based on Image Feature Analysis
PublicationThe main purpose of the conducted research is the development and experimental verification of the methods for detection of fish feeding as well as checking its uniformity in the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using machine vision. A particular emphasis has been set on the methods useful for rainbow trout farming. Obtained results, based on the analysis of individual video...
Analog multiplier for a low-power integrated image sensor
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowe podejście do projektowania tanich niskomocowych zintegrowanych sensorów optycznych. W odróżnieniu od wcześniej stosowanych rozwiązań opartych na masowym przetwarzaniu równoległym, zaproponowany mnożnik macierzowy charakteryzuje się korzystniejszymi cechami. Proponowane rozwiązanie, chociaż mniej elastyczne w sensie liczby możliwych do zaimplementowania algorytmów wstępnej obróbki obrazu, cechuje się znaczącą...
Analog multiplier for a low-power integrated image sensor
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowe podejście do projektowania tanich niskomocowych zintegrowanych sensorów optycznych. W odróżnieniu od wcześniej stosowanych rozwiązań opartych na masowym przetwarzaniu równoległym, zaproponowany mnożnik macierzowy charakteryzuje się korzystniejszymi cechami. Proponowane rozwiązanie, chociaż mniej elastyczne w sensie liczby możliwych do zaimplementowania algorytmów wstępnej obróbki obrazu, cechuje się znaczącą...
Automatic Image and Speech Recognition Based on Neural Network
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Image of Poland as perceived by German and British medical tourists
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Publicly Available Dental Image Datasets for Artificial Intelligence
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Adaptation of the Combined Image Similarity Index for Video Sequences
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A Fast Image Analysis Technique for the Line Tracking Robots
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The Drawing Paradigm between Representation and Interaction with Virtual Image
PublicationTraditional drawing involves drawing on some surface, often a plane, e.g. a sheet of paper, a school board or a wall. This type of drawing therefore takes place in two dimensions of this surface. Transferring this activity to a computer, or rather to the surface of its screen, did not change the two-dimensional nature of this action. Practically all applications today, from Paint to sophisticated computer-aided design tools, still...
Digital Fingerprinting based on Quaternion Encryption for Image Transmission
PublicationIn this paper a new digital fingerprinting scheme for images is proposed. A proposed method is based on quaternion encryption with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode of operation. Quaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4 and thus often applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. The encryption algorithm is designed for grey-tone images. For purpose of encryption, the algorithm uses the rotation of data vectors presented...
Query by Shape for Image Retrieval from Multimedia Databases
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Query-by-Shape interface for Content Based Image Retrieval