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Search results for: HEALTH‐CARE EFFICIENCY
Hydrochars as a bio-based adsorbent for heavy metals removal: A review of production processes, adsorption mechanisms, kinetic models, regeneration and reusability of hydrochar
PublicationThe spread of heavy metals throughout the ecosystem has extremely endangered human health, animals, plants, and natural resources. Hydrochar has emerged as a promising adsorbent for removing heavy metals from water and wastewater. Hydrochar, obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of biomass, owns unique physical and chemical properties that are highly potent in capturing heavy metals via surface complexation, electrostatic interactions,...
A place of school in the idea of the sustainable development
PublicationWell designed school space enables social contacts, increases activity of pupils and improves the condition of their health. However, the best design would not bring the expected benefits if it is not integrated with the surroundings in terms of transportation, security and local needs. In the sustainable development, the social goals are in harmony with ecological aims according to the rule of "3 r" (reduce, reuse, recycle).
Dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen removal from WWTP effluents and reject waters using physical-chemical processes
PublicationFour physical-chemical processes were compared in terms of the efficiencies of dissolved and colloidal organic nitrogen (DON and CON) removal from the secondary effluents (SE) and reject water from full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems. Adsorption on activated carbon was most efficient and allowed to remove from the SE up to 80% and 100% of DON and CON, respectively. High efficiencies of DON removal from...
Assessing Acute Toxicity of Selected Packages Internal Layers Extracts using Microtox®
PublicationIn the scientific literature related to the widely understood issue of packaging materials designed to have contact with food (food contact materials), there is much information on raw materials used for their production, as well as their physiochemical properties, types and parameters. Unfortunately, not much attention is given to the issues concerning migration of toxic substances from packaging and its actual influence on the...
Preparation, characterization and anti-colitis activity of curcumin-asafoetida complex encapsulated in turmeric nanofiber
PublicationUlcerative colitis (UC) is a main form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Asafoetida (ASF) and turmeric have traditionally been used for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including UC, because ASF is rich in sulfur compounds and turmeric contains curcumin (CUR). Turmeric nanofiber (TNF), the modified cell wall component of turmeric is considered to play important role in the human diet, health and can be used as...
Analysis of MArkers of Exposure to Constituents of Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
PublicationTobacco smoke is a complex mixture of more than 4000 chemical compounds, many of which are harmful to human health. These compounds belong to various chemical classes, including amides, imides, lactams, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, amines, hydrocarbons, ethers, and inorganic compounds. There are three types of tobacco smoke streams: the mainstream, the sidestream, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)....
The Caucasian flora: a still-to-be-discovered rich source of antioxidants
PublicationCellular redox homeostasis is a state of balance between the formation of Usually Reactive Oxygen and / or Nitrogen Species (ROS/RNS), endogenous antioxidant defence systems, and exogenous dietary antioxidants. The disturbance of redox homeostasis, by the overproduction of endogenous ROS/RNS, may increase the risk of development of so-called civilisation diseases. The solution seems to be either the increased production of endogenous...
Extraction and Analysis of Bisphenols and Their Derivatives in Infant and Toddler Ready-to-feed Meals by Ultrasound-assisted Membrane Extraction Followed by LC MS/MS
PublicationThis research developed an ultrasound-assisted membrane extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of nineteen bisphenols and their derivatives in infant and toddler ready-to-feed meals. The calibration curves for all analytes were linear in the tested range, and the limit of detection and limit of quantitation were in the range 0.27 to 0.79 ng/g and 0.80 to 2.4 ng/g, respectively....
Crafting an ultrashort workplace incivility scale and determining cutoffs for varied risk levels through item response theory
PublicationWorkplace incivility (WI), characterized by disrespectful or rude behavior in the workplace, is linked to poor mental health and overall well-being. The Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS) is a popular 7-item measure for assessing WI. There is a current need for an ultrashort conceptually clear version of the WIS. In addition, the cutoffs for varied at-risks of WI, requiring intervention, remains unknown. Using data from 426 employees...
New technologies using Trace Metals of Concern
PublicationThis chapter discusses the occurrence, material flows, technical applications of and pollution by platinum, palladium, thallium, rare earth elements, gold , silver, and antimony, all of which are essential for global economic growth. Modern technology relies on theses chemicals for the production of various industrial goods. however, their use releases pollutants into the environment, thus posing a threat to human health.
Responsible Court in the Global World - Managerism or Managerialism
PublicationOne can look at the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the justice system from three perspectives: macro, mezo, and micro. After all, the general goal is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the justice system as a whole (the macro perspective), the courts (the mezo scale), and court proceedings (the micro scale). The need to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the justice system was noticed in...
Experimental Research of an Axial Piston Pump with Displaced Swash Plate Axis of Rotation
PublicationThe article describes the influence of displacement of the swash plate rotation axis on the efficiency of axial piston pumps. The dead space volume was defined as the volume of the working chamber in the extreme position of the piston at the end of the pumping phase and its variability was determined as a function of the position of the axis of rotation of the swash plate and the swing angle of swash plate. The influence of swash...
Odnowa modelu biznesu
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych nad istotą odnowy strategicznej biznesu. Odnowę tę oparto na restauracji ciągu zarządzania strategicznego.
Ageism and loneliness in the subjective perceptions of elderly people from nursing homes and households
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Psychological profile of female students with a tendency to anorexia nervosa
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Comparison of stress perceptions and coping strategies among students exposed to COVID-19 in countries with different approaches to anti-pandemic activities
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Arterial hypertension as a factor in the choice of conflict resolution strategies by the older persons
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Traditional smoking and e-smoking among medical students and students-athletes – popularity and motivation
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Ryzyko statystyczne a ryzyko rzeczywistego pacjenta = Statistical risk and risk of the real patient
PublicationDzięki wieloletnim obserwacjom populacji ludzkiej udało się zidentyfikować czynniki ryzyka choroby wieńcowej. Najważniejsze z nich to: wiek, płeć, obciążenie genetyczne, palenie papierosów, stężenie cholesterolu we krwi, ciśnienie tętnicze, brak aktywności fizycznej, nadwaga, obecność cukrzycy. Obserwacje prospektywne populacji dostarczyły danych do opracowania modeli, które określają relacje między wartościami czynników ryzyka...
Ischemic stroke in general practice - risk factors, prognosis - prospective single center study
PublicationBackground. Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Poland, in the European Union and in the United States. Awareness related to the risk factors, particularly the modifiable ones, is of crucial importance in general practice and may improve early and long-term prognoses. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors and half-year survival rate in patients with ischemic stroke...
Badania przesiewowe w kierunku depresji w wybranej dorosłej poulacji wiejskiej - doniesienie wstępne = Screening for depression in adult rural population-preliminary study
PublicationZe względu na częste występowanie zaburzeń depresyjnychoraz ich współistnienie z chorobami somatycznymi i niekorzystny wpływ na przebieg leczenia podkreśla się wagę badań przesiewowych których głównym celem jest zarówno dokonanie szybkiej, wstępnej diagnozy, jak i ocena częstości występowania danego zaburzenia.
Wrodzone zwężenie zastawki aortalnej - wyniki leczenia operacyjnego i interwencyjnego, z wykluczeniem krytycznej stenozy aortalnej noworodkowej = Congenitial aortic stenosis - outcomes after surgical treatment and baloon dilatation with exclusion of neonatal critical congenitial aortic stenosis
PublicationOdległe wyniki leczenia wrodzonego zwężenia zastawki aortalnej są ważnym problemem medycznym. Celem pracy była ocena wyników postępowania zabiegowego u dzieci z wrodzonym zwężeniem zastawki aortalnej.
Znajomość własnego ciśnienia tętniczego i rozpowszechnienie nadciśnienia tętniczego w populacji wiejskiej - Program Kiełpino = The cognizance of patient's own blood pressure values and the hypertension prevalence among rural population - Kiełpino program
PublicationNadciśnienie tętnicze jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób przewlekłych występujących w Polsce. Nieleczone nadciśnienie tętnicze prowadzi do licznych powikłań, jest przyczyna przedwczesnej umieralności, wpływa na pogorszenie komfortu życia pacjenta i zwiększa koszty leczenia. Ocena znajomości własnego ciśnienia tętniczego krwi oraz rozpowszechnienia nadciśnienia tętniczego u pacjentów w wiejskiej praktyce lekarza rodzinnego - jest...
Medycyna rodzinna w preferencjach studentów medycyny z Gdańska i Poznania = Family medicine in preferences of medical students from Gdańsk and Poznań
PublicationZainteresowanie studentów mmedycyną rodzinną w ostatnich dziesięciu latach.
Świadomość posiadania nadwagi pierwszym krokiem w zapobieganiu otyłości i jej powikłaniom = Awaraness of being overweight is the first step to avoid obesity and its complications
Publicationw ostatnim dwudziestoleciu obserwuje się niepokojący wzrost występowania nadwagi i otyłości na całym świecie. Istotnym elementem profilaktyki zapobiegajacej dalszemu nadmiernemu rozpowszechnieniu nadwagi i otyłości jest uświadomienie osobom najbardziej zagrożonym posiadania tych zaburzeń. Niniejsza praca ma na celu ocenę świadomości mieszkańców wsi na temat nadwagi
Rodzinny katecholaminergiczny częstoskórcz komorowy = Familial catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
PublicationCelem pracy jest przedstawienie katecholaminergicznego wielokształtnego częstoskurczu komorowego. Wielokształtny rodzinny katecholaminozależny częstoskórcz komorowy jest sporadycznie występującą arytmią komorową. W rodzinnej postaci PVT wskazana jest implantacja kardiowertera-defibrylatora celem prewencji nagłej śmierci sercowej oraz rozszerzona diagnostyka genetyczna.
Rozpowszechnienie nadwagi i otyłości w populacji wiejskiej - Program ''Kiełpino'' = Prevalence of overweight and obesity in village population - ''Kiełpino Trial''
PublicationNadwaga i otyłość stanowią poważny problem zdrowotny na całym świecie. Są czynnikiem ryzyka wielu chorób przewlekłych, zwłaszcza chorób sercowo-naczyniowych, metabolicznych, a także niektórych nowotworów. Praca ma na celu ocenę rozpowszechnienia nadwagi i otyłości w populacji wiejskiej.
Rozpowszechnienie zaburzeń lipidowych w populacji wiejskiej -Program ''Kiełpino'' = Dyslipideamia prevalence in rural population - Kiełpino program
PublicationPodwyższony poziom cholesterolu odgrywa kluczową rolę w rozwoju miażdżycy i jej powikłań. Potwierdziły to liczne badania anatomopatologiczne, badania przekrojowe i prospektywne obserwacje epidemiologiczne. Wyniki badania Framingham wykazały, że wysokie stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego we krwi wiąże się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wystąpienia zawału mięśnia sercowego i że ryzyko to rośnie proporcjonalnie wraz ze zwiększającym się...
Rodzinne występowanie choroby Bourneville'a-Pringle'a - opis przypadku = Familial Bourneville-Pringle disease - a case report
PublicationStwardnienie guzowate (choroba Bourneville'a - Pringle'a ) to wielonarządowa choroba uwarunkowana genetycznie, należąca do grupy fakomatoz. Częstość jej występowania ocenia się na od 1:6000 do 1:20 000. Występowanie rodzinne stwierdza się w ok. 20-30% przypadków (dziedziczenie autosomalne dominujące)
Adult pneumococcal vaccination – new opportunities
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Recommendations for primary healthcare doctors for the management of acute respiratory infections in children during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic – COVID COMPASS
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Pneumococcal vaccination among adults – updated Polish recommendations
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Interaction of selected drugs with food in the group of patients over 60 years of age
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Parasomnias and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: in search for a parasomnia evaluating tool appropriate for OSAS screening
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A pilot study of mechanical chest compression with the LifeLine ARM device during simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation
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Associations between intracranial pressure, intraocular pressure and mean arterial pressure in patients with traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries
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Comparative analysis of the theoretical models of ideal propulsor, ideal fluid brake, ideal screw propeller and ideal axial wind turbine
PublicationThe article presents a detailed discussion of four different fluid dynamics devices.These devices are presented with all relevant mathematical formulae regarding the forces, the power and the efficiency. It is demonstrated that application of the Betz theorem to axial wind turbines is not correct and it underestimates the maximujm achievable efficiency. This conclusion is supported by numerical calculations.
Potential applications of crude glycerol in polymer technology–Current state and perspectives
PublicationThe increasing use of bio-based fuels and fuel additives, among them biodiesel, causes significant surplus of crude glycerol on the market which creates new challenges in terms of its sustainable utilization. A lot of ways for the incorporation of this by-product into different branches of industry requires purification by expensive and complicated processes. Therefore, researchers are seeking for applications of untreated crude...
Polytypism and superconductivity in the NbS2 system
PublicationWe report on the phase formation and the superconducting properties in the NbS2 system. Specifically, we have performed a series of standardized solid-state syntheses in this system, which allow us to establish a comprehensive synthesis map for the formation of the two polytypes 2H-NbS2 and 3R-NbS2, respectively. We show that the identification of two polytypes by means of X-ray diffraction is not always unambiguous. Our physical...
COVID-19 severity forecast based on machine learning and complete blood count data
PublicationProper triage of COVID-19 patients is a key factor in eective case management, especially with limited and insucient resources. In this paper, we propose a machine-aided diagnostic system to predict how badly a patient with COVID-19 will develop disease. The prognosis of this type is based on the parameters of commonly used complete blood count tests, which makes it possible to obtain data from a wide range of patients.We chose...
COVID-19 severity forecast based on machine learning and complete blood count data
PublicationProper triage of COVID-19 patients is a key factor in eective case management, especially with limited and insucient resources. In this paper, we propose a machine-aided diagnostic system to predict how badly a patient with COVID-19 will develop disease. The prognosis of this type is based on the parameters of commonly used complete blood count tests, which makes it possible to obtain data from a wide range of patients.We chose...
Photovoltaic Roof Tiles: The Influence of Heat Recovery on Overall Performance
PublicationA photovoltaic (PV) roof tile serves both as a roofing material and as an electricity-producing surface. The main aim of the present study was to increase the overall system efficiency of PV tiles by using heat recovery. The chosen strategy was two-fold: determine the operational efficiency of PV tiles and optimize construction to increase the cooling effect when using air as the working medium. A detailed experimental study was...
Urine headspace analysis in medical diagnostics
PublicationThe analysis of the volatile organic compounds in the bodily fluids such as urine may provide useful information on the patients’ general health. The potential application of urine headspace analysis could facilitate the diagnostics of various diseases such as metabolic disorders, urinary tract diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Described in this paper are the currently available techniques of urine sample analysis as well...
Sonocatalytic degradation of tetracycline antibiotic using zinc oxide nanostructures loaded on nano-cellulose from waste straw as nanosonocatalyst
PublicationThe aim of the present investigation was the combination of ZnO nanostructures with nano-cellulose (NC) for the efficient degradation of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic under ultrasonic irradiation. The removal efficiency of 12.8% was obtained by the sole use of ultrasound (US), while the removal efficiency increased up to 70% by the US/ZnO treatment process. Due to the integration of ZnO nanostructures with NC, the removal efficiency...
A hybrid approach to optimization of radial inflow turbine with principal component analysis
PublicationEnergy conversion efficiency is one of the most important features of power systems as it greatly influences the economic balance. The efficiency can be increased in many ways. One of them is to optimize individual components of the power plant. In most Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems the power is created in the turbine and these systems can benefit from effective turbine optimization. The paper presents the use of two kinds...
Etyka marketingu - czy marketing jest etyczny?
PublicationOd jakiegoś czasu pojawiają się krytyczne głosy wobec marketingu, jako działań nieetycznych, wycelowanych przeciwko klientom i społeczeństwu jako całości. Można stwierdzić, że wizerunek marketingu jest w tym kontekście negatywny. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy marketing jest etyczny. Stwierdzono, że istotą marketingu jest dbanie o dobro interesariuszy przedsiębiorstw oraz łączenie interesu firmy, klientów...
Organic Rankine as bottoming cycle to a combined Brayton and Clausius-Rankine cycle
PublicationThis paper presents an enhanced approach, as it will be considered here that the ORC installation could be extra-heated with the bleed steam, a concept presented by the authors. In such way the efficiency of the bottoming cycle can be increased and an amount of electricity generated increases. A thermodynamic analysis and a comparative study of the cycle efficiency for a simplified steam cycle cooperating with ORC cycle will be...
The influence of roasting and additional processing on the content of bioactive components in special purpose coffees
PublicationCoffee being the beverage consumed worldwide is also a very competitive commodity. Consequently, producers seek ways of attracting consumers by proposing e.g. novel ingredient combinations usually without evaluating their health quality. In this study, variations in health-promoting determinants for five special purpose coffee brews were characterized. The major bioactive components - chlorogenic acids (CAs) - detected by HPLC-DAD-MS...
Proposal of a Mobile Medical Waste Incinerator with Application of Automatic Waste Feeder and Heat Recovery System as a Novelty in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issues of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and the problems regarding their proper management in Poland. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers human health and the environment. Infectious waste must be properly disposed of—in practice, the only method of their disposal available in Poland is a thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose....
Sport as a Tool for the Development of Healthy and Sustainable Cities: A Strategic Documentation Review
PublicationThe rapidly changing cities and their environment are causing new challenges for which actions and solutions must be sought. Most of all, a major challenges facing cities are adverse environmental changes and issues related to public health and citizens well-being. Sport is present in the lives of most of us and is an essential component of urban infrastructure, while in relation to this, to what extent is it being used to support...