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Search results for: FILMS
Characterization of PLZT Thin Films for Fast Electro-Optical Sampling Circuits
PublicationW artykule omówiono technologię wytwarzania cienkich warstw wybranych kompozycji ceramik ołowiowo-lantanowo-cyrkonowo-tytanowych, nazywanych ceramikami PLZT. Przedstawiono wyniki badań jakości warstw za pomocą techniki XRD. wyniki pomiaru grubości warstw, ich względnej przenikalności dielektrycznej i współczynnika załamania. Omówiono kierunki dalszych prac.
Structure of sol-gel derived Nb2O5 films for active coating devices
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań struktury cienkich warstw nb2o5 otrzymywanych metodą zol-żel. wytworzone warstwy charakteryzowano pod kątem zastosowania jako materiałów na aktywne pokrycia fotoniczne.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the growth of poly (chloro-para-xylylene) films.
PublicationParylene C, poly(chloro-para-xylylene) is the most widely used member of the parylene family due to its excellent chemical and physical properties. In this work we analyzed the formation of the parylene C film using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods. A five unit chain is necessary to create a stable hydrophobic cluster and to adhere to a covered surface. Two scenarios were deemed to take place. The obtained results...
Influence of Cr Ion Implantation on Physical Properties of CuO Thin Films
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Coating of expanded polystyrene spheres by TiO2 and SiO2–TiO2 thin films
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Symmetry breaking and circular photogalvanic effect in epitaxial CdxHg1−xTe films
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Ellipsometric study of carbon nitride films deposited by DC-magnetron sputtering
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Local impedance imaging of boron-doped polycrystalline diamond thin films
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Functionalized mesoporous silica thin films as a tunable nonlinear optical material
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Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublicationThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...
Charge photogeneration effect on the exciplex emission from thin organic films
PublicationZaobserwowano silne wygaszenie fluorescencji i fosforescencji ekscypleksowej w układzie dwuamina TPD (donor elektronu): pochodna fenantroliny BPT (akceptor elektronu) w zewnętrznym polu elektrycznym. Efekt ten przypisano wygaszaniu molekularnych ekscytonów singletowych TPD na elektronach akceptorów BPT.
Internal electric fields in vacuum-evaporated films as studied by electroabsorption spectroscopy
PublicationMierzono sygnały elektroabsorpcji na I-szej harmonicznej częstości przykładanego sinusoidalnego pola elektrycznego w komórkach sandwiczowych Al/warstwa organiczna/Al. Wyznaczono elektryczne pola wewnętrzne (Fi) dla materiałów stosowanych w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych (TPD, TAPC, MTDATA, QAC, Alq3, Ir(ppy)3, PtOEP). Mechanizm powstawania pól Fi powiązano z pułapkowaniem ładunku w obszarach przyelektrodowych.
Determination of grain shape of laser-irradiated FePdCu thin alloy films
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Intrinsic and defect-related luminescence of YAlO3 and LuAlO3 single crystals and films
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An Investigation of the Thermal Transitions and Physical Properties of Semiconducting PDPP4T:PDBPyBT Blend Films
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Polylactide Films with the Addition of Olive Leaf Extract—Physico-Chemical Characterization
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Carboxymethylated polysaccharide-based films as carriers for acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives
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Comparison of classical and fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing with PdxWO3 nanoparticle films
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Molecular dynamics simulations of the growth of poly(chloro-para-xylylene) films
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Effect of transglutaminase and EDC on biodegradation of fish gelatin and gelatin-chitosan films
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie podatności usieciowanych folii opakowaniowych z naturalnych polimerów na enzymatyczną hydrolizę. Niemodyfikowane folie żelatynowe były całkowicie hydrolizowane przez pepsynę i proteinazę N oraz w 60% przez pepsynę. Sieciowania przy użyciu transglutaminazy lub EDC zmiejszyło podatność folii na hydrolizę tylko przez pepsynę. Obecność chitozanu w dwuskładnikowych foliach modyfkownych EDC zmniejszyła stopień...
Determination of Local Dye Concentration in Hybrid Porous Silica Thin Films
PublicationThe idea of determination of local dye concentration in a nanoporous matrix is proposed based on donor − acceptor energy transfer. The method was tested for a Rhodamine 110 − Rhodamine 101 system in silica and methylated silica nanolayers. Evaluation of acceptor (Rhodamine 101) local concentration was carried out by comparing the results of Monte Carlo simulation of energy transfer from donor (Rhodamine 110) to acceptor (Rhodamine...
Gasochromic effect in nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films doped with Ta and Pd
Publicationw pracy zebrano wyniki badań cienkich warstw domieszkowanego tlenku tytanu. w szczególności zaprezentowano zmianę przezroczystości pod wpływem działania par alkoholu etylowego. badane warstwy zostały naniesione na szklane podłoże metodą rozpylania magnetronowego.
Properties of nanocrystalline TiO2:V thin films as a transparent semiconducting oxides
Publicationw pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań cienkich warstw tlenku tytanu domieszkowanego wanadem. badany materiał charakteryzowano pod kątem wykorzystania, jako przezroczysty tlenek półprzewodnikowy (tos). warstwy zostały naniesione metodą rozpylania magnetronowego na szklane podłoża.
Influence of tb-dopant on water adsorption and wettability of TiO2 thin films
PublicationPraca zawiera analizę wpływu domieszki terbu w cienkiej warstwie tlenku tytanu na zwilżalność powierzchni. opisano metodę pomiaru oraz zastosowania warstw hydrofobowych. badania wykazały hydrofilowość warstw. pokazano także wpływ domieszki terbu na zwiększenie densyfikacji struktury tlenku tytanu.
XAFS investigations of nitrided NbN-SiO2 sol-gel derived films
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest wykorzystaniu analizy widm XAFS zmierzonych na krawędzi K atomów Nb do badania struktury cienkich warstw NbN-(100-x)SiO2 (x = 100, 80, 60 mol%) otrzymanych techniką zol-żel poprzez wysokotemperaturowe wygrzewanie warstw Nb2O5-SiO2 w atmosferze NH3. Otrzymana struktura filmu jest złożona z granul NbN ulokowanych w matrycy SiO2. Analiza XAFS pokazuje, że we wszystkich próbkach w lokalnym otoczeniu niobu znajduje...
Transport Properties of Nitrided VN-SiO2 Sol-Gel derived films
PublicationPraca dotyczy transportu elektrycznego stałoprądowego cienkich warstw xVN-(100-x)SiO2 (gdzie x = 90, 80, 70, 60 mol%)otrzymanych w wyniku termicznego azotowania warstw tlenkowych otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. W warstwach obserwuje się granule VN rozdyspergowane w amorficznej matrycy SiO2. Warstwy wykazują przejście nadprzewodzące w temperaturze około 7,5K. W stanie normalnym ich przewodnictwo można opisać modelem charaktrystycznym...
Bimodal deep learning model for subjectively enhanced emotion classification in films
PublicationThis research delves into the concept of color grading in film, focusing on how color influences the emotional response of the audience. The study commenced by recalling state-of-the-art works that process audio-video signals and associated emotions by machine learning. Then, assumptions of subjective tests for refining and validating an emotion model for assigning specific emotional labels to selected film excerpts were presented....
The optical properties and band gap energy of nanocrystalline La0.4Sr0.6TiO3 thin films
PublicationW pracy zbadano wpływ mikrostruktury na właściwości optyczne La0.4Sr0.6TiO3 przygotowanego w postaci cienkiego filmu. Gęsty film o grubości 200nm i wielkości krystalitów 14-30nm został przygotowany na szafirze.
Triplet exciton interactions in solid films of an elektrophosphorescent Pt(II) porphyrin
PublicationW pracy pokazano, że fosforescencja porfiryny platynowej (PtOEP) jest wygaszana na skutek oddziaływania między monomerowymi i dimerowymi ekscytonami trypletowymi. Stała oddziaływania dla monomerowych ekscytonów trypletowych wynosi 8x10-12 cm3/s a dla ekscytonów dimerowych 8x10-15 cm3/s.
Properties of Barium Cerate Thin Films Formed Using E-Beam Deposition
PublicationThis article focuses on the properties of the BaCeO3 thin films formed by electron-beam vapor deposition and investigates the formation of barium cerates on supports with different thermal expansion coefficients (Stainless Steel, Invar, Glass Sealing, and Inconel substrates) and the influence of the technological parameters on the properties of the formed thin films with an emphasis on the stability of the films. Morphology and...
Spectroscopic Study of Plasma Polymerized a-C:H Films Deposited by a Dielectric Barrier Discharge
PublicationPlasma polymerized a-C:H thin films have been deposited on Si (100) and aluminum coated glass substrates by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated at medium pressure using C2Hm/Ar (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures. The deposited films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS), Raman spectroscopy, and ellipsometry. FT-IRRAS revealed the presence of sp3 and sp2 C–H stretching and...
Structural and optical investigations of sol-gel derived lithium titanate thin films
Publicationin this paper structural and optical studies of lithium titanate (lto) thin films are presented. nanocrystalline thin films with 800 nm thickness were prepared by sol-gel method. to examine the influence of the annealing time on as-prepared films crystallization, the coatings were heated at 550 °c for 10, 20 and 80 h. structure of manufactured thin films was investigated using x-ray diffraction (xrd). the most visible lithium titanate...
PVA-Based Films with Strontium Titanate Nanoparticles Dedicated to Wound Dressing Application
PublicationBioactive materials may be applied in tissue regeneration, and an example of such materials are wound dressings, which are used to accelerate skin healing, especially after trauma. Here, we proposed a novel dressing enriched by a bioactive component. The aim of our study was to prepare and characterize poly(vinyl alcohol) films modified with strontium titanate nanoparticles. The physicochemical properties of films were studied,...
Can popular films instil carcinophobia? Images of cancer in popular Polish cinema
PublicationIntroduction: Although cancer is currently considered a serious socio-medical challenge and health education in Poland has been positioned as a public health priority, the impact of popular culture on people’s ideas about cancer has been neglected. This study therefore aims to analyse the way popular Polish films portray cancer and the experience of cancer.Material and Methods: Seven popular Polish films featuring cancer...
Optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
PublicationThe optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond films, coated using Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) system, were analyzed by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Diamond films were deposited on silicon substrates. The ellipsometry data (refractive index (n(λ)), extinction coefficient (k(λ)) were modeled using dedicated software. Evolution of the optical structure with boron doping was observed...
Optical and chemical characterization of thin TiNx films deposited by DC-magnetron sputtering
PublicationThin titanium nitride (tinx) films were deposited on silicon substrates by means of a reactive dc-magnetron plasma. Layers were synthesized under various conditions of discharge power and nitrogen flows in two operation modes of the magnetron (the so-called "balanced" and "unbalanced" modes). The optical constants of the tinx films were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (se). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) was...
Preparation of porous TiO2 films by means of pulsed laser deposition for photocatalytic applications
PublicationIn this work the preparation and structure properties of porous thin films of TiO2 were investigated. The films were produced by means of the pulsed laser deposition technique using laser pulses at 266nm (10Hz) and at fluencies of 1-3.5J/cm2. The process was performed in vacuum using O2 buffer gas and films were deposited on the SiO2 glass or Si substrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman analysis of the structure and chemical...
Nitrogen-incorporated boron-doped diamond films for enhanced electrochemical supercapacitor performance
PublicationThe electrochemical (EC) supercapacitor, known for its rapid charging, reliability, and versatile applications, demands optimized electrode characteristics and an understanding of their electrochemical behaviour. Although boron-doped diamond (BDD) holds promise as a supercapacitor electrode, a crucial gap exists in comprehending its material behaviour under specific growth conditions. Here, nitrogen-incorporated BDD (N-BDD) films...
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
PublicationExperiments were carried out to determine the dependence of the physical form of supercoiled DNA films on the initial temperature of the substrate. Such films are often used in irradiation experiments involving low energy particles, like electrons or photons. In order to obtain absolute values for cross sections for such experiments, the spatial distribution of the sample in the film has to be well estimated. These investigations...
Fluctuation-enhanced and conductometric gas sensing with nanocrystalline NiO thin films: A comparison
PublicationNanocrystalline thin films of NiO were prepared by advanced reactive gas deposition, and their responses to formaldehyde, ethanol and methane gases were studied via fluctuation-enhanced and conductometric methods Thin films with thicknesses in the 200–1700-nm range were investigated in as-deposited form and after annealing at 400 and 500 °C. Morphological and structural analyses showed porous deposits with NiO nanocrystals having...
Nitrogen-doped diamond thin films: potential application in Fabry-Pérot interferometer
PublicationIn this paper we present results of preliminary research of using nitrogen-doped diamond (NDD) films as reflective layer in Fabry-Pérot interferometer. NDD films were deposited on Si substrates by Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (MPECVD) with the use of CH4, H2 and N2 gas mixtures. During deposition process methane flow rate varied while nitrogen flow was constant. We performed series of measurements which showed...
Maillard-reaction (glycation) of biopolymeric packaging films; principles, mechanisms, food applications
PublicationBackground The biodegradable, biocompatible, sustainable, and renewable nature of biomaterials has led to increased interest in developing biopolymeric food packaging films (BFPFs) with green ingredients and strategies. To enhance the performance of these films, biopolymer molecules can be modified or combined with additives like nanomaterials, cross-linkers, bioactive compounds, and other polymers, particularly with Maillard-reaction...
Nanostructuring of thin Au films deposited on ordered Ti templates for applications in SERS
PublicationIn this work the results on thermal nanostructuring of the Au films on Ti templates as well as morphology and optical properties of the obtained structures are reported. The bimetal nanostructures are fabricated in a multi-step process. First, the titania nanotubes are produced on the surface of Ti foil by anodization in an ethylene glycol-water solution containing fluoride ions. This is followed by chemical etching in oxalic acid...
Superconducting properties of vn-sio 2 sol-gel derived thin films
Publicationin this work studies of structure and superconducting properties of vnsio2 films are reported. the films were obtained through thermal nitridation (ammonolysis) of solgel derived v2o3sio2 coatings (in a proper v2o3/sio2 ratio) at 1200 ◦c. this process leads to the formation of disordered structure with vn metallic grains dispersed in the insulating sio2 matrix. the structural transformations occurring in the lms as a result...
Transformation of bimetallic Ag–Cu thin films into plasmonically active composite nanostructures
PublicationFormation of plasmonically active silver, copper and composite silver-copper nanostructures were studied in this paper. Metallic nanostructures were fabricated by thermal disintegration, so called dewetting, of the thin films in an argon atmosphere. The formation process of the nanostructures was in-situ observed by a novel method, based on resistance measurements. The influence of the material and thickness of the initial thin...
Properties of ordered titanium templates covered with Au thin films for SERS applications
PublicationtCurrently, roughened metal nanostructures are widely studied as highly sensitive Raman scattering sub-strates that show application potential in biochemistry, food safety or medical diagnostic. In this workthe structural properties and the enhancement effect due to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) ofhighly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin (5–20 nm) gold films are reported.The templates are formed...
On electrical and photoconductive properties of mixed Nb2O5/TiO2 sol-gel thin films
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki przewodnictwa elektrycznego i fotoprzewodnictwa cienkich warstw TiO2 i Nb2O5/TiO2 otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Pomiary przeprowadzono w funkcji temperatury i natężenia oświetlenia zarówno w próżni jak i w powietrzu. Struktura warstw została zbadana metodami XRD oraz AFM. W pracy zaobserwowano zaobserwowano spadek fotoprzewodnictwa wraz z zawartością Nb2O5
Effect of Melanin on the Stability of Casein Films Exposed to Artificially Accelerated UV Aging
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Properties of PEEK-supported films of biological substances prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique
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Structure and electrical properties of nitrided NbN-TiN sol-gel derived films
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań struktury oraz właściwości elektrycznych warstw NbN-TiN (o różnym stosunku molowym NbN/TiN)otrzymanych w wyniku termicznego azotowania warstw tlenkowych otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Badania struktury przeprowadzono metodami AFM, XRD oraz XPS. Wynika z nich, iż głównymi fazami w wartstwach są NbN i TiN o rozmiarach ziaren około 100 nm. Jednakże zaobserwowano również istnienie niewielkiej ilości...