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Search results for: simulations
Introduction in to tyre simulations
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji komputerowej zachowania się opony w czasie badania jej oporów toczenia w oparciu o program LMS Virtual Lab. Przedstawiono także wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonej symulacji.
Molecular Simulations of Rhodopsin Tetrameter
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Numerical simulations of a triaxial test in granular bodies using discrete particle simulations with contact moments
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji badania trójosiowego dla materiałów granulowanych. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody DEM. Pokazano wpływ momentów kontaktowych na wytrzymałość próbki. Zbadano wpływ parametrów mikroskopowych.
Executing Multiple Simulations in the MERPSYS Environment
PublicationThe chapter investigates the steps necessary to perform a simulation instance in the MERPSYS environment and discusses potential limitations in case when vast numbers of simulations are required. An extended architecture is proposed which includes a JMS-based simulation queue and multiple distributed simulators, overcoming the potential bottlenecks. The chapter introduces also methods for preparing suites of multiple simulations...
Simulations CAE of wood pellet machine
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Monte Carlo Simulations for 2D Polymerization
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Measurements and Simulations of Engineered Ultrasound Loudspeakers
PublicationSimulation and measurement results of the sound emitted from an ultrasound custom-made system with high spatial directivity are presented. The proposed system is using modulated ultrasound waves which demodulate in nonlinear medium resulting in audible sound. The system is aimed at enhancing the users’ personal audio space, therefore the measurements are performed using the Head and Torso Simulator which provides realistic reproduction...
FE simulations of a soil structure interface.
PublicationPrzedstawiono warunki brzegowe do opisu szorstkości ściany konstrukcji w kontakcie z gruntem. Wykonano doświadczenia i symulacje MES na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego.
Numerical Simulations for Transonic Flow in Control Valve
PublicationResults of numerical simulations for transonic flow in control valve are presented. The valve is the main part of an adaptive pneumatic shock absorber. Flow structure in the valve domain and the influence of the flow non-uniformity in the valve on a mass flow rate is investigated. Numerical simulation results are compared with experimental data.
GPR simulations for diagnostics of a reinforced concrete beam
PublicationThe most popular technique for modelling of an electromagnetic field, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, has recently become a popular technique as an interpretation tool for ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements. The aim of this study is to detect the size and the position of damage in a reinforced concrete beam using GPR maps. Numerical simulations were carried out using the finite differ-ence time domain...
Numerical simulations of novel GFRP sandwich footbridge
PublicationIn the following paper some aspects of numerical analysis and designing stages of a footbridge made of composite materials are elucidated. Because of the used materials the design process in this case is not ordinary and requires the development of concepts, material selections, identification of material properties, numerical simulations, strength calculations, serviceability and durability analyses. This contribution presents...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublicationIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
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Numerical simulations of S700MC laser and hybrid welding
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The investigation of the effects of counterions in protein dynamics simulations
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PublicationThe authors conducted a wide experimental and numerical study in order to determine effective approaches in the laparoscopic VH repair. At first the study covered identification of mechanical properties of the abdominal fascia, implants, tacks and transabdominalsutures. Basis on these data, the one and two-dimensional mathematical models were formulated and a number of numerical static and dynamic analyses were carried out. Then...
Numerical simulations of overflow experiments on a model dike
PublicationDike failure due to overtopping is one of the important factors, which should be considered in the dike designing process. Although the overflow is characterized by the relatively low risk of occurrence, in many cases dikes are totally destroyed or seriously damaged. An interesting phenomenon occurring during overflow is the trapping of air in pores of the unsaturated soil material. As the infiltration progresses from all sides,...
Technical Engine for Democratization of Modeling, Simulations, and Predictions
PublicationComputational science and engineering play a critical role in advancing both research and daily-life challenges across almost every discipline. As a society, we apply search engines, social media, and se- lected aspects of engineering to improve personal and professional growth. Recently, leveraging such aspects as behavioral model analysis, simulation, big data extraction, and human computation is gain- ing momentum. The nexus...
Macromodels for efficient FEM simulations of waveguides and resonators
PublicationThis paper introduces a novel technique for enhancing the efficiency of the finite element method (FEM) by incorporating special modules, called macromodels, into the standard eigenvalue formulation. The number of unknowns in the separated macromodel subdomain can be significantly reduced by orthogonal projection, using the efficient nodal order reduction algorithm. The idea of macromodels implementation is demonstrated on a simple...
Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems
PublicationIn this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...
Discussing daylight simulations in a proposal for online daylighting education.
PublicationThere is increasing interest concerning daylighting in the building sector. However, such knowledge is difficult to penetrate the curricula of architects and designers as existing educational programmes often do not provide sufficient training on BPS. This also leads to superficial use of daylight simulations. This paper presents a proposal for a needs-based education package on daylighting design, that mixes modular eLearning...
Searching for Critical Conditions During Lifeboat Launching – Simulations
PublicationThe article describes numerical simulations of the process of lifeboat launching at the ship’s side. The research is aimed at finding the values of ship motion parameters which appear to be most dangerous for people in the lowered lifeboat due to the generated accelerations. The simplified model of ship hull motion adopted at this research stage bases on a superposition of harmonic motions with given amplitudes and periods in six...
Changes of Conformation in Albumin with Temperature by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PublicationThis work presents the analysis of the conformation of albumin in the temperature range of 300K – 312K, i.e., in the physiological range. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we calculate values of the backbone and dihedral angles for this molecule. We analyze the global dynamic properties of albumin treated as a chain. In this range of temperature, we study parameters of the molecule and the conformational entropy derived from...
Molecular Dynamics simulations of thermal conductivity of penta-graphene
PublicationThe thermal conductivity of penta-graphene (PG), a new two dimensional carbon allotrope and its dependence on temperature, strain, and direction are studied in this paper. The thermal conductivity of PG is investigated using a non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation (NEMD) with the Two Region Method by applying the optimized Tersoff interatomic potential. Our study shows that the thermal conductivity of PG (determined for...
Application of Numerical Simulations on 10GN2MFA Steel Multilayer Welding
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Numerical Simulations of X22CrMoV12-1 Steel Multilayer Welding
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Heat Source Models in Numerical Simulations of Laser Welding
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Computer simulations of hearing aid acoustical system performance
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Broken-dam simulations using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
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Molecular dynamics simulations of ultraprecision machining of fcc monocrystals
PublicationArtykuł zawiera wyniki wielkoskalowych symulacji dynamiczno-molekularnych ultraprecyzyjnego skrawania monokryształów metali niedeformowalnym narzędziem. Zmiennymi parametrami symulacji były: szybkość i głębokość skrawania, temperatura, orientacja krystalograficzna skrawanego kryształu oraz kształt narzędzia.Analizie poddano zmiany strukturalne w obrabianym materiale.
PublicationA rotating disk can be considered a basic configuration for the investigati ons of the impact of various conditions on the flow through the clearance between the s hrouded turbine blade and the casing. Numerical calculations using Fine/Turbo Numeca were conducted to examine the influence of the rotational velocity and the pressure differ ence across the disk on the flow conditions, especially the mass flow through the clearance....
A concept of heterogeneous numerical model of concrete for GPR simulations
PublicationThe Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, which is increasingly being used in the non-destructive diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, often needs more accurate interpretation tools for analysis of experimental data. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing of various numerical models for exhaustive understanding of GPR data. This paper presents the concept of a heterogeneous numerical model of concrete,...
CFD Simulations and Tests of a Prototype Flow Control Valve
PublicationIn this paper a prototype of a flow control valve is described and numerically simulated. The flow control valve is used in hydraulic systems to maintain constant fluid flow despite changing loads of a receiver. The standard construction of this type of valves is modified mainly by eliminating the spring. The prototype consists the hydrostatically unloaded throttle valve and pressure ratio valve substituting pressure difference...
Application of a cellular automaton to simulations of granular flow in silos
PublicationA cellular automaton based on a gas model of hydrodynamics was used to calculate the kinematics of non-cohesive granular materials during confined flow in a mass flow and funnel flow model silo. In the model, collisions of particles were taken into account during granular flow. In addition, a simplified automaton was used wherein granular flow was assumed as an upward propagation of holes through a lattice composed of cells representing...
Discrete simulations of a triaxial compression test for sand by DEM.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji dyskretnych dla ściskania trójosiowego stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych DEM. Symulacje wykonano dla piasku. Zastosowano kuli z momentami kontaktu do symulacji kształtu ziaren. Przeprowadzono analizy dla różnych zmiennych parametrów: średnica piasku, krzywa uziarnienia, kształt ziaren, wymiary próbki i warunki brzegowe.
3D DEM simulations of fracture in reinforced concrete beams
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zachowania się belki żelbetowej bez zbrojenia pionowego przy trzypunktowym zginaniu. Belka uległa zniszczeniu wskutek ścinania z powodu obecności nadmiernego zbrojenia podłużnego. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w skali laboratoryjnej z wykorzystaniem systemu mikro-CT, a następnie odtworzono je w analizach numerycznych stosując metodą elementów dyskretnych 3D (DEM). Zastosowano 4-fazowy model betonu z mezostrukturą,...
FE-simulations of a direct and a true simple shear test
PublicationPorównano dwa aparaty ścinania: aparat bezpośredniego ścinania i aparat prostego ścinania. Analizy pola naprężeń i odkształceń dokonano stosując metodę elementów skończonych i mikropolarne prawo hypoplastyczne. Analiza ta pokazała, że pole naprężeń i odkształceń jest niejednorodne w obu aparatach, szczególnie w aparacie bezpośredniego ścinania.
FE-simulations of a direct wall shear box test.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej anlizy lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych podczas bezposredniego ścinania przy ścianie. Obliczenia przeprowadzono z mikropolarnym modelem hipoplastycznym. Obliczenia wykonano w płaskim stanie odkształcenia stosując metodę elementów skończonych. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamic Open-Water Characteristics of a Ship Propeller
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical...
FPGA Based Real Time Simulations of the Face Milling Process
PublicationThe article presents a successful implementation of the milling process simulation at the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). By using FPGA, very rigorous Real-Time (RT) simulation requirements can be met. The response time of the FPGA simulations is significantly reduced, and the time synchronization is better than in a typical RT system implemented in software. The FPGA-based approach is characterized by enormous flexibility...
Mesoscopic simulations of crack propagation in concrete using cohesive elements
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-and three-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 3-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix with Interfacial Transitional Zones (ITZs) between then. In 2D simulations macro-voids were also taken into account. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams...
Experimental investigations and simulations of the microturbine unit with permanent magnet generator
PublicationIn dispersed power generation, low power devices are used for local combined generating of heat end electric power. There are developing concepts of micropower plants with electric generators driven by steam or gas microturbines. The paper presents the results of an experimental investigations of the microturbine set consists of the turbine with partial admission, permanent magnet generator and three phase AC-to-DC rectifier. The...
Systematic Management of Simulation State for Multi-Branch Simulations in Simulink
PublicationSystematic simulation is a technique related and motivated by the formal analysis of hybrid dynamic systems. It combines the exhaustive and conservative nature of traditional model checking with numerical simulation for providing efficient algorithms to manage simulations. Multi-branch simulation is the concept advancing simulation efficiency by reducing the number of state transitions. This paper introduces an approach to implement...
Prediction of ship resistance with the use of Full-scale CFD simulations
PublicationIn recent years, the IMO has introduced new regulations to reduce the negative impact of ships on the natural environment. A particularly important step forcing technological innovations is the increasing requirement of ship energy efficiency. It is expressed by the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Another important step towards green shipping is rising the required quality of fuel used for propulsion, so called Tier limits....
The assessment of metrological properties of segmental orifice based on simulations and experiments
PublicationSegmental orifices are often used to measure flows of heterogeneous mixtures, especially in flow meters in the power industry, for example. The orifice (with module m= 0.25) was installed in a stainless-steel pipe with internal diameter of 50 mm, placed in a hydraulic water system. The research was performed for Reynolds numbers ranging from 9,000 to 17,000. The flow characteristics of this orifice obtained based on simulation...
Au–Si plasmonic platforms: synthesis, structure and FDTD simulations
PublicationPlasmonic platforms based on Au nanostructures have been successfully synthesized by directional solidification of a eutectic from Au and the substrate. In order to determine homogeneous shape and space distribution, the influence of annealing conditions and the initial thickness of the Au film on the nanostructures was analyzed. For the surface morphology studies, SEM and AFM measurements were performed. The structure of platforms...
Numerical Simulations of Laser and Hybrid S700MC T-Joint Welding
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Computational Techniques in Numerical Simulations of Arc and Laser Welding Processes
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Measurements and numerical simulations of laser hardening and remelting thermal cycles
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