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Search results for: sparse matrix factorization
A memory efficient and fast sparse matrix vector product on a Gpu
PublicationThis paper proposes a new sparse matrix storage format which allows an efficient implementation of a sparse matrix vector product on a Fermi Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Unlike previous formats it has both low memory footprint and good throughput. The new format, which we call Sliced ELLR-T has been designed specifically for accelerating the iterative solution of a large sparse and complex-valued system of linear equations arising...
A Task-Scheduling Approach for Efficient Sparse Symmetric Matrix-Vector Multiplication on a GPU
PublicationIn this paper, a task-scheduling approach to efficiently calculating sparse symmetric matrix-vector products and designed to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) is presented. The main premise is that, for many sparse symmetric matrices occurring in common applications, it is possible to obtain significant reductions in memory usage and improvements in performance when the matrix is prepared in certain ways prior to computation....
Electromagnetic Simulations with 3D FEM and Intel Optane Persistent Memory
PublicationAbstract—Intel Optane persistent memory has the potential to induce a change in how high-performance calculations requiring a large system memory capacity are conducted. This article presents what this change may look like in the case of factorization of large sparse matrices describing electromagnetic problems arising in the 3D FEM analysis of passive highfrequency components. In numerical tests, the Intel oneAPI MKL PARDISO was...
Preconditioners with Low Memory Requirements for Higher-Order Finite-Element Method Applied to Solving Maxwell’s Equations on Multicore CPUs and GPUs
PublicationThis paper discusses two fast implementations of the conjugate gradient iterative method using a hierarchical multilevel preconditioner to solve the complex-valued, sparse systems obtained using the higher order finite-element method applied to the solution of the time-harmonic Maxwell equations. In the first implementation, denoted PCG-V, a classical V-cycle is applied and the system of equations on the lowest level is solved...
A Control Theoretical Approach to Spectral Factorization is Unstable
PublicationLocal stability analysis of a recently proposed recursive feedback-based approach to spectral factorization is performed. The method is found not to give stability guarantees. Interestingly enough, its global behavior often allows one to obtain reasonable approximations of spectral factorizations if a suitable stopping criterion is employed.
Sparse autoregressive modeling
PublicationIn the paper the comparison of the popular pitch determination (PD) algorithms for thepurpose of elimination of clicks from archive audio signals using sparse autoregressive (SAR)modeling is presented. The SAR signal representation has been widely used in code-excitedlinear prediction (CELP) systems. The appropriate construction of the SAR model is requiredto guarantee model stability. For this reason the signal representation...
Tuning matrix-vector multiplication on GPU
PublicationA matrix times vector multiplication (matvec) is a cornerstone operation in iterative methods of solving large sparse systems of equations such as the conjugate gradients method (cg), the minimal residual method (minres), the generalized residual method (gmres) and exerts an influence on overall performance of those methods. An implementation of matvec is particularly demanding when one executes computations on a GPU (Graphics...
Cholesky factorization of matrices in parallel and ranking of graphs.
PublicationUporządkowane kolorowanie znajduje zastosowanie przy równoległej faktoryzacji macierzy metodą Cholesky'ego. Praca zawiera opis tego zastosowania. Podano także algorytmy optymalnego uporządkowanego kolorowania krawędzi pewnych klas grafów: grafów pełnych dwudzielnych oraz powstałych z pełnych dwudzielnych przez usunięcie O(log n) krawędzi.
Finite element matrix generation on a GPU
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient technique for fast generation of sparse systems of linear equations arising in computational electromagnetics in a finite element method using higher order elements. The proposed approach employs a graphics processing unit (GPU) for both numerical integration and matrix assembly. The performance results obtained on a test platform consisting of a Fermi GPU (1x Tesla C2075) and a CPU (2x twelve-core...
A GPU Solver for Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Symmetric Complex-Valued Matrices Obtained Using Higher-Order FEM
PublicationThe paper discusses a fast implementation of the stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (sLOBPCG) method, using a hierarchical multilevel preconditioner to solve nonHermitian sparse generalized eigenvalue problems with large symmetric complex-valued matrices obtained using the higher-order finite-element method (FEM), applied to the analysis of a microwave resonator. The resonant frequencies of the low-order...
Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors
PublicationIn this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo...
Data fusion of sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices using adaptive distance attention
PublicationIn environmental science, where information from sensor devices are sparse, data fusion for mapping purposes is often based on geostatistical approaches. We propose a methodology called adaptive distance attention that enables us to fuse sparse, heterogeneous, and mobile sensor devices and predict values at locations with no previous measurement. The approach allows for automatically weighting the measurements according to a priori...
PublicationThe paper presents a new approach to elimination of broadband noise and impulsive disturbances from archive audio recordings. The proposed adaptive Kalman-like algorithm, based on a sparse autoregressive model of the audio signal, simultaneously detects noise pulses, interpolates the irrevocably distorted samples and performs signal smoothing. It is shown that bidirectional (forward-backward) processing of the archive signal improves...
Signal Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Using Compressive Sensing Technique
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of applying a new class ofmathematical methods, known as Compressive Sensing (CS) for recovering thesignal from a small set of measured samples. CS allows the faithful recon-struction of the original signal back from fewer random measurements bymaking use of some non-linear reconstruction techniques. Since of all thesefeatures, CSfinds its applications especially in the areas where, sensing is...
A Cost-Effective Method for Reconstructing City-Building 3D Models from Sparse Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationThe recent popularization of airborne lidar scanners has provided a steady source of point cloud datasets containing the altitudes of bare earth surface and vegetation features as well as man-made structures. In contrast to terrestrial lidar, which produces dense point clouds of small areas, airborne laser sensors usually deliver sparse datasets that cover large municipalities. The latter are very useful in constructing digital...
Elimination of clicks from archive speech signals using sparse autoregressive modeling
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsivedisturbances from archive speech signals. The proposedsparse autoregressive (SAR) signal representation is given ina factorized form - the model is a cascade of the so-called formantfilter and pitch filter. Such a technique has been widelyused in code-excited linear prediction (CELP) systems, as itguarantees model stability. After detection of noise pulses usinglinear...
Sparse vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals and its application to the elimination of impulsive disturbances
PublicationArchive audio files are often corrupted by impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches. This paper presents a new method for elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio signals. The proposed approach is based on a sparse vector autoregressive signal model, made up of two components: one taking care of short-term signal correlations, and the other one taking care of long-term correlations. The method...
Accuracy, Memory and Speed Strategies in GPU-based Finite-Element Matrix-Generation
PublicationThis paper presents strategies on how to optimize GPU-based finite-element matrix-generation that occurs in the finite-element method (FEM) using higher order curvilinear elements. The goal of the optimization is to increase the speed of evaluation and assembly of large finite-element matrices on a single GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) while maintaining the accuracy of numerical integration at the desired level. For this reason,...
Expedited Gradient-Based Design Closure of Antennas Using Variable-Resolution Simulations and Sparse Sensitivity Updates
PublicationNumerical optimization has been playing an increasingly important role in the design of contemporary antenna systems. Due to the shortage of design-ready theoretical models, optimization is mainly based on electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which tends to be costly. Numerous techniques have evolved to abate this cost, including surrogate-assisted frameworks for global optimization, or sparse sensitivity updates for speeding up local...
Adaptive identification of sparse underwater acoustic channels with a mix of static and time-varying parameters
PublicationWe consider identification of sparse linear systems with a mix of static and time-varying parameters. Such systems are typical in underwater acoustics (UWA), for instance, in applications requiring identi- fication of the acoustic channel, such as UWA communications, navigation and continuous-wave sonar. The recently proposed fast local basis function (fLBF) algorithm provides high performance when identi- fying time-varying systems....
Application of the J-matrix method to multichannel scattering
PublicationIn this contribution we describe the multichannel extension to the nonrelativistic J-matrix method, and present differential cross sections for scattering of slow electrons from Argon atoms. Nonrelativistic phase shifts, then the S-matrix and the cross sections have been calculated using newly developed Fortran code, JMATRIX-MULTI.We applied the model Hartree-Fock potential as the scattering potential, which was truncated in the...
Production of new non-matrix reference material of ethene
PublicationThe main objective of the research is to produce new non-matrix reference materials of ethene. The study are based on thermal decomposition of surface compound chemically bonded with the surface of glass fibers coated with thin layer of aluminum. Positivehomogeneity test, stability test and organization of inter-laboratory comparison are leading to find new non-matrix reference materials which are indispensable tools in the analysis...
Coupled inductors based filter for matrix converters
PublicationThe use of the coupled inductors in the multipulse matrix converter (MC) systems is described in the paper. The possible arrangements of the system are given together with the description of their operation parameters. Moreover, the influence of the system’s topology on the output power quality is also presented. The invented converter structures evaluation results are given in the form of simulation tests acquired output waveforms...
A framework for risk matrix design: A case of MASS navigation risk
PublicationRisk matrix, a tool for visualizing risk assessment results, is essential to facilitate the risk communication and risk management in risk-based decision-making processes related to new and unexplored socio-technical systems. The use of an appropriate risk matrix is discussed in the literature, but it is overlooked for emerging technologies such as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). In this study, a comprehensive framework...
Advanced Macromodel Matrix Structure Cloning for FDTD
PublicationWe propose an improved macromodel-based techniquefor efficient analysis of the structures based on PhotonicCrystals (PhC). The technique involves a new structure of thecoupling matrix and advanced cloning of not only the macromodel matrices, but also the coupling matrices SE and SH.The method allows one to shorten considerably the preprocessingtime, the RAM usage and also the iterating speed of performingFDTD. With this...
OpenGL accelerated method of the material matrix generation for FDTD simulations
PublicationThis paper presents the accelerated technique of the material matrix generation from CAD models utilized by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulators. To achieve high performance of these computations, the parallel-processing power of a graphics processing unit was employed with the use of the OpenGL library. The method was integrated with the developed FDTD solver, providing approximately five-fold speedup of the material...
Matrix elements for spin-orbit couplings in KRb
PublicationIn response to the need to investigate and create a reliable dataset of spin-orbit coupling matrix elements, we have extended our recent work in which we presented results for the potential energy curves and permanent and transition dipole moments in KRb. This paper presents 190 allowed spin-orbit couplings between 30 singlet and triplet +, , and electronic states of the KRb molecule. These results are crucial for accurately interpreting...
Reduced-cost electromagnetic-driven optimisation of antenna structures by means of trust-region gradient-search with sparse Jacobian updates
PublicationNumerical optimisation plays more and more important role in the antenna design. Because of lack of design-ready theoretical models, electromagnetic (EM)-simulation-driven adjustment of geometry parameters is a necessary step of the design process. At the same time, traditional parameter sweeping cannot handle complex topologies and large number of design variables. On the other hand, high computational cost of the conventional...
Connection matrix theory for discrete dynamical systems
PublicationIn [C] and [F1] the connection matrix theory for Morse decomposition is developedin the case of continuous dynamical systems. Our purpose is to study the case of discrete timedynamical systems.
Efficient List Cost Coloring of Vertices and∕or Edges of Some Sparse Graphs
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Efficient list cost coloring of vertices and/or edges of some sparse graphs
PublicationRozważane jest kolorowanie wierzchołków i krawędzi grafów w modelach klasycznym, totalnym i pseudototalnym z uwzględnieniem dodatkowego ograniczenia w postaci list dostępnych kolorów. Proponujemy wielomianowy algorytm oparty na paradygmacie programowania dynamicznego dla grafów o strukturze drzewa. Wynik ten można uogólnić na grafy o liczbie cyklomatycznej ograniczonej z góry przez dowolnie wybraną stała.
Data Compression in Ultrasonic Network Communication via Sparse Signal Processing
PublicationThis document presents the approach of using compressed sensing in signal encoding and information transferring within a guided wave sensor network, comprised of specially designed frequency steerable acoustic transducers (FSATs). Wave propagation in a damaged plate was simulated using commercial FEM-based software COMSOL. Guided waves were excited by means of FSATs, characterized by the special shape of its electrodes, and modeled...
An optimal form of the finite element mass matrix in the analysis of longitudinal vibrations of rods
PublicationIn this paper, an attempt is made to find the optimal form of the mass matrix of a rod finite element, which allows one to obtain the smallest errors in the longitudinal frequency determination of natural vibrations of any boundary conditions within the whole range of determined frequencies. It is assumed that the mass matrix can be treated as a linear combination of the consistent and diagonal matrices. Based on analytical considerations,...
Single and Dual-GPU Generalized Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers for Finding a Few Low-Order Resonances of a Microwave Cavity Using the Finite-Element Method
PublicationThis paper presents two fast generalized eigenvalue solvers for sparse symmetric matrices that arise when electromagnetic cavity resonances are investigated using the higher-order finite element method (FEM). To find a few loworder resonances, the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG) algorithm with null-space deflation is applied. The computations are expedited by using one or two graphical processing...
Efficient Fabry-Perot Open Resonator Analysis by the use of a Scattering Matrix Method
PublicationIn this paper a comparative study of the computational efficiency of two modeling methods applied to the analysis of the plano- and double-concave Fabry-Perot open resonators is presented. In both numerical approaches, a scattering matrix method was applied, which allows splitting the analysis of the resonator into several sections, including the one with a spherical mirror, which requires the largest computing resources. Two modeling...
FPGA Acceleration of Matrix-Assembly Phase of RWG-Based MoM
PublicationIn this letter, the field-programmable-gate-array accelerated implementation of matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is presented. The solution is based on a discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions and their extension to wire-to-surface junctions. To take advantage of the given hardware resources (i.e., Xilinx Alveo U200 accelerator card),...
Determination of Odor Air Quality Index (OAQII) Using Gas Sensor Matrix
PublicationThis article presents a new way to determine odor nuisance based on the proposed odor air quality index (OAQII), using an instrumental method. This indicator relates the most important odor features, such as intensity, hedonic tone and odor concentration. The research was conducted at the compost screening yard of the municipal treatment plant in Central Poland, on which a self-constructed gas sensor array was placed. It consisted...
Distributed NVRAM Cache – Optimization and Evaluation with Power of Adjacency Matrix
PublicationIn this paper we build on our previously proposed MPI I/O NVRAM distributed cache for high performance computing. In each cluster node it incorporates NVRAMs which are used as an intermediate cache layer between an application and a file for fast read/write operations supported through wrappers of MPI I/O functions. In this paper we propose optimizations of the solution including handling of write requests with a synchronous mode,...
GPU-Accelerated Finite-Element Matrix Generation for Lossless, Lossy, and Tensor Media [EM Programmer's Notebook]
PublicationThis paper presents an optimization approach for limiting memory requirements and enhancing the performance of GPU-accelerated finite-element matrix generation applied in the implementation of the higher-order finite-element method (FEM). It emphasizes the details of the implementation of the matrix-generation algorithm for the simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in lossless, lossy, and tensor media. Moreover, the impact...
Periodicity Matters: Grating or lattice resonances in the scattering by sparse arrays of subwavelength strips and wires.
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The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
PublicationIn the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal...
A Novel Coupling Matrix Synthesis Technique for Generalized Chebyshev Filters With Resonant Source–Load Connection
PublicationThis paper reports a novel synthesis method for microwave bandpass filters with resonant source–load connection. In effect, a network realizing N+1 transmission zeros (where N is the number of reflection zeros) is obtained. The method is based on a prototype transversal coupling matrix (N+2, N+2) with source and load connected by a resonant circuit formed by a capacitor in parallel with a frequency-invariant susceptance. To complement...
The Conceptual Research over Low-Switching Modulation Strategy for Matrix Converters with the Coupled Reactors
PublicationIn this paper, different Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) strategies for operating with a low-switching frequency, a topology that combines Conventional Matrix Converters (CMCs), and Coupled Reactors (CRs) are presented and discussed. The principles of the proposed strategies are first discussed by a conceptual analysis and later validated by simulation. The paper shows how the combination of CMCs and CRs could be of special interest...
Systems of differential equations with a singular matrix
PublicationPraca dotyczy układów równań różniczkowych z macierzą osobliwą. Szczególnymi przypadkami takich układów są równania różniczkowo-algebraiczne. Korzystając z odpowiedniej nierówności różniczkowej dla układów równań i metody quasi linearyzacji pokazano, iż odpowiednie monotoniczne ciągi są zbieżne do rozwiązania naszego problemu i jest to zbieżność kwadratowa. O funkcji f występującej po prawej stronie zagadnienia zakładano...
A New Approach to the PWM Modulation for the Multiphase Matrix Converters Supplying Loads with Open-End Winding.
PublicationThis article presents three variants of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) for the Double Square Multiphase type Conventional Matrix Converters (DSM-CMC) supplying loads with the open-end winding. The first variant of PWM offers the ability to obtain zero value of the common-mode voltage at the load's terminals and applies only six switches within the modulation period. The second proposal archives for less Total Harmonic Distortion...
New matrix-free reference material for ethene in the form of optical fibres
PublicationReference materials are indispensable in the qualitycontrol and quality assurance of analytical measurements. Onenovel approach to the generation of standard gaseous mixturesof toxic, reactive, volatile, labile, and malodorous substancesinvolves thermal decomposition or rearrangement, under definedtemperature conditions, of compounds immobilized, bychemical bonding, on the surface of an appropriate carrier torelease specific amounts...
A Quantitative Investigation of Dislocation Density in an Al Matrix Composite Produced by a Combination of Micro-/Macro-Rolling
PublicationAn aluminum matrix composite with dispersed carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was produced via flake powder metallurgy using a micro-rolling process and vacuum hot pressing (VHP), followed by conventional rolling using a macro-rolling process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. In addition, a new quantitative model was introduced to study the dislocation density based on the microstructural...
Matrix-based robust joint fingerprinting and decryption method for multicast distribution of multimedia
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). The solution proposed here is a new joint fingerprinting and decryption method which meets the requirements for both imperceptibility and robustness of fingerprints and scalability in terms of design and distribution of fingerprinted multimedia content. The proposed method uses a simple block cipher based on matrix...
JMATRIX - a package for relativistic J-matrix calculations in elastic scattering of electrons from model potentials
PublicationWe present a software package JMATRIX, consisting of two computer codes written in FORTRAN 95 and parallelized with OpenMP, implementing the so-called J-matrix method, applied to elastic scattering of electrons on the radial potential, vanishing faster than Coulomb one. In the J-matrix method, physical scattering problem is replaced by using well-defined model, which is solved analytically. Presented software implements both non-relativistic...
Direct modulation for conventional matrix converters using analytical signals and barycentric coordinates
PublicationThis paper proposes the generalized direct modulation for Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) using the concept of analytical signals and barycentric coordinates. The paper proposes a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing, which allows faster prototyping of direct control algorithms. The explanation of the new idea using analytical considerations demonstrating the principles of direct voltage...