Search results for: QUALITY OF RUNOFF
Quality of roof runoff waters from an urban region (Gdańsk, Poland)
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań analitycznych próbek wód spływnych z powierzchni dachów budynków z terenu miasta Gdańska. W próbkach oznaczano stężenia jonów (Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F-, Cl-, NO2-, PO4-, SO4-) oraz związków organicznych (pestycydy, węglowodory ropopochodne i lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne). Dodatkowo mierzono pH oraz toksyczność próbek. Próbki zbierano przez okres 6 miesięcy w okresach po zakończeniu opadów....
Quality of road and roof runoff waters from an urban region with Gdańsk (Poland) as an example
PublicationWody spływne (z arterii komunikacyjnych, dachów budynków) są ważnym medium wprowadzającym zanieczyszczenia z powietrza do gleby i wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych, które mogą następnie stanowić źródło wody pitnej. Przedstawione w pracy dane dotyczące zawartości kationów i anionów, metali ciężkich i pestycydów oznaczonych w próbkach wód spływnych stanowią istotne źródło informacji co do stanu zanieczyszczenia środowiska na terenie...
Jakość wód spływających z powierzchni dachów budynków na terenie aglomeracji wielkomiejskiej. Quality of roof runoff water from the urban region
PublicationBadano próbki wód spływnych z dachów budynków na terenie miasta Gdańska. Oznaczono stężenia następujących analitów: pestycydy azoto-, chloro- i fosfo-organiczne, węglowodory ropopochodne, kationy Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+ oraz aniony F-, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42-, ponadto wykonywany był pomiar toksyczności i wartości pH. Próbki pobierane były w trzech punktach zlokalizowanych w Gdańsku wzdłuż głównych szlaków komunikacyjnych....
High Energy Quality of Buildings 2022/23
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High Energy Quality of Buildings 2023/24
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High Energy Quality of Buildings 2024/25
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Fundamentals of Quality Management - Organizational Excellence 4.0 2022/2023
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Analysis of Airport Runoff Waters
PublicationA particularly important facet of airport operation is the impact of the pollution caused byrunoff waters. Runoff waters at an airport may contain relatively high concentrations of differentcontaminants resulting from the various aspects of its operation: de/anti-icing operations,washing and cleaning operations, spills of fuel and lubricants, exhaust fumes, and weed removal.The pollution caused by airport operations affects soil,...
Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
PublicationThe increase in the quantity and variety of contaminants generated during routine airport infrastructure maintenance operations leads to a wider range of pollutants entering soil and surface waters through runoff, causing soil erosion and groundwater pollution. A significant developmental challenge is ensuring that airport infrastructure meets high-quality environmental management standards. It is crucial to have effective tools...
Toxicity and chemical analyses of airport runoff waters in Poland
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the ecotoxicological effects of various compounds in complex airport effluents using a chemical and ecotoxicological integrated strategy. The present work deals with the determination of sum of PCBs, PAHs, pesticides, cations, anions, phenols, anionic, cationic, non-ionic detergents, formaldehyde and metals – as well as TOC and conductivity – in runoff water samples collected from 2009 to 2011...
Stormwater runoff in the urbanized coastal basin of Gdańsk Urbanized basin of Gdańsk
PublicationAnthropopressure strongly affects the primal water cycle. Alternation of the natural basins imposes changes of drainage patterns, reduction of bioretention, infiltration and base flow. As a result the overland flow predominates and greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems and reservoirs. Moreover changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of rapid extreme weather events. Infrastructures of urban areas...
Contaminants in airport runoff water in the Vicinities of Two International Airports in Poland
PublicationThe general aim of the study was to evaluate environmental quality associated with the operations (combustion of fuels, cleaning of aircraft and airport aprons, aircraft, ground vehicle maintenance and repairs, fuelling operations, de/anti-icing operations) of international airports located in central and northern of Poland. These two monitoring areas were set up to monitor PAHs, PCBs, formaldehydes, phenols, detergents (cationic,...
Runoff Water
PublicationThis entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric pollutants' transport to the surface and transformations of wet deposition on contact with various surfaces. Runoff waters are one of the forms in which precipitation reaches the groundwater and surface water. They are formed when rain or melting snow washes the surfaces of roofs, highways, agricultural areas, or tree canopies. Pollutants present in...
Stormwater and snowmelt runoff storage control and flash flood hazard forecasting in the urbanized coastal basin.
PublicationCity of Gdańsk is located in a coastal region where changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of extreme weather events. Developing urbanization affects the hydrology of natural basins by simplification of the drainage system and reduction of infiltration and base flow. Consequently greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems, reservoirs and surrounding water bodies. Not only infrastructures of urban...
Contaminants in airport runoff water
PublicationDespite the many positives ensuing from the rapid expansion of the air transport sector, airport operations as a whole are a substantial source of environmental pollution.Increases in aviation developments have serious consequences on the surrounding air, soil and water bodies like lakes, rivers and ground water. The present work deals with the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls...
Pollutants in Airport Runoff Waters
PublicationRunoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmentalproblem. It is essential to monitor levels of pollutants emitted intothe environment and measure their toxicity on a continuous basis.The authors' aim was to critically review data on pollution fromaviation fuel combustion, aviation fuel spillage, the washing andcleaning of aircraft and airport service equipment, and the useof de-/anti-icing agents published in...
Determination of phenols in runoff
PublicationOznaczono poziom zawartości fenoli w próbkach wód spływnych zbieranych w 5 punktach usytuowanych w pobliżu dróg o dużym natężeniu ruchu pojazdów mechanicznych. Najczęściej stwierdzano obecność fenolu i 3,4-dimetylofenolu natomiast w najwyższych stężeniach występują fenol (120,3-911,6 ng/l), chlorofenol (613 ng/l) oraz p-nitrofenol (469,4 ng/l).
Analytics of airport runoff water samples
PublicationThe everyday activities at airports, such as aircraft and ground vehicle washing, cleaning, de/anti-icing operations, fuelling, and fuel combustion, removing weeds are the main sources of airport industrial wastes. Runoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmental problem as they contribute to air, water, and soil pollution. The paper supplies general information on the technologies for treating airport runoff...
Potential Toxic Effects of Airport Runoff Water Samples on the Environment
PublicationDespite the positive aspects of the intensive development of aviation, airports are considered large-scale polluters. Pollution caused by runoff water (stormwater) is one of the major problems related to airport operations. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential toxic impact on aquatic life from runoff water discharges from four international airports in Europe. Samples of stormwater were collected at airports...
Pesticides in rain and roof runoff waters from an urban region
PublicationThe levels of organonitrogen, organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides were monitored in rain and roof runoff waters in Gdask (Poland) over a period of 6 months (October 2000 - March 2001). Buildings included in the study were of different ages, and covered with a variety of roofing materials. Samples were collected during the precipitation events. Pesticides were determined by gas chromatography combined with NPD and ECD...
Roofing Materials as Pollution Emiters - Concentration Changes During Runoff
PublicationThe influence of roofing material on concentration of pollutants in roof runoff waters and changes of pollution concentration in time were investigated. In field studies four roofing material types were taken into consideration - ceramic tile, bituminous membrane, asbestos tile and zinc sheeting. Samples were collected since November 2007 to March 2008, anions, cations, metals, PAHs, pesticides and PCB were determined. The existence...
Relativity of the simplified runoff calculations for rainwater drainage system
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problem względności wyników uproszczonych obliczeń spływu wód opadowych dla potrzeb systemów kanalizacji deszczowej, wynikającą zarówno z uproszczeń przy wyborze modelu obliczeniowego, jak i dostępności danych i szacunkowości stosowanych współczynników obliczeniowych. Szczególny nacisk został położony na rolę współczynnika spływu oraz sposobu określania czasu koncentracji i czsu trwania deszczu w zlewni....
Skill of remote sensing snow products for distributed runoff prediction
Assessment of Trace Metals Leaching During Rainfall Events from Building Rooftops with Different Types of Coverage – Case Study
PublicationRunoff water is an important medium transporting various types of pollution originating from the atmosphere and washed out from roofing materials. The study presents a quality assessment of runoff from different roofs in the context of trace metal concentrations. The analysed rooftops were covered with copper, tar paper and ceramic tile. The quality of the rain water collected at the same time satisfies the demands of the first...
PublicationThe pressure on the world’s water resources is rapidly increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorisation of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse can reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered as a potential resource. We analysed...
A GIS based approach for the mitigation of surface runoff to a shallow lowland reservoir
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Constructed wetland systems for aerial runoff treatment in the Gulf of Gdansk region
PublicationW artykule przywołano przykłady udanych wdrożeń obiektów hydrofitowych oczyszczania spływów obszarowych na terenie aglomeracji trójmiejskiej. Zespół obiektów hydrofitowych wybudowany w ZOO w Oliwie wykazał szczególnie wysoką skuteczność usuwania związków azotu. Obiekt hydrofitowy na Potoku Swelina spowodował znaczną poprawę jakości wód Potoku, a co za tym idzie i czystości kąpieliska w rejonie Kamiennego Potoku w Sopocie. Podjęte...
Comprehensive Analysis and Environmental Risk Assessment of Benzotriazoles in Airport Stormwater: A HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS-Based Procedure as a Tool for Sustainable Airport Runoff Water Management
PublicationDespite the numerous benefits of intensive air transport development, many activities associated with the operation of airports contribute to environmental pollution. The purpose of this research was the development, optimization, and validation of a headspace–solid-phase microextraction–comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight–mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS)-based procedure for determining anti-corrosive...
Probabilistic Approach to Precipitation-Runoff Relation in a Mountain Catchment: A Case Study of the Kłodzka Valley in Poland
PublicationOn the basis of daily precipitation and discharges recorded in 1974–2013 relations between precipitation and runoff in the Kłodzka Valley (KV) in south-western Poland were analyzed. The degree of synchronicity between them was determined using the bivariate Archimedean copulas. This study aims at identifying and then describe in a probabilistic way the precipitation and runoff relations in the area playing an important role...
Spatial Differentiation of the Maximum River Runoff Synchronicity in the Warta River Catchment, Poland
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Impact of Urbanization on Stormwater Runoff from a Small Urban Catchment: Gdańsk Małomiejska Basin Case Study
PublicationThis paper deals with the impact of different forms of urbanization on the basin outflow. The influence of changes in land cover/use, drainage system development, reservoirs, and alternative ways of stormwater management (green roofs, permeable pavements) on basin runoff was presented in the case of a small urban basin in Gdańsk (Poland. Seven variants of area development (in the period of 2000-2012) – three historical and four...
Contamination of Runoff Water at Gdańsk Airport (Poland) by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
PublicationAirport runoff can contain high concentrations of various pollutants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the environmental levels of which have to be monitored. Airport runoff water samples, collected at the Gdańsk-Rębiechowo Airport from 2008 to 2009, were analysed for PAHs and PCBs by gas chromatography. The aromatic fractions were separated by liquid-liquid extraction...
Application of different sampling procedures in studies of composition of various types of runoff waters - a review
PublicationInformacje o metodyce pobierania próbek i położeniu stanowiska obserwacyjnego warunkują prawidłowy wynik analizy i możliwość porównania go z innymi danymi. W publikacji omówiono różne typy próbników stosowanych do pobierania próbek wód spływnych dostających się do środowiska w wyniku zmywania przez opady atmosferyczne zanieczyszczeń z takich powierzchni jak: arterie komunikacyjne, dachy budynków, obszary rolnicze i leśne oraz hałdy...
Application of Rainfall - Runoff Model for the Analysis of Extreme Outflow from the Upper Strzyża Basin
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie hydrologicznego modelu opad - odpływ do wyznaczenia hydrogramu odpływu z górnej części zlewni Potoku Strzyża w Gdańsku. Obliczenia wykonano przy pomocy systemu obliczeniowego HEC-HMS, przyjmując do oszacowania opadu efektywnego metodę SCS-CN. Wykorzystując stworzony model zlewni obliczono odpływ w przekroju zamykającym zlewnię w miejscu lokalizacji zbiornika retencyjnego Nowiec II, który wskutek...
Acidity trace pollutants of urban rain and roof runoff from selected roof coverings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu opadów atmosferycznych i wód spływnych pobranych na terenie dużej aglomeracji miejskiej. Oznaczane były: pH, aniony - chlorki, azotany i siarczany oraz metale ciężkie - cynk, ołów, miedź, kadm. Próbki były pobierane na terenie Trójmiasta i w Dąbrówce Tczewskiej koło Gdańska z budynków pokrytych nowymi i starymi pokryciami. Badania prowadzono od kwietnia do czerwca 2006.
Rain Gardens SW particle size analysis dataset
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of laser diffraction particle size analysis of storm water runoff and storm water quality in rain garden units. Samples were collected from 4 different rain gardens in Gdansk, Poland.
Determination of antifreeze substances in the airport runoff waters by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method
PublicationA new method has been developed for the determination of antifreeze agents such as ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and diethylene glycol (DEG) in the samples of airport runoff water. The method is based on headspace solid–phase microextraction (HS–SPME) of target analytes, which is coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Until now, there was a lack of appropriate methodology for collecting reliable...
Rain Gardens SW quality dataset
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of parameters of storm water runoff and storm water quality in rain garden units. Samples were collected from 4 different rain gardens in Gdansk, Poland.
Evaluation of pollutant loading in the runoff waters from a major urban highway (Gdansk Beltway, Poland)
PublicationW artykule opisano wyniki badań dotyczących zawartości wybranych kationów i anionów w próbkach opadu otwartego, wód spływnych z ulic, wód spływnych z koron drzew oraz wody powierzchniowej, pobranych na terenie bedącym w zasiegu oddziaływania drogi szybkiego ruchu (Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej). Wyniki zostały poddane analizie statystycznej. Zbadano korelacje pomiedzy zawartościami wybranych analitów w badanych próbkach wód a natężeniem...
Identifying Surface Runoff Pathways for Cost-Effective Mitigation of Pollutant Inputs to Drinking Water Reservoir
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Contamination of runoff waters from roads with high traffic intensity in the urban region of Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationW ramach pracy prowadzone były badania zanieczyszczeń w próbkach wód spływnych z arterii komunikacyjnych. Próbki pobierano z sześciu stałych punktów zlokalizowanych wzdłuż szlaku komunikacyjnego prowadzącego z Redy do Gdańska (z miejsc o dużym natężeniu ruchu pojazdów) oraz z ulicy M. Buczka w Redzie (o mniejszym natężeniu ruchu). Próbki pobierane były przez okres dwóch miesięcy (okres deszczów jesiennych: 24.10 - 18.12.2000) oraz...
Impact of Climate Change on a Runoff Formation in Seaside Catchment Area on the Example of the Babica River Catchment
PublicationThe paper presents the impact of taking into account climate change in the perspective of 2050 on the results of hydrological calculations of characteristic flows in the hydrographically diverse seaside catchment area on the example of the Babica river catchment. A mathematical model of the Babica river catchment was made in the HEC-HMS program. The SCS method was used. The outflow from the basin was analysed for waters with...
The Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984–2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationNowadays, geospatial techniques are a popular approach for estimating urban flash floods by considering spatiotemporal changes in urban development. In this study, we investigated the impact of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological response of the Erbil basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). In the studied area, the LULC changes were calculated for 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2019 using the Digital Elevation...
Determination of fuel combustion product in airport runoff water samples using liquid–liquid extraction with gas chromatography–spectrometry
PublicationDetermination of xenobiotics in samples of airport runoff water is both a complex and indispensable task due to an increasing threat resulting from the activities of numerous airports. The aim of this study was to develop, optimize, and validate a procedure based on liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). So far, no...
DataSet Investigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Open Research DataInvestigations into the quality of urban stormwater outflow as an alternative water source: potential for landscape irrigation reuse
Chemical composition of water from roof in Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationThis study deals with the assessment of roof runoff waters from the region of Gdansk collected during the winter season (2007/2008). The chemical analysis includes 16 chemical variables: major ions, PAHs and PCBs measured at 3 sampling sites for 6-14 rain events. Although the data set is of limited volume the statistical data treatment using self-organizing maps (SOM) reveals the main factors controlling roof runoff water quality...
Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area
PublicationThe main task of the stormwater drainage system is a safe drainage of rainwater and snowmelt from the urban area to the receiver. The flow of rain water in the drainage pipes is directly related with the formation of sediments in the whole stormwater system. In addition, pollutants from land runoff get adsorbed to the sediments. The sludge is mainly formed in those elements of stormwater drainage system, wherein the flow conditions...
Analytical procedures for the determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive compounds, and de-icing compounds in airport runoff water samples
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to propose and evaluate new procedures for determination of fuel combustion products, anti-corrosive and de-icing compounds in runoff water samples collected from the airports located in different regions and characterized by different levels of the activity expressed by the number of flights and the number of passengers (per year). The most difficult step in the analytical procedure used for the determination...
Effect of GIS parameters on modelling runoff from river basin. The case study of catchment in the Puck District
PublicationThe study was preceded to check the impact of the adopted digital elevation model resolution on the determination of catchment parameters and the further influence of the received information on calculations related to the hydrograph at the closing point of the basin after a synthetic 100-year precipitation episode. The study area are river basins located in the Puck commune convoying water directly to the Puck Bay. These studies...
Solid phase microextraction–comprehensive twodimensional gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry: a new tool for determining PAHs in airport runoff water samples
Publicationfundamental aspect of airport operations is the pollution caused by airport runoff waters. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the most important groups of xenobiotics which are commonly found in runoff water originating from airports. Only very limited data on the analysis of airport runoff water have been published until now. Therefore, a reliable and accurate analytical method based on headspace solid-phase microextraction...