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Search results for: crash test simulations
Abnormal cytological findings - Female, 27 - Cell image [6110730021447481]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CERVIX UTERI cell sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Tribological test for evaluation of CF30 Black PEEK
Open Research DataSample numner BL03 and BL04 made of PEEK CF30 (black color) tribologicaly tested with sliding speed up to 1,8 m/s and up to 14 MPa of nominal load under water lubrication.
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of reference material materia (transverse direction)
Open Research DataThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - tensile test of reference material materia (longitudinal direction)
Open Research DataThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Multi Parameter Sliding Test Result Evaluation for the Selection of Material Pair for Wear Resistant Components of a Hydraulic Motor Dedicated for Use with Environmentally Friendly Working Fluids
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Lubricant property and rolling contact fatigue test of oil-in-water emulsion type HFA-E and oil Total Azolla 46 as working liquids in hydraulic systems
PublicationW artykule scharakteryzowano i opisano wyniki badań własności smarnych wody destylowanej, emulsji wodno-olejowej typu HFA-E (1% oleju w wodzie) sporządzonej na bazie koncentratu Isosynth VX110BF, oleju Total Azolla 46 i samego koncentratu Isosynth VX110BF (tylko dla porównania z olejem, emulsją i wodą). W artykule pokazano wyniki badań pittingu z użyciem wody, emulsji i oleju jako środków smarnych. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono...
Multi parameter sliding test result evaluation for the selection of material pair for wear resistant components of a hydraulic motor dedicated for use with environmentally friendly working fluids
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono zastosowanie metody badań tribologicznych pozwalającej na dokonywanie doboru najlepszych skojarzeń tribologicznych z wybranej populacji poprzez parametryczną ocenę wyników z wielu rodzajów testów tribologicznych wykonywanych na identycznych skojarzeniach materiał - smar - materiał.
Eine Eeue Technik zur Präzisen Rissfortschrittsmessung im DCB oder im Keilversuch = A novel technique for precise crack length measurement in the DCB or wedge test
PublicationDiverse methods have been tried to study crack length, most basic relying on direct, or microscopic, observation of the crack tip position. Optical correlation, both lasermoiré and speckle interferometry, a single strain gauge and displacement sensorshave also been employed. Crack length measurement is, however, delicate. We present a novel method making use of strain gauges attached to one of the adherends.
Muhammad Usman PhD
PeopleMuhammad Usman is a researcher at the Gdansk University of Technology, currently working on the BE-Light project focused on face skin analysis using multimodal imaging and machine learning methods. He previously worked as a Hardware Test Engineer at Apple Inc., specializing in the rigorous testing and validation of electronic systems, ensuring reliability and performance. He holds a Master of Science in Automation and Control from...
Wykorzystanie testu TOXALERT do oceny stanu wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu przemysłowego. Application of the TOXALERT test to the evaluation of the state of surface waters arround an industrial plant
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania, których celem była próba oceny wpływu działalności gospodarczej prowadzonej przez zakład przerobu ropy naftowej na elektryczność wód powierzchniowych wokół zakładu. Badano także skuteczność procesu oczyszczania ścieków, powstających w związku z tą działalnością w przyzakładowej oczyszczalni. Toksyczność pobranych próbek wód oznaczano za pomocą testu bakteryjnego z zastosowaniem organizmów Vibrio fischeri....
Implementation of Molecular Dynamics and Its Extensions with the Coarse-Grained UNRES Force Field on Massively Parallel Systems: Toward Millisecond-Scale Simulations of Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
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Displacements of bones during bending test of first metatarsophalangeal joint after arthrodesis with medially or dorsally positioned locking plate and lag screw.
Open Research DataThe Dataset contains the values of displacements of bone control points during the bending test of first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint specimens after arthrodesis.
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka dr
PeoplePsycholog, doktor nauk humanistycznych w dziedzinie zarządzania, adiunkt w Katedrze przedsiębiorczości. 2018 - 2021: Kierownik projektu NCN: „Efektuacyjny model zespołu przedsiębiorczego. Jak działają przedsiębiorcze zespoły odnoszące sukces" od 2016: Quality Standards Lead filaru People management & personal development na studiach MBA Politechniki Gdańskiej 2008 – 2012: Prodziekan ds kształcenia Wzydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii...
Modification and Optimization of the United-Residue (UNRES) Potential Energy Function for Canonical Simulations. I. Temperature Dependence of the Effective Energy Function and Tests of the Optimization Method with Single Training Proteins
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Towards temperature-dependent coarse-grained potentials of side-chain interactions for protein folding simulations. I: Molecular dynamics study of a pair of methane molecules in water at various temperatures
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Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Tadeusz Stolarski prof. dr hab. inż.
People -
Preparation to ball on disk test Initial contact stress evaluation
Open Research DataEvaluation of initial contact stress in tests on wear of Al6061 alloy in ball on disk tribological testing. Research on the reinforcing effect of aluminium alloy injection reinforcement with TiN and WC powders in laser remelted surface layer.
Michał Wasilczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Wasilczuk received his M.Sc. (1986), Ph.D. (1994) and D.Sc. (2004) from the Gdansk University of Technology. In 2016 was nominated Professor Currently he is a Full Professor and Head of the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineers at GUT Bearing systems and tribology are the main fields of his scientific and engineering interest - starting from the Ph.D. devoted to...
Koncepcja i symulacja polowa generatora o zmiennej częstotliwości. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych = Conception and field simulations of a variable frequency generator. Application for autonomous power generation system
PublicationStreszczenie angielskie: This paper covers a conception and simulation results for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid, hybrid vehicle, micro-CHP). The papers has two parts: presentation of the generator conception used in modern autonomous energy generation systems, and simulation results using filed model elaborated in Flux2D software....
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublicationThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
Simulations of high-pressure fluid flow in a pre-cracked rock specimen composed of densely packed bonded spheres using a 3D CFD model and simplified 2D coupled CFD-DEM approach
PublicationW artykule zastosowano dwa różne podejścia do opisu jednofazowego przepływu płynu w wstępnie spękanej próbce skały o niskiej porowatości pod wysokim ciśnieniem. Głównym celem pracy było bezpośrednie porównanie rozkładu ciśnień, gęstości i prędkości płynów we wstępnie pękniętej próbce. Zachowanie próbki imitującej skałę zostało opisane przez gęsto upakowane połączone kohezją kulki z nakładającymi się na siebie elementami. Pierwsze...
The chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used for the computations. The results we got using the model have been compared to the results obtained from real computational environment.
PublicationThe chapter analyses the K-Means algorithm in its parallel setting. We provide detailed description of the algorithm as well as the way we paralellize the computations. We identified complexity of the particular steps of the algorithm that allows us to build the algorithm model in MERPSYS system. The simulations with the MERPSYS have been performed for different size of the data as well as for different number of the processors used...
High frequency test measurements on physical model of power transformer with use of FRAX analyzer Streszczenie. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono pomiary testowe SFRA wykonane na modelu fizycznym transformatora elektroenergetycznego
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Modelling hydraulic and capillary-driven two-phase fluid flow in unsaturated concretes at the meso-scale with a unique coupled DEM-CFD technique
PublicationThe goal of the research was to demonstrate the impact of thin porous interfacial transition zones (ITZs) between aggregates and cement matrix on fluid flow in unsaturated concrete caused by hydraulic/capillary pressure. To demonstrate this impact, a novel coupled approach to simulate the two-phase (water and moist air) flow of hydraulically and capillary-driven fluid in unsaturated concrete was developed. By merging the discrete...
Preludium 21 test
ProjectsProject realized in West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin according to 2022 agreement from 2023-02-03
Detection of defects in PMMA beam using shear waves - numerical simulation and experiment
PublicationTest doświadczalny falami sprężystymi jest częścią systemu diagnostycznego belek. Autorzy badają pole przyspieszeń wywołane przepływem fal ultradźwiękowych i jego modyfikacje wynikające z wprowadzonych uszkodzeń belki. Artykuł porównuje wyniki eksperymentalne z symulacjami numerycznymi MES. The experimental test introduced in the paper is the part of the diagnostic system utilizing the elastic waves. The authors investigate the...
Three dimensional fluid equations from distribution function with discontinuity in velocity space
PublicationUkład równań typu hydrodynamicznego dla rozwarstwionego gazu w polu grawitacyjnym jest wyprowadzony z równania BKG przy użyciu metody kawałków ciągłej funkcji dystrybucji. Otrzymany układ równań uogólnia układ Naviera-Stokesa dla dowolnych liczb Knudsena.
Dynamic Response of the Suspended on a Single Cable Footbridge
PublicationThe article presents numerical simulations, dynamic in situ load tests and a structural health monitoring (SHM) system installed in a suspended on a single cable footbridge. Numerical simulations performed prior to construction indicated the possibility of structural dynamics problems, finally confirmed in the course of dynamic test loading. In the dynamic load course the bridge deck developed vibrations displaying accelerations...
Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych
PublicationPrzedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.
Low temperature cracking equipment: Termal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST); Uniaxial Tensile Strength Test (UTST); Tensile Creep Test (TCT); Relaxation Test (RT);
Research Equipment -
The XRD diffraction pattern of interdiffusion test in the CLO-NiO-YSZ system (10wt.%YSZ)
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the XRD pure diffraction pattern of the interdiffusion system consisting of CLO (Ce0.8La0.2O2), NiO and 8YSZ (8mol.% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2). The mixture contains equal amounts of CLO and NiO as well as 10wt.% 8YSZ. Samples were sintered at 1400 oC. The reaction between CLO and YSZ is visible.
The XRD diffraction pattern of interdiffusion test in the CLO-NiO-YSZ system (20wt.%YSZ)
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the XRD pure diffraction pattern of the interdiffusion system consisting of CLO (Ce0.8La0.2O2), NiO and 8YSZ (8mol.% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2). The mixture contains equal amounts of CLO and NiO as well as 20wt.% 8YSZ. Samples were sintered at 1400 oC. The reaction between CLO and YSZ is visible.
The XRD diffraction pattern of interdiffusion test in the CLO-NiO-YSZ system (30wt.%YSZ)
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the XRD pure diffraction pattern of the interdiffusion system consisting of CLO (Ce0.8La0.2O2), NiO and 8YSZ (8mol.% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2). The mixture contains equal amounts of CLO and NiO as well as 30wt.% 8YSZ. Samples were sintered at 1400 oC. The reaction between CLO and YSZ is visible.
Kacper Donat mgr inż.
PeopleSuper sprawa!
Kamil Andrzej Rybacki mgr inż.
PeopleBorn on 23 October 1993 in Gdańsk. In 2017, I have received the M.Sc. Degree at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. My main fields of interest include computer simulations of molecular systems, parallel computing in application to computational physics methods and development of various simulation software. Currently, my research is focused on the development of hybrid Molecular...
Numerical Estimation of Hull Hydrodynamic Derivatives in Ship Maneuvering Prediction
PublicationPrediction of the maneuvering characteristics of the ship at the design stage can be done by means of model tests, computational simulations or a combination of both. The model tests can be realized as direct simulation of the standard maneuvers with the free running model, which gives the most accurate results, but is also the least affordable as it requires very large tank or natural lake, as well as complex equipment of the...
Badania mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych w niskiej temperaturze
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody badań w niskiej temperaturze betonu asfaltowego przeznaczonego do warstwy ścieralnej. Przedstawione zostały wyniki badań dla 4 różnych metod badawczych: zginania, pełzania, pośredniego rozciągania oraz rozciągania termicznego przy ograniczonym odkształceniu (test TSRST). Próbki betonu asfaltowego były przygotowywane w laboratorium z wykorzystaniem 3 rodzajów asfaltów: asfaltu zwykłego, asfaltu modyfikowanego...
Experimental and numerical evaluation of mechanical behaviour of composite structural insulated wall panels under edgewise compression
PublicationA composite structural insulated sandwich panel (CSIP) is a quite novel approach to the idea of sandwich structures. A series of natural-scale experimental test is required each time a change in panel’s geometry is planned and a reliable computational tool is required to precede actual laboratory testing with virtual simulations. An attempt of creating such a tool has been made with use of a commercial FEM code ABAQUS, in order...
Karol Niklas dr hab. inż.
PeopleKarol NIKLAS is a university professor at Gdansk University of Technology (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Institute of Naval Architecture). He defended his master's thesis on Naval Architecture, specialty Design of vessels and yachts in 2007. In 2008, he completed postgraduate studies in the specialty 'Novel Simulation Methods in Engineering' at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics. In 2014 awarded...
Theoretical Principles of Nanotechnology 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThis is the webpage for Theoretical Principles of Nanotechnology for (Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science)
Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
PublicationThis article presents a nonlinear equivalent circuit model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer. The model takes into account the magnetic cross saturation of the 3-phase core-type magnetic circuit. The model is suitable in detailed electromagnetic transient simulations of power systems involving isolated dc-dc converters. The model is developed using the Lagrange energy method. It involves...
HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index
PublicationCurrent tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...
Karol Flisikowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Flisikowski works as Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is responsible for teaching descriptive and mathematical statistics (in Polish and English), as well as scientific research in the field of social statistics. He has been a participant in many national and international conferences, where he has presented the results...
Wytwarzanie i modyfikacja powierzchni porowatych struktur tytanowych przeznaczonych na implanty
PublicationCelem pracy było wytworzenie stopu Ti-13Nb-13Zr z wykorzystaniem technologii selektywnego topienia laserowego (SLM) oraz jego biofunkcjonalizacja za pomocą utleniania mikrołukowego (MAO), a następnie określenie wpływu parametrów procesowych na właściwości otrzymanych materiałów pod kątem ich zastosowania na implanty. Oceniono wpływ napięcia, natężenia i czasu procesu MAO przeprowadzanego w elektrolicie zawierającym wapń i fosfor...
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublicationThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry
Open Research DataThe developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic...
Interatomic potential suitable for the modeling of penta-graphene: Molecular statics/molecular dynamics studies
PublicationWe test the potentials available for elemental carbon, with the scope to choose the potential suitable for the modeling of penta-graphene, the latest two dimensional carbon allotrope. By using molecular statics and molecular dynamics simulations we show that there is only one potential e namely the Tersoff-type potential proposed by Erhart and Albe in 2005 e which is able to correctly describe all the important features of penta-graphene....
PublicationThe aim of the work was the experimental and theoretical evaluation of the influence of the most important parameters determining the holding torque of a thin-walled bearing shell inside a housing bore of a connecting rod. The main investigated parameters were defned by authors experience in this feld. In the frst stage of research, a special test stand was designed in order to allow measuring the real values of the friction torque...
Large deformation modelling of CPT probing in soft soil—pore water pressure analysis
PublicationThis paper presents the results of finite element modelling with Updated Lagrangian formulation of the Cone Penetration Test in soft soil deposit located in Jazowa, Poland. The numerical calculations are carried out for homogenous, normally consolidated, organic soil layer. The Modified Cam Clay constitutive model for soft soil and Coulomb model for interface are used. The study compares the registered pore water pressure distributions...