Search results for: REDUCED BASIS METHODS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: REDUCED BASIS METHODS

Search results for: REDUCED BASIS METHODS

  • Od modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa do modelu biznesu organizacji publicznej

    Zadowolenie obywateli z jakości życia jest związane z poziomem zaspokajania ich potrzeb, wśród których występuje możliwość korzystania z dóbr publicznych. Wiąże się to z dostępem do usług publicznych. Gospodarzami w zakresie świadczenia tych usług są organizacji publiczne. Zatem z rozumowania logicznego wynika, że wzrost zadowolenia mieszkańców może nastąpić wówczas, gdy podniesie się dostępność i poziom jakości usług publicznych....

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  • 2022-2023 - Wytrzymałość materiałów I, PG_00039799

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z podstawowymi zagadnieniami związanymi z wytrzymałością materiałów. Wykłady dotyczą kolejno: podstawy wytrzymałości materiałów, wytrzymałość pręta prostego na ściskanie/rozciąganie, analiza wytrzymałości dla układów prętowych statycznie niewyznaczalnych, wytrzymałość prętów na skręcanie, wytrzymałość belek zginanie, odkształcenia belki zginanej, ścinanie pręta (pręt ścinany), stany naprężeń,...

  • Evaluating the effectivness of an outsourced processes on the basis of key performance indicators


    According to the statistics outsourcing has become typical solution for mature economies. Besides short run attempt based on cost reduction, getting popular is the method of increasing the effectiveness by implementing outsourced process. Authors in this article present the methods of measuring outsourcing performance on the basis of key performance indicators.

  • Reduced order models in computational electromagnetics (in memory of Ruediger Vahldieck)

    This paper reviews research of Ruediger Vahldieck's group and the group at the Gdansk University of Technology in the area of model order reduction techniques for accelerating full-wave simulations. The applications of reduced order models to filter design as well as of local and nested(multilevel) macromodels for solving 3D wave equations and wave-guiding problems using finite difference and finite element methods are discussed.

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  • Rozwój zrównoważony w planowaniu strategicznym w miastach powiatowych na obszarze peryferyjnym woj. pomorskiego

    Celem pracy było rozpoznanie, czy i w jakim zakresie zasady rozwoju zrównoważonego są obecne w planowaniu strategicznym w miastach powiatowych na obszarach peryferyjnych województwa pomorskiego. Wybrano taki zestaw miast, ponieważ ich rozwój może odegrać istotną rolę w aktywizacji obszarów peryferyjnych (miasta w obszarach metropolitalnych mają odrębną specyfikę). Cechy rozwoju zrównoważonego opisane w teorii oraz dokumentach krajowych...

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  • Marcin Potrykus dr inż.

    A graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2008, he has been employed as an Assistant at the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2015, he defended (in the discipline of economics) his doctoral dissertation entitled "Alternative investments - profitability and risk". Since 2016, he has been employed as...

  • A Note on Reduced Strain Gradient Elasticity


    - Year 2018

    We discuss the particular class of strain-gradient elastic material models which we called the reduced or degenerated strain-gradient elasticity. For this class the strain energy density depends on functions which have different differential properties in different spatial directions. As an example of such media we consider the continual models of pantographic beam lattices and smectic and columnar liquid crystals.

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  • Food Analytical Methods


    ISSN: 1936-9751 , eISSN: 1936-976X

  • Numerical Methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Sypek
    • M. Rewieński

    Numerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...

  • Research Methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zięba

    This course on research methods is intended for 5th semester students of BiM Programme.

  • Local basis function estimators for identification of nonstationary systems


    The problem of identification of a nonstationary stochastic system is considered and solved using local basis function approximation of system parameter trajectories. Unlike the classical basis function approach, which yields parameter estimates in the entire analysis interval, the proposed new identification procedure is operated in a sliding window mode and provides a sequence of point (rather than interval) estimates. It is...

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  • Local basis function method for identification of nonstationary systems


    - Year 2024

    This thesis is focused on the basis function method for the identification of nonstationary processes. The first chapter describes a group of models that can be identified using the basis function method. The next chapter describes the basic version of the basis function method, including its algebraic and statistical properties. The following section introduces the local basis function (LBF) method: its properties are described...

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  • Quantitative Methods in Economics


    ISSN: 2082-792X , eISSN: 2543-8565

  • Reduced order model of 2d system


    - Year 2010

    A new method of modelling is developed for static and dynamic analysis of two-dimensional elastic bodies. In the analysis, an elastic body is divided into strips. For each one-dimensional strip the reduced modal model is build up. The modal model contains appropriate number of inputs and outputs to connect lumped interaction that occur between strips. Proposed method of modelling enables to obtain more accurate and more simple...

  • Recognizing emotions on the basis of keystroke dynamics


    - Year 2015

    The article describes a research on recognizing emotional states on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An overview of various studies and applications of emotion recognition based on data coming from keyboard is presented. Then, the idea of an experiment is presented, i.e. the way of collecting and labeling training data, extracting features and finally training classifiers. Different classification approaches are proposed to be...

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  • Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System

    The paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...

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  • A comparison of geometric analogues of holographic reduced representations, original holographic reduced representations and binary spatter codes


    - Year 2011

    Geometric Analogues of Holographic Reduced Representations (GA HRR) employ role-filler binding based on geometric products. Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space and complex statements belong to a hierarchy of multivectors. The paper reports a battery of tests aimed at comparison of GA HRR with Holographic Reduced Representation (HRR) and Binary Spatter Codes (BSC). Firstly, we perform a test of...

  • Ocena efektywności monitoringu obiektów inżynierskich za pomocą sieci Bayesa

    W swojej pracy autorzy zaproponowali zastosowanie sieci Bayesa do projektowania monitoringu i podejmowania decyzji w działaniach eksploatacyjnych. Ponadto pokazano dwie metody oceny wartości informacji diagnostycznych. Pierwszą z nich jest wartość oczekiwana EVSI (ang. Expected Value of Sample Information), która stanowi podstawę do wyboru spośród alternatywnych obserwacji symptomów zmiennej diagnostycznej. Natomiast drugą metodą...

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  • Basis of Chemical Technology

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Lieder

  • Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis


    ISSN: 1230-3429

  • Regularized Local Basis Function Approach to Identification of Nonstationary Processes

    The problem of identification of nonstationary stochastic processes (systems or signals) is considered and a new class of identification algorithms, combining the basis functions approach with local estimation technique, is described. Unlike the classical basis function estimation schemes, the proposed regularized local basis function estimators are not used to obtain interval approximations of the parameter trajectory, but provide...

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  • Analiza Niezawodności Człowieka w Ramach Funkcji związanych z Bezpieczeństwem w Przykładowej Instalacji


    W analizie bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego systemów sterowania i zabezpieczeń należy określić wymagany poziom nienaruszalności bezpieczeństwa SIL w procesie analizy ryzyka, a następnie zweryfikować ten poziom stosując odpowiednie metody modelowania probabilistycznego. Działania człowieka mogą mieć istotny wpływ na realizację funkcji bezpieczeństwa. Wpływ ten ocenia się na podstawie wyników analizy niezawodności człowieka HRA. W niniejszym...

  • Quantitative research methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Paradowski

    Quantitative research methods - dr P. Paradowski

  • Reduced model of gyroscopic system


    - Year 2008

    The paper presents the method of model reduction for the system with gyroscopic interactions. Two methods were used to obtain the approximate discrete models of the continuous structure: the modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. The first approach is used for this part of a system for which it is easy to formulate orthogonality conditions, meanwhile the second one is used for other part. The method enables...

  • Monte Carlo Methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Franz

    This course will introduce the foundations of Monte Carlo simulation methods. Fundamental algorithms will be described. It will be shown how Monte Carlo methods can be used to simulate the transport of energetic particles in condensed matter.

  • Optimally regularized local basis function approach to identification of time-varying systems


    Accurate identification of stochastic systems with fast-varying parameters is a challenging task which cannot be accomplished using model-free estimation methods, such as weighted least squares, which assume only that system coefficients can be regarded as locally constant. The current state of the art solutions are based on the assumption that system parameters can be locally approximated by a linear combination of appropriately...

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  • Evaluation of working spaces' technical condition of marine diesel engine on the basis of operation research


    - Journal of Polish CIMEEAC - Year 2010

    The paper presents the method of evaluation of the technical state of working spaces of a marine diesel engine at the reduced control susceptibility. The method foresees making diagnosis on the basis of the measurements of exhaust gas pressure in the channels connecting engine cylinders with turbocharger's turbine. In the beginning of the article the research objects are characterized i.e. ZVIEZDA main engine of M401 type and the...

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  • Efficient bounds on quantum-communication rates via their reduced variants


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2010

    We investigate one-way communication scenarios where Bob operating on his component can transfer some subsystem to the environment. We define reduced versions of quantum-communication rates and, further, prove upper bounds on a one-way quantum secret key, distillable entanglement, and quantum-channel capacity by means of their reduced versions. It is shown that in some cases they drastically improve their estimation.

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  • Antenna Optimization Using Machine Learning with Reduced-Dimensionality Surrogates


    In modern times, antenna design has become more demanding than ever. The escalating requirements for performance and functionality drive the development of intricately structured antennas, where parameters must be meticulously adjusted to achieve peak performance. Often, global adjustments to geometry are necessary for optimal results. However, direct manipulation of antenna responses evaluated with full-wave electromagnetic (EM)...

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  • The properties of reduced Ge-Sb-O glasses for thermoelectric devices

    The structural and electrical properties of germanium-antimonate glasses after heat treatment in hydrogen have been determined. In the case of 50GeO2-50Sb2O3 glass reduced at 340°C even for less than 1 hour a continuous layer of antimony granules is formed and its electrical properties determine the surface conductivity of the reduced sample. The bulk electrical conductivity at 100°C of this sample was determined as 1000 Scm-1...

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  • Fast Basis Function Estimators for Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes


    The problem of identification of a linear nonsta-tionary stochastic process is considered and solved using theapproach based on functional series approximation of time-varying parameter trajectories. The proposed fast basis func-tion estimators are computationally attractive and yield resultsthat are better than those provided by the local least squaresalgorithms. It is shown that two...

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  • Automatyczna weryfikacja klienta bankowego w oparciu o multimodalne technologie biometryczne

    W referacie przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań wykorzystywanych w bankach do weryfikacji tożsamości klientów. Ponadto zawarto opis metod biometrycznych aktualnie wykorzystywanych w placówkach bankowych wraz z odniesieniem do skuteczności i wygody korzystania z dostępnych rozwiązań. Zaproponowano rozszerzenie zakresu wykorzystania technologii biometrycznych, wskazując kierunek rozwoju systemów bezpieczeństwa dla poprawy dostępu do...

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  • Zastosowanie specjalnego uziemienia żył powrotnych w liniach kablowych SN


    W artykule porównano metody uziemiania żył powrotnych kabli średniego napięcia. Głównym kryterium oceny poszczególnych rozwiązań było ograniczenie strat w przesyle energii elektrycznej oraz zapewnienie ochrony przeciwprzepięciowej osłon kabli. Na podstawie symulacji kabli zamodelowanych w programie CYMCAP i otrzymanych wyników obciążalności prądowej i strat w linii zaprezentowano metodę krzyżowania żył powrotnych (CB – cross-bonding...

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  • Algorytmy przetwarzania widm Ramana w procesie detekcji substancji chemicznych


    - Year 2014

    Rozprawa przedstawia szczegółowo algorytmy, jakie są stosowane podczas przetwarzania widm Ramana, rejestrowanych przenośnym spektrometrem o skończonej rozdzielczości. Pracę podzielono na osiem rozdziałów. W pierwszym określono cel i tezy pracy. Rozdział drugi opisuje podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące zjawiska Ramana oraz zasady budowy urządzeń do pomiarów widm Ramana. W rozdziale trzecim scharakteryzowano błędy występujące podczas pomiarów...

  • Wpływ wybranych właściwości maszyny badawczej na wynik eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym


    - Year 2017

    Niniejsza monografia stanowi podsumowanie przekrojowych badań związanych z wpływem właściwości stanowiska badawczego (tribometru) na przebieg i rejestrowane wyniki eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym ciał stałych smarowanych cieczą w warunkach tarcia bez efektów smarowania hydrodynamicznego. Autor przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych analiz właściwości dynamicznych stanowiska badawczego w kontekście efektów obserwowanych...

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  • Review of titanium and steel welding methods


    The paper presents review of methods of titanium and steel welding. On basis of professional literature it was stated that titanium can be joined with steel by means of explosive welding or brazing.Joining titanium with steel by TIG welding and friction welding methods is possible with the use of copper and tantalum or vanadium interlayer.

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  • The properties of reduced Bi-Ge-O glasses for thermoelectric devices

    The bismuth-germanate glasses have been investigated to examine their applicability for thermoelectric devices. In order to increase their electrical conductivity, the 25Bi2O3–75GeO2 glass samples have been reduced at 340-380°C for 10 hours in hydrogen. It has been shown that such heat treatment in H2 leads to the reduction of metal ions Bi3+ and Ge4+ into neutral atoms and the formation of metal grains both in an amorphous glass...

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  • Towards detecting programmers’ stress on the basis of keystroke dynamics

    The article describes the idea of detecting stress among programmers on the basis of keystroke dynamics. An experiment with a group of students of artificial intelligence classes was performed. Two samples of keystroke data were recorded for each case, the first while programming without stress, the second under time pressure. A number of timing and frequency parameters were calculated for each sample. Then statistical analysis...

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  • Biharmonic reduced stress.


    - Year 2004

    Rozpatrywane jest wieloosiowe naprężenie o biharmonicznych składowych. Aproksymuje ono naprężenie w rufowej części kadłuba statku przy regularnym falowaniu morskim. Celem pracy jest zamodelowanie tego naprężenia jednoosiowym naprężeniem zredukowanym. Dla uniknięcia zniekształcenia widma naprężenia wyznaczono biharmoniczne naprężenie zredukowane. W tym celu wykorzystano hipotezę uśrednionej energii odkształcenia postaciowego.

  • Strategie rozwoju obszarów funkcjonalnych miast na obszarach peryferyjnych polskich regionów


    - Year 2017

    Artykuł dotyczy strategii 12 miejskich obszarów funkcjonalnych (MOF) na polskich ob-szarach peryferyjnych, tj. zlokalizowanych poza MOF stolic województw. Celami badania były: (1) znalezienie czynników, które były podstawą do opracowania planowanych strategii, (2) rozpoznanie i ocena strategii (3) wzbogacenie wiedzy na temat planowania strategicznego: stosowanych metod, a także najbardziej powszechnych wad. Metoda badań obejmowała...

  • Estimating the parameter of inequality aversion on the basis of a parametric distribution of incomes

    Research background: In applied welfare economics, the constant relative inequality aversion function is routinely used as the model of a social decisionmaker’s or a society’s preferences over income distributions. This function is entirely determined by the parameter, ε, of inequality aversion. However, there is no authoritative answer to the question of what the range of ε an analyst should select for empirical work. Purpose...

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  • Is It Right To Predict Cutting Forces On The Basis Of Wood Density?


    - Year 2013

    Several properties of wood can be correlated to wood density. It is widely accepted that the cutting power requirements are following this general assumption. Therefore, according to classic literature sources available for determination of the cutting power for both band- and circular- sawing machines, the cutting power requirements (and/or cutting forces) are computed as a function of the wood specific gravity SG. It was shown...


    The article substantiates that the level of company’s financial security depends not so much on the indicators of its activity, but on its perception of decision-makers and other stakeholders. At the same time, this perception is formed due to the continuous participation of the stakeholder in operations, constant monitoring of financial indicators, the study of current approaches to enterprise management, changes in the environment,...

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  • The EDS elemental maps of reduced LSCNT (SEM)

    Open Research Data
    open access - series: Exsolution

    The dataset includes elemental maps of La, Ce, Ti, O, Sr, Ni in La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s produced using Pechini method sintered at 1200oC under air atmosphere and reduced at 900 for 12 h in wet H2.

  • Basis of Chemical Technology - Seminar

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Łuczak
    • M. Lieder

  • Gas Detection Using Resistive Gas Sensors And Radial Basis Function Neural Networks


    - Year 2016

    We present a use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) method in gas detection system utilizing a prototype resistive WO3 gas sensing layer with gold nanoparticles. We investigated accuracy of gas detection for three different preprocessing methods: no preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and wavelet transformation. Low frequency noise voltage observed in resistive gas...

  • Qualitative data analysis methods

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Starnawska

    This is the continuation of Qualitatative Data Analysis Methods course provided online



    ISSN: 1016-2372 , eISSN: 1793-7132

  • Polyurethane Nanocomposites Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide, FTIR, Raman, and XRD Studies


    Recently, graphene and other graphene-based materials have become an essential part of composite science and technology. Their unique properties are not only restricted to graphene but also shared with derivative compounds like graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, functionalized graphene, and so forth. One of the most structurally important materials, graphene oxide (GO), is prepared by the oxidation of graphite. Though removal...

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  • Predicting the viscosity and electrical conductivity of ionic liquids on the basis of theoretically calculated ionic volumes


    - MOLECULAR PHYSICS - Year 2015

    Selected physical properties of the ionic liquids might be quantitatively predicted based on the volumes of the ions these systems are composed of. It is demonstrated that the ionic volumes calculated using relatively simple theoretical quantum chemistry methods can be utilised to estimate the viscosities and electrical conductivities of various commonly used ionic liquids. The fitting formulas of the exponential form are offered...

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