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Ograniczenia i koszty wdrożenia systemu open data
PublicationPrzedstawienie kosztów i ograniczeń wdrażania open data w polskich urzędach miejskich.
Synthesis of Combretastatin A-4 Analogs and their Biological Activities
PublicationCombretastatin A-4 (CA-4) is a natural product, which consists of two phenyl rings, linked by an ethylene bridge. CA-4, inhibitor of polymerization of tubulin to microtubules, possesses a strong antitumor and anti-vascular properties both in vitro and in vivo. Previous studies showed that disodium phosphate salt of CA-4, a water-soluble prodrug is well tolerated at therapeutically useful doses. However, it should be noted that...
GIS for processing multidimensional marine data in SAAS model
PublicationGeographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified...
Developments in the synthesis and biological activity of Glycyl-L-Histydyl-L-Lysine derivatives
PublicationWe emphasize on the methods of the synthesis described in the literature and present the aspects of Gly-His-Lys structure modifications that played a key role in scientific research.
Performance analysis of an rfid-based 3d indoor positioning system combining scene analysis and neural network methods
PublicationThe main purpose of this research is to improve localization accuracy of an active Radio Frequency Identification, RFID tag, in 3D indoor space. The paper presents a new RFID based 3D Indoor Positioning System which shows performance improvement. The proposed positioning system combines two methods: the Scene Analysis technique and Artificial Neural Network. The results of both simulation using Log-Distance Path Loss Model and...
Buried Object Characterization Using Ground Penetrating Radar Assisted by Data-Driven Surrogate-Models
PublicationThis work addresses artificial-intelligence-based buried object characterization using 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulations of a ground penetrating radar (GPR). The task is to characterize cylindrical shape, perfectly electric conductor (PEC) object buried in various dispersive soil media, and in different positions. The main contributions of this work are (i) development of a fast and accurate data driven surrogate modeling...
Algorithms for Ship Movement Prediction for Location Data Compression
PublicationDue to safety reasons, the movement of ships on the sea, especially near the coast should be tracked, recorded and stored. However, the amount of vessels which trajectories should be tracked by authorized institutions, often in real time, is usually huge. What is more, many sources of vessels position data (radars, AIS) produces thousands of records describing route of each tracked object, but lots of that records are correlated...
Processing of Hydroacoustic and LiDAR Data for Three-dimensional Surface Reconstruction
PublicationThe technologies of sonar and laser scanning are commonly used for obtaining spatial information about underwater and over ground environments in the form of point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a more practical solution of visualising such data involves the creation of solid three-dimensional meshes composed of edges and facets. In this paper, several methods for 3D shape reconstruction of data obtained...
A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Neural-Based Cerebral Microbleeds Detection System
PublicationMachine learning-based systems are gaining interest in the field of medicine, mostly in medical imaging and diagnosis. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic cerebral microbleeds (CMB) detection in magnetic resonance images. It is challenging due to difficulty in distinguishing a true CMB from its mimics, however, if successfully solved it would streamline the radiologists work. To deal with this complex three-dimensional...
Micellar Route of the Synthesis of Alkyl Xylosides: An Unexpected Effect of Amphiphilic Imidazolium Ionic Liquids
PublicationThis manuscript presents results from the investigation on the synthesis of alkyl xylosides by the novel, very efficient and promising protocol of the Fischer synthesis from unprotected xylose and aliphatic alcohol. The use of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids as the catalysts with dual functionality (surfactant + acid catalyst) and micellar reaction system are the main novelty of described method. It has...
Biotrickling filtration of n-butanol vapors: process monitoring using electronic nose and artificial neural network
PublicationBiotrickling filtration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype combined with artificial neural network for biofiltration process monitoring in terms of reduction in n-butanol concentration and odour intensity of treated air. The study...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Ryms, PhD, DSc, Eng. is the physicist, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. PhD thesis defended at the Chemical Faculty. Since 2011 an employee at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND – now as an associate professor. His research interests includes: improvement of energy efficiency and possibilities of new application of phase change materials...
Three-dimensional representation of geographic data in a Web-based GIS
PublicationPresenting geographic data in a web environment has been a long standing problem. For many years the low performance of web browsers has limited the visualization of spatial data to only two dimensions. More recently, the introduction of open standards for 3D acceleration of web applications sparked the emergence of new methods of presenting three-dimensional data in a web browser without using third-party extensions. However,...
Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data
PublicationThe continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...
International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (previously called Advances in Speech-Language Pathology)
Journals -
Inhibitors of angiogenesis in cancer therapy – synthesis and biological activity
PublicationAngiogenesis is the process of formation of new capillaries from preexisting blood vessels. Angiogenesis is involved in normal physiological processes, and plays an important role in tumor invasion and development of metastases. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a key role in angiogenesis. VEGF is a mitogen for vascular endothelial cells and stimulates their proliferation. By inhibiting the biological activity of...
Face with Mask Detection in Thermal Images Using Deep Neural Networks
PublicationAs the interest in facial detection grows, especially during a pandemic, solutions are sought that will be effective and bring more benefits. This is the case with the use of thermal imaging, which is resistant to environmental factors and makes it possible, for example, to determine the temperature based on the detected face, which brings new perspectives and opportunities to use such an approach for health control purposes. The...
Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
PublicationDespite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....
Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth
PublicationAs healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...
Harmonization and Quality Assurance of Income and Wealth Data: The Case of LIS.
PublicationComparability of concepts in survey data harmonization is essential for scientific analyses. LIS – also known as the Luxembourg Income Study or LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg – acquires and harmonizes income and wealth microdata to provide the scientific community with a comparable database that is unique in the world in its growing temporal and geographic breadth. Over many decades, scholars worldwide have used the...
Methods of trend removal in electrochemical noise data – overview
PublicationIn this paper we shall review popular methods of trend removal from electrochemical noise time records. The basic principles of operation of the six most popular methods are explained. The proposed methods are: high - pass filtering, Moving Average Removal, polynomial detrending, wavelet detrending, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Variational Mode Decomposition. Estimation of trend removal quality...
Enhancing Renal Tumor Detection: Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks in Computed Tomography Analysis
PublicationRenal cell carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in Europe, with a total incidence rate of 18.4 cases per 100 000 population. There is currently significant overdiagnosis (11% to 30.9%) at times of planned surgery based on radiological studies. The purpose of this study was to create an artificial neural network (ANN) solution based on computed tomography (CT) images as an additional tool to improve the differentiation of...
The new method of ZnIn2S4 synthesis on the titania nanotubes substrate with enhanced stability and photoelectrochemical performance
PublicationThe new method of ZnIn2S4 synthesis on the titania nanotubes substrate with enhanced stability and photoelectrochemical performance
Using wavelet techniques for multibeam sonar bathymetry data compression
PublicationMultibeam sonars are widely used in applications like high resolution bathymetry measurements or underwater object imaging. One of the significant problems in multibeam sensing of the marine environment is large amount of data which must be transmitted from the sonar processing unit to an operator station using a limited bit rate channel. For instance, such a situation would be in the case when the multibeam sonar was mounted on...
Managing Data from Heterogeneous Data Sources Using Knowledge Layer
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Atmospheric emissions of POPs in Europe - a discussion of existing data and data need
PublicationZaproponowano, aby schematy inwentaryzacji i raportowania emisji w przyszłości były tak dobrane, aby zaspokajały potrzeby zarówno administracji odpowiedzialnej za strategię redukcji emisji jak i naukowców wykorzystujących inwentaryzację emisji na potrzeby dalszych badań naukowych. Stan obecny inwentaryzacji emisji POP oszacowany został jako niezadowalający a dalsze usprawnienia są konieczne dla poprawienia wiarygodności wyników...
Managing data from heterogeneous data sources using knowledge layer
PublicationW procesie integrowania danych przy użyciu ontologii, ważne jest aby zarządzać danymi przechowywanymi w zewnętrznych źródłach, analogicznie jak tymi przechowywanymi w Bazie Wiedzy. Zaprezentowana w poprzednich pracach metoda kartograficznej reprezentacji wiedzy pozwala na wnioskowanie z danych przechowywanych w Bazie wiedzy. Rozwiązanie zaprezentowane w tej pracy umożliwia wykorzystanie metody kartograficznej do wnioskowania z...
Mechanizmy komunikacji w rozproszonych systemach specjalnego przeznaczenia
PublicationZadania ochrony i bezpieczeństwa granic państwa realizowane przez Straż Graniczną wymagają wsparcia ze strony nowoczesnych systemów Technologii Informacyjnych (TI) uwarunkowanych ich specjalnym przeznaczeniem. Z uwagi na charakter tej służby, rozwiązania dla jej potrzeb muszą być realizowane jako systemy rozproszone umożliwiające przenoszenie i przetwarzanie informacji głosowych oraz różnorodnych danych, w tym specjalnego przeznaczenia....
Visualization of Economic Data - 2022
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Scientific Computing and Data Science
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Ireneusz Czarnowski Prof.
PeopleIRENEUSZ CZARNOWSKI is a graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Gdynia Maritime University. He gained a doctoral degree in the field of computer science at Poznan University of Technology and a postdoctoral degree in the field of computer science at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Since 1998 is associated with Gdynia Maritime University, currently is a professor of computer science in the Department...
Examination of the effects of short-term oxidative stress on glucocorticoid conversion in marine mussels
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Improving signal quality of a speech codec using hybrid perceptual-parametric algorithm
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano hybrydową architekturę parametryczno-perceptualną kodeka mowy. Jego podstawę stanowi kodek CELP, który wspomagany jest kodekiem perceptualnym. Celem zastosowania proponowanej metody jest uzyskanie poprawy jakości kodowania sygnału mowy. Badaniom poddano dwie architektury, z których w jednej dźwięczne części sygnału rezydualnego kodeka CELP kodowane są perceptualnie. Drugi z proponowanych kodeków dokonuje...
Integration of multi-interface conversion channel using FPGA for modular photonic network
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Green method of conversion of geraniol to value-added products in the presence of selected minerals
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Conditions for measurement, analog-to-digital conversion and frequency analysis of irregularities of profile surface
PublicationPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania pomiaru, przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego i analizy częstotliwościowej nierówności powierzchni toczonych dla celów rozpoznawania ich głównych składowych. Przedstawiono ograniczenia w pomiarze igłą, która odwzorowuje nierówności poprzeczne. Podano zależności parametrów pomiaru cyfrowego nierówności warunkujące zakresy ich rozpatrywania. Dla wartości przedziału próbkowania, dla którego nie jest spełnione...
Combining visual and acoustic modalities to ease speech recognition by hearing impaired people
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje system, którego celem działania jest ułatwienie procesu treningu poprawnej wymowy dla osób z poważnymi wadami słuchu. W analizie mowy wykorzystane zostały parametry akutyczne i wizualne. Do wyznaczenia parametrów wizualnych na podstawie kształtu i ruchu ust zostały wykorzystane modele Active Shape Models. Parametry akustyczne bazują na współczynnikach melcepstralnych. Do klasyfikacji wypowiadanych głosek została...
Higher harmonics of converter currents in energy conversion system of small water plants
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Efficiency analysis of an energy conversion system for a variable speed small hydropower plant
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Nitrogen conversion during treatment of various type of wastewater in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationThe objective of this investigation was to recognize nitrogen speciation during wastewater treatment in three multistage TWs (MTWs), which are assuming more a most effective in nitrogen removal than single stage TWs. Carried out investigations and analysis enable for determination of conditions, relationships and processes responsible for nitrogen conversions in subsequent stages of MTWs. In treated wastewater and reject water...
Effectiveness of a dual surface modification of metallic interconnects for application in energy conversion devices
PublicationA dual surface modification of an SOFC metallic interconnect with a Gd2O3 layer and an MnCo2O4 coating was evaluated. The tested samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K. Oxidation products were characterized using XRD, SEM-EDS, and confocal Raman imaging, and ASR was measured. The effect of gadolinium segregation at grain boundaries in Cr2O3 was evaluated using S/TEM-EDS. Area specific-resistance was measured and fuel...
On the synthesis of coupled-lossy resonator filters with unloaded quality factor control
PublicationA technique for fast synthesis of coupling matrix low-pass prototypes of generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with lossy resonators is presented in this paper. The coupling matrix is found by solving a nonlinear least squares problem based on zeros and poles of filter's transfer functions. Additional constraints are introduced that allow one to control the level of unloaded quality factor of resonators.
Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS
PublicationThe rapid increase in applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, followed by the development of various methods that are dedicated for survey data processing, visualization, and dissemination constituted the need of new open standards for storage and online distribution of collected three-dimensional data. However, over a decade of research in the area has resulted in a number of incompatible solutions that offer...
Tryton Supercomputer Capabilities for Analysis of Massive Data Streams
PublicationThe recently deployed supercomputer Tryton, located in the Academic Computer Center of Gdansk University of Technology, provides great means for massive parallel processing. Moreover, the status of the Center as one of the main network nodes in the PIONIER network enables the fast and reliable transfer of data produced by miscellaneous devices scattered in the area of the whole country. The typical examples of such data are streams...
Document transformations for data processing in information systems
PublicationAtrykuł przedstawia podejście do automatyzacji transformacjidokumentów użytkownika bazujące na technologii XML. W artykuleprzedstawiony został system Endoscopy Recommender System.ERS wykorzystuje dedykowane transformacje XML Schema do Java, Java dodokumentów XML. Dzięki tym transformacjom procesy pobierania iprzechowywania danych zostały w pełni zautomatyzowane.Zaimplementowane podejście XML data binding umożliwia walidacjępodstawowych...
Data regarding a new, vector-enzymatic DNA fragment amplification-expression technology for the construction of artificial, concatemeric DNA, RNA and proteins, as well as biological effects of selected polypeptides obtained using this method
PublicationApplications of bioactive peptides and polypeptides are emerging in areas such as drug development and drug delivery systems. These compounds are bioactive, biocompatible and represent a wide range of chemical properties, enabling further adjustments of obtained biomaterials. However, delivering large quantities of peptide derivatives is still challenging. Several methods have been developed for the production of concatemers –...
Puhe ja Kieli (Speech and Language)
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