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Search results for: water temperature
Performance of a plate heat exchanger operated with water-Al2O3 nanofluid
PublicationThis study is focused on experimental investigation of a selected type of brazed plate heat exchanger (PHEx). The main aim of the paper was to experimentally check the ability of nanofluids to enhance the performance of PHEx. A typical water-Al2O3 nanofluid was tested and compared to that of the base fluid, i.e. water. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.1% and 1% by weight. Impact of the 1 day and 3 days break...
The effect of the temperature change rate on determination of the criticalpitting temperature of stainless steels
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu szybkości zmian temperatury na wyznaczaną krytyczną temperaturę korozji wżerowej. Badania stali 316L przeprowadzono metodą termometrii cyklicznej. Stwierdzono, że zwiększenie szybkości zmian temperatury związane jest ze zwiększeniem wyznaczonej temperatury krytycznej. Zależność krytycznej temperatury korozji wżerowej od szybkości korozji ma charakter liniowy. Wartości krytycznej temperatury korozji...
Multi-sensor monitoring of the corrosion rate and the assessment of the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor in utility water installations
PublicationThis paper presents an implementation of the monitoring of the corrosion rate and the assessment of the efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor in a utility water installation using an automated corrosion monitoring system. Due to the fact that the corrosion inhibitor was added to water intended for human consumption, it was necessary to build a multi-sensor monitoring system. In order to implement corrosion monitoring using a linear...
Microbiological condition of sediments and bottom water in the area of Gdańsk Deep in Gulf of Gdańsk
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of bottom water and bottom sediments in the area of Gdańsk Deep in Gulf of Gdańsk. The tested samples were collected at 5 sites on 15th of December 2007. 5 samples of bottom water and 10 samples of sediments were collected for microbiological testing. Each of these samples were analysed for...
Molecular mobility of water protons under interaction with chemically modified starches. DSC and HMR-relaxation investigations
PublicationThe change of water protons mobility in the system chemically modified starches – water were investigated by DSC and NMR-relaxation methods. The amount of unfrozen water at subzero temperature as well as additional unfrozen water which appears after gelatinization have lower values for chemically modified starches in comparison with the native starch. The proton spin-spin relaxation time Т2 for chemically modified starch samples,...
Performance tuning of chitosan-based membranes by protonated 2-Pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid-sulfolane DES for effective water/ethanol separation by pervaporation
PublicationToday, the applicability of deep eutectic solvents (DES) in various fields, including membrane science and technology, is extensively investigated. In pioneering works, we have implemented different DES as a component of chitosan (CS)-based flat membranes for pervaporation (PV) separation. Herein, we present a new protonated (by sulphuric acid) 2-Pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid: sulfolane DES, as a green additive for its chemical...
Systematic Water Uptake Energetics of Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate—A High Resolution Thermochemical Study
PublicationA combination of surface area analyzer and microcalorimetry was employed to investigate the in situ water uptake energetics and the mechanism of proton incorporation in yttrium-doped barium zirconate in the temperature range 200–400 °C. The BaZr1–xYxO3 solid solutions are made with variable yttrium content (x = 10, 20, and 30 mol %) by a controlled oxidant-peroxo synthesis method. The water uptake increases as the partial pressure...
Cavitation-Based Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment
PublicationCavitation based on advanced oxidation processes (Cav-AOPs) is interesting alternatives for already implemented wastewater treatment technologies. Destructive and strongly undesirable phenomena in the industry, i.e., cavitation, revealed to be useful in a positive manner as a source of energy for chemical reactions. During the implosion of cavitation bubbles, focused energy and resulting high temperature and pressure allows to...
Ranking of ecotoxisity tests for underground water assessment using the Hasse diagram technique
PublicationThe present study deals with the novel application of the Hasse diagram technique (HDT) for the specific ranking of ecotoxicity tests capable of assessment of underground water quality. The area studied is a multi-municipal landfill in the northern Poland. The monitoring network of the landfill constitutes of 27 piezometers for underground water monitoring and two observation points at surface water courses. After sampling, chemical...
The effect of the temperature change rate on determination of the critical pitting temperature of stainless steels
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TG-hydroxyl groups in TiO2-P25
Open Research DataTG analyses were performed for powdered TiO2 - commercial P25 sample, which was heat-treated from room temperature to 500 C in the nitrogen atmosphere. Mass loss at lower temperature such as 120 C was related to the physisorbed water, and that one occurring at 500 C to the chemisorbed hydroxyl groups.
The accretion of the new ice layer on the surface of hexagonal ice crystal and the influence of the local electric field on this process
PublicationThe process of creation of a new layer of ice on the basal plane and on the prism plane of a hexagonal ice crystal is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the ordering of water molecules in the already existing crystal affects the freezing. On the basal plane, when the orientations of water molecules in the ice block are random, the arrangement of the new layer in a cubic manner is observed more frequently — approximately 1.7 times...
Comparison of bacterial production in the water column between two Arctic fjords, Hornsund and Kongsfjorden (West Spitsbergen)
PublicationBacterial production and the accompanying environmental factors were measured in the water columns of two Arctic fjords during the cruise in July and August 2013. Water samples were collected at six stations located in the central part of Hornsund and Kongsfjorden. In Hornsund, where average water temperatures were 1.25-fold lower than in Kongsfjorden, the bacterial production was twice as high (0.116 ± 0.102 vs 0.05 ± 0.03 mg...
PublicationThe paper presents results of analysis of the industrial sewage discharge impact from the ‘North’ Power Plant on the Vistula water quality around 45+330 of the river kilometer. For the analysis, the two-dimensional models of flow, impurities and temperature transport were used. Hydrological conditions of the analyzed section of the river, characteristic flows and bathymetry of the riverbed in the first instance were defined....
Water-mediated long-range interactions between the internal vibrations of remote proteins
PublicationIt is generally acknowledged that the mobility of protein atoms and the mobility of water molecules in the solvation layer are connected. In this article, we answer the question whether a similar interdependence exists between the motions of atoms of proteins separated by the hydration layers of variable thickness. The system consisted of a kinesin catalytic domain and a tubulin dimer. It was studied using molecular dynamics simulations....
Thermally activated persulfate-based Advanced Oxidation Processes — recent progress and challenges in mineralization of persistent organic chemicals: a review
PublicationThermally activated persulfate (TAP) finds application in Advanced Oxidation Processes for the removal of pollutants from contaminated water and soil. This paper reviewed the various cases of TAP in the environmental remediation. The pollutants such as individual pharmaceuticals, biocides, cyclic organic compounds, and dyes are considered in this review. It is interesting to note that most of the organic compounds undergo complete...
An experimental investigation on the effect of new continuous core-baffle geometry on the mixed convection heat transfer in shell and coil heat exchanger
PublicationIn the article, the authors presented the influence of continuous core-baffle geometry at mixed convection heat transfer in shell and coil heat exchanger. Experiments were carried out for a large power range, i.e. from 100W to 1200W and mass flow rates ranging from 0.01 kg/s to 0.025 kg/s. During the experiments, the mass flow rate of cooling water, the temperature of water at the inlet and outlet as well as the wall temperature...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2004
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2004. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2006
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2006. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2007
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2007. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Nanostructure of the laser-modified transition metal nanocomposites for water splitting
PublicationAlthough hydrogen is considered by many to be the green fuel of the future, nowadays it is primarily produced through steam reforming, which is a process far from ecological. Therefore, emphasis is being put on the development of electrodes capable of the efficient production of hydrogen and oxygen from water. To make the green alternative possible, the solution should be cost-efficient and well processable, generating less waste...
PublicationThis article presents a flow and thermodynamic analysis of a Generation IV nuclear cycle. An SCWR (Supercritical water reactor) is a high temperature and high pressure reactor that uses water at a temperature above its thermodynamic critical point as the working fluid. The cycle used for the calculations consists of one interstage superheater and 7 regenerative heat exchangers. Division pressure was optimized in view of the cycle efficiency,...
The Microclimate in Protective Fire Fighter Footwear: Foot Temperature and Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
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PublicationIn this paper, thermodynamic analysis of the Szewalski hierarchic vapour cycle cooperated with the system of heat recovery from exhaust gases are presented. According to that purpose, the CFM (Computation Flow Mechanics [1,3]) approach has correctly been used. The whole system consists of the first traditional steam cycle, the second organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and system of heat recovery with use of water with temperature 90...
The thermal effort during marine steam turbine flooding with water
PublicationThe work discussed an extreme case of cooling a steam turbine. The ship's steam turbine was used as an example. In marine transport units with low-speed engines dominate, however, there are also units with steam turbines. An example of analysed marine steam turbine is shown in Fig. 1. When considering the issue of cooling steam turbines, it is necessary to estimate the extreme conditions that may occur during operation of the turbine....
Merging Proline:Xylitol Eutectic Solvent in Crosslinked Chitosan Pervaporation Membranes for Enhanced Water Permeation in Dehydrating Ethanol
PublicationThe scope of this research aims at merging a new deep eutectic mixture (DES) into a biopolymer-based membrane for a pervaporation application in dehydrating ethanol. Herein, an L-proline:xylitol (at 5:1) eutectic mixture was successfully synthesized and blended with chitosan (CS). A complete characterization of the hybrid membranes, in terms of morphology, solvent uptake, and hydrophilicity, has been conducted. As part of their...
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania pasywnej intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła w postaci przegród dla podniesienia efektywności energetycznej wymiennika wężownicowego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem modułowego wymiennika z wężownicą w postaci grzałki elektrycznej. Medium odbierającym ciepło była woda o stałych parametrach cieplnoprzepływowych na wlocie do modułu. Pomiary przeprowadzono dla szerokiego zakresu...
Utilisation of bleed steam heat to increase the upper heat source temperature in low-temperature ORC
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwość dogrzewu obiegu ORC za pomocą pary upustowej.
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Zmiany temperatury wody powierzchniowej na morzach Arktyki Rosyjskiej i ich konsekwencje dla żeglugi na Północnej Drodze Morskiej
PublicationPraca omawia zmiany średniej miesięcznej temperatury wody powierzchniowej na morzach Arktyki Rosyjskiej w latach 1979-2016. Stwierdzono, że w badanym okresie następował powolny wzrost SST. Jednakże tylko na Morzu Barentsa był on istotny statystycznie we wszystkich miesiącach roku (poza marcem w SE części tego morza), a w zachodniej części Morza Czukockiego w okresie od czerwca do grudnia. W dalszym ciągu na wszystkich morzach,...
Enhanced acceptor concentration, proton conductivity, and hydration in multicomponent rare‐earth ortho‐niobates
PublicationThe structural properties of (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Eu0.2)1−xCaxNbO4−δ (x = 0–0.05) series have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction at room temperature. The thermal properties were investigated using thermogravimetry, from which the concentration of proton defects was determined. Additionally, dilatometry studies were carried out, from which the thermal expansion coefficients and the phase transition temperature between low-...
Modular Approach for Modelling Warming Up Process in Water Installations with Flow-Regulating Elements
PublicationThe paper presents a new method for modelling the warming up process of a water system with elements regulating the flow in a stochastic manner. The paper presents the basic equations describing the work of typical elements which the water installation is composed of. In the proposed method, a new computational algorithm was used in the form of an iterative procedure enabling the use of boundary conditions that can be stochastically...
Suspended matter, composition and fluxes, Gdansk Deep, late spring 2001
Open Research DataParticulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) concentrations and fluxes were measured in the Gdańsk Deep (Gulf of Gdansk) from 30.05 to 06.06.2001. The vertical profiles of POC and PON were characterised by the highest values in the euphotic layer, a gradual decrease with depth, and an increase below the halocline. The hydrophysical conditions...
Structure and water uptake in BaLnCo2O6−δ (Ln =La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy)
PublicationThe structure of BaLnCo2O6-δ (Ln =La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Dy) was studied by the means of synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), while water uptake properties were analysed with the use of thermogravimetry (TG) and water adsorption isotherms. The structure refinement revealed that the dominant phase in all compositions was orthorhombic with an ordering...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublicationThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...
Effect of Impoundment on Physico-chemical Properties of Water in the Flowing through stream, the Case of the Turawa Reservoir
PublicationThe Turawa reservoir is one of the most important storage reservoirs in Poland. Quite many physico-chemical parameters of water in the reservoir itself and also in the Mała Panew, the river flowing through the reservoir were measured at various periods of the year. Measuring and sampling points were situated at the river inflow, over the reservoir, and at the river outflow. The parameters included temperature, electrical conductivity,...
PublicationWater lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...
Influence of iron content on water uptake and charge transport in BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ triple-conducting oxides
PublicationIn this work, we studied the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ system which belongs to the triple-conducting oxides (TCOs) group. The electrochemical properties of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2−xFexO3−δ were investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the water uptake was analyzed using thermogravimetry (TG). All investigated materials exhibited water uptake, with proton concentration increasing with decreasing iron content....
PublicationIn the present study, the creeks and lakes located at the western shore of Admiralty Bay were analysed. The impact of various sources of water supply was considered, based on the parameters of temperature, pH and specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25). All measurements were conducted during a field campaign in January-February 2017. A multivariate dataset was also created and a biplot of SEC25 and pH of the investigated waters...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublicationThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deepbased on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in thescientific literature.The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea asBaltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial....
Distribution of Temperature in Multicomponent Multilayered Composites
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Air temperature and sovereign bond returns
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Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of polyazomethine films
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Optimal boiling temperature for ORC installation
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono oryinalne kryterium wyznaczania optymalnej temperatury odparowania czynnika w obiegu ORC w postaci równań analitycznych. Pokazano przykład obliczeniowy na bazie R134a, wody i etanolu.
PublicationAlthough different methods of improving semiconductor gas sensor properties have been proposed, a technique involving temperature modulation seems to be the most promising. Semiconductor gas sensors working with modulated temperature can be more stable and are more selective comparing with sensor working at one temperature. In this paper, various approaches to temperature modulation are reviewed.
Taguchi sensors under temperature modulation
PublicationSemiconductor gas sensors are widely used in gas- analyzing applications for various gas species determination due to their low cost and possibility to detect number of different gases. However, one of the main problems with such sensors is their lack of selectivity. To overcome this issue different ap- proaches can be used. One of them is the operation with sensor temperature modulation combined with dedicated data process- ing...
PublicationTemperature is a very important factor controlling rolling resistance of road vehicle tyres. There are at least three different temperatures that may be considered as important factors controlling thermal conditions of the rolling tyre. The most common measure of the thermal conditions during tyre rolling is ambient air temperature. The other two are: pavement temperature and “tyre” temperature. Tyre temperature is the most difficult...
High temperature proton conduction in LaSbO4
PublicationLanthanum orthoantimonate was synthesized using a solid‐state synthesis method. To enhance the possible protonic conductivity, samples with the addition of 1 mol% Ca in La‐site, were also prepared. The structure was studied by the means of X‐ray diffraction, which showed that both specimens were single phase. The materials crystallized in the space group P2 1 /n. Dilatometry revealed that material expands non‐linearly with the...
Non-Contact Temperature Measurements Dataset
PublicationThe dataset titled The influence of the distance of the pyrometer from the surface of the radiating object on the accuracy of measurements contains temperature measurements using a selection of four commercially available pyrometers (CHY 314P, TM-F03B, TFA 31.1125 and AB-8855) as a function of the measuring distance. The dataset allows a comparison of the accuracy and measuring precision of the devices, which are very important...
Selected design and construction aspects of supercritical steam generators for high temperature reactors = Wybrane aspekty konstrukcyjne i projektowe generatorów pary nadkrytycznej ogrzewanych z reaktorów wysokotemperaturowych
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano uwarunkowania projektowe i konstrukcyjne nadkrytycznego generatora pary (jednoprzepływowego) wykorzystującego do ogrzewania hel z reaktorów HTR i VHTR. Wymiennik helikoidalny jest preferowany dla zwiększenia wymiany ciepła i zwartości. Badano własności czynników wymieniających ciepło z parą w obszarach przy- i nadkrytycznych. Analizowano korelacje, aby wybrać najbardziej wiarygodne. Przedyskutowano najbardziej...