total: 25125
- Publications 3232 available results
- Journals 375 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 141 available results
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- Open Research Data 20916 available results
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Software Modeling from the Perspective of Intuitive Information Processing
PublicationThere is psychological evidence that humans process information not only consciously but also intuitively. Intuitive information processing is present also during the activities related to software modeling. The goal of this paper is to analyze software modeling from the perspective of theories which describe intuitive (nonconscious, implicit) information processing. The paper includes presentation of relevant psychological theories,...
[08.04.2024] Information meeting for Doctoral School candidates
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 08.04.2024 Doctoral School candidates
[03.04.2023]Information meeting for Doctoral School candidates
e-Learning CoursesInformation meeting on 03.04.2023 Doctoral School candidates
Sensors in River Information Services of the Odra River in Poland: Current State and Planned Extension
PublicationAccording to adopted in 2016 by the polish Council of Ministers assumptions for the plans for the progress of inland waterways in Poland for the years 2016-2020, with the perspective of 2030, assume that by 2030 Odra along its entire length and the Vistula from Warsaw to Gdansk, they will have become international shipping routes, which will be implemented system of River Information Services (RIS). Aspects of RIS sensor application...
Navigating the Complexity: Understanding Social Integration in Smart Communities versus Smart Cities
PublicationThis study delves into the differentiation between smart community and smart city concepts, employing a comprehensive review of conceptual literature. The aim of this study is to identify and deliberate on the nuanced disparities between these two paradigms. By establishing pivotal distinctions, we aim to scrutinize the integration of social aspects in the development and implementation of smart communities. Our findings will offer...
Automatic evaluation of information credibility in Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid
PublicationThis article presents a novel algorithm for automatic estimation of information credibility. It concerns information collected in Knowledge Grid and Semantic Web. Possibilities to evaluate the credibility of information in such structures are much greater than those available for WWW sites which use natural language. The rating system presented in this paper estimates credibility automatically on the basis of the following metrics:...
Deep learning-enabled integration of renewable energy sources through photovoltaics in buildings
PublicationInstalling photovoltaic (PV) systems in buildings is one of the most effective strategies for achieving sustainable energy goals and reducing carbon emissions. However, the requirement for efficient energy management, the fluctuating energy demands, and the intermittent nature of solar power are a few of the obstacles to the seamless integration of PV systems into buildings. These complexities surpass the capabilities of rule-based...
A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Business Process Management and Knowledge Management Integration: Bridging the Scholarly Gap
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Construction and investigation of SO2 amperometric sensor with a solid polymer electrolyte membrane
Publicationn this paper a sensor for detection of the sulphur dioxide based on three electrode cell configuration with a liquid electrolyte, a mercury sulphate reference electrode and a solid polymer electrolyte working electrode is presented. Working elec- trode was obtained by using Takenaka-Torikai chemical deposi- tion method by precipitation of Au particles into the pores of the Nafion membrane. Sensors characteristics measurements were...
Modal modification of structural damping applied to increase the stability and convergence of numerical integration
PublicationThe presented paper refers to numerical tests done on systems fused of multibody and finite-element parts. The appearance of its multibody part gives rise to significant nonlinear components, i.e., second-order nonlinear differential equations express the dynamics. We usually solve these equations by “step-by-step” integration methods. When using the currently available integration algorithms, we approximate these initial systems...
An optimized system for sensor ontology meta-matching using swarm intelligent algorithm
PublicationIt is beneficial to annotate sensor data with distinct sensor ontologies in order to facilitate interoperability among different sensor systems. However, for this interoperability to be possible, comparable sensor ontologies are required since it is essential to make meaningful links between relevant sensor data. Swarm Intelligent Algorithms (SIAs), namely the Beetle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm (BSO), present a possible answer...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublicationInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Investigation of solid polymer electrolyte gas sensor with different electrochemical techniques
PublicationIn this work solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) amperometric sulphur dioxide sensor is investigated. Nafion was used as a membrane electrode and 1M sulphuric acid as an internal electrolyte. Sensor response to sulphur dioxide was measured. Besides traditional constant voltage amperometry also different electrochemical techniques were used. Results obtained by these methods are compared.
The secure transmission protocol of sensor Ad Hoc network
PublicationThe paper presents a secure protocol of radio Ad Hoc sensor network. This network operates based on TDMA multiple access method. Transmission rate on the radio channel is 57.6 kbps. The paper presents the construction of frames, types of packets and procedures for the authentication, assignment of time slots available to the node, releasing assigned slots and slots assignment conflict detection.
Multimedia polysensory integration training system dedicated to children with educational difficulties
PublicationThis paper aims at presenting a multimedia system providing polysensory train- ing for pupils with educational difficulties. The particularly interesting aspect of the system lies in the sonic interaction with image projection in which sounds generated lead to stim- ulation of a particular part of the human brain. The system architecture, video processing methods, therapeutic exercises and guidelines for children’s interaction...
Fluctuation-enhanced scent sensing using a single gas sensor
PublicationScent or aroma sensing during aromatherapy can be carried out by applying only a single resistance gas sensor (TGS - Taguchi Gas Sensors). This paper considers the efficiency of detection of essential oils by DC resistance and its fluctuations observed in TGS sensors. A detailed study has been conducted for scents emitted by five popular essential oils using three sensor types (TGS 2600, TGS 2602, TGS 823). The research was focused...
Enhancing Performance of Switched Parasitic Antenna for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
PublicationThis paper presents an Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antenna with enhanced performance of estimating the incoming signal direction. Designed antenna is dedicated for 2.4 GHz ISM applications with emphasis on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The limitations of the existing design approach are illustrated, as well as perspectives and challenges of the proposed solution in relation to the localization in...
Applications of semi-definite optimization in quantum information protocols
PublicationThis work is concerned with the issue of applications of the semi-definite programming (SDP) in the field of quantum information sci- ence. Our results of the analysis of certain quantum information protocols using this optimization technique are presented, and an implementation of a relevant numerical tool is introduced. The key method used is NPA discovered by Navascues et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010401 (2007)]. In chapter...
Gender, equality, science and information systems
PublicationIn the entire Europe more women than men graduate from tertiary education institutes1. However, they are underrepresented in scientific and engineering disciplines. Women researchers still constitute a minority in the Government and Higher Education Sectors that both are related to power. A number of industry reports highlight a low number of women in IT occupations2. The EU Member States have, on political levels, committed themselves...
Planar Microwave Bragg Reflector Resonant Dielectric Sensor
PublicationIn this paper, a periodic structure is used to design a microwave Bragg reflector with the help of hexagonal lattice, which provides a 5 GHz wide stopband between the low-pass band with cut-off frequency 2.6 GHz and the bandpass response with start and stop frequency 7.8 GHz and 10.5 GHz, respectively. A defect in lattice allows passing a narrowband signal at 6 GHz which is found, from the dispersion relation, to be in the region...
Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors
PublicationIn this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo...
A Compact and Lightweight Microwave Tilt Sensor Based on an SRR-Loaded Microstrip Line
PublicationIn this paper, the symmetry property of split ring resonators (SRRs) is exploited to develop a tilt sensor. The sensor is composed of an SRR-loaded microstrip line operating at microwave frequencies. It is shown that the depth of notch in the reflection characteristic of the microstrip is a function of the tilt angle of the SRR. Thus, it can be used for sensing inclination. The sensor benefits from very compact size and light weight....
Hybrid model of the evolution of information technology support organisation
PublicationPrzedstawiono etapy budowy, weryfikacji i implementacji hybrydowego rozmytego modelu ewolucji organizacji wspomagania IT (information technology).
Application of electrochemical sensors and sensor matrixes for measurement of odorous chemical compounds
PublicationIn this paper describes the principle of operation of the electrochemical sensors and the sensor matrixes comprised of electrochemical sensors intended for measurement of odorous compounds. Critical comparison of these sensors’ advantages and disadvantages has been made. The fields of economy contributing to release of odours and the potential sources of their emission have been identified. Commercially available electrochemical...
Towards Universal Visualisation of Emotional States for Information Systems
PublicationThe paper concerns affective information systems that represent and visualize human emotional states. The goal of the study was to find typical representations of discrete and dimensional emotion models in terms of color, size, speed, shape, and animation type. A total of 419 participants were asked about their preferences for emotion visualization. We found that color, speed, and size correlated with selected discrete emotion...
Prototype of electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds in gases
PublicationThe paper presents a laboratory prototype of an electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gases, utilizing ionic liquids and commercial screen printed electrodes by DropSens. The following ionic liquids have been tested as the electrolyte and redox reaction environment: 1-butyl, 3-methylimidazolium dicyanoamide ([BMIM][N(CN)2]), 1-octyl, 3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([OMIM][BF4]),...
Information Systems, Business and Law - Lessons Learnt
PublicationReferat prezentuje badania na styku wytwarzania systemów informatycznych, procesów biznesowych i powiązanych z nimi regulacji prawnych. Zawiera on opis doświadczeń wynikających z zastosowania zintegrowanej metody analizy technicznej i prawnej podczas wytwarzania systemu ochrony własności intelektualnej. Przedstawione doświadczenia i powiązane analizy mogą być przydatne podczas tworzenia taksonomii zagadnień na styku systemów informatycznych,...
Properties of Nasicon-based CO2 sensor with Bi8Nb2O17 reference electrode
PublicationGas sensors are useful for the carbon dioxide concentration monitoring in many applications. The major challenge is to develop a potentiometric sensor working without the necessity of a reference gas and without a need of the reference electrode encapsulation. Important issue is a selection of reference electrode material, which should provide stable reference potential. For example as reference electrode material in sensor based...
Information Retrieval in Wikipedia with Conceptual Directions
PublicationThe paper describes our algorithm used for retrieval of textual information from Wikipedia. The experiments show that the algorithm allows to improve typical evaluation measures of retrieval quality. The improvement of the retrieval results was achieved by two phase usage approach. In first the algorithm extends the set of content that has been indexed by the specified keywords and thus increases the Recall value. Then, using the...
[soft skills] Scientific databases and information skills
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: Liczba godzin: 5 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplines Obligatory course for 1st-year PhD students Academic teacher: Total hours of training: 5 teaching hours Course type: lecture {mlang} Soft skills Area II - researcher's workshop "Scientific databases and information skills" The training...
Determination of chlorine concentration using single temperature modulated semiconductor gas sensor
PublicationA periodic temperature modulation using sinusoidal heater voltage was applied to a commercial SnO2 semiconductor gas sensor. Resulting resistance response of the sensor was analyzed using a feature extraction method based on Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The amplitudes of the higher harmonics of the FFT from the dynamic nonlinear responses of measured gas were further utilized as an input for Artificial Neural...
Follow the Light. Where to search for useful research information
PublicationArchitectural Lighting Design (ALD) has never been a standalone professional discipline. Rather, it has existed as the combination of art and the science of light. Today, third generation lighting professionals are already creatively intertwining these fields, and the acceleration in scientific, technological and societal studies has only increased the need for reliable multidisciplinary information. Therefore, a thorough re-examination...
Conception of interactive information and decision support system - model and evaluation
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet.
Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublicationThe method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...
Sources of Market Information, Its Quality and New Product Financial Performance
PublicationWhile we observe a growing interest in the role of market information in new product development (NPD), existing research has still largely ignored the quality of market information that is a crucial issue in the era of the information society. What does affect the quality of market information in new product development projects, and how does this quality influence the financial performance of new products? In this paper, we address...
Potential applicability of ontologies for the evaluation of information technology
PublicationIn this article we present the possibilities of using ontologies as a part of a multi-agent system (MAS) designed for the evaluation of information technologies. This is a part of a broader idea devel-oped by the team of researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology. The article deals with defining ontologies, presenting main technologies for their design and implementation and proposes, initially, domains of the ontologies' interest...
IET Wireless Sensor Systems
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International Journal of Sensor Networks
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Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems
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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
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Eventual Convergence of the Reputation-Based Algorithm in IoT Sensor Networks
PublicationUncertainty in dense heterogeneous IoT sensor networks can be decreased by applying reputation-inspired algorithms, such as the EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) algorithm, which is widely used in social networks. Despite its popularity, the eventual convergence of this algorithm for the purpose of IoT networks has not been widely studied, and results of simulations are often taken in lieu of the more rigorous proof....
Integration of a Multilevel Transport System Model into Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
PublicationWhen planning their transport policy, cities usually focus on developing sustainable transport systems and reducing the negative consequences of transport. One way to deliver transport policies is to use the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), a strategic document designed to meet the demand for mobility whilst ensuring adequate quality of life for the residents. The process of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP process)...
Model of management of knowledge bases in the information technology evaluation environment
PublicationThe paper presents the model of management of knowledge bases in multi-agent system for evaluation of information technologies (IT_MAS). Such system is being developed in Gdansk Uni-versity of Technology by Information Technology Management Team. Multi-agent system is supposed to support manager level specialists during decision processes when there is identified need to buy or change any information technology. The main goal of...
The Technological Advancement of New Products, Product Newness and Market Information
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to propose product newness and obtaining market information as mediators of the relationship between the technological advancement of a new product and its commercial success. So far, little is known about the mediators of this relationship but knowledge about the factors that strengthen or weaken it is valid, both for the theory and practice of new product management. On the one hand, product newness...
Investigation of Taste Substances by five Channel Lipid-Polymer Membrane Sensor.
PublicationBadano substancje o różnych stężeniach należące do czterech klas smaku za pomocą pięcio-kanałowego sensora opartego o elektrody jonoselektywne z różnymi membranami polimerowo-lipidowymi. Stwierdzono, że sensor jest czuły na zmiany stężeń chlorowodorku chininy, kawsu cytrynowego i chlorku sodu, przeciwnie jak w przypadku sacharozy. Na podstawie tych wyników można przypuszczać, że sensor może być zastosowany do roztworów składających...
Suppression of distortions in signals received from Doppler sensor for vehicle speed measurement
PublicationDoppler sensors are commonly used for movement detection and speed measurement. However, electromagnetic interference and imperfections in sensor construction result in degradation of the signal to noise ratio. As a result, detection of signals reflected from moving objects becomes problematic. The paper proposes an algorithm for reduction of distortions and noise in the signal received from a simple, dual-channel type of a Doppler...
Information Retrieval with the Use of Music Clustering by Directions Algorithm
PublicationThis paper introduces the Music Clustering by Directions (MCBD) algorithm. The algorithm is designed to support users of query by humming systems in formulating queries. This kind of systems makes it possible to retrieve songs and tunes on the basis of a melody recorded by the user. The Music Clustering by Directions algorithm is a kind of an interactive query expansion method. On the basis of query, the algorithm provides suggestions...
Integration of speech enhancement and coding techniques
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Is reduced integration just a numerical trick
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Integration of Production Steps on a Single Equipment