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Search results for: NATURAL FREQUENCIES
A framework estimating the minimum sample size and margin of error for maritime quantitative risk analysis
PublicationThe average accident frequency is essential for quantitative risk analysis and is conventionally estimated from accident statistics. This paper has systematically synthesised the knowledge on statistical errors and offered the missing instructions, a framework, for determining the minimum sample size and the margin of error (MOE) when calculating the average accident frequency from an accident database at hand. We have applied...
Highly Compact Dual-Band Frequency Selective Surface for Path-loss and Coverage Improvement in Millimeter-wave Advanced Wireless Applications
PublicationIn this work, a compact dual-band frequency selective surface (FSS) for path-loss and coverage improvement in advanced wireless communication is showcased. The proposed FSS is a single-layer design with stable and high performance at both 24 GHz and 38 GHz operating frequencies, respectively. The design is highly compact with two wide-band reflection coefficient responses having 49.5% (14.5 – 26.4 GHz) and 66.57% (35.8 – 39.8 GHz)...
Automated hearing loss type classification based on pure tone audiometry data
PublicationHearing problems are commonly diagnosed with the use of tonal audiometry, which measures a patient’s hearing threshold in both air and bone conduction at various frequencies. Results of audiometry tests, usually represented graphically in the form of an audiogram, need to be interpreted by a professional audiologist in order to determine the exact type of hearing loss and administer proper treatment. However, the small number of...
Numerical investigation on dynamic response of a steel lattice tower under various seismic events
PublicationThe present paper presents the results of the numerical study designed to investigate the soil-structure flexibility effects on modal parameters (i.e. fundamental frequencies) and time-history analysis response (represented by the top relative displacements) of a 46.8 m high steel lattice tower subjected to a number of ground motions including also one mining tremor. In addition to the fixed-base condition, three different soil...
PublicationThe possibility of using a hydroacoustic channel for digital data transmission is very limited. This is due to the effect of multipath propagation of the emitted acoustic wave and the damping of the mechanical wave in this medium, which increase with frequency. The first of these phenomena results in inter-symbol interference disturbances in data transmission systems, including even hundreds of symbols. Due to the number of reflections...
Minimizing Distribution and Data Loading Overheads in Parallel Training of DNN Acoustic Models with Frequent Parameter Averaging
PublicationIn the paper we investigate the performance of parallel deep neural network training with parameter averaging for acoustic modeling in Kaldi, a popular automatic speech recognition toolkit. We describe experiments based on training a recurrent neural network with 4 layers of 800 LSTM hidden states on a 100-hour corpora of annotated Polish speech data. We propose a MPI-based modification of the training program which minimizes the...
Assembly of 1D Granular Structures from Sulfonated Polystyrene Microparticles
PublicationBeing able to systematically modify the electric properties of nano- and microparticles opens up new possibilities for the bottom-up fabrication of advanced materials such as the fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) colloidal and granular materials. Fabricating 1D structures from individual particles offers plenty of applications ranging from electronic sensors and photovoltaics to artificial flagella for hydrodynamic propulsion....
Dynamic analysis of the impact of the wind spectrum according to the theory of Davenport for lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall Czyzyna in Cracow.
PublicationThe main aim of this analysis is to characterize numerical simulations connected with modeling dynamic influence of wind on the lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall – “Czyżyna”. This hall is built in Cracow. The article also involves the proposals of the solutions connected with dynamic influence of the wind – Davenport’s method has been used. These proposals have not been taken into consideration at the detailed engineering...
Globalized parametric optimization of microwave components by means of response features and inverse metamodels
PublicationSimulation-based optimization of geometry parameters is an inherent and important stage of microwave design process. To ensure reliability, the optimization process is normally carried out using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools, which entails significant computational overhead. This becomes a serious bottleneck especially if global search is required (e.g., design of miniaturized structures, dimension scaling over...
Design of a Patch Power Divider with Simple Structure and Ultra-Broadband Harmonics Suppression
PublicationThis paper introduces a simple H-shaped patch Wilkinson power divider (WPD), which provides ultra wide harmonics suppression band. The presented WPD designed at 1.8 GHz, and exhibits good performance at the operating bandwidth. In the proposed divider structure, two simple patch low-pass filters (LPFs) are employed at each branch, and three open ended stubs are added at each port. The proposed divider, implemented using the aforementioned...
Assessment of Fuel Cells’ State of Health by Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
PublicationWe proposed applying low-frequency (flicker) noise in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells under selected loads to assess their state of health. The measurement set-up comprised a precise data acquisition board and was able to record the DC voltage and its random component at the output. The set-up estimated the voltage noise power spectral density at frequencies up to a few hundred mHz. We observed the evolution of the electrical...
Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition
PublicationMuch attention is given by researchers to the speech processing task in automatic speech recognition (ASR) over the past decades. The study addresses the issue related to the investigation of the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech feature spaces for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and timefrequency signal representation...
Ultra-Compact Self-Quadruplexing Microfluidically Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Using Half-Mode SIW
PublicationIn this brief, the design of an ultra-compact self-quadruplexing frequency reconfigurable antenna (SQFRA) utilizing a half-mode substrate-integrated waveguide (HMSIW) and microfluidic channels is discussed. Four HMSIW cavities fed by four microstrip lines and slots are used to construct a highly compact antenna. The microstrip feedings to the HMSIW cavities are applied in such a way that the proposed antenna exhibits self-quadruplexing...
Cost-Efficient Multi-Objective Design of Miniaturized Microwave Circuits Using Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network
PublicationDesigning microwave components involves managing multiple objectives such as center frequencies, impedance matching, and size reduction for miniaturized structures. Traditional multi-objective optimization (MO) approaches heavily rely on computationally expensive population-based methods, especially when exe-cuted with full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis to guarantee reliability. This paper introduces a novel and cost-effective...
Atomic-Scale Finite-Element Modeling of Elastic Mechanical Anisotropy in Finite-Sized Strained Phosphorene Nanoribbons
PublicationNanoribbons are crucial nanostructures due to their superior mechanical and electrical properties. This paper is devoted to hybrid studies of the elastic mechanical anisotropy of phosphorene nanoribbons whose edges connect the terminals of devices such as bridges. Fundamental mechanical properties, including Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and density, were estimated from first-principles calculations for 1-layer, 3-layer, and...
Ultra-Compact SIRC-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna with High Isolation
PublicationAn ultra-compact self-triplexing antenna realized on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) is discussed in this study. The proposed structure employs two L-shaped slots and an in-verted U-shaped slot to radiate at three independent operating frequency bands. Three 50-ohm microstrip feed lines are used to excite the radiation in these slots. The operating frequency is individually tuned using the slot size. The slot placement...
A Simplified SVPWM Technique for Five-leg Inverter with Dual Three-phase Output
PublicationThis article proposes a simplified space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) technique five-leg inverter with dual three-phase output. An idea to fed the dual tree-phase machine by the multiphase voltage source inverters (VSIs) is not new. Dual- and multi-motor drive systems are widely used in the industry applications. The most popular fields are: electric vehicles (EVs) and traction systems. Moreover, the specific characteristic...
Simple Millimeter Wave Identification System Based on 60 GHz Van Atta Arrays
PublicationThe paper presents a proof-of-concept of a millimeter-wave identification system based on Van Atta array tags in the 60 GHz band. For interrogation of the tags, a vector network analyzer and a measurement transceiver were employed in alternative test configurations. The design, fabrication and measurements of co- and cross-polarized Van Atta arrays are presented in the paper. They can be treated as simple chipless RFID tags with...
Tripping of F-type RCDs for High-Frequency Residual Currents
PublicationResidual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs...
Simple Superstrate Antenna for Connectivity Improvement in Precision Farming Applications
PublicationIn this paper, a concept of a simple circularly polarized antenna with partially reflecting surface (PRS) has been adopted for precision farming applications. The investigation contains an analysis of the dependence of the antenna performance on the elements number in the PRS structure in X- and Ka-band frequencies. Especially meaningful parameters from point-to-point connectivity perspective are...
Application of commercial microwave links (CMLs) attenuation for quantitative estimation of precipitation
PublicationPrecipitation estimation models are typically sourced by rain gauges, weather radars and satellite observations. A relatively new technique of precipitation estimation relies on the network of Commercial Microwave Links (CMLs) employed for cellular communication networks: the rain-inducted attenuation in the links enables the precipitation estimation. In the paper, it is analysed to what extent the precipitation derived from CML...
Expedited Geometry Scaling of Compact Microwave Passives by Means of Inverse Surrogate Modeling
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of geometry scaling of compact microwave structures is investigated. As opposed to conventional structures (i.e., constructed using uniform transmission lines), re-design of miniaturized circuits (e.g., implemented with artificial transmission lines, ATSs) for different operating frequencies is far from being straightforward due to considerable cross-couplings between the circuit components. Here, we...
Inverse surrogate modeling for low-cost geometry scaling of microwave and antenna structures
PublicationPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate strategies for expedited dimension scaling ofelectromagnetic (EM)-simulated microwave and antenna structures, exploiting the concept of variable-fidelity inverse surrogate modeling.Design/methodology/approach–A fast inverse surrogate modeling technique is described fordimension scaling of microwave and antenna structures. The model is established using referencedesigns obtained...
Independent dynamics of low, intermediate, and high frequency spectral intracranial EEG activities during human memory formation
PublicationA wide spectrum of brain rhythms are engaged throughout the human cortex in cognitive functions. How the rhythms of various frequency ranges are coordinated across the space of the human cortex and time of memory processing is inconclusive. They can either be coordinated together across the frequency spectrum at the same cortical site and time or induced independently in particular bands. We used a large dataset of human intracranial...
Tripping of F-type RCDs for high-frequency residual currents
PublicationResidual current devices (RCDs) are apparatus commonly used for protection against electric shock in low-voltage electrical installations. They protect people in the case of an earth fault or even in the case of direct contact with the live parts. However, to be effective protective devices, RCDs have to detect residual currents of various waveform shapes which appear in modern electrical installations. For this purpose, RCDs are...
Improved Design Closure of Compact Microwave Circuits by Means of Performance Requirement Adaptation
PublicationNumerical optimization procedures have been widely used in the design of microwave components and systems. Most often, optimization algorithms are applied at the later stages of the design process to tune the geometry and/or material parameter values. To ensure sufficient accuracy, parameter adjustment is realized at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which creates perhaps the most important bottleneck due to...
Robust Parameter Tuning of Antenna Structures by Means of Design Specification Adaptation
PublicationParameter tuning through numerical optimization has become instrumental in the design of high-performance antenna systems. Yet, practical optimization faces several major challenges, including high cost of massive evaluations of antenna characteristics, normally involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, large numbers of adjustable variables, the shortage of reasonable initial solutions in the case of topologically complex...
Shielded HMSIW-based frequency-tunable self-quadruplexing antenna using different solid/liquid dielectrics
PublicationThis article proposes a frequency-tunable self-quadruplexing antenna based on a shielded half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (S-HMSIW). In order to reduce the size of the HMSIW cavity resonator and to obtain quad-band characteristics, a modied E-shaped slot is engraved on the top of the metal. The experimental validation is carried out after analyzing the data using a circuit model. Flexibility of each resonant frequency is...
Filter-Hilbert Method for Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements with Embedded Self-Calibration Mechanism
PublicationOne of the most important steps in the process of antenna development involves measurements of its prototype. Far-field performance of radiators is normally characterized in strictly controlled environments such as anechoic chambers which can ensure certification-grade accuracy. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by high construction costs which might not be justified for low-budget research and/or teaching-related activities....
Efficient Simulation-Based Global Antenna Optimization Using Characteristic Point Method and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics
PublicationAntenna structures are designed nowadays to fulfil rigorous demands, including multi-band operation, where the center frequencies need to be precisely allocated at the assumed targets while improving other features, such as impedance matching. Achieving this requires simultaneous optimization of antenna geometry parameters. When considering multimodal problems or if a reasonable initial design is not at hand, one needs to rely...
Compact, Order Extensible and Wide-Stopband Bandpass Filter Based on SIW Cavity with Rectangular Ring Slot
PublicationThis article introduces novel architectures of bandpass filters (BPFs) using a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity with a rectangular ring slot (RRS) for compact size, extensible order, and broad stopband responses. Two bandpass filters, which demonstrate a second-and a fourth-order Chebyshev response, respectively, are realized by employing identical cavities with RRS, without increasing the physical size of the circuit....
Detection and time/frequency analysis of electric fields in the ground
PublicationThis paper sets out to detect and characterize electric fields in the ground (such as stray current fields) using a tandem time/frequency method of signal analysis. Results were obtained from investigations performed in the presence of a generated electric field with controlled variable characteristics, and in the presence of an electric field generated by a tramline. The analysis of measurement registers was performed using Short‐Time...
A Highly Compact Split Ring Resonator Based Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Multiband Characterization
PublicationThis work encompasses a novel highly compact Split Ring Resonator (SRR) based quad-band Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) for 4G and 5G applications. The proposed antenna comprises of an extended rectangular feedline and a rectangular DR in combination with two SRRs. The DRA uses the extended rectangular microstrip feedline for providing better impedance matching and enhanced performance. Remarkably, the introduction of SRRs on...
The Influence of Binding Agents on Stiffness of Mineral-cement-emulsion Mixtures
PublicationThis paper attempts to determine the behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion mixture (MCE) under load, whether is it similar to asphalt mixtures (viscoelastic behavior) or to cement treated materials (elastic behavior). To answer this question nine mineral- cement-emulsion mixtures with different combinations of cement and emulsion content were tested in laboratory using Simple Performance Test (SPT). For each mixture stiffness moduli...
Transparent nanocomposite coatings based on epoxy and layered double hydroxide: Nonisothermal cure kinetics and viscoelastic behavior assessments
PublicationLayered double hydroxide (LDH) has a particular place in clay family because of its flame retardant action. The nanoplatelet-like structure of LDH makes possible development of polymer composites with cationic or anionic nature structures in which macromolecules are positioned in between nanoplatelet galleries. In this work, neat epoxy and its transparent nanocomposite coatings with sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS)-modified...
Surrogate modeling of impedance matching transformers by means of variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and nested cokriging
PublicationAccurate performance evaluation of microwave components can be carried out using full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools, routinely employed for circuit verification but also in the design process itself. Unfortunately, the computational cost of EM‐driven design may be high. This is especially pertinent to tasks entailing considerable number of simulations (eg, parametric optimization, statistical analysis). A possible...
A Highly Sensitive Planar Microwave Sensor for Detecting Direction and Angle of Rotation
PublicationThis article presents a technique based on a modified complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) to detect angular displacement and direction of rotation with high resolution and sensitivity over a wide dynamic range. The proposed microwave planar sensor takes advantage of the asymmetry of the sensor geometry and measures the angle of rotation in terms of the change in the relative phase of the reflection coefficients. The sensor...
Microwave Characterization of Dielectric Sheets in a Plano-Concave Fabry-Perot Open Resonator
PublicationDespite its long history, a double-concave (DC) Fabry-Perot open resonator (FPOR) has recently gained popularity in the characterization of dielectrics in the 20–110 GHz range, mainly due to such novel accomplishments as full automation of the measurement process and the development of even ore accurate and computationally efficient electromagnetic model. However, it has been discovered that such a DC resonator suffers from unwanted...
Soft-mode enhanced type-I superconductivity in LiPd2Ge
PublicationThe synthesis, crystal structure, and physical properties (magnetization, resistivity, heat capacity) in combination with theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and phonon properties are reported for intermetallic compounds LiPd2X (X = Si, Ge, and Sn). LeBail refinement of powder x-ray diffraction data confirms that all compounds belong to the Heusler family (space group Fm-3m, No. 225). The lattice parameter increases...
In-depth characterization of icosahedral ordering in liquid copper
PublicationThe presence of icosahedral ordering in liquid copper at temperatures close to the melting point is now well-established both experimentally and through computer simulation. However, a more elaborate analysis of local icosahedral and icosahedron-like structures, together with a system for classifying such structures based on some measure of "icosahedrity", has so far been conspicuously absent in the literature. Similarly, the dynamics...
Detecting type of hearing loss with different AI classification methods: a performance review
PublicationHearing is one of the most crucial senses for all humans. It allows people to hear and connect with the environment, the people they can meet and the knowledge they need to live their lives to the fullest. Hearing loss can have a detrimental impact on a person's quality of life in a variety of ways, ranging from fewer educational and job opportunities due to impaired communication to social withdrawal in severe situations. Early...
A GPU Solver for Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Symmetric Complex-Valued Matrices Obtained Using Higher-Order FEM
PublicationThe paper discusses a fast implementation of the stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (sLOBPCG) method, using a hierarchical multilevel preconditioner to solve nonHermitian sparse generalized eigenvalue problems with large symmetric complex-valued matrices obtained using the higher-order finite-element method (FEM), applied to the analysis of a microwave resonator. The resonant frequencies of the low-order...
Performance-Based Nested Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics
PublicationUtilization of electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools is mandatory in the design of contemporary antenna structures. At the same time, conducting designs procedures that require multiple evaluations of the antenna at hand, such as parametric optimization or yield-driven design, is hindered by a high cost of accurate EM analysis. To certain extent, this issue can be addressed by utilization of fast replacement models (also referred...
High Isolation Metamaterial-based Dual-band MIMO Antenna for 5G Millimeter-wave Applications
PublicationThis article presents a high-isolation metamaterial-based dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave communication networks. The proposed antenna is a pentagon-shaped monopole that provides a dual-band response with a wide operating bandwidth at 5G 28/28 bands. The antenna is printed on 0.508-mm-thick Rogers RT5880 substrate of relative permittivity ɛr =2.2. It exhibits a small physical size...
A Five-Leg Three-Level Dual-Output Inverter
PublicationClassical 3-level dual-output inverter, 3-L DOI, involves two similar 3-level inverters that provides a pair of 3-phase output voltages with same or different frequencies from common input voltage source. Flexibility of either operation of the constituting inverters is evident in this DOI; but total duplication of power switches is a major drawback. State of the art coupled 3-L DOIs reduce this drawback by providing series-shared...
Reliable computationally-efficient behavioral modeling of microwave passives using deep learning surrogates in confined domains
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques has been steadily growing over the recent years in high-frequency electronics, including microwave engineering. Fast metamodels are employed to speedup design processes, especially those conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. The surrogates enable massive system evaluations at nearly EM accuracy and negligible costs, which is invaluable in parameter...
Highly-Miniaturized Dual-Mode Bandpass Filter Based on Quarter-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide with Wide Stopband
PublicationThis paper presents a novel design of a highly-miniaturized dual-mode bandpass filter (BPF) employing a quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide (QMSIW). The QMSIW resonator is based on a square cavity with metallic vias along two sides, and open-ended edges at the remaining sides that contain orthogonal feed lines. An open slot is introduced along the two sides of the square cavity with metallic vias to form a magnetic wall....
Increasing the conductivity of V2O5-TeO2 glass by crystallization: structure and charge transfer studies
PublicationIn the present paper, V 2 O 5 -TeO 2 glass was prepared by the melt-quenching technique. Crystallization of glass with a vanadium content higher than 35%mol results in an increase in electrical conductivity by a few orders of magnitude and a decrease in activation energy from ~0.40 to ~0.12 eV. In this work, a critical review of existing charge transfer models was presented on the example of V 2 O 5 -TeO 2 glass and glass–ceramics....
Design of compact self-quintuplexing antenna with high-isolation for penta-band applications
PublicationThis article presents a novel compact self-quintuplexing antenna architecture based on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) for pentaband applications. The proposed self-quintuplexing antenna is constructed by employing an SIRC, one Pi-shaped slot (PSS), one T-shaped slot (TSS), and five 50Ω microstrip feedlines. The PSS and TSS are engraved on the top of the SIRC to create five radiating patches, which are excited...
Innovative Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device—Performance under Various Resistances and Operating Frequency Conditions
PublicationThis paper presents the operation of an innovative left ventricular assist device under various resistances and operating frequencies. The operating principle of the device is based on pulsatile blood flow, which is forced by a suction–discharge device pumping helium into a set of intra-cardiac balloons. In this way, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle is increased, and the mitral valve is additionally occluded. What is...