total: 287
Search results for: SPEED EFFECTS
Circular saw vibrations or dynamics of the spindle
PublicationSawing of wood with circular saws is a typical example of cutting with multi-blade tools. In that kind of cutting, theposition accuracy of following tool blades is a crucial factor which affects the cutting process and machining final effects.Position tooth errors may cause deterioration in cutting conditions, changes in loads of individual teeth and the tool as a whole,and also a decrease in accuracy and surface quality after...
Nonlinear model of a synchronous generator for analysis of more electric aircraft power systems
PublicationA nonlinear model for studying a variable-speed synchronous generator (SG) in more electric aircraft (MEA) power system has been developed. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The model has been implemented in the Synopys/Saber simulation environment. The modelling language MAST has been used to elaborate the SG model. The model exhibit a network with the same number of external terminals/ports...
The influence of screw configuration and screw speed of co-rotating twin screw extruder on the properties of products obtained by thermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber
PublicationThe results of our investigations on the process of continuous thermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR) carried out using a twin screw extruder are presented.We used a co-rotating twin screw extruder with a special configuration of plasticizing unit, enabling generation of considerable shear forces. The influence of screw configuration and screw speed on breaking of chemical crosslink bonds contained in ground tire...
Modelling the loss of time caused by traffic incidents on motorways
PublicationFor each road incident important factors like location, capacity reduction, traffic management, duration of road incidents and amount of traffic should be defined. All performer operations and effects of incidents affect the capacity of the road, average speed, time loss, vehicle queues and traffic jams. In the article road incidents were divided into planned and unexpected. Statistical analysis prepared using the database of traffic...
A small-signal sound speed and parameter of non-linearity B/Ain a ternary mixture. Examples of calculations of mixture consisting of air, water and water vapor
PublicationZostało wyliczone zaburzenie entropii z dokładnością do członów nieliniowych rzędu drugiego. Jedyne założenie ograniczające, toże para wodna i powietrze są gazami doskonałymi. Ostatecznie,parametr nieliniowości i prędkość fali akustycznej przedstawione jako rodzinę krzywych, zależnych od trzech parametrów. Przedstawiono ilustrację tych zależności.
Nonlocalized thermal behavior of rotating micromachined beams under dynamic and thermodynamic loads
PublicationRotating micromachined beams are one of the most practical devices with several applications from power generation to aerospace industries. Moreover, recent advances in micromachining technology have led to huge interests in fabricating miniature turbines, gyroscopes and microsensors thanks to their high quality/reliability performances. To this end, this article is organized to examine the axial dynamic reaction of a rotating...
Relationship among the Change of Direction Ability, Sprinting, Jumping Performance, Aerobic Power and Anaerobic Speed Reserve: A Cross-Sectional Study in Elite 3x3 Basketball Players
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China’s international trade and global value chains under One-Belt One-Road initiative
PublicationResearch background: After China acceded to the WTO in 2001, its foreign trade has expanded rapidly to be the largest share in the world. However, China's economic development changing from high-speed growth to medium high-speed growth in recent years. At the same time, the increase in labour cost and overcapacity also hinder China’s international trade. In order to solve these challenges and strengthening ties...
Chemorezystancyjny czujnik gazu na bazie polimeru przewodzącego PEDOT
PublicationPolimery przewodzące, takie jak Poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofen) (PEDOT) są atrakcyjnymi materiałami elektrodowymi, które posiadają takie zalety, jak biokompatybilność, duża przewodność i elastyczność. Elektroprzewodzące polimery można otrzymać w wyniku chemicznej polimeryzacji lub elektropolimeryzacji. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zostanie koncepcja czujnika gazów składająca się z elektrody grzebieniowej oraz polimeru przewodzącego...
The Influence of Stretch Rod Speed on the Relationship between Preblown Bottle Aesthetic Quality and Final Blown Bottle Thickness Profile in Stretch Blow Molding from Preform Process
PublicationFrom a mechanical point of view, the aesthetic quality of preblown PET bottles and thickness profile of final blown PET bottles manufactured in ISBM process are determined by mechanical and thermal response of blown preforms. From the microscopic point of view the biggest influence on the mechanical and thermal properties of PET bottles have orientation and crystallization processes. From a technological point of view, the aesthetic...
Contr-rotating eccentric-mass rotors used as exciters of sinusoidal forces applied to elastically supported bodies
PublicationThe work focuses on aspects of multibody dynamics. Investigated object is a mass driven by rotations of an inertial shaker. Resulting vibrational set consists of two counter-rotating identically-unbalanced rotors. Since the mass centres of the rotors do not coincide with the axes of their rotations, significant centrifugal forces arise during rotations. As both rotors are identically unbalanced, the inter-axial force components...
Graphical presentation of the power of energy losses and power developed in the elements of hydrostatic drive and control system. Part I. Rotational hydraulic motor speed series throttling control systems
PublicationZaproponowano i uzasadniono wykres przedstawiający kierunek wzrostu strumienia mocy narastającej od wału lub tłoczyska silnika hydraulicznego do wału pomopy, mocy narastającej w wyniku wymuszania przez moce strat energetycznych występujących w elementach układu i sterowania hydrostatycznego. Przedstawiono interpretację graficzną mocy strat energetycznych występujących w elementach układów, a także mocy rozwijanych przez te elementy....
Modeling of Common Mode Currents Induced by Motor Cable in Converter Fed AC Motor Drives
PublicationInvestigation of conducted EMI generation in AC motor fed by pulse width modulated frequency converters requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance-frequency characteristics...
Non-Perfect Propagation of Information to a Noisy Environment with Self-Evolution
PublicationWe study the non-perfect propagation of information for evolving a low-dimensional environment that includes self-evolution as well as noisy initial states and analyse the interrelations between the degree of objectivization and environment parameters. In particular, we consider an analytical model of three interacting qubits and derive its objectivity parameters. The numerical analysis shows that the quality of the spectrum broadcast...
Thermal failure of a second rotor stage in heavy duty gas turbine
PublicationThe impulse mode of operation and the supply of various types of fuels causes frequent failures even in the heavy duty gas turbines. The paper presents the ravages of second rotor stage failure in a gas turbine. The excessive thermal elongation rise caused by fuel change was indicated as the main cause. We applied nonlinear numerical analysis, preceded by thermodynamic calculations of the turbine and visual inspection of the effects...
Measurements of the mechanical system properties of "SpeedLine magnetic" ultra-fast robot prototype for IML labeling
Open Research DataThe mechanical system tests of the high-speed IML labeling robot "SpeedLine Magnetic" were carried out in order to analyze the effects of the drive system's operating parameters on vibration and noise.
The Effect of Oxygenated Diesel-N-Butanol Fuel Blends on Combustion, Performance, and Exhaust Emissions of a Turbocharged CRDI Diesel Engine
PublicationThe article deals with the effects made by using various n-butanol-diesel fuel blends on the combustion history, engine performance and exhaust emissions of a turbocharged four-stroke, four-cylinder, CRDI 1154HP (85 kW) diesel engine. At first, load characteristics were taken when running an engine with normal diesel fuel (DF) to have ‘baseline’ parameters at the two ranges of speed of 1800 and 2500 rpm. Four a fossil diesel (class...
The thermal effort during marine steam turbine flooding with water
PublicationThe work discussed an extreme case of cooling a steam turbine. The ship's steam turbine was used as an example. In marine transport units with low-speed engines dominate, however, there are also units with steam turbines. An example of analysed marine steam turbine is shown in Fig. 1. When considering the issue of cooling steam turbines, it is necessary to estimate the extreme conditions that may occur during operation of the turbine....
Deformable model of a butterfly in motion on the example of Attacus atlas
PublicationInsect wings can undergo significant chordwise (camber) as well as spanwise (twist) deformation during flapping flight but the effect of these deformations is not well understood. The shape and size of butterfly wings leads to particularly large wing deformations, making them an ideal test case for investigation of these effects. High-speed videogrammetry was used to capture the wing kinematics and deformations. The movements of...
Graphical presentation of the power of energy losses and power developed in the elements hydrostatic drive and control system. Part II. Rotational hydraulic motor speed parallel throtling control and volumetric control systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono interpretację graficzną mocy strat energetycznych występujących w elementach układów napędu i sterowania hydrostatycznego, a także mocy rozwijanych przez te elementy. Dokonano analizy układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem dławieniowym równoległym prędkości silnika hydraulicznego obrotowego, układu indywidualnego ze sterowaniem objętościowym, pompą o zmiennej wydajności, prędkości silnika hydrailicznego obrotowego,...
Motor Cable Influence on the Conducted EMI Emission of the Converter Fed AC Motor Drive. - Vol. 1
PublicationInvestigation of conducted electromagnetic interference in AC motor drives fed by pulse width modulated voltage converters requires considering parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related conducted electromagnetic emission are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. The levels of intensity of these phenomena...
Surface treatment of C80U steel by long CO2 laser pulses
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laser-melted C80U steel. The processed steel was placed between two permanent magnets and laser beam whose scanning velocity was 10 mm/s. CO2 laser beam was working in pulse mode. Pulses were generated at 100% of the average preset power of 700W, with 45 ms irradiation, zero interval between pulses and beginning of pulse repetition upon the achievement of the average laser power. During the operation,...
Efficiency of thermomechanical reclaiming of ground tire rubber conducted in counter-rotating and co-rotating twin screw extruder
PublicationIn this article the results of research on a continuous thermomechanical reclaiming process of ground tire rubber (GTR) conducted in a twin screw extruder are presented. The effects of the rotation direction (co-rotating/counter-rotating), design of co-rotating plasticizing units and the rotational speed of the screws on the extruder working parameters, sol fraction and the degree of reclaiming in the obtained products were described....
Reduction of CO2 Emissions from Offshore Combined Cycle Diesel Engine-Steam Turbine Power Plant Powered by Alternative Fuels
PublicationDiverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions...
Using Fast Frequency Hopping Technique to Improve Reliability of Underwater Communication System
PublicationAcoustic underwater communication systems designed to work reliably in shallow coastal waters must overcome major limitations such as multipath propagation and the Doppler effect. These restrictions are the reason for the complexity of receivers being built, whose task is to decode a symbol on the basis of the received signal. Additional complications are caused by the low propagation speed of the acoustic wave in the water and...
Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems
PublicationKey to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...
Novel analysis methods of dynamic properties for vehicle pantographs
PublicationTransmission of electrical energy from a catenary system to traction units must be safe and reliable especially for high speed trains. Modern pantographs have to meet these requirements. Pantographs are subjected to several forces acting on their structural elements. These forces come from pantograph drive, inertia forces, aerodynamic effects, vibration of traction units etc. Modern approach to static and dynamic analysis should...
Beyond the field: How pesticide drift endangers biodiversity
PublicationAirborne pesticide drift poses a substantial environmental threat in agriculture, affecting ecosystems far from the application sites. This process, in which up to 25% of applied pesticides are carried by air currents, can transport chemicals over hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. Drift rates peak during the summer months, reaching as high as 60%, and are influenced by various factors, including wind speed, temperature,...
Speed, alcohol and safety belts as important factors influencing the number voivodship = Prędkość, alkohol i pasy bezpieczeństwa jako istotne czynniki wpływające na liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych wypadków drogowych na obszarze województw
PublicationNiniejszy referat prezentuje wyniki wstępne szerszego programu prac badawczych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na obszarach województw.
System monitoringu odbieraków prądu pojazdów kolejowych w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa i ciągłości ruchu.
PublicationOmówiono metodę monitorowania stanu technicznego odbieraków prądu w oparciu o pomiar uniesienia przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej w czasie przejazdu pociągu. Opisano konstrukcję i zasadę działania wdrożonego na linii kolejowej pilotażowego stanowiska monitoringu. Przedstawiono metodę analizy i sposób wizualizacji wyników pomiarów. Zastosowany algorytm szacowania siły statycznej odbieraka uwzględnia prędkości pociągu i działanie...
Modelowanie matematyczne górnej sieci trakcyjnej dla potrzeb diagnostyki odbieraków prądu
PublicationGórna sieć trakcyjna jest obecnie najbardziej skutecznym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Wzrost prędkości pojazdów zwiększa pobór mocy i wymaga zapewnienia właściwej współpracy odbieraków prądu pojazdów z siecią jezdną. Metody modelowania i projektowania wspomaganego komputerowo dla górnej sieci trakcyjnej są obecnie na całym świecie szeroko rozwijane. W artykule przedstawiono nowy model matematyczny elementów...
Monitoring of Caged Bluefin Tuna Reactions to Ship and Offshore Wind Farm Operational Noises
PublicationUnderwater noise has been identified as a relevant pollution affecting marine ecosystems in different ways. Despite the numerous studies performed over the last few decades regarding the adverse effect of underwater noise on marine life, a lack of knowledge and methodological procedures still exists, and results are often tentative or qualitative. A monitoring methodology for the behavioral response of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)...
Pedestrian Safety in Road Traffic in Poland
PublicationEvery third road accident in Poland involves a pedestrian as a participant or, most of the time, a casualty. Pedestrian accidents are usually the result of complex situations and the outcome of a number of factors related to driver and pedestrian behaviour and road infrastructure. Safety depends largely on how well the traffic condition is perceived and on visibility in traffic. The paper presents the results of analyses of methodologies...
Assessing unsignalised pedestrian crossings
PublicationThe lack of pedestrian safety on crossings is a complex problem and one that is influenced by a number of factors such as the law, road traffic culture, the road and traffic. This paper will focus on the last two by presenting a method for assessing pedestrian crossings for their geometry and roadside using data from 930 pedestrian crossings in Warsaw. The authors of this paper have attempted to systematise the process of assessment...
Impacts in case of triple unilaterally constrained system
PublicationThe this paper focus on the behaviour of a “rigid” body biting into another “rigid” body, with some nonzero relative velocity. In the presently considered case, the introduced collision appears between a selected element of a multibody structure and its reference body being interpreted as the motionless ground. Instead of the classic case, described in a number of dissertations, where a single impacting contact is considered, three...
Turning maneuver as a potential cause of the next stability failure mode for a ship in operation
PublicationThe only formal stability-related requirement referring to a turning maneuver of a ship results from the IS Codeand its application is limited to passenger ships only. The goal of the adopted criterion is to prevent an excessiveangle of heel in turn. Likewise, the remaining prescriptive criteria, this one is simply based on the concept ofa threshold that must not be exceeded. In this case, the angle of heel...
Ocean mixed layer dynamics: high-resolution simulations of wind, wave and convective effects
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of high-resolution numerical simulations of the ocean mixed layer (OML) forced by wind, waves and cooling from the atmosphere, i.e., under strongly turbulent, convective conditions. The goal is to provide detailed, three-dimensional information about OML circulation, turbulent kinetic energy, and temperature and salinity...