Removal of cyclohexane vapors from air in biotrickling filters: Effects of gas mixture composition and circular economy approach
PublicationThis work presents results of investigations on biotrickling filtration of air polluted with cyclohexane co-treated in binary, ternary and quaternary volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mixtures, including vapors of hexane, toluene and ethanol. The removal of cyclohexane from a gas mixture depends on the physicochemical properties of the co-treated VOCs and the lower the hydrophobicity of the VOC, the higher the removal efficiency...
Comparative Assessment of Bacteriophage and Antibiotic Activity against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
PublicationProblems connected with biofilm-related infections and antibiotic resistance necessitate the investigation and development of novel treatment strategies. Given their unique characteristics, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics are bacteriophages. In the in vitro and in vivo larva model study, we demonstrate that phages vB_SauM-A, vB_SauM-C, and vB_SauM-D are effective antibiofilm agents. The exposure...
Industrial wastewater as an external carbon source for optimization of nitrogen removal at the "Wschod" WWTP in Gdansk (Poland)
PublicationCarbon source alternatives for denitrification belong to the highest research area priorities as they allow to optimize N removal within the existing capacities. In particular, some food industry effluents appear to be good candidates for such alternatives due to their high C/N ratios and high content of readily biodegradable organic fraction. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effects of dosing different types...
Optimized Protocol for RNA Isolation from Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus fumigatus Strains
PublicationEfficient RNA isolation from filamentous fungi is crucial for gene expression studies, but it poses significant technical challenges due to the robust cell walls and susceptibility of RNA to degradation by ribonucleases. This study presents the effectiveness of two RNA isolation protocols for four species of filamentous fungi: Penicillium crustosum, Penicillium rubens, Penicillium griseofulvum, and Aspergillus fumigatus. Both protocols...
Production of Biogas from Distillation Residue as a Waste Material from the Distillery Industry in Poland
PublicationIn this paper, the possibility to obtain an alternative source of energy from methane fermentation, catalysed by biomass, has been discussed in detail. As a main substrate, the distillation residue from the distillery industry was taken in the case of mono-fermentation and its co-fermentation with sewage sludge. The results showed that higher biogas and methane production can be obtained in a mono-fermentation process. Fermentation...
Future opportunities for products derived from black soldier fly (BSF) treatment as animal feed and fertilizer - A systematic review
PublicationThe pursuit of novel food products with good nutritional value for both direct and indirect human consumption is crucial. Given the nutritional benefits of insects and the sustainability of this sort of farming, using them as food for farmed animals is a promising alternative. In this regard, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) is most capable of efficiently converting a wide variety of organic materials, from food waste...
Extractive detoxification of feedstocks for the production of biofuels using new hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents – Experimental and theoretical studies
PublicationThe paper presents a synthesis of novel hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (DESs) composed of natural components, which were used for removal of furfural (FF) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. The main physicochemical properties of DESs were determined, followed by explanation of the DES formation mechanism, using 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FT-IR analysis and density functional theory (DFT). The most...
A fast start-up of the organotrophic anammox process inoculated with constructed wetland sediment
PublicationOrganotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria can utilize small volatile fatty acids with nitrate as electron acceptors with less energy consumption and no biomass production. To achieve a faster and stable start-up of organotrophic anammox process, in this study, the growth of organotrophic anammox bacteria seeded from hybrid constructed wetland (CW) sediment under different TOC/TN ratios and different chloramphenicol...
Determination of COD Fractionation as a Key Factor for Appropriate Modelling and Monitoring of Activated Sludge Processes
PublicationAn operation of wastewater treatment plant is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time, sludge age, concentration of ammonia and dissolved oxygen, etc. It is considered that, together with the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD), those parameters indirectly exhibit the effectiveness of activated sludge processes. Especially the BOD indicate the amount of organic pollution that...
Biodiversity of microorganisms in the Baltic Sea: the power of novel methods in the identification of marine microbes
PublicationUntil recently, the data on the diversity of the entire microbial community from the Baltic Sea were relatively rare and very scarce. However, modern molecular methods have provided new insights into this field with interesting results. They can be summarized as follows. (i) Although low salinity causes a reduction in the biodiversity of multicellular species relative to the populations of the North–East Atlantic, no such reduction...
Characterization of Sunflower Waste Carbonization: Energy Balance and Water Holding Properties
PublicationThis paper characterizes the carbonization process of biomass wastes, including sunflower husk pellets and sunflower sponge stalk pellets, at carbonization temperatures of 450 and 550 ◦C. These studies are important because of the reductions in wood resources for the preparation of barbecue charcoal, as well as agricultural benefits in terms of soil additives. In terms of energy balance, the obtained pyrolysis ensures the autothermal...
Extractive detoxification of hydrolysates with simultaneous formation of deep eutectic solvents
PublicationThe hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass results in the production of so-called fermentation inhibitors, which reduce the efficiency of biohydrogen production. To increase the efficiency of hydrogen production, inhibitors should be removed from aqueous hydrolysate solutions before the fermentation process. This paper presents a new approach to the detoxification of hydrolysates with the simultaneous formation of in-situ deep eutectic...
Influence of Giant Reed (Arundo Donax L.) Culms Processing Procedure on Physicochemical, Rheological, and Thermomechanical Properties of Polyethylene Composites
PublicationGiant reed (Arundo donax L.) is a plant species with a high growth rate and low requirements, which makes it particularly interesting for the production of different bioproducts, including natural fibers. This work assesses the use of fibers obtained from reed culms as reinforcement for a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) matrix. Two different lignocellulosic materials were used: i) shredded culms and ii) fibers obtained by culms...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
Preliminary Investigation on Rapid Potassium Efflux from Activated Sludge in Response to Use of Peroxyacetic Acid
PublicationPreliminary research on activated sludge potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) as a result of peroxyacetic acid (PAA) dosing were performed. Similarily as in case of chlorine dosing the PAA dosing causes initiation of bacteria defense mechanisms, related to the transformations of glutathione tripeptide, resulting in the increase of potassium ions concentration in the activated sludge environment. In the range...
Hydrogen Production from Energy Poplar Preceded by MEA Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublicationThe need to pre-treat lignocellulosic biomass prior to dark fermentation results primarily from the composition of lignocellulose because lignin hinders the processing of hard wood towards useful products. Hence, in this work a two-step approach for the pre-treatment of energy poplar, including alkaline pre-treatment and enzymatic saccharification followed by fermentation has been studied. Monoethanolamine (MEA) was used as the...
Process Control of Biogas Purification Using Electronic Nose
PublicationNowadays, biogas produced from landfills and wastewater treatment plants or lignocellulosic biomass is important sustainable and affordable source of energy. Impurities from biogas stream can cause a serious odor problem, especially for residents of areas immediately adjacent to production plants. Therefore, biogas pre-treatment is necessary to protect engines that convert biogas into energy and in order to increase the specific...
Nitrogen transformations and mass balances in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic batch experiments with full-scale biomasses from BNR activated sludge systems.
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate nitrogen mass balances occurring inside full-scale BNR activated sludge systems, with special attention to colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) transformations. For this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out using process biomass from two large BNR plants in northern Poland. Two parallel batch reactors were operated in a 3-phase (anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic) cycle....
Nitrogen transformations and mass balances in anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic batch experiments with full-scale biomasses from BNR activated sludge systems.
PublicationThe aim of this study was to investigate nitrogen mass balances occurring inside full-scale BNR activated sludge systems, with special attention to colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) transformations. For this purpose, laboratory experiments were carried out using process biomass from two large BNR plants in northern Poland. Two parallel batch reactors were operated in a 3-phase (anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic) cycle....
Analysis of the impact of wastewater discharge on recipients: synergistic approach
PublicationThe dissertation presents the analysis of chemical and microbial composition of wastewater and examines the impact of wastewater discharge on the environment. Various case studies were analysed: from small settlements in a pristine European Arctic, to large municipal wastewater treatment plants in areas subjected to greater anthropogenic pressure. In order to comprehensively analyse the impact of wastewater discharge on the receiving...
Chromium (III) removal by perennial emerging macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands
PublicationFloating treatment wetlands (FTWs) are a sustainable solution to treat polluted water, but their role in chromium (Cr(III)) removal under neutral pH conditions remains poorly understood. This study evaluated the potential of FTWs planted with two perennial emergent macrophytes, Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus, to remove Cr(III) and nutrients (N and PO4-P) from water containing 7.5 mg/L TN, 1.8 mg/L PO4-P, and Cr(III)...
Late cultivars of cabbage can better cope with cadmium- involved stress than early one
PublicationThe usefulness of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea ssp. capitata L. f. alba) for phytoremediation of heavy metals (cadmium and zine) due to the rapid growth and a large biomass of its heads has been already described (Bączek-Kwinta et al., 2011. Kusznierewicz et al., 2012). As the photosynthetic apparatus supplies the whole plant with sugars necessary for various physiological processes and, in consequence, results in the yield,...
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part II: Case study on the watercourses in the Puck Bay catchment area
PublicationDue to its location, Puck Bay is an area particularly vulnerable to pollution of anthropogenic origin. The aim of the study was to assess the water quality of small watercourses entering the inner part of Puck Bay. The paper presents the results of chemical and microbiological analyses of 10 rivers and canals at their estuaries located on the western shore of the internal Puck Bay. The following environmental parameters were analyzed:...
Achieving Efficient and Stable Deammonification at Low Temperatures—Experimental and Modeling Studies
PublicationThe short-term effects of temperature on deammonification sludge were evaluated in a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Mathematical modeling was used for further evaluations of different intermittent aeration strategies for achieving high and stable deammonification performance at decreasing temperatures. As for the biomass cultivated at high temperatures (e.g., 30 C), a higher temperature dependency (the adjusted...
An overview of the strategies for the deammonification process start-up and recovery after accidental operational failures
PublicationThe deammonification process has been universally acknowledged as an energy-efficient technology for sewage disposal. In contrast with traditional biological nitrogen removal technology, the deammonification process is able to remove ammonia from wastewater with the simplest nitrogen removal process because of its advantages of lower operating expenses, no organic carbon consumption, lower biomass production, lower carbon dioxide...
Trophic Transfer of Mercury in a Temperate Marine Food Web, Southern Baltic Sea
PublicationMercury (Hg) is considered to be one of the most dangerous global environmental pollutants. The toxicity and bioavailabilityof Hg depend on its chemical form, and the greatest hazard is posed by the organomercurial compounds. Hg is introduced into the human body primarily through the consumption of fish and seafood. Despite numerous studies on Hg in marine organisms, there is still a gap in the knowledge on Hg uptake and...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationIn order to improve efficiency of N removal within the existing capacities, the denitrification process can be enhanced by adding external carbon sources. The studies on utilization of various by-products or waste materials as alternative carbon sources for denitrification have been carried out for over 20 years (Sage et al. 2006). Among several commercially available organic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, glucose),...
Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality
PublicationDue to lifestyle changes, people spend most of their time indoors at present; thus, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a matter of utmost importance. Multi-functional and innovative finishes can help to passively improve the IAQ, benefitting the health and comfort of occupants. For this study, reference and pre-mixed commercial mortars are compared to a new multi-functional hydraulic lime mortar for indoor finishes, in which conventional...
The influence of magnetic particle incorporation on bisphenol A removal by β-cyclodextrin-derived sorbent
PublicationA novel, biomass-derived hybrid sorbent Ban-CD-EPI-Fe was successfully synthesized in a coprecipitation method, in which β-cyclodextrin copolymerized with banana peel extract and epichlorohydrin was grafted onto an iron oxide surface. The composition, presence of functional groups, morphology, thermal stability, and magnetic properties of the obtained material were characterized by Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Photoelectron...
Effect of Agitation and Temporary Immersion on Growth and Synthesis of Antibacterial Phenolic Compounds in Genus Drosera
PublicationSundews (Drosera sp.) are the source of biologically active secondary metabolites: phenolic acids, flavonoids, and 1,4-naphtoquinones. Because obtaining them from the natural environment is impossible (rare and endangered species), in this study modifications of traditional tissue cultures grown in solid medium (SM), such as agitated cultures (ACs) (cultures in liquid medium with rotary shaking) and temporary immersion bioreactors...
Teratomas of Drosera capensis var. alba as a source of naphthoquinone: ramentaceone
PublicationPlants belonging to genus Drosera (family Droseraceae) contain pharmacologically active naphthoquinones such as ramentaceone and plumbagin. Hairy root cultures obtained following Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation have been reported to produce elevated levels of secondary compounds as well as exhibit desirable rapid biomass accumulation in comparison to untransformed plants. The aim of this study was to establish...
Elicitation strategies for the improvement of essential oil content in Rhododendron tomentosum (Ledum palustre) bioreactor-grown microshoots
PublicationRhododendron tomentosum Harmaja, previously Ledum palustre L., is a fragrant plant growing in swampy areas, which is characterized by well-known repellent properties and the anti-arthritic potential. In the present study, R. tomentosum microshoots cultivated in RITA® bioreactor, providing the alternative, environment-independent source of the valuable essential oil, were treated for 7 days with copper and nickel salts, methyl jasmonate,...
Post-Pyrolytic Carbon as a Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Carrier for Application in Building Materials
PublicationThis article covers new application for char as a carrier of phase-change materials (PCM) that could be used as an additive to building materials. Being composed of bio-char and PCM, the granulate successfully competes with more expensive commercial materials of this type, such as Micronal® PCM. As a PCM carrier, char that was obtained from the pyrolysis of chestnut fruit (Aesculus hippocastanum) with different absorbances of the...
Optimization of the Aeration Strategies in a Deammonification Sequencing Batch Reactor for Efficient Nitrogen Removal and Mitigation of N2O Production
PublicationIn deammonification systems, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) suppression and nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation are two important operational objectives. To carry out this multivariable analysis of response, a comprehensive model for the N cycle was developed and evaluated against experimental data from a laboratory-scale deammonification granular sludge sequencing batch reactor. Different aeration strategies were tested, and the manipulated...
Modelling long-term technological transition of Polish power system using MARKAL: Emission trade impact
PublicationThe need for technological transition of electricity production becomes a global problem. However, in coal-dominated Polish power system this need is even more crucial than anywhere, since technical lifetime of the most domestic power plants is ending. In this paper, the impact of the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) for CO2 combined with sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission trading mechanism on power technology...
Flexible syngas-biogas-hydrogen fueling spark-ignition engine behaviors with optimized fuel compositions and control parameters
PublicationThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
PublicationThe activated sludge process of the digestate liquors after chemical separation was conducted using a 10 L lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and a 0.50 m3 pilotscale SBR independently (with pH control). Due to the relatively high concentration of free ammonia (FA), clear inhibitory effects of the digestate liquors on the nitrifying bacteria were observed. The adaptation of the activated sludge to the toxicity was evaluated...
PublicationABSTRACT: ETS (CO2 Emissions Trading Scheme) is one of the mechanisms that allow for controlling and striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. However, it is also another cost for CO2 emission producers, affecting the final price of energy. The aim of the article is to enrich the discussion by explaining the relationship between ETS prices and the level of share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy...
The effect of aeration mode (intermittent vs. continuous) on nutrient removal and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment plant of Corleone (Italy)
PublicationThe paper reports the results of an experimental study aimed at comparing two configurations of a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP): conventional activated sludge (CAS) and oxic-settling-anaerobic process (OSA) with intermittent aeration (IA). A comprehensive monitoring campaign was carried out to assess multiple parameters for comparing the two configurations: carbon and nutrient removal, greenhouse gas emissions, respirometric...
Hydrochars as a bio-based adsorbent for heavy metals removal: A review of production processes, adsorption mechanisms, kinetic models, regeneration and reusability of hydrochar
PublicationThe spread of heavy metals throughout the ecosystem has extremely endangered human health, animals, plants, and natural resources. Hydrochar has emerged as a promising adsorbent for removing heavy metals from water and wastewater. Hydrochar, obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of biomass, owns unique physical and chemical properties that are highly potent in capturing heavy metals via surface complexation, electrostatic interactions,...
How the Dimensions of Plant Filler Particles Affect the Oxidation-Resistant Characteristics of Polyethylene-Based Composite Materials
PublicationThis study analyzed the possibility of using plant-originated waste materials (black and green tea dust) as functional polyethylene fillers. The dependence between the size of the filler particles and their antioxidant potential is discussed. Six fractions were selected: below 50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–200 µm, 200–400 µm, 400–630 µm and 630–800 µm. Significant differences between the effect of particle size and the antioxidant properties...
Modeling organic nitrogen conversions in activated sludge bioreactors
PublicationFor biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems designed to maximize nitrogen removal, the effluent total nitrogen (TN) concentration may range from 2.0 to 4.0 g N/m3 with about 25-50% in the form of organic nitrogen (ON). In this study, current approaches to modeling organic N conversions (separate processes vs. constant contents of organic fractions) were compared. A new conceptual model of ON conversions was developed and combined...
Seasonal variability and morphological structure of bacteria in the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctic).
PublicationIntroduction: The aim of investigations was to state whether melting glaciers cause mass mortality of the sea stenohalyne organisms, what in consequence can lead to an increase of accumulation and growth of psychrophilic bacteria. It may be also that fresh melting water is unfavourable to the sea bacteria and front glacier's regions are not the areas of their intensive development. Methods: Field investigations were done in Admiralty...
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part I: Case study on the watercourses in the Baltic Sea catchment area
PublicationThe area of the Coastal Landscape Park (CLP) due to its location is extremely attractive touristic area. In the summer season, a significant increase in population density is observed, which influences surface water quality. Large numbers of tourists generate an increased amount of municipal wastewater, being treated in local treatment plants and discharged into rivers and streams. The paper presents preliminary research from summer...
Mathematical modelling of gasification process of sewage sludge in reactor of negative CO2 emission power plant
PublicationSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water,organic matter, including dead and alive pathogens, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants suchas polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Due to the nature of sewage sludge and itspossible influence on human health and wellbeing, it is a subject of various regulations. Currently,sewage sludge is considered...
Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station
PublicationThe paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water...
Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...
Hydrochar-nanoparticle integration for arsenic removal from wastewater: Challenges, possible solutions, and future horizon
PublicationArsenic (As) contamination poses a significant threat to human health, ecosystems, and agriculture, with levels ranging from 12 to 75% attributed to mine waste and stream sediments. This naturally element is abundant in Earth's crust and gets released into the environment through mining and rock processing, causing ≈363 million people to depend on As-contaminated groundwater. To combat this issue, introducing a sustainable hydrochar...