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Search results for: dead time compensation
Multimodal Augmented Reality System for Real-Time Roof Type Recognition and Visualization on Mobile Devices
PublicationThe utilization of augmented reality (AR) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the integration of virtual reality (VR) elements into the tangible reality of the physical world. It facilitates a more straightforward comprehension of the interconnections, interdependencies, and spatial context of data. Furthermore, the presentation of analyses and the combination of spatial data with annotated data are facilitated. This is particularly...
Real-Time Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition for eFitness and eHealth Platforms
PublicationHuman Activity Recognition (HAR) plays an important role in the automation of various tasks related to activity tracking in such areas as healthcare and eldercare (telerehabilitation, telemonitoring), security, ergonomics, entertainment (fitness, sports promotion, human–computer interaction, video games), and intelligent environments. This paper tackles the problem of real-time recognition and repetition counting of 12 types of...
Self-Testing of Analog Parts Terminated by ADCs Based on Multiple Sampling of Time Responses
PublicationA new approach for self-testing of analog parts terminated by analog-to-digital converters in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based upon a new fault diagnosis method using a transformation of the set of voltage samples of the time response of a tested analog part to a square impulse into localization curves placed in a multidimensional measurement space. The method can be used...
Pulse Transit Time - Fiducial Points Accuracy Determination as Examined by Means of Synthetic Signals
PublicationThere are many approaches to non-invasively deter-mine blood pressure. Among them there are methods based on utilizing pulse transit time measured by means of photoplethys-mography. The variability of the blood pressure drop between two measurement sensors placed along the artery and its dependence on the selected parameters describing the cardiovascular system is presented in the paper. This pressure drop modifies the pressure...
Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks
PublicationIn this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...
Very accurate time propagation of coupled Schrödinger equations for femto- and attosecond physics and chemistry, with C++ source code
PublicationIn this article, I present a very fast and high-precision (up to 33 decimal places) C++ implementation of the semi-global time propagation algorithm for a system of coupled Schrödinger equations with a time-dependent Hamiltonian. It can be used to describe time-dependent processes in molecular systems after excitation by femto- and attosecond laser pulses. It also works with an arbitrary user supplied Hamiltonian and can be used...
Using Statistical Methods to Estimate The Worst Case Response Time of Network Software Running on Indeterministic Hardware Platforms
PublicationIn this paper we investigate whether the statistical Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) estimation methods devised for embedded platforms can be successfully applied to find the Worst Case Response Time (WCRT) of a network application running on a complex hardware platform such as a contemporary commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system. Establishing easy-to-use timing validation techniques is crucial for real-time applications and...
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublicationWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
Influence of span length and impulse front time on earthing measurement accuracy of power line towers
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of measuring and assessing the features of power line tower earthings using fast-changing waveform. The study analyses the effect of impulse front time and the line span length on errors made during these measurements using impulse meters. It has been found that the assessment conditions similar to the static measurement results occur for the use of 4 μs current impulses and such procedure is useful...
The mediational role of future and past time perspectives in the relationship between negative affectivity and sense of coherence
PublicationSense of coherence (SoC) can promote positive coping, and one of its most prominent negative correlates is negative affectivity (NA). In the current study, we hypothesized that future and past time perspectives (TPs) will mediate the relationship between sense of coherence and negative affectivity, and the inverse relationship. The study was questionnaire-based, performed online. N = 719 participants aged 25-45 from...
Privacy-Preserving, Scalable Blockchain-Based Solution for Monitoring Industrial Infrastructure in the Near Real-Time
PublicationThis paper proposes an improved monitoring and measuring system dedicated to industrial infrastructure. Our model achieves security of data by incorporating cryptographical methods and near real-time access by the use of virtual tree structure over records. The currently available blockchain networks are not very well adapted to tasks related to the continuous monitoring of the parameters of industrial installations. In the database...
Analytical solution of non-stationary heat conduction problem for two sliding layers with time-dependent friction conditions
PublicationIn this article we conduct an overview of various types of thermal contact conditions at the sliding interface. We formulate a problem of non-stationary heat conduction in two sliding layers with generalized thermal contact conditions allowing for dependence of the heat-generation coefficient and contact heat transfer coefficient on time. We then derive an analytical solution of the problem by constructing a special coordinate...
Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleDetails concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at http://eti.pg.edu.pl/katedra-algorytmow-i-modelowania-systemow/Marek_KubaleGoogle ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...
Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems – linear quadratic discrete-time case
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Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of 17 Beta-Estradiol on Short-Term, Real-Time Proliferation and Gene Expression in Porcine Granulosa Cells
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Road Safety Trends at National Level in Europe: A Review of Time-series Analysis Performed during the Period 2000–12
PublicationThis paper presents a review of time-series analysis of road safety trends, aggregatedat a national level, which has been performed in the period 2000 – 12 and applied to Europeannational data sets covering long time periods. It provides a guideline and set of best practices inthe area of time-series modelling and identifies the latest methods and applications of nationalroad safety trend analysis...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
Systematic approach to binary classification of images in video streams using shifting time windows
Publicationin the paper, after pointing out of realistic recordings and classifications of their frames, we propose a new shifting time window approach for improving binary classifications. We consider image classification in tewo steps. in the first one the well known binary classification algorithms are used for each image separately. In the second step the results of the previous step mare analysed in relatively short sequences of consecutive...
Influence of YARN Schedulers on Power Consumption and Processing Time for Various Big Data Benchmarks
PublicationClimate change caused by human activities can influence the lives of everybody onthe planet. The environmental concerns must be taken into consideration by all fields of studyincludingICT. Green Computing aims to reduce negative effects of IT on the environment while,at the same time, maintaining all of the possible benefits it provides. Several Big Data platformslike Apache Spark orYARNhave become widely used in analytics and...
Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory
PublicationThe problem of sharing entanglement over large distances is crucial for implementations of quantum cryptography. A possible scheme for long-distance entanglement sharing and quantum communication exploits networks whose nodes share Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. In Perseguers et al. [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008)] the authors put forward an important isomorphism between storing quantum information in a dimension D and transmission...
A linear time algorithm for edge coloring of binomial trees
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CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Improved Time Response
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową konfigurację regulatora o obniżonym spadku napięcia, w którym wykorzystano stopień wyjściowy z równoległym sprzężeniem napięciowym. Dzięki obniżonej rezystancji wyjściowej stopnia, uzyskano poprawę odpowiedzi impulsowej regulatora na szybką zmianę prądu wyjściowego.
General Approach to Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters
PublicationW książce zaprezentowano podstawy analizy i projektowania filtrów aktywnych typu OTA-C. Podana została procedura zunifikowanego opisu macierzowego ogólnej struktury układowej filtrów OTA-C czasu ciągłego dla pracy w trybie napięciowym i prądowym. Przyjęty formalizm macierzowy jest dogodny do zastosowania w różnego rodzaju programowych narzędziach komputerowego wspomagania analizy i syntezy filtrów aktywnych tej klasy. Zaproponowana...
Dynamic inequalities and equations of Volterra type on time scales
PublicationPraca dotyczy całkowo-różniczkowych równań dynamicznych typu Volterry z warunkami początkowymi. Stosując twierdzenie Banacha o punkcie stałym pokazano istnienie jedynego rozwiązania liniowego równania dynamicznego. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych pokazano istnienie rozwiązań ekstremalnych dla problemów nieliniowych. Badano też nierówności dynamiczne. Praca zawiera również uwagi dotyczące zagadnień różniczkowych i różnicowych.
On ''cheap smoothing'' opportunities in identification of time-varying systems
PublicationIn certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate into the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Despite the possible performance improvements, the existing smoothing...
On the lower smoothing bound in identification of time-varying systems
PublicationIn certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate in the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Assuming that the infinite observation history is available, the paper...
Time domain validation of ultracapacitor fractional order model
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Procedura powiadamiania o śmierci pacjenta —“In Person, In Time…”
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Equilibration Time of Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes
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Entropy of Financial Time Series Due to the Shock of War
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Tackling age-related disease: time for a step forward
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Stability by linear approximation for time scale dynamical systems
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Uniform solvability for families of linear systems on time scales
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The influence of the time of day on midazolam pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in rabbits
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Influence of Time of Day on Propofol Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Rabbits
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Usability attributes revisited: a time-framed knowledge map
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A recursive multi-output dicrete-time sinusoidal oscillator
PublicationZaproponowano wielo-wyjściowy cyfrowy oscylator sinusoidalny. Przedstawiono performancję tego oscylatora. Oscylator generuje sinusoidy: o zadanych fazach początkowych i o jednostkowej amplitudzie, przy użyciu algorytmów rekursywnych. Wprowadzona tu macierz rotacji zespolonego oscylatora unifikuje różne struktury zespolonych oscylatorów i pozwala na wprowadzenie nowych struktur trójfazowych, cztero-fazowych i ogólnie wielo-fazowych...
Time sprawl: czy zagraża nam urbanizacja nocy?
PublicationMechanizmy działające w mieście zachodzą zazwyczaj z niezwykłą nieuchronnością, a przemiany cywilizacyjne stają się faktem niezależnie od woli mieszkańców. W ciągu ostatnich lat w polskich miastach poszczególne usługi coraz bardziej wydłużają czas funkcjonowania w ciągu doby starając się nadążyć za zmieniającymi się przyzwyczajeniami klientów. Wydaje się, że zjawisko rozciągania czasu aktywności miasta może być równie szkodliwe...
Time-domain prosodic modifications for text-to-speech synthesizer
PublicationAn application of prosodic speech processing algorithms to Text-To-Speech synthesis is presented. Prosodic modifications that improve the naturalness of the synthesized signal are discussed. The applied method is based on the TD-PSOLA algorithm. The developed Text-To-Speech Synthesizer is used in applications employing multimodal computer interfaces.
Increasing the accuracy of time-varied-gain in digital echosounders
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problematykę związaną z realizacją precyzyjnej korekcji kompensującej tłumienie dźwięku w wodzie w zastosowaniu do echosond cyfrowych. Pokazano również, że typowo stosowana korekcja prowadzi do kilku decybelowych błędów dla pomiarów realizowanych w wodach płytkich.
A general approach to continuous time Gm-C filters.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano ogólną strukturę filtrów Gm-C z odpowiednim opisem macierzowym. W odniesieniu do tej struktury podano formuły analizy wrażliwościowej dla dowolnego filtru Gm-C czasu ciągłego. Analiza oparta na opisie macierzowym była wykorzystana również do porównania właściwości filtrów Gm-Ctrybu napięciowego i prądowego. Zdefiniowano dwie kanoniczne transformacje dla klasy filtrów zmiennych stanu.
Tolerance Analysis of Continuous Time Gm-C Filters.
PublicationW pracy opisano metodę analizy tolerancji dla filtrów Gm-C dowolnego typu i rzędu. Opracowano odpowiednie formuły analityczne korzystając z ogólnego modelu filtrów tej klasy oraz zunifikowanego opisu macierzowego. W końcowej części pracy przedstawiono wybrane przykłady zastosowań proponowanej procedury z włączeniem analizy metody najgorszego przypadku dla filtrów Gm-C wysokiego rzędu.
Performance optimization of continuous-time OTA-C filters.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analityczne podejśćie do optymalizacji właściwości filtrów OTA-C czasu ciągłego. Zaprezentowano efektywne metody analizy zniekształceń nieliniowych i szumów dla dowolnego filtru OTA-C wykorzystując ogólny model oparty na opisie macierzowym. Rezultaty teoretyczne odnoszące się do kaskadowego filtru typu Butterwotha były weryfikowane na drodze porównawczej z wynikami otrzymanymi na poziomie ''Transistor-Level''...
Noise performance of continuous-time active-RC filters.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę analizy właściwości szumowych filtrów aktywnych RC czasu ciągłego. Prezentowana procedura wykorzystuje model integratorowy, z odpowiednim dla tej klasy filtrów opisem macierzowym. Dokładność osiągniętych wyników teoretycznych dla przykładowego filtru potwierdzono rezultatami otrzymanymi przy pomocy symulatora SPICE.
Neural network breast cancer relapse time prognosis
PublicationPrzedstawiono architekturę i wyniki testowania sztucznej sieci neuronowej w prognozowaniu czasu nawrotu choroby u kobiet chorych na raka piersi. Sieć neuronowa uczona była na danych zgromadzonych przez 20 lat. Dane opisują grupę 439 pacjentów za pomocą 40 parametrów. Spośród tych parametrów wybrano 6 najistotniejszych: liczbę przerzutowych węzłów chłonnych, wielkość guza, wiek, skalę według Blooma oraz stan receptorów estrogenowych...
A reliable synthesis of discrete-time H-inf control. Part I: basic theorems and J-lossless conjugators
PublicationThe paper gives a basis for solving many problems of numerically reliable synthesis of sub-optimal discrete-time control in H-inf. The approach is based on J-lossless factorisation of the delta-domain chain-scattering description of continuous-time plants being controlled. Relevant properties of poles and zeroes of chain-scattering models are given. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of stabilising J-lossless...
Effect of Time Varying Measurement Conditions on Antenna Pattern in Near Field Measurement and Its Correction Procedure
PublicationAuthors present the procedure of taking into account the changes of electrical parameters of setup due to the time drift of temperature during the procedure of near field measurement. It is proposed to make additional measurements in determined positions of probe are next used the results to introduce corrections terms in measured data. Such approach was verified practically in experimental near field measurement system.
PublicationThis paper describes the two methods of determining the time constant of type K thermocouple, for two construction solutions: the exposed weld and the mantle fillet weld. This is an important parameter indicating the response time of the thermocouple on the recorded signal. The first method consists of determining the value of τ in the way of numerical simulation of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the current of gas...
Metabolomics analysis of the effect of time and oxygen on the fibrosarcoma cell line (HT1080) - model studies
PublicationOxygen molecular effect on cancer cells metabolism has been a concern for decades,at the beginning with Louis Pasteur’s and his understanding of glucose fermentation.In the 1930s, Otto Warburg came with his new understanding of cancer biology by introducingthe alteration of cancer cells' metabolism in the presence or absence of oxygen moleculesby increasing glucose uptake and producing lactate through...
Anharmonic Infrared Spectroscopy through the Fourier Transform of Time Correlation Function Formalism in ONETEP
PublicationDensity functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) provides an efficient framework for accurately computing several types of spectra. The major benefit of DFTMD approaches lies in the ability to naturally take into account the effects of temperature and anharmonicity, without having to introduce any ad hoc or a posteriori corrections. Consequently, computational spectroscopy based on DFT-MD approaches plays a pivotal role in...