Structural, optical and electrochemical performance of black phosphorus and black arsenic-phosphorus nanostructures
PublicationBlack phosphorus (BP)-based nanostructures have drawn a lot of attention due to their tunable bandgap and extraordinary properties such as: high surface-to-volume ratio, large number of active sites, and prominent edges. However, low dimensional structures of black phosphorus oxidize easily, which hamper their application on a broader scale. One way to overcome these difficulties is to modify the black phosphorus structure by substituting...
Measurements of the optical and thermal properties of the 2D black phosphorus coating
PublicationBlack phosphorus is a 2D material, which properties are still being discovered. In this paper, the sensitivity to the temperature of a few-layer black phosphorus coating deposited, on the surface of a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor, by a dip-coating method is presented. The coating was investigated after 2, 3, and 5 deposition cycles and during temperature growth from 50 °C to 300 °C in an interferometric setup. The intensity...
Investigation of the Few‐Layer Black Phosphorus Degradation by the Photonic Measurements
PublicationFew-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) is a 2D material that gains worldwide interest for its possible applications, mainly in electronics and optoelec-tronics. However, as FLBP is prone to a degradation process under envi-ronmental conditions, there is a need for a monitoring method allowing investigation of its surface quality. Among many techniques, optoelectronic ones have unique advantages of fast response, non-contact, and non-invasive...
Chemical Vapor Transport Route toward Black Phosphorus Nanobelts and Nanoribbons
PublicationChemical vapor transport (CVT) method is widely used for bulk black phosphorus (BP) fabrication. In this work, we demonstrate that CVT provides a route for the fabrication of BP nanoribbons and nanobelts. This method consists of a two-step procedure, including initial BP column growth using the CVT technique, followed by ultrasonic treatment and centrifugation. The obtained nanostructures preserve BP column dimensions, forming...
Chemical Vapor Transport Route toward Black Phosphorus Nanobelts and Nanoribbons
PublicationChemical vapor transport (CVT) method is widely used for bulk black phosphorus (BP) fabrication. In this work, we demonstrate that CVT provides a route for the fabrication of BP nanoribbons and nanobelts. This method consists of a two-step procedure, including initial BP column growth using the CVT technique, followed by ultrasonic treatment and centrifugation. The obtained nanostructures preserve BP column dimensions, forming...
Cytocompatibility of stabilized black phosphorus nanosheets tailored by directly conjugated polymeric micelles for human breast cancer therapy
PublicationThe novel procedure of few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) stabilization and functionalisation was here proposed. The cationic polymer PLL and non-ionic PEG have been involved into encapsulation of FLBP to allow sufficient time for further nanofabrication process and overcome environmental degradation. Two different spacer chemistry was designed to bind polymers to tumor-homing peptides. The efficiency of functionalisation was examined...
Few-Layer Black Phosphorus/Chitosan Nanocomposite Electrodes via Controlled Electrodeposition for Enhanced Electrochemical Kinetic Performance
PublicationThis study presents the preparation and characterization of few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) chitosan electrodes by controlled electrochemical deposition of chitosan nanoparticles on FLBP-modified glassy carbon electrodes. FLBP was prepared by solvent-assisted exfoliation of bulk BP and was further modified with chitosan forming together a nanocomposite, including easy cross-linking with nanomaterials and film-forming properties....
Anisotropic optical properties of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: from fundamental insights to opto-electrochemical sensor design
PublicationFew-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) is characterised by a tuneable bandgap, high carrier mobility and anisotropic optical properties. It therefore has the potential to find applications in electronics and photonics. FLBP oxidizes upon exposure to air, limiting its utility in devices and components. To address this issue, the thesis introduces methods and tools developed for studying FLBP's optical parameters, with a particular emphasis...
Enhanced stability of electrochemical performance of few-layer black phosphorus electrodes by noncovalent adsorption of 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone
PublicationIn this paper, the novel noncovalent functionalisation strategy of few-layer black phosphorus by 1,4-diamine-9,10-anthraquinone electrode was proposed and studied. The degradation of few-layer black phosphorus under exposure to oxygen and water is a significant obstacle to its use as an electroanalytical electrode. The anthraquinone compound adsorbed at black phosphorus flakes results in improved prevention of the phosphorus surface...
Tailoring optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: Spectroscopic ellipsometry approach supported by ab-initio simulation
Publication2D black phosphorus (BP) has attracted extensive attention as an anisotropic platform for novel optoelectronic and polarizing optics applications. Insight into the factors that tune the optical and polarizing properties of 2D BP reveals their essential influence on BP-based photonic and optoelectronic devices. In this work, studies of the optical constants of few-layer black phosphorus coatings are studied and discussed, with particular...
Low-power microwave-induced fabrication of functionalised few-layer black phosphorus electrodes: A novel route towards Haemophilus Influenzae pathogen biosensing devices
PublicationIn this paper, various passivation schemes were applied at few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) to achieve covalent functionalisation with 4-azidobenzoic acid, improving its electrochemical response intended for analytical and biosensing applications. The thermal and microwave assisted modification procedures in toluene and dime-thylformamide resulted in high reversibility of reactions on functionalised FLBP using a ferricyanide/ferrocya-nide...
Hybrid metal and non-metal activation of Oxone by magnetite nanostructures co-immobilized with nano-carbon black to degrade tetracycline: Fenton and electrochemical enhancement with bio-assay
PublicationElectrochemically synthesized magnetite nanostructures (ESMNPs) as a metal activator and nano-carbon black (NCB) as a non-metal activator were co-immobilized by alginate natural polymer to activate Oxone for the degradation of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic. The formation of sulfate radical was indirectly confirmed during the Oxone/ESMNPs/NCB/alginate process via the addition of scavenging compounds. This study revealed the high...
Combination of air-dispersion cathode with sacrificial iron anode generating Fe2+Fe3+2O4 nanostructures to degrade paracetamol under ultrasonic irradiation
PublicationIn the present study, ultrasound (US) was coupled with an electrochemical process (ECP) consisting of a novel cathode of carbon cloth (CC)-carbon black (CB) as the nano-composite air-dispersion cathode (NADC) for the degradation of paracetamol (APAP) in an aquatic medium. The NADC favored in situ production of H2O2 by the cathodic reduction. The implementation of iron sacrificial anode instead of dimensionally stable anodes resulted...
Activation of peroxymonosulfate using carbon black nano-spheres/calcium alginate hydrogel matrix for degradation of acetaminophen: Fe3O4 co-immobilization and microbial community response
PublicationHerein, we focused on the degradation of acetaminophen (ACT) drug in liquid phase by peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activated by carbon black nano-spheres (CBNS). The nanostructured activator was immobilized into calcium alginate hydrogel matrix (CAHM) to avoid the washout of the fine nanostructures. The Langmuir modeling showed an insignificant contribution to the adsorption process in the removal of ACT. The basic pH conditions favored...
Electrochemical Stability of Few-Layered Phosphorene Flakes on Boron-Doped Diamond: A Wide Potential Range of Studies in Aqueous Solutions
PublicationTwo-dimensional phosphorene has attracted great interest since its discovery as a result of its extraordinary properties. Two-dimensional single crystals of phosphorene can be useful for electrochemical (EC) sensing applications due to their enhanced surface-to-volume ratio. We proposed to investigate the electrochemical performance of phosphorene deposited directly on boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes. Noncovalent interaction...
Fiber-optic sensors based on microspheres with nanocoatings (Zastosowanie mikrosfer optycznych z cienkowarstwowymi pokryciami w czujnikach światłowodowych)
PublicationTemperature is one of the most important physical quantities. Temperature measurements are used in every field of life, especially electronics, electrical engineering, energy-related fields, including energy source and storage devices. The goal of this dissertation is to design and optimize the microsphere-based fiber-optic sensors construction for measurement of the sensor surrounding medium temperature, including selection of...
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The Dream of Black
PublicationThe Dream of Black Wystawa Sen o czerni to projekt pedagogów Uniwersytetu w Ostrawie i Fundacji Wyspa Progress a właściwie ich studentów, którzy są również dzisiaj pedagogami. W wielu przypadkach jest to już drugie pokolenie studentów. The Dream of Black oferuje szerokie spektrum form artystycznych. Autorska próbka stanowiąca trzon projektu wystawy (gość: Viktor Frešo i inni artyści związani z Gdańską sceną artystyczną) to tylko...
New pathways for functionalization of phosphorus ligands
PublicationThe presented dissertation consistsof two main partsand focuses on the synthesis and characterization of new low-valent phosphorus compounds. Thesestudies have already been fully described in three JCR-journals. The first partdescribes the utilization ofselectedphosphanylphosphinidene transition metal complexes as a source of diversified phosphorus ligands. For thispurposethree complexes...
Phosphinophosphoranes: Mixed-Valent Phosphorus Compounds with Ambiphilic Properties
PublicationHerein, we present a simple synthesis of mixed-valent phosphinophosphoranes bearing three- and five-coordinate phosphorus centers. Compounds with phosphorus–phosphorus bonds were synthesized via a reaction of lithium phosphides RR′PLi with cat2PCl (cat = catecholate), whereas derivatives with methylene-linked phosphorus centers were obtained via a reaction of phosphanylmethanides RR′CH2Li with cat2PCl. The presence of accessible...
Phosphorus concentration and availability in raw organic waste and post fermentation products
PublicationThe aim of the study was to determine the mobility of phosphorus forms in raw organic waste and from the solid and liquid fractions of digestate. To achieve the purpose of this study, the components (including livestock manure, agricultural waste, food waste, sewage sludge) and their post fermentation products were considered. Subsequently, the effect of the fermentation process on the mobility of phosphorus forms in post-fermentation fractions...
Synchronous black hole search in directed graphs
PublicationThe paper considers a team of robots which has to explore a graph G, where some nodes can be harmful. Robots are initially located at the so-called home base node. The dangerous nodes are the so-called black hole nodes, and once a robot enters in one of them, it is destroyed. The goal is to find a strategy in order to explore G in such a way that minimum number of robots is wasted. The exploration ends if there is at least one...
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
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Typology of the Black Tents Architecture between Iranian nomad tribes
PublicationEvidence of the past shows variation in human settlements. Nomadic house the” Black Tent” shows relationship between humans and the natural environment surrounding them. Black Tents are made of natural materials consistant with environmental conditions. This paper discusses nomadic living space of some Iranian tribes located in different regions to show their unique architecture and culture. Rediscovering different architecture...
Transformation of bimetallic Ag–Cu thin films into plasmonically active composite nanostructures
PublicationFormation of plasmonically active silver, copper and composite silver-copper nanostructures were studied in this paper. Metallic nanostructures were fabricated by thermal disintegration, so called dewetting, of the thin films in an argon atmosphere. The formation process of the nanostructures was in-situ observed by a novel method, based on resistance measurements. The influence of the material and thickness of the initial thin...
Journal of Nanostructures
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Micro and Nanostructures
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Functionalization of graphene oxide coatings with phosphorus atoms and their corrosion resistance in sodium chloride environment
PublicationIn this work, we compared corrosion resistance of graphene oxide, and phosphorus functionalized reduced graphene oxide coatings obtained as a result of electrophoretic deposition on the copper substrate. Doping graphene oxide with phosphorus atoms was performed by a hydrothermal method in the presence of different amounts of phosphoric acid. Structural studies confirmed the insertion of phosphorus atoms into the graphene oxide...
Edible black ant Smith (Carebara vidua) as human food – A systematic review
PublicationMeeting food security is one of the major global challenges to ensure sufficient supply of food for current and future generations, considering increasing population growth and climate change issues. Consequently, the consumption of edible insects as an alternative food source has recently gained global attention for combating global food insecurity. The present review aims to provide information on the recent progress in consumption...
Electronic conductivity in the SiO2-PbO-Fe2O3 glass containing magnetic nanostructures
PublicationThe linear impedance spectra of iron–silicate–lead glass samples were measured in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from 153 K to 423 K. The structure was investigated by means of XRD and atomic force microscopy. Local electrical and magnetic properties of the samples were tested with the aid of electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The obtained results show...
CuO-decorated MOF derived ZnO polyhedral nanostructures for exceptional H2S gas detection
PublicationConsidering that H2S is a hazardous gas that poses a significant risk to people's lives, research into H2S gas sensors has garnered a lot of interest. This work reports a CuO/ZnO multifaceted nanostructures(NS) created by heat treating Cu2+/ZIF-8 impregnation precursors, and their microstructure and gas sensing characteristics were examined using various characterization techniques (XRD, XPS, SEM, TEM, and BET). The as-prepared...
The protective properties of graphene oxide coatings functionalized with phosphorus atoms.
PublicationRecently, electrophoretically deposited graphene oxide coatings are commonly applied as an anti-corrosion layer. However, improper adjustment of electrophoretic deposition (EPD) parameters as well as the hydrophilic nature of graphene oxide contribute to the formation of defects in the coatings and the increase in the wetting properties, respectively, and thus lead to a reduction of protective properties. The growth of wetting...
The influence of nanostructures size on V2O5 electrochemical properties as cathode materials for lithium ion battery
PublicationIn this paper, V2O5 nanostructures with a size depending on the annealing temperature are successfully synthesized by a sol-gel method. The crystal structure and morphology of samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SEAD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Electrochemical testing such...
Tailoring Physicochemical Properties of V2O5 Nanostructures: Influence of Solvent Type in Sol-Gel Synthesis
PublicationThe influence of different solvents, including aqueous and nonaqueous types, on the physicochemical properties of V2O5 nanostructures was thoroughly investigated. Various characterization techniques, such as XRD, XPS, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, UV-vis DRS, SEM, TEM, and BET, were employed to analyze the obtained materials. Additionally, the adsorption properties of the synthesized V2O5 nanostructures for methylene blue were examined,...
Investigating the combined effects of devulcanization level and carbon black grade on the SBR/GTR composites
PublicationCarbon black migration between ground tire rubber (GTR) and rubber matrix is essential in developing high-performance rubber/GTR composites. In this work, carbon black N220 (surface area: 107.1 m2/g, particle size: 20–25 nm) andN660 (surface area: 33.1 m2/g, particle size: 49–60 nm) were used as the reinforcement fillers for styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) blended with reclaimed GTR. The combined effects of GTR devulcanization level...
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake water and wastewater treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed. The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal wastewater, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
PublicationThe paper describes an adaptive control system of the waves, implemented in the Ship Design and Research Centre, CTO S.A. The purpose of generating the waves in the towing tank is the modelling of the environmental conditions during hydrodynamic model tests. The tests are performed on scale models of towed or free running ships, anchored structures like oil rigs or bottommounted structures, e.g. wind turbines. In the towing tank...
Preliminary Results from the Removal of Phosphorus Compounds with Selected Sorption Material
PublicationDue to the resources of phosphorous are limited and are exhausted in the next 30 years the management of the resources is become current issue. Most of the phosphorus compounds is lost forever, because it is discharged with sewage into surface waters, causing eutrophication and in this way causing a further problem and challenge. On the other hand, there is a considerable need for phosphorus compounds, primarily in bioavailable...
Reductive cleavage of the halogen-phosphorus and sulfur-phosphorus bonds with alkali metals
PublicationBadano redukcję chlorków kwasów tiofosforowych za pomocą: sodu lub potasu w ciekłym amoniaku i za pomocą antracenidku oraz naftalenidku potasu. Związki te ulegają, co wykazano, szybkiej redukcji do anionów >P-S- a te mogą być efektywnie utleniane siarką elementarną w ciekłym amoniaku.
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Black Camera
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Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp: Phosphorus dynamics
PublicationThis is the third paper of the series about “Dynamics of algae growth and nutrients in experimental enclosures culturing bighead carp and common carp”. In this paper, phosphorus dynamics were investigated under the condition of culturing bighead carp and common carp with added fish food (nitrogen dynamics is discussed in the second paper because their behaviors are so different from each other). Nearly fifty days’ observation results...
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Preparation and characterization of TiO2 nanostructures for catalytic CO2 photoconversion
PublicationThe titanium dioxide target (99.7%) of 1 cm in dia was ablated in vacuum by laser pulses(6 ns) at 266 nm and at repetition rate of 10 Hz. During deposition the laser fluence between 1 and 3.5 J/cm2 and the O2 pressure from the range of 10-2 - 1 Pa were applied. The thin TiO2 films were deposited on glass substrate (1 × 1 cm2) heated up to 500 °C. The chemical composition of the film and samples produced by annealing were investigated...
Evolution of Ag nanostructures created from thin films: UV–vis absorption and its theoretical predictions
PublicationAg-based plasmonic nanostructures were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin metallic films. Structure and morphology were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SEM images show that the formation of nanostructures is influenced by the initial layer thickness as well as the...
Waste materials assessment for phosphorus adsorption toward sustainable application in circular economy
PublicationPhosphorus is the main determinant of nutrient enrichment in the water bodies. Many resources including nutrients may be shortly exhausted, assuming current consumption. This scenario leads to growing interest in resources recovery and/or reuse, which together with sustainable energy consumption and waste reduction are the main courses of the circular economy. Usage of coagulants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not allow...
Influence of Phosphorus Speciation on Its Chemical Removal from Reject Water from Dewatering of Municipal Sewage Sludge
PublicationThe aim of the presented research was the assessment of phosphorus speciation impact on the precipitation of phosphorus in reject water using Ca(OH)2. To achieve this, phosphorus speciation (organic and inorganic phosphorus in suspension and in dissolved form) in reject water that is produced during sludge dewatering, after methane digestion in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), was determined. This study covered the materials...
The Occurrence and Role of Tetrasphaera in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems
PublicationThe application of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has commonly been utilized worldwide. However, the optimum efficiency has not been realized over the past decades, prompting many studies and publications. The limitations, especially comprehension of the abundance and actual potential of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs), are not fully understood. Recently identified...
The influence of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments on phosphate removal in semi-natural systems as the 3rd stage of biological wastewater treatment
PublicationThe research was carried out in two semi-natural systems (the polishing ponds in Swarzewo and the free water surface constructed wetland in Zarnowiec) in Poland. They were built as the 3rd stage of a conventional mechanical–biological wastewater treatment plant. These systems were built to improve the quality of the effluent of treated wastewater. In the polishing ponds and FWS wetland system, suspended solids, organic matter as...