Search results for: THERMAL EXPANSION
Structure and thermal expansion of liquid bismuth
PublicationExperimental structural data for liquid Bi were used for estimation of the main structure parameters as well as the thermal expansion coefficient both in supercooled and superheated temperature ranges. It was shown that the equilibrium melt had a positive thermal expansion coefficient within a temperature range upon melting and a negative one at higher temperatures. The former was related to structure changes upon melting, whereas...
Negative thermal expansion and antiferromagnetism in the actinide oxypnictide NpFeAsO
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Negative thermal expansion and antiferromagnetism in the actinide oxypnictide NpFeAsO
PublicationPrzeprowadzona został udana synteza NpFeAsO, związku będącego analogiem do LaFeAsO. Stwierdzono występowanie antyferromagnetycznego uporządkowania z T_N = 57 K. Poniżej T_N zauważono tzw. ujemną rozszerzalność termiczną. Przeprowadzono badania dyfrakcyjne przy użyciu promieniowania synchrotronowego (ESRF - Grenoble) a także neutronów (ILL - Grenoble).
PublicationThe paper presents results of systematic tests of contraction and thermal expansion coefficients of materials based on polymer composites. The information on the above material properties is essential both at the design stage and during the use of finished products. Components for the samples were selected in such a way as to represent typical materials used for production of construction and moulding elements. The performed tests...
Thermal and Chemical Expansion in Proton Ceramic Electrolytes and Compatible Electrodes
PublicationThis review paper focuses on the phenomenon of thermochemical expansion of two specific categories of conducting ceramics: Proton Conducting Ceramics (PCC) and Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors (MIEC). The theory of thermal expansion of ceramics is underlined from microscopic to macroscopic points of view while the chemical expansion is explained based on crystallography and defect chemistry. Modelling methods are used to predict...
Further IoT market expansion owing to innovative thermal energy harvesting
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The Application of the Thermal Stabilization Prompted by the Ice Cover Expansion Considering the Energy Production Optimization in the Dam-Reservoir Coupled Systems on the Vistula River
PublicationIn this study, the thermal stabilization of a water resource together with an energy production optimization in the power plant of the dam–reservoir coupled system is conducted. This coupled dam system is designed to consist of a primary (Włocławek) and secondary (Siarzewo) dam due to the erosion control aspect. The other beneficial aspect of this coupled dam design is to have an additional power plant, with the aim of achieving...
Structural properties of mixed conductor Ba1−xGd1−yLax+yCo2O6−δ
PublicationBa1−xGd1−yLax+yCo2O6−δ (BGLC) compositions with large compositional ranges of Ba, Gd, and La have been characterised with respect to phase compositions, structure, and thermal and chemical expansion. The results show a system with large compositional flexibility, enabling tuning of functional properties and thermal and chemical expansion. We show anisotropic chemical expansion and detailed refinements of emerging phases as La is...
Effect of composition on the thermal properties and structure of M-Al-Si-O-N glasses, M = Na, Mg, Ca
PublicationThe primary objective of this study is to explore the relationship between the composition, structure, and thermal characteristics of M-Al-Si-O-N glasses, with M representing sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), or calcium (Ca). The glasses were prepared by melting in a quartz crucible at 1650 °C and AlN precursor (powder) was utilized as a nitrogen source. The measured thermal properties studied were glass transition temperature (Tg),...
Dilatometry results of SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of dilatometry measurements of SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d powder. The investigation of the linear thermal expansion was carried out using a Netzsch DIL402 dilatometer. The SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d powder was formed into cylinders and heat up to 1100 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C min−1, dwelled for 15 min, and then cooled at a rate of...
Dilatometry results of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of dilatometry measurements of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder. The investigation of the linear thermal expansion was carried out using a Netzsch DIL402 dilatometer. The SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder was formed into cylinders and heat up to 1100 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C min−1, dwelled for 15 min, and then cooled at a rate of...
Dilatometry results of SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of dilatometry measurements of SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder. The investigation of the linear thermal expansion was carried out using a Netzsch DIL402 dilatometer. The SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder was formed into cylinders and heat up to 1100 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C min−1, dwelled for 15 min, and then cooled at a rate of...
A new viscoelastic method of calculation of low-temperature thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements
PublicationThe paper presents a new method of calculation of thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements induced by cooling or heating. The method, developed by the author, is based on the analytical solution for the linear viscoelastic Burgers model extended numerically for the case of asphalt layers whose rheological parameters are strongly dependent on temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion and Poisson’s ratio may optionally...
Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Fe,Cu Substituted (Co,Mn)3O4 Thin Films
PublicationIn this work, thin films (~1000 nm) of a pure MnCo2O4 spinel together with its partially substituted derivatives (MnCo1.6Cu0.2Fe0.2O4, MnCo1.6Cu0.4O4, MnCo1.6Fe0.4O4) were prepared by spray pyrolysis and were evaluated for electrical conductivity. Doping by Cu increases the electrical conductivity, whereas doping by Fe decreases the conductivity. For Cu containing samples, rapid grain growth occurs and these samples develop cracks...
Dilatometry results of SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of dilatometry measurements of SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05) materials. The investigation of the linear thermal expansion was carried out using a Netzsch DIL402 dilatometer. The SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder was formed into cylinders and heat up to 1100 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C min−1, dwelled for...
Investigation of structural, thermal, and electrical properties of sodium-doped oxynitride glass-ceramics
PublicationThis study aimed to investigate the influence of Na2O addition on the structural, thermal, and electrical characteristics of oxynitride glass-ceramics within the Na–K–Mg–Ca–Al–Si–O–N system. Oxynitride glass-ceramic samples were prepared via spark plasma sintering (SPS) with sodium oxide doping levels ranging from 0 wt% to 12 wt%. FESEM analysis revealed changes in sample morphology with increasing sodium content, indicating the...
Thermodynamic analysis of the Compressed Air Energy Storage system coupled with the Underground Thermal Energy Storage
PublicationImprovement of flexibility is one of the key challenges for the transformation of the Polish Power System aiming at a high share of renewable energy in electricity generation. Flexible and dispatchable power plants will contribute to this ongoing transformation process as they compensate for fluctuations in electricity generation from renewable energy sources such as wind and photovoltaics. In this context, CAES storage tanks are...
Effect of isovalent substitution on microstructure and phase transition of LaNb1−xMxO4 (M=Sb, V or Ta; x=0.05–0.3)
PublicationLaNb1−xMxO4 oxides with pentavalent elements of different ionic sizes (M=Sb, Ta and V, x=0.05–0.3) were synthesized by the solid state reaction method. Special interest was devoted to the antimony substituted lanthanum niobate which is a new material in this group. Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns was used to determine the influence of the material composition on unit cell parameters. On the basis of dilatometric...
Evaluating the impact of ZnO doping on electrical and thermal properties of calcium-aluminosilicate oxynitride glass-ceramics
PublicationThis study aimed to investigate the impact of ZnO content on the structure, thermal, and electrical properties of oxynitride glass-ceramic(s) within the Ca–Al–Si–O–N (CASON) system. The base glass had the composition of Ca7Al14Si17O52N7, with ZnO additions ranging from 3 to 15 % by weight. A pristine Ca7Al14Si17O52N7 glass was successfully prepared by melt-quenching technique followed by converted into glass-ceramic by incorporating various...
High-temperature properties of titanium-substituted yttrium niobate
Publicationhe defect fluorite titanium-doped yttrium niobate samples Y3Nb1−xTixO7−δ have been synthesized and investigated by the means of high-temperature X-ray diffraction, dilatometry, and thermogravimetry. Thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) as well as chemical expansion coefficients for material with 5, 10, and 15 mol% of titanium were determined. All investigated samples exhibit chemical contraction caused by Ti doping. The values...
Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ on structural, electrical, and electrochemical properties for potential oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells
PublicationThis work presents the results of a comprehensive study on the impact of the A-site non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (x = 0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.05) ceramics on their physicochemical properties. The materials were fabricated by the conventional solid-state reaction method and their structure was determined by X-ray diffractometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Their sintering and thermal expansion...
Preparation and characterisation of iron substituted Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 spinel oxides (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
PublicationSpinel oxides with the general formula Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) were prepared and evaluated in this work for their properties at high temperatures. The effect of partially substituting Cu by Fe has not been studied so far for this group of materials and is thus evaluated in this work. Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 powders were synthesised by a soft chemistry process and studied in terms of crystallographic phase analysis, electrical...
High temperature monoclinic-to-tetragonal phase transition in magnesium doped lanthanum ortho-niobate
PublicationMagnesium doped lanthanum ortho-niobate (La0.98Mg0.02NbO4) was prepared by the molten salt synthesis method. X-ray diffraction and dilatometry methods were used to study high temperature behavior of the ceramic material. Special attention was paid to the phase transition between the monoclinic and tetragonal phases. The values of spontaneous strain on the basis of unit cell parameter, obtained by Rietveld refinement, have been...
Analysis of Ceramic Elements with Ring-Crack Defects in Lubricated Rolling Contact
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. Surface ring cracks on lubricating rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations...
Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Free Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublicationA theoretical analysis of the influence of temperature and nanoparticle concentration on free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube immersed in an unbounded nanofluid was presented. The Nusselt (Nu) number and heat transfer coefficient were parameters of the intensity of the convective heat transfer. For free convection, the Nu number was a function of the Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number. The Rayleigh (Ra)...
Numerical analysis of crack propagation in silicone nitride
PublicationThe properties of ceramics, specifically low density, high hardness, high temperature capability and low coefficient of thermal expansion are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such cracks are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculation...
Structural properties of hypothetical CeBa2Cu3O7 compound from LSDA+DMFT calculations
PublicationThe hypothetical stoichiometric CeBa2Cu3O7 (Ce123) compound, which has not been synthesized as a single phase yet, was studied by the density functional theory (DFT). We utilized a method which merges the local spin density approximation (LSDA) with the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to account for the electronic correlations. The LSDA+DMFT calculations were performed in the high-temperature range. The particular emphasis was...
A facile synthesis by spark plasma sintering of mobile lithium ions into oxynitride glass-ceramic matrix: Insight and perspective
PublicationThe quest for efficient energy storage solutions has led to the development of solid-state Li-on batteries (SSBs), which utilize solid-state electrolyte (SSE) materials instead of organic liquid electrolytes. This study investigates the effect of increasing Li content in a Ca11Al14Si16O49N10 glass-ceramic material on its structural, thermal, physical, and electrical properties. Spark Plasma Sintered (SPS) glass-ceramic samples...
In-situ Cu-doped MnCo-spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects processed by electrophoretic deposition
PublicationThe Cu doping of the Mn–Co spinel is obtained “in-situ” by electrophoretic co-deposition of CuO and Mn1.5Co1.5O4 powders and subsequent two-step reactive sintering. Cu-doped Mn1.5Co1.5O4 coatings on Crofer22APU processed by electrophoretic co-deposition method are tested in terms of long term oxidation resistance and area specific resistance tests up to 3600 h. The introduction of Cu in the spinel lead to higher level of densification...
Praseodymium Orthoniobate and Praseodymium Substituted Lanthanum Orthoniobate: Electrical and Structural Properties
PublicationIn this paper, the structural properties and the electrical conductivity of La1−xPrxNbO4+δ (x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3) and PrNbO4+δ are presented and discussed. All synthesized samples crystallized in a monoclinic structure with similar thermal expansion coefficients. The phase transition temperature between the monoclinic and tetragonal structure increases with increasing praseodymium content from 500 ◦C for undoped...
Exergy analysis of the Szewalski cycle with a waste heat recovery system
PublicationThe conversion of a waste heat energy to electricity is now becoming one of the key points to improve the energy efficiency in a process engineering. However, large losses of a low-temperature thermal energy are also present in power engineering. One of such sources of waste heat in power plants are exhaust gases at the outlet of boilers. Through usage of a waste heat regeneration system it is possible to attain a heat rate of approximately...
Properties of Barium Cerate Thin Films Formed Using E-Beam Deposition
PublicationThis article focuses on the properties of the BaCeO3 thin films formed by electron-beam vapor deposition and investigates the formation of barium cerates on supports with different thermal expansion coefficients (Stainless Steel, Invar, Glass Sealing, and Inconel substrates) and the influence of the technological parameters on the properties of the formed thin films with an emphasis on the stability of the films. Morphology and...
PublicationDistributed measurement often relies on sensor networks. In this paper, we present the construction of low coherent fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors connected into a quasi-distributed network. We discuss the mechanism of spectrum modulation in this type of sensor and the constraints of assembly of such sensors in the network. Particular attention was paid to separate the signals from individual sensors, which can be achieved by...
Electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4, Fe2O3 and CuO: Unravelling the effect of simultaneous addition of Cu and Fe on the microstructural, thermo-mechanical and corrosion properties of in-situ modified spinel coatings for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationA systematic microstructural, thermo-mechanical and electrical characterization of simultaneous Fe–Cu doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition on Crofer 22 APU is here reported and discussed. An innovative approach for the simultaneous electrophoretic deposition of three spinel precursors is designed, conceived and optimised, with the aim of outlining time- and energy-saving spinel modification routes....
Design of dimensionally stable composites using efficient global optimization method
PublicationDimensionally stable material design is an important issue for space structures such as space laser communication systems, telescopes, and satellites. Suitably designed composite materials for this purpose can meet the functional and structural requirements. In this paper, it is aimed to design the dimensionally stable laminated composites by using efficient global optimization method. For this purpose, the composite plate optimization...
Enhanced acceptor concentration, proton conductivity, and hydration in multicomponent rare‐earth ortho‐niobates
PublicationThe structural properties of (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2Eu0.2)1−xCaxNbO4−δ (x = 0–0.05) series have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction at room temperature. The thermal properties were investigated using thermogravimetry, from which the concentration of proton defects was determined. Additionally, dilatometry studies were carried out, from which the thermal expansion coefficients and the phase transition temperature between low-...
Temperature Coefficient of Electronic Polarizability in Thin Polymer Films Deposited on Si and SiO2 Substrates Determined via Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
PublicationEllipsometry is widely used to determine the thermo-optical properties of thin polymer films. However, if the thermo-optic coefficient (TOC) and the linear thermal expansion coefficient (LTEC) are to be used to determine the temperature coefficient of electronic polarizability (TCEP) in thin polymer films, their values must be determined with the greatest possible accuracy, as both have the opposite effect. In this article,...
Thermodynamic study of binary mixtures of toluene with ionic liquids, 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 1-hexyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and 1-butylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide
PublicationDensities, refractive indices and viscosities at 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15 K of binary mixtures of toluene with 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, 1-hexyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and 1-butylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide have been measured over the miscible region at p = 0.1 MPa. From the experimental data, values of excess molar volume,...
Crack propoagation in MgO-PSZ ceramic materials
PublicationThe properties of ceramic materials such as elevated hardness, high temperature capability, low coefficient of thermal expansion are of interest for rolling element materials. Widely used ceramic materials in engineering applications are silicon nitride, zirconia and alumina. The paper presents an experimental study of the fatigue life of MgO-PSZ ceramic material in lubricated contact with defined types of cracks. A ceramic angular...
High temperature proton conduction in LaSbO4
PublicationLanthanum orthoantimonate was synthesized using a solid‐state synthesis method. To enhance the possible protonic conductivity, samples with the addition of 1 mol% Ca in La‐site, were also prepared. The structure was studied by the means of X‐ray diffraction, which showed that both specimens were single phase. The materials crystallized in the space group P2 1 /n. Dilatometry revealed that material expands non‐linearly with the...
High-efficiency mini and micro heat exchangers for dispersed power generation
PublicationTaking into account the dispersed systems technologies and their development, the ORC systems seem to be promising technology amongst various micro-CHP domestic units (electrical power production below 10 kWe), however practical realization of the ORC cycle in a micro-scale is technically challenging. The system consists in devices such as the vapour generation unit (boiler), expansion device and heat exchangers. Each of them should...
Experimental and predicted physicochemical properties of monopropanolamine-based deep eutectic solvents
PublicationIn this work, the novel deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on 3-amino-1-propanol (AP) as hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) or tetraethylammonium chloride (TEAC) as hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) were synthesized with different molar ratios of 1: 4, 1: 6 and 1: 8 salt to AP. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy measurements were performed to provide an evidence...
Pressure effects on the superconductivity of the HfPd2Al Heusler compound: Experimental and theoretical study
PublicationPolycrystalline HfPd2Al has been synthesized using the arc-melting method and studied under ambient-pressure conditions by x-ray diffraction from room temperature up to 450 °C. High-pressure x-ray diffraction up to 23 GPa was also performed using Diacell-type membrane diamond anvil cells. The estimated linear thermal expansion coefficient was found to be α=1.40(3)×10−5K−1, and the bulk modulus derived from the fit to the third-order...
Experimental and predicted physicochemical properties of monopropanolamine-based deep eutectic solvents
PublicationIn this work, the novel deep eutectic solvents (DESs) based on 3-amino-1-propanol (AP) as hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) or tetraethylammonium chloride (TEAC) as hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) were synthesized with different molar ratios of 1:4, 1:6 and 1:8 salt to AP. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy measurements were performed to provide an evidence...
Density, sound velocity, viscosity, and refractive index of new morpholinium ionic liquids with amino acid-based anions: Effect of temperature, alkyl chain length, and anion
PublicationIn this work, room temperature synthesis of twenty new ionic liquids (ILs) based on the N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium ([Mor1,R], R = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8) cation and N-acetyl-L-amino acid anions (L-alaninate, L-valinate, L-leucinate, L-isoleucinate) was described. The synthesized ILs were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Furthermore, density (ρ), sound velocity (v), viscosity (η)...
The Influence of Workpiece Hardness on Plate Temperature during One Side Lapping
PublicationLapping leads to a surface with low roughness and high precision. Because of required parts accuracy tool flatness is the key to the successful machining. To avoid its excessive thermal expansion, plate temperature research was taken. The goal was to determine the correlation between the basic lapping conditions and wheel temperature. In work Bulsara et al. authors developed model to estimate the maximum and average temperature...
Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Multilayer coatings based on cerium oxide and manganese cobaltite spinel for Crofer22APU SOC interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Structural phase transitions in multicomponent La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2RE50.2NbO4 (RE5 = Ho, Y, Tb, Eu, Pr) oxides
PublicationIn this work, the influence of compositional complexity on the structural and thermal properties of multicomponent rare-earth ortho-niobates from the La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Gd0.2RE50.2NbO4 (RE5 = Ho, Y, Tb, Eu, Pr) series have been investigated. Based on X-ray powder diffraction studies using synchrotron radiation, it was found that all tested materials were pure single-phase compositions and showed stability in the monoclinic I2/c crystal...
Polymer based thick films - material quality and interface resistance evaluation
PublicationThe properties of polymer based thick film layers mede using different resistive pastes and dipping silvers have been studied. The composite of carbon and graphite (C/Gr) conducting particles suspended in different polymer vehicles were used for preparation resistive layers. Interface resistance Rc created between dipping silver (DiAg) contact layer and resistive layer was determined from the surface potential distribution measurements...