Search results for: chemical composition
Chemical Composition and Structure of Foods
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Analysis of the chemical composition of sediments
PublicationAnalysis of sediments and corrosion products was carried out, including microscoping and spectroscopic measurements with SEM/EDX
Chemical composition analysis and authentication of whisky
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące porównania różnych rodzajów whisky i innych napojów alkoholowych, identyfikacji różnych rodzajów whisky, oceny jakości i potwierdzania autentyczności whisky. Ponadto w pracy omówiono różne techniki stosowane w analizie whisky, takie jak gazową i cieczową chromatografię z różnymi detektorami (FID, AED, UV-vis), nos elektroniczny, spektrometrię absorpcji atomowej i spektrometrię mas. Ponadto...
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of New Honey Varietals
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Chemical composition of water from roof in Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationThis study deals with the assessment of roof runoff waters from the region of Gdansk collected during the winter season (2007/2008). The chemical analysis includes 16 chemical variables: major ions, PAHs and PCBs measured at 3 sampling sites for 6-14 rain events. Although the data set is of limited volume the statistical data treatment using self-organizing maps (SOM) reveals the main factors controlling roof runoff water quality...
Fog water chemical composition in different geographic regions of Poland
PublicationPróbki wody z mgły pobierane były w latach 2005-2006 na terenie Szrenicy, Zakopanego i Borucina. Analiza statystyczna ujawniła znaczące różnice w składzie chemicznym próbek wody z mgły w zależności od regionu geograficznego, wysokości pobierania próbek, ale także od momentu pobierania próbki. Stwierdzono również różnice składu chemicznego pomiędzy mgłą radiacyjna a orograficzną.
Health Benefits and Chemical Composition of Matcha Green Tea: A Review
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Chemical Composition of Industrial Wood Waste and the Possibility of its Management
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The relationship of potato tubers chemical composition with selected physiological indicators
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Fog water chemical composition in different geographic regions of Poland
PublicationPróbki wody z mgły były pobierane za pomocą pasywnych i aktywnych próbników na trzech stacjach pobierania próbek. Miejsca pobierania próbek usutuowane były w różnych regionach geograficznych Polski. Analizowano następujące parametry: przewodność, pH, wybrane kationy i aniony. Uzyskane wyniki mogą stanowić wartościową informacje na temat chemizmu atmosfery.Statystyczna analiza wyników wskazuje na znaczne różnice w wartościach otrzymanych...
Influence of chemical composition of amide block on the thermal properties and structure of terpolymers
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Preliminary studies of the chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of Hottonia palustris herb
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Study of Phase and Chemical Composition of Bi1-xNdxFeO3 Powders Derived by Pressureless Sintering
PublicationIn the present paper studies on Bi1xNdxFeO3 for x =0.1-0.4 are reported. The mixed oxide method followed with pressureless sintering was employed for ceramics fabrication. Thermal behavior of stoichiometric mixtures of simple oxide powders, viz. Bi2O3, Nd2O3 and Fe2O3 was studied by simultaneous thermal analysis. It was found that with an increase in neodymium content the weight loss increased from 0.75% to 3.16% for x =0.1 and...
A Comprehensive Review on Shilajit: What We Know about Its Chemical Composition
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Effect of substrate type on the field performance and chemical composition of highbush blueberry cv.Patriot
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The Impact of Effective Microorganisms on Flesh Color and Chemical Composition of Raw Potato Tubers
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Method for determination of the chemical composition of phases of the iron catalyst precursor for ammonia synthesis
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Effect of chemical composition and microstructure on mechanical properties of BA1055 bronze sand castings.
PublicationW pracy wykazano, że nawet małe zmiany w składzie chemicznym brązu aluminiowego BA1055 mają istotny wpływ na strukturę i właściwości mechaniczne odlewów. Określono wpływ wydzieleń międzymetalicznej fazy κ na właściwości odlewów z brązu BA1055 stosowanego na pędniki okrętowe.
Chemical composition of edible aerial parts of meadow bistort (Persicaria bistorta (L.) Samp.)
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Matcha Green Tea: Chemical Composition, Phenolic Acids, Caffeine and Fatty Acid Profile
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Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Powders Obtained from Different Plum Juice Formulations
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Changes in Chemical Composition and Accumulation of Cryoprotectants as the Adaptation of Anholocyclic Aphid Cinara tujafilina to Overwintering
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Offal Chemical Composition from Veal, Beef, and Lamb Maintained in Organic Production Systems
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Comparison of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of <i>Thymus serpyllum</i> Essential Oils
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Effect of chemical composition on corrosion and wear behaviour of the composite Ni-Fe-Al2O3 coatings.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań powłoki kompozytowej otrzymanej przez osadzanie katodowe galwaniczne w roztworze zawierającym sole niklu, żelaza oraz cząstki ceramiki Al2O3 o różnej wielkości i stężeniu. Wykazano, że charakterystyka ceramiki posiada wpływ na szybkość korozji i zużycia ściernego. W szczególności, zawartość ceramiki wpływa dodatnio na odporność na zużycie ścierne, ale nieco obniża odporność na zużycie korozyjne.
Effect of applied standard wood machining fluid on colour and chemical composition of the machined wood surface
PublicationAppropriate monitoring of wood machining processes is a key issue to ensure the expected quality of the processed wood, expected efficiency and minimize energy consumption of production processes. A new trend is the design of environmentally friendly machining fluids. In this paper, as a preliminary study in this field, the effect of applied standard wood machining fluid on changes in the colour and chemical composition of the...
The Specific Nature of Chemical Composition of Water from Volcanic Lakes Based on Bali Case Study
PublicationThe research area was localized in the Indonesian Archipelago, at the latitude of eight and nine degrees S on the one of the Lesser Sunda group island provinces, Bali (563,3 km2). Two massive calderas (Mount Batur 1717 m above sea level.; Mount Sangiyang 2093 m above sea level) are one of the most prominent landforms in the chain of volcanic mountain ranges of the Bali Island. Lake Batur (17,18 km2) and Batur Spring (which are...
The Influence of the Chemical Composition of Selected Waste Materials from the Production of Copper on the Final Environmental Assessment
PublicationThis article presents qualitative and quantitative analysis of the waste produced by KGHM Polska Miedź. The waste has been analyzed according to its chemical composition and balanced in order to be reused and recycled. Special attention has been paid to mining industries producing the biggest amount of waste and ore enrichment businesses generating waste, which isn’t reused nowadays. Laboratory reseach has been conducted on floatation...
Chemical composition, antioxidant and anticancer effects of the seeds and leaves and indigo (polygonum tinctorium Ait.) Plant
PublicationSeeds and leaves of indigo (Polygonum tinctorium Ait.) plant were investigated and compared with another medicinal plant named prolipid for their properties such as chemical composition, antioxidant, and anticancer effects by Fourier transform infrared, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization-MS in negative mode. It was found that polyphenols, flavonoids, and flavanols were significantly higher...
Chemical Composition, In Vitro and In Situ Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) Essential Oil
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Influence of foliar fertilisation with calcium fertilisers on the firmness and chemical composition of two highbush blueberry cultivars
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Chemical composition of lipids isolated from selected organs and tissues of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
PublicationOur paper presents a qualitative analysis of particular lipid classes (phospholipids, triacylglycerols, cholesterol, free fatty acids) isolated from the tissues of raccoon dogs harvested in northeastern Poland. In all examined tissues (except for the liver) the dominant group of lipids were triacylglycerols. The amounts of lipids representing the other classes depended on the kind of tissue from which the fat was isolated. The...
Can bottom sediments be a prospective fertilizing material? A chemical composition analysis for potential reuse in agriculture.
PublicationEvery year huge amounts of bottom sediments are extracted worldwide, which need to be dis-posed. The recycling of bottom sediments for soil fertilization is in line with the long-promoted circular economy policy and enables the use of micro and macronutrients accumulated in sedi-ments for soil fertilization. When considering potential agricultural reuse of the dredge sediments, the first necessary step should be to analyze whether...
Chemical composition of shells from red (Strongylocentrotus franciscanum) and green (Strongylocentrotus droeba-chiensis) sea urchin
PublicationThe shells from red and green sea urchins accounted for 47.9 and 40.7% of their body weights, respectively. The red and green sea urchin shells contained 91.08 and 90.77% minerals and 4.06 and 4.99% proteins, respectively. The shells did not contain any chitin. Sea urchin shells had a relatively large amount of naphthoquinone pigments, 121 mg per 100 g in red and 163 mg per 100 g in green species. The small quantities of glucosamine...
Effect of nanosilver (nAg) on disinfection, growth, and chemical composition of young barley leaves under in vitro conditions
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Comparison of Chemical Composition and Colour Parameters of Different Mentha Genus Plants Grown under Organic Conditions
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Chemical composition of Polish propolis and its antiproliferative effect in combination with Bacopa monnieri on glioblastoma cell lines
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A comparative study of thyme ( Thymus vulgaris L.) essential oils and thymol – differences in chemical composition and cytotoxicity
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Chemical composition and techno-functional properties of high-purity water-soluble keratein and its enzymatic hydrolysates
PublicationThis study compared the effectiveness of urea-containing and urea-free L-cysteine solutions in extracting high-quality feather keratin and evaluated commercial proteases for producing keratin-derived bioactive peptides. The urea-assisted extraction was crucial for achieving high structural integrity and yield of soluble keratin. The keratin isolate exhibited oil-holding capacity of 9.37 g/g, foaming capacity of up to 127 %, and...
Analysis of chemical composition and hardness of copper alloys = Badania składu chemicznego oraz twardości stopów miedzi
PublicationWykonano analizę składu chemicznego oraz badania twardości stopów miedzi zastosowanych na elementy łożyskowe. Sformułowano wnioski.
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Essential Oils against Staphylococcus spp. Isolated from Human Semen
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Chemical Composition, Antioxidant, In Vitro and In Situ Antimicrobial, Antibiofilm, and Anti-Insect Activity of Cedar atlantica Essential Oil
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Changes in chemical composition and oxidative stability of cold-pressed oils obtained from by-product roasted berry seeds
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Comparison of antioxidant and enzyme inhibition activities as well chemical composition of different extracts and fractions of Rubus caesius leaves
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Chemical composition and antifungal activity of Chelidonium majus extracts – antagonistic action of chelerythrine and sanguinarine against Botrytis cinerea
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Correlation between chemical composition and the presence of selected groups of bacteria in freshwater samples collected from Isfjorden and Billefjorde
PublicationThe average concentrations of pollutants in the arctic water, snow and the atmosphere are much lower than those observed in the temperate climate. Specific conditions occurring in the polar regions have apotential to accumulate the pollutants transported from other parts of the world. In this study, attempts were made to find a correlation between selected chemical components and the bacterial population. The analysis involved...
Spatial Differences in the Chemical Composition of Surface Water in the Hornsund Fjord Area: A Statistical Analysis with A Focus on Local Pollution Sources
PublicationSurface catchments in Svalbard are sensitive to external pollution, and yet what is frequently considered external contamination may originate from local sources and natural processes. In this work, we analyze the chemical composition of surface waters in the catchments surrounding the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, Hornsund fjord area. We have pooled unpublished and already published data describing surface water composition...
PublicationRhododendron tomentosum possesses the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties, determined by the chemical composition of its essential oil. The effects of place (Miszewko, Lubichowo) and time of harvesting (June, November) as well as drying (air-drying, oven-drying, freeze-drying) and isolation (in Deryng, Clevenger and Likens-Nickerson apparatus) procedures on the yield and quality of R. tomentosum essential...
Effect of storing persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruits under shelf life conditions on selected physical parameters and chemical composition
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The influence of chemical composition of amide block on the thermal properties and structure of terpoly(ester-b-ether-b-amide) elastomers
PublicationMultiblock terpolymers-(PBT-b-PTMO-b-PA12,10)(n)- constituting the polymer systems, in which one of the three blocks (PBT) does not dissolve in PA12,10 block (hard phase) and, depending on its molecular weight is slightly soluble in PTMO block (soft phase), have been obtained. The DSC method was applied to investigate the thermal properties of these polymers and it was found that PBT block acts as an element that produces stiffness...