Search results for: extraction techniques
Miniaturized solid-phase extraction techniques
PublicationMore than 80% of analysis time is spent on sample collection and sample preparation, so sample preparation is a critical part of the analytical process. Traditionally, liquid-liquid extraction was developed and employed to screen for general unknowns. However, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is becoming highly popular as an alternative, due to its simplicity and economy in terms of time and solvent. This review summarizes the current...
Passive sampling and/or extraction techniques in environmental analysis: a review
PublicationThe current state-of-the-art of passive sampling and/or extraction methods for long-term monitoring of pollutants in different environmental compartments is discussed in this review. Passive dosimeters that have been successfully used to monitor organic and inorganic contaminants in air, water, sediments, and soil are presented. The application of new approaches to the determination of pollutants at the sampling stage is discussed....
Comparison of extraction techniques of robenidine from poultry feed samples
PublicationW publikacji opisano wykorzystanie różnych technik ekstrakcji kokcydistatyków (na przykładzie robenidyny) z próbek pasz zwierzęcych. W trakcie badań porównano wpływ różnych parametrów ekstrakcji na współczynniki odzysku analitu. Wśród wykorzystanych technik ekstrakcji wymienić należy: ekstrakcję za pomocą rozpuszczalnika wspomaganą ultradźwiękami oraz mikrofalami, ekstrakcję w aparatach Soxhleta i Soxteca a także ekstrakcję przez...
Comparison of different extraction techniques of polychlorinated biphenyls from sediments samples.
PublicationIn this work, problems that may occur during determination of trace levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment samples are described. Main error sources are connected with extraction of analytes prior to final determination. During model studies, polychlorinated biphenyls have been extracted from sedimentreference material (METRANAL 2) with the use of different solvents (dichloromethane, hexsane, and toluene); the process...
Ionic liquids in extraction techniques: Determination of pesticides in food and environmental samples
PublicationThe intensive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has promoted the appearance of environmentaland public health problems. Due to that, scientists face challenges with developing simple, fast, sensitive,selective, and low-cost methods dedicated to determining pesticide residues in food and environmentalsamples. Following thefifth principle of Green Analytical Chemistry, chemists are searching for greeneralternatives for...
Comparative analysis of spectral and cepstral feature extraction techniques for phoneme modelling
PublicationPhoneme parameter extraction framework based on spectral and cepstral parameters is proposed. Using this framework, the phoneme signal is divided into frames and Hamming window is used. The performances are evaluated for recognition of Lithuanian vowel and semivowel phonemes. Different feature sets without noise as well as at different level of noise are considered. Two classical machine learning methods (Naive Bayes and Support...
Statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of different extraction techniques for determining robenidyne levels in poultry feed.
PublicationPoprzez zastosowanie testu Kruskala-Wallisa i chemometrycznej techniki analizy podobieństwa porównano efektywność sześciu różnych technik ekstrakcji (wytrząsanie, ekstrakcja w aparacie Soxhleta, w aparacie Soxteca, wspomaganej ultradźwiękami, wspomaganej promieniowaniem mikrofalowym oraz przyspieszonej ekstrakcji rozpuszczalnikiem) na podstawie wyników odzysku robenidyny z próbek paszy dla ptaków. W zależności od zastosowanej techniki...
Comparative Study on Assisted Solvent Extraction Techniques for the Extraction of Biologically Active Compounds from Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica
PublicationThe plants in the Sideritis genus are postulated to exhibit several important medicinal properties due to their unique chemical composition. To isolate the targeted phytochemical compounds, the selection of a suitable extraction method is of primary importance. In this work, a comparative study on the phytochemical profiles of various Sideritis raeseri and Sideritis scardica extracts has been carried out. An untargeted metabolomics...
Comparative study of bisphenols in e-cigarette liquids: evaluating fabric phase sorptive extraction, ultrasound-assisted membrane extraction, and solid phase extraction techniques
PublicationTo address the under-researched risk of bisphenols (BPs) in e-cigarette liquids, comprehensive studies have been conducted to propose optimum sample preparation and analysis methods. To determine twelve BPs in refill liquids for e-cigarettes, three sample preparation methods based on distinct operational and working principles were employed. These included fabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE), ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction...
Alginate-based sorbents in miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques - Step towards greenness sample preparation
PublicationIn response to growing concerns about environmental degradation, one of the main areas of research activity in recent years has been to make sample preparation methods more sustainable and eco-friendly. The increasing greenness of this step can be achieved by minimizing the usage of reagents, automating individual stages, saving energy and time, and using non-toxic, biodegradable substances. Therefore, the use of natural materials...
Novel sorptive extraction techniques in bioanalysis evaluated by Blue Applicability Grade Index: The paradigm of fabric phase sorptive extraction and capsule phase microextraction
PublicationFabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE) and capsule phase microextraction (CPME) are two sol-gel derived microextraction techniques that emerged in the last decade towards the minimization of the environmental impact of conventional sample preparation approaches. Complementary to the well-established green metric tools, Blue Applicability Grade Index (BAGI) was recently proposed for the evaluation of method’s practicability. In...
Miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques for different kind of pollutants analysis: State of the art and future perspectives – PART 2
PublicationDetermination of pollutants present in environmental samples at a low concentration level very often requires the analytical protocol that includes analytes isolation and/or enrichment prior to the final quantification. Miniaturized SPE offers an interesting alternative to LLE. Nowadays, many types of sorbents are available and can be used as selective materials for extraction of varied analytes in different kinds of samples. The...
Miniaturized Solid Phase Extraction techniques for different kind of pollutants analysis: State of the art and future perspectives – PART 1
PublicationSolid Phase Extraction (SPE) has been practiced in a modern form for more than half a century. It was constantly developing, driven by the analysts needs. These needs are coming from the importance to select an appropriate analytical method, which should have satisfactory accuracy, precision and sensitivity. In the case of sorbent-based microextraction techniques, the choice of miniaturized variants that meet these requirements...
Chemical and biological characterization of Ocimum basilicum L. phenolic extract and essential oil derived through ultrasound and microwave-assisted extraction techniques
PublicationPlant-derived bioactive molecules are increasingly utilized in food processing as natural additives, driven by a growing interest in healthier lifestyles. This trend has spurred industries to reformulate products to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. This study investigates the phenolic extract and essential oil of O. basilicum L. obtained via ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction, respectively. Characterization...
A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublicationGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...
Combined extraction and microextraction techniques: Recent trends and future perspectives
PublicationThe latest advancements in the analytical sample preparation indicate a trend of combining different extraction techniques with targeting an improvement in separation, cleanup, detection limits, enrichment factors, and dealing with complex matrices. This manuscript identifies mainly two groups of combined sample preparation techniques. The first group integrates conventional or enhanced extraction techniques with microextraction....
Modern techniques of extraction of organic analytes from environmental matrices.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono usystematyzowane informacje dotyczące dostępnych jak i nowych technik izolacji i wzbogacania analitów organicznych przed etapem oznaczeń końcowych.
Solventless sample preparation techniques based on solid- and vapour-phase extraction
PublicationThe main objective of this review is to critically evaluate recent developments in solventless sample preparation techniques. The potential of a variety of sample preparation techniques based on solid- and vapour-phase extraction techniques is evaluated. Direct thermal extraction and derivatization processes to facilitate the extraction of analytes in different areas are included. The applicability, disadvantages and advantages...
Extraction, separation, and specification of cyanobacterial photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments by easily available techniques
Open Research DataFiles contain raw spectrophotometric specta of cyanobacterial pigments - water soluble phycobilins and lipophilic pigments. The UV-Vis spectra were recorded also for raw cultures of cyanobacteria isolated from Baltic Sea (Synechocystis salina, Microcystis aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Nodularia spumigena, and Anabaena cylindrica). During the...
Cannabinoids: Challenges, opportunities and current techniques towards its extraction and purification for edibles
PublicationDue to the multiple health benefits associated with the consumption of cannabinoids, there is a current trend on continuing to explore their biological properties. Cannabidiol (CBD) is likely to be the most investigated endocannabinoid from the cannabis plant. Unfortunately, the purification of CBD from its natural source and psychotropic analogue (tetrahydrocannabinol, THC) is timely challenging for the research community based...
Passive sampling and/or extraction techniquesin environmental analysis: a review
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd literaturowy dotyczący pasywnych technik izolacji i wzbogacania analitów z matryc środowiskowych, takich jak powietrze, woda czy gleba. Zwrócono uwagę na rosnącą rolę technik pasywnych w monitoringu środowiskowym oraz zaprezentowano krótki rys historyczny rozwoju tych technik.
Nowoczesne techniki przygotowania próbki do oznaczania analitów organicznych z zastosowaniem chromatografii gazowej. Część I. Podstawy teoretyczne ekstrakcji. Modern techniques of preparation of samples for determining organic analytes by gas chromatography. Part I. Theoretical principles of extraction.
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne technik izolacji i wzbogacania analitów organicznych z próbek gazowych oraz ciekłych. Już pobieżna analiza literatury dotyczącej omawianych zagadnień, pokazuje jak różnorodne i bogate spektrum technik jest stosowane na etapie przygotowania próbki. Z drugiej strony, z punktu widzenia podstaw fizykochemicznych, większość technik opiera się na dwóch zjawiskach: adsorpcji analitów na medium zatrzymującym...
Porównanie efektywności wybranych technik ekstrakcji/ługowania metabolitów wtórnych z suchego materiału roślin owadożernych z hodowli in vitro = Acomparison of effciency of secondary metabolites extraction/leaching techniques from carnivorous plants dry material from in vitro culture
PublicationW roślinach owadożernych za efekt terapeutyczny odpowiadają głównie pochodne 1,4-naftochinonu (juglon), oraz flawonoidy. Interesujące właściwości tych związków oraz możliwość synergicznego działania wielu innych metabolitów na efekt terapeutyczny, podjęto pracę przygotowania technologii efektywnego wyodrębniania metabolitów. W tej publikacji porównano efektywności technik ekstrakcji/ługowania. Jako materiał badany posłużyły wysuszone...
Ultrasound assisted extraction
PublicationThe use of green and sustainable extraction techniques is very popular topic in the multidisciplinary area of chemistry, biology and technology. There is no doubt that extraction constitutes a very important step of analytical procedures of separation, detection, identification and determination of wide spectrum analytes from samples characterized by complex and very often nonhomogeneous composition of matrix. Traditional techniques...
Nanosorbents as Materials for Extraction Processes of Environmental Contaminants and Others
PublicationThe aim of this work focuses on the application of nanomaterials (NMs) in different sorp- tive extraction techniques for the analysis of organic contaminants from environmental samples of distinct matrix compositions. Without any doubt, the integration of specific NMs such as carbona- ceous nanomaterials, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), silica na- noparticles, and ion-imprinted NPs with so lid-phase...
Green sample preparation techniques for chromatographic determination of small organic compounds
PublicationAccurate monitoring of the state of the environment requires the introduction of additional isolation and/or preconcentration step prior to the chromatographic determination. In this work the information about novel methodological and instrumental solutions in relation to different variants of microextraction techniques are presented. Attention is focused on analytical procedure and suitable analytical tools for extraction of the...
Soxhlet Extraction and New Developments Such as Soxtec in: Comprehansive Sampling and Sample Preparation
PublicationSoxhlet extraction is one of the most popular techniques for extraction of analytes from solid materials. Since its discovery in 1879, the standard Soxhlet technique has been routinely applied in almost every analytical laboratory. Up to this day, Soxhlet extraction technique remains a standard technique to which the performance of modern extraction techniques is compared.Over the years, an intensive research on different modifications...
Modern solutions in the field of microextraction using liquid as a medium of extraction
PublicationThe monitoring of compounds present in samples at trace/ultra-trace level usually requires a preliminary step of isolation and/or enrichment of analytes. Against, sample preparation is considered as crucial part of whole analytical procedures, in particular in samples characterized by complex matrices composition. Several new miniaturized extraction techniques is introduced and extensively applied to different type of samples....
Sample Preparation in Foodomics: Miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction
PublicationAnalytical chemists face a challenge to bring comprehensive information on a given food and biological sample by using the best available analytical techniques and meet the requirements of sustainable development and green chemistry at the same time. A key objective of this chapter is to review selected literature data on the utilization of solid-phase extraction techniques with special attention to their miniaturized modes in...
Surfactants application in sample preparation techniques: Insights, trends, and perspectives
PublicationSince the implementation of Green Chemistry into analytical practice, significant efforts have been made to improve the sustainability of chemical analysis. These include reducing the use of hazardous chemicals and solvents, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Surfactants can be applied in chemical analysis as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solvents and chemicals. The use of surfactants can...
Recent developments and future trends in solid phase microextraction techniques towards green analytical chemistry
PublicationSolid phase microextraction find increasing applications in the sample preparation step before chromatographic determination of analytes in samples with a complex composition. These techniques allow for integrating several operations, such as sample collection, extraction, analyte enrichment above the detection limit of a given measuring instrument and the isolation of analytes from sample matrix. In this work the information about...
Application of modern sample-preparation techniques to the determination of chloropropanols in food samples
PublicationChloropropanols are heat-induced food toxicants that recently caused concern among industrial and scientific experts. World and European organizations related to food safety asked researchers to investigate mitigation strategies regarding these contaminants. The essential objective of this project was development of fast analytical methods enabling reliable determination and quantification of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol, 2-monochloropropane-1,3-diol...
Sample preparation techniques for determination of pesticide residues in food samples
PublicationPesticides are very important in increasing the efficiency and quality of agricultural production. They are applied in many spheres of life, not only in agriculture, and their applications are expanding. Despite their numerous merits, pesticides are some of the most toxic substances contaminating our environment and have a negative impact on the human health. Properties of pesticides such as stability, ability to bioaccumulation...
Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Mixtures: Sustainable Solvents for Extraction Processes
PublicationIn recent years, ionic liquids and deep eutectic mixtures have demonstrated great potential in extraction processes relevant to several scientific and technological activities. This review focuses on the applicability of these sustainable solvents in a variety of extraction techniques, including but not limited to liquid- and solid-phase (micro) extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction and pressurized...
Solventless and solvent-minimized sample preparation techniques for determining currently used pesticides in water samples: A review
PublicationThe intensification of agriculture means that increasing amounts of toxic organic and inorganic compounds are entering the environment. The pesticides generally applied nowadays are regarded as some of the most dangerous contaminants of the environment. Their presence in the environment, especially in water, is hazardous because they cause human beings to become more susceptible to disease. For these reasons, it is essential to...
Sorbents modified by deep eutectic solvents in microextraction techniques
PublicationIn recent years, considerable attention has been directed towards the employment of green solvents, specifically deep eutectic solvents (DES), in liquid phase microextraction techniques. However, comprehensive and organized knowledge regarding the modification of sorbent surface structures with DES remains limited. Therefore, this paper reviews the application of DES in modifying and improving the properties of sorbents for microextraction...
Deep eutectic solvents in analytical sample preconcentration Part B: Solid-phase (micro)extraction
PublicationOne of the key challenges of modern analytical chemistry is the monitoring of trace amounts of contaminants using sensitive and selective instrumental techniques. Due to the variety and complexity of some samples, it is often necessary to properly prepare a sample and to perform a preconcentration of trace amounts of analytes. In line with the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC), it is important for an analytical procedure...
Marek Tobiszewski dr hab. inż.
PeopleBorn on April 7, 1984 in Gdańsk. In 2012, he defended his doctorate with honors, in 2017 he obtained his habilitation on the basis of the scientific achievement "Development of analytical procedures and solvents for the assessment of environmental nuisance". He has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 2012. His research interests includes analytical chemistry, especially the analytics of organic compounds...
Extraction with environmentally friendly solvents
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at low concentration levels in complex matrices requires a preliminary step of analytes isolation/enrichment in order to employ a detection technique characterized by high sensitivity at low LOQ. Sample preparation is considered as crucial part of analytical procedures. Previously the parameter of “greenness” is as important as selectivity in order to avoid using harmful organic...
Determination of volatile organic compounds using solventless sample preparation techniques and gas chromatography
PublicationIn this paper the latest advances in the determination of volatile organic compounds using solvent-free extraction techniques in the sample preparation step are presented. A paper is focus mainly on one of the most popular sample preparation technique: solid-phase microextraction technique (SPME) combined with different detection systems and its applications to sampling of VOCs from the samples with different matrices. This paper...
New analytical sample preparation techniques in food flavour analysis
PublicationIn this chapter sample preparation techniques were broadly characterized and their applications in field of food analysis were presented. Usefulness of three extraction methods: SPME, SAFE and SDE for isolation of aroma compounds from complex food matrices was compared. Additionally, requirements for sample preparation methods using in food flavour analysis were detailed.
Ionic liquids-based microextraction techniques
PublicationIn recent years, the development of highly efficient analytical techniques is of great importance, however, the direct analysis of complex sample matrix is still impossible in many cases. Therefore, the step of sample preparation is commonly involved in an analytical procedure. Over the years, it has been realized that the major source of inaccuracy and imprecision on general analysis results from the operations associated to sample...
Hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents in microextraction techniques–A review
PublicationOver the past decade, deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been widely studied and applied in sample preparation techniques. Until recently, most of the synthesized DES were hydrophilic, which prevented their use in the extraction of aqueous samples. However, after 2015 studies on the synthesis and application of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDES) has rapidly expanded. Due to unique properties of HDES i.e. density, viscosity,...
Evaluation of Green Sample Preparation Techniques for Organic Compounds
PublicationNowadays, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) idea is of high importance, with impact on the rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on sample preparation simplification, miniaturization and automation. Due to the fact that GAC is of high importance today, this study is focused on the evaluation of green sample preparation techniques for organic compounds. It is well known that sample preparation is considered...
Diverse roles, advantages and importance of deep eutectic solvents application in solid and liquid-phase microextraction techniques – A review
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are an emerging class of promising green solvents used as an alternative to traditional organic solvents in various scientific fields. The high biodegradability, biocompatibility, eco-friendliness, tunable properties, and presence of active groups in DESs make them the preferred solvent in a variety of solid- and liquid-phase microextraction techniques. Aside from these benefits, the use of DESs in...
Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages
PublicationSpirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...
Up-to-date strategies and future trends towards the extraction and purification of Capsaicin: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground According to the current need of manufacturing healthier products, food companies are seeking specific biomolecules that may offer additional added value (i.e., biological activities) to the new food formulations. Capsaicin, as the pungent ingredient of chili peppers, has become so far one of the target biomolecules explored since the 1950s. There is evidence demonstrating that capsaicin exhibits important biological...
Application of ionic liquids in microextraction techniques: Current trends and future perspectives
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) with their unique properties found so far numerous analytical applications. Among them ILs both in their liquid form and immobilized on the surface or within the pores of a solid support were successfully utilized in microextraction techniques. The scope of this review will cover a comprehensive summarizing of available literature data on selected properties of ILs playing a key role in analytical purposes,...
Extraction pathways and purification strategies towards carminic acid as natural-based food colorant: A comprehensive review
PublicationAs a current trend of fabricating healthier products, food manufacturing companies seek for natural-based food colorant aiming to replace the synthetic ones, which apart from meeting sensorial and organoleptic aspects, they can also act as health promoters offering additional added value. Carminic acid is a natural based food colorant typically found in several insect taxa. However, there are current approaches which pursue the...
Intensification of catechin extraction from the bark of Syzygium cumini using ultrasonication: Optimization, characterization, degradation analysis and kinetic studies
PublicationCatechin is a prominent polyphenolic component that possesses various medicinal properties. Present work communicates the intensification and optimization of catechin extraction from the bark of Syzygium cumini tree using stirred reactor, soxhlet, ultrasonic bath, and ultrasonic horn technique. The optimization of several parameters such as type of solvent, solid to solvent ratio (1:100 w/v), speed of agitation (300 RPM), extraction...