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Search results for: rownania rownowagi sil w linie
Development of guidelines for a system of sustainable management of construction and demolition waste in Poland based on the best practices in Europe in the reuse of demolition materials.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Engineering
GreenerFlow Towards greener traffic flow in the South Baltic Region: a data-driven approach to the congestion problem
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
RECODIS Resilient communication services protecting end-user applications from disaster-based failures
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Communications according to AGA-CA15127-1 agreement from 2016-05-05
KARDIO BNC Przedkliniczne badania możliwości zastosowania oryginalnej, polskiej bionanocelulozy (BNC) w medycynie regeneracyjnej w aspekcie bioimplantów w kardiochirurgii i chirurgii naczyniowej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to PBS2/A7/16/2013 agreement from 2013-12-04
RPK HORYZONT2020 Regionalny Punkt Kontakowy Programu Ramowego UE HORYZONT 2020
ProjectsProject realized in Projects Office according to MNiSW/2014/DIR327 agreement from 2014-08-12
MVW Management in a Virtual World
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Informatics in Management
BeInterBaltic Intersections in Built Environment promoting interdisciplinary higher education in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments according to 2015-1-DE01-KA203-002172 agreement
-- Trophic transfer of labile mercury in benthic communities of a temperate marine ecosystem
ProjectsProject realized in Uniwersytet Gdański according to 2018/31/N/ST10/00214 agreement from 2019-07-03
URANIUM Nanotechnology in biomaterials engineering - establishing cooperation with a technical high school in Lębork
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Technologii Biomateriałów according to DEC-15/URANIUM2022 agreement from 2022-03-15
ARES Antibiotic RESistance in Łeba River: Risk Assessment of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Development of Antibiotic Resistance
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to 14/1/2023/IDUB/I3b/Ag agreement from 2024-04-22
Przekształcenia przestrzeni publicznej miasta średniej wielkości w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to UMO-2011/01/N/HS4/05989 agreement from 2011-12-21
BestAgers BSR Best Agers - using the knowledge and experience of professionals in their primes to foster business and skills development in the BSR
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management
MINIATURA Research internship at the National Technical University of Athens on the study of geometric and radiometric calibration methods for multi-camera remote sensing systems under artificial illumination
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to 2022/06/X/ST10/00114 agreement from 2022-06-23
Dekaban A study of the role of bridge institutions in technology transfer from the R&D sector in the US
ProjectsProject realized in Politechnika Warszawska from 2006-10-01
FoodDNA Nucleic acids in foods; types and content in raw and processed food products
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology of Food according to UMO-2016/23/N/NZ9/02227 agreement from 2017-09-12
Landscape protection in Environmental Impact Assessment in context of contemporary legal and methodological constraints
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture according to WFOS/D/201/14/2018 agreement from 2018-03-07
Paradygmat parametryczno-algorytmiczny w architekturze
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture from 2011-06-02
MORSE Morse theoretical methods in Hamiltonian dynamics
ProjectsProject realized in Divison of Dynamical Systems according to UMO-2016/23/G/ST1/04081 agreement from 2018-01-03
IBBI Industrial Baltic Blockchain Initiative
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology
DigiWind Digital skills in wind energy
ProjectsProject realized in Strategic Projects Office according to 101122836 agreement from 2023-09-12
STORM STORM- Stratospheric Toxin Migration
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
Protein stability in aqueous solutions of osmolytes studied through complementary theoretical and experimental approach
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Physical Chemistry according to UMO-2013/11/B/NZ1/02258 agreement from 2014-07-10
Forecasting inflation on the basis of DSGE models in the implementation of inflation targeting in selected central banks
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences
Akumulacja i specjacja metali ciężkich w osadach dennych zbiorników zaporowych w aspekcie jakości wód
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to Umowa nr 1438/B/P01/2011/40 agreement from 2011-06-13
BIKO-ESBL Clinically significant bacteria in the aquatic environment in the context of the spread of resistance traits – molecular analysis of the phenomenon
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering
Zrozumienie mechanizmów krzepnięcia i rozpuszczalności miedzi w aluminium w celu poprawy właściowości stopów Al-Cu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to 0439/IP/2013/72 agreement from 2013-07-02
Identification, characteristics and modeling of the COMAMMOX process - a new pathway in the nitrogen cycle in wastewater treatment systems
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to UMO-2017/27/B/NZ9/01039 agreement from 2018-10-15
Nowe urządzenia fotoniczne i kwantowe wykorzystujące nieliniowe i koherencyjne zjawiska w centrach barwnych w diamencie
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics according to UMO-2016/21/B/ST7/01430 agreement from 2017-04-20
COPCAMS COgnitive & Perceptive CAMeraS
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to 332913 agreement from 2013-11-25
Propagacja fal sprężystych w strukturach periodycznych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering according to UMO-2012/07/B/ST8/03741 agreement from 2013-06-26
Plutonium Supporting Student Research Teams Research of acoustic signals in railway transport
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to DEC-5/1/2022/IDUB/III.4a/Pu agreement from 2023-02-08
FOODINTEGRITY Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science according to 613688 agreement from 2016-03-27
CardiOx Fingerprint of oxidative stress in coronary artery disease
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry
Regionalna konwergencja społeczna w Unii Europejskiej
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to DEC- 2018/02/X/HS4/00082 agreement from 2018-08-16
Polimery przewodzące w czujnikach gazów środowiskowych.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to 0251/DIA/2013/42 agreement from 2013-07-25
e-Doświadczenia w fizyce (e-Doświadczenia)
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UDA.POKL.03.03.04-00-065/10-00 agreement from 2011-11-24
Forecasting the risk of consumer bankruptcy in Poland
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Finance according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/00592 agreement from 2018-01-10
Kościół W.M.P. St Mary Church in Waglikowice, Poland
Projects -
Role of quantum coherence in quantum technology
ProjectsProject realized in Katedra Fizyki Teoretycznej i Informatyki Kwantowej according to UMO-2016/21/P/ST2/04054 agreement from 2017-02-01
Towards a neuro-inclusive theory of leadership.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/D/HS4/01294 agreement from 2023-06-27
CITASK Numerical simulations of acoustic phenomena in architecture
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to PT01178 agreement from 2024-07-17
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
APRIORA Improved risk assessment for strategic water management to reduce micro-pollutant emissions in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in University of Rostock according to PROGRAMME 2021-2027 agreement from 2023-11-01
Reputation and trust building in computer communication systems under virtual anonymity and blind service provider selection
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2016/21/B/ST6/03146 agreement from 2017-07-26
BLOW Opracowanie metod neutralizacji zagrożenia wybuchu wytypowanych zbiorników z gazami technicznymi, w tym alternatywnymi źródłami zasilania w środowisku pożarowym na potrzeby ratowników biorących udział w akcjach ratowniczo-gaśniczych
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Machine Design and Vehicles according to DOB-BIO6/02/50/2014 agreement from 2014-12-22
TE(A)CHADOPT Teaching students how children with neurodevelopmental disorders adopt and interact with technologies
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Software Engineering
BATS Baltic sea region Active mobiliTy Solutions - in darkness and all weather conditions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to #C053 BATS agreement from 2023-10-16
TPR The examination of the reduction process of multicomponent oxide materials in hydrogen and the synthesis of thermoelectric materials in a way of reduction of oxide materials.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to UMO-2016/21/B/ST8/03193 agreement from 2017-07-12
EUMaster4HPC HPC EuRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activities
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Computer Architecture
DigiClimAct Climate Action in South Baltic Cities Goes Digital
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Architecture