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Search results for: 3-oxoester
Linear impedance of 58(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-42SrB4O7 glass heat-treated for 3 hours at 693 K, measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe linear electrcial properties of partially crystallized 58(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-42SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Nonlinear impedance of 58(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-42SrB4O7 glass heat-treated for 3 hours at 693 K, measured with impedance spectroscopy method at low temperature region
Open Research DataThe nonlinear electrcial properties of partially crystallized 58(2Bi2O3-V2O5)-42SrB4O7 glass was measured by impedance spectroscopy method.
Cobalt(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates: in search of models for catalytic metal site of liver alcohol dehydrogenase
PublicationPrzeprowadzono syntezę trzech kompleksów: [Co{SSi(OBut)3}2(NH3)(L-pic)],[Co{SSi(OBut)3}2(NH3)2]xMeCN i [Co{SSi(OBut)3}3(H2O)][NHEt3]. Kompleksy są monomeryczne, dla nich wyznaczono strukturę krystalograficzną. Kompleks [Co{SSi(OBut)3(NH3)(L-pic)] o rdzeniu CoN2OS2 posiada dwa różne ligandy azotowe, zaś [Co{SSi(OBut)3(L-pic)] stanowi substrat do syntezy związku modelującego centrum katalityczne LADH.
A Five-Leg Three-Level Dual-Output Inverter
PublicationClassical 3-level dual-output inverter, 3-L DOI, involves two similar 3-level inverters that provides a pair of 3-phase output voltages with same or different frequencies from common input voltage source. Flexibility of either operation of the constituting inverters is evident in this DOI; but total duplication of power switches is a major drawback. State of the art coupled 3-L DOIs reduce this drawback by providing series-shared...
Sławomir Milewski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleSławomir Milewski, born in 1955 in Puck, Poland, graduated in 1979 in Chemistry from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 1984 was employed at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry. In 1985 he got his PhD, in 1994 became a DSc (habilitation) and in 2002 got the professorship in chemical sciences. Currently he is a full professor and Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology...
One dimensional coordination polymers generated from Cd(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates and flexible aliphatic diamines.
PublicationPraca ta dotyczy chemii koordynacyjnej tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolanu kadmu(II) z diaminami alifatycznymi. Reakcja dwucentowego [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2]2 z poszczególnymi diaminami pozwala otrzymać pięć nowych obojętnych jednowymiarowych polimerów koordynacyjnych o różnej topologii łańcuchów [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-C4H12N2)(CH3OH)]n (1), [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-C5H14N2)(CH3OH)]n (2) [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-C6H16N2)(CH3OH)]n (3), [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-C7H18N2)]n...
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Ryms, PhD, DSc, Eng. is the physicist, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. PhD thesis defended at the Chemical Faculty. Since 2011 an employee at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND – now as an associate professor. His research interests includes: improvement of energy efficiency and possibilities of new application of phase change materials...
Stanowisko badawcze "Robot mobilny Pioneer 3 DX"
Research Equipment -
Bogdan Ścibiorski dr inż.
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Anita Richert-Kaźmierska dr inż.
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Novel tetrahedral cobalt(II) silanethiolates: structures and magnetism
PublicationThree heteroleptic complexes of Co(II) tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates have been synthesized with piperidine [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(ppd)2] 1, piperazine [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(NH3)]2(μ-ppz)·2CH3CN 2, and N-ethylimidazole [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(etim)2] 3. The complexes have been characterized by a single-crystal X-ray, revealing their tetrahedral geometry on Co(II) coordinated by two nitrogen and two sulfur atoms. Complexes 1 and 3 are mononuclear,...
Phosphorescence response to excitonic interactions in Ir organic complex-based electrophosporescent emitters
PublicationSpadek kwantowej wydajności fosforescencji ze wzrostem natężenia światła wzbudzajacego w Ir(ppy)3 tworzącym 100% warstwę naparowaną próżniowo oraz w Ir(ppy)3 umieszczonym w matrycy polimerowej PC:TPD, jest wywołany odziaływaniami między ekscytonami trypletowymi. Stała oddziaływania tryplet-tryplet wynosi (1-3)x 10-12 cm3/s i tylko nieznacznie zależy od stężenia Ir(ppy)3 w warstwie.
Synteza, badania strukturalne i spektroskopowe kompleksów cynku i kadmu z ligandem tris(2,6-diizopropylofenoksy)silanotiolanowym
PublicationW pracy doktorskiej przedstawiono nowy związek krzemo-siarkowy tris(2,6-diizopropylofenoksy)silanotiolanowy (TDST) zastosowany do syntezy modelowych kompleksów cynku i kadmu, które modelują bezpośrednio środowisko jonu metalu w β anhydrazie węglanowej oraz dehydrogenazie alkoholowej. Zastosowanie związku krzemo-siarkowego tris(2,6-diizopropylofenoksy)silanotiolanowy (TDST) jako liganda do syntezy modelowych kompleksów cynku i kadmu...
Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAnna Brillowska-Dąbrowska, born in 1971 in Gdańsk, Poland, graduated in 1996 in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2001 she got her PhD, in 2013 became a DSc (habilitation). She was employed in 2004 as a researcher in Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Currently she is an Associate Professor (adiunkt) in the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Microbiology and Vice-dean...
Mono- and polynuclear Co(II) silanethiolates with aliphatic diamines
PublicationFour Co(II) complexes, [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(dmpda)] 1, [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(bda)2]n2 [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(pda)2]n3 and [Co{SSi(OtBu)3}2(hda)2]n4 [dmpda = 3-(dimethylamino)-1-propylamine; bda = 1.4-butanediamine; pda = 1.5-pentanediamine; had = 1.6-hexanediamine] have been synthesized and characterized using X-ray diffraction. Complex 1 is mononuclear and contains Co(II) coordinated by dmpda molecule in chelating mode, whereas compounds 3 and...
Związki biogenne w osadach ściekowych - zagrożenie dla wód powierzchniowych- badania modelowe. W: I Kongres Inżynierii Środowiska. Materiały. Pod red. M. R. Dudzińskiej, A. Pawlowskiego. Lublin: Komit. Inż. Środow. PAN**2002 s. 533-543, 8 rys. 3 tab. bibliogr. 6 poz. Monografie Komitetu Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk vol. 11.Opublikowano w 2003 r.
PublicationGospodarka osadowa w Polsce była przez wiele lat była problemem marginalnym. Obecnie zgodnie z ustawą o odpadach osady ściekowe zostały zakwalifikowane do odpadów. Jako odpady powinny zatem być poddane odzyskowi - poprzez stosowanie - lub unieszkodliwianiu - realizowanemu np. na drodze ich termicznego przekształcania. Warunki, jakie muszą być spełnione przy stosowaniu osadów ściekowych zostały określone w rozporządzeniu Ministra...
Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr Monika WILAMOWSKA-ZAWŁOCKA obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2011 at Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology. She then was a post-doctoral fellow at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Since 2013 she has worked at Gdańsk University of Technology, since 2019 as an Associate Professor. Her research interests include composite materials for energy storage devices, especially for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries,...
Micellar aggregation of Triton X-100 surfactant in imidazolium ionic liquids
PublicationIn this work we investigated aggregation behavior of a nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 in eighteen imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) with two to eight carbon atoms in cations alkyl chain, namely 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium, [EMIM], 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, [PrMIM], 3-methyl-1-propylimidazolium, [BMIM], 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium, [PMIM], 3-methyl-1-pentyl-imidazolium, [HMIM], and 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium, [OMIM], and with...
Przyczynek do poznania grzybów wielkoowocnikowych (macromycetes) w dawnej Puszczy Sztumskiej (województwo pomorskie).
PublicationNa obszarze dawnej Puszczy Sztumskiej wstępnie stwierdzono 85 gatunków grzybów wielkoowocnikowych (macromycetes). Jeden gatunek jest na liście grzybów wymierających, 3 gatunki są zagrożone wymarciem, 3 gatunki są rzadkie, a 3 o nieustalonym zagrożeniu. Duża różnorodność gatunkowa jest następstwem proekologicznej gospodarki leśnej oraz różnorodności siedlisk i biotopów.
Crystal and electronic structures of Ni(II) silanethiolates containing flexible diamine ligands
PublicationFive nickel(II) complexes containing aliphatic diamines and tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolate ligand have been synthesized for the purpose of studying their structural, spectral (IR, UV–Vis, HF EPR) and thermal properties. Complexes (1)–(5) have been prepared in high yield by reactions of [Ni{SSi(OtBu)3}2(NH3)(H2O)] with 1.3-propanediamine (L1), 1,6-hexanediamine (L2), or 1,7-heptanediamine (L3). The X-ray structures were determined...
Zn(II) and Cd(II) coordination polymers with tri-tert-butoxysilanethiol and bipyridines. Synthesis, crystal structure and spectroscopy
PublicationTrzy nowe silanotiolany cynku(II) I kadmu(II) [Zn{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ-bpea) •CH3CN]n 1, [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ -bpea) •2CHCl3]n 2 oraz [Cd{SSi(OtBu)3}2(μ -bpey)•C7H8]n 3 otrzymane z użyciem pochodnych bipirydylu [bpea = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)etan and bpey = 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)etylen] zostały zsyntetyzowane i strutkualnie scharakteryzowane przy użyciu rentgenografii strukturalnej XRD. Ich budowa krystaliczna została dodatkowo potwierdzona przy...
PublicationThe concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in water (CO2(aq)) was measured in consecutive phases of the hydrological cycle. Its potentially possible degassing from groundwaters to the atmosphere was also assessed. The research was conducted in the area of occurrence of carbonate rocks of the Lublin Upland and Roztocze (SE Poland). The results of the measurements of CO2(aq) concentration varied as follows (min-max/mean): precipitation...
Tacjana Niksa-Rynkiewicz dr inż.
PeopleTacjana Niksa-Rynkiewicz - doctor of science in the field of computer science (2011). The doctoral dissertation concerned issues related to the development of Artificial Intelligence methods, and more precisely the generalization of triangular norms in fuzzy neural systems. Currently, he is a researcher (assistant professor) at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He develops his skills and conducts research in the use of methods...
Selection of Electrode Material for Inconel 617/P92 Steel SMAW Dissimilar Welds
PublicationThe present work aimed to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of the dissimilar shielded metal arc welded (SMAW) joint of Alloy 617 and P92 steel for advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. The SMAW joint was produced using three different types of electrodes, namely, ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3, and ENiCrCoMo-1. During microstructural observation of the welded joints, no possible cracking was detected in the weldments....
Tight bounds on the complexity of semi-equitable coloring of cubic and subcubic graphs
PublicationWe consider the complexity of semi-equitable k-coloring, k>3, of the vertices of a cubic or subcubic graph G. In particular, we show that, given a n-vertex subcubic graph G, it is NP-complete to obtain a semi-equitable k-coloring of G whose non-equitable color class is of size s if s>n/3, and it is polynomially solvable if s, n/3.
Tomasz Zubowicz dr inż.
PeopleTomasz Zubowicz has received his M.Sc. Eng. degree in Control Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gda{\'n}sk University of Technology (GUT) in $2008$. He received his Ph.D. Eng. (Hons.) in the field of Control Engineering from the same faculty in $2019$. In $2012$ he became a permanent staff member at the Department of Intelligent Control and Decision Support Systems at GUT and a member of...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec (1 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Monitoring of organic pollutants in coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic.
PublicationPrzedstawiono zmiany zawartości zanieczyszczeń organicznych (np. VOC, PAH, PCB, chlorofenoli) w wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej na przestrzeni 5-ciu lat. Zawartość VOX i VOC zmieniała się od kilku ngdm-3 do kilkuset ngdm-3, podczas gdy zawartość chlorofenoli fenoksykwasów była na poziomie kilku ngdm-3. W większości próbek nie wykryto PCB.
Joanna Krakowiak dr hab. inż.
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Grafo-ania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Drzewa Steinera
PublicationProblem: na płaszczyźnie leżą 3 punkty. Znajdź czwarty, taki że jego sumaryczna odległość od 3 pozostałych jest minimalna, Pokazujemy jak rozwiązać ten problem i jego uogólnienie.
Anna Lis dr hab. inż.
PeopleAnna Lis has been the head of the Department of Management in Industry, Faculty of Economics and Management GUT since 2019. In 2005 she obtained Ph.D. degree in the field of Economic Sciences, in the discipline Management Sciences, 2019 – the degree of habilitated doctor in the field of Social Sciences, in the discipline of Management and Quality Studies. In the years 2004-2009 she was employed at the Faculty of Production Engineering...
COALA Control algorithm and controller for increasing the efficiency of hybrid PEMFC systems in different applications
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Corrosion and Electrochemistry according to STAIR/6/2016 agreement
Tuning of photocatalytic activity by creating a tridentate coordination sphere for palladium
PublicationThe synthesis and characterisation of an asymmetric potential bridging ligand bmptpphz (bmptpphz = 2,17-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2’,3’-c:3’’,2’’-h:2’’’,3’’’-j] phenazine) is presented. This ligand contains a 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) and a 2,9-disubstituted phen sphere and possesses a strong absorbance in the visible. Facile coordination of the phen sphere to a Ru(tbbpy)2 core leads to Ru(bmptpphz) ([(tbbpy)2Ru(bmptpphz)](PF6)2;...
Adsorption behavior and corrosion inhibitive characteristics of newly synthesized cyano-benzylidene xanthenes on copper/sodium hydroxide interface: Electrochemical, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical studies
PublicationElegant process for synthesis of 3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)benzaldehyde (3), as new starting material to create a set of novel xanthene analogues, 2-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)benzylidene)malononitrile (4), 3-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)phenyl)-2-cyanoacrylic acid (5), and Ethyl-3-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)phenyl)-2-cyanoacrylate (6), was achieved starting with available materials under mild conditions. Various...
Electrochemical sensor for measurement of volatile organic compounds employing square wave perturbation voltage
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on a prototype sensor for measurement of benzaldehyde in air. Sensitivity and limit of quantification of the sensor were determined for different internal electrolyte using the square wave voltammetry (SWV) as a detection technique. The working and counter electrodes were made of platinum. Ionic liquids 1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium chloride,1-hexyl, 3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl)...
Stereoselective Alkylation of Indole with 5-Arylidene-Meldrum’s Acids in the Presence of Organocatalysts
PublicationBackground: Indole motif is frequently present in biologically active compounds. Enantiomerically pure or enriched 2,2-dimethyl-5-(aryl(1H-indol-3-yl)methyl)-1,3-dioxane-4,6-diones can be considered as a convenient starting point for the synthesis of a indole ring fused with cyclic ketones with biological activity. Preparation of chiral 2,2-dimethyl-5-(aryl(1H-indol-3-yl)methyl)-1,3-dioxane- 4,6-diones requires the reaction of...
Structural, spectral and magnetic properties of Ni(II), Co(II) and Cd(II) compounds with imidazole derivatives and silanethiolate ligands
PublicationA series of new metal heteroleptic complexes have been obtained in simple reactions of 1-(3-aminopropyl)-imidazole (api) and 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-yl)-butane (bbi) ligands with metal silanethiolates or acetylacetonates. The obtained complexes are the coordination polymers [Ni{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)]n1, [Co{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)]n2, [Cd{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-api)·2CH3OH]n3, [Cd{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-bbi)·CHCl3]n4 and the dimer [Co{SSi(tBuO)3}2(μ-bbi)·3CH3OH]25....
Comparison of the Efficiency of Deammonification under Different DO Concentrations in a Laboratory-Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublicationThe efficiency of deammonification depends on the cooperation of ammonium oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB/AOA), anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) and the effective suppression of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) that compete with AnAOB for nitrite (NO2 -N). One of the effective NOB suppression strategies is intermittent aeration. However, it is important to have a good understanding of the optimum dissolved oxygen...
Structural, magnetic and spectral properties of tetrahedral cobalt(II) silanethiolates: a variety of structures and manifestation of field-induced slow magnetic relaxation
PublicationBlue crystals of five heteroleptic cobalt(II) silanethiolates 1–5 have been obtained by the reaction of [Co{SSi (tBuO)3}2(NH3)]2 with aminopyridines and aminomethylpyridines at an appropriate molar ratio and their structural, spectral, thermal and magnetic properties have been established and described. All complexes 1–5 contain Co(II) ions in a tetrahedral CoN2S2 environment formed by (tBuO)3SiS− residues and pyridines and present...
Synthesis and structure determination of 2,3-diaryl-9,9-dioxo-1H-9-thia-1,4,4a,7,10-pentaazaphenanthrene-2-ols
Publication3-Amino-1,1-dioxopyrido[4,3-e]-1,4,2-dithiazine has been synthesized and applied to the synthesis of 3-amino-2-(4-thioxo-1,4-dihydropyridin-3-ylsulfonyl)guanidine. The reaction of the aminoguanidine with the appropriate 1,2-diarylethane-1,2-diones afforded 2,3-diaryl-9,9-dioxo-1H-9-thia-1,4,4a,7,10-pentaazaphenanthrene-2-ol derivatives. The structure of these compounds, which represent a novel heterocyclic ring system, was confirmed...
Corrosion of AISI1018 and AISI304 steel exposed to sulfates
PublicationThis research analyses the behavior of corrosion, durability, and quality of reinforced concrete samples coated with two different materials when exposed to contaminated soil with sulfates. The initial assessment involved evaluating the water absorption rate of the coating materials before and after exposure to a solution containing 3%푁푎2푆푂4+3%푀푔푆푂4+3%퐾2푆푂4+3%퐶푎푆푂4to determine their durability. the corrosion...
Comparison of the coordination geometries of Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions in complexes with water, methanol and bulky aryloxysilanethiolate ligands
PublicationZinc and cadmium complexes containing silanethiolate anions and methanol or water were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. Contrary to zinc, the cadmium ion utilizes very weak donors to complete its coordination sphere; it forms contacts to phenyl rings of the silanethiolate ligand. Two zinc analogs of the general formula [Zn{SSi(OAr)3}2(L)2] where L = CH3OH (2)...
Nitrogen mass balance and mathematical model of a Structured- Bed Reactor (SBRRIA)
PublicationAn up-flow structured-bed reactor subjected to recirculation and intermittent aeration (SBRRIA) was operated under varying influent conditions. The influent COD/N ratio was adjusted by maintaining a stable organic loading rate (average of 1.07 kgCOD m-3 d-1) and changing the nitrogen loading rate from 0.1 to 0.4 kg N m-3. Therefore, three different COD/N ratios were tested: 9.7±1 (Scenario 1); 7.6±1 (Scenario 2) and 2.9±1 (Scenario...
Sławomir Jerzy Ambroziak dr hab. inż.
PeopleSławomir J. Ambroziak was born in Poland, in 1982. He received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in radio communication from Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2008, 2013, and 2020 respectively. Since 2008 he is with the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks of the Gdańsk Tech: 2008-2013 as Research Assistant, 2013-2020 as Assistant Professor, and since 2020 as Associate Professor. He is...
Bounds on the vertex-edge domination number of a tree
PublicationA vertex-edge dominating set of a graph $G$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is incident with a vertex of $D$ or a vertex adjacent to a vertex of $D$. The vertex-edge domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma_{ve}(T)$, is the minimum cardinality of a vertex-edge dominating set of $G$. We prove that for every tree $T$ of order $n \ge 3$ with $l$ leaves and $s$ support vertices we have $(n-l-s+3)/4...
Functional Bi2O3/Gd2O3 Silica-Coated Structures for Improvement of Early Age and Radiation Shielding Performance of Cement Pastes
PublicationThis study presents a new approach towards the production of sol-gel silica-coated Bi2O3/Gd2O3 cement additives towards the improvement of early mechanical performance and radiation attenuation. Two types of silica coatings, which varied in synthesis method and morphology, were used to coat Bi2O3/Gd2O3 structures and evaluated...
Barbara Becker prof. dr hab. inż.
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Analysis of floor-to-column pounding of buildings founded on different soil types
PublicationThe aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the soil type on buildings experiencing floor-to-column pounding during earthquakes. Five buildings with 4-storeys, 6-storeys, and 7-storeys were considered. Three types of the 4-storey building with different total heights were taken into account which leads to floor-to-column pounding at 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the height of the impacted column. Two pounding scenarios were considered,...